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got into a fight by tutz, April 29


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Day 14 by NeillyJQ, April 29

To each there own.

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Need Help, HM1 hours by Highcard, April 28

How do I find out how many hours I played per day/week/month in HM1 ?

Never mind, used to HM2 and thought it was a filter

Found it under Sessions tab

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What is this shirt called? by superfashion, April 28

looking to buy something like this but i have no idea what it's called. searching "tee shirt with front ties" basically just returns those stupid shirts with tuxedos printed on the front or whatever. anyone have any idea if there's an actual term for this style?

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Pokerstars Tips by Bejamin1, April 28

I had to laugh when I saw this after clicking on the lobby link this morning. I wanted to see if there would be any double VPP weeks although those are truly a thing of the past nowadays. This is what I found from Pokerstars tips about Milestone hands.

Milestone Hand Tips:
Play on more tables - If you are able to play on more than one table at a time, you will increase your chances of being dealt into a milestone hand.
Play longer sessions - The size of the prizes depends on the number of VIP Player Points (VPPs) you have earned while sitting at the table. Try to take a seat at a table well in advance of the next milestone hand to increase the amount of your potential prize.
Loosen up - you earn VPPs every time you contribute to a raked pot. The more pots you play in, the more VPPs you will earn.

Play more tables, more hands, and longer hours! Thanks for the tip Pokerstars .

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Tetris Battle by Floofy, April 28

Hey guys i was wondering if any of you tryed this facebook game and what your rank is.

At first when my gf made me try it i thought it would suck but its actually fun since your constantly matched with people close to your level and game is well made.

i'm currently rank 18.

also i was wondering if you guys think something like this: is legit. There is no way i could ever be that fast. Sometimes i think top players are bots

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Round 2 by spets1, April 28

+ Show Spoiler +





Poll: so hard
(Vote): 1
(Vote): 2
(Vote): 3
(Vote): 4

+ Show Spoiler +

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Recording by julep, April 28

Anyone here record songs? Ive written a bunch and have just bought an audio interface.

I have a good guitar but not a good amp. so what programs do i need to simulate an amp?
i downloaded ableton live 8 but not sure im that happy with it.

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drunk as fu*K WTF by Mortensen8, April 28

Let me try some play poker at 10 am pleases stake me for tournaments guys cmon ok zzoooom it is quickest easiest i bet i can out play regs fucking bnooooobs

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Buy a gun? by NewbSaibot, April 28

So today I had a rather unusual encounter. While entering the freeway to head into town some maniac started tailgating me at 80 mph. Not just normal "get the fuck out of the way" tailgating, but like 2 inches-directly-from-my-bumper-about-to-cause-a-crash tailgating. So I speed up a little but realize I'm not going to do 100 mph until I get a ticket, meanwhile cocksucker is still on me like I've got a dead body hanging out the trunk. He finally decides to pass and I let him, only to get up to my window and start flipping me off and other retarded shit, so I just gunned it and blew right past him again.

Once again he starts tailgating me beyond the threshold of safety, so I let off the accelerator and coast down to about 35 mph on the freeway while he continues to stay behind me, until he finally goes for the pass and I just slam on the gas and take off again. He catches up to me again and starts waving goodbye which I dont quite know what to make of, and I start running out of freeway and am forced to enter city streets.

I'm a little nervous to let him box me in at a traffic light or something so I continue to take known roads until I reach a Wal-Mart parking lot. Then we just drive laps at 15 mph around the entire parking lot as he continues to chase me or whatever. I finally punch in the GPS to go to the nearest police station and figure I'll let him chase me there and see what happens. I am forced to stop because a car gets in front of me, at which point he quickly comes up beside me and starts yelling "go on little girl! go on!". I dont really understand what his deal is but I got the impression he was giving me the right of way, which I can only deduce to mean he thinks I cut him off somehow. I usually enter the freeway pretty fast just for the fun of punching the accelerator, but I also make sure the road is clear before doing it. I'm a very courteous and observant driver and there's no way I cut anyone off.

So it kinda got me thinking that this guy might be a psycho, and I'm sitting here having to keep my car in motion to make sure he cant get beside me and shoot me or throw a bottle at my car or whatever. I have a fast car (5.0 mustang) and can pretty much outrun any normal car, but then again I dont really want to have to endanger myself just to run away from some asshole.

But people are crazy in the world and I dont want to become Zimmerman's next victim, so it got me thinking. Aside from my car, I dont have any self-defense capabilities in this world. I dont know how to fight obviously, plus my attacker may not fight fair, I dont have a gun, taser, baton, etc etc. I started to feel like a statistic, like that person who gets mugged/killed because there was nothing I can do. Most people get all self-defense oriented after something shitty happens to them because they dont ever want to let that happen again. I kinda felt like this was a little wakeup call. There have been plenty of times where I'm in sketchy neighborhoods, ATM machines at night, etc etc, where I am just a big target and it would be nice to know I at least have a chance. Afterall, thats why the call a firearm "the great equalizer".

