WilsWils, Jan 25 2008
since when was nl100 more donktastic than nl50?
christ i dont know how to play against these idiots
there is almost no comprehensive way to beat these guys when they're walking on fucking water
all conventional poker strategy literally goes out the window
its almost like the only way i can beat them is if i play horrible myself
im gonna puke , i really am
WilsWils, Jan 25 2008
Welp, still sticking to the plan of padding the br w/ 50nl cause 50nl FR is fun
At least for the last 15k hands it is, been winning at like 8-9 ptbb which is pretty high for me, i think something that's helped alot is my 40%~ attempt to steal blinds and playing really 6-maxish, that shit adds up
ill be trying out 100nl again today with another 2 BI stop-loss. Just need to go on a heater one time! To be comfortably rolled for 100nl. Seems when i played my last session there were alot of action junkies who liked to gamble and call 3/4 bets with any 2 suited 1 gappers and such, and shoving almost any flop that gave them a draw, high variance style FR yo
First shot review
WilsWils, Jan 22 2008
K well after dropping alot in less than like 800 hands, i decided that i could do better, and it was just bad luck that curb stomped me for my first attempt. Not to be beaten so easily, i went back to 100nl after a little break and was able to recover most of my losses. I dont find 100nl all that much harder than 50nl, just that people certain types of hands differently than the donks @ 50nl. Also, there's a shitload more 2+2 grinders or whatever who play really ABC. I was pretty liberal with my raises , but ended up fucking up a few big pots when i thought i was in a marginal situation - turns out that i was over thinking and giving my opponents way too much credit for hands.
For e.g, i get AA do a standard 4x bb, utg limper calls
flop 47h6h, i lead for 3/4, he calls
turn 7 , i lead for 1/2 pot he rr's 3x, i think and think and think and somehow feel that im beat or he's on some fucked up hand. I just couldnt put him on a hand but felt like i was beaten, i decided to call anyway because im stupid and was genuinely curious
river 9h, worst card ever, and he puts the rest in, i insta fold saving like 30$, and he says he had QQ
I really dont believe that , but whatever
Despite getting shit on in the first 800 hands, and those 2 misplayed hands, i was able to grind back to a little less than half a buyin down through just value betting the balls off a couple of deepstacked tardos. I actually would have been up a buyin or two if a whale on one of my tables who was running something ridiculous like 40/2 hit some crazy 2p to a running flush against my set. But meh, those people will fuel the game long term, so i cant be mad at that. (just annoyed when it happens to me :< )
So anyway, it was a fun time being "reunited" with my old stakes, and i look forward to learning the regs and just farming fish till i get a bigger BR. I might stick at 50nl for a little bit longer to pad the BR a bit, and take shots @ 100nl 4-5 times a week.
Next goal: 4k BR
Deadline: 1st of March
Baby steps!
a nice welcome...?
WilsWils, Jan 22 2008
first 5 hands
flop top 2 vs flopped flush
mid set vs top set
AA in rr'd PF pot vs 33 who set mines
2 more bi's and its back down to 50nl :<
back to 50nl it is -_-
grossest 800 hands to a new level ever
WilsWils, Jan 21 2008
When i first started this blog, i believe my first post and main goal was to get back to 100nl FR , which was where i was before i began my -3k downswing, tilting off my bankroll that i worked 3 months for due to bad beats, and playing retarded when angry.
The goal was set in october, and im glad to say i'm sufficiently rolled for 100nl finally! It's been a sick and rocky road, patching up leaks i developed from my tilty play when i swallowed my pride and moved down to 25nl grinding and grinding.
Ive had plenty of fuckups along the way mind you, and grinded breakeven for 30k+ hands twice, at 25nl and 50nl respectively, combination of bl / playing far too loose. (which is kinda ironic because apparently im like 18/13 50nl fr or something)
hopefully i dont get bl smashed when i move up
WilsWils, Jan 20 2008
After much analyzing i think my playstyle / mentality is just better suited for a FR player :/
i was beating 25FR for 6bb/100 over 60k hands , and 50FR for 5bb / 45k~ or so
i guess i enjoyed the "fun" of 6 max, but guess i just dont run good enough @ 6max , so i took a break and went back to FR
insta +5 BI day, so ridiculous what people stack off with , using what i learned at 6 max i was able to isolate / steal more effectively than i ever have w/o 6max experience, so i guess the 50k hands of swingy 6max helped me out somehow.
Anyway, back at 2k br
gl grinders
WilsWils, Jan 19 2008
edit 2:
Ok i'm calm now
its just a game, shit happens
bitching helps nothing
reading that made my tilt insta- go away
im probably gonna look back and LOL at this post tommorw but for the moment im just tired of this
1.5k hand session today
set over set 3x
Lost 3 80:20
Lost 2 70:30
help, im bad at pokers
edit: im calm now
lol @ my typing speed when tilted
WilsWils, Jan 17 2008
can ANYONE translate this or tell me what language this is?
ty! :<
WilsWils, Jan 16 2008
Of course, despite all this, i'm stilll up and ive happily hit my month goal of a 2k br ;]
br would have been higher if i hadnt donked off like 8 BI's while sick and such, but w/e
fuck shortstackers btw -_-
blegh ;[
WilsWils, Jan 15 2008
yucky day today
was dealt the cards, but they didnt hold :< , the session was going swimmingly until i started getting eaten alive by shortstacking fgts who just c hipped away at my stack by coolerish stuff like AKvAQ JJQQ etc etc, so i lost about 4-5 20-35ish BB pots
after that, was a comedic 6 WAY ALL IN where i had AA, but AJs ends up hitting the running flush to take down a 4-5BI-ish pot, good times
umm, a few 3bets ended up with me hitting the case ace twice to go broke vs AA and a flopped set, super standard and thats what you get when you 3bet AK, you're almost never folding ever , shrug
Oh i also tried a hero call on a 44499 board when a 70/40 (@ 100ish hands) from korea who was overbetting everything shoved for 150 BB's, i snap called instantly and he tabled AA, whoops
i also value bet a passive station on a 68KJ2 board, potting flop turn river, only to get him all in on the river when he has 68, whoops again
despite this train wreck of a session, i only dropped about 2~ buyins because i was winning a bunch of small / med pots from the rocks that were at my table :/
Other than that, i'm feeling fairly good, and i still feel i should be at NL100 in a couple weeks ^_^
Nothing you can do when the cards dont really work out
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