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ring ding dong
  Into Infinity, Dec 31 2009

ring ding dong ring ding dong

happy new years

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Comments (2)

  Into Infinity, Dec 28 2009

get home drunk as hell
sign up for 2 tournies
double up on both
fall asleep because i'm playing in bed with laptop on top of me
roll over, laptop falls off bed

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Comments (4)

i am drunk
  Into Infinity, Dec 28 2009

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whats the point
  Into Infinity, Dec 18 2009

whats the point of me even playing poker anymore... i cashed out most of my roll at the start of the month, mainly so i can 1) buy presents and 2) reevaluate my game.

but when i run 10-20 BIs below EV every week, is there even a point to me playing anymore? i am fucking cursed, it's unreal how bad i run...even at micros where people throw money at me...

Submitted by : Into Infinity

PokerStars Game #36880449735: Holdem No Limit ($0.02/$0.05 USD) - 2009/12/18 17:34:03 PT [2009/12/18 20:34:03 ET]
Table Gotha V 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: jshnaidz ($6.10 in chips)
Seat 3: maxwelledwar ($5.18 in chips)
Seat 4: RunGOODplz ($5 in chips)
jshnaidz: posts small blind $0.02
maxwelledwar: posts big blind $0.05

Dealt to RunGOODplz KhKc
RunGOODplz: raises $4.95 to $5 and is all-in
jshnaidz: calls $4.98
maxwelledwar: folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $10.05)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $10.05)


River (Pot : $10.05)


jshnaidz: shows JcJd (three of a kind, Jacks)
RunGOODplz: shows KhKc (a pair of Kings)
jshnaidz collected $9.55 from pot

Total pot $10.05 | Rake $0.50
Board  Td3s8hJh2h
Seat 1: jshnaidz (small blind) showed JcJd and won ($9.55) with three of a kind, Jacks
Seat 3: maxwelledwar (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: RunGOODplz (button) showed KhKc and lost with a pair of Kings

i fucking hate whine posts but i can't fucking move up because this type of shit hand happens at least 4 or 5x a session.

0 votes

Comments (10)

scout em and route em
  Into Infinity, Dec 16 2009

i walk the road of vengeance

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Comments (5)

  Into Infinity, Dec 13 2009

i need help for my upcoming calculus final. a couple problems i dont get... i'd appreciate it if anyone can help...

the teacher gave the answers, but obviously i don't know how to show the work for it.

edit: for #4, the top x is supposed to be a dx.

answers here:

+ Show Spoiler +

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Comments (11)

found a better site than lp
  Into Infinity, Dec 09 2009

hours of entertainment

*1 votes

Comments (9)

solid day
  Into Infinity, Dec 01 2009

[] get coached
[x] get flaked on by coach
[] use new found knowledge to win
[] run good
[x] lose a bunch of money
[x] run like dog shit
[x] cut roll in half over past 4 days

my day summed up in 1 hand

0 votes

Comments (3)

  Into Infinity, Nov 28 2009

honestly i just dont get it, i haven't won a fucking hand since friday. im down almost 20 BIs.

***1 votes

Comments (8)

why why why why why why why why
  Into Infinity, Nov 28 2009

between getting sucked out on every river, losing every flip, getting every cbet raised, or getting coolered everytime i have a good hand, i just wanna fucking break something. preferably a wall.

oh yeah, took a nl50 shot. obvious fucking fail because people just love to flop the nuts against me.

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