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Investments: Lending Sites by thewh00sel, July 25

Does anyone have any experience with sites like or If you haven't heard of them, they are sites where you can apply for a personal loan, and the site verifies your income and credit score, etc and then approves you for a loan of $X (up to $35,000 on Then in order to get the loan, people who have money on the site can buy shares of the loan in as little as $25 increments.

Anyways, it seems like with some strict filtering for specific types of loans people have been churning consistent profits between 10-15% by diversifying into hundreds of different loans. The ideal strategy seems to be (to me anyways) to invest in the highest risk loans, because the interest rate is significantly higher, and the default rate doesn't go up equally with the interest rate (i.e someone with perfect credit in the "A" category might have 7% interest, and "A" might have a default rate of 3%, while the lowest level borrowers would have 21%+ interest and a default rate of 7%). So if you can try to filter out the bad eggs in the "bad credit" category I think you can beat the "average" return of 10% that the website claims. And even if you can't, 10% ain't bad.

There is also a trading side of the site where you can buy loans that people want to sell. Seems like there might be some value there too if you can find some good deals. I think the site rakes 1% and the returns are all post-rake from the limited research I've done. I think I'm going to open up an account on LendingClub and maybe in a few months I'll do an update on it. Let me know if you guys have any experience with sites like this, positive or negative.

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mod help please: blogging/wordpress by SemPeR, July 24

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Need Legal Advice by NotSorry, July 24

So my wife is about to start another round of head surgeries to fix a hemangioma that has eroded a hole into her skull. She currently works for a company doing background checks, as she can work from home she'll be missing minimal work however today one of her friends in upper management at the company told her that the company was planning on firing her to avoid having to pay her any disability or deal with her time off. She is currently and has been their top producer for 6 of the 8 months she has worked there. So the question, can they legally do that to her or would be it considered wrongful termination?

Update: Wife confronted her boss about it, he denied all of it and she got a promotion and a raise on the spot

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Playing again. by Cro)Deadman, July 24

NL5 w/ 200$ , 85 in 3 days without using PT3 HEM or any BS...

Also 6max now no nitring anymore, it crushes my soul.

Pretty much it <3 :-) !

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One day in my life lol by Mariuslol, July 24

Hey guyz!!

I got this weird impulse, I'll try it once, so no need to panic or go crazy if it's not wanted or not looked kindly upon in here.

The idea is that I just do my normal day, but instead of just doing it. I write what I do, as I do it, and I add links to whatever I read, right after I've read it. Kind of like a journal I keep updating throughout the day.

Yeah, not sure what will happen, but I've just gotten up now, and atm (means at the moment, not ass to mouth) I'm scribbling on my whiteboard.

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Starting the day off with 5 min of stretching, some water, some Multi-vitamins, a lot of B-x shit in it, some Oil (Udo's choice, I sometimes mumble to myself in a low voice, there's no choice quite like Udo's choice), some gingo-biloba pills, some celery, some C-vitamins, then some more water.

Then Breakfast, some "knekkebrød" with rye, the good shit with double layer of chicken on it, with cold water for drinks.

So after looking at my scribblings, I just sit down at my computer and I start searching for stuff.

Here's first I found:

It's a handsome guy who's all proper n shit who asked a pro Dr, health guy, and a dentist for the most common causes of preventable suffering and how to solve em.
I go make me some coffee, I don't like it too strong, I have a dash of “fløte” in it, just to feel special.

Read some stuff about sitting too much is very bad for you, I kinda skip over all the food bits and stuff like that since I'm so awesome in that area. I'm high master or close, high up there at least. But sitting is something I've done for o so much lol.

Suppose to be 5min every morning and evening

I sometimes get really excited early on, and then a few days after I'm like, waaat, I thought this was cool lol, I'm such a newb. So I'm gonna try it, now. I have to move my table first, find some cool music and try sum.

- Ok tried, used 12 minutes, since I had to stop the video and think here n there, but felt really cool lol

Notice I'm getting a little low on supplies, and I really want to go to the big supermarked, but that's a little bit far, well not far, I'm just lazy. But I've developed this interesting technique (not to be used with reckless abandon mind you very much). <--- I'm just making up cool slogans.

