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Selling % in Tunica Main by TimDawg, February 11

Hey everyone,

I'm going to be playing the WSOP Tunica Main Event in approximately 4 hours. I'd like to sell 25% total. I already have reserved 5% for a friend. I would prefer that only people who can do BoA transfers buy pieces. I will be selling at 1:1 no mark up, although I feel my edge in this tournament is significant enough to charge a bit more but whatever.

I'm posting this kinda late because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to play in it or not. I went deep in a $345 turbo last night and we stopped when the money bubble burst at 36 players. Started day 2 of that at noon today and I ended up going out in 22nd.

I had 200kish after 4bet jamming over a 3bet vs a guy who seemed to be competent and he folded. Probably an orbit later it folds to me in the SB vs the same guy. He has about 100k at 4k/8k 1k ante and I limp QQ. He thinks a bit and goes all in. I called off and he had A's. Very next hand I have 82k left and jam AJo on the button when folded to and same guy wakes up with Q's and I didn't get there. Oh well...

Feelin pretty good about the way I'm playing and a deep run in the Main would be pretty nice. I still plan on doing a write up summary after I get back home.

So anyway,

25% = $400 the total buyin is $1600

edit: sold all

send me a PM if you're interested



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Pretty fun online poker game :) by Carthac, February 10

50 hands(sadly the same hands every time) but I enjoyed it. Try it out!

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Story: A Knife and My Life by k2o4, February 10

The black and white demonic cat hissed at me.

“Ain’t you a sweeeetie!” I said.

It was crawling over the brown couch and dodging all the holes where couch stuffing came out. A fucking psychotic cat crossing a minefield of fluff, heading towards my end of the couch. I reached out to pet it and the damn fuck swiped a claw at my hand.

“Ah don’ you wuvv me sooo much pussy!”

“Leave my fucking cat alone you animal!” she screamed at me from the kitchen. I could see her back through the door to my left, and the cat kept approaching me from the right. A crazy pussy on either side of me. They had me trapped. The pussy ruled the world and I was a victim of it, a loving victim.

“Shit, I’m scared of this thing like it’s ten fucking feet tall!” I said, throwing my hands up in the air. As my hands flew up the little runt cat, couldn’t weigh more than 3, 4, pounds, lunged at my flying hands and slashed me right along my right knuckles.

“HOLY SHIT!” I said.

The cat was giving a screeching meow.

“What the fuck did you do now you lazy pig shit motherfucker!” she screamed at me.

“YOUR FUCKING PUSSY! YOUR FUCKING PUSSY ATTACKED ME!” I said while standing up. The cat was on the floor now, facing me with its back arched and its mouth hissing, slowly backing away like I would do something to it, like I would try revenge on my oppressor. It was smart to be wary. Normally I would run and hide from the brute, but not this time. This was the end of it.

I lunged at the cat and threw my right foot at its undercarriage. I was a fucking field goal kicker and this was the winning point. The window across the room was the damn goal posts and I was gonna drive it home, baby, I was gonna score one for all the oppressed males of the world. And I connected too, that cat meowed so loud I thought the fire alarm was gonna go off, or was going off, and it caught air, hit that high point right below the roof, seemed to float for a second, and then descended. Fell. It hit the wall about 2 ft to the right of the window and I cursed the fucking roof and all above it (including those fucking neighbors up there who woke up every morning at 6 am and stomped around in army boots or some shit) until I was out of breathe.

When I stopped cursing I saw her standing in the kitchen door and her face was shocked. The cat was running into the bedroom, hobbling along, wounded, hopefully dying. She had one hand over her mouth. I looked at her and shrugged, sat down. Life was good. That fucking devil pussy had been put in its place. It usually ruled me. One night I went to the bathroom and when I opened the door that little cat was sitting there. I tried to be nice, “Hey kitty kitty,” but that shit didn’t work and the fucker swiped at me. I was bare foot and in my shorts, and there was no way I was trying to get past that razor clawed feline when I was exposing so much skin. So I sat on the pot and looked at myself in the mirror for ten minutes, constantly opening the door to see if she was gone. Today was my victory; today the man in the top hat was chalking down a line in my column for a win.

“Serves the cunt right! Right dear?” I said. I looked back at the kitchen door and she was in it still, but now one hand was behind her back and her face looked unnaturally calm. She never looked calm, not even after she came, though maybe she never did cum. If woman would just stop faking it all the god damned time maybe we would learn to do it better, but since they fake, we just perform what we want.

