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Dealer scammed me :( by NewbSaibot, October 01

So if you remember I was debating between a grey or black Nissan 370z last week. Well I finally bought one, in black, only to get a phone call from the dealer today telling me "sorry man, the financing fell through, we have to raise your rate to get you refinanced for the car". This is actually a rather common scam from dealerships, a type of bait and switch on the purchase price for the car. Their strategy is that you will either fall in love with the car and just accept the price hike, or be too stupid to know it's a scam and just eat it.

But I said fuck that shit, and took the fucker back. Ordinarily I would be subject to all sorts of fines for putting miles on it and so forth, but they made one huge fuckup. The mileage on the sales receipt is different from the miles on the inspection report, which I found in the glove box, which they forgot to remove. The inspection report states the vehicle had 200 miles on it. The sales receipt stated 19. This already pissed me off once I learned about it since it basically means my car was a fucking demo unit used for test rides. I'm sure every asshole that drove it around the block did so at 8000 rpm's, and anyone who knows anything about cars recognizes this as a big no-no.

My wife's mother is a lawyer and she gave me all the legal verbiage to use against them basically voiding the entire sales contract and just handing them back the keys. So now I'm back cruising around in my fully loaded altima again. I'll miss my Z, was fun getting a 7 day test run out of it. But this all worked out for the best since now I'm just gonna wait for the 2012 model and probably get better financing out of the situation anyway going to a bank myself. If there's one thing I learned from this, never EVER do dealership financing. I've done this 3x before and I knew I wasnt getting the best rate, but now I've been burned hard and wont ever let it happen again. People, ALWAYS go to your local bank or credit union, or even an online loan service, get the loan, and bring a blank check to the dealership to write for the cash value you intend on paying to drive the car home. This way you never even set foot into a financier's office.

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September by tutz_x, October 01

bad month is bad
NL50 and NL100

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Looking for a Stake by k2o4, October 01

This isn't going to be much of a sales pitch cause I'm not really asking for an investment, just a favor. I am looking for a 5 buyin stake to play a live NL100 game in my hometown. If you're even considering possibly staking me then you most likely know me, and therefore know that I was once decent at poker. Never great, certainly not horrible. I made a small profit at NL100 for a while but not enough to go for the poker life. I've spent the last year in college studying psychology, an interest that was sparked when I began studying body language to try and spot tells at live games.

My biggest poker weaknesses were related to a lack of focus over long sessions, difficulty preventing tilt, anticipating other people's play styles and adjusting accordingly, and (in live games) trouble separating out the important body language from the tsunami of movements people make. Over the past year my schooling has focused on the last two, while my personal practice in yoga and meditation has helped with the first two. Now I'm excited to go sit down at a live game and apply these skills. Unfortunately, being a broke student, I can't afford it. Hence why I'm writing this post.

Basically I'm hoping a friend will help me build a live roll. If I crash and burn you'd be absorbing a hit, so it's definitely a risk. If I do well I'd pay back the $500 and then a % of the profit. So very likely not much to be gained either. But you'd be doing a kind thing for a guy who needs to pull in some money. And, I do think I'm much more likely to come out winning, as I definitely have an edge in this game. So there's that too.

Thanks to anyone kind enough to help ^^

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Okay, Sept. is over by exalted, October 01

Just want to churn this entry out so I can move on and put it past me.

September has been mentally brutal. After my last blog entry, I didn't really make any changes to my diet or (lack of) exercise routine. I continued to maintain decent volume online but continued the standard "run bads".

My play started to deteriorate and I had small tilt bursts, specifically against shortstacks (where you can assuage yourself that the mistake "wasn't that bad").

There have been so many small but important things to take care of and many other little things that are "slightly life-tilting". But ultimately my life has slowly shifted to a suboptimal state. There hasn't been much for me to look forward to lately and I feel weak and powerless.

I'm going to state specific steps I will take to improve my situation. I tend to like to set grandiose goals and then never get to them, so one step at a time. I will at the very least maintain these and then step it up week by week.

- 20 pushups avg. daily
- play badminton 1x a week
- jog around neighborhood 1x a week
- take dog out walking 1x week (not my dog)

These are pretty pathetic even by American standards but one week at a time. I used to be pretty fit but I have to admit those days are long over. I'm currently 170cm/81.6kg so no more procrastinating.

That's about it. Finally, would like to discuss with Forex traders and enthusiasts so please PM if you're into that.

Comments (7)       read entire blog

halp - store template by edzwoo, October 01

1 -

2 -

ignore the fact that random black handcuffs are classified as sporting goods
Poll: 1 or 2?
(Vote): white header
(Vote): blue strip header

which one?

Comments (19)       read entire blog

LRM)Game Exposed by joekim, October 01

Where should I even begin? There is so much shit piled up that an endless supply of diapers wouldn't be enough. I guess let me start off by implementing the "good." So, I have known LRM)Game for over 10 years because we used to play a lot of nilla (original sc). We didn't really become "friends" per se until LRM was dying and I helped him revive it by merging it with iG. With that said, I developed a lot of love for LRM as a behind-the-scenes manager/player. This post is not in any shape or form attacking the LRM Team or Game (as a BW Event Organizer). LRM has prevailed through many years of BW as one of the more prestigious teams, but contrary to Game's angelic image of them, their reputation was not always clean. Before SC2 LRM had various players caught hacking/abusing, if you look up their history, all of the evidence is there. After SC2's release was when LRM developed a clean slate as an exterior. Let me make myself clear, the purpose behind this post is exposure and numerous confessions.

LRM)Game's contributions as an organizer has kept BW alive. ISL1, ISL2, as well as a plethora of other prize tournaments are credited to him as accomplishments. Alongside the best BW commentator of today (Sayle), this RTS game that we all love and adore has survived and continues to entertain the lives of many gamers. I respect LRM)Game as a host, but everything else (manager, player, person) disgusts me. Sure, most of you will think I have no room to talk being caught abusing over and over again. Yet I will admit to my corruption, while LRM)Game won't since none of his abuse has surfaced.

Being a part of LRM Evolutions (LRM + iG) made me want to retain the #1 Foreign Team spot. I was passionate and determined to make this team reign on top forever. I dedicated my weekends for iCCup Clan League as well as BWCL, either to play or manage at 8:00am. I sacrificed countless hours and created several LRM accounts to never get traced. I spent numerous days studying opponents' replays and deciphering what lineups they would use. Having connections as a former iCCup Clan League Admin, gave us the advantage as well.

Let me apologize in advance to the teams who have been fucked over by this abuse. In particular: Nb, sas, FR, iFU. Many team leaders already knew that LRM was being favored and being helped, however there was no way to prove it. During my time as CL Admin and even afterwards, me and LRM)Game always had access to modify Clan League Lineups. Yes, that means when you submit your lineup, we see it, and pick whoever we want to play against your player (especially if it favors our player's best matchup) For instance:
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This matchfixing scandal was performed for many, many seasons in iCCupCL and I can guarantee you that it occurs in GAMeBIT CUP as well. Eywa is very passive and lacks the experience and professionalism to run a league. And if you are still completely oblivious, anyone can see Game's fingerprints all over Gambit Cup. Anyway, you can notice that whenever an LRM member would lose, it was most likely just a bad beat because statistically depending on who showed, LRM should have won every match. Enclosed in this post shows all of my Skype Chat logs with LRM)Game. If you find the validity of them questionable, I can send you screenshots as well. You will come to understand that I really have nothing to hide in this blog. I am done with the bullshit and I have nothing to lose.

Even when the two of us got IP banned from iCCup, we still had access to Admin Accounts and used them for ISL as well as Clan League purposes. We could not risk LRM ever losing any sort of playoffs. Hand in hand with matchfixing, we also threw in new members or members that never played during the CL season, into Free Slots vs teams that gave us walkovers. This would allow them to play in the playoffs.

I find it quite funny how LRM)Game rebukes me and vTv for abuse and sharing accounts when he has asked me to hop on LRM accounts for iCCupCL as well as Gambit Cup. The irony is amazing, the hypocrisy is golden. Another funny quibble for you readers is that vTv originally started out as a jail for Scan. Scan has always been a threat to LRM)Game and when they had their huge flame war whereas Scan was kicked out of LRM, Scan was intending to join Nb with Suzigo, Hirosue, and Byul. Around the same time, Fless assumed that JoeKim was smurfing in LRM (which I was) and talked about leaving. I created vTv as LRM's B squad. Containing Scan in Division C, as well as training up potential recruits for LRM. As time progressed, I grew attached to vTv but I continued to help LRM.

Everyone knew about LRM)Game's beef with Scan. I was usually the mediator, but I never approved of Game's decision to ban Scan from all of his tournaments. It was a deep-rooted grudge masked with false exposition which made Scan wanting to snipe all of these tours. As we all know, Scan was banned from ISL2 after he won ISL1. The reasoning was never validated besides the latter reasons: "even if he didn't cheat in ISL1, look at how he is trying to cheat in ISL2. he tried to smurf in and qualify as ISL2-Garey. he played on ISL2_Ruarc's account." The premise behind the ISL1 cheat accusation was that Scan was "caught stream cheating." LRM)Game told me that he traced Scan's IP address and was watching the stream as he was playing vs his opponents. However, the problem with that is: Scan FPVOD recorded his ISL1 games and you can hear all of the sounds and see all of his clicks. His APM was too constant for him to multitask to that extent. In addition, it is more than likely that LRM)Game hacked or had someone play on his account vs vTv.Scan on Gambit Cup considering that Game was out of shape and always dodges Scan. I would love to review the replay.

Since I have already covered it, here's the juicyness. ISL2_Ruarc was shared 3 ways for obvious reason, of which include hiding IP address, playing/qualifying during the ladder stage, and winning money in ISL2. Two of the three culprits were me and Scan. Being part of the ISL2 CAT Team, I knew all of the loopholes and methods to pull off this heist of a smurf. I was in no condition to train for the Ro64 with my busy schedule. It was only obvious to turn to Scan and work out a deal to split the winnings. Scan just needed to advance with his offraces and change up aspects of his gaming (hotkeys, timing, apm, placements, etc). I would be taking care of all of the exterior things. Unfortunately, the scheme was revealed once Scan played like himself and used his primary hotkeys that apparently no one else can use. We got caught and banned from both ISL2 as well as Gambit Cup.