I noticed that when I nag at my brother to do me favors (stuff like, driving me to the super marked), the success rate isn't all that high.

And then afterward I ask someone else, for instance, my dad. Then the same thing might happen, although it's a little higher, I've got a lot of power and leeway here, but with great power also comes great responsibility. (I can just say I'm really sick, fake it, and It's 100%). But then I'll feel like an asshole, so I never, rarely, barely ever do that (ok has happened a few times, but then I feel really bad lol).

So I need to convince him in other ways.... But then again, the success rate drops by quite a bit =[

This isn't much of a problem anymore, due to my brilliant mind. I've only tested it for a month or two, and I don't think it's failed me yet. There's only one requirement for it to work. They both have to be home at the same time (my brother and my father), so what I do is, I tell my brother I really need to buy a lot of stuff, and I try lure him however I see fit. And I ask him if he could kindly ask my dad if he can do me the favor.

(And here's the trick), I've already got another copy paste ready, and I write something similar, but this time to my dad. So now I just have to time it, so I kinda have both's attention at the same time on Facebook, and voila. For some reason, when they both "do me the favor" of asking the other if he can drive me, they start some weird ego war, and tries to "win" or something like that (not 100% sure what happens, but it works).

Only bought amazing healthy stuff, feel free to pm me if you want more details lol. (I use a long time in there, I think, I lift things, shake them about a little, look at them in different angles, ask questions, read ingredients, kinda make it an event lol).

Ok, back to more fun, reading, note taking n shit xD

Skimmed through this, about do a little here n there, proactive crap. This is kinda what Loco poco describes as Pop-psychology, you can easily gain something from it if you're a bit of a newb though.

While eating I like to put on something light and something I don't have to pay too much attention too, so I put on some "approach women" thingy, from this channel. I ate complex pasta, chickecn, bacon, salad, and drank some water

I've always had huge problems watching that kind of stuff, I cringe, my body twists and turn, I make these weird facial expression, get so embarrassed and awkward when I watch people go up to random girls and start talking lol. So I'm trying to get that feeling away lol

A much better article here, Read it a few times, took some notes, u know, just bein a baller. It's about Beliefs that might be holding you back, going through some common ones and some words about shit that might help you get through em.
I liked it!!

(Took some time, thought some, went around hanging up sticky notes all over, tried looking at myself in the mirror and talk, but got so shy, started laughing and ran off lol, "tomorrow damnit").

In between reading, writing, doing stuff, I troll on facebook, just skim through, slap some troll's here and there for good meassure. Nothing too serious, or over the top.

Had around 30 minutes where I've been chatting to my brother and sister, + 2 mates of mine. The topics were about training, what happens if the sun lashes some wind blabla (that's from a guy who's not that bright, but watches a lot of TV), and a little bit to the guy who's just like Loco, but he ignores me a lot, so wasn't much going on there.

Oh, I talked another 20 minutes, this time bout Philosophy. I'm very careful on who I talk Philosophy with, I don't want to listen to anyone, I just want to ramble about things I read and learned lol. Talked some about the first Philosophers, 620bc, what theories they came up with. Like one with a weird long name that starts with A, then some x and Anaximanderlalala or something, and his "student" allegedly, actually, I think it was his student that felt that "air" was crucial, since when air gets heavy it turn to fog, water n such, when it gets dry you get flames. And when people die they stop breathing, and the Gods were made out of air, stuff along those lines, fascinating stuff lol. Anyway, I digress...

Next I read this, I felt it was really scary at first, and that I was in a lot of trouble, since I've been sitting for most of my life. Article on how bad sitting was, and could be.
(Wrote notes about that as well, but this isn't about me posting my notes lol).

Felt it could have been shorter, why not just "Stand up every hour, and train every day lol".
I do agree though, if you're fat, like 80kg and above, it's probably a lot more severe and important.

Small break where I listen to some music, jump around a little in the living room. I'm too shy to dance in public, but alone I do these weird tap with my feet kinda thingys, and I wiggle some, and I bounce, that makes me smile quite a bit. Also like freezing, holding a pose for x amount of seconds, then continue.