So I'm going to go to a shooting range tomorrow and see what it feels like, because I've never even shot a gun before. I'm also thinking about tasers (the kind that shoot) but since those are basically one-shot only, and look close enough to a real gun that my attacker may start shooting first, I'm still leaning towards good ole fashioned bullets as my best defense.

My goal is to keep this weapon tucked away somewhere in my car. They make car holsters for putting it under your drivers seat, between the seat and arm-rest, etc etc, so you can grab it faster than going for the glovebox.


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New player learning poker on micro games by Rinny, April 27

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Poker Update by Hoolz_1907, April 27

Hiya LP,

It's been ages since I made a blog entry but as I need to gain some more motivation / seek advice I figured it would be a good idea to get things back on the rail again. Also I feel that LP is in need of a little active member boost again like the good old 2007-2009 days. I think longple mentioned this as well and so I'm just trying to contribute! Moving on to poker, last month results wise was very good; online I mainly play Omaha PL50 / PL100 and was very fortunate to spot a giant fish on the 1/2, didn't have the bankroll for it at the time but figured it was worth a shot which turned out to be quite decent as you can see from the stats below. I also ran quite good against him with some setups in my favor but also feel like I played the most EV game against him overall.

This is all from 888 poker. Must say I ran pretty well, slightly above EV for the last part of the month so definitely can't complain. As I work for Stars here in London 40-50 hours a week I cannot put in as much volume as I would like to online, but on the side I play quite a bit of live as well (usually about 10-15 hours a week). On a side note, no I don't know anything about the sale with FTP so don't bother asking

I really enjoy the job though, almost 2 years now that I moved to London and besides playing poker it gives me a solid monthly income which I can partly put towards poker as well. Obviously it's in an environment that I love and the colleagues that I have are amazing and have become good friends with a lot of them. We play quite a bit of home games as well, smallish stakes though but it ends up getting £200-300 deep on £0.25/0.50 with all Dealers Choice games. Stockholm is by far my favourite DC game; in short you get 5 cards with a betting round, a flop is dealt and then another betting round. After that is one drawing round in which you can discard up to 5 cards just like 5card draw. The turn is dealt immediately afterwards -> betting round -> river -> betting round like normal. Pot then gets split between the best 5card draw hand and Omaha High hand using 2 cards from your hand. This game is insane as you can imagine but sooo much fun.

If anyone here has some more cool DC games that I know of please let me know and I'm sure we will get them in the mix next time.

Going back to my stats from the screen above, I realize that I play quite nitty in PLO online. This used to be completely different and in live games I still play a bit more laggy than I would do online. However this is one part where I am seeking some advice; for any highly experienced PLO players out there like MiPwnYa, Daut, Ket etc. - is this comparable to your stats? I feel like I should be opening up more hands in 6max PLO and my 3bet should definitely be higher. One thing I also noticed from the details, is that my fold to flop bet percentage is 64%. I feel like this is way too high and if I compare this to other players on 888 it definitely seems higher than the average. Should I be c/r or c/c more with medium draws or peel off an extra street more often with TP kind of hands? It just feels like I completely nitted up online although it does seem to be working on 888 where people still pay me off regularly.

I also played a few MTTs on 888 with one good result just before the start of this month. It sucks that you cannot do deals on 888 since we both had 12-15 BBs in headsup. The guy was a massive fish but I simply made a bad shove against him and was really frustrated with myself afterwards for not shipping this one. Still not a bad result.

Live I played hold'em at the Fox poker club mostly, some 1/1 but usually 1/2 NLH or ROE if the last one was running. Problem with the fox compared to the vic is that tables never go higher than 1/2 but imo there is still plenty of action to be found and the dealers are friendly. Reason I don't like the Vic is that the tables are often quite boring with a lot of passiveness, and after 2/3 hours I usually give up or simply get too bored with it. The Fox in that aspect is different as I know quite a lot of people there, some I know are internet regulars and decent players which I tried to avoid as much as possible. The avg. potsize on 1/2 there is simply much bigger than what I've seen at the vic, so for now I'll stay at the Fox. Also played a small £35 bounty tourney there which I took down for £600 (included 15 out of the 60 bounties - lols). Never had such a run good in a tourney so that was fun to experience for once.

Ending it off with one of my most favourite songs from my favourite band from the last 10 years. This was from their first album which is still the best one they ever made. I've seen them live in Amsterdam 2 years ago just before moving to London and it was the best concert EVARRR. The Swedes here should definitely know this one:

Alright that's it for now. Any advice on the PLO stats would be very much appreciated.