Knowing that LRM had already won Gambit Cup, I smurfed as vTv.ByuL vs [AoV] just to please the viewers. I tried to mask hotkeys/skill which almost made me lose, but I ended up winning my games and wilding up the crowd. That was only a one-time thing for Sayle and I am confessing this now because vTv already got eliminated today with a weak lineup (props to Jumper & the real ByuL).

There are many things I am leaving out, but the jist of everything is in the Skype logs. I apologize to all of the players/fans/viewers that are disappointed in me for abuse. I don't have many accomplishments to justify my tainted reputation and I don't have any valid excuses to why I abused. I just can't stand being judged by LRM)Game when he's just as guilty in multiple cases.

We were friends, but he definitely crossed the line when he tried to steal my money during the ISL2 bets and acts like LRM deserved every Championship spot they obtained:

Me betting with LRM)Game TL log:
[8:41:01 AM] Joe Kim: Game [ 1377 posts | Profile | Buddy | Report ]
Subject: Re: Bets
Date: 9/16/11 15:16
You forela? What happened? No matter what happens on that note, I still think u trust me and I still trust u

Original Message From JoeKim:
well you've been on a good streak, and i am hoping to end my bad one. plus, looks like eywa won't be paying up the money he owes me.

Hide nested quote -
Original Message From Game:
Alright, I hope I don't lose this lol

Original Message From JoeKim:
well i guess this is my only chance to break even then:

(J) Michael $150 vs $100 Sneazel (G)
(J) Castro $20 vs $20 Bakuryu (G)

Original Message From Game:
The sky is the limit for Michael/SneazeL, but I'm not 100% confident Bakuryu will beat CastrO, it's more of a loyalty/novelty bet. I'll go 20 on Bakuryu/CastrO given my lack of confidence and it being ZvZ.

Lemme know what u wanna do @ mic/snez

Original Message From JoeKim:
how much?

i'll accept both bets but only going 1:1 for baku/castro

baku's zvz has improved and he's evolved into an A- gamer
castro has not been active and luckboxed vs kolll

Original Message From Game:
Michael 1.5 SneazeL 1
Bakuryu 1 CastrO 1.2

I'll take SneazeL + Bakuryu, go?

so we bet on FRIDAY for michael/sneazel match
-Me 150 on Michael
-Game 100 on Sneazel

they already played TUESDAY 4pm EST

Game already knew results

[1:09:55 PM] Joe Kim: Game told you to ref michael/sneazel on tuesday right?
[1:09:59 PM] LRM)Bakuryu "Mike Lange": ye
[1:10:08 PM] LRM)Bakuryu "Mike Lange": but i guess he asked me iccup
[9/17/2011 1:10:12 PM] LRM)Bakuryu "Mike Lange": because its not the skype log

LRM)Game about LRM)Bakuryu:
[12/3/2010 3:13:03 AM] David Barr: yo
[12/3/2010 3:17:19 AM] Joe Kim: ey
[12/3/2010 3:17:34 AM] David Barr: I'm gonna kick Bakuryu from the team
[12/3/2010 3:17:37 AM] David Barr: just letting you know
[12/3/2010 3:17:41 AM] David Barr: clearly doesn't want to join

LRM)Game about LRM)Belladona:
[12/5/2010 12:38:38 PM] David Barr: that was a short lived sleep
[12/5/2010 12:40:56 PM] Joe Kim: serioiusly..
[12/5/2010 1:01:55 PM] Joe Kim: “Ive been talking with Lee and Ill probably comming back on December 20th or so to BW. I were planning to come back as LRM again but i just saw that asaf kid on the team, will he stay? Ty for reply ;D” -Belladonna
[12/5/2010 1:59:52 PM] David Barr: lol
[12/5/2010 1:59:56 PM] David Barr: he already messaged me about it
[12/5/2010 2:00:05 PM] David Barr: because I won't entertain his bullshit, he's going to send it to anyone who will listen
[12/5/2010 2:00:13 PM] David Barr: my thing with Belladonna is that
[12/5/2010 2:00:16 PM] David Barr: I've been in 2 teams with him
[12/5/2010 2:00:24 PM] David Barr: here's why I don't give a flying fuck aobut him
[12/5/2010 2:00:44 PM] David Barr: 1) he doesn't show up to cws 2) he isn't nearly as good as you think 3) he's bm and super loud

*start skype logs*
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[12/18/2010 9:05:51 AM] David Barr: yo we need u to play 1v1
[12/19/2010 1:22:47 PM] Joe Kim: add me back to the team?

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[1/19/2011 12:31:17 AM] Joe Kim: ill make a new LRM) smurf with like 50% stats and fake flag
[1/19/2011 12:31:25 AM] Joe Kim: only you will know it's me though
[1/19/2011 12:31:36 AM] David Barr: pfc
[1/19/2011 12:31:37 AM] David Barr: ofc

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[1/21/2011 8:45:56 PM] David Barr: cant believe
[1/21/2011 8:45:59 PM] David Barr: u picked sas over LRM
[1/21/2011 8:46:02 PM] Joe Kim: dude
[1/21/2011 8:46:05 PM] Joe Kim: it's all an act
[1/21/2011 8:46:16 PM] Joe Kim: no shit i can't pick LRM if im "in" LRM

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[1/21/2011 8:47:38 PM] David Barr: but I could see sas beating us (no repeat-o)
[1/21/2011 8:47:47 PM] David Barr: as me + fless + ultra arent showing
[1/21/2011 8:47:50 PM] David Barr: PIke told me last week he'd come this week
[1/21/2011 8:47:58 PM] David Barr: Bella + Semih free win
[1/21/2011 8:48:01 PM] Joe Kim: uhhh wtf
[1/21/2011 8:48:02 PM] David Barr: Semih dunno bout his 1v1
[1/21/2011 8:48:08 PM] David Barr: Lokim and Scan area lso coming
[1/21/2011 8:48:13 PM] Joe Kim: you're not showing?
[1/21/2011 8:48:15 PM] David Barr: so I'm relying on Semih/Scan/Pike showing up
[1/21/2011 8:48:17 PM] David Barr: OyA is also coming
[1/21/2011 8:48:22 PM] David Barr: I can't come not 1 game this CL season
[1/21/2011 8:48:27 PM] David Barr: if its an important match I dont see us winning
[1/21/2011 8:48:28 PM] David Barr: I'll call WC
[1/21/2011 8:48:31 PM] David Barr: and tell a player to sit
[1/21/2011 8:48:33 PM] David Barr: including tomorrow
[1/21/2011 8:48:36 PM] David Barr: I leave for 1:30
[1/21/2011 8:48:42 PM] David Barr: leave at 1:30 every saturday
[1/21/2011 8:48:44 PM] David Barr: class 2-4:45
[1/21/2011 8:48:49 PM] Joe Kim: oh wtf
[1/21/2011 8:49:28 PM] Joe Kim: alright..
[1/21/2011 8:49:29 PM] David Barr: yeah
[1/21/2011 8:49:32 PM] David Barr: so that's why
[1/21/2011 8:49:35 PM] David Barr: I been bugging u about rjing lol

