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Philosophical Theory by Floofy, October 12

I'm not exactly sure how dumb this theory is so i will avoid posting it in general.

This is strange theory i've been thinking about, so here it is.

Assuming that life, after death, is the same as not existing, can we say that dying sucks a lot?
My theory states that it cannot be "that bad".

Here's why:

Being dead, and not existing, is the same thing. Once you don't exist anymore, you are in the same situation as someone who has never existed: you both don't exist.

Now, if you think not existing (or being dead) is a terrible thing, then you should kinda feel bad for donald duck. Donald duck does not exist and will never exist/enjoy life. Why do we feel sad for people who had the chance to live, and are now dead, but not for people who NEVER had the chance to live? both of them does not exist, and one has never existed, it seems like the one who has never existed is in a worst position (or at least, in the same position).

So now lets say i feel bad for donald duck since he does not exist. Then i could basicelly feel bad for... AN INFINITY of person/things which are "dead"/does not exist.

In short, only one of the 3 following things is possible:

#1 Being dead is not that bad
#2 An infinity of persons/things are experiencing a terrible thing (not existing/being dead)
#3 Having never existed is not as bad as being dead.

In short, i think death is something you shouldn't worry about, since an INFINITY of persons are currently in the state of "Not existing". So if the result of death is not existing anymore, then you just join an INFINITY of people/things, so unless an infinity of things/people are currently in a poor state (scary to think that), dying can't be that poor of a state.

However, life is whitout a doubt better than not existing... so it seems like an infinity of person/things are currently in a state which is not as good as it could be. So should we feel sad for all of those people who does not exist anymore (dead people) AND for the infinity of fictional people who never had the chance to live?

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BLOG by spets1, October 12

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Taking advantage of a 2nd chance by GameOverNoob, October 12

I've taken a good long break from this world with good reason. I was what some would call an unbalanced player. The money I did make fueled my addictions and led me down a path that ultimately almost cost me my life. An interesting story that's tl I doubt u would read but maybe I'll share some other time. I've grown considerBly since then and miss playing a game I enjoy very much. I've been keeping up with recent news and wached the game evolve from the outside. I'll be starting at the bottom on a euro site on the party gaming network. IMO the game selection should be the softest based on partypokers very intense marketing online and on tv. I played a couple session but can't reinforce my opinion since it was nl2 and naturally will be ez. Im looking forward to hearing what you all have to say and will start posting HH ASAP. If anyone cares to know I have an extensive history in poker as a room organizer and dealer in a casino. Wasn't the most optimal lifestyle to grow in so im working ATM planning to finish real estate school as soon as I can and start college.

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Silver back =( by Floofy, October 12

Oh well new mods doesn't like me =( Reposting on blog

Would you fight, for 1 billion dollar, in an arena similar to a spartacus arena (fairly large), the following:

a very angry/dangerous/hungry 250 kg male silver back (completly enraged)


with the help of:

#1 A 6 feets Poleaxe (which is light enough so you can use it well, but still decently solid)


#2 A well trained dog (one that looks like the one in the picture) that will do anything it can to save you (not some stupid dog, one that would be trained to stay with you and try to help you, he won't just run away or suicide into the gorilla).

If you win, you get a billion dollar. If you loose, well, you die.
Poll: Would you do it?
(Vote): Yes, right now!
(Vote): No, i would never do it.
(Vote): Only if i had some time to train.
Poll: For those who answer yes, would you still do it whitout the dog?
(Vote): Yes, i would still do it even whitout the help of the dog.
(Vote): No, i would not do it whitout the help of the dog.

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Dear poker players... by Gawuss, October 12

...I never asked for this. I got here only by accident. I’m grateful for what happened to me and yet..not fully. Am I a happier person than I’d be if I hadn’t experienced all of it ? I sometimes wish I could go back and do it differently but I can’t. I tend to think that I screwed things up and wasted my only opportunity but did I ?! Now I give myself another chance. I know - it requires more work, greater commitment and some sacrifices but I got to do this. I’m ready for it. I need it. I want it.
Some people say it’s stupid, some wish me good luck, while I truly believe I don’t need any. What I need is an honest willingness to make these dreams come true. And I believe…No! I KNOW I will reach my goals. That is what I’m aiming for and I won’t let myself stop. It is the last chance I got and I will not waste it this time.
Believe it or not – I WILL DO IT !!! I took a year off to chase my dreams and I won’t even think of stopping to take a breath till I make them real. Don’t wish me luck. I would be greatly thankful if you gave me a helping hand instead.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.



