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january results by Stroggoz, February 01

so in order to keep my weak ego intact i too must post some results

best month ever in terms of learning.

i played three or so regs in HU who were quite a bit better than me last month, and they turned out to be the most +ev long term spots, i asked one of them to tell me all my leaks since i gave him action and he told me all my leaks+ gave me a list of all the midstakes regs that give HU action.

also played a leggopoker coach and he's going to make a leakfinder video with a recording of me playing at 1/2 deep.

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Railing Stars games from USA? by superfashion, February 01

Is it possible? I can't seem to reinstall the software. I know I can't play obv but it would be nice to rail Isildur again

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January results by spets1, January 31

So anyhow, this month wasnt too bad. I didnt play much just as planned.

If you look at the red line going down massively in the middle its cause i started playing NL100 and was really scared haha so i guess I give up much more often and don't play as fearless as NL50. You can see When i started NL50 again The lines goes straight. Anyway tl dr.

I have standard to maintain lol.

Thought I'd write up what I'm up to.

Im currently in Cebu city in Philippines. I came back here after vietnam cos I didnt like vietnam too much. It was good when i was hanging out with my friends from russia - My friend and his wife live there, he works on an oil rig as mechanical engineer. So i hanged out with them. But I got pickpocketed twice in a row while being drunk haha. Which sucked so i got really pissed with vietnam. Plus people there are not as nice as in Philippines.

So yeah I came back to phils and its really good here. I havnt been doing much except playing games and hanging out with girls.

Shout out to whamm and bilat_power! if they come to cebu lets hit uo the pubs hahaha. Or if anyone else is out here lets meet up. I jsut got my visa extended today for 38 days so gonna be here till march. And maybe more if i feel like extending again.


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January results by player999, January 31

will play twice the volume in February

that's all folks

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Coupling of your Motor/Perceptual Systems in Poker by Highcard, January 30

YOU'RE running late for work and you can't find your keys. What's really annoying is that in your frantic search, you pick up and move them without realising. This may be because the brain systems involved in the task are working at different speeds, with the system responsible for perception unable to keep pace.

So says Grayden Solman and his colleagues at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.

To investigate how we search, Solman's team created a simple computer-based task that involved searching through a pile of coloured shapes on a computer screen. Volunteers were instructed to find a specific shape in a stack as quickly as possible, while the computer monitored their actions. "Between 10 and 20 per cent of the time, they would miss the object," says Solman, even though they picked it up. "We thought that was remarkably often."

To find out why, the team developed a number of further experiments. To check whether volunteers were just forgetting their target, they gave a new group a list of items to memorise before the search task, which they had to recall afterwards.

The idea was to fill each volunteer's "memory load", so that they were unable to hold any other information in their short-term memory. Although this was expected to have a negative effect on their performance at the search task, the extra load made no difference to the percentage of mistakes volunteers made.

To check that the volunteers were paying enough attention to the items they were moving, Solman's team created another task involving a stack of cards marked with shapes that only became visible while the card was being moved. Again, they were surprised to see the same level of error, says Solman.

Finally, the team analysed participants' mouse movements as they were carrying out a similar search task. They discovered that volunteers' movements were slower after they had moved and missed their target (Cognition, DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2011.12.006).

Solman's team propose that the system in the brain that deals with movement is running too quickly for the visual system to keep up. While you are rummaging around a messy house to find your keys, you might not be giving your visual system enough time to work out what each object is. Since time can be costly, sacrificing accuracy on occasion for speed might be beneficial overall, Solman thinks.

The slowing of mouse movements suggests that at some level the volunteers were aware that they had missed their target, a theory that is backed up by other studies that show people tend to slow down their actions after they have made a mistake, even if they don't consciously realise the mistake. Solman reckons this reflects the brain's "attempt to slow down the motor system", to allow the visual system to catch up and conscious perception to occur.

"What's really interesting is the notion that the motor and perceptual system are decoupled. They're both trying to help you find [your keys] but they're not coordinating," says Todd Horowitz, at Harvard University. "There are implications for social search, such as a doctor looking through an X-ray or [security] looking through luggage."


so it looks like the difference between having good days multitabling and days where you just feel exhausted can be chalked up to a variance of 10-20%. If the reactions you have at the poker table while mass tabling has 10-20% margin for error you can see why some days feel like a breeze and other days it's just a bunch of garbage.

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I really enjoy coaching by DustySwedeDude, January 30

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100$ party for your stars by Drakk, January 30

Hello, cashing out a small amount on party seems like a very annoying task, along with the 10$ fees. Can anyone help me out on this?

