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NBA Labour Talks by TalentedTom, October 21

It's funny to hear the players always talking about their love of the game, respect for the legends etc... when its painfully clear the only thing they care about is the money. They want 53% of the revenues... what buisness gives 53% of its profits to its workers, greedy bastards, 1 less ferrari a year

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struggling by Robinson47, October 21

I am having a poor year spent 6 months of the year playing very little games and cant get a good run going, Playing 60nl hu sng turbo at the moment just until im confident in my game again, but im only a marginal winner, will stick with it and hopefully i start winning again.

This year ive moved into a rented flat with my girlfriend and spent 2 weeks on holiday in mexico. My new work desk..

going to have to get a new desk.

Going to grind lots before christmas so hopefully i dont have to worry about working during the festive period. 6 months more of this and im going to have to think about getting a job

gl all

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Razor Ramon by PuertoRican, October 20

  On October 21 2011 10:37 ERASA wrote:
I watched it directly from espn page, good quality and no lags, let me see if i can find a link...

indeed very sad :/

This 20 minute video on Razor Ramon aired recently. The first 2 minutes of video one has some lag spikes, but it smooths out after 5 minutes or so. It's a good watch, but very sad.

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Live Tourney Action: BCPC 1.1k by SemPeR, October 20

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Newsfeed Readers by RiKD, October 19

Just got up to speed on this. Definitely the way to go. I use Google Reader just b/c I'm a google fan and can link it to my droid.

Any recommendations for feeds?

Right now I just have a pretty standard news feed and added:

-New York Times
-Wall Street Journal
-The Economist
-Mark Cuban's blog
-Harvard Business Review
-Jonathan Wilson (Footy)
-Liquid Poker (yeah budday)
-T-Nation (juiced up gorilla meathead site)
-Zonal Marking (nother footy site)

I'd obviously recommend any of these

I'm looking for:

-I'll try just about anything at least once

More Specific:

-Any topic covered in sunday NYT. top news, world news, opinion, business, fashion, entertainment, etc.
-Sports in General
-Men's Fashion
-Men's Magazine type stuff (GQ, Maxim)


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the fuck by bigredhoss, October 19

my computer isn't playing videos anymore wtf ? i dont get errors or anything just the area that the video would play in stays blank. any experts here know what to do about this?

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High Stakes Players by tutz_x, October 19

I thought for a while about the the topic for this entry, but decided to go with a simple one that would draw the attention of some mid-high stakes players.

Recently I've spent some time watching tables from 1/2 up to 5/10 @ stars and what I've noticed is how full of regs they are. I'm dazzled with this, how can any money be made? Fishes are not common at those stakes, from what I've seen looks like the regs are just exchanging money with each other.

I would love to hear from the most experienced players here, how is the edge built here? I can see the a case for heads-up, but what about 6max and FR? How can players like nano and wobbly have such an edge on those game in order to make a winrate of 2BB/100 for example?

I'm happy playing NL50 and NL100! I've thought about taking shots @ NL200 but the difference in the games is huge. I guess I'm stuck in a mindset where I dont think there is much to be changed in my game and that NL200 regs will crush my soul. Every time I've tried to move up in stakes I went thru some bad streek and mindset. Maybe I should get some coaching but I'm still really reluctant...

Please give me your best words and understanding!

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help with Electrical Engineering HW by Into Infinity, October 18

kind of stuck, not sure how to analyze circuits like this (that is, with a resistor in series with a resistor/capacitor in parallel)

i'm supposed to find the transfer function of this circuit. help?

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Huk wins an sc2 tourney! by whamm!, October 17

him and idra in the final 4 against koreans!!! wow

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Propaganda Tilt by Night2o1, October 16

I was browsing the web, when I was struck by this

I sympathize with the cause based on actual honest arguments. So why do people make disingenuous arguments for their side when there are perfectly legitimate arguments to be made?

Both sides do this, in fact every side ever does this. Propaganda is ubiquitous.

Really, I guess we know why they do this: It works. It actually takes a bit of knowledge and a second of thought to deduce the bullshit sometimes.

For myself, I probably saw this pic several times and never paid it any attention past a cursory glance that made me go "yep".

I wonder what else we see like this, every day, without a second thought? Anyone else have some modern day stealthy propaganda to post, and if it isn't obvious, why its propaganda?

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Video Editing Software by El_Tanque, October 16

I needs it. Whats do you prefer? I know nothing about it, but I documented my trip to game 6 of the ALCS where the Texas Rangers just won and are going to the World Series for the second year in a row. I'd like to edit all this video and make a vlog about it.

Thanks for your input!!

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a bit of validation by xdrb, October 16

So finally tonight got my first taste of live tourney victory.