[1/21/2011 8:49:38 PM] David Barr: me + fless cant come to CL
[1/21/2011 8:49:40 PM] David Barr: this whole season
[1/21/2011 8:49:43 PM] David Barr: and doty is inactive
[1/21/2011 8:49:45 PM] David Barr: thats quite a hard hit
[1/21/2011 8:49:53 PM] Joe Kim: doty plays west
[1/21/2011 8:49:58 PM] Joe Kim: he has iccup connection issues
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[1/22/2011 6:07:32 AM] Joe Kim: here?
[1/22/2011 9:53:20 AM] David Barr: yes
[1/23/2011 6:18:08 PM] Joe Kim: talked to fless last night, says he's going inactive. and wtf @ LRM vs sas 2v2 games. it's like Semih threw the games.
[1/23/2011 6:30:26 PM] David Barr: I didn't see them.
[1/23/2011 6:30:31 PM] David Barr: I'll check them out
[1/23/2011 6:30:34 PM] David Barr: but as I said I'm cracking down
[1/23/2011 6:30:38 PM] David Barr: we gonna 5-0 or 4-1 every week
[1/23/2011 6:35:10 PM] Joe Kim: that's the only way LRM will get #1....
[1/23/2011 6:35:24 PM] Joe Kim: Nb's streak
[1/23/2011 6:35:36 PM] Joe Kim: sas will streak
[1/23/2011 6:35:58 PM] David Barr: I have no plans of losing
[1/23/2011 6:35:59 PM] David Barr: period
[1/23/2011 6:36:07 PM] David Barr: and (hopefully not) if we get 2nd
[1/23/2011 6:36:11 PM] David Barr: we still win championships
[1/23/2011 6:41:47 PM] Joe Kim: well i think if LRM hits Top 4
[1/23/2011 6:41:52 PM] Joe Kim: for the championship
[1/23/2011 6:41:57 PM] Joe Kim: still win it
[1/23/2011 6:42:01 PM] Joe Kim: depending on the lineup
[1/23/2011 6:42:02 PM] David Barr: I think if LRM doesnt hit top 4
[1/23/2011 6:42:03 PM] David Barr: im quitting BW
[1/23/2011 6:42:12 PM] David Barr: clearly the most skilled team in foreign BW
[1/23/2011 6:42:14 PM] Joe Kim: sas might pick up sziky
[1/23/2011 6:42:18 PM] David Barr: they will
[1/23/2011 6:42:23 PM] David Barr: I have no worries
[1/23/2011 6:42:26 PM] David Barr: Ace/Sziky is only 1 1/2 wins
[1/23/2011 6:42:30 PM] David Barr: half of LRM) can beat Ace
[1/23/2011 6:43:44 PM] Joe Kim: lokim got rolled by kasu
[1/23/2011 6:43:47 PM] Joe Kim: kashu
[1/23/2011 6:48:17 PM] David Barr: yes
[1/23/2011 6:48:20 PM] David Barr: lokim will never be in a 1v1 lineup unless im 100% desperate
[1/23/2011 6:48:27 PM] David Barr: I was giving him a chance
[1/23/2011 6:48:30 PM] David Barr: I just picked the wrong week to do it
[1/23/2011 6:48:38 PM] David Barr: seenhow he showed up 6 weeks straight
[1/23/2011 6:48:39 PM] David Barr: and didnt play
[1/23/2011 6:48:44 PM] Joe Kim: i mean vs gns, aov, rage sure
[1/23/2011 6:48:49 PM] David Barr: yeah
[1/23/2011 6:48:50 PM] Joe Kim: but sas...
[1/23/2011 6:48:53 PM] David Barr: bad call by me
[1/23/2011 6:48:57 PM] David Barr: brb drink
[1/23/2011 6:49:09 PM] Joe Kim: 4th should have definitely been WC
[1/23/2011 6:49:14 PM] Joe Kim: baku cant zvz
[1/23/2011 6:57:58 PM] David Barr: yes
[1/23/2011 6:57:59 PM] David Barr: not to mention
[1/23/2011 6:58:05 PM] David Barr: they said WC
[1/23/2011 6:58:08 PM] David Barr: then he came 30 mins later
[1/23/2011 6:58:10 PM] David Barr: and played baku
[1/23/2011 6:58:14 PM] David Barr: I asked u before I went to school
[1/23/2011 6:58:17 PM] David Barr: to change me for Baku in draw t.t
[1/23/2011 6:58:18 PM] David Barr: but u were at work I think
[1/23/2011 6:58:23 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[1/23/2011 6:58:25 PM] Joe Kim: i was at work
[1/23/2011 7:05:36 PM] David Barr: shoulda called ShoQ
[1/23/2011 7:05:40 PM] David Barr: wasnt thinking cause
[1/23/2011 7:05:41 PM] David Barr: I had an exam
[1/23/2011 7:05:46 PM] David Barr: I have a speech this saturday so
[1/23/2011 7:05:51 PM] David Barr: I wont be thinking too well then, either
[1/23/2011 7:08:32 PM] Joe Kim: alright
[1/23/2011 7:08:49 PM] Joe Kim: rofl, oya just wins with 2g proxy cannon rush
[1/23/2011 7:08:52 PM] David Barr: yep
[1/23/2011 7:08:57 PM] David Barr: hes such a cheesy faggot
[1/23/2011 7:08:57 PM] David Barr: lol
[1/23/2011 7:09:00 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[1/23/2011 7:09:06 PM] Joe Kim: i cant believed it work twice though
[1/23/2011 7:09:29 PM] David Barr: well
[1/23/2011 7:09:32 PM] David Barr: the russian who beat me
[1/23/2011 7:09:36 PM] David Barr: owned me via mindgames
[1/23/2011 7:09:39 PM] David Barr: 1st game he unpaused vs me
[1/23/2011 7:09:41 PM] David Barr: had a 40 second had start
[1/23/2011 7:09:45 PM] David Barr: when I had 11 PSI
[1/23/2011 7:09:48 PM] David Barr: head start*
[1/23/2011 7:09:49 PM] David Barr: still lostr
[1/23/2011 7:09:51 PM] David Barr: 2nd game I cheesed
[1/23/2011 7:09:56 PM] David Barr: he countered it
[1/23/2011 7:10:00 PM] David Barr: 3rd game he cheesed b/c he knew i wouldnt 2x in a row
[1/23/2011 7:10:05 PM] David Barr: i guess constant cheese = best vs newbs
[1/23/2011 7:11:09 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[1/23/2011 7:11:23 PM] Joe Kim: you played Bylat
[1/23/2011 7:11:33 PM] David Barr: who?
[1/23/2011 7:11:41 PM] David Barr: he was bad
[1/23/2011 7:13:16 PM] David Barr: it amazes me how some people get A-
[1/23/2011 7:13:21 PM] David Barr: who are just overwhelmingly bad
[1/23/2011 7:14:37 PM] Joe Kim: well gNs is bad
[1/23/2011 7:14:46 PM] Joe Kim: want me to ask if anyone could play you @ 18 CET?
[1/23/2011 7:15:04 PM] David Barr: yes
[1/23/2011 7:15:06 PM] David Barr: or even 17
[1/23/2011 7:15:08 PM] David Barr: nah
[1/23/2011 7:15:10 PM] David Barr: 18 is better
[1/23/2011 7:15:14 PM] David Barr: just cut the games short
[1/23/2011 7:15:15 PM] David Barr: so I can organize the CW
[1/23/2011 7:15:21 PM] David Barr: then prepare everything for speech class
[1/23/2011 7:15:21 PM] David Barr: and take off
[1/23/2011 7:15:56 PM] David Barr: gonna be another busy friday and sat ^^
[1/23/2011 7:16:02 PM] David Barr: my hardest class is from 2-5 on friday
[1/23/2011 7:16:04 PM] David Barr: come home do all that shit
[1/23/2011 7:16:06 PM] David Barr: for the speech
[1/23/2011 7:16:10 PM] David Barr: for 30 mins
[1/23/2011 7:16:15 PM] David Barr: get people to come to CW that already promised
[1/23/2011 7:16:17 PM] David Barr: wake up
[1/23/2011 7:16:19 PM] David Barr: play a match
[1/23/2011 7:16:20 PM] David Barr: organize CW
[1/23/2011 7:16:21 PM] David Barr: go give a speech
[1/23/2011 7:16:24 PM] David Barr: blarg
[1/23/2011 7:16:35 PM] Joe Kim: blargggg
[1/23/2011 7:17:00 PM] David Barr: u needa make an acct
[1/23/2011 7:17:06 PM] David Barr: this time I'll have jinu and spaniard come
[1/23/2011 7:17:06 PM] Joe Kim: i got one
[1/23/2011 7:17:09 PM] David Barr: oh which 1?
[1/23/2011 7:17:12 PM] David Barr: i havent even looked
[1/23/2011 7:18:04 PM] Joe Kim: im just trying to bypass some shit
[1/23/2011 7:18:07 PM] Joe Kim: like fake flag
[1/23/2011 7:18:18 PM] David Barr: ah
[1/23/2011 7:18:23 PM] David Barr: just tell Justin?
[1/23/2011 7:18:24 PM] David Barr: and be like yo
[1/23/2011 7:18:26 PM] David Barr: stuff u
[1/23/2011 7:18:27 PM] David Barr: stfu
[1/23/2011 7:18:48 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[1/23/2011 7:19:01 PM] Joe Kim: justin suspended me as Admin
[1/23/2011 7:19:04 PM] Joe Kim: for 2 weeks

+ Show Spoiler +

[1/29/2011 11:35:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Joe
[1/29/2011 11:35:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": what you think?
[1/29/2011 11:35:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm thinking about kicking people out of LRM)
[1/29/2011 11:35:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that have not logged in their account but the 1 time they made it
[1/29/2011 11:35:59 PM] Joe Kim: who?
[1/29/2011 11:36:11 PM] Joe Kim: want me to use Karma?

[1/29/2011 11:36:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Cr1sty
[1/29/2011 11:36:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ah fuck rofl
[1/29/2011 11:36:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I just kicked Karma
[1/29/2011 11:36:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rejoin
[1/29/2011 11:36:24 PM] Joe Kim: cr1sty and soko are a pair
[1/29/2011 11:36:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[1/29/2011 11:36:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ohhh
[1/29/2011 11:36:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see
[1/29/2011 11:36:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well I use soko that sux
[1/29/2011 11:36:33 PM] Joe Kim: my saturdays will be free starting next week i believe
[1/29/2011 11:36:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ah ok rj on karma

[1/29/2011 11:36:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I literally just kicked
[1/29/2011 11:36:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think Scan is useless
[1/29/2011 11:36:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": his smurf anyhow
[1/29/2011 11:37:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the only time he logged on was the one time he tried to make good with me and showed up 3 hours late to a CW
[1/29/2011 11:37:15 PM] Joe Kim: u gona be on tomorrow for BWCL?
[1/29/2011 11:37:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm gonna set my alarm clock
[1/29/2011 11:37:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we really odnt have anyone
[1/29/2011 11:37:24 PM] Joe Kim: 2 1v1, 1 2v2
[1/29/2011 11:37:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[1/29/2011 11:37:31 PM] Joe Kim: me and you
[1/29/2011 11:37:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[1/29/2011 11:37:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I guess
[1/29/2011 11:37:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": what acct u gonna use
[1/29/2011 11:37:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I kept Savvy/Bakuryu in so they could change their names
[1/29/2011 11:38:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Ultra is also showing up
[1/29/2011 11:38:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he promised me tonight
[1/29/2011 11:38:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and Belladona is showing up for the 2v2
[1/29/2011 11:38:12 PM] Joe Kim: then use ultra
[1/29/2011 11:38:15 PM] Joe Kim: ill just 2v2
[1/29/2011 11:38:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u + ultra?
[1/29/2011 11:38:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh ok
[1/29/2011 11:38:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": me + ultra bella + joe 2v2
[1/29/2011 11:38:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": thats actually really sexy
[1/29/2011 11:38:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you'd think we were going into an importnat match
[1/29/2011 11:38:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": what acct u gonna add to the bwcl page?
[1/29/2011 11:38:51 PM] Joe Kim: i dont know yet
[1/29/2011 11:39:00 PM] Joe Kim: im thinking LRM)Cortez
[1/29/2011 11:39:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sounds spicy enough
[1/29/2011 11:39:10 PM] Joe Kim: yeah exactly
[1/29/2011 11:39:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ah
[1/29/2011 11:39:17 PM] Joe Kim: i need you to think of an aka for me
[1/29/2011 11:39:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw i released the brackets
[1/29/2011 11:39:26 PM] Joe Kim: because you are the one that will be "recruiting" me
[1/29/2011 11:39:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hm
[1/29/2011 11:39:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you're Seijioku
[1/29/2011 11:39:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[1/29/2011 11:39:36 PM] Joe Kim: yeah u gave me the group of death
[1/29/2011 11:39:36 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[1/29/2011 11:39:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": old spanish player
[1/29/2011 11:39:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I didnt
[1/29/2011 11:39:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I hit random in a website
[1/29/2011 11:39:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[1/29/2011 11:39:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you/seijioku match up nicely

+ Show Spoiler +

[2/5/2011 11:22:10 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yo
[2/5/2011 11:22:13 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its u + piraya for 2v2
[2/5/2011 11:22:16 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I put it in the draw already
[2/5/2011 11:26:03 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": did iCCup just go down?
[2/5/2011 11:30:24 AM] Joe Kim: ok
[2/5/2011 11:30:27 AM] Joe Kim: let me know when i play

