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HEM Headaches by ToylandPoker, November 14

So I've got my 30 day HEM trial up and running, got all my hands history since I started back up in the last couple months.

My cash results graph appears to be incorrect? How accurate are they? Do they account for casino rake?

It seems to be about 10% more than it should be throughout the graph

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dancing lol by Night2o1, November 14

d0rk post inc.

Are you one of those guys that goes to the club and chills with their drank, or do you go full animal and just dance all night? Are you somewhere in between?


Do you dance at home for laughs? Stress relief?

I am the guy that hits the club in order to dance 'til I drop. I don't really practice -- and I ain't that good, but not only is it fun for me, I like to entertain people; if people are laughing with you or at you is all about your mindset. Plus, I know there are others out there who just like to see people having fun and I know I'm bringing them some pleasure.

What kind of person are you out there?

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Gears of War 3 by TalentedTom, November 14

Just got it this week, almost finished the story mode, will play online soon, if anyone wants to play give me a shout XBox gamertag : TalentedTom

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Sex Question by Floofy, November 14


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Streaming Street Fighter 4~ by exalted, November 14

Streaming some Arcade Edition action - come check it out, even if you've never played before!

Say hello in the chat:

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Emo blog? by DustySwedeDude, November 14

Hi everyone! This is a real Dustyblog. Including a graph, some random philosoraptoring and written while I can hardly keep my eyes open. Damn christmas decoration that I'm not used to make me wake up at 6.30 and since our coffee maker sounds like a god damn earth quake I figured I'd wait with that until 9 or something. Spent the weekend up at my mom and dad's place with my girl and one of our cats. I went hunting moose with my dad on Saturday, the guy is in ridiculous shape for a guy almost 60. I'm not in great shape by any means but I'm very used to walking long distances fast since that pretty much the only way I can de-tilt myself fast and trying to keep up with him and a dog for 15 km in a forest with some hefty altitude changes messed a ton with my legs. During the worst part (walking up an area called "storberget", roughly translated to "The big mountain") my lungs felt like they used to do when I rolled with a guy called Jimmy, probably like 205-210lbs of knee on belly specialist with an purple belt, in the end of a long workout. The fun thing was that one of dads friends from work, who is very into Taekwondo kept urging my to bring water because "your dad walks really fast". I think it has a lot to do with the fact that people not used to walk around in forests seems to get tired where fast even if they have good conditioning to begin with since it's really hard to get used to the weird surface and such. Must like people not used to rolling seems to get tired very fast in BJJ. Same principle, you'll have to learn not to tighten up muscles more the you have too.

It's also super fun to see how much mom and dad likes our cat:

I think my mother wants grand children but decided to settle for hanging out with a cat for the weekend for now. Damn cat is fairly stupid so we did not want to let him out and run around outside on the off chance that he'd find a rabbit to chase and get lost so far from home and it took like a day before he started fucking with all the plants to the point that I felt fairly embarrased, but when I suggested to my mother that we shouldn't let the damn cat eat all her plants she almost got angry and told me to "let the cat play! he's having fun!". Dad went and found an old skin of a Pine Marten to let the cat play with and that was fairly entertaining too. My grandma is in the hospital but it's noting serious, just old age and fragile bones, and I got to visit her yesterday. She seemed in good spirits. It's weird seeing her get old though, my grandfathers and dad's mom all died 15+ years ago but my grandmother on my mother's side never really even seemed to get old and she's past 80 now. Her mom got to be 99 and looked a lot like a white Yoda in the end so I guess those genes are good.

I really really like me parents and I know they really really like me. What more can you ask for?

As for poker I'm doing very good.

Obviously I couldn't keep to playing just 1/2 so most of that is higher so it's a fair bit of money so far this month.

Overall I should really be happy, and to some degree. I'm almost done with my law degree, I'm finally making some money again and I feel like I've figured out lower mid stakes omaha again the last 40 or 50k hands. At least a little bit. Life's starting to take a turn for the better and all I need now might be to get some rest. I've been working really hard on my essay, some stuff for the Swedish libertarian party and poker combined for a while. I'll get a week now with a little bit less to do, then I'll go play the Swedish Championsships and Unibet Open in Riga and I guess I'll try to finish most my thesis while there and then be done with it in time before Christmas. I want that rest. I want to relax. No "have to"s, no drama and no annoying time limits. That's what I want for a while.

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[x] losing player by hiems, November 13

pretty much busted most of the $300 I put on merge.