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18.5k Hand PLO session, Day 1 SNE Prop by Joeingram1, October 12

Day 1 in the books, played about 12 hours today today (my definition of a day is slightly off). Broke it up into 4 different sessions, one break for breakfeast, one for gym, one for snack and then one because I got a little tired. Still getting used to putting in so many hours and sometimes my mind just trails off and starts to spin way to fast from seeing so many damn 4 card combinations and thinking to much. Also my effective stacks at the tables get pretty big so I need to take either an hour break to let some new tables get started or take a 2 hour break so I can join tables without old stacks. Still trying to find an optimal day schedule but I am thinking something like 17 hours awake/7 sleeping everyday with 12-15 hours dedicated to playing and the other for gym/breaks should work out well. I also have a self motivating prop bet where I have to put on 10lbs of muscle this month so have been working out pretty hard and upped my supplement intake. Next summer Joe will be very very happy that this winter Joe played so many damn hours/made money and worked out hard in the gym hopefully.

I actually had the mindset today for a bit that I should try to win some money but it honestly requires so much mental power that I get burnt out after maybe 1.5 hours of doing this and simply need to drop tables or sit out for a few minutes and walk around. I think my overall abililty to play more hours/hands per day with a fresher mind outweighs the thinking more and trying to squeeze out a few extra 50 cent BBs. When I start moving up though the impact becomes greater on my bottom line so I will have to rethink this strategy. I honestly think I could just play PLO50 and win this prob bet but it would be a legit 15-16 hour/day grind when I will need to average 250k vpps the last 2 months. Im hovering around 550-700 VPPs/hr depending on time of the day, when I get back up to playing 1/2 and 2/4 that number is increased by more then double if I stay with 24 tables so most likely I will aim for 1k/1.2k VPP/Day and adjust number of tables accordingly

Been grinding out Dexter Season 5 last few days too, almost caught up to where it is now and then will have to move on to some other shows. Watching tv shows/movies is helping me pass the time, I never really used to do that while playing but most of the time I was actually trying (and failing sometimes) to play well and semi-focus on the games.

Need to sleep and wake up to do it all over again now

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well then by Bullshit, October 12

guess I'll keep grinding what else can I do the graph is pretty much all 2/4 with some 3/6 in the beginning from when I got back from calgary in august

pretty sure I had a worse/similar stretch earlier this year without the upswing

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I just folded by player999, October 12

88 on 84Tr 4 to a 1/2 bet on a live game. I feel weird.

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Inspired by wobbly_au, October 11

So yesturday I started my daily poker session and about 4 hours in I was up $11,000. I felt extremely tired as I had been playing 8 hours a day of poker since September 1st. I decided to go down stairs and get some mouth ulcer medecine, thats when I noticed a new spa centre which looked really grand, I had heard about a 50% new trial promotion they had going so I decided to reward my self for my hard work.

When I walked into this place it was amazing, the decor was like an arabian palace, and about 12 young women greeted me with perfect smiles, I was absolutely in awe. They sat me down and poured me tea, explaning to me what they did and how much they charged... Let me tell you the fee wasnt cheap... For those people that dont know me very well, I actually live a fairly normal life, other than good food and presents for my sister and girlfriend I dont really buy anything for my self. I am still wearing a shirt I got as a present 4 years ago, I have a very limited wardrobe, dont own a car or have anything thats worth 2k+.. After learning the price of there services which was 400usd$/hour I wanted to jet the hell out of there, but I had been so tired and stressed I decided for this off occassion to pamper my self.

The room they lead me to was also quite amazing, it had a massive bath, shower, scented candles and fresh towels everything you'd expect for the price im paying. When the two Masseuse started I was in heaven.. So this got me thinking, if I wanted to be able to come back anytime I wanted and not feel a pinch then I need to work harder and smarter and Improve my game and make more money. So afterwards I went and bought a notepad and started brainstorming somethings I would do to imrprove my poker.

