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Quitting Smoking by collegesucks, November 02

Fuck. It's been +48 hours, just had the best steak and wine dinner of life.

Srsly going to go kill myself.

Need moral support, LP

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Selling T$ by n1ck, November 02

Hey guys,

I want to sell T$510 on Pokerstars for $505 of your money, pm me if anyone's interested

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Still going well! by ToylandPoker, November 02

My $10 bankroll is still alive and well. Playing tight and conservative to minimise variance, sitting at around $30. Either playing 4x 1/2c or 1x 5/10c fullring NLH.

Have also decided to start better recording the amount of hands I'm playing, just by duration * no. of tables * hands per hour.

Currently has been about 1.5hours a day, average 2 tables, basing off 60hands an hour.

So bankroll has been alive for approx 20days, so 4k ish hand.

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need thevault invitation by Spitfiree, November 01

Could someone send me an invitation for ? If yes please leave a comment and i will pm you my email

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October! by Tensai176, November 01

Hey, October started out pretty badly, but eventually got there mixing low-stakes SnGs and MTTs.

Only played 275 games and running good.

Still need to work on my STT and MTT games and not entirely sure what do in a lot of cases beside simple ICM decisions.

Still kind of clueless about other general aspects of MTTs.

Currently reading "One Hand at a Time" and "SnG Strategy"


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Life decisions! by tutz, November 01

Hey guys
Each day I'm closer to leave Brazil for a long time with my girlfriend. It's gonna be a massive change in my life... I will no longer be working for the brazilian government and will work mainly as a model and playing poker on the side. The thing is, I really really love poker and I've been thinking lately that its gonna suck not to be able to play on stars again when I arrive in the USA. I still have some poker goals to achieve, I'm a hardworker and would love to achieve those goals, even though I know how frustrating this game can be.

The most important thing is that poker is not what my life is all about, I have a lot of other cool things going on so whenever I feel bad about poker I have where to rely on and I think thats really important to get me going. Anyway, my girlfriend knows everything about the "poker world", I told her and she supports me 100%. We were talking lately and we are thinking about postponing our travel to the USA and spend between 3 to 6 months in Bangkok waiting to see if the online poker situation in the USA gets better.

Nowdays Bangkok is even better than NYC for models like us, the thing about NYC is that u have a much higher chance of engaging in great carrer if you do the right things. Especially for my girlfriend since her dream is to become a Victoria's Secret model and that's only possible if we live in NYC. She is totally OK and excited about spending those initial months of 2012 in Bangkok, she already lived there for six months and she loves Bangkok, she said it would be fun and that if it would make me happy she would definetly go for it. If after those months in Bangkok the situations of online poker doenst improve in the USA we are gonna move to there anyway and I will probably have to quit poker since I dont trust any other site other than stars and playing live sucks.

We haven't decided yet, but it's most likely that we are going to Bangkok, and just thinking about living in Asia got me really excited. lol I've lived in London for a year but this time is different, its not Europe, its crazy Asia!! Its Bangkok!! LOL
I'm feeling really happy with the way things are going, hopefully everything is gonna be awesome wherever we decide to go... will keep you guys updated!!

Much love to you all!

ps: will leave you guys with a song I've been addicted to lately

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october sum by eestwood, October 31

recent adjustments / improvements I made to my game:

* play more pots with fish
- open wider range when fish in blinds,..

* playing back vs reg who is getting out of line PF
- dont 4bet them light oop, they call too much with garbage
- flat with holdings which flop well, outplay them post flop
- raising their cbets on flops where they cbet very wide range works well
- cbet sizing tells

* tighten up PF
- this is one of the most important adjustments to my game I guess
- checked which hands I can open profitably in differen PF scenarios (flat from blinds, flat IP, raise 1st,..)
- was playing too loose PF and spewing
-> as a result getting into less marginal situations, getting played back less and as a result easier grind (can play more tables), more credit with my bluffs

* LP feedback on my hands
- thanks guys, I really appreciate everyone who comments on the hands I am posting

* picking GOOD spots for making moves post flop
- pounding on regs when they are obv weak, tighten up when they start playing back, hit them with value and watch epic spew
- no bluffing w/o equity, following my image/credit at a table,..
- having a plan - what cards can I PROFITABLY barrel, BD FDs, gutshots, all that counts.
- trying to see my whole range in particular spot - no need to play back w pocket deuces on J75 flop, can wait for at least 2 overs and nut BDFD.... -> improve thinking in ranges

* table selection
- getting constantly 3bet when oop and having 1 30 VPIP fish on the right -> gtfo, find better table.

