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Mergggeeeeeeeeeeee by Stim_Abuser, October 27


45 buyins under ev in 75k hands. Also running bad in cooler spots. I think I've gotten KK vs AA about 20+ times in this sample and AA vs KK once or twice. Dunno how to check it on HEM to confirm though.

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Colbert told you by palak, October 27

Colbert gave a congressional testimony last year for people that missed it.

Now Alabama has lost millions of dollars in produce due to a lack of immigrant workers.

Daily show was good last night also

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Best Youtube Channels by tutz_x, October 27

Hey guys!
I think it would be a good idea to share with each other some great youtube channels!! Post here your favorite ones with a little description, I will post some of my favorites :D

KassemG - Fun guy interviews people on the street about all sort of things in a very funny way

Spricket24 - Hot and awesome girl talks about different subjetcs

SimplePickup - Guys pickup girls on the streets by making the most embarassing things you can imagine lol (very funny)

PrankVSPrank - Couple make awesome pranks with eachother

CallOfDusty - Atheist guys rant about religion

Please share some of your favorites!!

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Smart vs Dumb by Night2o1, October 27

A while back I blogged about how one of the differences between 'smart' and less 'smart' people was not just that they were better, but that they had better strategies for thinking. I should of thought of this myself at the time but.. anyway I've come across research on this very thing, in this case applied to mathematics.

The study is ( Gray, E., & Tall D. (1994). Duality, Ambiguity, and Flexibility: A "Proceptual" View of Simple Arithmetic. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 25(2), pp. 116-140 if anyone has a clue on how the public can access such a thing I'd like some info though I imagine this one isn't publicly available from such a niche journal )

Anyway, this is what happened: They took a group kids (age ~8) and sorted them into two, one "high achievers" and another "low achievers". All of these kids had received the same/comparable educations but ended up in different places as far as ability goes. So, they asked the kids to do simple arithmetic problems and to explain how they did them. There were 4 strategies that the kids used when presented with an addition problem such as:
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0

1. Counting all: This is where you count your numbers up to add or subtract them, literally counting (1-2-3-4..etc) everything up

2. Counting on: Whereupon a person counts from 1 to 4 and then continues from 5-17

3. Known facts: Where the person just knows that 4+13=17 automatically/without thinking because they've done that problem a bunch of times

4. Derived facts: (I will copy this straight from the summary) "This is where students decompose and recompose the numbers to make them more familiar numbers for adding and subtracting. So they may say, "Well, I know 10 and 4 is 14," and then they add on the 3."
ie doing 96+17 by saying "Ok, 96 -> 100 leaves 13, 13+100 is 113"

Now when they did the study they found for each group..
Above average students: Counted on 9%, known facts 30%, derived facts 61%

Below average: Counted all 22%, counted on 72%, known facts 6%, derived facts _never_

The researchers drew two main conclusions: Low achievers are often though of as "slow learners" when they are infact not learning the same things slowly, but literally learning a different mathematics. They view math as a ladder whereupon procedure after procedure is to be memorized and 'stacked up'. They are literally learning a different subject from kids who have an understanding of the big picture of math (something that is critically missing from America's education system, we about always learn math in a very compartmentalized, zero critical thinking way which is why I fuckin HATED math until I took statistics and saw real world problems being related to math).

Experiments have been done, taking these low achievers and teaching them better thinking strategies, and the results were very very good.

So yeah, this is just one example of ways that thinking strategies are at the core of smart vs dumb people. My view is that this concept definitely applies outside of math.

Well I'm fuckin late for class now so bbl..

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Brain & Study tips stuff by Mariuslol, October 27

A few things a student should know

1 - When it comes time to study, all distractions is removed, music is off. The only kind of music that you can actually have in the background is classical baroque music.

2 - Try and think of your study/classroom time as a job, investment in your future.

3 - You can tell yourself i'm only gonna study 5 minuts, has a tremendously powerful psychological effect, because once you start, it's easy to keep going.

4 - Always make a list, what you will learn, for instance "10 new words, this amount of pages" so forth.

