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TY GUYS by SirCrapalot, November 08

LOL guys i know im a donk but i really apreciate all the help and advice you give me every time i post, ty ty =)

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PG RATED by spets1, November 08
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Plunging into real life by byrnesam, November 08

Its funny how things in life suddenly swing around.

For most of this year, nothing really happened in my life, plans werent panning out and it all was kind of turning to shit.

At the end of last week however, things suddenly picked up.

Starting saturday/sunday: Im playing poker again, properly, and have put in some decent volume the last few days, although my results are a little shitty, but I feel im playing well. Properly rolled and playing NL25, which is where i was very comfortable before, hopefully i can make a little bit of cash and some good rakeback. Volume was always the problem before so I hope i don't burn out. Ive played about 13k hands in the last 3 days, 12 tabling. It was great for the first 10k or so, but the last 3k didnt go as well. I think im gonna adjust so i get up at like 8am NZ team which would be 8pm Euro time, and play then. Last 2 days have been an early AM session and an afternoon session and the tables were tight and there werent as many Russians stacking off free money.

Aswell as that, as you know I went to the Psychiatrist on Saturday, it was probably over a month since my last psychologist visit and then they forgot to book an appointment with me, so i went and had that 2 hour session and got some medication.

Then monday, I followed up about a 2nd job interview I had nearly 2 weeks before. I thought it went really well but was a little surprised and anxious when after over a week I still hadnt heard anything. So i called her up to see what was going on, and right then and there we got everything locked.

Next week i go in to sign my contract, 25th I will start part-time at the existing store doing my training and learning whatever I need to, and then January 2nd the new store opens and i will be the Business Machines Specialist. So ill be in charge of the computers/hardware/phones section of the store.

The pay is alright, good for an entry level position, and its one of the biggest retailers in NZ so in the future i should have plenty of opportunity to progress if I wish, or move locations etc.

So now, Im back to being a normal person from the unemployed gaming shut-in that ive been for the last 8 months this year.

Im working on losing weight too, after 3 weeks I had lost 3kgs. Ive slacked a little with my exercise the last few days because of weather and all the other stuff happening. My current goal is to weigh less than 100kgs by December 11th, which will be 2 months after I started.

Other stuff:

  On November 06 2011 12:25 Night2o1 wrote:
I am not sure if you've mentioned tools for organizing yourself and your time better.. Like keeping a calendar etc to stay on task for longer term things. You doing any outside medication type stuff?

Not really at the moment. I do write a lot more down now. I have a pen and paper on my desk and write either ideas, funny things i think about, things/details i need to remember.

Since there isnt much need for a routine in my life, I havent really worked on making one. The only routine ive been doing is regular exercise everyday (more or less)


Why arent Roasts more popular?

I had never heard about them until the death of Greg Giraldo, when everyone was mourning a funny man I had never heard of. Theres an amazing mix of people who are absolutely hilarious and people who are absolutely terrible (see Situation).

and lots of B-list celebrities willing to let people rip them to pieces.

Jeff Ross is by far my favourite. I could watch him roast people all day. He walks that fine line so well between being really really funny and being too mean.

When i watched these 2 performances for the first times, i was laughed start to finish.


I made these so long ago, but afaik i never posted them, so here we go:

This next one was in reference to that Poker/MMA Combination thing that was meant to happen, I cant even remember the details of it, but this is Mig at the FT.

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F%%%ing HP PRINTER by Night2o1, November 07

we have a 7780 all-in-one HP. We're trying to print off some copies of a flyer, the printer does the job for like 5 copies (which come out perfectly) and then stops the job and says that cartridge C (cyan) needs ink. But it doesn't. Cartridge is full, and it was JUST using it to make 5 perfectly fine prints before that.

I am pretty clueless when it comes to printers.. didn't find anything on a brief google search.

Can anyone help?

