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Pitcher of the week!!! by El_Tanque, February 06

Woo hoo!

Won the award the first week of the season 2 years ago, then 2 weeks later blew out my arm and took 2 years off to rehab. Feels great to be back!!!

Had a no-hitter going through 7 in a 7 inning game, first guy in the 7th walked, next guy got a basehit in the hole created by the 1st baseman holding the runner on. Dammit! I've been kicking myself for that since saturday.

70:22 strike to ball ratio, 13 K's...God I've missed this feeling. So glad to be playing baseball again!!!

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Lost biggest pot in poker so far. by Tensai176, February 06

So I occasionally play in the local 1/2 game and if it gets short handed we start to play dealer's choice, which can include Crazy Pineapple, NL Omaha with ocean cards etc.

So anyway, the game is pretty soft, I lost my first bi stacking off QQ which was probably a mistake, but I got it back by tripling up with AA. so I have around $450 (I'm in for $400), and I continue to play semi-tight, playing position, taking down pots and I'm winning more than I'm losing. Then this hand, I have AdKc2s in crazy pineapple post-flop.

Crazy Pineapple is a poker game where you're dealt three cards and you discard one, either pre-flop or post-flop. This time, it was post-flop. I'm in the sb, and it limps around to me, I complete, and bb checks. 4 way to the flop of; AsAhKh =DDD; I discard my 2s obviously, and lead for $8.

I get a call, and then the BU raises $25. I think now that he has probably a big ace, we are $300 effective, and if I put in a raise, I'm pretty sure he's able to fold. Also, I want to get the other guy in the pot as well so I flat. bb folds, and the turn comes the 8h. If he raised with an FD which I think is likely, even though I probably will never do it, he'd bet his flush. I think he's betting his entire range on the turn anyway, so I check probably thinking of check raising.

Surprisingly, he checks back, and the river is the 8d, so the board reads: AsAhKh8h8d.

My thoughts: very very unlikely he raised me on the flop with 88 since he's pretty tight. If i Value bet more than 1/3 of pot, he's folding A. Flush B. KK's full and only calling with an A. So if his calling range is only an A, then I figure out how much he's calling with an A.

So I shoved all-in, $300 into $50 or so. Got the call (he had A10) and now I'm up to ~$700 =D.

We start to play NL omaha, and I banked another ~$200 value betting QQ's full and another $200 v-betting JJ's full. I am really really bad at Omaha, and I'm pretty bad at NLHE as well. I'll explain my reasoning but I'm not defending what I did, I probably played really bad and the justification was all wrong. With that in mind we come to this hand. I have ~$1,200 and villian has about ~$520

CO limps, BU limps and I look down at AhKh2h5s, I complete, and bb checks.

Flop comes Ks8c4d.

I lead around $8 and bb raises me $35 folds to me.

Thought process: Villian is a really FPS player that talks a lot about poker even though he isn't very good. He's prone to lecturing people how to play their hands even though he doesn't abide by the same advice. He justifies all his plays with pseudo-poker knowledge and when he sucks out, he gloats talking about how he could do nothing there.

It's pretty dry, I'm thinking sets are in his range, unlikely KK cause I have a K and he's likely to raise pf so value range is like, all two pair 88 and 44. I think I can get him to fold all two pair and even 44 and maybe 88 if I rep KK.

Reason is I overbet pots on the flop/turn all night with top sets/boats and I've shown these hands. I have literally never bluffed in this game. This was my reasoning when I re-raised $105. I told myself that I had KK42 in my hand and tried really hard to believe it.

He tanked for a bit and made the call. Turn was a 4 which pairs the board and I think it's a semi-good card for me. He could have quads but if he has 88 or K4 or 84 which was his likely hand by calling my raise, he now beats no value-range, since 44 now has quads if he had 88; he's beating K4 or 84 but I think he knows I wouldn't raise those hands on the flop and if he had K4 or 84, then he's losing to KK and 88. so I bet around ~150 and he has around ~250 left. I think to myself at this point, if he calls, I'm shutting down. He tanks a bit and calls.

River is a 5d. Board: K8445 I should give up by this point. I see he has around ~250 left and the pot is around 500. I don't know what compelled me to shove in the last 250, but convincing myself that I had KK, and there was no way I would be bluffing because I never bluff, and he should know this, I shoved in the last 250.

I get snap called.

The players out of the hand were asking the villian if he had Quads, because they all knew I had KK's full which was nice I guess, at least some people thought I had KK's full.

He showed KQ88; for 8's full.

And then he gloated.

Saying how he had too good of a hand to give up or something like that. I still think he had a bluff-catcher but Kudos to him or w/e. I'm still a micro-stakes player so losing a $1,000 pot is a big milestone for me. I'm not sad, I'm not angry or frustrated, I'm just a little dazed, like did that just happen? I'll be back at that game with a new experience.

It was funny as I had thought me losing such a big pot would result from having the nuts against a super draw, or set-over-set, or getting sucked out really badly, but it came to me trying to bluff a guy off the third nuts. Which is better I guess, since I have a story to tell people now.

