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My sickest and longest session ever. by UnitedAs1, January 12

So I wake around 8am watch a bit of tv and eat something. Then around 9-10am i start the grind, I played 1 session didn't go that well ran kinda bad but who cares about that I finished like $800 down. I take a break and go play the playstation and get something to eat.

Then around 5pm I get back on it to try and at least break even, well things went really bad. I managed to lose another 2.2k making a total of 3k after 10k hands or so. Now being me I don't like losing a dime in any session so I continue to grind. I felt pretty good I wasn't tilted and so I decided to play some HUPLO (this is where I think I play my best game) as I was way ahead of VPP pace now,

Anyway I get some tables up, 2 people 2 tabling me and they both ran like the sun I think I dropped another 2k making a total of 5k. 1 of them just hit and ran me and the other stayed and that's when things started to turn around. I won about 1k off the guy who stayed with me and won another 1.5k off other people.

Then me and this other guy played about 650 hands and I managed to win 2.5k off him making me get back to even/small winner. The thing is I didn't even know I was 5k down at 1 point if I knew that I would of probably stopped and gone on life tilt :D.

So now I’m ahead of pace currently at 43vpps and I’m probably going to take tomorrow (well it’s actually today) and Saturday off and come back refreshed for a Sunday grind. I wish I could get SNE just through HUPLO would be so much better but I don’t fancy playing super long sessions like today because I don’t think I earn enough VPPs.

That is all for now good luck at the tables all.

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Still going :D by UnitedAs1, January 11

So 11 days into the SNE grind and still on pace, I haven't yet dropped the ball and fell behind yet so lets hope I can keep that going. This week has been really busy played 7 games of football in a week and played a couple of rounds of golf and done my a couple of driving lessons. I wish I never played that many football matches cause my back is killing me now .

Anyway today was a stupid day I was doing really good then happy hour came on stars and managed to drop a lot of buyins, I was just happy to come out of the session 1 buyin up. I do feel reasonably confident with my PLO game at the moment, 1 thing I would say is that I too loose in the blinds which is costing me.

Here is the graph...Guess when happy hour came? :D

I've decided that I'm going to wake up earlier and split the sessions so if I want to I can avoid happy hour.

Here is my monthly graph so far.

VPP count 33k

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My Birthday + Milestone Complete!! by wobbly_au, January 11

Its my 26th birday today, very very big things coming up. My girlfriend is arriving in Sydney from China to visit me and spend both her and my birthday together (Yes we are born on the same day although she is 6 years younger than me!). Then I am scooting off on a 2week golf vacation with my good friends, girlfriend and sister!

Obligatory pic of said alleged girlfriend

On to my epic milestone~

On October 16th 2011 I weighed 84.7kg whilst only being 173cm so that my friend is really fat as you can imagine. Now the weird thing is I've never really cared about the fat jokes or felt at all insecure and I think the reason for that is I felt I was overachiever in every other aspect in life anyway.

I thought to my self; 4 years ago I was a broke student with less than $1000 in savings now I own an apartment and still have more than 7 figures banked. I've come along way success wise, but my health has suffered immensely as a result.

So I decided to just become the perfect being. The epitome of a young balla, I started with 3km runs on day 1 but by about the 30th day I had already increased my run to 10km.

I planned my calorie intake everyday (set at 1300) and planned my cardio and strength training to burn atleast 800 calories. I did this by rotating between a 2km swim or a 10km run or a round of golf. With an addition of 80 situps and 60 push ups daily.

There were days where every atom in my body wanted to give up and take a day off but I persevered.

I remember one day super clearly. It was towards the end of December and I had been sick with a slight fever and was playing poker since 10am till 2am. Thats 16 hours of continous grind. I was also down about $30,000 but the fish logged off so I was done. Really wanted to eat something warm then shower and sleep but I hadn't done my run yet! Oh shitt..... No pain no gain I thought. So I put my shoes on, did the laces up and went down stairs. Then I finally realised what all the noises were, there was a monster storm, thunder and lightining everywhere. I still went for it, I told myself this is how people succeeded and there was no way I would accept failure. That day I ran 10km, the rain completely soaked my clothes and shoes. With rain and sweat dripping down my face I couldn't even see where I was going, but I ran and ran and when I was finally done I felt like a champion..

Today, on my birthday the 12 of Jan 2012 I weigh 69.8kg thats 14.9kgs lost in just under 3 months.

Happy birthday to me!

