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Poker Update
  Gadget, Mar 17 2009

So I'll go through and make a quick recap and review what some of my goals where and add some new ones.

Current Goals:
Start playing nl25 by April 10th.
Deposit $600 on Cake Poker when my BR reaches $1,200 to clear bonuses.

Year End Goals:
Become a good nl200 player.
Make it from $0 to $10,000 in under a year.(My main goal)

Graphs So Far:


I basically never had a losing day at nl2. Even days where I ran terrible I would still manage to win 5 buy ins.


nl5 was pretty esay as well. I ran really bad for the majority of my time at this level and I know I can beat it. I got 4th in a tourny for $80 which allowed me to move up to nl10 without playing many hands at this level.

nl10 - my current level

I'm winning, but not at the rate I would like. I'm also running pretty well so far in my stay at nl10. There is a lot less free money at this level and I generally have to work for my winnings rather than it being given to me. I'm currently 19/15 at nl10 and I'm thinking of tightening up a bit, someone with experience tell me if this is a good idea or not.

I might do another movie review post soon since I just saw Slumdog Millionare and In Bruges. Thanks for all the help so far.

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Movie Reviews
  Gadget, Mar 12 2009

I consider myself to be a somewhat knowledgeable fan of movies. I've decided to put movie reviews in my blog from time to time to tell anyone who is interested what I thought about a particular movie and maybe help them decide if they want to go see it or not. My scale will go from 1-10 progressing by half points. So 8.5 and 7.5 for example are possible scores. I will list the movies that I give a 10 so you can see if you relate to me movie-wise or not.
10 List
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
The Departed
There Will Be Blood
Lucky Number Slevin
The Dark Knight
Godfather Part II
The Sting
City of God
No Country For Old Men

Now onto my current movie reviews. 2 movies that are new on DVD and one that just hit theaters.


I went to the Imax to see this yesterday. I wasn't the biggest 300 fan, so the fact that I loved this movie should really tell you something. The movie was over 2 and a half hours long and every minute was put to good use. I really love the cast of this movie. Just about every great supporting actor of our generation was in it, which added to the mystique. I feel that if Brad Pitt or a big name actor was playing Dr. Manhattan or any of the characters it would take away from the mystery and would humanize them. The plot was great, every character was well developed except for the worlds smartest man, I forget his name. My one complaint would be that they should have developed him a bit more. Overall this is the best movie I have seen so far this year.


I love Sean Penn, but I really had trouble liking this movie. I don't mind gay people but seeing them kissing and having sex for 2 hours started to become a problem for me. Everything besides the scenes I mentioned above was pretty good. I didn't like all the old interviews thrown into the movie. To me it seemed like it was flashing between a documentary and a big budget Hollywood movie. Josh Brolin would have won best supporting actor for his role had the Dark Knight not been released last year. The final scene was really what legitimized this movie and didn't make it a complete fail in my eyes. The last scene was perfect. I don't really want to give away spoilers so I will leave it at that.

Role Models

This movie really asked the question "Can my love of Paul Rudd outweigh my hatred of Sean William Scott." The answer is yes. Paul Rudd is the next generation of comedy. This guy is hilarious. The scene where they order coffee is an instant classic in my book. There is just so many scenes where Paul Rudd has a subtle little line or makes a face that just makes you burst into laughter. It is really amazing how easy comedy is for him. I'm convinced that he was born to be a comedic actor. This movie also brought out something that I always knew I hated but this just confirmed it. Everyone has seen the preview where the black kid says "no I won't take my pants off." So I'm watching the movie with my girlfriend and I'm sure she has seen the preview too. So she knows the line is coming. But when the kid says it she starts laughing hysterically as if she hadn't seen the commercial 100 times. I don't know why this bothers me but it just does. Anyways this is a pretty solid comedy if your looking for some laughs.

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FTP Video Sites
  Gadget, Mar 11 2009

So I'm looking into investing my FTP into one of the 2 video training site available through Full Tilt. That would be StoxPoker and CardRunners.

Judging by the prices I'm assuming stoxpoker is the lower quality of the 2 sites. After visiting their site they seem to have a bunch of good stuff though. I was wondering if anyone is a member and can give me some recommendations.

I'm a bit confused about cardrunners. They are selling a gold membership and a gold booster membership. What is the difference between these.

Basically what I'm looking for is for someone to list the pros and cons of each site, and whether or not the price jump between stoxpoker and cardrunners is worth it. Keep in mind I am a micro stakes player that is looking to move up levels at a quick pace.

My pictures might be a bit excessive but I think it makes posts easier to read.