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Day 13 by NeillyJQ, April 27

Raised in a generation where to conform was wrong, when in fact, its not a bad thing at all.

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A different kind of month: merge, coaching, AUTHOR by Daut, April 26

Pre-black friday my monthly poker routine would be to play something like 60 hours of cash and 25 hours of sunday tournaments in a month. I was never a huge grinder, but I was pretty consistent about putting in decent volume for the 5 years I had been a professional poker player. I never put in a shitload of volume, but I never really burned out and felt like retiring. I would spend a few hours doing staking stuff here and there, but I would rarely put in more than 90-100 hours into poker each month.

Post black friday has been different for me. I have a girlfriend and a dog living in california, so permanent relocation wasnt an option for me. But neither was sitting on my ass doing nothing. I rented a place in canada for 6 months and bounced back and forth spending roughly 12 days a month in canada. While I was up there I felt forced to play more hours per day to make up for having a smaller window of time to play. Then when I would return to the USA I would take it easy and not grind.

April was the first month since july that I spent 0 time outside the country. As a backer, I always try to put in extra volume in the months leading up to black friday so I can make more money before the most expensive time of the year. I felt the need to put in my hours somehow, but I have no desire to play live poker. I turned back to HEROPOKER.

i deposited about 1k on hero a year ago and fully expected to be able to run it up to infinite like I was nanonoko. It didn't work out like that. Building from a small roll was a lot harder than I expected. The merge games have lots of regulars that arent bad, the mid-higher stakes games arent great and dont run, and my shots worked out horribly. Coming into this month I had just under 7k on the site that I had built up from the original 1k, but had no way to cash it out.

I went through the process of filling out all the annoying forms so I could cash out to moneybookers and cashed out 3k leaving myself just under 4k there to start april. I put in about 70 hours of grinding and have built it up to about 7600 at all 50 and 100plo.

With my 35% rakeback and side bonuses this worked out to +3600 for a whopping 50 bucks an hour. Even though its a small hourly, i'm proud I was able to obtain that playing such low stakes on a non pokerstars network. I also spent a lot more time battling than I do on stars. Since there are so many tables that run on stars, I usually just pick the 4-8 best ones and grind those for a huge winrate. I decided to use merge as more of an experiment and try to battle regs and improve my mass multitabling. I spent a lot of time 12 tabling in tougher lineups and feel like my PLO game is getting much better and look forward to hopefully starting to move back up in limits on stars when I go to vancouver for scoop.

In addition to merge, I did 6 hours of PLO coaching, made 9 MTT videos for cardrunners and have written about 90% (about 80 pages) of an e-book on backing. I sent it to a few tournament players to find out what they think about it and see if I left anything out, but I am hoping to release it sometime in may before the WSOP starts. I don't expect to make a ton on the book, but if I can even make 5 figures out of it ill be happy.

In terms of poker grinding, I didnt put in more hours than I usually do. But combined with my videos, coaching and writing I dont think I have ever worked harder in a single month. The month still has 5 days left and I've probably put in about 125 hours of work and probably made about 20k in equity with everything added together.

gonna add in a quick poll. how much do you guys think I should charge for the e-book? keep in mind the following: there has been NOTHING written about backing in the poker world and a good amount of people would be interested/learn from it as it covers things like buying/selling pieces extensively as well as all other parts of backing and being backed such as makeup deals, finding horses, finding backers, setting up a deal, problems that can occur and contracts.
Poll: How much should Daut charge?
(Vote): $10: everyone can afford!
(Vote): $25: cheap but you will still make money
(Vote): $50: value bet everyone!
(Vote): $100: value bet bigger and get called half as often!
(Vote): $200: expensive but comparable to other in depth books
(Vote): $500+: if people really want this info they'll pay for it

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Synthetic Happiness by Loco, April 26

This is probably worth its own thread as it could open up a discussion, but I'm just going to post this here as a recommendation.

It's a fairly old TEDTalk iirc, but it has just been re-uploaded today. I watched it again and I realize how "paradigm-shifting" (for lack of a better term) this can be for some. In his words: "people don't know this about themselves, and not knowing this can work to our supreme disadvantage." Of course, if you are familiar with ancient philosophy, whether it is from the East or the West, this won't be news to you - you will realize that they knew all about this 'synthetic happiness' and fully understand why they built disciplines around it. But whether you do or don't, it's really interesting to see some data about it, and this scientist has an overall great talk on the subject. Enjoy.