It was my fault, I said nice-hand, felt the tilt coming so I played a few more hands and then told them I was done for the night. I still ended up being up ~$390 and I told myself never try to bluff somebody off of a full house.

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want to trade carbon for lock by traxamillion, February 06

I have about 600 on carbon I am looking to trade for lock money. will pay some vig

please message me if interested; we can trade in small increments etc. I'm not scamming i've been here years I just need to change sites at this point.

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6days @ PS uStakes + babes by killmepl, February 06

babes in between lines

rake is shit.
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running breakeven. Grinding out omaha for deposit bonus. Made first part. And having fun with these ps freerolls, made whole $4 o.o 25k players... $4 for 600place lol, but yeah why not, going for first place ($700 = 14x my roll )
Also first think to buy - HEM2 - its like godmode. Trial will end in 27days so I still have some time to grind out cash to buy it
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If ya want to see my lame hands - (kowabanga in ancient polish means "I puked when ate a dog"... seriously, we have had that word)
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Will be more soon (babes, and hopefully poker).
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Floating Arithmetic by StArCuE, February 06

Alright I'm having trouble on this hw problem and would appreciate anyone who could help me out.

Problem A. The values of two float variables, x and y, are saved in IEEE single precision floating point format as below. Calculate the value of z in IEEE single precision floating point format if z = x + y.

x = 0 11100010 00101100000000000000000
y = 1 11100000 11010000000000000000000

I'm assuming I should start by calculating the 32-bit reps of x and y but I'm unsure what to do next. Any advice or step by step help would be appreciated. Thanks Chris.

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shit (ignore this) by LikeASet, February 06

just venting fknkfaneflkfknfkfnkfk fuk every fknkn mofoking board idfakekfkfffkk cant hit shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

So long hero poker , switching roll to lock poker since someone said they can set me up with a rake back account on lock poker, just gotta give le email.

deposited 250 into hero just out of boredom, playing 8-12 ish tables nl 10- nl 25 while watching hulu, youtube, sc2, etc.

mass tabling with hud and i still gots eet, 250-750 in a couple weeks. If I only had rakeback on hero + active deposit bonus would've been aroun 1300+.

but ya, gonna grind on lock so I can just grind and personal train people for le modest incomes.

modest life yo

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Brazil trip - tips? by Joe, February 05

Hello guys!

Next week I and my gf are going to Brazil for a 3-weeks holiday. I know quite a few people from LP live there so I am looking for any tips you can give me

Our plan is aproximately this:
Feb 11 we arrive at Rio de Janeiro. We will spend 3 nights there (in a hotel in Santa Teresa) and see the major tourist attractions (tips welcome).

Then on Feb 14 we will probably leave Rio and we would like to spend 3-4 days on some rather quiet beach near a smaller town/village, but not too far from Rio (say within 300km) - tips appreciated.

Then on the 18th we would like to come back to Rio for the festival, probably spend like 2-3 days there. We dont have accommodation for these days yet, so it might be a bit problematic, maybe we will have to stay somewhere near Rio.

After that, probably on the 20th or 21st, we plan on going to the Iguacu waterfalls. There are 2 options we are thinking of - either just flying there, spending a day or 2, and flying back. Or, renting a car and making a 7-8 day roundtrip. Not sure if there is enough interesting places on the way though.

Then we have some 5-10 days left. We dont have exact plans for this period yet, probably we will mostly go north from Rio and spend some time on the beaches + if there are some interesting nature parks or something we would visit those. We are leaving on March 4.

So any tips are welcome, mostly on what to see, what are the best beaches, where to go partying, etc. but also if you have any accommodation or traveling tips, those would come in handy too. Also, if anyone wants to meet for a drink or something, just let me know

One more question - I would like to see a good football match at Maracana, any recommendation?

Thanks for tips, Joe.

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Need feedback now!!! by Night2o1, February 05


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Squat by GoTuNk, February 04


First, last week I won a bw tourney which awarded me 80bb. LOL I didn't won I meant 2nd place. fuck sziky

Moving on to interesting stuff.

Smolov delivers. I gained 3-4 pounds, and added 20kg to my raw 1 rep max. Fucking amazing. And it better delivered, cause it was the hardest program I've ever done in a gym. Squatting 142.5x3x10, after doing 135x5x7 the day before was torture, but it turned out totally worth it.

It's amazing to squat raw the same I did at the competition wearing a belt and wraps,
and also failed the first 2 lifts.

Can't wait to start the 2nd part of the program and get those 200kg (belts and wraps add 20kg to my 1rm, so I need 10 more kg of real gains).
This will happen in 7 weeks from now.

Yesterday decided to celebrate with my friends after 3 weeks sober and drink the shit out of everything, which resulted in almost getting alcohol poisoning

Puked twice upon wakeup (5pm) and had a bit of fever, but I feel a lot better now (1am). Still no hunger though, and I'm kinda scared to eat just yet.

Poker been going decent, in terms of the quality of my game and the small volume I decided to put in for january/february, but I'm running like 10bi under ev so no money yet.