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Fast Money Weekends
  Gadget, Mar 08 2009

OK, so I have been on the road for basketball for 2 weeks straight, we ended up losing to the number one team in Division II college basketball. I am now on spring break, so I will be missing school for 3 straight weeks which is kinda nice.

As a result of this I haven't been able to play much and update my blog at all. The internet at all the hotels was terrible so I would load up 6 tables and win at my usual rate. About the 3rd time I folded a big pocket pair in a situation that likely would have made me a buy in due to the internet timing out I would quit. I had nothing else to do so I would play a few tournies and I would lose. So I basically bounced between the $60 and $90 mark for 9 days. Now that I'm home I just finished a 2 hour session and it was great. I dropped 2 buy-ins right away, but then I went on a nice run and made the 2 back plus 6 more. I ended up +5 buy-ins. The weekends are so much easier than the weekdays on micro stakes. I'm not saying I have trouble beating them but it is just so much easier. Here is a screen shot of the amount of money I had in play after only about 600 hands. I believe I had 4 tables of 3x BI.

Hope this image isnt too huge.

Here's my graph of march since I haven't updated in a while. I moved up to NL5 after beating nl2 with a decent rate over 15k hands. NL5 is a breeze as well. My BR is now at $100. Im hoping to move up to NL10 in a few days. March graph is about 30% nl2 and 70% nl5.

Also feedback on my HUD would be greatly appreciated.

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NL2 Day3 - Kind Of
  Gadget, Feb 25 2009

Since my girlfriend visited me for the past 5 days I haven't been able to play in large quantities at a time. I have gotten about 4k hands in so far today however. Here is my overall stats and overall graph of my progress so far. I'm wondering if my stats look ok or not. Am I playing in the general area of the right percentage of hands or not.

I have found nl2 to be very easy. Im pretty sure I'm running around $10-$20 under EV. The rakeback should also be a huge bonus to my BR(Which is currently at $75). The internet at the hotel that I'm at is really bad so I was considering playing a couple of the Matrix Sit-n-Go's on Full Tilt. If anyone has any experience with these please reply. I would be playing the $2+.25. Thanks.

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Full Tilt Early Morning
  Gadget, Feb 24 2009

Hey, My girlfriend is leaving at 4am tomorrow morning and I was thinking about staying up after she leaves to get some hands in. I haven't played for more than maybe 30 minutes at a time while she has been here and I leave for a basketball road trip tommorow at 10am, which I can get about 5 hours of sleep in on the bus. So I am wondering if there will be 6 tables of nl 2 6 max being played at that time. I will make a progress update with a graph sometime tomorrow, right now I'm just wondering what kind of action there is at low stakes on full tilt at 5am. Thanks.

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NL2 Day2
  Gadget, Feb 19 2009

Ok, so I played another 2k or so hands yesterday and every half hour I checked the discovery channel and not once did I find dirty jobs. I ended up having to watch I Love Money or something. It's a show on VH1 thats kind of entertaining.

Anyways, about half way through my session I got tired of TV and turned on some music. It ended up working a lot better and I managed to put together a pretty solid run towards the end of the day. I also started playing 6 tables again and found that once I got used to it I actually prefer it over 4 tables.

I can't figure out how to separate my graphs by days so this is a graph of every hand i have played up to this point. I probably wont be playing much for the next few days because my girlfriend is coming to stay with me for the weekend. I'm at school and she lives about 9 hours away. So my next blog post will probably be sometime next week.

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In the Beginning - NL2
  Gadget, Feb 18 2009

Sold my 5 million play chips for $40 on full tilt. I played a little over 2k hands yesterday with varying results. I tried different amount of tables and music and such to see what i preferred. The results speak for themselves.

Clearly watching Dirty Jobs centers the mind and allows me to make better decisions. I prefer 4 tables to 6 because if I have 6 tables on my screen I need to overlap some of them. I feel like I make plays based on the player a lot more when I play 4 tables. When I have 6 open I play the cards. Probably going to play another 2k hands tonight. Reply back with some things you do while playing that help you concentrate and play better.

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Choosing A Site
  Gadget, Feb 16 2009

In my last run i played exclusively on pokerstars. I was wondering if anyone here has experience with the low limits of both pokerstars and full tilt and can give me their opinion. I like both sites software enough for that not to sway my opinion. Does anyone notice a difference in competition from pokerstars to full tilt? Thanks.

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5 Million Play Chips
  Gadget, Feb 16 2009

Just reached 5 million play chips. I've been looking into selling them and it seems like the most I can get right now is around $6 per million. Im gonna try to get up to 5.6 million so I can sell 5 and have enough to recover if i lose all the money. I should be playing nl2 by this time tommorow.

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