So far I've got three areas I'm gonna work on.

1. My actual poker game, which I won't devulge details about because they are too sensitive.

2. My conditions of play, no more tv shows, no chatting, using tiled tables instead of cascade, setting up a better hud, getting table ninja.

3. My life balance, exercising more, eating less meat, stretching every hour during play, playing more golf/guitar.

I'm gna make one change a day and today I'm gna modify my hud so it isnt the useless default one.


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Supernova Elite Prop Bet Officially Booked by Joeingram1, October 11

Just ended my life for the rest of the year and booked a SNE prop bet with my roomate BallCup. I got 3-1 odds and its my $15,000 to his $45,000 and the amount in bonuses I will accumulate along the way is around $90,000.

2p2 thread

I am currently at 347k VPP's and need to get to 1 Million by the end of the year. For those people on my FaceBook who have no idea what SNE is, its basically a system on PokerStars where the more hands/hours you play per day, the more rakeback/points you get back for playing. To win this bet I will need to play 12-16 hours a day for the rest of the year and end up playing more hands of PLO in a month then anyone 400-600k hands per month.

Only stipulation is if I get kicked out of Canada for whatever reason then the bet is off. If i lose more then $90,000 playing at the tables I have to quit poker and move back home and get a real job. No webcam as we live together so he will be able to see its me playing.

Some people are going to ask me why in the fuck I would want to do this. Well I like a good endurance/volume challenge and this sure is a helluva one. Also the guaranteed money from SNE and the prop bet is way more then I would make game selecting/playing less tables the next few months so it makes sense to give this a shot.

My basic plan for now is to 24 table PLO50 since some of my hands need to be played there. The last few days I have been playing and seem to go on massive tilt at some point during the session and haven't had winning sessions. To be able to have a clear head and think about all decisions for hours and hours a day while 24 tabling doesn't seem like it will be possible for me to do without losing a ton of money so I have been trying to think of ways to minimize my losses while playing. I've been buying in for 30bbs and playing a super tight game right now and running up stacks and leaving when table is all regs/nitty. Has seemed to work well for minimizing swings so far and will probably stick with it for now. My vpp rate has been lower doing this since I am not playing many hands so I have been trying to overlimp in position in some spots with hands that I would normally fold in hopes to help with VPP and win money at the tables. I'm still trying to figure out a good 3bet range IP and OOP, I think I have been showing a profit 3betting all AAxx hands IP and OOP so far and shoving most of flops in heads up or BB vs SB/BTN situations but when its 3 callers and I am on BTN or BB with weak aces those have been bad spots to 3bet and have not been showing a profit. Also defending lower rundowns OOP or even IP have not been doing well so far for me with stack size and implied odds and FE lower so I am thinking it may be optimal to stick to high card hands as far as flatting pre-flop raises goes and let go of the 3456 and 5689 type of hands.

I am looking forward to getting started playing now and will be updating the blog so hopefully all goes well.

Thanks for reading and hope people follow along

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Casino Trip by K40Cheddar, October 10

Sup LP. Ever since the DOJ stuff has happened I've been extremely sad and haven't blogged since April because I haven't had any poker related things to talk about. Well that all changed last weekend.

edzwoo, jas0n, hneaz and I all decided to go on a casino trip to the Horseshoe Casino in Hammond, Indiana. Since we're all based in Champaign/Urbana Illinois the trip took a little under two hours. I was preparing for my first ever trip to a casino since I turned 21 in August and I was super pumped. It was going to be the first time I had played real money poker since April and I just couldn't wait.

We get there around 11:00 P.M and the place is super packed. We headed straight to the poker tables to play some 1/2 holdem. At first, I felt like a complete noob cause I had never been to a casino before and had no idea where to go or what to do. Luckily for me edzwoo and jas0n were pretty helpful at getting me settled in and avoiding ways not to be "that guy" at the table.