* work on my OWN game
- trying new stuff/ thinking on my own, not just what I saw in some training vid
- trying to find out what WORKS FOR ME
- always trying to hand read and make MY OWN decisions, even tho I'll get berated when I post the hand))

edit: will be adding more stuff as I am thinking about it

* know your stakes
- knowing general tendencies (bluffing, barrelling, vbeting,..) of both fish and regs on my limit, definitely improved my decision making

* pay attention to showdowns
- and make notes/adjust your opponent's profile accordingly
--> 30-40 vpip fish playing "pretty cards" vs fish limp/calling 92s, 43o ?
--> std TAGgish player vs "reg" who flats 64s in blinds vs my MP open

volume suxx, played 70hrs according to HEM 4-6 tabling and was trying to put in as many hours as I can, but still thats one of my main goals for next month - moar hands pls

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Oh, it just happened (MLM) by Night2o1, October 31

Thought I'd give a quick update, as I just found out myself...

G-ma went to a conference this weekend. She came back having dumped "invested" $22000 into the MLM company's stock.

They are a multi level marketing company. (<---instant reason to never touch them alone)

Their financials are awful.

Their posted financials have practically no controls (traded over the counter).

Their product is built on lies, falsified and misleading research. It is a sham product.

She just dumped "invested" 22k which is not THAT small a chunk of her retirement..

Fool and their money are soon parted. I'm about done with morals. To be so powerless and have it happen in my own household against all reason.. holy SHIT its mentally scarring.

I'm so fucking furious. I can't really describe how I feel.

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Carbon and Connection Problems? by superfashion, October 31

Seems in the past few days my internet decides to shit its pants after a half hour or so with Carbon open, and reconnects as soon as I open it...has anyone else experienced this? Any idea what it could be?

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live poker by wolfheart, October 31

Promised myself not to play cash online, because i cant play focused anymore. Make spewy plays and take highlimit shots etc. Promised myself only to play online tournaments then i play.

So i played 22euro supersat to 110euro event in our country biggest casino and poker room. Was weird structure. 2500 stack 30/60 blinds i think in first level.
First hand what i see in small blind is KK. 3-4 limpers obvilosly donkish finland players and I make bet 666 (11bb).
Big blind calls. Flop T52 one flushdraw. I bet 888. Big blind calls. Obviously i am commited and put rest my 946 chips in. And big blind calls and boom shows AA.

Overall i calculated my live tournament roi in local casino. Seems really good 28% over 80 tournaments.
Hoping to hit some bigger score soon online. I play online touraments on sunday and so far many deep finishes in pokerstars but no final tables. On other site won 5$ tournament for 360$ so not so bad.

Gl to everyone

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October 2011 by Eluflop, October 31

im mostly playing 100 nl in merge, occasionally grab a few 50 nl tables too.I mostly try to play only 6 tables but lately i have felt pretty good about my game so i have 9 tabled the last 15 k hands or so. Im planning to try to move back to 200 nl as well which used to be very comfortable for me a year ago. So hopefully i will manage to play good there as well.

November goals:
-move to 1/2
-try to improve my winrate
-play at least 50 k hands
-get my university stuff done
-stay away from alcohol as much as possible
-make €


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Finally quitting this game. It's about time. by Newblish, October 30

Well after 4 long years of this game I'm finally saying goodbye. This game has brought me nothing but hardship and trouble in my life and its time I got rid of it. A bit over a year ago i had ~50k and was doing great. I planned to be playing high stakes and have over 100k by the end of the following year(this year). A year and a bit a bit later however, i have nothing to show for all my hard work except the following:
-running 82 Buy ins below EV without even considering coolers
-full tilt robbing me of $~4000
-Absolute from what I now hear is about to vanish without paying me the $~4000 I have on it
- being lazy and barely playing due to low motivation
- not furthering a career that i would have otherwise had if i used my degree in any way.
- A fucked up sleep schedule where I go to bed around 3am and wake up at noon
- more of an antisocial lifestyle than before i had poker since my "job" was on a computer and there was less of a need to ever leave my house
- only around $7000 to my name, excluding my car/computer etc ofc and potentially(but unlikely) the money from FTP/ABS

