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day 50 by NeillyJQ, June 08


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Recent Fun by KoeBawlt, June 08

I just finished playing a session at the 10NL deepstack tables. I play at most 2 tables, try to focus and be give myself strict stop-losses. The last part's necessary because I'm usually not practicing great BR management when I do it, but I think ultimately it's not bad because A) If I lose at most 2 buyins I drop down and get it back from 5NL fishies, B) The player quality is significantly higher (although not too high) so I think and learn more as I play, and C) It's way more fun and some of these people just giving away $25 every once in a while.

It's super likely that I'm getting cocky after a run of positive variance (I think I went from low $200s to $300 today; and this session I ran at 100bb/100). I posted a blog about tilting (not really worth reading in case you're considering) - it definitely affects my game - and I think I'll have to be careful that I don't tilt from this hot streak. One thing I'm worried about is getting too comfortable at the tables. It happens to me if I've been winning and it leads to terrible play. Because of that I'm not sure if I should stay at the 10NLDS tables or not. I think I'll put 2bi to it and reevaluate if I lose those.

I'm going to post some hands in spoilers below in case anyone is interested. I've included commentary/questions/context at the top of each spoiler. If you do check some out and have the time I always appreciate comments on my hands

Horrible Spew:
+ Show Spoiler +

Bluffing in 3b pot
+ Show Spoiler +

3b pot river bluff
+ Show Spoiler +

Thin value on riv with KK
+ Show Spoiler +

A treat
+ Show Spoiler +

Bluff at a multiway pot
+ Show Spoiler +

I think I'll summarise by saying that I definitely ran super godly well over these few hundred hands. I'm trying to work aggression into my game at these tables as well. Not too aggressive (I'm not looking to try to 4b light pf), but it seems that the players fold (a bit) more than at 5NL.

-e- PS I ran into this video and it's very cool

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Save 6mo worth of living expenses? Myth or Fact? by MARSHALL28, June 08

I originally posted this in my CR blog, but figured since I've started posting a bit more in this one that I should just post the same messages in both....

So since I started to take my life a little bit more seriously. I mean, considering it's very obvious that my ceiling is clearly not as high as I originally believed it might be regarding how much money I could potentially be able to make in the future as a poker pro, this is what I've come up with....

Here are my estimated monthly expenses:
STORAGE - 180/mo
RENT - 1000/mo
MISC - 1000/mo= 3700/mo

3700x6 months = $22,200

22k? If I'm just keeping that locked up, what am I supposed to use for a bankroll? Sometimes I play 5/10nl with less than this in my bankroll. Geez, all I need to do is double my hours weekly and I would be flush. I'm pushing 10-15 hours a week lately which is even worse than the previous few months, even after I said I need to up the hours I put in each week. Kinda sad to see I haven't made any progress, but such is life. I think it's mostly a matter of motivation. Hopefully being around another poker player with a much better work ethic than myself will push me to want to play more and earn more money. Being at the Rio today and watching Brian Hastings win the 10k HU shootout for 370k definitely helped to make me feel like I should put more effort into my poker. I'm really tired of seeing people who aren't as good as me making way more money--not saying this about Brian haha, he's >>>>>>>>>>>>me--I just am speaking in generalities.

I've been doing this for pretty much 6 years now for a living and I've never kept this kind of money as a backup. Sometimes my bankroll is less than that amount. And this is also with the consideration that I've played somewhere between 2.5-3 million hands (3/4 of that being at 400nl+). Nobody can know for sure at this point though because I've lost a lot of databases along the way, but ~600k hands a year my first 3 years and probably ~300k hands a year the following 3. This is the most accurate I can be, I mean, give or take 500k hands. Since January 08 I haven't been anywhere near close to bust.

If you play a super high variance style (or just PLO for that matter), I could see this being necessary, but even when I used to do that, I still never came close to needing this much money just sitting waiting in case something bad happened. If you watch my videos nowadays, you see I play a pretty low variance style, and I feel comfortable with just 5k as a backup.