5 - Research has shown that you're more alert, tend to remember more, more on the ball in the start and at the end of study. So really sick to take frequent breaks, like 20 minute intervalls. This way you'll have a lot more peaks. (If you're on a roll, you obviously can go on a little longer).

How to easier remember what you read

When we read through it, we only read through it once and when we read through like a newspaper, we go through one article after another, we never stop or rehearse anything.

Some general tips

1 - Pay more attention, be aware that we want to remember the information.

2 - Dimish our distractions, turn off music, put ourself in a place mentally so we are focused on that information.

3 - Lifestyle habits that support good memory, sleep, how we eat, alcohol so forth.

4 - Stop after each chapter, focus on what you read, next step is to think of the main step/points in that chapter was.

5 - Never mind the details that much. Get the gist of it, if you do that, you'll remember everything more clearly.

How to easier remember names

It's hard to remember names because we're rarely paying attention to it, numerous distractions, it's "mundane" and we're usually focused on something else. And we get the name very quickly and early on. Stress and anxiety also makes it really hard to remember.

We also don't rehearse it in our heard right after hearing it.

- Repeat the name several times after hearing it. (Smart to say her/his name out loud after they say it).

- If you're a visual person, picture the name, make a visual image in your mind's eye.

- Make up a story for the name, if you're very verbal, this is most fun. No point making it long, one line is enough.

Sleep tips

- Take things running around in your mind move it on to a piece of paper, things you need to do, worry about, want to do etc.

- Want to make your bed a sleep zone only, no reading, no pc, no tv.

- Do something non-stimulating before bed time, or make a routine before bed, to wind down.

- White noise.

- Insomnia can be a symption of some physical illness, so smart to check with your doctor for chronic insomnia.

- Exercise or work, but not too close to bed time, get some daylight.

- Try to go to bed around the same time, wake up around the same time, your body loves that shit.

More thoughts on memory

Problems people have with memory are things like names and faces, numbers, birthdays and anniverseries, shopping lists, cards they been playing so forth.
Not really a problem at all, just miss-using the memory they have.

Analyze, self analyze, sit down, make notes on what do you remember? What don't you usually remember? Where do you generally have your forgetting experience. Like an investigation, self check. Corporated within that check, is your memory.

You link something to an image, and it's locked. You drive a car to the mall, you come out, you forget where your car is, why? Because you were thinking about other stuff, what you were going to buy etc. But if you for a second look at the enviorment, a plant, a wall, a bush, a house, then go in to the mall, you don't even have to think about where you parked your car.

How To Release Your Inner Genius

1 Realize the power of your brain

Everybody has the potential for genius. The human brain is far more powerful than a super computer, it's potenatial is still not known. Everytime they put a boundary on it, it busts through it and keeps going further and further.

2 Make your brain your hobby

So once you're aware, what are you going to do lol? You know you've got it, so the second step is a very simple one, making it a hobby.

As soon as you do that, your brain is like a young child, what happens if you focus on a young child? It flourishes. The minute you go into a library, attend courses, read books on it, the brain will reward you in ways which even you now wouldn't believe would be so.

3 Use your left and your right brain

Left Dominance is words, numbers, lines, lists, logic, analysis.

And the Right Dominance tends to be Rhythm, colour, shapes, maps, imag-ination and daydreaming.

Creativity, is NOT, as nearly everyone thinks, right brain activity, words involves logic, analyzis, songs, so forth. Both sides of the brain needs to be used in harmony, then you'll get an explosion of creativity.

4 Daydream

The nice thing about daydreaming, it has been considered a sign of incompetence, a sign of bad academic potential. But we've now found out it can make you or break you.

The greatest minds, daydream big.
A big difference of "waste of time daydreaming" and the genius, brilliant daydreaming which everyone can do. Making that dream come through.

5 Recap

Have the attitude that you can, belive that your brain can, and then daydream whatever you want to come true, then work to make it come true, and that's brilliance. And everyone can do it.

