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zoom stats question by c4rnage, July 19

Should i consider stats at zoom 6max the same i consider them at 6max normal table?

I mean, for example what it is a hi/low stat, at 6max its not the same at a HU table.

If not, what adjustments should i make?


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Raw store bought salmon by 2c0ntent, July 18

Mmmm just here incase I show up with a tapeworm symptoms in a few years

yummy sashimi, couldn't help myself!

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Neteller, bitcoins and US by gymnast, July 16

Hi allmighty people from

I have two questions that I haven't been able to answer by myself reading on the netteller site:

Can you make a deposit to you neteller account while being in the US?

Can you use neteller in the US?

and lastly, is there a way to get your bitcoins into neteller?

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Diet Soda by mnj, July 14

There was once a pretty decent thread about dieting and good nutrition.

I remember someone recommended substituting low carb options, which I think is good solid advice. There were a bunch of ways he recommended and one of them was soda.

This isn't a HA YOUR WRONG kind of post, but for those of you who are still interested, it turns out Diet Drinks are just as bad as HFCS Drinks. At least statistically speaking of course.

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HU Matches? by SemPeR, July 14

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Selling SM Pieces (July14th) by SemPeR, July 14

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What should I do. by Arirang, July 14

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thanks obama by mnj, July 13

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$320 saturday eliminator stake// 50% by SoC, July 13

Anyone want 50% - $160- no markup.

Fancy going big today! Each person I KO i get $160, so if I ko 2 we're freerolling.

stee0731 on stars

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Gamma brainwave by 2c0ntent, July 12


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Day 1 WSOP ME (+hand vs Ivey) by MARSHALL28, July 09

I figured I'd just post about some of the interesting hands I played yesterday. Sitting there for about 10 hours was super draining and I'm not looking forward to continuing to do it for the next 8 or 9 days but I guess there is obviously a big reward at the end if I can stick through. They just announced late last night that first prize is 9 million. Obviously half of that goes immediately to taxes, and I sold about 70% of myself so if I won I'd get somewhere around 1.35 million. Definitely life changing money, and obviously the endorsements and such would be just as big of a deal. This is still a pipe dream at the moment though. I'm not even trying to think about this until I'm near the final table.
Anyway so here are a few of the interesting hands I played:

Pretty much the first hand I played we were 300bb deep and UTG minraised to 200. I 3bet the button to 600 with 56s, UTG called. Flop A65r. He leads into me for 700. I raise to 2100 and he 3bets to 5k. I was really befuddled at this point and started thinking about preserving my tournament life. I'm definitely not going broke for 300bb with bottom 2 pair ever and when he 3bets to 5k he's basically saying, 'I want to get all your money by the river. I reluctantly decided to call the 3bet and see what he would do on the turn. He can't be a good player if he's calling a 3bet out of position then donking and 3betting over a raise. The most obvious hand that has me beat here is AA but I also feel he's probably bad enough to overplay AK or AQ this way. Would he try to play for stacks with AK? Unsure. I called and the turn was an offsuit queen. He doesn't take long and bets out 8k. I felt he seemed to confident and wasn't going to slowdown on the river. If I called this bet there would be about 27k in the pot and about 16k in stacks so I just couldn't make it and folded. This wasn't the last time that day I'd decide to fold 2 pair on the turn either.

A few hands later I watched the same guy 3bet, then call a 4bet OOP and donk lead 3 streets eventually getting half his stack in the middle w/ AK on a Q high board.

About 45 minutes later I eventually got into another pot with the same player. I raised KTcc to 300 from UTG+2 or something like that and he 3bet me to 700 total. I don't remember exactly how much he had in his stack but I think it was about 13k and I covered. Only 400 more is not enough for me to fold so I call and see if I can flop something. 7h5c4c. I check and he bets 1100 into 1400. I call. Turn 7c, I have a flush. Check. "all in" he said. "What? all in? call" I couldn't have said it fast enough. He turns over 2 red queens and he's drawing to a queen or a 7 but misses and I am back to slightly over the 30k starting chips.

I took down a few more random pots here and there just by raising and c-betting or someone would limp, then the guy to my right would raise and I'd 3bet and get a bunch of folds. The two guys two my right were both pros which I could figure out pretty quickly based on how they spoke. I'm pretty sure they didn't realize what I was doing to them by calling and floating them on the flop a bunch and making tiny turn or river bets to make them fold their air.

