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Cannabis Cures Cancer by k2o4, January 25

10 months ago I made this blog post about cannabis curing cancer. It met some resistance, especially from our resident authority from the western medical world, palak. First, the "anecdotal" evidence was dismissed right off hand, which is stupid because that's like dismissing the Benjamin Franklin kite story, a piece of anecdotal evidence which led to many great applications. The scientific evidence I posted was argued against because it wasn't using natural cannabis, rather synthetic cannabinoids created in a lab.

Now nearly a year later enough evidence has met the scientific standards to start an application to the FDA. They've seen enough people cured of cancer through the use of cannabis, one patient doing something extremely similar to a video I posted that was dismissed for being "anecdotal", that they feel confident applying for FDA approval. That's a huge step, and hopefully a big enough step to satisfy all the skeptics out there, including you medical doctors who have such a weird hate towards this plant ("even if it works, it's not the plant, it's the stuff we make in a lab that works, fuck nature, we are gods"... at least that's how it feels, hehe).

Cancer Patient Success Prompts Cannabis Science To Begin FDA Investigational New Drug (IND) Application Process

  DENVER, Jan 25, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Cannabis Science, Inc. a pioneering U.S. biotech company developing pharmaceutical cannabis (marijuana) products, is pleased to inform that the current progress and success with their numerous self-medicated cancer patients, has lead the Company to immediately begin the Investigational New Drug (IND) application process that will target cancer treatment.

Cannabis Science is currently tracking numerous cancer patients, who are self-medicating with cannabis extracts. The Company has evident success with these patients, which creates support to submit an IND application to the FDA. The prescription pharmaceutical market is the number one target market for Cannabis Science, and with having the appropriate backup for the application process, it is all very promising for the Company and cancer patients worldwide.

Cannabis Science currently has documented images for the first three apparently successful self-medicated cancer patients, and the Company is waiting for more documentation and images associated with other patients. The first patient had basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer) on her face, and after applying the topical cannabis extracts within 10 days it appeared the lesion was gone. Cannabis Science received documentation from her surgeon that she would not need to undergo any surgical procedures and was free of cancer cells. The second patient, who has basal cell carcinoma on their arm, has gotten dramatic results. Their treatment has been completed, and Cannabis Science is just waiting for a full biopsy report from the patient's physician to inform that they are free of cancer cells. A special case, involves a third patient with severe squamous cell carcinoma on his head. His physician prior to using cannabis extracts had told this patient, that there was nothing more that could be done. Cannabis Science has gotten drastic results, along with photographed documentation of the treatment process. This patient's treatment is still in progress, but with photographic evidence you can see the effectiveness of the cannabis-based extracts.

I know some of you will keep hating, and there's some weirdo's who like to reply to my blogs and tell me I'm addicted to weed and need help, and I don't expect all of that to stop - haters tend to be biased and evidence rarely sways them. But for those of you who are looking for some facts and truth, I hope this post is enlightening =)

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PT3 Question by StArCuE, January 25

I just have a quick question about the hud display on pt3. I'm playing on hero but my hud stats are not properly aligned with other players at the table. For example my stats will be displayed under someone elses name and so on. I'm playing 6 max and have set the game type to 6 max with my preferred seat at #3. Thanks for the help. Chris.

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so my friend just died a couple hours ago by Into Infinity, January 25

second friend to suddenly pass in two months. makes me wonder why i take everything for granted. feels like i'm at that age where death isn't just a fantasy anymore and i need to man up and accept it.


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1st 100K PLO hands :) by UnitedAs1, January 25

So we are on the 25th and I've managed to get in 100k hands, I think this is the most I've played in a month, I have played a bit more than a 100k because I played some NLH and stupid PT3 doesn't produce graphs with the 2 games combined well I don't think so anyway. I am missing HEM so much, wish they would bring out a mac version imo it's stupid not too, guess I will just have to wait until PT4 comes out and see how that is.

Total hand count is at 114494 here is the graph for all the PLO hands....

Been a frustrating 30k hands, Also most of my winnings have come from the odd HUPLO session, I'm a small winner at 6max PLO but recently have been playing a lot better as I have cut down the tables to 12 and tiled them all this just lets me see whats going on and so i don't have to make instant decisions. I'm about 5.6k up total including NLH and bonuses.

I'm a little behind pace like 2.2k not much but I want to make that up asap...(I still have the rest of the day but don't plan on playing too tired).

VPP count 72,784.63

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Balance is difficult by Daut, January 24

I've always thought deep down inside that I was horrible at balancing my own play at the tables. Occasionally playing a hand a certain way in order to have said hand in your range is not the equivalent of being balanced. You have to make a commitment to do it regularly and often. Life is much the same.

Its been a struggle to balance playing poker, working out, hanging out with friends, and learning new things all at the same time. I'm the kind of guy who gets real obsessed about things for a little while, then move on to something else, move back to the first thing, etc. I've never been good at keeping my life balanced. Ill spend a week playing skyrim and doing nothing else. Ill go on a bender and go out with my buddies 3-4 nights in a row then stop. Ill play a bunch of poker for 2-3 weeks then ill take a month off.