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ok time to quit this SNE run by UnitedAs1, January 30

Sorry to say but its true ...

I started off pretty well I enjoyed grinding that for long hours but recently I've have been getting off pace and playing golf and footy much more and has kinda got in the way. This meant I had to play catch up and grind 2 or 3 days worth in 1 day it got hard and I'm not the best 6 max PLO player by far so I couldn't go in to auto pilot and just click buttons. The past few days have been brutal I played like 25k hands i think and I'm down 10k yup 10k also down 8k in ev makes me wanna puke.

I was speaking to a friend that plays recreational live and he goes I lost 200 quid the other day at the casino you can imagine my face knowing that I lost so much acting like I care whilst he was telling me about it.

So anyway I've played about 135k hands this month and down 6k such a disappointing end to the month but I have to end the SNE because at this rate I'm going to go busto and I just cannot afford to do that. So I'm making a new goal for this year and that is to make 100k+ at all games I decide to play but which I'm thinking is mostly going to be HUPLO.
I’m nearly at Supernova and nearly have 250kfpps so I can get the 4k bonus which by the time I reach Supernova I will have 1.2k in stellar rewards making a total of 5.2k and I get another $300 bonus for being on pace for SNE next month. Also I think I get to play in some decent freerolls which should be good. So this month hasn’t been a total waste.

To be honest though I’m not sure why I took on the challenge of going for SNE I mean this is all my HUPLO hands and I could probably make a 100k (what SNE is worth) quite easily and that’s before rakeback. I guess it was because I wasn’t playing enough and wanted to up the volume, but when I decided to quit SNE run it felt so good not having to actually force myself to play I mean that’s why I wanted to play poker in the 1st place was for the freedom it had to do anything you want.

I do respect those guys who do make it to SNE, especially those who do it so quick or play a ton hands in a month just to catch up AKA joeingram1.

If guys are interested in me continuing with the blog then I will we just be on what I play and get up to. Also I posted my set up on 2+2 the other day so I may as well post it on here. Lighting is a bit crappy

That’s it good luck all

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LP4LYF by whamm!, January 30

I'm drunk (lots of cheap rum all by myself)! LOL

My poker prospects in 2008

Prospects now
+ Show Spoiler +

I miss it!

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King of the Losers by Silver_nz, January 29

So Its the end of the prop bet today, deciding who has to embassas themself with public speaking to attractive females. And I am up only $500 in EV, Stroggos is up $2000 in EV

My face today:

we both ran pretty bad but stroggos crushed a few leggo coaches HU and made a nice comeback

graphs of my 'soft' euro site
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so all my imaginary money winnings came from PS this time
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So, now I until tormorrow when I hit the mall, I will be figuring out some good stories to tell to fill in 2 minutues with a random stranger. I am thinking of having a range of topics like: { Hipster music, running/health, things to do in Dunedin City } something like that. Just opening with "Hi" and asking if they have 2 mintues, explain the situation a bit, then when the convo drops, plug a story in the gap. And just aim for a lighthearted energentic tone overall.
Main problem areas are going to be "umm"s and "ahh"s, avoiding saying something retarded, and keeping confident body positioning.

Easy game? I hope so

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Great night of live 1/2 by ynot, January 29

Alright! Where to begin with this session. I didn't really have any changes to my game plan. All I had was a more clear way of understanding of what it was i was trying to accomplish. I understand my hand ranges and was really going to work on making a character profile for everyone at the table. When I sat down I looked around to see what kind of chip stacks i was up against and it was a bit overwhelming and exciting. Majority of the players at the table had 300+, 2 players had around 700 and maybe 2 or 3 with 200 and below. I decided to sit down with 200 as usual.

As I begin to play i see the same common scene, no cards with a lot of action when i am no involved in the hand. FML. :-p The player to the right of me has around 700 in chips and is unusually tight for how i am used to seeing big stacks play 1/2. The person to my left had about 300 but as the game would go on through out the night he would go up to around 700.

So there i am! Being my usual self getting hands like 5,10 off, 3,7o, maybe getting K,4o on my button, you know - the usual. My hands don't really matter so much but the table is beginning to become more and more aggressive. When I first sat down you could see a lot of pots by limping but that was soon cast aside by the player on my left who is quickly gaining a nice chip advantage over everyone.

