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Overtime question by traxamillion, December 12

I'm trying to find out whether or not my employer is screwing me On overtime. I work in California. Overtime is defined as hours worked over 8 in a day or 40 in a week. Overtime rate is 1.5x and after 12 hours in a day it goes up to 2x.

I want to look at the part specifically when I work more than forty hours in a week. Do I get overtime for every hour after the first forty? Or is it just after forty non-overtime or regular hours? Let's look at a simplified example to clarify.

Workweek is mon-sun

Monday I work 15 hours
Tuesday 15 hours
Wednesday 10 hours
Thursday 8 hours
Friday 8 hours

So Monday I accrued 7 ot hours
Tuesday 7 ot hours
Wednesday 2 ot hours

So 16 overtime hours the first three day (in which I worked my 40 hours) so would the last two regular days of my week be overtime since I have already worked 40? This would be the most beneficial calculation to me because it would leave me a total of 32 ot hours out of the 56 hours I worked.

My work doesn't pay me like this though they don't start shelling out ot after the first forty; the sequence of days doesn't matter to them. They make sure to pay 40 reg hours then anything after that is ot.

So by their calcs it looks like

Monday 15 - 8 = 7
Tuesday 15 - 8 = 7
Wed 10 - 8 = 2
Thurs 8 - 8 = 0
Friday 8 - 8 = 0

So since they look at it like they are going to pay me for the first 8 out of each day and THEN anything after that is ot so in this scenario I only get 16 hours ot. In this scenario I am not rewarded for both working two huge days and a longer week they kind of lump the two together to pay the minimum ot.



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Looking for stake by rubbago, December 12

I'm Rubén Barrera from México and been in since 2010

I do decent in micro stakes, but i've never been able to have a stable bankroll because i have to make cashouts month after month to pay college.

I'm looking for a stake to play SnGs 45m, I intent to mix some $7 and $3.5 due to the traffic in $7 is vlow at some hours.

What I expect and can offer is:

    -Stake of 150 bis, around $800 so i can have 'space' to play with no pressure
    -A short term deal, lets say 2k SnGs (15 days~)

%s and details can be discussed by PM or via skype, you can find me as 'rubbago'

As much as references i´ve worked some stakes in the past with some Lp'ers in and i'm mod in there, but that makes no difference i guess... Baal can give an insight about how I work, and thats all

Currently dont have graphs in hem, but i can post a ss of my sharkscope, a mix of stakes from $1 to $15(90% under $10), and many types of SnGs.. but 45s are like 95+% of them.

I would like to start working ASAP, let me know if someone is interested

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Charisma? Personality? by mnj, December 11

I know there is considerable weight in genetics when talking about these two behavioral traits in human beings, but there must be some learned part, no?

If so, is there anyway to increase charisma? Increase being "liked"?

I have a solid medium group of friends, but I came to some realizations that, while we spend countless hours and over 15+ years on education regarding history, math, sciences, english, writing; we don't focus any of that on learning to become "likable" or "charismatic"

i think people will be to eager to call these traits "phony" and "smiley" and "fake", but it seems as though we will be working and interacting with human beings for another 50 years. doesn't it make sense to learn some of these traits?

if it is teachable, how does one go about increasing charisma and likability?

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Baddest Man On The Planet by PuertoRican, December 10

Worth a watch. It goes great when you're eating food at your computer.

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Finance: Capturing Convex Payoffs by 2c0ntent, December 10

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Birthday and other stuff by Svenman87, December 09

Well another year in the books for Sven, 25... Damn every year I look back and see how big of an idiot I was the year before.

Eh - hasn't been a bad one though, the job is awesome, the business is okay - haven't really been pushing to much time into it, or as much as I would like (I'll probably kick it up some more in the spring)

Apartment is super nice, 10 minute drive to work.

Here's a few pics of my living room. 106'' projection screen + theater seating - super comfy couch.

Only thing that sucks for the birthday this year is I have the flu, been sick since Thursday so couldn't rage or see my gf for it


Well I hope all is well LP

although on a side note Gustafsson won, Man U beat City, and so far my Vikings (team AP) are ripping the bears - not bad :D

edit: I'll also leave you all with this gem.