If your lowest level as a regular isn't 400nl, then I think things might change a bit for you because, me, personally, if I for whatever reason just randomly lost 80% of everything I had, I could just get a loan from a friend for like 5k and grind .5/1nl and 1/2nl and come out and just rebuild everything I needed to live. If your highest game is lower than 400nl as a regular, then you would have a bigger problem, because you (likely) wouldn't be able to get as large enough of a loan, and you would have to start at much lower stakes to rebuild your bankroll (and your life), which will take a lot more time and probably force a lot more pressure.

What I'm deciding is that I need to probably keep somewhere between 5000-7500 for emergency expenses (obviously I can cut down on medications and alcohol expenses if it's a matter of living in the streets versus earning a wage), and now I need to start thinking about how I want to manage my online bankroll versus my live bankroll. Seems like a pretty good time to give my old coach Tommy Angelo a call and ask him his opinion regarding how I divy it up.

Never in the past have I even considered keeping both a live and an online bankroll since, well, for one I never have planned on playing live games for a living, and two, I always felt like any cash I had that was outside of an online poker website wasn't to be used for anything other than spending cash.

Times are changing and I have to adapt. I've been adapting in one form or another the past 6 years regarding online poker and if you've watched my videos you'd know just as much. This type of adaptation is a bit different, but it's obviously something I'm going to figure out. I always figure things out, despite all my terrible habits and self-destructiveness. But this whole idea of starting to play live as well as online is forcing me to re-think the way I've done things in the past. One thing I'm realizing is that I never really prepared myself to play live before since all I would do is withdraw a certain amount from my online roll and play way higher live than the amount I withdrew could handle. I don't want to do that anymore, so I need to make some changes.

I did attempt to make a change when I went to Arizona to coach that HS basketball team. And I actually had some pretty good success. I was pushing 210 pounds and ended up dropping down to 175 by the time I left. 35 pounds isn't something most people could let go of in 3 months, so I know when I put my mind to something I can come out with strong results. When I head up to NorCal, I want to drop another 15 pounds and get to my target body weight 160LB while also putting on some muscle this time. I don't really wanna be a beefcake dude or anything like that, but if I can get a little toned it'd definitely do nothing but increase my self-esteem. I guess that will be my goal when I head up there since my roommate and I are going to be hiring a trainer on full time to work with us in the gym and on our diet by preparing our food for us. It'll be expensive but I'm willing to work a little harder because of the potential benefits I see. He won't be able to do anything to stop my drinking, but when I was working out so much in Arizona my drinking actually receded considerably, so I do expect that to happen again. Only good things I see in the future. As long as I don't choose to be a bum.

I've never been one to state blatant lies or agree to something then go back on it, so I think I have a pretty good chance, and either way, I won't be lying about how well or how poorly I'm doing. So I guess it's just time to wait and see what happens.

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Fairly decent blog post by DustySwedeDude, June 07

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pt3 on merge no longe work by blahblah1234, June 07

Since they updated today has anyone else experienced this?

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Switching to PLO? quick tips by Ket, June 06

I got a pm from a LPer a while ago who was asking about switching from msnl to plo. I thought I'd share the Q&A

Hey Ket,

Just had a few random PLO questions, hope you don't mind, tell me to bugger off if you like

I'm a 2/4+ NL reg atm, and have forever been considering a switch to PLO. How are today's games compared to NL? How do you think the future games will be?

I'm still looking to be playing poker at least 3+ more years, do you think learning PLO would be worth it?

Any general advice on switching is much appreciated, it sure as hell is alot more fun!