My first playable hand is A,J spades on the button. Two people decide to limp in around middle position when it comes to me so i decided to raise to 17. I chose 17 since the chip leader on my left like to call anything with anything and i wanted to narrow this pot down from around 3-4 ppl to 1-2. The guy on my left calls and the limpers fold. The guy on my left has shown down hands like 6,3o K,9o. nothing too good but the way the flops have been developing he has been hitting a lot and even though he was calling with almost crap hands, the boards have been very generous to him and i have never seen him bluff or show a bluff at this point. Flop comes A,Q,Q. He checks to me and I think for a little bit. With his hand ranges I think i have him pretty well beat. I raise to 25. He thinks for a small bit and grabs a stack and raises me to 100. I couldn't quite think what he had, maybe K,Q maybe Q,J some pocket pair he thought was good. My image at this point is very tight. I haven't played a hand yet and ive been siting for half an hour. I fold due to the fact i havent seen him re-raise someone unless he had what he represented. After I folded he showed me his Q and said he had Q,10. Blah.

Later on I don't get any hands. I had a suited connector at some point but i think i folded too quickly because i dont even remember the hand.

After about 1.5 hours of folding i am down to 140 in chips. I finally get a pocket pair, my first of the night. Pocket 9's. The guy to the left of me, now with 700+ in chips, staddled my BB. 3 people call the 4$. Action comes to me and i decide to call along with the straddler. I like to raise with pockets 10's and up. Being the BB i didn't want to raise in my position. Flop comes 5,9,10. I was praying in my head. Please please please let me see a 9. I decided to check my trips. Reason i decided this was because the player to my left almost always bets the flop when he straddles, i haven't seen him do it yet. The people at the tables havent seen me bet a hand yet and are used to see me checking. I didn't want to give any signs up hitting something. Guy to my left bets 17 with the other players calling, along with myself. turn comes A. I check hoping the guy to my left will lead out with a bet again and everyone will call building the pot for my re-raise. He checks with everyone following suite and checking. I decide to raise to 35. Everyone folds except the player on my right who went from 700+ chips now to 300. He calls my bet. He has been relatively tight and this bored didnt offer any flushes and i didn't put him on any straight draws. river comes a 2. No 3 of any suits which made me happy. I think for awhile and decide to bet 90. After some heavy consideration he grabs a stack and calls. He shows A,10. I take down the pot. PHEW!

Finally i feel my luck was beginning to change! Only took 1.5hrs of folding. Even though i finally doubled up i told myself to stick to the game plan and not get anxious because we won a hand. I am in the BB with 5,9o. A crap hand with the usual play of check if i can pre flop but fold to any bet. 4 People limp and i decide to just check with my amazing hand. Flop comes 9,9,K. Awesome flop for me. I'm not sure why i decided to check the flop but the table has still been quite aggressive with the flops never usually going for an entire round of checks. I check, i person a semi tight grandma bets 15, one player calls, the other two fold and I call. Turn is a 5. Yahtzee! I am hoping someone has that K and with the players still in the hand i didn't suspect they were good enough to know when to let go of top pair. I check again and the grandma puts the rest of her chips in the pot with a 60$ raise. The guy next to her has been a little down in his chip count lately decides to call the bet with about 150 behind. I decided to shove all-in. I had him covered and i figured he would call my all-in if he had a 9 or any top pair. He didn't get involved with too many pot for a lot of money in the past but when he did he was always committed. This, I took as one of those times. He called with a disgusted look on his face. River comes up a blank. I show my full house, grandma showed 9,A. Trips with A kicker. Red-headed guy showed top pair. I think he had something like K,10. Maybe a little better i actually didnt see since i was so excited i won and that he called me. But with that big win I scooped up all the chips in one big pile so excited i actually forgot to tip the dealer. I got lucky with the 5 but at some point my hands will hit.

Now with a pretty big chip stack and making two player get up and walk away simultaneously i felt pretty good about myself. I look at 6,6 on the button. A smile goes off my mind. I haven't seen this many playable hands in quite some time. A few players limp to me and i decide to limp along with them. The players in this hand were quite weak to my knowledge. They seemed to raise when they had a hand worthy of it and always limped when their hand was weaker. There were no tricks to their play. It was a bit refreshing that i didnt have to think too hard about their hand ranges. Flop comes 5,6 10. YAY! Another good hand for me. Checks all around to me and i decide to raise it to 12. 2 players insta-fold and the third calls. Turn comes a J. I put this player on a funky draw. They always seemed to call call call in whatever hand they were in and usually were flushed out by a big raise. They check to me and i raise to 25. They call. I'm thinking they are still searching for that straight or flush since i dont think they would have called with pair of 10's. Turn comes an Ace, they check. I look at his stack and he has about 60 left. I think a big raise would get him to fold so i bet another 25 which I thought was about the most amount of money he would call with. He calls and turnd over 10,J. Another lucky hit for me.