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288k PLO Hands of tortue by Joeingram1, November 07

I would love to write a blog and talk about how I am pwning it up and crushing the noobs but sadly I cannot write that. I have been getting beat around left and right, fucked in the ass, the mouth, and back in the ass again. Then fucked some more and then a few more times. All in all has been a joyous 28 days of my prop bet. Haven't really thought about giving up on it until this point, I wake up and have 0 desire to play and 100 percent desire to wallow in misery and debate how life would be as a waiter at Applebees for the rest of my life. Then I decide that would probably be terrible and go to my computer to load up a session, run 2-10BI under in a few hours, then repeat the process again. After 2-4 times of doing this a day, I go to sleep, then wake up the next day and start it over. My only joy of the day comes when I play this game on my ipad called crime city and I collect fake money from fake buildings and rob peoples fake money. I knew it would be hell to do this from my other prop bets but I didn't expect this level of it. I just remind myself that its only 2 more months and if I work harder then I have worked before these 2 months then next year I will be able to relax that much more and go back to doing nothing. Oh ya, and I think I love someone, so that makes it a bit easier to go on through each day.

I started linking some of my blogs on my facebook and i'm pretty sure the non-poker players have no idea what these graphs mean and are confused how I still have money to play with since all my graphs I post lately are me losing. Basically the more hands I play, the more points I get back from the pokersites which in turn can be used to spend on cash. In the last month I am down around 11kish but I have made about 15k in that same time span from those points (FPP's). Also when I talk about running bad/getting fucked in ass/etc. that basically means, according to the program I use, I should only be down a certain amount of money, but due to "bad luck" I am actually down much more then that. The theory is in the long run of hands this luck evens out

Here is graph of last 28 days or 288k hands of plo. I am pretty sure this is the most hands ever played of plo in that time span as well

Yea looks fun, first 160k hands was shortstacking and last hands since then are full stacking. My original upswing in the graph is when I first switched over and started playing around 16-18 tables rather then 24. I was excited for a change and did well and ran about normal. Then moved up to plo100, got slaughtered for 20BI really quick while I should have been up 2BI, moved back down and resumed the bloodbath. I am running about 120 Buy-ins below expected, and its starting to hurt my soul pretty bad right about now. Every time I get all in with 70 percent equity, I assume I'm going to lose somehow. As most of you know this is a terrible mentality to have but I can't really get over it because at the end of each session, I look at my hands and I end up winning a few hands where I wasn't a favorite, and lose a ton where I was a favorite. Whatever, I could write about that shit in every blog but not good to always focus on it. Goal is to get to 500k vpp in the next few days and then make a glorious attempt to move up and get to 700k vpp by end of the month in order to set up with a 300k vpp december.

fun fun fun

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lookin' 4 HU coach by tutz, November 06

any gentle soul out there willing to teach a good hearted fellow some HU? I want to start at NL50

I dont want to pay for it but I promess you are gonna make a friend lol :D

PS: my skype is arthuramlima !!

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Herman Cain by tloapc, November 05

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[Q]Best site for MMA betting? by eekmice, November 05

Just as the title says, I'm looking for the best site to bet on MMA with minimum rake and hopefully no cashout fees.

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So far so good... by ToylandPoker, November 04

Yay up to $60 now, from my initial $10 investment 3weeks ago. As said before, playing pretty tight and conservative, haven't lost many big pots and manage to stack people every so often, so thing's going well.

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ADD Part 3 - The Rubifen Road to Riches by byrnesam, November 04

Went to see the psychiatrist today following my trips to the psychologist from a while back.

Pretty much asked/answered a lot of similar questions and some other stuff. He was a cool guy and his intern sat in too. It was wierd having to go into detail about my career as a counter-strike and WC3 player from when i was younger. They both think I have an addiction to the internet, which im not sure I do, I just really really like it.

So i got prescribed Rubifen

Its a fast acting one, so im supposed to take 4 a day and i got 1 weeks supply, later I will look at getting a longer acting one once the dosage is worked out because it differs person to person.

So, im about to pop the first of these bad boys. Not really sure what to expect or what to do. So i think ill try and read one of the many unread e-books thats sitting on my hard drive.

Since its function is to allow me to focus on things properly, I will have to choose something to focus on.

any advice or tips are welcome.

Will report back soon with the results and let you know if they did anything.

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full ring videos by hiems, November 04

Which series would you recommend out of the major sites?

Bluefire doesn't seem to have great full ring stuff.

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Live donkament by SoC, November 04

FT of a live donkament.