So I sit down at a random table and immediately love the atmosphere. I decided to go with just a normal jacket and hat look rather than bringing in the sunglasses and headphones like a tool. I wasn't that worried about keeping my cool. The first hand I play Q8s in the BB and hit a flush on the turn. My heart rate immediately jumped. I have never felt that feeling playing online but in person its just a huge thrill. Unfortunately, I got a little nervous betting and was fumbling chips a bit. I probably could have gotten some more value on the river but I got jittery putting chips in and a couple guys commented on it. After about 30 minutes to and hour though, the nerves wore off.

I had always heard that live poker players suck balls and that was pretty apparent have like 3 hands. This tool sitting on my right who thinks he's really boss (acting like "that guy") 3 bets some guy pre. Some ghetto fish who keeps talking about how its his birthday calls. Flop comes K55. 3betting tool cbets normally and the other guy jams all in. Tool is like "aw shit man I think you got me here I gotta fold". He folds and flips up AA. He already committed like 1/2-2/3 his stack too. You could tell everyone at the table is like "wtf are you doing". That guy continued to talk a lot of strategy (really bad strategy) the whole time and make fun of people for playing hands they shouldn't play. I just went along with everything he said and agreed with him even though everything he said was pretty much incorrect. My goal was just to have a good time and be agreeable with people so when I win it's not a big deal.

I played for about 6 hours. Surprisingly, the table was full most of the time and when it got low more people came in to sit down quickly. The next result was a +$290 profit which really made me feel good for the first time playing live poker in a casino. I preceded to chill with edzwoo and hneaz at the penny slots. Not gonna lie, those slots are some of the most fun things I've ever played in my entire life even though I know it's completely -EV. Here's a video of the experience. I think it should work but it might not. I'm the guy with the hat on the right, edzwoo is on the left, and hneaz is talking.

Overall, it was a pretty sick trip. I came out ahead and hneaz made a slight profit. I don't remember how jas0n did. Edzwoo was the biggest loser of the bunch, although he claims that he "ran really bad". I'll let you ask him how much he lost.

TL;DR ???

-went to Horseshoe casino in Hammond Indiana
-Made $290 playing 1/2 NL holdem
-Played penny slots for awhile had a blast
-Got back at 9 AM super tired and slept all day

I'm looking forward to going again. I just loved the atmosphere and experience so much.

Thanks for reading!

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A chip and a chair! by Drakk, October 10

Obv not the brag i wanted, but I nearly made it still...

Submitted by : Drakk

PokerStars Game #68744017874: Tournament #541011197, $10+$1 USD Holdem No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2011/10/10 0:54:27 ET
Table 541011197 30 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Thyrandaal (9366 in chips)
Seat 2: Antonio0077 (5252 in chips)
Seat 3: FroniS (9261 in chips)
Seat 4: comeva777 (2798 in chips)
Seat 5: batesy61 (9920 in chips)
Seat 6: MrTynKyn (4175 in chips)
Antonio0077: posts small blind 100
FroniS: posts big blind 200

Dealt to Thyrandaal KdAd
comeva777: folds
batesy61: folds
MrTynKyn: folds
Thyrandaal: raises 260 to 460
Antonio0077: folds
FroniS: raises 8801 to 9261 and is all-in
Thyrandaal: calls 8801

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $18,622.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $18,622.00)


River (Pot : $18,622.00)


FroniS: shows QsQd (two pair, Queens and Tens)
Thyrandaal: shows KdAd (a pair of Tens)
FroniS collected 18622 from pot

Total pot 18622 | Rake 0
Board  TsTc2d3cJc
Seat 1: Thyrandaal (button) showed KdAd and lost with a pair of Tens
Seat 2: Antonio0077 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: FroniS (big blind) showed QsQd and won (18622) with two pair, Queens and Tens
Seat 4: comeva777 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: batesy61 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 6: MrTynKyn folded before Flop (didnt bet)

Submitted by : Drakk

PokerStars Game #68748238991: Tournament #541011197, $10+$1 USD Holdem No Limit - Level XXI (3500/7000) - 2011/10/10 5:13:08 ET
Table 541011197 8 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 2: bbebe02 (205400 in chips)
Seat 4: Thyrandaal (220209 in chips)
Seat 5: Chiablo (516391 in chips)
bbebe02: posts the ante 700
Thyrandaal: posts the ante 700
Chiablo: posts the ante 700
Thyrandaal: posts small blind 3500
Chiablo: posts big blind 7000