[2/5/2011 3:29:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[2/5/2011 3:29:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not announcing till tomorrow
[2/5/2011 3:29:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": did I send u the .txt with the rules?
[2/5/2011 4:18:17 PM] *** LRM)Game "David Barr" sent ISLthread.txt ***

[2/6/2011 12:45:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[2/6/2011 3:09:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": your smurf is ISL-Stimquick
[2/7/2011 12:01:21 AM] Joe Kim: roger that, any flag regulations? or USA all the way?
[2/7/2011 12:01:50 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": absolutely no flag regulations
[2/7/2011 12:01:53 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I was thinking Japan lol
[2/7/2011 12:01:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well
[2/7/2011 12:01:58 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ofc not Korean at least
[2/7/2011 12:01:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": o-o
[2/7/2011 12:02:05 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": purpose of a smurf is to hide
[2/7/2011 12:02:48 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I can't wait to wake up tomorrow
+ Show Spoiler +

[2/10/2011 9:57:08 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ^^ good
[2/10/2011 9:58:17 AM] Joe Kim: i still want to smurf into the teams that play gNs.I and beat the shit out of them regardless of this BWCL outcome
+ Show Spoiler +

[2/11/2011 3:45:16 PM] Joe Kim: (2:24:24 PM) + Show Spoiler +

[2/11/2011 3:59:07 PM] Joe Kim: imma go SC2
[2/11/2011 3:59:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so its thoughtless to react to a thoughtless mind
[2/11/2011 3:59:23 PM] Joe Kim: it's been fun
[2/11/2011 3:59:32 PM] Joe Kim: gl tomorrow vs iFU they zerg heavy
[2/11/2011 3:59:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah they are
[2/11/2011 3:59:38 PM] Joe Kim: so whoever is good vs Z
[2/11/2011 3:59:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you're not gonna help with LRM either?
[2/11/2011 3:59:44 PM] Joe Kim: paradaise is P, spx is T
[2/11/2011 3:59:57 PM] Joe Kim: im uninstalling
[2/11/2011 4:00:01 PM] Joe Kim: and focusing on SC2
[2/11/2011 4:00:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": blah
[2/11/2011 4:00:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k
[2/11/2011 4:00:11 PM] Joe Kim: ISL was the last good run
[2/11/2011 4:00:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ye
[2/11/2011 4:00:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": something seperate I've been meaning to ask u
[2/11/2011 4:00:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": how do I look at another teams draw
[2/11/2011 4:00:32 PM] Joe Kim: sure
[2/11/2011 4:00:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": on my admi nacct
[2/11/2011 4:00:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": b4 i post mine?
[2/11/2011 4:00:46 PM] Joe Kim: when they set their draw
[2/11/2011 4:00:49 PM] Joe Kim: u go to Edit Draw
[2/11/2011 4:00:53 PM] Joe Kim: under your admin name
[2/11/2011 4:00:59 PM] Joe Kim: so it's like the same thing i think
[2/11/2011 4:01:01 PM] Joe Kim: as CL Leader
[2/11/2011 4:01:05 PM] Joe Kim: but u see the other side
[2/11/2011 4:01:06 PM] Joe Kim: as well
[2/11/2011 4:01:18 PM] Joe Kim: so essentially
[2/11/2011 4:01:27 PM] Joe Kim: when u go to set draw on your admin account
[2/11/2011 4:01:31 PM] Joe Kim: right as they submit theres
[2/11/2011 4:01:36 PM] Joe Kim: u can just refresh
[2/11/2011 4:01:39 PM] Joe Kim: see it..
[2/11/2011 4:01:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ahhh
[2/11/2011 4:01:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see
[2/11/2011 4:01:43 PM] Joe Kim: then put in your lineup
[2/11/2011 4:01:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ^^
[2/11/2011 4:01:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": cool
[2/11/2011 4:01:48 PM] Joe Kim: u can test right now
[2/11/2011 4:01:57 PM] Joe Kim: by going to any random CL team's draw
[2/11/2011 4:02:00 PM] Joe Kim: and go to Edit Draw
[2/11/2011 4:02:08 PM] Joe Kim: it's the same premise
[2/11/2011 4:02:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k lemme look
[2/11/2011 4:03:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[2/11/2011 4:03:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": aha

+ Show Spoiler +

[2/12/2011 10:45:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": playing today?
[2/12/2011 10:45:55 AM] Joe Kim: im good to go

[2/12/2011 10:45:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": good
[2/12/2011 10:46:06 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": cause Ultra said
[2/12/2011 10:46:07 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he cant come till 19:15
[2/12/2011 10:46:16 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and that he's tired so he'll prolly lose anyway
[2/12/2011 10:53:50 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": who is their P player again?
[2/12/2011 10:53:53 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": spx T
[2/12/2011 10:53:53 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": all Z
[2/12/2011 10:53:55 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": who is the P?
[2/12/2011 10:54:03 AM] Joe Kim: paradaise
[2/12/2011 10:54:04 AM] Joe Kim: lol
[2/12/2011 10:54:08 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ah yeah
[2/12/2011 10:54:09 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hes sad
[2/12/2011 10:54:14 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": thats why i forgot about him
[2/12/2011 10:54:22 AM] Joe Kim: he'll still beat semih
[2/12/2011 10:54:27 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl
[2/12/2011 10:54:33 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": semih isnt responding so that doesnt matter to me
[2/12/2011 10:54:34 AM] Joe Kim: unless semih knows proxy gate
[2/12/2011 10:54:35 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i was hoping to get
[2/12/2011 10:54:37 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": semih vs eon
[2/12/2011 10:54:51 AM] Joe Kim: apparently para doesnt know wtf to do vs proxy gate in his base even though he scouts it at the first pylon
[2/12/2011 10:55:16 AM] Joe Kim: kidcanada even made a nexus under his
[2/12/2011 10:55:21 AM] Joe Kim: and brought 5 probes to mine with him
[2/12/2011 10:55:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[2/12/2011 11:10:03 AM] Joe Kim: baku vs para
[2/12/2011 11:10:06 AM] Joe Kim: best bet
[2/12/2011 11:10:16 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[2/12/2011 11:10:18 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u get vs mamon then
[2/12/2011 11:10:21 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": soko said hes 0-3 vs mamon
[2/12/2011 11:10:21 AM] Joe Kim: ok

[2/12/2011 11:15:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no BM its just me/semih/lokim did 60 games on Aztec
[2/12/2011 11:15:47 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I know Semih is good PvZ there
[2/12/2011 11:24:30 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": + it would've been ZvZ
[2/12/2011 11:24:33 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont mean it personally t.t
[2/12/2011 2:52:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": looks like your prediction will be right
[2/12/2011 2:52:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we'll win the 2v2, as well
+ Show Spoiler +

[2/17/2011 12:47:06 AM] Joe Kim: hmm put zerggboy and baga for iFU's draw
[2/17/2011 12:50:29 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": how?
[2/17/2011 12:50:39 AM] Joe Kim: go to edit clan war
[2/17/2011 12:50:47 AM] Joe Kim: like how u put LRM's lineup
[2/17/2011 12:50:51 AM] Joe Kim: on your account
[2/17/2011 12:51:00 AM] Joe Kim: you put their players in
[2/17/2011 12:51:02 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I can pick their players?
[2/17/2011 12:51:02 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k
[2/17/2011 12:51:04 AM] Joe Kim: then press "update"
[2/17/2011 12:51:17 AM] Joe Kim: free slots make it look like w/o
[2/17/2011 12:51:27 AM] Joe Kim: i want to see zboy and baga getting the fat O-2
[2/17/2011 12:51:36 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[2/17/2011 12:51:45 AM] Joe Kim: plus it redeems kyle's loss

+ Show Spoiler +

[2/18/2011 1:11:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Date User Command IP Owner
today @ 08:39 CET iCCup.Game /clearstats YES [ISL]Gucci [(1x1) 0-0 1000 (2x2) 0-0 1000] David
15 Feb @ 23:10 CET iCCup.nOoNe /cg add 7 nOoNe
15 Feb @ 23:09 CET iCCup.nOoNe /cg del 234567 nOoNe
15 Feb @ 02:45 CET iCCup.Game /clearstats ISL-Soul [(1x1) 33-12 4393 (2x2) 0-0 1000] David
25 Jan @ 02:56 CET iCCup.Game /chpass 1582027 db0d53dfe83a391731cd5534a2e6dc328a246ce1 David
25 Jan @ 02:51 CET iCCup.nOoNe /cg add 234567 nOoNe
25 Jan @ 02:51 CET iCCup.nOoNe /admin 7 nOoNe

[2/22/2011 5:32:44 AM] Joe Kim: iccup ending friday.. that's fucked
[2/22/2011 5:34:08 AM] Joe Kim: well, more importantly.. it will probably fuck up clan league like they always do whenever they start a new season. i have already PMed Bishop if it's cool to meet on USWest Channel ARTYKvsLRM, so if the server is down and he agrees, have everyone go West.
[2/22/2011 9:54:19 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[2/22/2011 9:54:23 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": let me know what he says
[2/22/2011 9:55:23 AM] Joe Kim: there's no BWCL this week since there are 9 Teams and only 4 Matches (8 teams vs each other) per Sunday
[2/22/2011 9:55:32 AM] Joe Kim: LRM sits out this Sunday
[2/22/2011 9:55:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[2/22/2011 9:56:03 AM] Joe Kim: my comp is having problems again
[2/22/2011 9:56:11 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh sweet!
[2/22/2011 9:56:18 AM] Joe Kim: yuppp
[2/22/2011 9:56:30 AM] Joe Kim: im on my mom's laptop checking everything
[2/22/2011 9:56:37 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": thats garbo
[2/22/2011 9:56:45 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": what's wrong with ur cpu?
[2/22/2011 9:57:22 AM] Joe Kim: honeslty i dont know if it's the actual motherboard giving out or just the power supply fucking with me
[2/22/2011 9:58:19 AM] Joe Kim: there's like no remedy for it, from forum and internet sources
[2/22/2011 9:58:36 AM] Joe Kim: the best i've been able to do, is put my computer on Sleep Mode
[2/22/2011 9:58:44 AM] Joe Kim: cuz once it Shuts Down, it won't turn back on
[2/22/2011 9:58:51 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": >_<
[2/22/2011 9:59:37 AM] Joe Kim: last time it took 2 days for it to "charge" and start up
[2/22/2011 9:59:50 AM] Joe Kim: i plugged it into an unused outlet last time
[2/22/2011 9:59:58 AM] Joe Kim: and that helped it a bit or something
[2/22/2011 10:00:01 AM] Joe Kim: i dont know for sure
[2/22/2011 10:00:10 AM] Joe Kim: but the 25th ending the season
[2/22/2011 10:00:21 AM] Joe Kim: will be tough if my comp is out of service
[2/22/2011 10:00:29 AM] Joe Kim: in respect to submitting my reppack
[2/22/2011 10:00:50 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yah
[2/22/2011 10:00:56 AM] Joe Kim: imma wait like 6 more hours, then open up my computer
[2/22/2011 10:01:02 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": shitty situation o_O
[2/22/2011 10:01:28 AM] Joe Kim: yeah, it's a fairly new computer too
+ Show Spoiler +

