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the elusive witty comeback by bigredhoss, January 08

after a random incident at the grocery store i have decided that i wish to acquire the ability to make witty comebacks. any info that could make the learning process quicker and easier is appreciated.

i just got back from the grocery store to buy some milk, and since it's like 2am here the place was basically empty (just 1 register open), there was a customer ahead of me in line but i think she was the only other customer in the store, also maybe 6-7 guys stocking shelves in the aisles.

anyways, i was in line waiting for this girl in front of me to figure out how to scan her credit card or whatever. the cashier was a guy probably around my age (early-mid 20's) with long red hair and vampire-white skin and overall kind of dirty appearance. i put my milk and a couple protein bars on the belt, and in a random outburst of sociability he asked, "Did anyone say you could buy that [implied smiley face]?"

i did not expect to be interrogated in the grocery store so i was pretty much taken off-guard and really didn't know what to say. i paused for like 4-5 seconds (which felt like a minute) shifting around uncomfortably then looked at him and said "no".

now it was his turn for an awkward pause, and eventually he said "it's no fun if you don't have a witty comeback". i realized that he was right, and that it would in fact have been a more enjoyable moment if i had had a witty comeback. but unfortunately this is a skill i have yet to acquire, although that will change soon.

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online poker sites for USA by shaneomac, January 07

are there any sites at all that US players can play poker on? if so, what are they and how do i deposit?

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Selling FTP account by, January 07

VanDerMeyde just bought $802 ftp money off me. When/if ftp comes back on i will transfer the $802 it to any ftp account he wants.

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Personal Training Career by LikeASet, January 07

Been feeling stressed out lately because I just started training as a personal trainer level one at 24 hour fitness but it's at a location about 50min - 1hr away and the commute is killing me inside. The average income for trainers who are able to have a full schedule of clients is roughly 40k, can earn 6 figures but you'd have to work 60-80 hr weeks maintaining current client relationships and building new ones plus training the sessions you already have scheduled. So far I would have to say that I have a shitty experience with 24 hour fitness starting off as a beginner personal trainer because basically my training has been spending the first 2 days sitting at a computer over viewing orientation materials about 24 hour fitness company, their policies, how to meet/greet guests, general stuff etc, I basically felt rushed through the materials because my manager kept asking if I was done and that I couldn't print the materials out for later review (materials not available on public computers). Then the following days was basically the manager going, "OK go rack weights and go meet and greet people." The stupid thing is that I'm already expected to start offering free sessions and build clientele when they haven't even fucking told me what I'm supposed to do for each type of training package, how to guide clients through the computer when entering info and filling out question-airs, and how to handle personal training data on the computer.

So #1, I'm already expected to sell without clearly knowing what I'm selling, and #2, I haven't received any training when it comes to conducting any of the 24 hour training packages. I'm basically roaming the gym trying to find other trainers to shadow so I know how to conduct a "fitness orientation", and trying to talk people into getting interested in packages that I don't even know how they work. Basically sat my ass on a computer for 2 days, and spent the next days running around the gym learning shit from other trainers (who haven't even been training for a year at least), while the manager who hired me walks around and does his own shit.

I'm already have a nationally recognized certification (NASM), currently working on two others, I personally research articles about training and nutrition just as a hobby, and I've been training myself and with friends for almost 2 years. It's just that during the whole hiring and orientation process, they didn't give me a clue to what to expect, and what I'll be doing during the first 5 weeks of the orientation process.

It's probably the particular gym branch that I'm currently at because another branch that I want to transfer to, gave me an actual outline of the orientation process, and told me that they would feed me at least 1 new client every week so I can slowly get used to the system and running a 24 hour training business. The other branches location is actually only 12 mins away from my home and they have no bad turn-over, not like the one i'm at where no trainer has been there for more than one year. It sucks though because it's not a guarantee that I'll be able to transfer, and I already am going to tell my current manager that I have to leave because the commuting situation is not working.

I guess my current options are to quit and; try to transfer to the close 24 hour fitness gym that probably has better management, or switch to another close gym called In_shape that coordinates with an independent personal training company called "Custom built" and work back my old waiter job at the same time. The thing is that Custom built offers shitty commission rates to trainers but trainers in Custom built don't have to worry about the sales aspect of personal training. If I work for 24 hour gym close by I will have to tough it out through the stress of starting my own personal training business in which only some clients are fed to me through the gym itself, I would therefore have to go out and focus on selling and marketing for most of my client base, but the commission is significantly better when compared to Custom Built (25% vs 8%).

Training people in living a healthier lifestyle is what I want my career to be, but do I want to start off on the more stressful half sales/half training corporate chain gym? Or do I want to start off at the more stress free 10% client sales and maintenance/90% focus on training them, smaller chain gym route with less pay?

Any thoughts would be appreciated, especially from those who are in the fitness industry, sales, trying to go independent in something, etc.