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Lock/BlackChip by NeillyJQ, December 09

Blackchip seems to be one of the best sites running in the states right now, hero has lowered there gntds alot, but they are still getting up to 5k in 2k gntds etc..

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Neillying it up by DustySwedeDude, December 09

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110$ on PS for 100$ Paypal by the cleaner, December 08

Could somebody help me out with this ? I need 100$ on paypal and will pay 110$ on Pstars. thanks

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Do we like this car? by NewbSaibot, December 07

2013 Mazdaspeed3

I've been doing some financial soul searching after being inspired by wh00sel's blogs the last few months, and figured if he can pull the trigger and ditch the GTR for an econo-crapbox with his financial status, surely I can too. Right now I drive a 2012 Mustang GT and absolutely love it (save for the fact that I'm a tiny bit bored of it, but thats just my short attention span). I could flat out save 50% of all car expenses by down-sizing to something like the Fit. Problem is I dont think I've quite achieved the mental maturity yet to let go of the "fun car" part of me like wh00sel did and still require something that well, quite frankly looks good.

Thats where the speed3 comes in. Personally I think it's beautiful. It's a sports-hatch. The idea is to be the Honda Fit on steroids. This thing can actually keep up with my 5.0. Has perfectly respectable racing characteristics, and has more then enough power for daily driving since it's not like I race my car every day. It's cheaper, saving me maybe $100/month, and offers one critical piece of hardware that I've been sorely lacking with the stang, and that's cargo room. Now the mustang actually has a shockingly good amount of cargo space. I can fit 2 huge ass suitcases in the trunk for extended travel purposes, it has 2 surprisingly comfortable back seats, and the interior is very roomy and comfortable. The speed3 of course has 10x more of all of this.

Now I'm pretty heavily invested in the mustang. I did the tablet thing (I upgraded to a nexus 7 and cleaned up the cutlines, been meaning to shoot some new video of it), and was going to blow christmas funds on a new exhaust and engine/transmission tune. Plus there's all the money that I've spent so far maintaining the thing. I'm almost to the point where I'm kinda pot committed with it if you know what I mean, so my trade would probably be totally unnecessary. I mean I'd like the extra carrying capacity of the speed3, but I've managed this far without it, I'm sure I can continue.

But thats not the point. What do you guys think of this fucking car?

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Live help by LikeASet, December 07

Hello guys, I'm trying to play live poker "part time" just for extra cash. This blog is just to ask for help and pointers from those who play live poker on a regular basis. One question I have is what you guys think about live reads and how much does your profitable ways rely on making decisions based of live reads vs other factors that we all are used to using during online poker sessions such as recent history, table image, perceived hand ranges of villains, and value/bluffing ranges of villains etc.

I am wondering this because I am thinking about situations where the more profitable decision is more clear if it was occurring online, but might be less obvious in a live situation. For example a whale on the table 4 bet shoving over your 3 bet around 150bb deep on a straddled pot and you hold AKs. I think online I would have snapped called the shove after my 3 bet, but during the live session the whale looked too comfortable doing the shove.

I dunno, should I meditate and try to tap into the spiritual energy of Phil Helmuth more often?

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New by DhakhaR, December 07

So, after living in London for 9 months and doing nothing all that constructive, I've moved to Val d'Isere in the French Alps for the winter. I've got myself a job driving airport transfers and should be moving into my permanent accommodation in the next few days. We're getting a metric ton of snow right now which is amazing for this time of year, if any of Europeans were considering a holiday, now should be cheapish and the snow is phenomenal.

I went to Vegas for the first time in early November on a family holiday and LOVED it. Got to play for about an hour and a half at $1/$3. Sitting down at a table with $300 was a big deal for me, having previously only played micros online and live tournaments for around £5 to £20. I walked away with £401 so I was quite pleased.