Decided to relax a little in my couch, listen to some History of Philosophy. Found this site, not sure if it's awesome yet, I've gotten to Heraclitus, epsiode 5, I think there's 90 + episodes

I've found 2-3 other pages who are better, more in depth, but I felt It'd be cool to just go through the history first, then delve deeper into the ones I found the most interesting. It's taken from this booklist.

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Got some more food, some Turkey on rye bread, two slices, with some green shit on top.
Relaxed with watching some Tedtalks, then some Kripparian clips. (Not really played Diablo3 since May, but I kinda kept watching Kripparian, i think he's the most famous D3 guy). He's just so friendly and relaxing.

Have had Breaking Bad ep2 on for DL, gonna indulge in a little lol and crap for a bit.
(Oj, that episode had me enthralled, it ended in a blink of an eye, that was a pleasant surprise).

Let's see, what's next on my endless imaginary to do list!! (Not totally imaginary, I do write stuff at the start of each day, things I feel like "exploring", learning or what not, but I guess I maybe already said that up there lol).

Sleep, yes, lol, I've struggled with proper sleep, and a schedule for most of my life. But from time to time, I like to re-read, and try a few new things, and see if I can make something out of it, yeap.

First one, real short: Just says a genetic mutation makes it so that some people need less sleep, LOL.

Next one!! (This one I kinda liked xD)

Oj, this one took me quite a long time, since there were so many links to added stuff, like when talking about foods that help induce sleep, I had to google it, go through those and add those in. There were some more links, I like to click them and at least look at them, and if my spider senses tell me I have to read them, I swear, shake my head a little annoyed, and I have at it, like a bwauss.

Next one is more about relaxing, I see the first few things are about Yoga and Meditation. I've ventured into those areas in the past, but I forget doing it, get bored, or just stop thinking about it. But I did take classes for Kundalin Yoga, and I am pretty good at breathing meditatively. So doesn't hurt to take a look at some more.

That one kinda just leads to a lot of other ones. Ai ai ai, I need a quick break before I dive into it.

Meditation for idiots, or something along those lines....

On second thought, clock is now 05:00 in the morning, I've been up since 17:00, I feel I got some energy, not sure from where, so even though it's raining, I'm a jump on my bike, head to the gym, it opens at 05:00. Fuck, hurry, hurry before I change my mind lol. (Can already feel my mind is plotting some amazing excuses for me not to go).

Oh, I'll pm my sister on Facebook and check if she wants to come too lol, oh, and brush my teeth in case there'z sum cute girlz there. Oh, and get my water bottle n my card, ok, all set, yay.

Oj, almost forgot to blow out the candles, I light that shit when I'm relaxing or reading, not sure but I feel it helps in a way.

Rode my bike cycle to the gym, 10 min, warmup, 5 minutes, jogged for 20 minutes, light jogging, but got quite a sweat, for being me, I usually don't sweat much. 15 minutes with stretches and maybe 150 crunches in between the stretching. A total of 40 minutes at the gym, + 10min each way. I drank 0,7 liter there. Perfect xD

When home, I did that fun thingy you can do after you have worked out, like really hot shower, then cold, then lol about with it, just for fun, it's amazing. (Can't really do that when you wake up n stuff, or if you're just bored, or haven't been moving a lot, it just hurts lol, but it's just fun when ur all fired up).

For food I made spaghetti and I fried some tuna, nomnomnom, and then I added sum butter and salt, slapped some green shit on that bad boy and I was done... Yeaah

Ok, reading

Important to note, while in between all this, I usually always troll (might have mentioned it briefly up there, but I suddenly felt an urge to elaborate), but I don't think about that consciously. Unless it's an elaborate (crap, now I used elaborate twice in the same sentence, shit, 3 times, I suck lol) one, and then it's never like I'm stuck, or not sure what to write or say, it's that I'm getting tingles, trying to decide what works best, and I edit, change things up, re-read it. But for most trolls, a sentence or under, it's automatic, yay.

Also when/if people message me when I'm doing something else, it's automatic trolling, 30% of the time I don't even notice I've trolled, and it's quite often people can comment or talk about some troll I've done and I'm not even realizing they're talking about that particular troll, or referring to me.