Next interesting hand that came up was another spot where there was a limp and I raised KQo from the CO to 800. BTN 3bet me to 2400. I thought for like 5 seconds and 4bet to 5k. He called. Flop AdKh5d, I have KdQx. I pretend to think for like 20 seconds and I check. The dude starts to get very nervous and begins frantically playing with his chips. I've never seen anyone do anything like that before, lol. He bets 4500. I called pretty quickly w/ the expectation that I would call another bet on a diamond turn and would fold to any future action he put into the pot. Turn came a brick, check check. River came another brick, check check again. I take it down.

Eventually I realized the entire table was scared of me. Whenever I would leave and come back they'd be talking about me, which is good, I'd rather not have guys fighting me for pots I'd rather just have them fold and not try to outplay me.

Next hand comes up I am dealt QQ UTG+2. UTG+1 opens to 500 @ 100/200 blinds. I could 3bet here and it might look a little FOS based on the dynamic at the time but this is just a situation I don't want to be risking a lot of my stack as his opening range from here should be very strong and anyone who puts money into the pot behind me is going to probably be quite strong. I decide to just call the 500. A woman in the hijack who had been playing quite tight 3bets to 2000. Rest of table folds around to me and I decide to call. She was about 20-25k deep and I obviously covered. Flop Th3h2c. I check, she bets 2500 into ~4.5k. I need to call here, she could be overplaying jacks, she could have AK and just be c-betting, I might peel one more bet, but if she pushes all in by the river I'll have to fold. Turn is the beautiful Qc. I quickly check hoping to induce a bet. She bets ~5k into ~9k. I have a decision here, do I wanna call again to try to induce her to value jam the river or do I just stick it in right here? In a cash game I would pretty much always just call here but I eventually decided that she might end up making a nitty check back on the river w/ AA or KK, or she could have something like AKhh and if I call I could be giving her a free chance to get there. Or if the river is a heart she will almost surely never jam with AA or KK so I opted to stick the other 15k or so in the pot now. She thinks for like 3 or 4 minutes and eventually folds.

I was basically sleeping in between hands at this point. I'd look at my cards, fold, then try to nap for the few minutes in between when I would get my next hand. I hadn't slept in a long time and was doing everything I could to stay awake. I had been drinking for almost 20 hours straight at this point because it's usually the only thing that can give me enough energy to keep me awake. I realized it wasn't really working anymore so decided to get up and go find myself a coffee. Tried downing that but it did absolutely nothing and felt even more tired. Was about 20 minutes before dinner break which was going to be a 90 minute break so I decided I'd go check into my room and try to nap for two hours right after I folded my next hand.

I got dealt Q9dd and one of the pros to my right opened to 500 @ 100/200 blinds. I was OTB and decided to call as I had been outplaying these guys a lot postflop and the blinds were not squeeze happy at all. Everyone else folded. Flop 9h3h2d. He bets 600 into ~1200 and I call. Turn is Tc and again he bets ~1500 into ~2400 pot on the turn. Again I have an easy call. River is 2s and he checks. Against a lot of guys it's just a check back on this river, but I'm pretty sure this dude is good enough to make a hero call with A hi and all the draws missed so I really need to put out a value bet against this guy. Pot is ~5400 or so and I decide on 3500. He hems and haws for a while, then says "I think I'm feeling like being a hero". I don't say anything but start to think 'I sure hope you do'. He eventually calls and I confidently turn over my 9, he mucks. I Collect my chips then leave the table. As I'm leaving, another dude at the table tells me I need to go get some rest and that I should just sleep through the rest of the day and come back when I feel better for day 2. I was too tired to laugh but it still feels good to be so feared.

I head to check into my room to try and get some rest. I lay down face first in the bed and a few minutes later I start itching uncontrollably. For what reason I don't know. It's driving me nuts though. I decide to go take a shower and start to find all these little bugs crawling all over me biting into my legs. God this was such an uncomfortable feeling. I guess the entire room they gave me was completely infested with bed bugs. All I wanted to do was sleep for the next 2 hours, that clearly wasn't happening though. I was livid at this situation. No sleep for me I guess. Had to get out of that room pronto and find some cortizone for the itching. Luckily my parents lived in Vegas and were around for the series so they came and helped me out with the situation, dealing with security and finding me a new room. Dinner break was just about over, so, back to the table I guess...

At this point I was up to somewhere around 50k in chips when the next hand came up...
Blinds 150/300 I raise red JJ to 900 from UTG+1. Old guy who had been playing pretty well and pretty aggressively who was the big stack for a while but just lost a huge pot due to misreading his hand. He 3bets me to 3300 from the SB. I had been making a bunch of folds to this guy and mostly letting him take pots from me just because I generally assume old guys are very very tight. I wasn't really looking to fold much to him at this point though based on the variables in play at this point. I called and the flop came 954r. He bets 8k into a 6.6k pot and he has about 25k behind, I covered. I don't see much point to calling here so I just stuck it all in and he called rather quickly with AQo. I dodged his 6 outer on turn/river and then I had ~85k stack.