“Tony, darling, dear, dearest. Why did you kick my cat?”

“Ah, that cats a street rat! We don’t need that thing around here anyway! Shit, you feed that thing better than you feed me!”

“But, Tony, honey… I love my cat. Don’t you love my cat?” she said as she started walking towards me, ever so slowly, hand still behind the back and her brown hair pulled back tight. She had killer lips and a kind of big nose, but the lips made up for the nose and her slot made up for the craziness.

“FUCK that cat! I love my own mother more than I love that cat, and you know I love a bum’s own shit more than I love my mother!” I said. I guess today was the day that I made a stand. No more submissive Joe Schmo, no more punching bag to pussy-kind. I wondered if I should be scared by the light tone and the hand behind the back and the slow walking, but it didn’t matter to me. I pulled my glass off the table to my left and had a nice, long, sip. I grinned at her.

“Ah, this is the life babe! You, me, our fucking glorious apartment and NO CAT!”

She lunged at me from about 3 feet away, pulling her hand from behind her back holding a knife. I didn’t see it very well; I just saw a glint of silver. She led with the knife, aiming it at my chest. I tried to make a move but was half drunk with my drink in hand, sitting down, dumb and no longer athletic.

Shit, this bitch is gonna kill me, she’ll be the end of me, I thought.
I made a bit of movement to the right and then the knife struck me, dead center, along the middle of my ribcage.

“AH YOU BITCH! YOU STABBED ME!! YOU STABBED ME!” I said. I swung my glass into the side of her head, thinking that maybe I could take her with me. The glass shattered, covered me with shards, and I threw my other hand to my chest to cover the wound, stop the bleeding.

“I’m going to die! Die because of you!”

She didn’t respond because she was falling to the ground, blood flowing from the side of her head. She landed face first in a pair of her dirty panties, faint shit stain down the center.

I screamed a bit more, grabbing my chest. I rolled off the couch and crawled to the phone, thinking that I had to call 911, I gotta do it, I gotta save my life. They won’t give me murder charges, it was self-defense. She’ll get charged. I just gotta live. Call the ambulance.

I got to the table with the phone on it and pulled the thing down by the cord. I yanked a bit hard and the damn cord came out of the wall. I almost cried. I don’t want to die, don’t want to die yet, I thought. I rolled onto my back, one hand still on my chest, holding it, trying to hold my guts in. I didn’t want them to spew out all over the floor. I could just see that damn cat eating them after I died, and the idea drove me crazy. That was no way for a man to die, although I was no real man. But I couldn’t die that way; I wouldn’t be that filthy feline’s last meal in this house.
I looked up at the roof and stared at the little hole that was there amongst the textured ceiling. It was about the size of the circle I make when I touch the tip of my index finger to the tip of my thumb. The girl upstairs wore short skirts a lot, and sometimes I would lie there with a bottle and look up at that hole, occasionally getting a glance or a peek up. Rita and I would watch that hole together sometimes. She liked to talk about how much nicer her pussy looked than our upstairs neighbors.

Sitting there, dying, wondering why I had to die like this, I hoped to get one more peek. At least I can die seeing that pussy again. I’m ruled by it. Ruled by the pussy, so let me have one last glance. My chest was throbbing with pain and I wondered--what do I look like on the inside? Will it be black and empty? Will soot come out of my chest instead of blood? And where is the blood? I don’t feel any on my hands…

I looked down at my chest and lifted my hand, and it was my chest, like normal, with my shirt still intact, no red stains, no hole in the fabric; no hole in me. I ripped at my shirt, tore the buttons, opened it up and looked. All I saw was a huge bruise. Strange. Can I die from a bruise, I thought. Then I realized I wasn’t dying.

“I’M GOING TO LIVE!” I said to the room. Then I heard a groan from Rita. I looked at her and realized why I was still alive – the knife in her hand was a butter knife that had bent on impact… nothing to be afraid of.
I heard a hiss from the cat. I gave the cat the finger. I rolled over and slid my way over to my wife and started stroking her hair as the cat watched me from the bedroom door.

“Rita, babe, you ok? Wake up. It’s ok. It’s ok.” I found the cut on her head, amongst her hair, where the hair was sticky and wet. I rubbed it and she stirred suddenly, and I realized that it must hurt her. I took my hand away and looked at it. Now here is the blood. My blood hasn’t been spilt. Her blood. I brought my fingers to my mouth and licked the blood off the tips and it tasted of copper.