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Need Youtube video hits by vlseph, October 26

it is for my class project in introduction to entrepreneurship.
we were given the assignment to make a youtube video and grades are distributed throughout the groups based on the number of hits your youtube video gets, kind of silly but any hits from LP would help a lot! thanks.

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Someone help plz by YoMeR, October 26

Got a pretty annoying problem. Recently i've switched ipoker skins since william hill is being gay and doesn't allow rakeback anymore. How do i export the notes I've took at that site? Just the location of the note file would suffice.

plz halps ;(

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Donkey prostitute by palak, October 26

  Zimbabwean man claims prostitute turned to donkey

A Zimbabwean man has told a court that he hired a prostitute who during the night transformed into a donkey, and that he is now "seriously in love" with the animal, according to state media.

Moyo has been charged with bestiality. The court has ordered him to undergo a mental examination, The Herald said. Photo: ALAMY1:15PM BST 26 Oct 2011
"I think I am also a donkey. I do not know what happened when I left the bar, but I am seriously in love with (the) donkey," Sunday Moyo told the court, according to The Herald newspaper.

Moyo, 28, was arrested in the town of Zvishavane, about 185 miles south of the capital Harare on Sunday.

He said he had paid $25 for a prostitute, and was surprised Sunday morning when he heard people accusing him of having sex with a donkey.

Moyo has been charged with bestiality and remanded in custody. The court has ordered him to undergo a mental examination, The Herald said.

"Sometimes I wonder how we became the dominent species"-Rumination

Pretty well sums up my thoughts on this.

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business for poker players taking time off by HeroPoker-CEO, October 26

Hey guys, this is just a personal project of mine, if you're going back to your studies or working part time, then take a look at it and their might be an entry that might help you out.

Feel free to pass it on to other mid-stake guys who maybe couldn't make the move abroad and are looking at options.

I had a blog similar to it on TL, but it was deleted and this one is related directly to players taking time off.


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I am the 99% by spets1, October 25

I'd go there.

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visa yeah!!! by tutz_x, October 25

got the 10 years visa with mutiple entries, yeah!!!
watch out NYC!! :D

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Long time no Blog by thewh00sel, October 25

It's been 7 months since my last blog; not to say that my life hasn't been blogworthy in that time, it's just been super hectic and annoying since Black Friday. Ok, where to begin...

I had just started to become a winner in online cash again and was grinding 2/4 and 3/6 with shots at 5/10 from January through April of this year with mediocre success (+20k or so on limited volume); but the point was that I was balancing my poker portfolio a lot better than I had in the past. With a nice mix of MTT's, online cash, and live cash. Anyways, that online income stream got taken away from me obv and I'm lucky (I guess)to be living in Vegas and have live cash to fall back on.

Unfortunately live poker is a beast that makes you think you are a losing player when you're not and vice versa. So now I'm currently grinding 5 days a week about 30 hours a week at 5/10. My results have been less than stellar (breakeven since the wsop) and I can't put in any more hours right now because of family obligations. So life is pretty tough right now with no steady income stream and no tournament scores to help (not to mention a black hole of tournament makeup from being backed for the last year so even a small 6 figure score wouldn't help me).

Also, I sold the GT-R mostly because I wasn't crushing it anymore, but also because (You were right Ket) it wasn't as fun to drive as my Evo was. But I got a white '05 Mazda RX-8 and it's more fun than the Evo was imo(RWD!!!).

Ok enough with the bad and out with the good:

My wife is about to graduate and is finishing up her student teaching in a First grade classroom. She graduates in January and then will go on for her Master's while teaching in an elementary school here next year. When she has her master's after the 2012-2013 school year we will re-evaluate the financial situation and if we are struggling at all or online poker hasn't come back we may look into International Teaching where she would teach at an English-speaking school in Europe and I would play online poker and life would be cool. But until then we are just waiting it out in the states.

Baby stuff:
She's getting bigger

And doing cuter stuff

That's it! Good luck to everyone's future endeavours and I'll try and update this thing more regularly in the future.


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Hi all~ New here by ToylandPoker, October 25

I have a SC/BW background so thought this would be my first forum to join! Not great at BW, reached C+ several times on Iccup so bit of skill but not a lot. Student, 23.

