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D2 Clone games by PplusAD, October 06

recently i felt like D3 is still way tooo long before it comes out.

So i did some hardcore single player Nerd Hack&Slay Action the last 10 days.


Diablo2 LOD offline single player Assasine
Lvl 46 Act2 Nightmare playtime ~ 18hours

Torchlight Warrior char level ~ 50
endless Void dungeon Level 16 ~ 18h

Legend Hand of God
Paladin lvl 51 till "Nightmare" Act3 ~ 18h

yay ...

Well my 4 main conculsions from this are

1.) Diablo 2 is still fun even for the 50th time
2.) Torchlight was kinda dissapointing monotone
3.) Legend Hand of God was kinda buggy but overall surprinsingly fun and i think it definitely was a ton better than torchlight
4.) Diablo 3 will probably be much better than any D2 clone of the last years ever was

Here are some screens for those who never played Hand of God and want someting till D3 comes out

here u can see how a low level char looks and what the stats in my next picture mean

Inventar/Char screen of my paladin when he was LVL 48 right before going into battle with the Ac2 Nightmare end boss (big dragon)

U can imagine its pretty much like Diablo with just some minor changes that u get used to after 1-2 hours
There are Unique and magic items , there is an Inventar and u can invest Points in Strength, Dexterity,Life,Magic when u level up
U can boost these stat points using items ( thats why they are blue in my picture)

Hand of God skill system

Unfortunately every char only has 2 Skill trees and can only invest Talent points till a maximum of 10.
U can get skills as high as 20 with the help of items though ( thats why some of my skills are 13)
Well its a lot simpler than Diablo2/Lod but well the fun is about items anyways

heres is a video to get you a better impression of the game. ( Its not me in the video ... its a random german guy whoms Video i found on the internetz)
This is Act 3 Final Boss in Normal mode

Graphics are much better than it looks in the video and are actually quite nice and gameplay is as u can see very typical D2 style

Only downside to the game is that there is quite a lot of bugs even with patch 1.02 final
Most bugs that accour though dissapear when after restart the game.

U can either buy it for ~ 10$
or get the SKIDROW Version ( allthough u have to get gamecopyworld no CD and a german Patch 1.02 ... but it works)

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Gabriel Iglesias by Carreira, October 05

I just found this guy out, cried my eyes out of laughter.

hope u guys like it.

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Interior color by NewbSaibot, October 05

So I'm still looking for a new Z, debating whether or not to wait until the '12 models come out. Could be awhile considering rumors that the Tsunami likely slowed down production.

Anyway we know which exterior color to get, but what about interiors? I originally went with black, but I'm starting to think a Persimmon color would really pop and give it that Italian sports car look.

- Persimmon leather - + Show Spoiler +

- Grey/White - + Show Spoiler +

- Black - + Show Spoiler +
Poll: Which color?
(Vote): Persimmon
(Vote): Grey/White
(Vote): Black

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Microstakes Update! by Tensai176, October 05

Recorded my first winning month in September playing .1/.25 and small-stakes mtts. Feels good.

Got my Liquidpoker stuff, had to pay an extra $50 for customs which sucked but can't really complain. Feels good.

Reached gold on Party Poker. Good Feeling.


Getting crushed live, lost about -$1,400 in my last 10 sessions coming from a +$1,000 swing. Playing bad, and running bad =[. Trying to work on my tilt issues.

Had my worst day ever yesterday, down -$200 being stupid I guess... Which is 8bi =[ for like a 3 hour session.


Reading up on my game, trying to minimize mistakes, and a general feel-good, motivated and dedicated approach to getting better, overall,

Feels good yo.

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Fuck America (healthcare) by Night2o1, October 05

Bleh so tilted at our healthcare system. I'm a broke college student and I need an x-ray on my hand since it seems the knuckle hasn't healed after 6weeks. Its still like 175% normal size and painful.

Introductory cost $310 dollars plus tax to see a doctor and get an x-ray.

Obviously I'll just be one of the millions without access to healthcare who will pay the price throughout my life for things like this I couldn't afford to get treated. My country and society will pay the price in my lifetime's lessened productivity if I become depressed over the state of my body or if this heals into some kind of arthritis and I can't use my right hand for any god damn thing.