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The Rules Are by spets1, January 11
No more than 10k hands per month.
No more than 3 hrs per day
Take a break if want to play more than 4 tables for at least 1 day
No more than 3 days of playing in a row. Must have at least a 1 day break in between

Play when really want to play not just bored

Play style
Always think about range
Always try to play in position
Avoid making difficult decisions
Be aggressor not responder to aggression
Assume level 1 thinking to opponents - they play straight forward - unless noted otherwise

also got sucked out twice today so

  On December 15 2011 12:31 Thall wrote:
solid ! Keep doing updates like these and the pokergods will bless you with an insane +EV graph i guess

for extra karma

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Travels! Any Madrid/SA ppl here? by Ket, January 10

Hi guys. Happy 2012! Let's achieve our goals this year!

So earlier today I booked a last minute trip for 3 weeks from next week because why not. I'm headed towards South America and am gonna meet up with a small group of close mates that already out there, including my housemate Tom who prob needs no introduction on here. Pretty excited for the trip, here's my rough itinerary:

- Tues 17 Jan fly from London in the morning to Madrid. It's a connecting flight to Buenos Aires but I did it in such a way that I should have a day to quickly check out Madrid. Are there any LPers in Madrid who wanna meet up for dinner/a beer/show me around a bit next Tuesday? That would be awesome if so! Pls msg me asap!

- A week in Buenos Aires, Argentina from Jan 18th-24th

- ????????????? from Jan 24th to Jan 28th. Haven't decided yet. My friends are going to Rurrenabaque to mess about in a jungle. As I hate bugs I think I would enjoy that about as much as Karl Pilkington did on An Idiot Abroad. I may just suck it up and join them for the experience and to say I did it. Open to any suggestions, anything unmissable? Next stop is in Peru so was considering Lima on the shortlist for this slot of time, any LPers in Lima who wanna show me around? locoo is that where u are?

- Get to Cusco, Peru on 29th. Check out the sights there for a couple of days, acclimatise to the altitude a bit. Then a 4 day jungle route (ffs no bugs plz) to Machu Picchu including downhill biking, rafting, 2 days trekking and last day hike up to MP itself. Looking really forward to this except for bugs. One rest day in Cusco after this before...

- 5th Feb fly to La Paz, Bolivia to ride a bicycle down something called Death Road.

- 7th Feb be happy to be still alive (one time) and hightail it back to London.

Would love as much feedback as I can get about any part of any of this. For example, what can you do in half a day in Madrid? What shouldn't we miss in Buenos Aires? What are some things I should consider doing to fill in "??????????"?


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2nd in NH by tloapc, January 10

Ron Paul Celebrates Historic Second Place Win in New Hampshire Primary
"We urge Ron Paul's opponents who have been unsuccessfully trying to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney to unite by getting out of the race and uniting behind Paul's candidacy."

Read more here

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St. Maarten by casinocasino, January 10

Right before the end of 2011 I went on a 6 day trip, 2 To Jamaica, and then went to St Maarten for 4 days, I planned on playing poker some but had to finish the last 20k VPP when i got home because bad internet connection. St Maarten is awesome, cool locals, good food, lots of activities, Ziplining 1000 feet in the air, windsurfing, parachuteing, French and Dutch side and kind of affordable to live as some places had 500/month for all inclusive. The internet was kind of slow but to be expected when living in hotels. I found some reliable internet providers having service at 1000kbs(is that fast enough to run multiple 24 tablers off a single connection?) Anyways its an attractive to place to live as poker plaer, and I am highly considering moving back. Anyone ever considered places like this? seem to be a good alternative to the Thailand type destinations many poker players find themselves in.
Happy Bay, we treked here for 15 minutes off some nudist beach on the French side, it only had a hut with some cocunut trees and a guy selling a fresh one for 1$

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starting to play again by Into Infinity, January 10

haven't played since like june. so here we go.

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Hi hevad by whamm!, January 10

I remember watching a replay of you playing BW as z7-rain or something. Just a thought.

+ Show Spoiler +

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update by eestwood, January 10

whats up dudes

just wanna share some updates on my progress. Was feeling good about my game last couple months, but now when I checked my HEM to make some screenshots, I can see I still suck.

Put in very little volume since last update, but was dealing with some rl stuff, moved twice since november, my main desktop comp died + working 40hrs/week in my job. But now everything is sorted and I already started grinding volume/hours I am happy with.

I feel like I improved my game a notch since last update, much love to everyone commenting on my hands, especially Talented Tom and other midstakes+ ballers. So good for my game & confidence.