All in all I felt like i played semi-good. I got quite bit lucky with my 9,5o hand. I really didn't play more than 5-6 hands the entire time. I feel like i have a decently big range of hands that i play but i just didnt get anything. I played all my pockets pairs and any suited connectors. I didn't see anything A hands minus the A,J i lost. I went in with 200 and walked out with 855 in chips. Not too shabby. I still don't think i played all of my hands the best I could and i may need to re-adjust when I see another table as loose as this one was.

But thanks for taking the time to read this and i'm going to continue writing these for as long as I play poker and become a good player some day!

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Selling % by player999, January 29

$215 Heads Up
$215 Million
$700 TCOOP Main Event
$530 Sunday
$162 Bigger
$215 TCOOP Hyper
$162 6 Max
$215 Second Chance

= ~$2400

1:1 selling half, starts in a few moments, send me quick!

hneves182 on PS

exalted 15%
mandza17 10%
dl184 10%
Tensai176 5%
roi_MM 5%

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Tell em you love em by NewbSaibot, January 28

Just found out my dad passed away last week. I hadn't spoken to him in 6 years. We used to get along great, then one day he came to visit and we got into a big fight over something stupid. I walked away and just never spoke to him again. Him and my mother are my only family. My mom and I get along great, but I think he was too ashamed to ever try and call us to make amends. At first I was punishing him. In part for him threatening to hit me, and because there are certain things I dont like about myself which I attribute towards him, such as my tilt control and motivation in life.

As the months and holiday's went by, I would talk myself out of calling because I thought it was too soon. Then as the years went by I was afraid to call because I thought it would be weird. One day while I was at work I actually got a call from him. I wasnt at my desk at the time but it showed on the caller ID. He didnt leave a voicemail, so I figured if he wants to talk to me he'll call back soon enough. Again months and years went by and I was too afraid to initiate first contact.

Now he's fucking dead. The apartment manager where he lived had to look me up. She used an online people finder service to find out who to contact since he didnt have any information about his family on file. My dad was a loner, just like me. He had no friends or family at all. She told me the hospital called her because she was listed as his emergency contact. Thats right, my dad listed his apartment manager as his emergency contact. They told her he died of cancer.

Apparently he contracted some type of cancer in his arm about 2 years ago, and for whatever reason decided not to seek medical help and rely on self-healing techniques instead. My dad was always kinda hippy'ish like this, but not beyond reason. The manager and him were friendly, and she noticed the tumor on his arm but he refused to talk about it. Eventually he went to the hospital and started chemotherapy for a year before another tumor appeared on his neck. By this time all his hair had fallen out and he was frail and weak. She said he looked deathly ill. One day he told her he was admitting himself to the hospital and would be gone for awhile. She said she knew he wasnt coming back. About a month later he died under a morphine drip in a hospital bed.

She begged him to provide contact information for any family members possible but he refused. I'm not sure if it was out of spite or embarrassment. Perhaps he was just as scared as me to contact us for help. Maybe he didnt want us to see him in such condition. Maybe he thought we still hated him. The point is he was a good man and he died painful and slow, all alone in the world, thinking nobody loved him and nobody cared. I'm glad his pain is over, but I can only imagine what he went through for the last 2 years. He wasn't Osama, he wasn't Hitler, he didn't deserve to die like that. The manager said he didnt leave much behind in his apartment. She felt very sorry for him, knowing he didnt talk to anybody. He was just a shy quiet type of man.

As I reflect on past communication, it wouldnt surprise me at all to find out right around the time he called me was when he probably discovered he had cancer. I almost called him over christmas under pressure from my g/f but decided not to out of anger, an anger that didnt really even exist. You see I wasnt really that mad about what happened. As I said earlier, I was just sorta punishing him for no good reason. Sort of like hurting a small animal to satisfy some sick desire in yourself. I felt good by making him feel bad.

I cant begin to describe my grief now. So if there is anybody out there in the world who you havent told you loved in awhile, tell em now while you still can. Dont let stupid petty shit fuck with your relationships. I'll be flying to texas to collect his belongings and arrange to have his body shipped so my mother and I can bury him. We will probably be the only 2 people there.