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life blog + possible poker return by K40Cheddar, April 26

Hello liquidpoker,

I've been wanting to blog for some time now but never really got around to it as soon as I wanted to. As a frequent lurker and crappy ROFL thread poster, I've enjoyed the liquidpoker community greatly. I remember back to the days of FTP where I was playing NL 50, posting hands all over the place, learning the game, and enjoying my results. It was a great feeling (assuming you can deal with criticism) to get feedback on your play and improve as a player. Ever since black friday, I felt that a part of me was missing. I needed the thrill of risk. I needed the competition. I needed the mental tests of variance. I needed to push myself to the limit. I spent most of my time reverting back to my studies and various other video games ever since. Recently, I had seen some inspirational graphs in various posts both here and on 2+2. Surely, one does not become a high stakes pro overnight. What motivated me from these graphs and posts was the challenge of succeeding against variance through proper play, volume, and mental resilience. Therefore, I have decided to get back in poker for personal goals and satisfaction.

A little about myself

I am a 21 year old student at the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign). Currently I'm double majoring in Statistics and Economics. My long term goal as a career is to potentially work as an actuary. For those who are unaware, an actuary is a person that works with risk based mathematical management. For instance, an insurance company would be an example of a place where actuaries would work, performing risk analysis to optimally price insurance costs. Other examples include retirement and pension fund planners. I've also been looking into financial career possibilities and things such as investment banking and trading. These are long term goals but of course we never truly know where life will take us.

I'm a competitor. I like to win. I've been playing video games since being a kid and nowadays with the e-sports scene growing I play almost any competitive game I can pick up, although I'm far from being pro level at any specific game. I used to play competitive chess and hold a USCF (United States Chess Federation) rating of 2070. For people that don't know what this means, it means that I rank in the top 5% of chess players in the United States. I stopped playing as often once I hit college, partially due to poker, but also because of a lack of motivation and increased difficulty with schoolwork. I've been playing the trombone for 12 years and currently play in the Marching Illini and various university concert bands. I not a huge athlete anymore but I did high school gymnastics for 4 years and still occasionally perform backflips off of stuff for fun.

I tend to be optimistic. Good things just naturally seem to happen to me. When things go bad, something always turns up to make things better even in situations that seem stressful. Ironically, I enjoy helping other people out and see other people succeed. I find this funny because poker is the exact opposite, as you in no way want to help out your opponents nor do you want to watch them succeed. If I had one goal for myself it would be to reach my absolute potential at everything I do.


As mentioned in the title and early intro, I have decided that I'm going to go back and give online poker a serious shot. I dabbed around trolling for awhile but the plan now is to put the volume in and get stuff done. Currently, I play on Hero Poker right now. I'm starting from the beginning, back to the pitiful roots of the lowest micros. Here are a few reasons why I decided to do this.

- Although I used to play up to NL 50, I don't know if I can play at that level again after a year.
- Don't want to deposit a large amount upfront for a large bankroll
- Want to beat the stakes one at a time to see if I can still do it
- Don't really care about the money. I care about success.

Anyway BACK TO THE BEGINNING. Here's since I started playing again.


-missed poker. Wanted to come back.
-background on myself
-some brags
-graph since I started playing again

Anyway, thanks for bearing with me. Wanted to get a lot of this stuff off my chest.

GL liquidpoker.

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Day 12 by NeillyJQ, April 26

People won't raise to your level, they can only try to bring you down. Surround yourself with good people.

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NSFW! by tloapc, April 26
No but really, if you clicked on this link/blog and then somewhere complain or contemplate ban etc then that's ur own goddamn fucking fault and I don't know what to do for u
I suggest growing up a bit and not blaming me for your bad genes/mentality
(yes that was merely a pre-emptive attack)

A question... is this Belladonna?
+ Show Spoiler +
Poll: Well is it?
(Vote): Yes
(Vote): No
(Vote): repeat the question? whoever she is she's fucking fine
(Vote): goddamn I'm so high

it's funny, cuz compared to most Americans, I'm not hateful or bitter at all
I know this because I'm in touch with my hate and I hate u all equally (generally speaking)

so let's get to some more good stuff eh
here we go
+ Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +

for a snapback to reality, if your looking for an update into the times of how things currently are on a higher level than most can imagine, check this clip out

especially from 29:30-30:39
(tho unless ur really up to date, u should really watch the whole thing to increase ur chances of figuring out what I'm babbling about)

truth is god...or is it...god is truth
regardless, what realist doesn't like to fuck at some point in their life? srsly why shun it?

next time maybe I'll do some music

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sports betting by drone666, April 25

I started betting april 10
and I must say, not bad at all
dont know how to make an excel graph but this pic is ammount bet and profit

a sustainable roi is around 5%, I'm having 7% this month
the good thing is, I can play highstakes and it won`t be harder then it is now
I took 4k$ from my poker bankroll so I'm using 200u bankroll to bet
I won't cashout anything from my bet bankroll so I hope I can increase the size of my units soon

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Online programming stuff..? by 2c0ntent, April 25


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