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Sapp vs. Overeem by PuertoRican, January 01

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deadline reached by Royal_Rumble, January 01

Happy new year and I got a question for tutz:
where are the aliens?

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Gonna try and get sne by Mortensen8, January 01

Here goes
If I have to drop down to 100 at let's say 17k? it might be over, unless I work extra hard unfortunately too drunk / stoned right now haven't slept yet so playing some 100 zoom to post some weird hands maybe.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR LP! by LemOn[5thF], December 31

Lots of this
And this

And This
+ Show Spoiler +

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Happy New Years by uiCk, December 31

Hope you all have (or having) a good night, lots of good moments and carry some of that joy onto the new year.
Love your friends and love your family, that's all that matters!

Cheers LP

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girls n their toys by spets1, December 31

u know the saying boys n their toys.
From early age the boys have toy cars etc. So they grow up and keep playing with them, civil engineering, building shit. Bridges, computers, space ships etc. Whatever. Simple stuff.

Now girls are different. They play with dolls. Once grown up the best toy a girl has is a guy entertaining her. So she can have fun playing with him. It's upgrade from a doll.

Think about songs that girl sing. 'im not your toy' blah blah blah. A guy's song never has lyrics like that.

What im trying to say is that girls think about the guys as being a toy. An entertainment to their life. This is why they sing about it.

Guys dont even think about such concepts.

A girl needs constant entertainment. And when a guy stops entertaining her, long time boyfriend or husband it is really easy for another guy to come in and easily sweep her off the feet by being entertaining, and flirtatious.

Tease her, make a little fun of her. Excite her. Make her feel special, show some attention and a girl is helplessly intrested.

After all a human is just an animal with a little self awareness. Most of the time we dont know what we are doing and why. And we dont even notice it.

I can see this clearly happening to couples. The guy is pretty easily satisfied. U get a girlfriend. You got a job. Food and sex and roof is secured. Nothing else is needed. Just come home and sleep on the couch.

The girl on the other hand wants constant entertainment

ps , free nailly
pps hi from thailand.

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USA sites? by Into Infinity, December 31

any good ones?

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stop gambling site by Rinny, December 30

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December results by player999, December 30

Pretty brutal month, I put in an insane volume and was rewarded with >20 20+bi downswings, one big -50bi and one -75bi. At least I cashed some serious rakeback, and even though I lost 5 years of life, I became stronger after getting hit in the head so much. Kinda like JDS, hopefully. According to EV I was 100bi below at some point but that rungood in the end made it short of 50bi below EV (though I'm pretty sure I had bad card distribution, but everyone always is)

My leaderboard goal was a lock on the beggining of the month, then I had to fight for it, when it updates I will jump to 4th by a couple hundred $'s, hopefully the other guys won't play anymore (or lose if they do) Really happy with how much I've evolved and expect 2013 to be very nice. Hopefully to all of you too

oh, and also I finished busting the MTT $$ terrible terrible terrible run sigh

Happy 2013 everyone

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Neilly by SemPeR, December 30

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fffffuuuuu by idonklife, December 30

i realized i had forgotten to check the results of the first and last sports bet i made a couple of months ago.

last game doesn't show but it was at 1.26 odds and didn't count due to void so real odds were around 818.

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3633 views LOL by NeillyJQ, December 30

just wanted to spend yesterday saying a real "goodbye" and fuck off to every single one of you fucking pencil pushing nerdy fucks.

so yah - if you didn't figure that out yesterday

fuck you fuck you fuck you, and, fuck you.


User was banned for this post.

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5dimes question by PuertoRican, December 30

I'm going to make a 5dimes account.

- Is there any new registration information I should know?
- Is there some type of bonus I can register for?
- Is there a "referred by a certain person" option?
- What's the best way to deposit money?
- What's the best and cheapest way to cash out money?
- etc.

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Chicago by RiKD, December 29

PM if you are in Chicago and want to grab some drinks.



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Ongame Issues by SemPeR, December 29

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BIG SCORE by NeillyJQ, December 29

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Advice for US player! plZ by DooMeR, December 28

Recently I've been putting in most of my time playing Ipoker and was wanting to get some money on heropoker again so i could dual site since the traffic at Ipoker can be really bad at times. So I'm wondering now that hero is out of the picture who has some good rakeback deals on merge? Also does anyone know anything about bovodo? or however u spell it. Im very curious about that one 0.o. And what kind of rakeback ect they have going on. Thanks bros

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Introducing Myself by AyeR, December 28

I haven't posted here, but i've been a loyal reader of liquid poker and I played under the SN ShamanOfDeath, on Fulltilt, and AyeR on B.Net west and on wgtour. if you remember shamanofdeath,then you most likely played starcraft... he was a terran player from bulgaria, he was a good friend of mine as well, and i don't think he would mind me using the SN, since it was in memory of starcraft/terran days. I've always kept up with poker news, and always enjoy reading stuff from people I use to associate with, or players that I kinda knew. Like Daut, who was z7-BigBalls, Rekrul, Marshall, Fayth, Elky, Baal, Strato,Id.Twisted etc etc ....