I think I've trolled since I was a little child, and it kinda always stuck with me. The self humoring thing, not sure where it came from. But for some reason I've always loved entertaining myself, I notice it often gets even more fun if I let 1 or 2 people in on it. Now a days I vary a lot, I can make it 100% obvious to everyone reading, or mix it up with having no one realize I'm trolling. (Not really sure if it's a troll then? I also never put the name Troll on it, I've always done it, and lately casuals, mainstream people, and people growing up have started doing it, but they do it just to “troll” it feels like. For me It's more like lifestyle.

The Trolls can be anything from bothering "friends" on facebook, to community groups on facebook, to more elaborate pranks on people on youtube or in games (when I'm gaming). Or when I'm social, they tend to get bigger and bigger (that's when it gets scary), I get so many ideas and impulses, so I'm often worried I might go over someone's invisible top. (I like to think that I try to get as close to someone's limit as you possible can, but not over it, and the few times It's appropriate to go over it, quickly jump underneath and calm it before whoever is getting troll realized I went over, I don't want people really upset. Anoyed, pissed, moody, entertained, confused, anything around there is pretty awesome.

I'm scrolling through my facebook, today I've not been that active, but I've written 34 troll comments.

It used to be a little more elaborate, since there's this awesome page called "Kjøp & Salg Mo i Rana". And virtually every house hold in our city is part of that group. We've just got 25.000 people in "my" city. And that page is just used for putting up shit, pictures of stuff you want to sell, then people write in the comments what they bid, talk, discuss, haggle.

A few days ago something awful happened though.
I've always been so careful and meticulous, but I got really unlucky, so I got banned.

Wasn't even that big of a troll either, maybe like a 5,0 on a scale of 10,0 on a casual-troll-o-meter. This elderly lady was trying to get hold of this small, antique sofa thingy (ugly as shit), and there were quite few comments in it. It seemed as if she was complaining, almost giving up, since no one seem to have one of those.

So I thought It'd be funny to go "Ohhh, shit, so unlucky, my dad had one JUST like the one in your picture, but our cat took a big dump in it, everything got smeared in poo. I think he threw it in the back of the garage after that".

And I thought that was it, and I was happily on my way further down the picturez. Looking for more good spots.

But then she sent me a PM, acting all crazy like "omg omg (ok she didn't really use omg), but she seemed pretty excited, saying that didn't matter, she could re-dress it or something stupid, pleading if she could buy it.

I got a little "ai ai ai", so to stall for time, I said "Aye, I can't promise anything, but I'll call my dad, he's at work now, but I'll let you know later in the day!".
But then it turned out she kinda knew who my dad was, and she called him instead....
Crap =[

(I think that's why I'm banned, I'm not 100% sure, but she went in a hissy fit n took away one of my favorite pass-time activity).

Some people just want to see the world burn.

Another good one is when someone takes a bad picture of something, let's say a couch, to make it simple. I like to go "hmm, it lookz pretty good, I'm a little interested, hmm... Could you possible maybe take another picture from the other side? (It's a little fuzzy)"
And if it's a woman, or a girl, they always comply LOL, and they upload more pictures, yay.
Then the game IS ON!! (Pretty obvious what's going on now), the goal of the game is to see how many times you can get the girl to upload another picture.

My record is around 7 or 8 times.

I also once got the girl to lay in the couch, but when I found out her boyfriend took the picture, I acted all moody in the comment and snuffed, said I wasn't interested (tried to make it obvious I was moody she had a bf).

Hmm... there is one problem with having this "affliction" (I think I can call it that, since I can't really control it lol, at least not at times, or I can moderate it at least xD). If I use my willpower to avoid 5-10 good spots, it just keeps getting increasingly harder, and eventually I'll pop. (Kinda like when I did that Byrnesam no fap challenge, suddenly I was watching with 30 tabs up, the most bizarre fetishes I've never been to, with a fap marathon, fapping for 3 hours straight, then at it again 1 hour later, by the evening I was genuinely concerned I might have broken it).

Where was I... Yeah, there... Ok.