[2/22/2011 4:07:17 PM] Joe Kim: man i dont fucking understand Division A or Division 1 whatever the fuck teams taking walkovers
[2/22/2011 4:07:28 PM] Joe Kim: Top Teams used to have enough respect back in the day
[2/22/2011 4:07:42 PM] Joe Kim: except 7x, but they were never a top team
[2/22/2011 6:37:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeahi ts gay
[2/22/2011 6:40:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": did Artyk ever get back to you?
[2/23/2011 3:02:17 AM] Joe Kim: "Sry, but not all my players have the original servers, and also there is a sc2 tournament, so the cw will be played the next weekend."
[2/23/2011 3:02:45 AM] Joe Kim: oh how i hope for once that the server comes up for CL
[2/23/2011 1:11:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol

+ Show Spoiler +

[3/4/2011 10:04:33 AM] *** LRM)Game "David Barr" sent ISL-vAriOus.rar,... ***
[3/4/2011 10:04:49 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just random rep check
[3/4/2011 10:04:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": other than that
[3/4/2011 10:05:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u coming to CL this saturday?
[3/4/2011 10:05:04 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": (tomorrow)
[3/4/2011 10:05:14 AM] Joe Kim: yes
[3/4/2011 10:05:21 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": kk me2
[3/4/2011 10:05:26 AM] Joe Kim: it'll be my warmup

[3/4/2011 10:05:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I got
[3/4/2011 10:05:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Nelson, me, you, Semih
[3/4/2011 10:05:47 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont think I need to bother anyone else
[3/4/2011 10:05:47 AM] Joe Kim: NELSON?
[3/4/2011 10:05:50 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": since its nC.
[3/4/2011 10:05:52 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Nelson = Ultra
[3/4/2011 10:05:57 AM] Joe Kim: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[3/4/2011 10:06:01 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/4/2011 10:06:02 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[3/4/2011 10:06:18 AM] Joe Kim: so it's ISL players vs nC
[3/4/2011 10:06:19 AM] Joe Kim: sweet
[3/4/2011 10:06:34 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": holy shit yeah
[3/4/2011 10:06:35 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ROFL
[3/4/2011 10:06:37 AM] Joe Kim: u and kyle 2v2 or me and kyle?
[3/4/2011 10:06:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I didnt even notice that
[3/4/2011 10:06:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[3/4/2011 10:06:42 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Xalo is showing
[3/4/2011 10:06:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": too
[3/4/2011 10:06:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[3/4/2011 10:06:45 AM] Joe Kim: oh ok

[3/4/2011 10:06:50 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": these kids gonna be like
[3/4/2011 10:06:51 AM] Joe Kim: bella got fucked right?
[3/4/2011 10:06:57 AM] Joe Kim: the account shit
[3/4/2011 10:07:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "RAPE ME SLOW IM PLAYING WITH CELEBRITY"
[3/4/2011 10:07:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/4/2011 10:07:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": super fucked
[3/4/2011 10:07:08 AM] Joe Kim: yeah, me too
[3/4/2011 10:07:10 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 3 A+'s 2 A's an olympic
[3/4/2011 10:07:12 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": a B+ 1v1 and an A- 1v1
[3/4/2011 10:07:16 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh u did?
[3/4/2011 10:07:19 AM] Joe Kim: yup
[3/4/2011 10:07:23 AM] Joe Kim: my 113-33 A
[3/4/2011 10:07:25 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": soghey
[3/4/2011 10:07:27 AM] Joe Kim: and my admin account
[3/4/2011 10:07:33 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh I thought u were A- high
[3/4/2011 10:07:34 AM] Joe Kim: with over 300 posts/PMs
[3/4/2011 10:07:44 AM] Joe Kim: nah i bashed to A
[3/4/2011 10:07:51 AM] Joe Kim: was in SiahGy's team
[3/4/2011 10:07:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see
[3/4/2011 10:08:03 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah I couldnt compete at A
[3/4/2011 10:08:04 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": tbh w/ u
[3/4/2011 10:08:05 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm A high but
[3/4/2011 10:08:11 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not very much over A
[3/4/2011 10:08:11 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[3/4/2011 10:08:16 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": could u compete at A?
[3/4/2011 10:08:21 AM] Joe Kim: yeah, no room for error
[3/4/2011 10:08:22 AM] Joe Kim: no
[3/4/2011 10:08:28 AM] Joe Kim: i got boost
[3/4/2011 10:08:31 AM] Joe Kim: from A-
[3/4/2011 10:08:35 AM] Joe Kim: tournaments
[3/4/2011 10:08:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[3/4/2011 10:08:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nice
[3/4/2011 10:08:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/4/2011 10:08:47 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I've never played a tournament
[3/4/2011 10:08:51 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": str8 ladder grind
[3/4/2011 10:08:53 AM] Joe Kim: oh
[3/4/2011 10:08:57 AM] Joe Kim: that's hardcore
[3/4/2011 10:08:57 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": (bad move)
[3/4/2011 10:08:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I should've done
[3/4/2011 10:09:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": tournaments
[3/4/2011 10:09:06 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah I was
[3/4/2011 10:09:11 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 88-31 A but
[3/4/2011 10:09:19 AM] Joe Kim: well there's rD. tournament this weekend for 400 points, if that means anything
[3/4/2011 10:09:26 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I was 85-27 A
[3/4/2011 10:09:28 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": to start with
[3/4/2011 10:09:33 AM] Joe Kim: nice
[3/4/2011 10:09:35 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": then I got shit on 3 times at A
[3/4/2011 10:09:38 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and played
[3/4/2011 10:09:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 1 A (cheese) and 2 A-
[3/4/2011 10:09:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I was like
[3/4/2011 10:09:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ALRIGHT
[3/4/2011 10:09:45 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": IM DONE
[3/4/2011 10:09:47 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": CYA
+ Show Spoiler +

[3/4/2011 6:50:27 PM] Joe Kim: do u have access to edit accounts?
[3/4/2011 6:51:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not sure
[3/4/2011 6:51:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I have 3,7
[3/4/2011 6:51:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh u mean
[3/4/2011 6:51:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": when u go to
[3/4/2011 6:51:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[3/4/2011 6:51:32 PM] Joe Kim: yes
[3/4/2011 6:51:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/4/2011 6:51:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": whos acct?
[3/4/2011 6:51:45 PM] Joe Kim: mine after i report 2 ladder games
[3/4/2011 6:51:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u mean do reports for u?
[3/4/2011 6:51:53 PM] Joe Kim: when i log in it becomes US from X flag
[3/4/2011 6:51:55 PM] Joe Kim: no
[3/4/2011 6:52:02 PM] Joe Kim: when i log on the site
[3/4/2011 6:52:02 PM] Joe Kim: as cortez
[3/4/2011 6:52:07 PM] Joe Kim: since it's an X flag
[3/4/2011 6:52:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh u dont have a flag?
[3/4/2011 6:52:10 PM] Joe Kim: it becomes US
[3/4/2011 6:52:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[3/4/2011 6:52:12 PM] Joe Kim: if i log in
[3/4/2011 6:52:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": how would I make it always US
[3/4/2011 6:52:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": or do u not want it as US?
[3/4/2011 6:52:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[3/4/2011 6:52:25 PM] Joe Kim: i dont want US
[3/4/2011 6:52:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k
[3/4/2011 6:52:28 PM] Joe Kim: i want the X
[3/4/2011 6:52:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": kkkkkk
[3/4/2011 6:52:35 PM] Joe Kim: u would just delete my country code
[3/4/2011 6:52:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": how do I make that happen?
[3/4/2011 6:52:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme go
[3/4/2011 6:52:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": take a look t it now
[3/4/2011 6:52:52 PM] Joe Kim: right now it should be nothing
[3/4/2011 6:54:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah its blank
[3/4/2011 6:54:48 PM] Joe Kim: hmm
[3/4/2011 6:54:59 PM] Joe Kim: i cant seem to log in
[3/4/2011 6:55:20 PM] Joe Kim: can u change my pw to **********?
[3/4/2011 6:55:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u serious?
[3/4/2011 6:55:42 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[3/4/2011 6:55:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you're online right now
[3/4/2011 6:55:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": or u mean site PW?
[3/4/2011 6:55:58 PM] Joe Kim: im talking about the site
[3/4/2011 6:56:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[3/4/2011 6:56:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": this shows up on the logs, right?
[3/4/2011 6:56:03 PM] Joe Kim: you wouldnt be able to change pw on server
[3/4/2011 6:56:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": time to get a headache
[3/4/2011 6:56:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k its **********
[3/4/2011 6:56:37 PM] Joe Kim: thanks
[3/4/2011 6:56:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ah
[3/4/2011 6:56:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ur country is US, too
[3/4/2011 6:56:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": o_o
[3/4/2011 6:59:52 PM] Joe Kim: sweet
[3/4/2011 6:59:59 PM] Joe Kim: can you put nothing for my flag?
[3/4/2011 7:00:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ya
[3/4/2011 7:00:04 PM] Joe Kim: thx
[3/4/2011 7:00:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": done
[3/4/2011 10:26:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k giving ur bot ops
[3/4/2011 10:26:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": whenever it joins channel
[3/4/2011 10:26:51 PM] Joe Kim: it didnt have it?
[3/4/2011 10:27:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no
[3/4/2011 10:27:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[3/4/2011 10:27:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just realized it
[3/4/2011 10:27:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": when I joined the channel
[3/4/2011 10:27:20 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[3/4/2011 10:30:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": can u gimme access and tell me the command for your bot
[3/4/2011 10:30:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so I can give LRM) players access
[3/4/2011 10:31:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": like . ! ~
[3/4/2011 10:31:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that type of command
[3/4/2011 10:31:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": (gimme max access herpderp)
[3/4/2011 10:34:09 PM] Joe Kim: hmm i need to figure that out
[3/4/2011 10:34:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k