After discovering I couldn't just boot up my usual Stars account over here in France, I've jumped through the various hoops to get an account activated on and am ready to start anew with 100euros. Will be interesting to play in this reduced player pool of frenchies. Im aiming to improve my game a lot, will be trying to play as much as possible between driving and skiing, and posting hands ive struggled with. Wish me luck!

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MTTz by NeillyJQ, December 07

Obviously going back to MTT's before I fucking lose my mind,lol... cashgames are fun for me, i tend to play em a month a year or so.

- everyone go to comments of previous blog, page 3 - Byrnesam made a fucking epic video. -

wait heres the link

BOOM - FuckiNG GeniuS. -Byrnesam i take back everything vs u bud, ur king of forums lol totally epic


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Winter Woes by djforever, December 06

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R.I.P Chuck Norris by Syllogism, December 06

Not even Chuck Norris can defeat this guy

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100$ to the man that can help me by VanDerMeyde, December 06

to set up my HEM 2 on the new site im playing (or HEM 1 i dont really care)

I tried, i failed, yes im stupid, yes im a bad geek - but i had enough with emailing support and reading FAQs and nothing helped.

So 100$ will be sent on Pokerstars (or moneybookers or whatever we can agree)
to the man that is willing to help me f.example through screensharing or something

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Movement of Poker Legalization USA by NeillyJQ, December 05


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Overcoming wussiness by 2c0ntent, December 05


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November Income and Expenses by thewh00sel, December 05

Time for another installment of Income & Expenses. This section is where I break down my income and list my expenses for each month along with a short analysis of how I think I can improve on them in the future.

This month was pretty cool. Within the first week I was up 12k after a successful 10/20 shot in a soft game (7k) and a nice 5/10 win and very few losses. The next week and a half or so was pretty stagnant, and by the 21st I was sitting comfortably with the same 12k profit. In the last 10 days of the month I managed to pad an additional 12k onto the total with some nice heat-rocking at 5/10 which got us to the monthly total you see above. Looking over the results, the last 3 months have been very kind indeed; a nice 60k upswing =].

Here are my November Stats:

I managed to get 157 hours of cash games in. My goal is 40 hours per week, but considering that I also played two MTTs which I do not factor into the hourly, I am very happy with the hours I played.

Expenses $15,653
Put up a large number this month on expenses. The main reason for that is that we purchased a used 2005 Pontiac Vibe for $5,400 on Craigslist to replace our inefficient SUV. I did $1,100 worth of maintenance on the vehicle, but it still came in well below blue book value for the car and it's the only one I've seen for less than 7k available online. I am happy with the car, aside from some smoke odors inside, but they have been dissipating since I've been treating it with a smoke-removal we will see. Anyways, now the SUV is up for sale for 14.5k. There is a 10k note (loan) on the vehicle, so if the sale goes through @ 14.5k the replacement vehicle will only be a cash flow loss of ~2k for one month versus a $435 car payment every month. Break even point of ~5 months I believe and an immediate 50% increase in fuel mileage. Pretty excited that the wife got on board for this. Here's a picture of what the car looks like.
Pretty much like that. Same color/model year, but ours has a dent on one of the fenders and some safety shit on it, but whatever you get the idea.

Despite the "expensive" month, we still managed a savings rate of 41.21%. Which is pretty solid given the future savings of the cheaper vehicle. Went way overboard on Xmas shopping (432) and also spent 500 for the pistol I bought earlier this month and 250 to get professional holiday pictures done. I'll leave you with some samples of those. Merry Xmas LP.

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Letter to Santa / Downswing please stop. by Trolala, December 05

Dear Santa

I have been most likely a very good boy this year. I have written comments to lower limit folks, replied to my PM's, haven't really posted bad beat hands and tried to ask questions from those with stars of green.

My wish is for my current downswing to end. It hurts my nerves. Here is the pic. It is since November. NL100/200 (mostly 100). WWSF per hand is the same as during my best months. I didn't become a looser in a month, right? So, can you please make it stop. And I could run above EV for once. Give me some of those cookies you gave nanonoko a few years back? In numbers it's like 9k this year and 4k last year. But I cannot really complain, FTP was reborn and that was definitely over EV.


your biggest troll-fan

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