I used to have over 300 friends on Facebook, now I'm down at 103. The first people to go were the ones who got easily offended, then quite a few fat people. Then a few old people. I had added some people I knew were religious, they all gone too lol. (Yay, thanks Hitchens).
But I think that's a good thing, in a way.

I do regret trolling too hard on a lot of the girls who were good looking, but you can't go around treating people differently lol, and besides, those are the one's who's most fun to troll xD

Am a little nervous I might lose one of the hottest I've got left on facebook, I did a troll on her last night, she uploaded a picture from her phone, and it was so dark you couldn't see her face, was too dark and blurry.

Not 100% sure what I wrote, but something along the lines of "ahh, that's maybe the best picture I've seen of you so far". (Stupidly mild one though, like I'm a little scared any shy to troll that one lol. I'm such a whimp at times lol).

Another deep form of trolling, I'm not sure if anyone but me will find this one funny. But you know those people who update their facebook 30 times a day, when they're moody, when they're tired, when they had a good cup of coffe, when they had a friend over, that they made some bread, the list goes on.

I LOVE answering those, as politely, and honestly as I can. Inquire further, or a smile, the most mundane, boring shit I can think of I try my hardest to write. Not 100% sure why, but it fills me with joy.

So, let's take "xxxxx" a xx girl, she does that shit nonstop. So when she writes like ""#¤"#¤ so mad, fuck men"

I instantly go "ahh, what's up? I hope no one is miss-treated you or anything".

Then she's free to write why she's angry... Not even exaggerating when I say, that sometimes those super tiny, mundane, invisible to 90% trolls has me in fits, sometimes I can even have tears coming down my chin. Can't quite the sensation.

"Ahh there, now all the snow's been plowed, phew, that was a lot of work, now I deserve some hot coco"

"Oj, you plowed the whole thing yourself, and you're a girl. I must say, I'm pretty impressed".

That last sentence there, is also a 100% troll lol. (Me trying to be as boring as I can possible muster).

A few things annoy me though, one of them is my sister, somehow she's become immune to my trolls. But that doesn't stop me from trying. I've probably tried 5-7times today, she hasn't bitten once.

Let me go have a look...

Ok, here's one.

She wrote her husband was making her kebab.

I reply with "Hmm, *Name of husband here* once told me I was a kebab. What you think he ment by that?".

And then just nothing!!

Ok, so this is just small trivial stuff. I'll show you guys a bigger one. It happened yesterday, so it's kinda doesn't fit 100% of "stuff I've done in a day". BUT I wrote one of the long replies in the troll today, so it kinda counts anyway.


A mate of mine who's pretty intelligent, (in a way he never miss- spells, he never trolls, he rarely if ever swears, always factual, very pessimistic, former nihilist, he's close to an exact replica of Loco, he only difference is that he keeps me around on skype lol, and that he sometimes talks back to me).

I've sat trying to get his attention for most of the day, but he ignores me a lot. So after trying various techniques I finally manage to annoy him enough to get an answer.

I keep pestering, trying to find out what he's doing, but he refuses. And I felt right away it was something he didn't want me to know, embarrassed, something along those lines. I think his correct words were "You're not mentally mature enough to appreciate blablabla".

This makes me open my mouth in amazement, I'm so intrigued right now, so interested I'm almost shaking lol.

I do my best at convincing him to tell me, I just lay at him. When this happen I start to write fast, really fast, I think I break over 1000 touch per minute or somewhere around there. I enter a flow state or something similar.

So after spamming he agrees to let me in on it, after I've "kinda in a non formal way agreed I'd not make fun of him, no jokes, no troll, no laughing etc". It's kinda in the air. (He's still probably moody about the time I got him to tell me how he masturbated, and he did this trick with his finger to stimulate his anus. It so caught me off guard, he was so 100% not the person to talk, admit, or even do that kinda stuff. Makes me smile each time I see his name, talk to him, or each time he says something profound or smart lol.

Anyway, he tells me there's this sub forum on Reddit for something called ASMR. (Let me just quote what that means, since I didn't fully get it myself).

"Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a physical sensation characterized by a pleasurable tingling that typically begins in the head and scalp, and often moves down the spine and through the limbs."

And he had been enthralled, watching this girl preform simple tasks, or whispering, or clicking on wooden boxes, shit like that for over 3 hours straight.