+ Show Spoiler +

[3/5/2011 6:54:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u gonna do BWCL tomorrow?
[3/5/2011 6:55:00 PM] Joe Kim: yeah

[3/5/2011 6:55:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sweet
[3/5/2011 6:56:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sleep for the first time in 9 days = <3
[3/5/2011 6:56:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": man GoD is ripping u
[3/5/2011 6:56:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ask him if he wants to bo5 just so he can go shuttles every game? xD
[3/5/2011 8:05:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yo dont let urself get trolled rofl
[3/5/2011 8:05:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": fuck that clown
[3/5/2011 8:10:14 PM] Joe Kim: ?
[3/5/2011 8:11:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": by Assault of all people
[3/5/2011 8:11:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": kids sad as fuck
[3/5/2011 8:11:34 PM] Joe Kim: lol

+ Show Spoiler +

[3/11/2011 1:14:33 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I is been doings some researchez
[3/11/2011 1:15:12 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": everything LRM) is kind've a far reach if they dont want to sponsor the tournament, the clan, but moreso to give credibility only to myself (obvious lie) about how great I can make things
[3/11/2011 1:18:02 AM] Joe Kim: yeah
[3/11/2011 1:18:06 AM] Joe Kim: that should be good
[3/11/2011 1:18:14 AM] Joe Kim: my eyes are giving out
[3/11/2011 1:18:18 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": alright
[3/11/2011 1:18:20 AM] Joe Kim: i need to sleep for work
[3/11/2011 1:18:23 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ^^
[3/11/2011 1:18:25 AM] Joe Kim: bloodshot
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[3/11/2011 10:09:14 PM] Joe Kim: attendance vs AoV?
[3/11/2011 10:09:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": uh
[3/11/2011 10:09:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": good lineup
[3/11/2011 10:09:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": forgot who
[3/11/2011 10:09:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no FleSs
[3/11/2011 10:09:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Semih
[3/11/2011 10:09:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": er
[3/11/2011 10:09:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Semih
[3/11/2011 10:09:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we have
[3/11/2011 10:09:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Hejek
[3/11/2011 10:09:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Pike
[3/11/2011 10:09:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": uhm
[3/11/2011 10:09:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": a couple others
[3/11/2011 10:09:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ZZZero begged me to play tomorrow
[3/11/2011 10:09:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if theres a scrub when I cheat to see their lineup
[3/11/2011 10:09:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I will put him in

[3/11/2011 10:10:06 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[3/11/2011 10:10:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme look at the team
[3/11/2011 10:10:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k
[3/11/2011 10:10:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": good players coming: belladona semih pike hejek me patron
[3/11/2011 10:10:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": other players coming: oya soko zzzero
[3/11/2011 10:10:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": octzerg said he might show, too
[3/11/2011 10:11:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I know semih + pike + hejek + belladona will 100% remember
[3/11/2011 10:11:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ofc I will
[3/11/2011 10:11:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": dunno if patron will
[3/11/2011 10:11:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": dunn if soko will
[3/11/2011 10:11:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but we'll ez 5-0
[3/11/2011 10:11:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": fucking nC pussies better not take W.O vs us
[3/11/2011 10:11:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": then play vs Nb.
[3/11/2011 10:11:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": faggots
[3/11/2011 10:14:51 PM] Joe Kim: PM them and see if we can reschedule then
[3/11/2011 10:15:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nah
[3/11/2011 10:15:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": already took W.O
[3/11/2011 10:15:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": last week
[3/11/2011 10:15:07 PM] Joe Kim: we need that kinda lineup vs iFU sunday
[3/11/2011 10:15:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": BWCL?
[3/11/2011 10:15:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'll make sure Xalo shows up for BWCL
[3/11/2011 10:15:37 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[3/11/2011 10:16:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": thats a 1-0
[3/11/2011 10:16:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": prolly ally u
[3/11/2011 10:16:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": uhm
[3/11/2011 10:16:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": kyle's been waking up early
[3/11/2011 10:16:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ill ask him if he'll show
[3/11/2011 10:16:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": unless u/baku wanna play
[3/11/2011 10:16:57 PM] Joe Kim: i dont care who plays, just dont want any more losses

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[3/13/2011 5:28:21 PM] Joe Kim: goddamn nitty gritty...
[3/13/2011 5:28:32 PM] Joe Kim: slept 3 hours, no condition to play BWCL
[3/13/2011 5:28:38 PM] Joe Kim: nobody was online except Baku
[3/13/2011 5:29:03 PM] Joe Kim: somehow overwhelmed spx with my T and P
[3/13/2011 5:29:35 PM] Joe Kim: pressure sunk in having to clutch the 2v2, well bella did everything but i only had 15 minutes to play the 2v2
[3/13/2011 5:30:10 PM] Joe Kim: and fortunately, we still won. despite my panic and my lack of motivation to play the 2s
[3/13/2011 5:31:03 PM] Joe Kim: that win vs iFU finally puts us rightfully at #1 in the Standings
[3/13/2011 6:59:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nice :D
[3/13/2011 6:59:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I saw btw didnt know the behind the scenes

[3/13/2011 7:46:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": uhm WHAT THE FUCK
[3/13/2011 7:46:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[3/13/2011 7:47:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": says we're 4-2
[3/13/2011 7:47:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wow
[3/13/2011 9:18:24 PM] Joe Kim: hmm hope this is efficient
[3/13/2011 9:18:25 PM] Joe Kim:
[3/13/2011 9:34:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nice
[3/13/2011 9:34:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I didnt even know they had a fucking forum rofl
[3/13/2011 9:34:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[3/13/2011 9:34:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ez
[3/13/2011 9:37:41 PM] Joe Kim: way ahead of you
[3/13/2011 9:37:56 PM] Joe Kim: nice 5 stars
[3/13/2011 10:24:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Think I should kick Mutalisk + Mikoel out of the team since they are useless but legendary?
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[3/18/2011 7:10:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw
[3/18/2011 7:10:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think we're fucked for CL
[3/18/2011 7:10:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I didnt message anyone.. all week
[3/18/2011 7:10:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": was so preoccupied in real life
[3/18/2011 7:10:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I know I'm fucked for CL
[3/18/2011 7:10:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": er
[3/18/2011 7:10:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ISL

[3/18/2011 7:11:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": first sign of being fucked for CL: panic messaging Bakuryu

[3/18/2011 7:11:06 PM] Joe Kim: haha
[3/18/2011 7:11:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont even know their players races ffs
[3/18/2011 7:11:19 PM] Joe Kim: bishop P
[3/18/2011 7:11:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well yeah
[3/18/2011 7:11:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the obvious ones are obvious
[3/18/2011 7:11:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but they have a lot of players
[3/18/2011 7:11:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so u gonna help me tomorrow with CL/ISL?
[3/18/2011 7:12:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": people I don't know from ArtyK (race):
[3/18/2011 7:14:09 PM] Joe Kim: it should be fine
[3/18/2011 7:20:54 PM] Joe Kim: Scan will show
[3/18/2011 7:20:55 PM] Joe Kim: 1v1/2v2
[3/18/2011 7:30:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": awesome
[3/18/2011 7:57:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": haha
[3/18/2011 7:57:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nice post
[3/18/2011 7:57:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm gonna be there too, you know :D
[3/18/2011 7:57:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": although it would be better for u to get the reps
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[3/18/2011 11:20:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ^^
[3/18/2011 11:20:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Sunday BWCL vs SR
[3/18/2011 11:20:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": do you know the map?
[3/18/2011 11:21:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nvm.. Pathfinger/Circuit breaker wtf
[3/19/2011 2:13:36 AM] Joe Kim: hmm, scan can probably only 1v1...i forgot that CET doesnt have same daylights saving time and scan only has an hour to play
[3/19/2011 2:44:26 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": kk
[3/19/2011 2:44:28 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not a big deal

[3/19/2011 10:36:18 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yo can u get a hold of Scan?
[3/19/2011 10:51:44 AM] Joe Kim: yeah hold on
[3/19/2011 10:51:51 AM] Joe Kim: who u got so far
[3/19/2011 10:52:14 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": me Semih Belladona Piraya (Hejek logged off dunno wtf) you Bakuryu
[3/19/2011 10:52:28 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ideal would be
[3/19/2011 10:52:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": me/you (whichever im tired), Semih, Hejek, Scan + Bella/Semih
[3/19/2011 10:57:33 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you could help me by telling me their main players races
[3/19/2011 10:57:37 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Zety is online with Bishop
[3/19/2011 10:57:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": what is his race?
[3/19/2011 10:57:45 AM] Joe Kim: i think zety is P
[3/19/2011 10:57:47 AM] Joe Kim: let me check
[3/19/2011 10:57:52 AM] Joe Kim: bishop is P
[3/19/2011 10:57:56 AM] Joe Kim: scan is awake
[3/19/2011 10:58:02 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[3/19/2011 10:58:06 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": get that nerd in LRMvsArtyK plz
[3/19/2011 10:58:06 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[3/19/2011 10:58:21 AM] Joe Kim: he's talking to his mom
[3/19/2011 10:58:24 AM] Joe Kim: he said to wait
[3/19/2011 10:59:02 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/19/2011 10:59:03 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hes in here
[3/19/2011 10:59:07 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I whispered him not to go afk for 45 mins again
[3/19/2011 10:59:12 AM] Joe Kim: haha
[3/19/2011 12:16:43 PM] Joe Kim: uhh wtf scan and hejek lost
[3/19/2011 12:16:48 PM] Joe Kim: and oct is DQ?
[3/19/2011 12:17:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/19/2011 12:18:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Scan played like SHIT
[3/19/2011 12:18:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": his zerg is god awful
[3/19/2011 12:18:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oct said he wont come
[3/19/2011 12:18:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": is why
[3/19/2011 12:21:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ready to ref?
[3/19/2011 12:21:52 PM] Joe Kim: bot is up
[3/19/2011 12:21:55 PM] Joe Kim: i can multi
[3/19/2011 12:21:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/19/2011 12:22:14 PM] Joe Kim: Casper cant remember his ISL account password
[3/19/2011 12:22:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": announce reps going to u
[3/19/2011 12:22:36 PM] Joe Kim: apparently his IPs dont match but close enough
[3/19/2011 8:44:43 PM] Joe Kim: actually i think it's better that LRM ends as #2 in CL. if they do playoffs properly... it will be 1 NB vs 4 sas and 2 LRM vs 3 FR