“You need a drink girl. Let me fix you a drink.” And I got up and fixed her a drink, and myself a drink, as the cat hissed and I felt spite for it.

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Grind by LemOn[5thF], February 10

Breaking up with my gf had among others one negative impact: As we shared rent my fixed costs of living pretty much doubled overnight.

I spent fulltime job hunting and got derailed in December when I had to go back home, and was forced to withdraw everything to pay my rent. Now I asked my dad for a loan, and have jobseekers allowance for temp job but for some reason employers don't want to train you when you will work for only three weeks for them. So I have 20 days until my job starts, and 50days until I get my first salary, dead job market for temp jobs (you need to sit in exams and pay several hundred $ to be able to work manually here as you need some CSC card), and maxed overdraft with barely enough money for food.

Well, I'm pretty used to being broke and I know I will pwn at the job, and if I learned anything from poker it's dealing with failure - I only have to negotiate an extension on next month's rent, and will still try to get some temp job quick (I have to keep applying and calling employers to keep my jobseekers allowance - £50/week).

But in the meantime what is the only income available to me? Yep, poker time! All I could spare was £50 - a solid NL2 roll.

Solid 2.5 days of grind later, between sending CVs calling people and studying books, online articles and audios on sales: NL5 here we come. I am where I started - putting in volume and building from the ground up.
I am literally playing for cheeseburgers now, or else I die of hunger

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We are really small by Chewits, February 10

This blows my mind.


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McDonald's radio commercial by Night2o1, February 09

idk rofl I can't believe I just heard this on the radio.

Husband: Hey, honey who's cooking dinner for the kids tonight?

Wife: Its my turn today.

Husband: Ah well I'll just handle it!

Wife: But you just did it yesterday! Did you do something you don't want me to know about?

Husband: No way! I've been feeding the kids discount McDonalds(tm) kid's meals for them on Tuesdays behind your back for weeks(paraphrase)! Its the best!

Wife: What? You ARE the best husband ever!

*I'm lovin' it* jingle

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donkament spot Q by mnj, February 09

Hey guys, I've been playing a lot of sattelites for the Heartland Poker Tour in Daytona.

A spot arised and I wasnt quite sure how to approach it. It was a 180 dollar tournament with 10% of the people getting a main event ticket ($1650). There was 15 people left and the top 5 players get a main event entry (out of 50 players). I had about 80bb and around 4th in chips. maybe 10 people had a range of 30-50 bb. Chip leader was monstrous around 150bb.

So onto the actual hand, I get dealt AK on the button and 2 ppl limp even though blinds are fucking masssive (live poker amirite?). I raise to 10bb with the intent to snap calling a reraise from any of them since they had around 30 bb. However SB shoves all in with 60bb's. My read based on how he has played thus far, is that he his tight and the best of these worst regulars. My range on him is TT+, AQ+. My question lies in the fact that I think I have a MASSIVE MASSIVE edge on the remaining field, and that I wasn't too sure I wanted to flip for 0 or 1650 dollars (maybe i should look at it as this is a 800 ev spot?).

Is this a trivial call? Or is this an understandable fold? Any insights more than welcome

Also say this is even earlier in the tournament with deeper stacks, are you more inclined to call or fold in a similar spot? (where you are 90% of the time flipping where u feel you are considerably better than the rest of the players?)

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pokerstars to neteller by jvilla777, February 09


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Props to Dan (Hero Poker) by LikeASet, February 09

Just simple props to Dan of Hero Poker and staff. I have sent them a few emails regarding about how to set up an account and other related questions and they've always responded in a timely manner. I have also asked them to reactivate my first deposit bonus because I tried to withdraw after my first deposit but then I changed my quickly changed my mind.

Thank you : D

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Touchpad has gone retarded by spets1, February 09

Anyway touchpad is just acting heaps weird on my Asus EeePc1215B.

This is how it behaves:
Right button works fine. But left button is fucked. To click on something I have to press the button and hold for like 5 seconds.

As well as that but also the tapping the touchpad does not work, it does nothing. It is enabled(tap to click) in the settings and i have played with settings around and nothing seems to be able to fix it.

Ive uninstalled and reinstalled the driver.