Home game with 45 players at $50 BI, ended up splitting 1st/2nd cash once we got to heads up for 960/2 = $480. Since I had a backer on the BI ended up with $300.

Bubbled 2 previous times, and got knocked out last time wih QQ vs AJ so it was particularly satisfying.

Little bit about me:

1. Currently in grad school = #1 priority. I know a lot about nutrition/exercise/lifting/etc. if anyone needs advice on this type of stuff.

2. Got $10 last dec from asdf2000, and played occasionally on weekends and grinded it up to $60 something playing SNGs. But then black friday happened and yeah.

3. Went to Hero (thanks Dave) and binked one of the free rolls for $5 and $10, and got one of the 100+100 and have grinded it up to $200 playing FR 4NL, but went on a 10 BI downswing which sucked to ~$160. Played a bit for the first time in a few months and am back up to $170. Hopefully, once I hit $200 again I'll take a shot at 10NL and go from there.

We'll see how this plan works out with grad school and other stuff I need to get finished! Hardest thing for me is just getting in the volume.

But yeah, glad to have a first blog. Love you guys. I don't post much but I read a lot of everyone's threads.

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Undertaking a new endeavor by Spicy, October 15

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Seeking books by Spitfiree, October 14

Was wondering where I should ask for this but since there is a good amount of well-read people in LP decided its probably one of the better places for such a question
I need some good books on about how the humans mind work, why are we in constant search of approval and acknowledgement and such soapy bullshit everyone needs, also books on ego (i think those 2 things could be strongly connected as well). I d rather they re more philosophically written, but if the you think you've got something worth reading please leave author + title

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My Online Dating History/Online Dating Tips +Day3! by Joeingram1, October 14


I am going to get the poker update for day 2/3 of my SNE grind out of the way and then get to the good shit.

Day 2 was similar to day 1, up a few dollars at the table after 13 hours/18.8k hands. Also made about 600 dollars of FPP value during this time. Felt good, game felt good, attitude was good.

Today I woke up a bit later and have been pretty tired most of the day. Have been getting it in with lower equities then first few days and results have not been good. Have played about 9 hours so far and need to put 3 more in today but decided to write up a blog post about something a lot of my friends on fb/random poker people ask me about which is HOW DO I PICK UP CHICKS ONLINE DATING?? GIVE ME SOME TIPS! I've done some crazy shit and always wanted to write about it so I might as well start now, stories in the future to include the time I met someone halfway (hour drive) and ended up leaving her at beach in chicago, 5 hour roadtrip to southern indiana with friend where I shared hotel room with him and the girl I was meeting, black girls gone wild just to name four.

My Online Dating History: PART 1

Let me preface this by saying that I still talk to a few girls I met through online dating and I might mention some of them in here, will only say good things

There are 4 parts to my history which goes from being 19, busto/broke, living at moms then living downtown in Chicago in my own place and obsessed with poker. Onto living back in my hometown on my own with unlimited monies to spend and sick car. Then San Diego where shitgotreal.jpg

Why should you or anyone listen to me about ways to be more successful in online dating. Well For those people who don't know too much about me besides the ridiculous amout of hours/hands I've played I do have a little bit of a life outside poker. I once did an online dating challenge where I tried to go on 30 dates in 30 days and posted it on 2+2 forums with pics/vids and trip reports of what happened. It was incredibly popular and was really fun on my end to do but unfortunately someone messaged all my Facebook friends (women) telling them I was some man on a mission and writing about who I was having sex with, posting their pics, etc.. At this time I was living back home so I was like "OMG what will people think" if this happened now though I probably wouldn't care to much. I asked the moderators to take the thread down and now it is gone into oblivion.