I spent a large portion of my night yesterday reading. As I was reading I read an article by Marshall28... It never occured to me that it was BCI)Marshall a now a successful poker player(didn't occur to me until I read that it was written by a guy named peter), and was teaching for card runners. I remembered peters name because, the very first time I met starcraft players in real life, was in Pacific Beach (san diego). It was @ a pc cafe, that Proct, Merge and Marshall would play it. As I walked in, Proct was sitting in the front, chilling playing some SC. He said whats up, nice guy, and said that's bci)marshall over their go say hi. so i went over and saw marshall, he was actually playing a game vs rekrul. His apm was ridiculously high, and since i didn't really know how to use hotkeys well, if you've ever seen marshall play IRL, i was really suprised and humbled to see it. I still remember the game and everything, marshall was at 6 rekrul at 12, pvp marshall was expoing to his natural, and rekrul dropped a double reaver. Anyway it was cool as fuck watching them play and I thought both of them were cool people. Sure i'd hear people talk shit about them, but who didn't talk shit in starcraft, it was part of the fun. Rekrul was always very full of himself, and so was marshall but a lot of people are. It might be one of the reasons why he was successful at the time in starcraft, players need to be confident of their ability, he was also very creative and a had a great sense of humor. This egotist type of confidence transitioned well for many starcraft players, somehow some starcraft players who really sucked, were really good poker players.

Anyway, i just wanted to say whats up, i don't play poker professionally, I am trolley operator here in San Diego, I noticed their are a lot people from SD here, if you guys ever have a home game where the buy in isn't ridiculously high, i'd like to play with you guys, would like to play .50/1 if u guys do that. I don't get too many days off from my work, but if you'd like to invite a friendly fish over, i'm down.

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Saturday stake ~$200 by SoC, December 27

11am - Big 33 + Hot $3
noon - $22 6max + $11 + Hot $4
2pm - Big 5 + $3.30 Micro + $2R X2
4pm - big 8 + $11 + $21 KO+ $27 Eliminator
5pm - big 22
7pm - big 11

$203.3 total ($10 estimate for the $2R's) [I'll cover any extra myself at no cost]

After my recent 2 big wins -$22_6max_FT.html$22_-_$55k_-_$9k_to_winner.html

Selling 50% of this package. (min 5%)
5% = 10.17
10% = 20.34

Reason for selling is I'd like to keep variance low and be able to play with my usual style rather than thinking of the ££!

Stee0731 on stars. (also down to last 100 of $5 tourny, 1.3k for top if anyone wants a rail - 3rd at moment)

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BEST MONTH EVAH! by DustySwedeDude, December 27

Not my best month ever really, but I think it might be the 2nd best. Could even be the best depending on in what currency you count it, but I'm not sure about that. Also, there's a few days left to go so I might be able to change that, I'll just need like 10 or 20k more and I'll for sure set a new record. I'm fairly happy about this since I've had a very slow year with a lot of run bad, shit that's taken time away from the grind and overall random crap.

When I was a highish stake NL pro my favorite poem all time was;

(yes, that's my favourite reading on youtube for some reason)

I always thought that;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

meant that I should be as happy when I ran good as when I ran bad. For some reason I figured I could live up to that. However, I was definitely more happy back in the day then during the last year during which I ran much worse, so I really think I let running bad fuck with my mental state. While earlier this month I reflected that I was annoyed that I did not feel happier over my success again I'm starting to come around a little bit and I feel much more at peace with myself. My girlfriend actually commented that she's so happy that I'm doing well, not only because of the money but mostly because I seem like a happier person. That's nice, but I should really start to handle my emotions better. I think it's easier when I have a solid foundation to stand on, and I'm working really hard to make mine stronger.

Due to this I changed my mind and I won't go for SNE next year. I'll just spread money over a bunch of euro sites and hope those games are better. I'll try to live a little bit more healthy, get my winrate up to something less swingy and spend more time both playing and studying the game.

I also got a bunch of books for Christmas. My father-in-law gave me this book about Jerusalem and I've read like 150 pages so far. It's really fun to read and it's given me a new respect for the Jewish people (I knew they where bad ass, but they're just on another level when it comes to surviving fucked up situations) and also reminded me that I'm really an intellectual at heart, even though I really try to pass for a red neck. My mother gave me Socratic Puzzles by Nozick which made me happy since I really liked Anarchy, State and Utopia and I do consider Nozick one of the great thinkers of modern time. I also got a bunch of other books and I'll take my time to read them, although I'll pause for a week or so when the last Wheel of Time book is released.

I've also moving forward with my book or whatever, a bunch of people are slightly interested in doing something with it. I think it could turn into something reasonably cool.

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