Started getting very interested in poker a few months ago, read a couple of beginner books (Holdem for dummies and Full tilt tournament poker book). I play on 888, lost a bit of money in my first few months playing being a bit overly ambitious with terrible bankroll management, took a break have come back more recently a bit smarter however now I seem to be a break even player (which is an improvement from losing) and looking to improve from there. I play the 1/2c NLH tables on 888, usually 4 at a time to keep my interest. I find my ABC poker is fair, I tend to lose money from tilting and being impatient mainly so I'm working on that.

Ideas on where to go to improve would be cool, curious about some poker software, wondering if poker tracker is worth looking into.. so yeah any feedback or questions or anything about anything would be neat!

See you all around the forums!

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MLM (legal scamming) by Night2o1, October 24

Some of you may or may not know, but I've mentioned on here that I have a relative (grandmother) who is a huge MLM victim and wastes thousands of dollars in multi level marketing "Business opportunities". One of her long-time swindlers/con men (a disbarred lawyer who has spent time in prison, but is charismatic and clearly without a conscience) convinced her to join yet another MLM.. somehow under the pretense that *I* will handle this opportunity for her.

Yes, without consulting me she literally shelled out the several hundred dollar joiner fee & committed to the monthly distributor fee (dunno how much, usually its 40-200 dollars a month in these scams), with the idea that I will do the "business" for her.

I didn't even know what to say when she told me yesterday, and now she's given my phone number to the disbarred lawyer (MLM scammer). He is going to call me and brief me on this "opportunity".

What the fuck?

I am trying to figure out how to turn this into a positive thing. Maybe I can somehow maneuver into such a position where the ole grandma will trust me more than this con man, but dunno....

What's my play tomorrow when this motherfucking scammer calls? I can't just tell him to fuck off because he holds a strong sway with my grandmother, as does the idea of MLM in general, and I'm sure he'd appropriately label me an enemy of his financial interests.

I don't think I want to become a scammer myself.

I am just awe-struck that she signed up for this thinking I would take over when I've told her how unethical and amoral MLM is.. Of course she doesn't understand because she is incredibly naive and ignorant.

All of this is kind of whatever, I guess, but she mentioned that they convinced her to buy more of their stock, which is literally lighting money on fire. I honestly think she is losing rational control of her retirement money. Will I be to blame when she is broke in whatever number of years down the road?

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TED Talks: by EvilSky, October 24

This is a pretty interesting talk about google and fb and how they filter information. I may just be a tinfoil hat wearing fool but this is kinda scary for me and I feel it is very wrong. What do you guys think?

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most simple of math Q's by Night2o1, October 23

if you win when your roll of 50 is greater than the result of [ ( random1-100) + random1-100 ) ]or [ (random2-200) ], are you doing the same thing in both cases? ie do you win ~25% of the time in both situations?

just checkin'

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yessur by eestwood, October 23


thats all

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Meet The Press by tloapc, October 23

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Importing Tournament HH's by zionlll, October 23

I have googled long and i just can't find it.
I've requested some tournament summarys, and trying to import them into HEM .
But i get 224 errors 0 imported .

Anybody have any idea ? or a different tool to replay tourneys with?
My summary is from pokerstars email .

looks like this
> oksana425250: posts the ante 40
> KasperSonn: posts the ante 40
> mrs-nurse: posts the ante 40
> Next-L3vel: posts the ante 40
> roundersgr1: posts the ante 40
> vladan: posts the ante 40
> outragous76: posts the ante 40
> roundersgr1: posts small blind 150
> vladan: posts big blind 300

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Microstakes Revelations by superfashion, October 22

After getting back into the online scene (thx Carbon lol), I've done a lot of work on my game. I have a good friend who has played professionally across multiple sites as high as 10/20 (as far as I know) who has sort of become my "mentor," and it's made me look at the game a lot differently.

If you're a struggling microstakes player, I might have some useful advice.