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meh crappy few days by UnitedAs1, January 07

So 7 days into this and my head is all over the place...Swings are crazy went from being 4k up this month to $300 up ... swings got so much I even gave NLH a go but that sucked people are so nitty and as I'm 16 tabling I don't get really many options to table select. I really don't know how joey did this in 2 months it's pretty sick how he did.
I'm back playing PLO I just played some and finished 1k up. I was planning to take today off as I'm a few days ahead of pace now, glad I didn't but I only played a hour because I have a footy match in a bit (1st 11 a side game since before xmas. I'm gunna be so unfit when we start playing).

Here is my month so far :S

As said I'm ahead on pace I should be at like 21kvpps by the end of day instead I am 25,444vpps So at least the pace is going well.

That's all for now

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Taking a break by wobbly_au, January 07

Might take a few days off again, just finished one of my worst sessions ever..


Now -80k on the year..

Been running terribad, but I can't really blame people because i've just been playing anyone HU 25/50 where variance is huge.

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How does merge's BBJ work? by Stim_Abuser, January 06

I've looked it up and a few of the sites say you need to be dealt in the hand, as in at the table to receive a peice.

But they also go on to say thats how it worked on UB. When in fact on UB you got a piece of it just for being at the same limit as the jackpot.

That's pretty much what I'm wondering, on merge to you get a piece for just being at the same limit when it hits? Or do you need to be at the table that it hits on?

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"Self-Esteem" Bullshit! Episode looool by Night2o1, January 06

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60k week by Joeingram1, January 06

Graph since relocated here to my new place in vancouver and left my original vancouver place again

like a boss

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Selling FTP account by, January 06

With all the new updated ftp info these days, any takers on my ftp account. I have $802 USD in there. Only serious offers please.

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SC2 Help by Xervean, January 06

I would like to get some protoss coaching if there are some good players out there (which I'm sure there are). Let me know!

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Jan 4th by thewh00sel, January 06

Went to Bellagio yesterday and the games were pretty poor. Was up 700 after 3 hours and came home to spend some time with the wife. I've played 17 hours this month and I should be at 30. Plan on putting in 9 hours today and 12 hours tomorrow to try and catch up a little. Also lost another 200 online, can't seem to run good but at least I'm back into the positive overall.

99,913 to go!

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Durrr PS by Highcard, January 06

What is Durrr's PS name?

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2012 by NeillyJQ, January 06

35 Day Challenge
Hey Everyone, been a lil while since I have done a challenge of any sort, so I'll start one now since I have tons of time and should be grinding more.

(250 hr challenge over 30 grinding days)

I'm going to be playing NL25 FR + 2-3 mtts at a time. Aiming for 4,000 hands a day, and 2-4+ MTT wins before the end of the 35 day challenge.

Its 35 days, because honestly, I want 5 days off during this _atleast_. I'm going to push myself really hard and grind my ass off.

Hero Has some really good MTT's if you're playing in low selection, and becoming among the best in the Full Ring games is very important to me right now.

(Makes traveling to all mtt's lucrative in my current game state, becoming great at fr will pretty much always cover ne mtt costs)

(i'm currently a 3.33bb/100 winner outside HU on Hero, but dropped $900 hu one day so has me in the red.)

January : NL10/NL25 FR CG's + Hero MTT's

February : Pittsburgh Casino - 1/3-2/5 + MTT's + Hero

March : Frequent Pitts often, Foxwoods for bigger MTT's + Hero

April : "" same as above ""

May : "" same as above ""

June : Vegas / WSOP / Live Cash / Hero Poker
July : "" Same as above ""

August : with the USA under martial law, I plan to be out of the states for a long period of time if this isn't veto'd etc.
I don't believe in the reasons the USA are in the current state of affairs they are in, I would rather continue to play poker drama-free, which I will.

I plan to move to a beautiful area, Caracas, Cancun, Australia, or maybe a place like Taiwan again. We'll see in the coming months.

One thing I have realized, is its not worth living "anywhere" to play on stars, no matter what you make. If your outside your home country, you want to be where its beautiful, the women are fine, and you're freedom is 100% in tact. As an american, there are a few places I'd have to avoid, sad right? w/e. politians are gonna politate.

Also - if at any point I bust my online BR, I will scratch above aforementioned plans, and go play @ stars outside the USA staked as I did the last 3 months of 2011. ( was great and did very well, no worries either way )

br at start of challenge : around $600. I'll post graphs and results daily to my website (linked at bottom of my lp posts). i'm aiming for $2500. (thats just 200 hrs at nl25 fr @ 12.50 an hr) - not including rakeback. still 50 hrs more, should make more than 12.50 an hr (thats undercut imo) and i loooooove them MTT's!

Aim - 2500ish
Belief - 7500+

In August 2011 I had $30,000 in debt.

Went to Canada and MTT'd and did very well.

Whats left to be paid?

Artanis11 5.3k
AndrewBoccia 750
quocy04 400
david kent 120
li 2k
Reid 350
John 300

Goal to have these paid off before June with _atleast_ a 25k br to go to LV with.

$9,340 from freedom. Can see the light at the top of that huge hole I dug. Hopefully you guys can give me some good insight on my cashgame hands that I post. Thanks if you can, any and all skill levels.