I'm BB vs SB.

He bets all 3 streets, I call. He shows flush, I muck.

Dealer says I can't muck and must show my cards? I raise this with TD and he confirms it's showdown so all cards must be shown?! Am i being stupid or is this seriously the most retarded rule ever. I called him, I can muck my cards if I wish?!

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Before/After by player999, November 04

Black Friday

01/01/2011 to BF:

BF to today:

[x] would give my left nut to have them americans back


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Swap % in Supernova freeroll by Siro, November 04

Looking to swap 20% in 5% blocks with people, please post or PM and I'll confirm (also PM your SN so I can follow~)


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The next major events. by D_smart_S, November 04

Yo, guys. I'm bored right now so I decided to share my insight on what's gonna happen worldwide. USA+NATO are everywhere right now and they are encircling little by little the most valuable of all goals - Iran. Syria is soon going to be "liberated" by the Nobel Peace (of shit) prize winner B. Obama. Basically, we are in the endspiel right now. There is one left square to be occupied by the Western Powers and they are not gonna say "meh, we liberated everyone except for those Iranian fuckers, we'll leave em alone". Can't happen! China and Russia on the other hand have already officialy said that if Iran is attacked (liberated), they will come to help cause otherwise USA+NATO will have ALL the Asia+Africa and build bases and control oil so they won't let it happen. We really have two very strong urges - one offensive and the other defensive. I believe WW3 is just around the corner. Moreover they need to distract people from all the hate that governments would take in because of the financial crisis so a WW would be perfect for distraction. All countries would be full of debt when everything is over, infrastructure would be destroyed. And just about then, we would see the white horse - the SOLUTION.

Basically, the plan goes like this - Occupy X movement would continue full throttle. Then WW3 starts and everyone protests. If there isn't enough violance, it will be created so that Martial Law can be called. Remember, there has to be mass riots for Martial Law to be called! When everything is over and nobody has money, the Big Boys come in and say - Hey, here is what we will do - if you want no wars and riots, we would create One World Government and there will only be one army so that nobody can fight each other. We should unite the whole world and live happily forever after. The sheeple would be very thankful and accept the offer not realising they are going to the slaughter house. When everyone is united and under the control of one government body, then all the sheep is in the barn. You put em a nice cool microchip under the propaganda that it is for your children's safety because everyone is a terrorist, then the adults are microchipped and you have a barn full of microchipped sheep that are under total control. Big Brother is coming for you!

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get an edu..ass by spets1, November 04

fuck, it took me ages to post this on notsosmartphone...

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Brag #2 by thumbz555, November 04

For those of you who missed my last entry, life is good with the new phillipino chick.
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not happy with HM2 by chiam_ace, November 03

Since I started relatively late in poker I got my HM1 after May thus eligible for a free upgrade to HM2,I thought to myself uhhh why not right.

Asides from the obvious issues that most people have pointed out eg. lag, bloated, seating preference problems, etc, I kept trying to find where the heck do I find the live tracker which keeps track of my hands played and winnings/losses. For HM1 this is the little Table Manager icon sitting at the system tray, where the hands and winnings pop out when your mouse pointer hovers over it.

And it caused me to tilt away 1.5 BIs, and I stopped playing after that.

Guess I'll be sticking back to HM1 for the time being :/

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brb indonesia 3 months by longple, November 03

leaving for bali tomorrow

gonna be sooooooooooooooooooo nice

28 hr flight infront of me tho

but i got fifa12 + 2 xbox controllers for my laptop for me and my buddy, and all seasons of southpark + good music so its all good

if any1's in bali ship a PM this way


win maney + become better (travelingc w ppl of same caliber or better)
learn how to surf
do more diveing
have a shitload of fun

glhf ^_^

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update plo only now by Mortensen8, November 03

Finally decided to only focus on PLO. I have been getting coaching from Spicy and it is really beneficial he has spotted a bunch of leaks and I think he's very good at explaining his thought process and what I should be thinking. I have a tendency to autopilot and act very quickly so he has suggested to cut down on tables and think about every decision I make. Highly recommend coaching from him.

Br right now $1350. Goal for the month reach 2k and move up to 50plo.

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