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Massive bad beats - How to react ?

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Sheitan   Canada. Apr 05 2007 09:33. Posts 4217
Hi guys, im ashamed to post something about this but i seriously need some advices: you can insult me, piss on me whatever. As long as it improves my game. Ive been reading you guys for so long i decided today to create my blog and get some advices from you...

Here is my story: im a 29 yo male canadian blabla and i ve been playing poker for the last 2 months. I discovered the game back then when i was getting bored out of my mind by dota and spent 1 day playing dat shit. Never been playing dota since, i play like 6-8H a day since ive been on vacations in France for 2 months (oh boy!). Made my first deposit 50 bucks and managed to lose it all in 1 day because i thought i was a genius heh. Made a second deposit and decided this time i should go step by step: 30 more bucks.

Bought all books i could find and started the serious business, playing tons of hands, learning how to beat the game. I had many success and went from 30 to 300 $ in a heart beat, not following basic BR management, whatever i was a wild gun and would go all in with all my bankroll when i thought i was ahead... And it worked.

Then i started to lose some money and get massive suck outs/coolers one month ago. Reading shit on this site i started all over again with my BR down to 80 bucks. MTT on PP 3-4 tables NL10 so i can focus on my hands and get the best of it, i thought by this time i will quickly beat this level and start the interesting stuff (6max NL). I managed to reach 300$ slowly getting sucked out here and there but by the end of the day i'd finish making profit.

Then the nightmare began: i could not do one session without me losing to 2 outters, suck outs, coolers. I was thinking it was still ok that's variance so i don't give a flying shit as long as i play my A game. And it has been like this for 3 weeks now, 8H a day playing poker, 8H a day getting bad results, so today i decided to fucking beat the shit out of my keyboard when some random donk pop me with K5o vs my AAs all-in pf. No matter how hard i try, no matter how i play i'd get massively sucked out over and over and over. Yeah i know i sound like a whiney bitch but whatever i needed to let it out.

So 2 days ago i was like wtf im playing too much poker that's why maybe i don't realize im playing poorly so let's stop for a couple of days, go out do some shit.Today i went back to poker and did a session, won 2BIs and lost it all to J5 vs my QQ on a XXJJ5 board, then i played this hand:

Now im here, crying like a hoe, someone throw me a bone what am i doing wrong ? I'll post some of my hands and hopefully you guys will make fun of me and give me some advices, right now im down to 220 $

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Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt Last edit: 05/04/2007 09:39

KingKory   United States. Apr 05 2007 10:22. Posts 2083

You got some good advice on the hand you just posted:

  On April 05 2007 09:15 TianYuan wrote:
Wtf, he didn't 1 outer you - any spade that's not a 7 or a queen (he has the queen) and he beats you... Don't minraise the turn, reraise bigger. Also I don't get what you are doing on the river.. Call/call..?

With the kind of monster draw you have you might even reraise flop, dunno, maybe that's stupid but I definitely don't like how you played turn/river at all, maybe someone who's better than me can suggest a better line tho -_-

  On April 05 2007 09:22 ggplz wrote:
wow u played this bad, raise the shit out of the flop bet, raise to like $2 and try to get it in there, u are a favourite over pretty much everything

and no he didnt 1 out you because there are 8s,9s,Ks,Qs,6s,Ts,Js, As in use leaving 5 spades, so sure u got unlucky but u played this so horribly (not betting the flop hard or turn v.v.hard and not just minraising it which is horrible)

You basically min-raised when you hit the nuts in a 3-way pot on a volatile board. You're just asking to get sucked out on.

The fact that you play 8 hours/day, making these kinds of mistakes and are not totally broke is a feat in-and-of itself.

I mean, this place is a fucking goldmine for hand advice. You're the one who actually needs to ingest what's being given to you, instead of blindly blaming your -BR to suckouts/coolers.

 Last edit: 05/04/2007 10:25

KingKory   United States. Apr 05 2007 10:27. Posts 2083

Also, this is pretty sad:

  I play like 6-8H a day since ive been on vacations in France for 2 months

Go out, and enjoy your vacation bro. 10 years from now, you're going to feel pretty dumb for wasting your Europe vacation in front of a PC

 Last edit: 05/04/2007 10:28

ggplz   Sweden. Apr 05 2007 10:28. Posts 16784

u need to be much more aggressive with hands

in that JTs hand you want to get it allin on the flop, thats how big of a hand it is

any Q, and 7 and any spade give u a huge draw, even if u are up against a set on that board you are still in okay shape (40% to win) and that isnt all he will call you with

you have a drawing hand but play it fast (bet it hard and allin on every street, even if you miss on the turn) because the hand is so strong even although it is a draw

u should play sets the same way

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhANLast edit: 05/04/2007 10:41

ggplz   Sweden. Apr 05 2007 10:38. Posts 16784

An out is a card that can improve your hand to win, so on the flop you have 4 spades in use leaving 9 more spades then you have the 3 queens and 3 sevens (3 queens and 3 sevens because 1 of them is a spade) giving you a total of 15 outs - MASSIVE. Also, if you think people call you with hands like A9 here then your 3 J's in the deck and 3 T's in the deck are still live.