I heard about some thing where you can go to the emergency room and get in and out real cheap, but I obv don't want to carry about 1k more in debt so I can have a cheap visit now.. but I heard it doesn't work like that so.. anyone know about this system?

At least I'll be able to get in and out of a mediocre mid-level college with only $40k in debt ROFL fuck you America.

Fuck you.

ps. luckily I have family that isn't completely broke and willing to help me with this but.. ugh I don't want to burden em.

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poker and bw by whamm!, October 05

full of regs at stars and iccup = every session makes me wanna go zzzzzzzzzzzz
thinking of switching to live cardrooms and bw lan parties with friends to get that winning feeling in '08 lol

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october goals by hiems, October 05

nothing fancy. gl.

play poker on weekends, friday night, saturday. goal 5k month / keep getting better
pass professional license examination
practice at least 1x a week talking to girls
research 1x-2x a week business stuff
work on poker stuff 1-2x a week
focus more/perform better at work
stay fit, try and work out ~5x a week

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Your breakfast. by Carreira, October 05


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Vegas Bachelor Party by JizzleSmitts, October 05

Hey LP,

I'm the best man for one of my friends' wedding, and am organizing a 2-night bachelor party binge in Vegas a week before Christmas (a Sat and Sun night). As the group of us are all in/will be in med school, none of us are incredibly balling atm.

I'm trying to find a reasonable deal for a 4-5 star place (be nice to keep it below $400/night average) I've always stayed at the Wynn or Encore when I've been to Vegas in the past, but I'm up for trying new places.

Any recommendations/deals/potential hook ups?

Thanks guys!


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Stars software is imba by Hashii, October 04

Deposited some money on Stars a week ago. I wanted to try 14-20 tables for a change and is Stars probably the best place to do so (prima and ipoker gets my eyes tired really fast from all the glitter in their software- even just playing 4-6 tables). The software is so smooth/clean that I feel like I'm playing better because I can see how the action went easier lol.

Moved down to nl50 to get used to playing a lot more tables, good thing too because I am running poorly right from the get go. Not too worried at all, still think I have an edge and hopefully putting more volume in will help a lot.

Graph from this week:

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Got Samsung Galaxy II by TheHuHu3, October 04

Just ordered it. I've had a shitty Omnia HD and it's bugged the fuck out. I bought it overseas and unlocked it here but I just don't get the good support / service if I just bought a US phone. So I ordered the Samsung Galaxy II. If you guys follow smart phones, this is the BEE'S KNEES. U jelly? U 'mirin? Ya u 'jirin.

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Selling iPhone 4 16gb by iop, October 04

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Selling ftp account by, October 04

I want to sell my ftp account, got $802 USD. Accepting offers.

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saptembr by drone666, October 03

was cool

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New apt, bonus hand, and aug + sept results by barbieman, October 03

Sup LP

It's been a while since i last blogged, some stuff has happened in that period of 10 months.
Most notably I binked a bonus hand on boss media in February this year, I moved into a new apartment in August
and I've had my two best poker months in August and September.

New apartment
+ Show Spoiler +


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Milestone hand
+ Show Spoiler +

Cliff's of the Milestone hand
+ Show Spoiler +

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WCOOP, EPTLondon, Plans by RaSZi, October 03

Hey guys, wrote a blog about thoughts on WCOOP, my EPT London tournament and some plans and things that are coming up. Sorry I can't post it here, but check it out.

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7 pics by spets1, October 02

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Hero Poker cashouts by Sanai, October 02

I'm considering making a cashout and I saw that the only available option for US players is by check. Any word on how long the processing and delivery time takes? I've heard all sorts of figures from a couple weeks to a month and I was just trying to gauge it so I can plan.

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New month, new stuff by DustySwedeDude, October 02

Brag: I had a winrate of 36.6 bb/100 last month.
Beat: I played 2k hands in total.

Need to get back to playing a lot. Did a lot of other work that needed to be done and I archived a masters rank in 2on2 with remmember87 who probably does not post here anymore.

Now I need some help, do anyone know of any great resources/articles regarding social networking in regards to spreading knowledge about a trademark/organisation or similar?

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september by longple, October 02

best month so far?

355k sek ~58k$
18.2k€ eusites ~25k$

down about 70k SEK live ~11k$

72k$ month

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