Feeling pretty degen rite now. Thinking about quitting the game. Thoughts?

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Something tells me... by BILAT_POWER!!!, November 13

that spetz's next blog won't have dirty pics in it. LOL

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Transitions/Frustrations by djforever, November 13

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IMMORTALS by LikeASet, November 12

Great movie! I give it a 9/10. Entertaining action, unique direction, beautiful to watch. Plot got kinda weird at some points and the Titans could have been more bad ass. I watched this movie in 3D, and I'm actually glad I watched this one in 3D.

Don't watch "In Time" though, movie got more and more retarded as it went on.

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My most epic 2 days of 2011 by wobbly_au, November 12

Dear Readers,

Let me tell you about my most epic day of the year. It started on the 10th of this month, after coming home from a round of golf and dinner, I started to grind my daily quota for SNE. Below is a simple timeline of the events that followed.
1. 7pm start
2. 6 hours in I decided to call it a day after winning like $500, but when closing tables i lost a buyin at 25/50.
3. Obvious thing to do at 1am is to reload all 24 tables again and keep going.
4. 4am I lost about 8 flips consecutively and was down over $35,000. I was tired, hungry, struggling to keep my eyes open, but today's losses hit me so damn hard, I think it was a combination of my eternal run bad this year and also losing it to the same guy yurasov900 so I decided to stick it to the poker gods and grind till I was even. My only weapon against such a beast of a foe was my will power.
5. 10am After winning this gem of a hand I was finally up after 15 hours of non stop poker. I even got to take all my money back and some more from the same guy

I ended up winning 22k, even though this isnt close to my biggest win it was definately the most rewarding. So the lesson here is, life is a struggle but if you stick to it there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

“I’m focused, I’m intense I will read your soul and I will crush it.” To quote my self~

Thx for reading!


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anyone in asia? Wanna meet up? by spets1, November 12

hey guys im currently traveling thru southeast asia. Right now im in philippines and will be here till 19th dec then im off to vietnam. After a month or so there im gonna head somewhere else, havnt decised yet. So if any of u in the region we might be able to meet up. If ure in any of SEA countries gimme a holla. Cheers.

In philippines i met up with whamm and bilat power, lol sorry for callin u bilat haha. Had awesome time gonna prob meet up some more while im here. Thx guys.

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My new novel approach to the game by ToylandPoker, November 11

So as some of you may know, I came back from from a long break from the game, did well for quite a while(didn't tilt), which was a great improvement from before my break, then I suffered a couple bad beats, tilted and lost most of my bankroll (which was hardly nothing anyway so I don't really care from the $$$ point of view).

Had a few days off and reflected and now I have a new plan.

As soon as I double my deposit amount ($10), I withdraw original amount ($10). Meaning I'm not losing anything. Then I'll be looking at giving some of my profit to charity (yes I know this sounds superficial and cheesy but I'm quite serious.), not sure exactly how/when it'll work, as I also want to build my bankroll, so I can move up stakes.

This will help me play smarter, cause I don't really need the money I win (or hope to win) from poker, so I play a bit silly sometimes, especially not at the stakes I'm playing.

So i'll be building my bank roll and also giving to charity along the way.

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pfff nl25'ers by player999, November 11

I am not impressed by your performance

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but then again nl25 wasn't impossible yet back then

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nl25 graphs lol by Target-x17, November 11

Lost the database been a year but its the last 9k hands of this solid 24 buyin day at nl 25 imo. Felt like jesus christ that day but shipped 3x yesterday and was disapoint oO

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Regarding Poker Rooms for US Players by Parker417, November 11

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London 1/2 live cash by eestwood, November 10

What is the minimum bankroll you guys would recommend for seriously grinding 1/2 GBP live cash game?

I am mostly planning on playing in The Empire on Leicester square - the games are full of fish - lots of tourists, recreational players, businessmen + usually 1-2 regs/competent players apart from me at the table.

I am obv short on cash, so I'd like to have an idea how much I need to save up to be able to seriously grind these games.

Would you ever consider playing half stacked?

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Sickish day BI-wise by DustySwedeDude, November 10

I won 22bi's over 2.7k hands yesterday. After been breakevenish for half a year and putting in fuck all for volume that felt very nice.

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Hey, you, under my entry by Kapol, November 09

NL25. Going to play a bit more later, so I'll probably lose twice as much .

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Sick day 25NL by Sanity, November 08


gonna stop grinding for the day, dont know if I've ever had a day that nice, lol.
planning on putting in atleast 60k hands this month, wish me luck

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