This is sorta pissing me off, most of the time i use mouse so it's ok, but sometimes i want to go mobile, like taking a shit or walk around the place, go outside. I want the touchpad to work.

Im running win7 64 bit

If anyonne has any idea thx very much.

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My Year So Far by KrappyKonnect, February 08

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Xbox360 RROD by Chewits, February 08

Got the 3 red flashing lights. Gay as fuck. After some googling, its most likely a heating issue. Thing is, I rarely play the xbox for long periods of time, and mainly just play DVDs on it and link to my PC with media center to watch d/led movies lol.

Loaded up Tomb Raider game as I was bored, and after starting a new game, xbox just crashed, froze (black screen). Restarted and for the RROD. Did all the usual unplug let it cool etc and after a few restarts it worked, untill i started a game again.

Googled how to get the "hidden error codes", but for whatever reason mine doesnt seem to show them. Its meant to show 4 digit number, but mine varies from 10-20 digits of all 4 lights flashing. So really dunno.

Anyone had the problem before? Anyone self fix it? My xbox is out of warranty I believe, its about 4 year old. Anyone experience taking one apart, if so, was it difficult easy etc?

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Hero Password Policy by StArCuE, February 08

I was looking at the Hero Poker website regarding their password policy and was kind of disappointed. Does anyone else see a problem with this?


Only numbers or letters of the alphabet can be used.
e.g. 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Characters are case sensitive.
e.g. 'ABC' is different from 'abc'.

Number of characters used are to be a minimum of 6 and maximum of 20.

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Halp! Neteller by c4rnage, February 08

Hi, hope somebody can help me with this, i know im not very known here hope thats not a problem also.

So the problem is that LockPoker kinda trolled me, i deposited before they made the new change to their cashier, so now when i want to make a little cashout i dont have the option to withdraw to neteller, since i havent made a new deposit with it at the new cashier... and i have $0 at neteller.

So could somebody send me 20 at neteller? (send me pm for details)

i will pay 25 back.


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Feb 5th, 1/2 no limit day by ynot, February 08

So my last poker session was a bit more delightful than others. When I first entered the caino i was forced to sit down at a table where the largest chip stack some how, was mine. I bought in for 200 and already was leading the table chip wise. How in the F did this happen? No clue. But I did know that this was not the table I wanted to be at to win money. I was forced to play 1 orbit before I was able to move tables and the entire time I would just look at the other tables around me like a penguin outside of a fish market. Once I was finally able to move to the table I wanted I took a good look at the chip stacks and found myself in a familiar situation with my chipstack being one of the lowest at the table and across from me, a older gentlemen with over 1k in his stack. YAHTZEE! My position wasn't the greatest but I am coming off of a 800$ winning night and couldn't be more excited than to see the money around the table.

A few orbits around the table and I don't see much of anything in my hand range. I always go into new tables with a set hand range and use my time to study and do the best I can to get decent hand range read and pick up tendencies on the large stacks.

About 10 hands in to the table I look down at AsAc in the BB. The table to this point, has been raising preflop about 50% of the hands I have sat down for. Nothing too crazy has went on and I haven't really seen anyone showdown their cards yet. 4 people limp to me. I have seen that 154 raises have been called after players have limped and I want to knock down the 4 people who limped into about 2 people to call my bet. I decide to raise to 20$. Everyone folds. I kick myself thinking I should have raised 15. I was out of position and didn't want too many callers with a 15$ bet but I also didn't want everyone to fold to my 20$ bet. BAH! It has been a theme of mine to just sit at these tables for hours folding and watching big stacks increase their stack size while I shove any near by object in my face wondering how people could play so loose and wild.

As my day would continue i would not see hands within my range to play. As a new player I am trying to keep my range pretty tight and legit. My hand range is: Any pocket pair, any suited connector, Any suited ace in position, A,K,- A,Q,- K,Q - J,Q suited - K,J suited and in position. So, pretty legit and obvious. I don't play any gapped cards and try to stay away from trouble hands like A,T - , K,T- Q,T. Depends on how the table goes, I will open this hand range up quite a bit but more or less this is what i play.