He sent me this link, Where she's "preforming" asmr (I'm thick lol, I didn't realize she knew what she was doing, I thought she wasn't in on it, and just had vods up, and just got happy people was watching her shit lol).

Just click the link, watch it for 25 sec, then pause, then continue reading, watch more of it later if you want, not right now lol

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Not 100% why, but the whole thing made me happy, I couldn't watch more than 1-2 minutes of it, even though she was hot lol. But I knew I had to pm her, and I got a pm back pretty quickly.

After a few pm's I got down to businiss.

And instead of talking about it as I have previously, I'll just go and copy paste. But before I can do that I need to explain a few things. (There's literally hundreds of things, but I'll go through some of the big ones).

I changed Celz's name to KimPim. Why Kim, is kinda "deep", but Kim thinks Celz is moody, and Celz don't like that, I always make nicknames for people, Kim is KimPim. A close irl friend of mine, he's 2 meters tall, maybe the kindest guy on the planet, or at least high up there. He's always kind, his best attributes is being tall and listening. Yes, he actually listens deeply, it's weird. He never gets into trouble. And when he walks around his coordination is a bit off lol. And he's one of my favorite people to have around lol.

(Very often when I need a name, I use his, there's also some history between him and Celz, that makes it even more fun that it says KimPim instead of his name, but no time to go into that now lol).

So whenever you see "KimPim" talk, it's actually Celz, and I've "edited" it slightly, given him some poor structured sentences + I give him some spelling errors rofl. And often when he's avoiding something, or being boring, I just "write what I feel he's actually saying" lol, so I'm making him look 70% more stupid, and by doing that I come out a lot better lol . But we're still kinda saying close to, hmm, let's see... 80% of what's being said in the convo, I've just edited and changed up a few things I felt were more accurate here and there.

The conversation starts from when he had just linked me the Youtube of the Asmr girl.
(This is my 3rd PM to her on Youtube)

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After sending that I got a reply, where she was smiling, going on about "awhh you just wanted me to add you on Facebook".

I got a little flustered, didn't quite get it until a few seconds had passed lol. But that blindsided me, although it shouldn't have lol.

To that I pm'd back

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After that I got another PM, she was smiling again, saying she liked all the pictures!
After a few seconds I realized she had been on my facebook, looking through my pictures lol. So I sent back another PM

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(oh, almost forgot, I quickly sent her another pm, with just a picture of a trumpet)
HEhe, here's her reply

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The most important thingy in this pm is the end, look, it's amazing, she told me she had her birthday, yay.

But now I feel I've been a little "mean" but not too mean, but I should maybe throw her a compliment or two, that feels about right =]

My next pm
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No idea if the last pm was funny, but I was in fits again, I think it might have something to do with my playlist. The dark knight end theme song was on, and I kinda just winged it at the end there lol.

And here is her reply

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I've not replied after this, look, all the smileys, she's so happy now. I feel I gave her a lot of value, and I like to just leave when I'm at the top xD

Ok, hopefully that didn't get too longwinded, I tried shortening it down, but that's a little more elaborate troll, what I mean by that, is that it takes more time, like an hour all in all, with thinking and writing (but it's not work, I'm having a blast, entertaining myself xD).

It's just "harmless" fun online, irl it can get worse, but it's very safe and stabil atm, since I spend most of my time alone, and have for quite some time. But it can quickly turn "ugly" when I'm sociable lol.

For some reason, when someone calls me, if I'm not focusing, whatever the person is saying, I reply with the oposite. Someone ask me something, I answer something else, I know the answer, I say I don't, I don't know the answer, I pretend I do and make up something.

