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It’s good to learn to be humble but not to some by lostaccount, April 25

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Defrag by Highcard, April 22

I am trying to get a hold of Defrag, anyone have his discord or email? I have him on Skype but he's been gone for months now. Hope he is ok

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time to take a break from LP, this site makes me by lostaccount, April 21

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life by lostaccount, April 19

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Poker in Ontario by Bejamin1234, April 17

Perhaps inspired by NeillyAA, I'm having a little fun prodding around in the newly minted regulated market in Ontario. Party Poker seems to have the largest player base, but that will likely all change when PokerStars unveils its offering and joins the ring-fenced market. I'm well past the time where I had any sort of aspirations of being a professional or high earning player, but it's fun to experience a bit of nostalgia. Right now the games are pretty soft, who else has been hitting the tables in Ontario and still hits refresh on this dead site at least once a week?

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stacked the communist by hiems, April 16

so in starsnj there is the reg that is a communist. i found this out because one day i was browsing twitter and randomly i thought i saw a screenname that was familiar and it turns out its the 100nl/200nl reg i play with. also i didnt go stalk him or anyhting weird like that because his twitter handle is his poker screen name with an "X" in between so TheDumbxLoco, for its not like it shows up in searches.

anyway i click on his twitter profile and he is a full blown communist, he has like...the soviet symbol on his handle and everything lol. he actually looks a bit like stroggoz has similar vibe lol.

anyway i asked about it in chatbox one day telling him i found his twitter lol. some point it seemed to annoy him and he doesnt respond to my comments anymore lol. i do the patented hieMS sweet talk 2 this poor guy loco will kno

anyway today started with a hand where he 3bet from button vs my ep or mp raise...i had AKo standard 4bet and he folds. I needle him and say "1 for capitalism" lol. response

then I 4bet AAwith ace of diamonds vs his button 3bet he snap calls preflop with TT flop comes like K32 or something with 2 diamonds. I for some reason check and he checks. Diamond turn. c-c. forget the river. I make block bet he calls.

then later sb vs bb I 4bet TT and he jams AQo and I dont love it but call and i hold for 120bb. (quite alot for Tens so not sure about this).

later fish limps I 3.5x TT IP he 3bets rather large from blinds with AJsuited or something flop comes like TT8 2 spades he bets large side I call with quads obv....spr is about 1 at this point. turn and river make 3 flush spades and he hits a broadway straight on river and jams and I SNAPPPP THE COMMUNIST OFF WITH QUADS!!!

shoulda have slow rolled but I was stuck so couldnt afford to like...disconnect or anything from the pot LOL...the last 2 hands happen like back to back just outta nowhere devastatingly lose 2 stacks LOL what a communist!!


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Better than netflix by hiems, April 14

I've been watching these "15 minutes movie recap" channels on YouTube and they r amazing.

These channels basically summarize the movie scene by scene in 15 min. They do a really good job and alot of times they make a bad movie watchable and obv its alot easier to watch than an actual movie or TV show. Also they have movies from diff countries u might have never scene. Its almost a life hack except they r addicting so u waste time because u can't stop.

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tip policy @ cracker barrel by hiems, April 10

i recently ate at the american chain restaraunt "caracker barrel" for first time.

i was trying to get a to-go order because I did not want to pay the tip. to me, getting a to-go order is a way to avoid this...thats the whole point of a to-go order.

well the weird thing about this restaraunt is that when u say "I want a to-go order" they say OK the server will be right with you....then the server takes ur order and you pay at the cashier.

to me this is a bizarre thing. most other restaraunts u just take the order at the register and they bring u the food. with this particular system they kind of expect u to tip the server. to me this is kind of crazy. a did this a few times and one time the server did seem upset about no tip.

i looked it up on quora and there are actually ppl that say "oh well when I am at cracker barrel I do leave a small tip, (maybe like $1) because of the way they do it".

whatever the case I dont want to leave even $1. am I wrojng for thinkin this way?