I am than not afraid to try knew things - when I know it was a good spot for triple barrel or calldown - I dont get mad when I lose the pot and can keep on grinding my a-game. + it feels rly good to own other regs when I have good idea about their range and can outplay them. Doesn't happen often //

Tryin to focus more on fish tho - trying to play lots of pots with them - adjusting my opening/flatting/squeezin/iso ranges to table conditions - e.g. when fish is in the blinds, my opening ranges widens significantly from every position.
I have often the most laggy stats from all regs at the table when I have some huge mark on my right. Quite sure I am spewing a ton as well, as I am getting into lots of marginal spots, but many times I managed to stack the mark before the other regs did.

Feel like I improved my sense for gameflow - I can tell when regs start to be fed up w me constantly isoing mark at the table and I think I have an edge on most of them in preflop reraising game (e.g. when I see the crappy hands they are tryin to outplay me with, bet sizing tells,.. basically looking for what I was doing wrong like 1/2 year ago))

Still lost in TONS of spots tho - usually playing oop marginal made hands and/or playing w/o initiative.

Thats all for now, will add some pics and maybe more random rambling laters.


all hands since july when I started playing on party

since last update

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Pink hevad lol by Pinkk Sugar, January 10

Aww you were talking to my man

So it's been a hell of a month and im said to see my over all results...

Lost about 10 k over the course of the month... I am not at all surprised although I have been a bit discouraged lately... I ran like god for a few months so I suppose it was inevitable to go on a down swing... I decided to drop down to 24 and 3 6 for a few thousand hands and enjoyed the wonderful fun of busting even and losing piles of huge plus ev spots... O well thats Omaha and not alot you can do about it

Over all I am very happy with my year in general and will be putting alot of time into my business in 2012.

If there is interest I may post as far as I have gotten in my business plan and see if anyone can post comments or info maybe some suggestions on how I can improve it as I am relativly new to the process :D

O well hugs to all


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Iranian oil trade NOT with $ anymore by D_smart_S, January 10

Iran has responded to the US sanctions by stopping oil trade in USD and move to rubles. Remember what happened after Saddam did the same? Yup, doom on, guys .

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Hero Poker? by LikeASet, January 10

You think it's a good idea to start to dabble in Hero Poker now that the road towards regulating Poker in the U.S. is on the upswing? I just want another source of income while I start my personal training career as a part-time trainer. It's either part time as a personal trainer and working as a waiter at a restaurant I used to work at, or part time personal training and grinding the nl25-nl100 range. I'm all rusty from not playing ever since Pokerstars got shut down in the U.S. , but my thought processes are still probably decent enough to herp derp the 25nl-100nl.

Comments (1)       read entire blog by DustySwedeDude, January 10

I've got my own site now. I like it. Now I only need to get some stuff done and post some things and I'll be fairly happy about it.

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25nl is still impossible by julep, January 10

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Im tripping im triping by tutz, January 09


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Ron Paul [New Hampshire] by whamm!, January 09

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Damn Germans... by whamm!, January 09

Y u make such sick good music only 3 out of 7340957439870 times but come out with stuff like this...

Eisenfunk ----->

any German Lpers know of any other sick german bands i dont know of yet?

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Vroom vroom!!! by NewbSaibot, January 08

My new 2012 Mustang GT 5.0

Some of you may remember my brief love affair with a Nissan 370z. That deal went south after the dealership fucked me and tried to change the contract after I already had the vehicle for a week and put 500 miles on it. I told them to fuck off and gave back the keys. Went back to car hunting and settled on a Mustang this time. It's cheaper, faster, bigger, and more comfortable. This time I made sure to pay the dealership in CASH so there would be no fucking around like "well you see there was a problem with the paperwork son, we need you to come back here and pay us more".

I had this car custom ordered straight from the factory. By the time I was given the keys it only had 5.9 miles on it. Only a handful of asses have touched the drivers seat. I went so far as to tell them not to even unwrap/wash it upon delivery. I drove it home dirty as fuck covered in dust and plastic from shipment. Had it detailed and windows tinted the next day, and began work on my first fun upgrade, a new car nav kit. You can see it in the youtube video below sort of documenting the installation. I turn giddy as a schoolgirl every time I see it light up and begin driving. Turned out exactly like I wanted it to. The only other upgrades I can think of would be new exhaust/speakers but even those I am supremely satisfied with.

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Take a quick market info survey for $ for me. by Jhyun88, January 08

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