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Safe Porn by LikeASet, January 28

Had to re-install windows twice this month. I think it's either or that's causing my computer to bug out. When my computer gets the bug(s)/virus(es), it's unable to start up windows past the log in screen and gets stuck while trying to load windows after logging in.

Currently got an antivirus/security software program called "Webroot Secure Anywhere" and it seems to not notice any threats when I scan my computer after looking at dat pornogs.

While I was subscribing from Norton during the past year my computer seemed to be fine for the most part while surfing between and probably around 2-3 times per week.

Maybe Webroot Secure doesn't detect/block that many threats or the sites have gotten worst recently. What sites seem to be fine to surf and that you would surf on with a brand new computer? My computer is currently 13 months old and cost about 1200$ D : . I'm trying to make this comp last at least 5 years.

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Help translating to Spanish by k2o4, January 26

hey Lp, any chance one of you native spanish speakers can just confirm that I'm translating this in the best way?

Working on a project called the "Nobel Legacy Film Series" and we want to translate the title to spanish. Right now here are the two options I'm looking at (I like the first better, but wtf do I know):

1) Legado de Nobel Ciclo de Cine
2) Nobel de la herencia de Cine de Serie

Thanks to anyone who can help out =)

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pokertracker by RoscoSly, January 26

Good day,

I would like to know when using poker tracker which of the stats under each player is the most important??

thx in advance

Awesome quote here:

Is it a reasonable thing, I ask you, for a grown man to run about and hit a ball? Poker's the only game fit for a grown man. Then, your hand is against every man's, and every man's is against yours. Teamwork? Who ever made a fortune by teamwork? There's only one way to make a fortune, and that's to down the fellow who's up against you.

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Video, poll by longple, January 26

Was thinking of maybe making another video for LP, what would u like to see?
Poll: What video should longple make?
(Vote): 4-6 tableing 100bb video
(Vote): 4-6 tableing deep video
(Vote): Hu video
(Vote): 24 tableing starsvideo (prolly w/o much commentary)


comments for info
Poll: hu vs ket instead?
(Vote): yes
(Vote): no

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Sickest degenerate thing I've ever done? by Zep, January 26

Dropped $1850 in 3 Hours. Made $1950 in the following 6. Roll Was Down to ~$40, is now at ~$2050. . Yup, I'm an idiot, I suck at poker, and I'm as delusional as Mike McDermott. Just thought I'd share for the lulz.

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Yo I try not to do this but by Night2o1, January 25

Alright so Eric Cantor abused an administrative/majority leader power which equates to *indefinitely suspending* a bill which already passed a majority vote in the house of representatives.

Furthermore this is a bill that makes it illegal for Congressmen to trade stocks and share Insider Information! It is an amazing bill that could really help to decrease corruption.

I pulled all of this from this reddit thread:

I pulled out the most important shit in cliffs

Master Thread

The Bill

Easily Acquire Your Representative's Contact Information

Easily Contact Representatives &

-A Bill to stop Insider Trading has passed
-A single congressman CANCELS IT with an admin. power
-Every U.S. citizen who reads this thread is outraged and calls their state representatives
-It'll be illegal for politicians to rob us with Insider Trading

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Played 1/3 in Vegas by ynot, January 25

So! I decided to play some hold'em in Vegas. There were no 1/2 just 1/3/, 2/5, then up to 5/10. I decided to hop into a 1/3 game trying to go strictly by the guidelines that I have been practicing with a little bit of improvisation due to actions what I see at the table.

So I sit down with 200.00$. The largest buy in was 300 but I just happened to have to 200. I watched the table for about 15 minutes before I sat down and didn't find the table being so aggressive I needed a bigger stack. Once I sit down I notice that the table is typically tight. No one being over aggressive. Raises tended to represent high cards and the few people who would call raises regardless of the amount were easily identified. There were 2 people with stacks over 300 and both of them were tight and played premium hands. As the cards start rolling I play the folding game for the first majority of the hands i receive trying to pick up on everyone else while I wait and watch.

The first playable hand I fall into were pocket 6's. I was in middle position with an unopened pot. I raise to 7. Just a small raise and a pot builder. I got about 4 callers. Not a big deal. Flop came J,K,3. I checked the flop to find a raise to 15 and two calls. I fold.