Although its probably not the best solution for a number of reasons, I decided to give some of my buddies freerolls to ensure i keep my life balanced.

im in vancouver for the next couple weeks and offered 4 friends the following freerolls:
1. josh - $50 every day i dont play at least 2k hands
2. his fiance emily - $50 every day i dont work out
3. nick - $50 every day i dont work on rosetta stone spanish
4. his fiance leah - $50 every day i dont hang out with at least one of them.

it would probably be better to get to the root of the problem and solve the underlying issues through logic and practice, but I think getting myself into a routine of doing things on a daily basis will break my bad habits.

sorry for the weak ass blogpost. i recently went to costa rica and was gonna do a writeup with lots of pics about the trip, but the girls i went with are lagging to post the pictures on facebook. something about them all needing to sign off on any pictures uploaded so none of them look awful in any picture online. as always, estrogen, the antithesis to reason. ill make that update when they post them finally

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Rosetta Stone or Spanish Learners Prog? by Night2o1, January 24

Hey guys,
I really want/need to learn spanish. I have had two years of highschool and one semester of college, as well as some light exposure during childhood to the language, but I'm fuckin balls-awful and I especially have no vocabulary.

So I need some advice on how to go about learning? I'd like to use Rosetta Stone but there is NO way I can blow hundreds of dollars on it. derp,

What about an alternative program? Has anyone had any experience with a certain spanish learning website, or free programs, or inexpensive products?

Thanks guys!

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My Black Chip Poker account hacked. by Jhyun88, January 24

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Study: 95% of people are sheeple by D_smart_S, January 24

Lots of truths here.

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overcloaking i72600k by Dogan0s, January 22

hi guys
i recently moved back to states (2 weeks ago) to stay for good.
gonna work as a manager at some pizza-restaurant stores(my uncle owns some)
its been a big decision for me since i had to leave greece (friends family gf etc) to make this move
and i really hope it goes well.I havent played any poker for the last 3 months.might aswell try my luck
here and start playing some again.
***a big thanks to LP for being the main school for me learning poker past 2 years,
grinding up to nl400 on various sites(mainly eurosites) grant me like 40k$ + like 60k$ more that ive spent allready
back in greece***
special thx to nolan,heroes)engage,wobbly,tom,dusty and many more for posting hands teaching us noobs how to play

anyway, im getting a new desktop next week and im looking forward to get it really highend
i7 2600k
Asus P8Z68 Deluxe
16gigs ram
geforce 570gtx
120g intel ssd

so my main question is will be worth it overclocking this to like 4.2ghz(3.5 is factory clock)
will i need extra cooling to do that? and hows my motherboard for such things.
i trust lpers more than a nerdy site i ll google to get answers for this so
thx in advance and gl at tables

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cool story bro by Ket, January 22

"We're all just a bunch of egos passing judgement on other egos, to help keep our own ego intact. Strange but true."

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Broke up with gf by LemOn[5thF], January 22

Was with her for over 3 years, living together for some two and a half.

Did you have to deal with this kind of a thing before and how did you do it? Did you stay friends?
She was the first girl i was serious with, planning to get kids and grow old with and everything..

pic or gtfo? Here's a recent one:

My job starts in one month, I got the gig and the Norwegian tech company. What I'll be doing in first few months is almost pure cold calling to businesses, finding new prospects and closing with existing ones after a trial of the product is given to them for a few months. It's a life consuming job where you are expected to socialize and party with your co workers a ton and be very busy, I can't wait to start

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Handball EURO 2012 by Kapol, January 21

Poland 29:29 Sweden (9:20 at halftime).

From hell to heaven. The sickest game ever.

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% switch by ichiro, January 21

won a sattelite to the $109 TCOOP HU today but its a bit above my roll so ia anyone interested in ph switching 10 or 20%

have not really got anyone to vouch for me exept my mom who thinks i am a trustworthy person, and i have bought some percentages from drakk during the wcoop.

just thought i throw it out there


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Few things by UnitedAs1, January 20

I thought I would right a blog as I'm changing to MAC and needed to import my hands into PT3. I was planning to import just this years but HEM would only let me export the whole database, when I tried to export this years hands it kept on running out of memory and I couldn't be bothered with it.

So 20 days into the grind and I'm still going strong ....well I say that but the past week has been horrible. Basically since the last post it's just been break even poker I think I played like 90k-95k hands or something like that and up around 5K. As said it's been a struggle I looked at my results and I'm break even at PLO 6 max and 5k up at HUPLO :D, I swear though I will crack 6 max people play so awful at times even the regs, sure I'm guilty of it to but I try and improve and learn from the mistakes I see from not just me but others as well.

I'm at 63kVPPS so basically 1 day ahead of schedule.