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Stuff by RiKD, April 07

New stuff! Everybody new stuff!

I decided tonight that I am going to put my digital music equipment on the shelf and get some gaming in. I could change my mind tomorrow but maybe not.

What is the best filthy casual gaming these days?

I have never played League of Legends but I'm thinking about loading that up and seeing what all the fuss is about.

So, I was only in for the trial of Ableton Live 11. No cost there. Let's say I am in $300 for the digital music equipment because I'm not going to count the headphones because I'm listening to Soma by Smashing Pumpkins and it's fucking divine. I have my Razer Death Adder out. I have my blue switch mechanical keyboard out I'm fucking ready. Give me the signal and I'm game.

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What type of content by hiems, April 03

What type of content would you like to see?

Poll: What type of content u interested in
(Vote): More Loco stuff(meme, skits, screenplays, music videos)
(Vote): P0kah
(Vote): Actual life of hiems
(Vote): Hiems $$ wisdom (coupons, finding money on the ground, best waterfountains to steal 25 cents from)
(Vote): Plz stop posting

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Short Story Time by RiKD, April 02

The other day at the fashion store this woman walked into the fitting room and we had normal conversation. She said she was trying to relive a recent experience at a boutique store where some clothes made her feel great. Then, she told me, "don't go anywhere I want your opinion on something." Which happens a fair amount. Then, she walks out of the room in sexy, lacy lingerie with her phenomenal breasts on just about full display. I don't know what my face looked like. I tried to play it cool and put on a poker face but she was clearly coming out of this lingerie. She said, "I think it looks kind of funky" as I just stood there trying to think of something to say. I wanted to say, "the breasts are certainly not the problem but the lingerie is too small" but I just agreed with her and said it was a bit funky looking. She then just casually tried on a hippy type of spring/summer robe/cardigan as if it was no different than surprising me with her tits falling out. Then, she was gone apart from the memories. The fact that her tits have been haunting me means I really need to get touched by a woman at some point aka get laid.

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What would you do? by hiems, April 01

I recently was suggested a article of a 22 year old girl that was mauled by 2 dogs in Texas recently and her face got really fucked up for life.

The boyfriend is staying with her. I think the article said she helped him through cancer recently and he is glad to be able to help her like she helped him with cancer.

Anyway this made me think about stuff like wtf would I do in this it worth being in an actual serious relationship with a woman unless you are actual prepared to do this? Etc etc.

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why i act smart by lostaccount, March 31

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This website needs some content by RiKD, March 16

So, I will post something so hiems can maybe be amused and probably criticize me.

There is not much to report. My life is pretty simple. I labor away my life at work and then I get into music and sometimes I spend time with friends.

I am too broke for any meaningful computer so I focus most of my time on song-writing and the guitar. All I need is a pen and a notebook for song-writing and maybe a little inspiration from somewhere. The guitar is still mostly grind-mode. I got pretty good with the blues scales that were given to me to practice and then my teacher was interested in what kind of song I want to play. I responded that I had been listening to Townes Van Zandt almost obsessively recently and so we started on Pancho and Lefty which is not my favorite song but one that he knew. I've started on finger picking and expanding my ability to play some more chords. It can be a grind to just practice fundamentals but what I've learned or gathered is with the guitar it's a long process. I'm not just going to pick the thing up and play whatever I want. There is probably an inflection point in certain areas where if I can play 1 song it becomes increasingly easier to play other songs and then the dam bursts and with a little practice I am playing a wide range of songs but I need to hone the fundamentals. If I can't get a damn A to ring, or a D, or a G, there's no hope in really trying to play any damn song.