Can do a quick example. (When I write things in parenthese, I'm just explaining, not things being said in the conversation)

My dad calls me

Dad: Hey, what you doing?
Me: Smoking pot (I've never smoked pot, maybe 6-7 times 10 years ago lol)
Dad: What.. I thought you said you cut that shit out (He thinks I've been on and off for years lol)
Me: Yeah, I know, but I kinda started a little lately. Michael was by, and he had some, and I hadn't seen him in awhile. (Michael is my brother)
Dad: "Long drawn out sigh" (Like you can tell he's getting flusterd)
Dad: Well, it's your life, I can't tell you what to do and not do
Me: Hehe, you did get really mad when I pretend I was gay
Dad: "#¤&¤ Can you be serious for one second, stop with that nonsense (Here I let him "take me" in a joke, or being silly, this balancing of my range helps my actual bluffs work close to 100% of the time)
Dad: Just wanted to check up on you, your phone's been off for a week
Me: Yeah, I don't really like phones
Dad: Stop being silly, you used to be on Facebook all the time, but not lately
Me: I kinda prefer how it was in the old days
Dad: What do you mean?
Me: They used Pigeons, the wrote letters and had them deliver it
Dad: Stop being silly
Me: No, it's true!!
Me: Would be cool if we used drums
Dad: .......
Me: Or smoke signals maybe
Dad: I'm hanging up
Me: Noo wait nooooo
Dad: Good bye
Me: Noooooo "clark, he hangs up" ooooohhehehhehehEHEHEHEHEHE *evil laugh*

"Then a shrug" and a "throw phone in sofa"

Fuck, this kinda dragged on. I've got a few more articles to read through, and I kinda got lost in this lol.

I wonder if I'll just leave all of this in the blog article, without proof-reading or checking anything. Just have it as it got streamlined when I wrote it. Yeah, I think I'll do that =]

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Making Bank by Jas0n, July 23

Business is good. Been meaning to make this post for a while now but haven't had the time. Ever since I got to the suburbs edzwoo and I have been working like mad. Putting in a good 40-50 hours each week and going in on Sundays. Warehouse is amazing but as always I think we underestimated the amount of space we need. It's a 6000 square ft warehouse and we filled up 2/3 of it in a month. Right now it's just me and edzwoo in the office and two of our high school friends in the warehouse doing the manual labor. They'll be heading back to grad school in late August though so we're in the process of hiring some full time employees very soon. Our first position is for a warehouse supervisor, which pays ~37k a year on average in our area. Have three interviews set up for the end of this week with a possible fourth. It will probably be kind of weird for them to come in and see that the guys doing the interviewing are 23 years old. I'm a little concerned about being take seriously as someone's superior at work because of my age but I guess we'll see what happens.

Setting everything up took a lot longer than expected. At one point we were showing up at 10 in the morning and leaving at 10 at night. My goal was to use our capital as quickly as possible so the warehouse space doesn't go to waste. Spent 50k in two days, 100k in a week. Not going to lie, it was a little overwhelming using up so much money in such a short period of time. Talked to a business lawyer about some legal issues recently as well just to tie up loose ends. I knew there would be a lot of little details that had to be taken care of when you move a business but there was a lot more than I expected. Things like servicing fire extinguishers, buying workman's compensation, figuring out what kind of shelves to use, and etc take up an enormous amount of time and before you know it the day is over and there's still a million things I have left to do.

One of the random problems we encountered was that our loading dock is declined. This means that when the semi trucks pull in, their trailers are at a downward angle. We had no idea this would be a problem for us until we realized that a pallet jack with a pallet holding 2000 lbs of merchandise can gain a crapload of momentum as it moves off the truck and into the dock. This wouldn't happen if the dock was leveled, but because its declined by the time it hits the ground the pallet is moving at 10-15 miles an hour. It's definitely not easy stopping that much weight when it's moving that quickly. Normally this wouldn't be a problem because warehouses have forklifts that will drive the pallet off the truck. For us, we bring everything in by hand with a pallet jack. Went ahead and bought a pallet jack with brakes the next day.

Sales are really good. We've been operational for a month and sales have already increased by 30%-40%. We're hitting all time record highs for non-holiday weeks. Once the holiday comes around we'll be getting five figure sales everyday. We've gotten big enough to the point that the local post office can't handle the amount of volume we're doing. I'm currently going back and forth with USPS's district sales manager to try and come up with a solution. They might just put us on a freight route and have a semi come by everyday to pick up our outgoing packages.