Another thing I bought a MacBook Air the other day and feel like such a mug paying £1.3k for it makes me feel sick just thinking of it. I think my 27" imac was around the same price as that, but what the hell it's only money and I love it. My old laptop would tend to over heat on me and burn my leg and then lag a lot. The MacBook is pretty good with that and it hasn't heated up at all. It's small and compact very light with a slick design. I do have a ipad that a bought about a month ago but I prefer having a keyboard and also I want to be able to multi task better, you just really cannot do that on a ipad so I'm going to get rid of it.

Thats all for now I will post graphs when I hit a 100k hands hopefully within next week/week and a half I should be at Supernova, I think I have around 170kfpps so not to far away from the 4K bonus which should be nice.

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My parents can't pay my university studies by el_tilon, January 20

This is my results on the last 3 months

my nickname at Ongame is el_tilon

I'm asking for 30NL stake cause I've to pay my University studies, and the only way I can is using my bankroll :S. I'll appreciate if you want to give me coaching on 30NL and higher levels. I can play 30k hands per month, and I have a deal of 45% of rakeback.

This is my last semester at Engineer School, and I have to paid 2k usd before february 15th.

Interested send me a PM.

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English help by Almebeast, January 20

I know this might not be the perfect place to ask about spelling/grammar and stuff but Im gonna give it a shot anyway =)

Im writing a scientific report which Im going to attach in an application for a PhD position, so I want it to be as good as possible. My supervisor has read what I've written so far and given me suggestions as to what to change. Most of her suggestions are actually about pure language stuff and not about the content. The thing is, her english isnt the best and Im not too sure about some of her "corrections". Below are some of the things Im not sure about. If you could tell me which line is correct (or if neither is correct, how it should be written), I would appreciate it alot.

My version: The solution at grid point (x_i, y_i) is denoted v_ij
Her version: The solution at a grid point (x_i, y_i) is denoted by v_ij

My version: Waves are reflected off the boundary.
Her version: Waves are reflected of the boundary.

My version: The SBP-SAT method makes it possible to derive [... alot of math stuff...], and thus prove stability.
Her version: The SBP-SAT method makes it possible to derive [... alot of math stuff...], and thus to prove stability.

Take care and GL at the tables.

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Case comps + pics by djforever, January 20

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Pokerstars Dinner in Vancouver + 39k Pot!! by Joeingram1, January 19

Whats going on guys, still need to write my SNE prop bet wrap up blog but I have alot of things to write/say about the few month long grind so want to make sure I'm in the writing mindset. This month has been incredibly well and I think pokerstars is rewarding me for playing 450k plo hands in December with this ridiculous run good at high stakes to start the year including my biggest pot ever won

Obv Rafe was the spot in this game and the only reason I was playing so high, he wasn't 3betting that much preflop and after he potted I was moreso praying it wasn't AAxx with nut flush draw but when he tanked for like 20 seconds I was like holy crap I might actually have the best hand with bottom pair, and I was an 80 percent fave for a 39k pot, heart sure was pumping on the turn when he picked up a bit more outs but on the river it was going crazy, like holyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!

This is how my graph is looking since I moved back into my 2nd canada place where the run good officially lives, almost made it to +100k but not quite there yet

Pokerstars hosted a dinner for some Vancouver supernova's the other night that I attended and had a great time. This is my second get together organized by Pokerstars that I have attended. The first was on Thanksgiving for the USA relocatees that was great, it kinda sucked having to be in Canada and grinding on Thanksgiving so this was a great moral booster for myself and just another reason why Stars is amazing to its plyers, I got to meet some lp'ers who I've only known online and got to meet the Canada Rep for this part of the world for Pokerstars, Rich and his wife. The dinner the other night here at HY steakhouse was for Canadian supernovas but luckily me and my friend Matt (rivrmeadream) got an invite and got to meet some more pretty cool guys from the area. Had a chance to meet a guy I've grinded a ton of PLO with and he was the only one brave enough to go out with us afterwards, prob can't blog that story. Rich gave away a few pairs of hockey tickets through 8 way PLO flips and obv I binked the first one for my hometowm Blackhawks vs Canucks, everyone was happy for me of course. Of course we ordered a ton of appetizers, double drinks and deserts as the night was on Pokerstars and everyone figured we could all use some more rakeback. I know not everyone is happy with the changes made this year to the VPP system but I have tried turn the negative into a positive for me personally and figured out a way to maximize my rakeback and try to improve my winrate. Previously it was very profitable to nit it up while 24 tabling with the mentality that I could breakeven while earning 120k but now that is not the case, in deciding to take a different approach and open up my game a ton while playing in better games higher stakes I have been able to make as much money in the first few weeks of the year then I might be able to make the whole year with 24 tabling + SNE.

I made a video at the stars dinner so you guys can see what a real life pokerstars employee looks like and some other poker players look like, lighting kinda meh

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The most beautiful pussy, ever. (NSFW) by whamm!, January 19

+ Show Spoiler +

sick perverts stop staring at this already, it's perfect I know. lol

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Vaping by Night2o1, January 19

It is nothing like blazing. THIS SUCKS.

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