I don't have many friends outside of AA and I am not thrilled about showing up to the meetings so that is a situation. I don't want to get too lonely as I think that is one of the main drivers behind people who drink a lot. I mean obviously pent up fears and resentments causes people to poison themselves but loneliness and isolation are big drives for sure. I am up in the morning and in the fashion store around a lot of people so I think that has some effect on me but not like a more free space with friends. I am still in chains at work. It's nice for people to smile at me and say hi but I'm still chained. What if they find out I am acting at what it is to be this person at work. My dissatisfied facial expressions and forced smile betray the person I am trying to be. Horrible stuff really. It's back to being in a cage and when I leave I am just in a bigger cage. How do I get out of the cage? Where do I put the chains?

My guitar teacher is adamant that I enjoy playing the guitar and that I enjoy life. He's been pronounced dead in a hospital bed but he came back. I stopped and thought about it today and I just kind of go through the motions with large portions of my life now. The job is conducive to that and it carries over into leisure if the "leisure" I get is even considered that. I've said it before there is no real leisure for people toiling away full time hours. There is work and rest for work (Byung-Chul Han). But, seriously, I thought about it a lot and I don't even have a full idea of what enjoyment is or should be. Guitar is great but I'm not creating yet. It's practice. There is still the gaming aspect to it. Getting the right chord shape and extra stimulation in the right hand with the finger picking that you just don't get with strumming with a pick. I can eat some fried chicken with sweet potato fries and a sweet tea at the best fried chicken joint in the city but that is a trap. A trap that damages my liver most likely. If I truly enjoyed being here I would do everything I could to rejuvenate my liver and not damage it. If someone asked me in my 20s what enjoyment means I might be able to just summarize it with "sex, drugs, and rock n' roll" but that's not sustainable and it's also naive. Sex has low hedonic adaptation. Rock n' roll does too but drugs it's very difficult to get that first high back. I'm 38 and still figuring out how to live life.

I will say this though. I was at a viewing for a family member the other day and that is a jolt. Someone once asked Heidegger how do we be authentic? And, Heidegger answered go visit a graveyard. I would take that a step further and go to a viewing. The existentialists of the 1920s and beyond are very big on this idea of authenticity. It's not a fashion or a trend. It is about being in this world. Being thrown into this world and what do we do? I was thinking about how down in the South they say ma'am or sir or Miss and Mister. I just say please but that's not really authentic is it? That is just how I was programmed growing up. Now, there is a choice in my actions though. I could choose to start saying ma'am and sir and all the rest of it but I don't actually like it so I will hold to my Mid-west upbringing.

Authenticity is a battle. Living true to myself seems like the least amount of impediments to my freedom. The problem is it is not easy to know what being true to myself entails. What soap do I use? There is no true self in what soap I use. I am always manipulated. It is very difficult to avoid manipulation in day to day life. I have wised up somewhat to know that buying a pair of Air Jordans can not represent my soul, my beating heart. I can try my hardest with consumption to represent me as a person and it is mostly emptiness.

I'm drifting. The Seroquel is really starting to kick in. I would like to elaborate a bit more on authenticity and this idea that we are thrown into existence (Heidegger). Born to grow and grow to die (Townes Van Zandt). I am still trying to figure out what enjoyment means at 38 today. I can't just pop molly and slam speed and alcohol at a warehouse rave and enter a new dimension on the regular. In fact, I can't afford to do that at all these days.


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Time to start biking by lostaccount, March 08

I just want peace

Peace is the way

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I'm Back Bitches!!! by Xervean, March 06

I was completely out of the game, enjoying my retirement from poker as a software developer. Then I watch the Doug Polk challenge, then I start getting recommended videos on youtube, then I start to wonder if I can still beat 25NL. Well in August of last year I decided to find out! And now I've played almost 300k hands and am completely obsessed with poker again! Funny how that happens. I even went on an insane 40 buy in downswing over about 60k hands and had to get coaching. But it worked out and my winrate has been rising as I continue to improve. My winrate in FEB was just under 9bb/100 at 100nl over 25k hands, I'm hoping to get to the double digits this month. I'll probably be moving up to 200NL soon now that I'm confident I'm beating 100NL for a solid rate. Here is the overall graph since my return to poker. Almost 300k hands so far. Definitely curious who all is still around since I haven't posted in like 9 years lol. I've also been streaming a lot on Twitch recently if anyone wants to come hang out and talk hands/old times.