In regards to "range"...stop thinking poker stove wise, and use your head. Observe your opponents and see how you can use both your image and your position to open a wider range of hands. Force yourself into strange postflop decisions because of opening marginal hands; this will force you all around to have a better game sense.

Related, forget about the money. Nothing you can lose at microstakes is anything that you can't make back working at McDonald's for a few weeks, so the money factor shouldn't bother you at all. Try bluffs in spots you wouldn't normally. If you get snapped off, then you know you probably shouldn't have bluffed there and you can make note for next time.

Range in regards to you want to play XX hand on the button, but it's not normally in your "range." So...3bet it! Fuck it, why not right? This gives you the betting lead in position on someone you probably can out-think or out-play, which is never, ever a bad thing.

On the whole, I guess what I'm trying to say is to stop playing ABC once you understand how to play ABC. Of course there are times when you're going to have to show down top set, but you can't rely on coolering people to make all your profits. Force yourself to understand the game better. In no way am I saying that I'm "good" compared to a lot of people who play, but I wanted to share some things I feel I've learned recently with those who are in the same position I was 8 months ago.

Not a huge sample, but this is my results graph since moving to Merge so I'm not COMPLETELY talking out of my ass (note the sick 10bi swing where I ran 7bi below EV D.

Few hands that would not have happened if I was playing the same way I was playing 8 months ago:

Submitted by : superfashion

MERGE_GAME #4218872900408: Texas Holdem NL $0.10/$0.25 10/19/2011 23:12:22
Table Tijuana 42188729
Seat 1: newbling $25.00 in chips
Seat 2: duncan107 $83.45 in chips
Seat 3: Ughtoiletclog $25.00 in chips
Seat 4: SubZeroWINS $49.46 in chips DEALER
Seat 5: Hero $42.83 in chips
Seat 6: masterhopkins $21.29 in chips
Hero: Post SB $0.10
masterhopkins: Post BB $0.25

Dealt to Hero4hKh
newbling: Fold
duncan107: Fold
Ughtoiletclog: Fold
SubZeroWINS: Fold
Hero: Raise $0.75
masterhopkins: Call $0.50

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $1.50)

Hero: Bet $1.00
masterhopkins: Raise $2.75
Hero: Call $1.75

Turn (Pot : $7.00)

Hero: Check
masterhopkins: Bet $5.00
Hero: Call $5.00

River (Pot : $17.00)

Hero: Check
masterhopkins: Allin $12.79
Hero: Call $12.79

masterhopkins: Shows5cAc
Hero: wins $40.46

Submitted by : superfashion

MERGE_GAME #4219786100362: Texas Holdem NL $0.10/$0.25 10/20/2011 00:29:33
Table Tijuana 42197861
Seat 3: thx4cheeseburger $32.81 in chips
Seat 4: Hero $35.98 in chips
Seat 5: Wysses $50.92 in chips DEALER
thx4cheeseburger: Post SB $0.10
Hero: Post BB $0.25

Dealt to HeroQd8d
Wysses: Fold
thx4cheeseburger: Raise $0.75
Hero: Raise $2.75
thx4cheeseburger: Raise $5.50
Hero: Call $2.75

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $11.00)

thx4cheeseburger: Bet $4.25
Hero: Call $4.25

Turn (Pot : $19.50)

thx4cheeseburger: Check
Hero: Bet $11.00
thx4cheeseburger: Call $11.00

River (Pot : $41.50)

thx4cheeseburger: Check
Hero: Allin $15.23
thx4cheeseburger: Fold

Hero: wins $55.73

Obviously there were some wacky dynamics going on that led to these hands, but that's exactly what I'm trying to talk about. If I snapped off the K4 and he showed me 77 on the river...Oh well, maybe I'm an idiot. What if I get snapped off by jacks in the Q8 hand considering he was getting almost 4:1 on his money? In that case, I metagamed the shit out of myself and consider making the same play deeper, or folding to the 4bet preflop. Don't give up the chance to analyze your options in weird hands like this, and don't pat yourself on the back for your line being the best thing possible just because you won the hand. Keep thinking!

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