That experience for me was actually my 3rd venture into online dating and will get more into that later. I first learned about the world of online meetups/dating when I was 19. This was Pre-Sexting/Texting/Naked pics which have become the norm for people . I had just lost my license and my best friend at the time Matt was always on this website called which was basically where you setup a profile and just kinda talked to people/did ratings and stuff like that. I had nothing else to do at the time so I made a profile as well, little did I know this was a life changing experience lol. Before this time I was always the skinny funny guy who was really into cars and always saw all these hot girls but never seemed to have a chance with them. After I lost my license I started walking to the fitness center down the street from me, discovered weightlifting, found out what a tanning salon was and what the hell Abercrombie and Fitch was (never knew). During this transitional time of my life I was doing my thing on thedilly pretty much everyday. Matt would always tell me about all these women he was going to see and end up having sex with and I was like WHOA AWESOME, NO WAY! Eventually I started talking with more girls on the site and finally was like fuck it, lets ask them to hang out and see what happens. Most of the girls I talked to where ages 16-19 but who really knows. To my surprise many said yes! I could not drive to meet up with any of these girls so Matt would drive me to hang out with them lol. I quickly realized that this wasn't online dating but more like online fucking because any girl you ended up meeting with you would inevitably have sex with. This was pretty eye opening for me, an OMGOMGOMG moment that we all sometimes have. Some girls would even come drive over to see me, one really pretty blonde girl, tall/tan/tongue ring, would drive 2 hours a few times a week to see me. It blew my mind that things like this could happen. I noticed as I started to get in better shape and post more shirtless pics of me on the site, I started to get interest from more girls and start hanging out with more of them. Me and Matt would go on double dates where he would bring me along when he met a new girl and she would bring a friend and things turned out the same as every other date would. Once he drove me to meet a girl about 45 mins away, he only had a 2 seater so we picked her up on my lap and drove to a random movie theatre. Matt called up a girl he knew from that area and she picked him up and left me in the front seat lol a true friend imo. One time a girl drove an hour from the city, we went to the "VIP Room" aka downstairs bedroom at my moms (thanks mom) and when I went upstairs to change and came back down she was in her coat ready to "help a friend in need".

There are two moments from this time period that stand out the most though. One was the time I randomly started talking to a girl from Jasper, IN which was about a 5 hour drive from where I lived at the time. She was pretty, little crazy and was all about me so I was obviously all about her. The big problem was that she lived 5 fucking hours away, the second problem was I didn't have a license. I talked to Matt and a road trip ensued. The plan was for her to bring a friend and the four of us would get a hotel room together. The friend she brought was a solid 2/10 and weight about 250lbs so needless to say Matt wasn't too interested and instead it was Me/Angel in one bed and Matt in the other. This whole story is probably worthy of its own blog post in the future though.

The second experience that is the most memorable for me was when I met the blonde cheerleader from the western suburbs, about an hour from where I lived. She was super nice, incredibly sweet, very pretty, and a virgin. I can't remember the exact details of our first few dates but things went well and I really liked her. Amazingly enough Matt was "dating" a girl who lived about 5 mins from her lol, true friend. We started all hanging out together and this progressed from there. On valentines day she ended up driving over to my house to hang out with me. On the way home though she was in a kinda bad car accident. At this point in my life I was all about the lets go workout/lets go find more girls so I probably didn't show enough caring for her after this and we pretty much stopped talking, though Matt did keep in touch with her . After a few months we did start talking randomly and hung out a few times but nothing like it was originally. I drove down to college to visit her and still talk to her now occasionally while she lives in Chicago.

Its amazing the people you can meet from online dating and the experiences you can end up having with them.

There was a bunch more dates that I went on during this 9 monthish time period and not all I remember these days. Most of the girls I hung out with were 8/8.5s with a rare 9/9.5 and the occasional mix of 7.5s. The myth that only ugly fat girls meet guys online is 100 percent false! At this time getting women was still a new concept to me and I was taking full advantage of my new found ability to do so. I guess you could call this my 15 year old girl phase of my life aka HUGE SLUT phase. Did I learn anything during this time or through these dates? Besides the fact that you always need a good wingman to help you out I don't think I ended up learning to much. I discovered how open and sexual alot of girls out there were, no matter if they were really gorgeous or semi-meh looking. You couldn't just a book by its cover.

The ending to this chapter of my life came when I started working at TGI Fridays and started meeting an unlimited supply of hostess and servers along with random customers (stories for another day) that there wasn't any time for online dating. Couple that with the fact that me and Matt started hanging out less and this chapter was closed. Matt still crushed it for years after though and probably still does to this day, kid was a true man of his time.

That is Part 1 to my story and I will write the following 3 Parts in the upcoming days when I am on break from my 13 hour grind sessions. I will give a few tips and secrets that noobs out there can use in their quest to meet the perfect woman online.

Online Dating Tips: Part 1

Alot of my poker friends from around the world ask me for tips all the time and say it is impossible to meet a cute girl from online dating. Well my friends you are very wrong and that is probably a bad attitude to go into things with. Although the strategies I have used might not work for everyone they might be able to help and make you start thinking about things differently, similar to when you first started learning more about poker. If your trying to actually find someone to date or just trying to have sex with random girls then these are the tips for you.

The first thing most people encounter when they begin is setting up their profile and choosing pictures. I myself went with the route of writing about a ton of information on a wide variety of things I enjoyed doing, interested in, or want to do one day. By doing this it allows a wider variety of women to either message you (yes women do message guys) and when you message someone and they click on you to find out more, they might find one or two things they have in common and reply back to you. "He likes laser tag? I do to!" "Wow he loves to travel, my kind of guy" "Taylor Swift concerts? Interesting". I have a few random tidbits similar to those that work super well for me. I come across as a charming, funny, hard working guy that has alot of interests and probably has something to say. Some women actually want some conversation, but not all.