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Groggy as fuck by RiKD, March 05

Everything I say has been said before.

I am wrestling with how to write a song. The first song I wrote I wrote the guitar part first and then just mostly improvised the melody. It was a fun little song but I set it aside in the archives. I learned that the "correct" way to write a song is to lay down the beat first, then chords (guitars, piano, whatever), and then the vocals. This makes sense to me but it can't be the only way. Townes Van Zandt many times wrote the vocals before laying down the guitar. SIA doesn't write anything. She just improvises the melodies that eventually become a song accompanied by a piano. I wrote a song the other day that was basically poetry but I don't really know how to then go back and make it musical with a guitar or add a beat with a MIDI controller. It's still very much early stages and I just turned 38. It's fun though. Something to do. Better than waiting to die (Van Zandt). See, I told you everything I say has been said already.

I think if I study Van Zandt and Bob Dylan that is all the education I need for writing songs. The funny thing is I think my voice is suited for country better than any other genre but I feel like an outsider and I fight it. It's not as sexy as singing a falsetto or yelling. I can appreciate the production of a deadmau5 or NIN but I am not a classically trained pianist... So, I love the production of some of these people in Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) but there is something to writing a song and playing an acoustic guitar. I get intimidated by some of the Texas drawl and sensibilities. Basically, I have to find my voice. Although, Jason Molina did just fine and is from the same place I am from. I don't want to copy Trent Reznor, or Thome Yorke, or Leadbelly, or Robert Johnson, or Townes Van Zandt. I just want to create what is in my heart and archive it as basically journal entries.

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LP full of haters by lostaccount, March 03

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Ghost Town, LP by RiKD, February 26

I feel empty, I feel lonely, I feel worn out. Which is why I am here. It's a feeling that fried chicken and iced cream won't fix. At least not at this hour. I missed my AA home group tonight due to work. That would have had the potential to cure my woes. At least for an evening. But, sometimes I get the feeling that I am attempting to run with the herd with out running or following the rules. Believe me, I have had vicious substance abuse problems in my life and I have a desire to not use substances in the present or the future. I run into problems when I don't have working substances at my disposal. I don't honestly think I could find anything that works in the long run anyways. Certainly not some God of my own imagination either. I am an insect among this cold universe. Even underneath these fiery stars.

On the terrestrial, mundane side of things we might be witnessing the start of World War III and all I give a damn about is how am I going to get through work without too much displeasure and how am I going to make music. I think there is sort of an underlying terror to all of this more heightened than normal. There are things worse than nuclear weapons. Anyways, my laptop is too old to run the Steinberg UR12 Audio Interface and MXL 990 Condenser Microphone and an appropriate DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)...

My new goal is to build my own desktop. Worth it?

What does everyone think?

I don't want any Apple products. I want Windows 11 and Ableton Live 11. I probably want to game too but I don't want the project to get too expensive.

This gives me something to look forward to among the chaos. Will I care if a smorgasbord of suffering is headed my way if I am writing songs or pwning noobs? I hope not.

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Hello, hello, hello, is there anybody out there? by RiKD, February 11

Anyone still come around here?

I sneaked some painting in last night and this morning. God, I love painting. The ideal would be to have a studio as part of a dwelling. What I painted was kind of weird and seemingly trivial but it was still fun and got that sort of expression out. I am still practicing guitar but practicing chords isn't the same as creating a song or a painting. I think another part of the ideal is just having a girlfriend I could do stuff with. Yes, I think expressing ourselves sexually is important but just doing random stuff. You know, some other friends so I don't get too sick of the girlfriend.

I think with the guitar I have to really get into the chord shapes and not be complacent about it. As my teacher said it is not just about the fingers but also the hand, wrist, and arm.

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