Later on I come across A,Ko. A few folds and 2 limps in front of me I decided to raise to 20 due to how many people come after me. I get a call from the small blind and folds all around. Flop comes 6,7,T rainbow. I'm not sure why but I decided to lead with a bet. The individual I was up against seemed to be a tight player and talk around the table seemed to say how they haven't seen him show a bluff. He check the flop. I raise to 25. With a few minutes of thought he reaches and decided to raise me to 75. I debated the possibilities. I assumed he limped then called my raise forgetting he was the small blind. I thought for a little while, thinking about what possible hands he could have had to call my 20. Maybe A,K - pockets of 8-J, A,Q. I feel pocket J's or Q's would incite a 3 bet pre flop but the table talk was he slow played his big hands and I haven't seen enough of him to really know for sure. Even if I was ahead in the hand i am not about to semi bluff with such little information about my opponent. A smooth call would have me praying to hit an A, or K to scare him off his queens or jacks and if he tripped up I am dead anyways. I fold.

A few hands later I find pocket 5's. I call a raise to 10 with a few other people and find the flop hideous with no 5's. Check-fold.

Later on again i look at A,Ko. Never suited which irritated me. I am in early position and open the pot with a 15 dollar raise. Folds all around until the dealer button calls me. Flop comes J,Q,3 rainbow. The person I was up against tended to play weaker hands. Like A,To - J,Qo Any Ace suited or not suited. He valued his top pairs a lot, bets medium pair hands and calls with any outs. I decided to lead out with a bet thinking I could hit any K or A and get ahead of him and I had the 10 in my back pocket. I raise to 20 to get a quick re raise to 75. I wasn't sure what to make of this play. I felt like I really had a good shot of still being ahead of him. By the hands I have watched him play and how loose he is I was betting he was dealing with a pair of jacks. Maybe 10,J or Q,10 Maybe A,J. Nothing too strong. The problem was he had me covered with about 400 chips in his stack to my now 150ish. I debated a long time with my gut telling me I am probably not as far behind at this bet is making it look. I needed to catch to pull ahead. I laid this hand down with anger in my heart. I couldn't come to call his bet hoping to hit an A,K, or 10. I doubt I could have re-raised him off his hand since he had me covered. Judging by the was he was playing he would think his Q,10 or J,10 was good enough. Maybe he had J,Q. In any case I learned not to do any continuation bets when my A,K doesn't hit. It just gets me into trouble. I could have checked and he may have only bet 20-25 which may almost merit a call from me or at least get the same information without losing my chips. I fold.

After my few hands of A,K I really went into a bad slump of cards for about 1 1/2 hours. I fold fold fold fold watch the hands play out. I notice a gentleman who joined the table was EXTREMELY loose. Playing the most ridiculous cards ever and calling with the worst hands ever and somehow winning. He would be calling 20 dollar bets that already have a few people in the pot with Q,3o and some how end up winning the hand with a pair of queens. This guy was terrible. I watched as he showed down the worst hands ever. I wasn't able to make a move due to not getting any cards. I couldn't even limp with the hands I was getting. Eventually I get pocket J's on the button. Limps to all to me with about 4 people limping already. I raise to 20. The loose guy in the BB calls and every else folds. Flop comes A,4,7 rainbow. I knew this guy would play any ace and had a large range of hands. I knew that if this flop came out low with my jacks being an over pair i would take this guy for a lot of money. If I tripped up he would be too dumb to know what hit him. I raise to 15 to see what he would do. I call wouldn't surprise me but like everyone else he re-raises me. He wasn't around to see everyone else doing it so i didnt think it was a trend he picked up on. He hasn't re-raised people too much and when he had top pair he would call or lead out a bet when checked to, never re-raise. I wasn't sure what to think of it. He was about 500 deep and I was around 125. he raised to 50 without too much hesitation. I couldn't afford to see another card and playing A- anything was well in his range even shown when he was involved in a multi hundred dollar pot with A,6o. It boggled my mind. I folded to him and kicked myself as to what was happening to me. I couldn't get any luck on the flop and anytime i thought i saw weakness I was re-raised. Maybe I shouldn't have been betting the flops with my over cards or trying to bet into weak players.

All in all my experience was so-so. I wasn't able to spend as much time in the room as had hoped for but the small amount of time I had found weaker players than my local 1/2 games in Louisiana. I wish I had more time to sit and crush these super loose and crazy players. I wanted so badly to catch a flop vs the loose players. I had the pleasure of holding my last hour and a half with no hand to even raise pre flop. Maybe limp but I am not about to play shit hands because the rest of the table is. I had a lot of fun and look forward to continue the coaching I am receiving and kick ass in my local 1/2 tables.

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