In 2011 we did just over a million in sales. This year we are already at 910k and on track for 2-2.5 mil. Fingers crossed.

tl;dr business is good

my office

edzwoo hard at work

new laser printer, label printer and server

first shipment - ~12,000 lbs

my buddy Alex giving us a hand

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What the hell LP? by Arirang, July 23

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Day 74 Sundays by NeillyJQ, July 23


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NeillyAA $75R #2 by NeillyJQ, July 23


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favorite audio books or radio shows or comedy? by patti, July 22

Listened to:
1) Outliers
2) Consider the Lobster
3) The Alchemist

and thought that these were all good audio books.

Some books that I think are worth reading that make terrible audio books

1) The Great Gatsby
2) Atlas Shrugged
3) Catcher in the Rye
4) God is not Great
5) The God Delusion

Also I have to highly recommend Shelly Kagan's Philosophy on Death course that is available on audio torrents.

Anything Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle's Killing them softly, there were some Mitch Hedberg and some Eddie Murphy both with funny bits but not quite as polished as the before mentioned.

Was hoping to find some new audio resources whether it is NPR radio shows, other audiobooks, or entertaining comedy

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Collateral murder by Mortensen8, July 22

Don't know how I didn't see this. The guy who leaked this is in jail I think.

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Lol Adam Scott by Luna_Bluffgood, July 22

My friend had 10€ on Adam Scott to win the British Open at 39:1. We has 5 up with 4 to play against Stricker and lost...

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Remote viewing by Mortensen8, July 22

Pretty interesting.

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Random thought by KoeBawlt, July 21

Is there a word for when something mundane and common suddenly seems alien? I just wrote down the word "broadway" and I stared at it for about 30 seconds thinking "broad" is an impossibly strange spelling and there's no way that's how it's spelt. The o before the a just looks so weird but I've wrote that words at least hundreds of times in my life.

Also when I say a word many times in a row it starts sounding like it's not a real word any more.

I don't think I'm making any sense so I'm just gonna wrap this up

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day 73 by NeillyJQ, July 21

just gonna keep grinding my ass off, no reason to chronicle or blog from

i'll do a blog a couple times a week ne ways, just updating how things are going and whats goin on

just been grindin like a madman

won a couple mtts for 1.7k prof today

mu at 5.3k

lets clear that.


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Moved to California by palak, July 20

Got a job as a QA analyst.
Drove down from just north of Philly where I was living, 2910 mile drive...13th time I've driven across the country. Super fucking boring.

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Fantasy vs Jangbi OSL final (bets?) by whamm!, July 20

Game will be on August 4

Fanta is a huge favorite (9-0) crushing everyone heading to the finals includng 3-0 Flash(GOD).
I'm willing to bet 399usd pokerstars on Jangbi, just looking at least semi decent odds. I tried testing my poker game after almost 2 years and it's still shit lol
Final "im quitting" poker post hehe.

anything less than that would also be good. minimum of 100usd bets is fine up to 399.
btw ive done alot of Broodwar OSL finals bets and some NBA with a lot of respectable LP guys up to 500usd before e.g. Ket, Fayth, Rek, Evilsky, Bulshit etc.

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Your PS my Lock by RaulMarin, July 20


i need $ at Lock Poker but i cant do a deposit using my credit card.

i need help, someone send me the $ and i pay at PokerStars

i can send the money first if you think i try to steal the money, or we can do it using a mod or something.. thx!!!

i need only $100 and i send you $105 if you want.


sorry my bad english haha

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Day 72 by NeillyJQ, July 20

was an alright day, yesterday i got 1st in the 55r on lock for 2665 and had a couple small final tables other than that.

getting otg right now, was too tired to blog last night

one time lets get a good roll runnin for the casino

oh, got unbanned from local poker from from a fight at the table (no info will be disclosed on it so don't ask) today after 13 months !

place is a ghosttown most days now though,mostly trips to buffalo and pittsburgh for live and turning stoned for poker trips - wherever the mtt is - ill be there mtting and 1/2 - 5/10in

ne ways gl guys
everyyyyyyone win this weeekendddd (from tha lp atleast~)

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Friday by Highcard, July 20

I thought yesterday was Friday. For almost the entire day I had thoughts that is Friday but also thinking tomorrow (Today) was Friday.

I thought yesterday was Friday. I realized at 11pm it was Thursday.

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