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[3/22/2011 12:08:38 AM] Joe Kim: hahahaha
[3/22/2011 12:08:43 AM] Joe Kim: i was just fucking around
[3/22/2011 12:08:49 AM] Joe Kim: making a freestyle rap
[3/22/2011 12:08:51 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": herpderp
[3/22/2011 12:08:52 AM] Joe Kim: with Ro32 players
[3/22/2011 12:08:55 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[3/22/2011 12:09:00 AM] Joe Kim: all i got is GAME in this shit called Brood War
RAMMS so hard it's just leaving your butts sore
these faggots are CUTE when they try to act hardcore
but when the TIMESTOP i end with the top score
SHAUNI taught me ta two forge before core
and the skill i possess, one could only hope for
im alumni and you're a FAKAP sophomore
yo quiero mucho queso DESKA, por favor
[3/22/2011 12:09:01 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u wanna play Random like Game huh?
[3/22/2011 12:09:03 AM] Joe Kim: is what i have so far
[3/22/2011 12:09:27 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": LOOOOOOOOOOL
[3/22/2011 12:09:32 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": SHAUNI TAUGHT ME HOW TA TWO FORGE BEFORE CORE
[3/22/2011 12:09:34 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": OH EM GEE
[3/22/2011 12:09:37 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I PEED A LITTLE BIT
[3/22/2011 12:09:40 AM] Joe Kim: hahahah
[3/22/2011 12:10:05 AM] Joe Kim: i found a nice lil rap beat
[3/22/2011 12:10:08 AM] Joe Kim: and im fucking with it
[3/22/2011 12:10:17 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": use the techno beat I just sent u shit is sick
[3/22/2011 12:10:20 AM] Joe Kim: but ill probably knock out before i finish this
[3/22/2011 12:10:27 AM] Joe Kim: got class in 7 hours
[3/22/2011 12:10:32 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ack
[3/22/2011 12:10:33 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I got class in...
[3/22/2011 12:10:39 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 8.5 hrs
+ Show Spoiler +

[3/23/2011 1:00:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": + Show Spoiler +

[3/23/2011 1:01:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Hejek took it personally when I said just because I run ISL doesn't mean it reflects LRM) and he's mad that I won't give him a PP game :/
[3/23/2011 1:06:32 PM] Joe Kim: he's an idiot then
[3/23/2011 1:06:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Justin or Hejek?
[3/23/2011 1:07:01 PM] Joe Kim: well justin is dumb for randomly changing CL
[3/23/2011 1:07:04 PM] Joe Kim: short notice
[3/23/2011 1:07:22 PM] Joe Kim: especially with the 6 1v1, 1 2v2 pitch
[3/23/2011 1:07:31 PM] Joe Kim: the reason why it's 4 1v1
[3/23/2011 1:07:39 PM] Joe Kim: and only 1 PP match
[3/23/2011 1:07:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[3/23/2011 1:07:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/23/2011 1:07:53 PM] Joe Kim: is BECAUSE small teams meet the bare requirement
[3/23/2011 1:07:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u should see what hes saying now
[3/23/2011 1:08:01 PM] Joe Kim: of 1 leader, 3 players
[3/23/2011 1:08:03 PM] Joe Kim: at every CW
[3/23/2011 1:08:16 PM] Joe Kim: so at least 3 matches MUST be played
[3/23/2011 1:08:23 PM] Joe Kim: 1 team PPing only 1 match
[3/23/2011 1:08:33 PM] Joe Kim: but 3 of 5 matches always have to be played
[3/23/2011 1:08:42 PM] Joe Kim: Playoffs dont have PP
[3/23/2011 1:08:45 PM] Joe Kim: so essentially
[3/23/2011 1:08:52 PM] Joe Kim: he is forcing teams to double up
[3/23/2011 1:08:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yep
[3/23/2011 1:08:58 PM] Joe Kim: and recruit?
[3/23/2011 1:09:00 PM] Joe Kim: wtf
[3/23/2011 1:09:07 PM] Joe Kim: who recruits nowadays
[3/23/2011 1:09:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I am
[3/23/2011 1:09:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm trying to recruit 2 people
[3/23/2011 1:09:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": to make our CW lineup more active
[3/23/2011 1:09:18 PM] Joe Kim: besides Manner] and Nb.
[3/23/2011 1:09:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": meeeeeee
[3/23/2011 1:09:25 PM] Joe Kim: who have 100+ members
[3/23/2011 1:09:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but I only accept the best of the best
[3/23/2011 1:09:36 PM] Joe Kim: FR/sas dont recruit
[3/23/2011 1:09:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I want Shauni and SzajnA
[3/23/2011 1:09:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": LRM) doesnt recruit either
[3/23/2011 1:09:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": until I pick up Shauni or SzajnA
[3/23/2011 1:10:00 PM] Joe Kim: well that's an ISL incentive
[3/23/2011 1:10:10 PM] Joe Kim: alluring via ISL
[3/23/2011 1:10:13 PM] Joe Kim: and status
[3/23/2011 1:10:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/23/2011 1:10:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[3/23/2011 1:10:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u know how I does it
[3/23/2011 1:10:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ezpz
[3/23/2011 1:10:29 PM] Joe Kim: but im saying
[3/23/2011 1:10:34 PM] Joe Kim: if ISL never happened
[3/23/2011 1:10:42 PM] Joe Kim: shauni and szajna wouldnt give 2 shits
[3/23/2011 1:11:04 PM] Joe Kim: anyway
[3/23/2011 1:11:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yep
[3/23/2011 1:11:14 PM] Joe Kim: 10 days is not enough
[3/23/2011 1:11:24 PM] Joe Kim: just because noone has 10 hours a day to kill
[3/23/2011 1:11:29 PM] Joe Kim: doesnt mean everyone else does
[3/23/2011 1:11:34 PM] Joe Kim: i only play on weekends
[3/23/2011 1:11:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I KNOW
[3/23/2011 1:11:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I told him that exact thing
[3/23/2011 1:12:32 PM] Joe Kim: implementing new rules with no basis of informing all teams from the beginning or even mid-season
[3/23/2011 1:12:35 PM] Joe Kim: but rather 10 days...
[3/23/2011 1:12:45 PM] Joe Kim: is only going to negatively affect this league
+ Show Spoiler +

[3/23/2011 1:21:22 PM] Joe Kim: ISL was your baby, iCCupCL was mine
[3/23/2011 1:21:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he's trying to wreck both at the same time
[3/23/2011 1:21:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": son u did iCCupCL up like a G though
[3/23/2011 1:21:57 PM] Joe Kim: oh you dont even know though
[3/23/2011 1:21:58 PM] Joe Kim: haha
[3/23/2011 1:22:04 PM] Joe Kim: i spent like 30 hours
[3/23/2011 1:22:06 PM] Joe Kim: a week
[3/23/2011 1:22:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I know
[3/23/2011 1:22:17 PM] Joe Kim: analyzing all the replays
[3/23/2011 1:22:26 PM] Joe Kim: it was strict
[3/23/2011 1:22:38 PM] Joe Kim: even more strict than 5 big time admins
[3/23/2011 1:22:42 PM] Joe Kim: with WGTCL
[3/23/2011 1:22:52 PM] Joe Kim: xeris, lastnight, yada yada
[3/23/2011 1:22:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": WGTCL wasnt strict
[3/23/2011 1:23:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": WGTCL was the most disorganized abusive piece of shit league ever
[3/23/2011 1:23:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I wish I had admin powers
[3/23/2011 1:23:16 PM] Joe Kim: well, it was more strict than any of my predecessors
[3/23/2011 1:23:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": get someone to give me the PW to their admin account
[3/23/2011 1:23:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so I can preview player draws in the playoffs
[3/23/2011 1:23:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[3/23/2011 1:23:38 PM] Joe Kim: besides rAje madly abusing for his team
[3/23/2011 1:23:58 PM] Joe Kim: u dont have access?
[3/23/2011 1:24:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no
[3/23/2011 1:24:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": got bucked
[3/23/2011 1:24:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": for bming on a stream?
[3/23/2011 1:24:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": makes no sense
[3/23/2011 1:24:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but anything cheloman touches doesn't
[3/23/2011 1:25:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so FleSs said if I keep reminding him about CL playoffs he'll most likely show, and so will Pike
[3/23/2011 1:25:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": with Semih
[3/23/2011 1:25:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and Bella/Semih at 2v2
[3/23/2011 1:25:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that would be an ez 4-0
[3/23/2011 1:25:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so I'll get 3-4 more players to fully commit
[3/23/2011 1:25:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": including octzerg
[3/23/2011 1:25:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hejek
[3/23/2011 1:25:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": (the good people)
[3/23/2011 1:25:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that way we can roll through these playoffs again
[3/23/2011 1:25:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": can u remind me sometime next week incase I forget to send out mass PMs tbw?
[3/23/2011 1:25:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw*
[3/23/2011 1:26:06 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[3/23/2011 1:26:44 PM] Joe Kim: (1:25:45 PM) Joe: what is making CL die?
(1:25:53 PM) Joe: i left it with a solid foundation
(1:26:04 PM) iCCup.Supreme: well
(1:26:14 PM) iCCup.Supreme: i might be going too fast or something
(1:26:17 PM) iCCup.Supreme: but as u know
(1:26:28 PM) iCCup.Supreme: CL ended
(1:26:36 PM) iCCup.Supreme: but nothing has been planned for next season
[3/23/2011 1:27:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": haha
[3/23/2011 1:27:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": fuck next season
[3/23/2011 1:27:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the playoffs arent even announced
[3/23/2011 1:27:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ISL day 3, and ISL ro32
[3/23/2011 1:27:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": for ICCUP STARLEAGUE
[3/23/2011 1:27:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": arent on
[3/23/2011 1:27:28 PM] Joe Kim: lol
+ Show Spoiler +