The next thing to do is choose pictures. I didn't want to hide who I am in these photos. I am a shirt off kinda guy who enjoys working out and showing the results from said workouts. To some having a picture like this is an immediate turn off and you are quickly x'ed out of my the person. I wasn't trying to meet those type of judgemental people so fuck them. My Chicago proifle was a picture where I was happy with my mom, a random beach picture, and a few other glamour type shots. Do not put the getting drunk pictures on their. 99 percent of women you will meet say they don't want a drunk/party/bar/club type of guy and are sick of meeting them, etc. etc. Once you actually hang out with them the first time and get along, if you are that type of person or you aren't it really wont matter at all. Now that I am a bit older I have had to change up my picture selection a bit but I am always sure to show off the more favorable aspects of me (body, tan, car). Some people will look and say "look at this fucking dbag with the picture of his car". JUDGE JUDGE JUDGE! Luckily for me their are many, many other interested people out there who might enjoy cars and be interested in me because I do as well. During most of my first dates with women I will ask if they actually read my profile or just looked at pictures and a large majority say they intially started talking to me because of my pictures and thought I was good looking, so choose wisely. Glamour shots, in action sport shots, your best qualities you have to offer, go for those.

I really need to get to work now so in my next post I will go onto what messages to send and things to say to actually get a date with the better quality of girls out there on the sites.

Thanks for reading

Feedback is appreciated

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whats better by spets1, October 14

so im pretty drunk at a work party
my farewell to go overseas is next week. Im outta this shitty place to asia?poll_id=1246
Poll: whats better
(Vote): have a wife or gf
(Vote): fuck hookers
(Vote): be gay and take it up the arse

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poll by hiems, October 13
Poll: How Neat /Organized are you?
(Vote): Clothes, old papers, all over bedroom. 1-2 days old food on desk. bathroom/kitchen a mess.
(Vote): little better. some clothes and papers on floor/desk. kitchen/bathroom manageable
(Vote): "tidy"
(Vote): stay@home mom level
(Vote): patrick bateman level

Sorry for being non-descript on options 3,4,5. It's cause I'm only at level 2.

edit: I realized I suck at making polls.

If you happen to be option 1 or option 5, how old are you and why are you such a slob/sicko?

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What u think about me? by tutz_x, October 13

Give me some comments! Dont save any hate or love, this is your chance to let it all out! :D
Poll: What is the image that you have about me?

(Vote): I think you are an insecure guy that loves to brag about every little win
(Vote): I think that you are a dumb fuck troll
(Vote): I think you make idiotic posts to get some attention
(Vote): I think you are a fun guy that uses this forum mostly to have fun
(Vote): All of the 3 "bad" options

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Lolgraph by Carreira, October 13

This would be much more bearable if it would be for playing something besides nl30-nl20 and if i would have played more than 6 tables at any time.

Maybe even more if this would be my volume of hands in a month.. not in 5 fucking months.

Brb smashing my head against the wall.

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Started playing again by DustySwedeDude, October 13

So this month started out fine, won a little bit and then I got some semi-decent scores in the Swedish Championships of online poker. A 4th place in a side event for like 2k and got 9th in the main event. I lost KK vs 99 in a flip for 1.2 mil chips out of 7 mil total and first place was 1 million SEK, which is probably like 120k + a WSOP main even package and a package to the live Swedish poker championship. Ended up with a few K in profit for that series of events anyway. Then I lost a fuckton playin 2/4 PLO running god damned awful and tilt withdrew a bit of money, leaving myself with 5k online. Now I'm playing 1/2 and so far it's going really good and I feel that I've finally figured out how to beat those games, at least a little bit. There's probably a ton of work before I'll be good enough and rolled enough online to play much higher on a consistent basis and make a solid profit every month so I've decided that 1/2 might be the spot for me for the next few months. I have saved up a lot of money from poker during the years and I'm looking to buy a house within a year or 18 months and if gold and silver prices keeps going up I'll make a bit of money from that. I think that I might need the lower stress levels I can get from grinding 1/2 and it's still good money.

That'll give me time to focus on other things in my life. Also, I think I've got an decent chance to be one of the the scariest 1/2 PLO regs on the site if I just keep it up and figure that limit out for a while. I hope to play 150k hands of 1/2 before I turn 25 next spring and then I can figure out what to do with poker. It's weird getting older. For the first time I'm a while I'm having some responsibilities and in involved in a bunch of fun stuff overall.

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