Old guy gets up, about 5 minutes later, Phil Ivey sits down in his seat. With a massive chip stack, maybe about 140k. I'm just glad he's not sitting to my left.

It's probably pretty uncommon that Phil ever sits down at table at the world series where anyone at the table doesn't know who he is. I really didn't wanna give away any info to him so I mostly tried to just ignore him at first and not really say anything. He carries around head phones anyways, I assume because everyone probably tries to constantly talk to him. He does a pretty good job at coming off as aloof and not engage in much conversation but he was also pretty nice to the guys to his left and right who kept badgering him. He also just seems like a genuinely happy-go-lucky kind of guy. He's looking for every piece of information he can get at the table and you can sort of tease him by making him think you are going to show your hand. I noticed the guy to his left doing that and I started laughing at him about how badly he wanted the info and he was a good sport about it.

I knew mostly what to expect from Phil about his play. He'd be playing basically just super solid and probably would make few if any mistakes. I knew though that I would have a slight edge as long as he didn't know who I was because there's just no way he would be able to put me on a reasonable range so it'd be unclear to him what to do in more than a few situations. This is one of the advantages an unknown like me can have over a top player in the world. The second he finds out or realizes how good I am though then that advantage disappears and he would then actually have an edge over me. I may be one of the best but I'm not top 10 in the world best and when he realizes that there are certain things he can do to manipulate the situations off of very subtle pieces of information either in the board texture or about how much pressure he needs to apply to push me passed my inflection points and get me to fold a high percentage of the time.

This stuff shouldn't affect my play too much though because the fact of the matter is I'm the 2nd best player at a table of 9 where the other 7 are much much weaker. I don't need to be playing pots with Phil Ivey, I can find other better spots. This doesn't mean I should avoid him if the situation is a good one to put money in the pot, I just don't need to attack him or look to outplay him. I just need to play super solid and maybe a little tighter on average when he enters the pot.

So in the 3 hours we sat there I did play one pot heads up against him.

Blinds 150/300 w/ 25 ante he raises CO to 800. It's folded to me and I have 76o in the BB. With the ante in play this is a super standard call. I think it'd be a leak to fold, even against Phil. Flop Tc6h4s, I check, Phil bets 1400 into ~2k. I call. Turn is 8s. I realize this is going to be a perfect spot to checkraise the turn and barrel the river if he bets due to the fact that my hand is slightly too weak to call another bet against his turn betting range and I don't think he's going to have enough info about me to call down unless he has a super strong hand (many of which will be 3betting my turn checkraise so my river barrel should be very profitable). All of that ends up not mattering though because he checks back. River is an offsuit 9 which completes the straight for me. The pot is ~5k at this point and I decide I want to make a bet that looks like it's going for super thin value with a weakish two pair with the hope that I either induce a light call or a bluff raise. A big bet here just wouldn't make sense because my range has almost no air in it, so I bet 1200. He takes 5500 in chips and tosses them into the pot, I snap say "call". He turns over 76o. We had the same hand and chop the pot.

Just as the day was getting close to ending I get dealt AsTc in the BB. The Hijack opens to 1000 @ 200/400 w/ 50 ante, it folds to me and I call. I don't remember how deep we were, I definitely covered him, maybe he had around 35k in chips. Flop is AcKsTs. I check, he bets 1k into ~2500. I raise to 3k. He 3bets to 6600. This is a very annoying spot for me. I don't really beat any value hands and this guy had been playing so tight all day that I really didn't want to stack off against him here. If it's the case that I'm not trying to get my stack in the middle, maybe I shouldn't be raising these two pair hands on the flop. I fear that because the average player in this tournamen is so bad that he will likely overvalue his TPTK type hands and I might end up making a bad read and end up folding the best hand. I decided that I would do the same thing in this spot that I did in the previous one with two pair. I'd call the 3bet then try to get some kinda read off him on the turn based on his sizing and timing of his bet. If he bets the turn quickly and the bet threatens to get stacks in by the river I'd fold. If anything else happens I'll likely continue with the hand. I call the 6600. Turn was a brick, didn't change anything about the situation, I checked him him. Quickly he bets 10k. I waddle back and forth in my seat, shake my head, sigh, then fold my hand.