Really quick cliff notes:
- people play plo much worse than people play nlhe today
- the above is not necessarily good news, because actually plo is much harder to get good at and quite a bit more complicated than nlhe
- imo there's more potential for money to be made at plo than nlhe and this will most likely remain the case for the foreseeable future (tho really cant speculate on future too well, lots of unforeseen stuff can happen).. but on the flipside it's ofcourse also harder
- nlhe skills dont translate well into plo skills. i personally found plo really frustrating to learn for a long time while i was still playing nlhe on the side, and only really started making progress after i decided to quit nlhe completely and focus 100% on learning plo. it was a risky step to abandon a game i can already make a living at for a game i'm bad at, and probably shouldn't be considered unless you've accumulated enough and are overrolled enough that you can afford to have a fruitless few months at least, and have the strength to keep trying
- i dont need to tell you this as you should already know from having gotten to 2/4nl, but learning a new game to a level where you can make good money won't be easy. not everyone can do it.
- if you invest time learning, playing more than 4 tables is probably the stupidest thing to do. one might even argue 4 is too many when learning. you need to question and think about literally every decision
- you've probably heard things about the variance already. be prepared for long periods of pain and dont fall into the trap of blaming variance and aiev on why you're doing poorly. you could always do work to improve your edge, and a player with a big edge will have 50bi downswings way way way less often than a player with a small edge (i.e. most midstakes regs that play a shitload of tables, go for sne and cry about big variance)

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day 49 by NeillyJQ, June 06

do you really wanna live forever, forever, n ever?

long time would be nice

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Half Marathon by F4Zi, June 06

I'm raising money for Starlight by taking part in 2012 Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon. Please sponsor me at

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Day 48 by NeillyJQ, June 05

i gotta quit smoking cigarettes soon.

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i took these by spets1, June 05


+ Show Spoiler +

anyway im back from phils to australia. its freezing here, winter started few days ago. im having all sorts of allergic reactions to this place. I need to look for a job but im not in a hurry cos im lazy and i actually got some money left over to survive on for now. I want a job somewhere up north wehre its warm, like cairns or mackay or darwin or something like that. Will see how we go. Optimal would be to get a job overseas in asia, thailand or phils or somewhere like that but dunno if thats going to work out.

btw jsut cheked the blogs ranking and im ranked first here lolz, awesome.
gimme more five stars

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Website/programming help by Jun, June 05


I've just graduated and i'm looking to make a website for a business i have in mind, tho i graduated in economics.
So basically i know nothing about programming php or html.
What i want is a site where people can login with their account, post content and that other people can see that content.
I'm willing to pay for the hosting etc etc but preferably not for a programmer i'd prefer to make it myself.
There are some sites like Wix but they dont allow you to upload content and create profiles

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Great players by FvL, June 05

Poker is like life. Someone has to be the worst at it, for someone else to be the best.
Normal people are somewhere in between, and most of us are convinced to be on the + side of
the average.

I read a blog once, written by Jungleman. Couldn't find it, but I'm pretty sure it said:
“When you're running bad, just try to win two buy-ins each session. Your luck will turn around”
Or something to that effect.

Winning is just something that comes THAT naturally to him when playing poker?

I don't get it. When I run bad I'll lose, at least, two buy-ins each session. When I run normal,
I'm happy to win two buy-ins. My guess: a player like Jungleman doesn't even acknowledge the
spots normal players see as to be “difficult”. They are just “logic” to him. Nature.

Like when a mature, non-disabled person asking me to explain the concepts of “walking” or “writing” to him.
That's how Jungleman must feel when I show him my Hand History and ask for advice.

Must be nice.


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Day 47 by NeillyJQ, June 05

take pride in everything you do;

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Prometheus (spoilers!) by Balzamon, June 04

I will give another warning, do not keep reading if you dont wish to get spoilers from the movie!

Maybe I write this to soon after the premiere, but im thinking if you are somewhat of an Alien fan you will have watched this movie by now. I watched it yesterday and after coming home I have spended perhaps 4-5 hours googling and reading about other peoples thoughts about all the questions this movie does not right out answer. I will right away say that the movie itself is not great, its not bad at all, but not great. But the theme behind it is wonderfully mysterious, filled with thrilling questions if you are an Alien fan like me. If someone else here is as hooked as me maybe you could direct me to stuff i havent already read? Or share your thoughts here with me!