Dawned upon me recently, I have lots of free time and a chance to build a roll n play stakefree in 2012. Carpe DIEM! stakes aren't bad tho, so no pressure either way :-)

Goodluck everyone,
Ryan Neilly - NeillyAA @ Stars/Hero

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$20K MTT Challenge, Thailand, Modeling by tutz, January 05

From my 2p2 thread:
Hey guise!
First off let me start introducing myself: I'm 22 (just turned 3 days ago) my name is Arthur and I'm brazilian. Just a few weeks ago I quit my daily job for a federal court in Brazil where I made around 40K USD/year. Other than that I work as a professional model and I make quite a good amount of money from that. My girlfriend is also a model, we are gonna be moving to Bangkok in a few weeks to work there as Bangkok is one of the fashion centers of the world, so we can make a lot more money there as models than here in Brazil. We are already signed with Bangkok Modeling agencies so that's nice.

Obligatory pic:
(Me and Her)

Poker: Right now I'm a MTT grinder! In the past I've played a lot of cash games, grinded about 700k hands up to NL100 and broke even all the way. After trying a lot of different things I decided that MTTs is the only format I have a big enough edge to keep me on the grind and happy at the same time. Anyway, my goal is to give poker a real chance for the first time!

My goal is to make $20K USD in the next 6 months! I won't need that money to live cause modeling will be more than enough to make a living in Thailand. Some may ask why I'm doing this since I already have a nice source of income and the answer is simple: I love poker! Some difficulties I will find along the way:
-Will have to keep in shape, cause its essencial for my work
-Will have to manage a nice social life with my girlfriend
-MTTs schedules in Thailand will be crazy. Most of the big tournies will be running from 1am to 7am Bangkok time.
-Modeling will keep me busy 3 days a week tops, so I will try to grind at least 4 days a week, including sundays.

I'm planning on spending around $1.5K USD/month in Bangkok. I've been told that it's very cheap to live there and I will be splitting expenses with my girlfriend so I think that's a good budget to have.

Apartment we will rent:,3337/cmsrealty,user/

Obligatory graph:

I will try to update this thread daily starting on January 12th. In the next few days I wont be playing cause I'm speding a few days in my parents city before moving to Bangkok. I'm arriving in Bangkok on January 25th! Wish me luck!!

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I bring you babes, you give me advice by killmepl, January 05


Wanted to return to micro stakes nl5/nl10 and grind up to nl25.
Could you recommend me any site, that I should register? I was playing before on stars and ladbrokes but lb doesnt provide service in my country, dunno why.
I was aiming to play at microgaming skin, but my shitty pc wont install the software (not uni, nor red-something, nor nordicbet), I have acc at paradise too, but dunno what is going on with pkr these days.

Any advice?
Any particular site that isn't legit anymore?

And babes, enjoy:

Thanks for reply ;]

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PCA Main Event Action by BrocheN, January 05

Hey what's up guys?

Short bio:
My name is Philip Sam ('BrocheN' on stars) and I am 24 years old. I have been playing online poker professionally for 3.5 years, and during this time I have achieved Supernova Elite twice; mainly through 100nl-600nl fullring. Since this is my 2nd time hitting elite, I've decided to reward myself with the PCA package.

I am selling up to 50% of the $10,300 Main Event with no mark up:
1% = $103
5% = $515
10%= $1,030

30% Sold
20% Remaining

I am very good real life friends with YaDaDaMeEn21 (handbanana21), Fatdan44 and ChicagoJoey. I am sure they can vouch for my trustworthiness.


Investors will only receive % of winnings. Any money or prizes made from anything except for cashing in the tournament is 100% mine to keep.
When I cash, I will pay out via Stars, cash at PCA or other methods we can come up with.

Stars: 'BrocheN' - (Canada)
HSBC or Wells Fargo (PM for details)
Cash at PCA
Bank Of America
Check (PM for details)

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That's better by thewh00sel, January 05

Didn't manage to get to the casino until ~6 yesterday, and only stayed for 6.5 hours, but made almost all my money back from the day before. Online I only played 300 hands and ran a few buyins under all-in ev.

Live: +3k
Online: -150

$100,450 to go, back where we started.

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$1 challenge! (Inc Busto) by Endo, January 05

Took a look on hero, had a dollar.

Play $1-2 HU SnG's. Ran up to $33 now.

My next blog will either be legendary or a sadface.

Lets see if I can make it up to $1/2 HU games!

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Small Update by player999, January 04

Initially I decided I was playing turbos only, and I think I can do it VPP-wise and I had some nice sessions.

Today I was just barely making the VPP goal and played some 60s hyper, did good, I think I should drop the 100s since they are just waaay too reg-filled and while I can crush their souls easily at the turbos, its not the same at these, and at lower I get to play some terrible fish that I should have too big of an edge.

Still running hotter than the sun at my normal games, just barely at 20k VPPs now. Super tired tho, lol, but I think I have it in me to just suck it up and keep going. I think this is what people like joeingram have in them, and what allows feats like these to be accomplished. All my friends who are regs at the same games I am think I am absolutely insane and think what I'm attempting is completely impossible.

Finishing pizza and going for another session.



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