Dealt to Thyrandaal Ac8d
bbebe02: raises 8750 to 15750
Thyrandaal: raises 203759 to 219509 and is all-in
Chiablo: raises 296182 to 515691 and is all-in
bbebe02: folds
Uncalled bet (296182) returned to Chiablo

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $237,359.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $237,359.00)


River (Pot : $237,359.00)


Thyrandaal: shows Ac8d (two pair, Kings and Sevens)
Chiablo: shows JhJc (a full house, Jacks full of Kings)
Chiablo said, "gg"
Chiablo collected 456868 from pot
Thyrandaal finished the tournament in 3rd place and received $353.25.

Total pot 456868 | Rake 0
Board  JdKhKd7h7d
Seat 2: bbebe02 (button) folded before Flop
Seat 4: Thyrandaal (small blind) showed Ac8d and lost with two pair, Kings and Sevens
Seat 5: Chiablo (big blind) showed JhJc and won (456868) with a full house, Jacks full of Kings

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Everyone getting married by Night2o1, October 09

So sick, now both of my closest teenage year friends have gotten married now. I guess we're all getting old now.

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Belvedere vs. Grey Goose by, October 09

Which do you prefer? And if you could be so kind stating why you prefer it, that would be awesome. From what I've been reading, people say they prefer Grey Goose, but in blind taste tests they seem to be picking Belvedere for smoothness and taste. Are people just convinced by marketing over taste, or does one actually taste better then the other? Let me know.

I forgot to mention, only vote if you had both.
Poll: Better vodka
(Vote): Belvedere
(Vote): Grey Goose

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Need Advice by Floofy, October 08

Sorry guys i know i have not come on here for a while now (since i don't really play poker anymore) but something just happened to me and i'm not sure who to ask advice to and you guys have generally been great advisors so here it is.

As some of you know i've been living with my GF and her brother for some time, and its going well.

However, recently (a few months ago) we decided to take a roommate because my GF isn't very rich and i'm greedy as fuck. It kinda gives her 200$ more a month.

Thing is, this roomate suffers from an anxiety disorder. It happened a few times that we got some conflicts (me and the roomate) because he can get really pissed off really fast for no reasons, but it never went too far since my GF would make sure it don't go too far.

However, right now, my GF suffers from a pneumonia (don't worry, she will be fine) and shes at the hospital. So today, for a really bullshit reason, the roomate got pissed off at me.

(in short, i came back from work, was talking to my gf on the phone, wanted to take a drink so i took one on the table, and he was like NO ITS MINE, so im like, ok fine ill go take another one, and then hes like HEY TAKE YOURS THATS ALREADY ON THE TABLEEEE but i didn't really understand what he said (i was on the phone) and went away and thats when he yelled hard to get that glass")

SO i was kinda pissed he yelled at me for no reasons and told my gf that hes fucked up. Then he became even more mad and yelled hard at me for calling him fucked up. Then i kinda got frustrated and told my gf i wanted us to kick him off the appartement since hes too fucked up.

At that point, my GF, who was tired, didn't really know to do so we just talked about other things and eventually ended the convo (even if she wanted to do something its kinda hard to do from her hospital bed...).

Then, the roomate told me to "go talk quietly about this at the table". So i was like, ok whatever sure. Then he won't let me say a word and says the story his own way. Then eventually, when i explain it my way, he gets REEALLLLLLY pissed off, yells his hardest, then and i call him fucked up again, and that when he shows his arm towards me (like if he was going to beat me up) and yells hard a bunch of things about not being fucked up.

At that point i was just thinking this guy is absolute nutso and ill just try and calm him down and call the police or something (i probably stood a chance in a fight but i really didn't want to risk it, not worth it, seemed much easier to dodge). So hes like "WILL YOU EVER CALL ME FUCKED UP AGAIN, showing his fist". then i'm like no no no.