I just now had another bad session where I was 4 BI's below EV against one of the worst players I have ever played HU. That is ~$800 and thats actually alot now considering how much less money I have. my living expenses are over $1200 a month and i cant afford to be having bad sessions like this anymore.

I just dont want/need it all anymore. I cashed out every single penny I have left online(excluding ABS/FTP of course). I really feel I put a good effort into this game, I am certainly not a great player, but I was good enough to beat midstakes up to 5/10 at one point when I was at my peak around a year ago. Regardless, I feel like my efforts were in vain because I really really did work hard for the last 4 years despite being a full time student(well excluding up until the last say 5 months due to low motivation). I feel like I am not getting rewarded for the time and effort i put into poker. I know I am supposed to accept that poker can be like that and that you're going to have bad stretches, but for me it lasted an entire year(and i cant afford that since it started to happen EXACTLY when i moved out of home). All the endless hours of grinding, of stress, of fatigue, of thinking hard, of staring at a computer screen, of heart pounding in big hands, of analysis, etc.. and alot of the time all you get out of it is emotional distress and a losing session. You can work hard for all these hours, then you just run 5+ BI's below EV and can only think: Is that really the result of all this time and effort? The longrun is a damn LONG RUN if you know what i mean. If i have to wait over a year for things to start evening out and to get rewarded for the hours of grinding then to me its not worth it and i give up. There is just a point where all of the effort/work you put in HAS to give you something in return except for breakeven/losing months(I had only 3 winning months in the last year of which only one was a good month, the other two were measly/miniscule)

Starting poker was a huge mistake. If I could go back in time 1 year form now everything would be so damn easy. Cashout my $50,000 get a real job where you interact with people, have a real contribution to the world, make a real salary, etc and things would easily be better than today where playing poker has so many negative consequences -

- all of the above things of course, but also
- the games are much harder than they used to be
- there are less donks/fish to play against due to the point directly below
- There are so many heads up regulars now that it is next to impossible to find bad opponents
- Two sites have stolen alot of my(our) money
- Americans cant even play on the biggest sites which have shrunk the games even more
- Poker sites are a lot less reputable due to all the recent scandals which give poker a bad name and further makes it unlikely for more people to play
- list goes on

Obviously some of these things were something I could not predict and that was the coin I(we) were dealt, but it just pains me that my parents were right about all of this and that I should have quit poker while i had my former roll. I feel like i let them down. I worked hard in my life for everything... all the school grades, the sports i played, the exercise i did/do, poker, etc. The feeling of working hard and getting rewarded for efforts was something i was sued to ever since i was a little kid. Poker however has really ruined that belief though(for the wrong reasons, but it still has nevertheless). It's my fault I played poker though, nobody elses.. so there is nobody to blame but myself.

Anyway, I really think this is the right decision to quit. There is no future with this game for me. I'll play it for fun and never higher than nl100 if i ever do play again but its very unlikely. I really urge everyone else to let go of this horrible game while you can. At the very least, let it go until the rake is fair or there is a new boom. The game just sucks balls right now.. I've been raked over $60,000 since i started poker(which is higher than my roll has ever been). It's just absurd. Quit the game while you still can.

Im sorry to anyone who remembers me as someone who complained alot and who hated running bad. I hope you can understand that it was just the way I was and that I have learned that it solves nothing. I evolved as a player like everyone else and that was one of my biggest flaws. Thanks to everyone who gave me advice and who helped me improve my game. Thanks in advance for reading this as well. It helps to get my thoughts out about this.

I wish everyone the best. Ill still log in and read the news and many of the treads. Take care.