Remember this (and always think of this when thinking about hands, playing or reviewing) - the fact that he had a flush draw here and you werent drawing to your spade outs doesnt make this a bad play, and also the fact that several outs were out there doesnt mean that you can act based on that. As far as you are concerned these cards are all live when you play the hand because u cant assume he has any of these cards, and even if he does have a flush draw, you are still live.

I just used pokerstove to define a reasonable set of hands that would get it allin on the flop and your equity against them, this is the result:

66,330 games 0.016 secs 4,145,625 games/sec

Board: 9s 8s 3h

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 59.783% 56.70% 03.08% 37612 2042.00 { JsTs }
Hand 1: 40.217% 37.14% 03.08% 24634 2042.00 { 99-88, 33, A9s, K9s, Q9s, J9s, 98s, 76s, JTo, T9o, T7o, 98o, 76o }

So, you are 56% to win against a reasonable range of hands - many of which have you owned, 99-88 or 33.

This is what u have to think about when u are on the flop and u have to realise that your hand is so strong you want to get it in here on the flop where you can draw to two cards and have a higher chance of hitting.

You probably dont know what pokerstove is, its a program that lets you calculate hand ranges, which are possible holdings for your opponent and then calculate your % against those hands with your current two cards. Google for pokerstove if you are interested in learning to use it.

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Sheitan   Canada. Apr 05 2007 10:39. Posts 4217

Thank you guys for the input, but i thought i could get max value if i only minraised flop since it was a multiway pot and i didn't hit anything yet.

ggplz: thx for the advice i'll try to be much more agressive and play faster but thing is in a FR micro, people just seem to call everything and i wonder if it's not EV- to play very agressivly, i understand that it works wonder in SH 6max but is it really effective in FR ?

KingKory: thanks for the answers, one thing that bug me is that i didn't realized my hand potential on flop, i mean when the flop hits i have nothing, just a flush straight draw or a straight draw wich can be beaten by a flush since i only have the Js. But i know i play that hand like a retard, u re so right.

And for the vacations part, i ve been living in France for 27 years so i don't care much to be there on vacations, it was just to visit family and eat some nasty french shit you guys hate particulary

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

TianYuan    Korea (South). Apr 05 2007 10:42. Posts 6817

  On April 05 2007 09:39 Sheitan wrote:
Thank you guys for the input, but i thought i could get max value if i only minraised flop since it was a multiway pot and i didn't hit anything yet.

ggplz: thx for the advice i'll try to be much more agressive and play faster but thing is in a FR micro, people just seem to call everything and i wonder if it's not EV- to play very agressivly, i understand that it works wonder in SH 6max but is it really effective in FR ?

KingKory: thanks for the answers, one thing that bug me is that i didn't realized my hand potential on flop, i mean when the flop hits i have nothing, just a flush straight draw or a straight draw wich can be beaten by a flush since i only have the Js. But i know i play that hand like a retard, u re so right.

And for the vacations part, i ve been living in France for 27 years so i don't care much to be there on vacations, it was just to visit family and eat some nasty french shit you guys hate particulary

You minraised on the turn, when you made your straight, not on the flop. Your minraise gets no value from hands you beat and gives draws just what they need to beat you.

Btw, the fact that they, as you say, call everything, just gives you MORE OUTS.

If they call everything, do you really think they'll fold any 2 spades here ? NO. They'll pay you off with flushes you beat, as well as the flushes that beat you. Also, they might even have something ridiculous like middle pair, or top pair - meaning your tens and jacks are live.

Nice post by ggplz =]

Hm.. Off-suite socks..Last edit: 05/04/2007 10:46

ggplz   Sweden. Apr 05 2007 10:45. Posts 16784

yeah, of course, im not saying be hugely aggressive preflop (unless you have AA/KK/AK/QQ) but you want to get a lot of money in when you are ahead and not be just check/calling with huge draws or when u hit top pair top kicker (not saying you do, just it might be something that you do).

If the people call you down that is a good thing, you want to be aggressive with good hands where you think you are ahead. Don't try to bluff these guys, they will not understand it and just call you down. Keep betting into them with good hands and expect to get paid off most of the time.

if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Sheitan   Canada. Apr 05 2007 11:00. Posts 4217

Thank you so much ggplz, when u'll die 777 virgins will be waiting for you. Im just a rookie and i think a major leak in my game is that i play my hands too passivly, seems like i can't be agressive when i only have a speculative hand like this one, i don't want to invest money in it before i hit the nuts and when i do , they re all gone most of the time. so i keep doing retarded shit like minraising when i have the best hand, giving him good odds to pop me on the river, which happened and made me wanna jump through my window.

I swear to god, im not a tilting monkey, i can lose 5 BIs and don't give a shit but it looks like im playing very bad the last couple of days. Meh. From now i'll finish Ace on the River and focus 100% on my game but god i fucking hate micro FR, they can call you with all kind of shit it's so frustrating.

I'll DL pokerstove, thanks again ggplz, i hope i'll improve my game for the upcoming days...

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt  

Sheitan   Canada. Apr 05 2007 11:00. Posts 4217

nvm double post.

Odds are exactly 50%, either happens or it doesnt Last edit: 05/04/2007 11:07

blunt_smokr   United States. Apr 05 2007 13:25. Posts 1314

sick bad beat coolers happen very often when playing internet poker. internet poker and live poker are two completley different games.


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