So Prometheus is about creation. Why did they create us, what part did they have in us making our society and how big part does religion have in the movie, why did they direct us to their solar system, and finally why do they want to destroy us?

What part did David have? What did he tell the engineer in the end before he went havoc? Does he despise humans and hoping for our extermination?

What will a follow up be about?

Many questions and more! Some links i found worthy so far is: (interview with writer Damon Lindelof) (a fan making imo pretty good speculations, also so good reads in the commentary field)

Guess I will make a short sum-up what i thought about the movie itself. I guess my main problem was hoping it would be as much alike as Alien possible, rather than a pure action movie. Its not. Theres no tention at all like in Alien and the dialogue is, as in so so so many other big budget films these days, so cheesy. Ridley Scott is supposed to be a huge Stanley Kubrick fan? When have you ever watched a Stanley Kubrick movie and hating on the dialogue? Never i hope. Why the need for small jokes everywhere, for sarcastic witty comments all the time? Its fine for a popcorn action movie but its NOT fine if you want to create a masterpiece (like Ridley Scott has proven that hes capable of; Alien & Blade Runner).

Why the need for extra action scenes like the storm in the beginning? Or the ship crashing right over their heads so they have to run for their lives in the end. Isnt the GREAT material of the threat from engineers and xenos and whatnot other creatures enough to create great horror in itself? More is not always (if ever) better, when will they learn?

I liked most scenes from inside the engineers ship, it felt authentic and a bit of the good old Alien vibe got to me. It has a great background story, and mostly decent actors. I give it a solid 7/10 but i would have liked to be able to give it more

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Best motivation!!! by jvilla777, June 04

First I watch n listen..

then I try and crush the MICROS

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Montreal You're Awesome by Bejamin1, June 04


Only in Montreal can you go to one park and witness a bunch of people tightrope walking between trees, LARPing, and a drum circle. What a strange and awesome city.

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Another good day by Target-x17, June 03

Dragged my ass out of bed a little hungover even won a 2200 man 2.5 for 900

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Da y 46 by NeillyJQ, June 03

poker is like any other job, good days and bad days

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Temp chick+new job by LemOn[5thF], June 03

temporary gf?
So I met this chick the other day. She is leaving for a month in a couple weeks and then goes to New Zealand to work on a dairy farm in October.
She is super independent, always wants to pay doesn't like door holding and this kind of stuff, and we rarely text or phone :O

We agreed we will only have fun, and click together very well, always end up having deep drunk convos for some reason. We went for a hike, barbecue, a Scottish film and a walk around the city, she even came over a couple nights but it was that time of the month which is pretty frustrating (for her too, she told me herself :D)

I still want to see how this turns out, with me being busy and she working in a care home we can basically do just booty calls after 9pm - a refreshing change after a 3.5y of serious relationship. Still it's a new situation for me knowing the relationship has no future - can you see any drawbacks/have any experience with this kind of stuff?

new job
Well that didn't take long.
Chose to sell insulation door to door with a marketing company that does outsourcing for big companies. Basically going door to door, measuring lofts, and signing people up for a mostly free loft and wall insulation paid by government grants. There is training for 2 hours every day, I want to learn and not take it just as a job, but will have to spend there 11hr/day.

Still more likely to take on poker on the weekends this time, my last job was never over and I had to prospect new companies almost always. I'm waiting for my salary from my last job and will start at NL10 a few hours per week - watch out for new hands and overanalysis of micros

P.S. This no fap thing is ridiculous, I can't last a day how the fuck do you guys do it?

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Selling: D3 Gold by NotSorry, June 03

22$ per mil, $20 per mil for orders over 3mil. Also trading 3mil gold for a new D3 accounts.

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