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merge sucks where else to play by Gsr_01_integ, October 30

Merge is gettin way to old...theres never more than 10k ppl on at max times the mtts sucks and never really have a good prize pool and it seems like all you do is run way under EV and every hand is set up just for action...the rb is nice but sucks when u get like 0 points everyday towards the 100 seats to 100k...where else can i go and play thats not so rigged?

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PC problem by Spitfiree, October 29

Tilted hard. So i logged in my battle net account and i see that i didnt cancel my wow subscription so there go 50eu for the past months for not noticing this shit, whatever i dealt with that. I stopped playing due to laptop overheating ( or so I thought ) + game got boring anyway. Soo here comes the problem - I bought a laptop cooler. After i saw that my WoW is paid, cancelled my subscription but decided i would try to play and see if it was the overheating thats the problem. After 20mins Laptop just turned itself off. Its super cold not even the slightest sign of overheating. Only happens when i play WoW ( or at least i think so ), tried playing sc2 on highest possible preferences - no problem at all even @ 4on4 - not even a 0.1s freeze or sign of lag, didnt turned itself off. So what the hell is the problem

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MSN Hacked by TalentedTom, October 29

If I send you an unusual message in the last 24h prob ignore it, managed to retreive my account just now

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GF problems by Floofy, October 28

Hmmm so i have some sort of GF problem and it seems like it can't hurt to post about it on LP!

here it is.

My aunt usually rents cars, and then let my dad buy them. This is good for my dad since he knows the car he buys are good (my aunt is carefull with them).

Then, my dad has always given/sold me his cars, since i know theyre good.

A few months ago, he called me and told me that, in april, hes gonna sell me his acura 2005 (worth like 6K) for 2500$ (value of my own car, which i would sell). Then my GF says she wanted to buy my car, since her own car is becomming real shit (its a 1990...).

However, my aunt decided to... change cars RIGHT NOW. This is a problem because now, my dad would have to pay for 2 cars at the same time (both his acura he would sell me, and his new car). So he is now considering selling his acura to a random to get 6000$ for it. He says that its not worth it for me to pay higher price than 2500 since the acura's value would drop way faster than my own car's value.

So 2 days ago, my GF told me to ask my dad what hes going to do, because she was going to do some fixing on her car, but if shes going to get my car at the end of the month, then she won't do it (waste of money). My dad kinda told me it was fine, and that hes going to sell me his car now. However, he didn't seem too sure about it (kinda an important decision).

Today, i talked to my dad again, and he said hes not sure at all about it anymore. He explained to me that, my car is perfectly fine for me right now, if he sells his car 6K to some random, he's going to save a lot of money, and i really don't need a luxury car that much since anyways, my own car is working just fine. However he said that if he doesn't manage to get 6K, he is going to sell it to me.

Now i call my gf, and you can imagine she was disapointed. My car is decent (2002 honda civic) and i was going to sell it to her for 2500$. So now shes either forced to deal with her crap car that can't be completly repaired, or buy a new one, which is risky. Also, she's REALLY mad that my dad changed his mind since he "said" that she would get my car for 2500$. She kinda said "hey he promised it and now he changed his mind, thats horrible". She also claims if she had never been offered my car, she would have searched for new cars and shit, and would have been in better shape.

Now she's so mad that she said she won't talk to my dad ever again. Obviously i can't imagine having a GF that won't talk to my dad ever.

I also can't get a definite answer from my dad, he really does not want to rush such a decision.

What should i do, and is my GF right to be this mad?

Also i gotta agree my dad tends to make a lot of nice plans and they sometimes don't happen, however hes also a very generous dad (i rather be promised a lot of things and have some of it happen rather than having nothing promised at all...).

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My youtube channel by D_smart_S, October 28

Yo! Check this shit out!
Read the descriptions before watching.

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Lil bitchy yeah yeah by tutz_x, October 28

Need to get this out of my chest, been running sick bad latelly. Downswing is @ -35bi right now, over 85k hands. Never had such a bad run, have been studying more and more, cutting down tables, even signed blue fire poker again, nothing working so far. Yeah yeah yeah I know I'm a whiny lil bitch, whatever. Feel free to hate!

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WHO IS THIS? by LikeASet, October 27


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coaching by hiems, October 27

anyone offering coach/can recommend a good coach?

edit: looking to play live cash and live MTTs

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