A few hours in I find myself looking down at KdKc utg. Not too shabby right? Yeah, that's what I thought too... The position was shitty but I haven't seen a combination of face cards let alone matching ones. My table image at this point is very tight. I know that with an open raise to the pot any smart player would instantly be able to pick up on my hand. I open the pot to 15$, looking back i think this was a bit low. The table has been the same, people have been calling 15$ bets from time to time but i thought a 20$ raise from someone who hasn't raised in forever would show a big red flag even to the most doorknob of players. I get 2 callers including a big stack to my right who loves to call bets like this from position. I move to the left of this big stack earlier in the day to help my chances of playing a potentially better player from position more often. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't like this particular hand. Flop comes JsQs4s, 3 spades FML. To top it off I didn't have the Ks. I made a huge mistake here by betting into this pot. Among the two players left in this hand, one was a weak player with about 60 left in his stack and was just a silly player which i had put him on some pocket pair or Ace anything since i have seen him call with A,5 in a different raised pot OOP. My big stack to the right of me has been playing relatively solid. I have seen him steel a few pots from time to time but never would shove enough in to give bad pot odds. He was... so-so. Thats an oxymoron i know. "A good 1/2 player." But to me, he was. I decided to bet 40$ into this pot. I thought that the short stacked guy would call and the big stack was wise enough to know when to fold a beaten hand. However, the short stack called like i thought he would, in fact he shoved for an addition 20 over mine. But then the big stack shoved for an additional 500 over mine. I thought long and hard about why he would shove. I obviously knew i had to fold but i thought why he would shove. What hand? What could he put me on knowing how tight I have been. I fold my hand to find he had As2s while the bad player just had a pair of queens. The big stack called my pre flop bet with As2s, but thats what i get for him being in position and having a large stack. I know I should have checked the flop but i think going card dead for so long put a hindrance on my decision making. NEVER AGAIN

My night was like this for the most part. I won a few hands here and there but never really caught any string of hands. I had A,A early on, messed it up. got K,K later and messed that up too. I broke even tonight which isn't too bad. I managed to take some small pots here and there but nothing too big. I am continuing to do my best to improve and receive guidance from my coach. I don't mind if i lose hands or buy-in's, I just want to make sure I make the right decisions or close to it.

until next time, I hope you enjoyed this!!!

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Epiphany Drunkenpost by whamm!, February 08

women really like it when you seem slightly I can't believe this shit still works! being too drunk runs the risk that you might overdo it though, but no, I am very aware time? jejejejje

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Sociology and poker by SpasticInk, February 08

Time has come and I have to find a subject for my bachelor paper. I have had some thoughts to incorporate the subject of poker, but have not come up with a proper scientific inquiry. The paper could both be a literature review or an empirical investigation.

Obviously "poker" is a huge subject, and can be studied from many perspectives. My first thoughts were something about the development of poker (on a macro level) - how it's monopolized in country after country (even criminalized), but I'm not sure if that would not lean towards a more economic paper than sociological (even though the economic sphere obviously is of interest). Other than that we have the more psychological interest of gambling and addiction - which is of interest as well (in Sweden internet poker has become the biggest gambling problem for example).

Not sure what I am asking you guys, but if anyone has any input here, just write it. I'll appreciate any ideas or thoughts.

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Epic Session by wobbly_au, February 08

Finished up on last half hour that I had left to play before dinner.

Good feeling ^^

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Ordeal of the Nerd by Night2o1, February 07

I am forming an idea for a little sort of article/essay.. and its theme is the Social Ordeal of The Nerd. The past couple of weeks have been an interesting time for me, a long-time inadvertent super nerd, and I've been learning quite a bit about what it takes to evolve one's social skills. That's for later though.

My presentation went really, really well. The turn out at the meeting wasn't very big but it isn't a problem since the whole 'recruitment event/bring a friend event' is a prototype. I'm going to record a final youtube version in the next day or so and I'll drop a link so you guys can enjoy the finished product and offer some more perspectives.


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Short Delay-update by thewh00sel, February 07

Been really busy, and a lot of unexpected annoying time-consuming stuff has come up this year. Brief update is that I only played 150 hours so far this year. Which is well below where I wanted to be at (225hrs), but I played over 50 hours this month already so hopefully I can play more...unlikely though.

Averaging about $110 an hour, mostly thanks to one or two good days this month; and I just got shit on today so that sucked/affected it a bit.

BLOG AT YOU TOMORROW (in another month)

ps: I haven't played any online at all.

pps: If I can get my monthly hours played to average 150/month (750 hours total) I'll need to average $133 per hour to hit 100k profit. Tough road ahead.

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