Once he calms down, i seriously consider calling the police, but i'm not sure if its the right move and i go ask my gf's brother about it. He's just like "whatever, if you do it, make sure he doesn't find out..." (btw i'm kinda mad he didn't do a thing when this happened -_-).

I decide to do nothing for now...

Later on, he comes back to me, apologize, and almost begs me not to kick him out of the appartement.

So now, what should i do?

Of course it would suck a bit that my GF does not get the 200$ a month anymore, but after today, i'm starting to think this dude is seriously fucked up way more than i ever thought (before today i never thought he was THAT fucked up) and its probably not worth the money to keep him in there.

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The Pursuit of Fearlessness by Highcard, October 08

I think everyone struggles with fear, and how you manage your fear will shape your perception of reality.;contentBody

Read about Alex Honnold, the reigning free climber in the world. He climbs 2,000-3,000 foot walls with no gear; Just shoes, chalk and his mind.

I have been dealing with anxiety for the last year and a half. For a while I had uncontrollable panic/anxiety attacks every day for a few months, followed by a few months of constant head aches. A few months after life started to become more normal but still the odd migraine. I still feel anxiety over things that use to excite me, like flying or heights or even theme parks.

Everyone has messed up thoughts of dying or conceiving of trauma but those thoughts never affected me before, however after being off Accutane for 4 months, all hell broke lose on my nerves. Is it from the accutane? who knows, I have the same thoughts and perceptions as I always have, but never before in my life did I feel this sort of anxiety/panic/loss of control. I finally knew what millions of people go through that I once thought should be a simple mind/reality control. I had no perception of control and that made it worse.

I believe that no matter how bad you think your nerves are you can still control them, but that just means you have to actively try harder. To be honest, I believe the only thing that sets poker players apart is their focus, their control of the mind. If your nerves/stress/anxieties are too strong they will block your focus in making the most correct play.

When I see Alex Honnold climb up a cliff with no regard for his life, I see Jungleman/Galfond, climbing up the stakes. It's their focus that allows them to make emotionless plays, knowing that if they play correctly they will win.

What helped me the most with my anxiety/panic attacks was focus that I got from starting yoga and reading about mindfulness from a Buddhist. It's has only been 9 months that I've been feeling better'ish, still struggling at times, still struggling to keep my fears low enough to play Midstakes poker. I'm at one of the highest points in my life and yet these last 2 years have been my hardest to live through.

I have been in the pursuit of fearlessness and I believe one day I will find the inner peace to live fearlessly. The process towards this outcome drives me, through genuine intrigue. I hope anyone else struggling at life, or in poker, can find within themselves what they are looking for.

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funny little game by longple, October 08

i browsed through my blog and found alot of retarded posts from 09

but then i refound this game

again, very addicting

reading in my blog, my last score was over 9000

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HELP! Everest -> Stars by Samashki, October 07


So I decided to put a small bankroll on Everest Poker to play some but soon found out I have no possible way to withdraw money from there. I was wondering if anyone with an Everest account would help me out, ill send 200$ to you on Everest and then I trade that for 200$ on stars.

This is no scam, I feel cheated on anyone and I am willing to take a risk. I will send the money first (u'll get 219$, some for the trouble).

Can someone help? Please pm or write here.

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I'm in love by tutz_x, October 07

Dont get me wrong, the title os this blog is a joke, I love my girlfried and would neve cheat on her. I just watched this video and I couldnt stop hitting the replay button mostly because os the girl in bright green. I love skinny latin girls who can dance


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lol busted my stars account by Hashii, October 06

Eh my plan of playing a lot of tables of 50nl on stars didn't go any better and ended up busting my small deposit lol (good thing I couldn't figure out how to deposit more than 1k). Very last hand was pretty funny after looking back at it. Used all the vpp to get crappy cashback then decided to proceed to a 200nl hu table and ship every hand with my last 180~ until someone called and I ended up losing ATo vs 66 in a flip, and I don't know why that made me feel better instead of worse.

Guess I'll go back to grinding 4-6 tables 100nl on Prima. Don't think I'll be playing on Stars for while.

graph (was probably slightly tilted near hand 19k~ and started playing like shit as well)

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