"I folded two pair", I said to him. He looks flustered and shows his hand to the woman sitting next to him. "I feel like you had me" I said. "She saw my hand, could I beat two pair?" "No" the woman said. Then the guy said "I just didn't really think you had much of anything. I guess I was wrong but it still worked out for me." This is the kind of thing that's super tilting to me. It doesn't affect my play or make me play worse, just aggravates me sometimes that I allowed myself to get in this situation where I have a huge equity advantage but due to my tournament life being such a key factor in my decision making that I need to end up letting go of the best hand in some situations. It takes a crazy amount of discipline and wherewithal to be able to do that kind of thing, it's a good thing I have so many years of experience. The guy making the mistake of overplaying his hand there (I'm pretty sure he had AK based on how he and the woman were talking about the hand) really has no chance to win this tournament and is going to end up costing himself his 10k entry fee by making that same type of mistake in the future. Against someone with less discipline than me or against someone who is raising with a nutted hand that's never going to fold like a set of tens of QJ.

There weren't really any other significant or interesting hands. I finished day 1 with an 89k chip stack which is triple what I started with so it's a great start. I thought I played very well over the course of the day despite being on no sleep and drinking pretty much the entire 10 hours at the table. Day 2c starts tomorrow and I will get a new table draw. Hopefully I'll continue to play well and will be able to slowly chip up while avoiding getting into many situations where my stack is at risk.

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stars4pp by k4ir0s, July 09


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Good and Evil by 2c0ntent, July 09


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lmao fuckin toronto by Arirang, July 08

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Falcao KO in gas station by PuertoRican, July 08

Who: Maiquel Falcao (31-5)
When: July 7th
Where: Brazil
What: 2x4 piece of wood to the dome
Why: He started shit with a girl at a gas station, and her friends came and helped her.

Taken from Sherdog: "Falcao was in a gas station with his friend (also an MMA fighter), Falcao started harrassing a girl and even slapped her, her friends came to her rescue, at first losing the fist battle until the guys ganged up on him and knocked Falcao and his friend out cold using what appears to be a large piece of wood. The guy getting hit repeatedly is Falcao's freind. Falcao is the first guy getting koed in the video."

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Timetravel to the 80's by Svenman87, July 08

Loving it! music made now to sound like a track from the 80's - sounds so goooot

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FTOPS by Forrest Gump, July 06

Hi, anyone wants to share some % for the Razz event? We can seat in a Razz table to see if we're convinced of each other Razz talents

Event #7
Aug 06
14:00 ET $300 + $20
Razz $50,000

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FLHE WEEK by Enigma, July 06
one time there is a promo that benefits FLHE players.
Stars continuing to rock out the promos!

Also, I played in the $1mil freeroll and placed like 7-800 and cashed for just under two bills. This has sparked my interest in learning MTT's. I played a 20k guarantee this week and cashed in like 100th. Still not sure how to act once I have built that big-midsize stack in the late-middle of the tourney. If anyone is interested I would be willing to trade coaching in FLHE for MTT training.

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Another deep run! by Luckb0xx, July 05

Sup LP,

since I got exams in the next 3 weeks I barely played any poker for the last 3-4 weeks. But I caught a cold a few days ago and since I was just lying on my couch all day I decided to play the MicroSeries events on yesterday..

It was the right decision, no doubt

I hit the FT as a shortstack but eventually "Sasha Stein" would crush all the other bigstacks and hold like a 12M chiplead with 6ppl left and everyone else having 1-2.5M - me having 2M+ actually! That way and since I was pretty carddead on the FT (I got aces/kings like 5-6 times each pre-FT tho^^) I managed to fold myself into top3 then lost to the CL!

This cash made me hit 7,5k€ winnings for the year.. meeh it couldve been so much more but im too lazy to put in volume at all..

This win makes me wanna play more of the series but I seriously got to focus on studying right now :s

Well you guys keep up the grind and take my rungood for the next few weeks until im back


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Best night ever. by RaiZ, July 03

Sunday's night to monday was one of the biggest win i've ever played in my entire life live. Entered to that room with only 400 (blinds are 5/5, there wasn't any kind of maximum limit although we all agreed to not make so much difference between the shortest stack and the biggest in the beginning) and 7 hours later, I left with close to 4k.
I didn't feel particularly more happy than those time where I left winning twice or triple, but there was sure one thing that got me challenged : My jean's pocket being too tight for that money.
Dunno what i'll do with that, I fear that putting it on my bank would leave me nothing but troubles and I'm not sure how i'll explain where I got that money from if there was any question about that.

Maybe I'm still not realizing the money I won is huge, or if I'm just bored. Time will tell though !

Definitely hope that you get the same experience sooner or later, 'cause hey, everyone loves money right ?

Peace !

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