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Movie Reviews

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Gadget   United States. Mar 12 2009 12:10. Posts 295
I consider myself to be a somewhat knowledgeable fan of movies. I've decided to put movie reviews in my blog from time to time to tell anyone who is interested what I thought about a particular movie and maybe help them decide if they want to go see it or not. My scale will go from 1-10 progressing by half points. So 8.5 and 7.5 for example are possible scores. I will list the movies that I give a 10 so you can see if you relate to me movie-wise or not.
10 List
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
The Departed
There Will Be Blood
Lucky Number Slevin
The Dark Knight
Godfather Part II
The Sting
City of God
No Country For Old Men

Now onto my current movie reviews. 2 movies that are new on DVD and one that just hit theaters.


I went to the Imax to see this yesterday. I wasn't the biggest 300 fan, so the fact that I loved this movie should really tell you something. The movie was over 2 and a half hours long and every minute was put to good use. I really love the cast of this movie. Just about every great supporting actor of our generation was in it, which added to the mystique. I feel that if Brad Pitt or a big name actor was playing Dr. Manhattan or any of the characters it would take away from the mystery and would humanize them. The plot was great, every character was well developed except for the worlds smartest man, I forget his name. My one complaint would be that they should have developed him a bit more. Overall this is the best movie I have seen so far this year.


I love Sean Penn, but I really had trouble liking this movie. I don't mind gay people but seeing them kissing and having sex for 2 hours started to become a problem for me. Everything besides the scenes I mentioned above was pretty good. I didn't like all the old interviews thrown into the movie. To me it seemed like it was flashing between a documentary and a big budget Hollywood movie. Josh Brolin would have won best supporting actor for his role had the Dark Knight not been released last year. The final scene was really what legitimized this movie and didn't make it a complete fail in my eyes. The last scene was perfect. I don't really want to give away spoilers so I will leave it at that.

Role Models

This movie really asked the question "Can my love of Paul Rudd outweigh my hatred of Sean William Scott." The answer is yes. Paul Rudd is the next generation of comedy. This guy is hilarious. The scene where they order coffee is an instant classic in my book. There is just so many scenes where Paul Rudd has a subtle little line or makes a face that just makes you burst into laughter. It is really amazing how easy comedy is for him. I'm convinced that he was born to be a comedic actor. This movie also brought out something that I always knew I hated but this just confirmed it. Everyone has seen the preview where the black kid says "no I won't take my pants off." So I'm watching the movie with my girlfriend and I'm sure she has seen the preview too. So she knows the line is coming. But when the kid says it she starts laughing hysterically as if she hadn't seen the commercial 100 times. I don't know why this bothers me but it just does. Anyways this is a pretty solid comedy if your looking for some laughs.

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lachlan   Australia. Mar 12 2009 12:38. Posts 6991

thanks for the reviews

full ring 

k2o4   United States. Mar 12 2009 12:41. Posts 4803

I liked all of your top 10 movies though some of em are more like 8's or 9's for me, but yeah, good list.

  Goodfellas - 8 but still awesome, just lost my taste for gangster movies lately
Pulp Fiction - def 10
Snatch - def 10 again
Reservoir Dogs - awesome and total 10
Braveheart - obv a 10
The Departed - great flick, 10
There Will Be Blood - great acting but more like 8.5 to me
Lucky Number Slevin - really fun movie but more like a 9, still totally watch it though
The Dark Knight - awesome, 10
Godfather Part II - never saw it all the way through, gotta add it to netflix que
The Sting - seen most of it over several times catching pieces on TV and liked it, but since I haven't seen it all the way through I can't really score it
City of God - amazing movie, definite 10
No Country For Old Men - hell yeah, total 10

As for watchmen I agree with you. I have been so into defending it from criticism of being "too long" or "too complicated" or "boring" that I forgot about how I felt that they needed to make it a bit longer and develop the worlds smartest man more (I think his name was Adrian). He was like the only person who we got no backstory on.

I am excited to see milk, looked awesome, and role models looked hilarious but I didn't read your reviews cause I hate watching previews or checking reviews before I see a movie. 

TalentedTom    Canada. Mar 12 2009 12:58. Posts 20070

cant wait till all the summer movies start coming out!


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us and as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permision to do the same 

Gadget   United States. Mar 12 2009 14:59. Posts 295

Ya I'm ready for the new Scorsese and Tarantino movies. 2 of my top 3 directors along with PT Anderson.

And Goodfellas is my favorite movie of all time btw.

 Last edit: 12/03/2009 15:00

Yaffie   United Kingdom. Mar 12 2009 15:50. Posts 672

nice list but reviews are too short!


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