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Thank you LP! by Almebeast, February 04

Thanks to the invaluable language help offered by LP I was called to the interview for the PhD position I was applying for (see last blog entry). So I nailed the interview the day before yesterday and got the good news yesterday, I got it! Gonna be doing scientific computing in relativistic quantum mechanics applicable to materials science for the next 4-5 years =). I'm super happy right now, this is perfect for me.

Take care LP!

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TUNICA by TimDawg, February 03

Hey everyone I'm here at tunica for the wsop circuit event.

If any LPers are here as well or plan on coming at some point, let me know! I'll do a trip report after with hopefully some pics.

Games are realll good

Cya guys later


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vital[myth] by failsafe, February 03

Are you still playing NLHE? ApocalyplsPLZ and I were thinking to visit the Vegas area for a brief stint. I've had trouble locating you on Facebook, so I was hoping you still visited this site. Anyway, if you think you'll be in the area sometime between April and May, shoot me a PM.

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Time to power up! by exalted, February 03

Things have been a little rough lately, but I feel energized and positive about the future. To briefly summarize:

- Had a great December (~16k) mostly online but lost a fair amount back in January

- Lost ~9k in trip to Macau mostly from bad bankroll management (not bringing enough)

That said I have a lot to work and look towards. I'm going later to a live game in my city for the first time. I am a tad worried about safety / game-riggedness but I'll take it easy and walk away if necessary. Next month I plan to go to APPT Seoul so I need to harvest minerals for that.

As a potential blogsaver this is the gf's bungee jump off the Macau Tower:

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Hero Poker vs ??? by LikeASet, February 03

yo yo yo homie yo

Curently playing nl 25+ on hero but the site's current form of rake back is shit. Basically on the site you can exchange 100 points for 1$ about 3 times per month/week (not sure) and I currently have like 5k points or something. I'm thinking about switching my bankroll to another u.s. site. What's another site with relevant decent traffic and has some form of rakeback.

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Tragic Lifes by PplusAD, February 01

Rudi Assauer (67 years old) probably one of the most famous football club managers in germany has made it public that he suffers from heavy Alzheimers.

Its allready that bad that he is not allowed to drive a car anymore
He currently is taken care of by his family
He states that its so bad that he sometimes looks at players from Schalke04 whom he had close working contacts for years and now often needs several minutes to recognize their names again.

I find this pretty tragic

He had such a hard working and successfull life as Manager of Schalke 04
During his time they won UEFA CUP, DFB Pokal came close to winning the national title several times (never managed to win though)
he pretty much was the face of that football club

And now everything he achieved slowly fades away from his memory till in a few years he wont even know what Schalke04 means.

I formyself have always had a very modest goal in Life ....
When i am old I want to be able to look back at my life and say " hey u did pretty well on the fun part and lived a pretty happy life overall"

I find it cruel beyond imagination to be 67 years old having lived a pretty amazing and successfull life and when looking back all u realize is : "I dont know what i ve done and i will die without realizing that i ever lived."

To me this would be like fucking soulrape for eternity

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Volume Prop Bet! by player999, February 01

Booked with a friend to play 150k hands this month, thats around 10k HUsngs.

Day one went great, ahead of pace at 6.7k hands after a lil over 7.5 hours of play and a good +40bi profit.

That made me hit my 6figs @ sngs milestone, and puts me close to another one.


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If someone wanted to start playing poker by k2o4, February 01

If someone wanted to start playing poker online right now, what's the route you guys would advise? What sites take Americans anymore? Are the micro stakes still soft as hell or has it filled up with short stackers and card runners grinders? Does CR still exist even? I haven't paid attention the scene for the last ~2 years, and I'm guessing with all the legal drama's that the fish would be harder to find than they were 2 years ago. But maybe the microstakes stay immune to it all. I dunno, someone please gimme an update on what it is like to grind a roll from nothing these days =)

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January by Mortensen8, February 01

Had a spew session playing HU plo which I'm not very good at and was being ultra aggressive which was kinda working against some of the bum hunters there.
Then this mega fish joined my table and I ended up spewing a bunch before I finally tried to adjust and I didn't know how, he was in godmode too which didn't help I think I lost 20 bi's too him I kept getting deep and losing 500bb pots quit me at 3 am and couldn't sleep because of the adrenaline.

Anyway I dropped back down to 25plo with only 1.4k left played 5k hands and won 500$ then played 50plo again lost it almost immediately and just decided to play 50plo until busto which has worked so far thanks to running good back at 3k.

I used to have problems with moving up when losing now I just add tables and I have to make all these snap decisions don't have tn not good working on that.

Eating well all this omega 3 and shit cmon brain become smarter. Not had a single drop of alcohol or weed this month either.

Desktop graph
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Laptop graph incl. epic hu spew
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listen to this to de-tilt

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january grind by drone666, February 01

there was no grind, only bumhunting a few days

going to travel to Balneario Camboriu next week, so feb probably I won't grind hardcore again

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selling heropoker monies by leiabrother, February 01


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