[3/23/2011 10:37:30 PM] Joe Kim: so 19 CET is 11am for iCCupCL
[3/23/2011 10:37:34 PM] Joe Kim: if there is CL
[3/23/2011 10:37:37 PM] Joe Kim: playoffs
[3/23/2011 10:37:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": there isnt
[3/23/2011 10:37:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": theres a week break
[3/23/2011 10:37:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": for ISL to start
+ Show Spoiler +

[3/24/2011 10:46:04 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[3/24/2011 10:46:15 PM] Joe Kim: it's going to be ZvP?
[3/24/2011 10:46:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that's a tough one
[3/24/2011 10:46:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/24/2011 10:46:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that really is a tough one
[3/24/2011 10:46:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": too risky for my taste
[3/24/2011 10:46:32 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[3/24/2011 10:46:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": while I think DragOn isnt very good
[3/24/2011 10:46:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont think Bakuryu is, either

[3/24/2011 10:46:36 PM] Joe Kim: i was like hmmmm
[3/24/2011 10:46:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and...
[3/24/2011 10:46:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they're both been practicing
[3/24/2011 10:46:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Bakuryu although
[3/24/2011 10:46:54 PM] Joe Kim: the prediction was more for just WANTING baku to win
[3/24/2011 10:46:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": has one advantage
[3/24/2011 10:47:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": prior tournament success - he understands not to stress out
[3/24/2011 10:47:25 PM] Joe Kim: well dragon essentially is a more experienced gamer
[3/24/2011 10:47:30 PM] Joe Kim: he's been in the scene for awhile
[3/24/2011 10:47:33 PM] Joe Kim: just overshadowed
[3/24/2011 10:48:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": overshadowed for good reason though
[3/24/2011 10:48:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he was never good enough
[3/24/2011 10:48:30 PM] Joe Kim: nowadays, he's good enough
[3/24/2011 10:49:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": in retrospect
[3/24/2011 10:49:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but that was my initial point
[3/24/2011 10:49:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they're both just not good enough to concretely make a decision
[3/24/2011 10:49:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but, Bakuryu's low apm feeds into DragOn's only only advantage
[3/24/2011 10:50:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": in that he folds vs any player with multitask
[3/24/2011 10:50:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": O_O
[3/24/2011 10:50:21 PM] Joe Kim: well either way
[3/24/2011 10:50:24 PM] Joe Kim: dragon is in PaiN
[3/24/2011 10:50:28 PM] Joe Kim: so baku has to win
[3/24/2011 10:50:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol :D
[3/24/2011 10:51:12 PM] Joe Kim: noone needs to post in all the CL team's shoutboxes about the playoffs
[3/24/2011 10:51:21 PM] Joe Kim: he cant expect everyone to just check on their own
+ Show Spoiler +

[3/24/2011 10:54:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I told FleSs and Pike I'm going to be spamming them daily
[3/24/2011 10:54:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": about the playoffs
[3/24/2011 10:54:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": to train for them
[3/24/2011 10:54:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[3/24/2011 10:55:13 PM] Joe Kim: im not worried about FR at all
[3/24/2011 10:55:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": me either
[3/24/2011 10:55:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the only thing I'm worried about
[3/24/2011 10:55:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": is not having enough GOOD players online
[3/24/2011 10:55:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but I've got a week to sort through that.
[3/24/2011 10:56:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": right now I'm writing an epic writeup for the ro32 live update thread

[3/25/2011 3:05:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yo
[3/25/2011 3:14:18 PM] Joe Kim: i gtg out
[3/25/2011 3:14:22 PM] Joe Kim: wake me up tomorrow
[3/25/2011 3:14:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol I was wondering if ur gonna be on at like 5am
[3/25/2011 3:14:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": theres a pre-played match then :D
[3/25/2011 3:15:01 PM] Joe Kim: no
[3/25/2011 3:15:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": kk

[3/26/2011 6:47:37 AM] Joe Kim: uhh
[3/26/2011 6:47:47 AM] Joe Kim: i was waiting for dsaqwe vs southpark
[3/26/2011 6:47:54 AM] Joe Kim: apparently they played
[3/26/2011 6:47:59 AM] Joe Kim: but i was not there to referee
[3/26/2011 6:48:24 AM] Joe Kim: they messaged me after southpark 2-1 dsaqwe, but i dont think it should apply
[3/26/2011 8:56:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it won't
[3/26/2011 11:58:04 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hes casting the reps
[3/26/2011 11:58:06 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I keep sending him reps
[3/26/2011 12:04:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": tell him to wait ill tell him
[3/26/2011 3:58:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dunno it makes no sense for me to friendly do constant paypal exchanges, I could take out of his and not yours though
[3/26/2011 3:59:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if for some reason you can't understand that I wouldn't risk my paypal for free
[3/26/2011 4:12:18 PM] Joe Kim: ok, just refund our 60s just this time then, ill operate that way with you taxing for the future bets
[3/26/2011 5:03:28 PM] *** LRM)Game "David Barr" sent ISL-dsaqwe vs ISL.SouthPark.rep,... ***

[3/27/2011 1:28:12 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yo u gonna run cl?
[3/27/2011 1:28:25 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": (bwcl)
[3/27/2011 1:28:26 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oops
[3/27/2011 1:28:50 AM] Joe Kim: yeah probably

[3/27/2011 1:28:53 AM] Joe Kim: who's showing?
[3/27/2011 1:28:57 AM] Joe Kim: did you send the money?
[3/27/2011 1:29:03 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/27/2011 1:29:05 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I dont know
[3/27/2011 1:29:09 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sas wants me to PP their game for Ace haha
[3/27/2011 1:29:27 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think the only people that will show is whoever u contact lol
[3/27/2011 1:29:42 AM] Joe Kim: i dont think there is PP in BWCL
[3/27/2011 1:29:49 AM] Joe Kim: i mean seriously...
[3/27/2011 1:29:51 AM] Joe Kim: 2 1v1, 1 2v2
[3/27/2011 1:29:53 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/27/2011 1:29:57 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they want to win bwcl really bad
[3/27/2011 1:30:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[3/27/2011 1:30:22 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": could they even get +2 pts?
[3/27/2011 1:30:25 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 1 win = 1 point?
[3/27/2011 1:30:31 AM] Joe Kim: yeah i think
[3/27/2011 1:30:35 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so they'd have to 3-0 us
[3/27/2011 1:30:38 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so kashu gonna show lol
[3/27/2011 1:30:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and pez/kashu in 2v2
[3/27/2011 1:30:49 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hmmmmmmmm
[3/27/2011 1:30:53 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": need to contact 1 person to win :D
[3/27/2011 1:31:29 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw u see all the hate goin on @ tl?
[3/27/2011 1:31:31 AM] Joe Kim: ill leave kyle mesg
[3/27/2011 1:31:37 AM] Joe Kim: but the casting?
[3/27/2011 1:31:39 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he doesnt even have LRM)Semih @ iccup
[3/27/2011 1:31:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/27/2011 1:31:42 AM] Joe Kim: about**
[3/27/2011 1:31:58 AM] Joe Kim: w/e i dont care
[3/27/2011 1:32:01 AM] Joe Kim: some people like it
[3/27/2011 1:32:03 AM] Joe Kim: some people hate it
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[3/27/2011 1:42:13 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he's making his names atm
[3/27/2011 1:42:19 AM] Joe Kim: sweet
[3/27/2011 1:42:20 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think it'll be a really good addition for the playoffs
[3/27/2011 1:42:23 AM] Joe Kim: well
[3/27/2011 1:42:27 AM] Joe Kim: there's a problem
[3/27/2011 1:42:31 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ???????????????????????????????
[3/27/2011 1:42:51 AM] Joe Kim: Rule: Playoff Players need to have played in at least 1 match in the CL Season to participate in the playoffs
[3/27/2011 1:42:56 AM] Joe Kim: so
[3/27/2011 1:43:00 AM] Joe Kim: unless u can get Supreme's ID
[3/27/2011 1:43:04 AM] Joe Kim: or someone from CL
[3/27/2011 1:43:11 AM] Joe Kim: to change an earlier draw
[3/27/2011 1:43:16 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": clearly I was talking about next seasons playoffs
[3/27/2011 1:43:18 AM] Joe Kim: and sneak in Szajna
[3/27/2011 1:43:21 AM] Joe Kim: oh
[3/27/2011 1:43:27 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just kidding
[3/27/2011 1:43:29 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I might approach Supreme about abusing
[3/27/2011 1:43:48 AM] Joe Kim: for the nC. CW
[3/27/2011 1:43:53 AM] Joe Kim: just change the draw
[3/27/2011 1:44:00 AM] Joe Kim: and put in bunch of potential playoff players
[3/27/2011 1:44:02 AM] Joe Kim: that never played in CL
[3/27/2011 1:44:13 AM] Joe Kim: since it was w/o anyway
[3/27/2011 1:44:18 AM] Joe Kim: they cant really say shit
[3/27/2011 1:44:30 AM] Joe Kim: "these are the players that were there and who we were going to use"
[3/27/2011 1:44:47 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[3/27/2011 1:45:07 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I can only change
[3/27/2011 1:45:07 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 2x2 lineup
[3/27/2011 1:45:08 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so 2 players
[3/27/2011 1:46:17 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ye, szajna in this hoe
[3/27/2011 1:46:23 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u can make his bwcl id if u want
[3/27/2011 1:46:29 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I'll ask him if he'll come lol
[3/27/2011 1:48:58 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wanna? he just said he'd show up to CLs etc
[3/27/2011 1:49:31 AM] Joe Kim: ok
[3/27/2011 1:49:34 AM] Joe Kim: yeah i can make it

[3/27/2011 1:53:49 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Hejek + SzajnA showing
[3/27/2011 1:53:51 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Polish duo
[3/27/2011 1:53:54 AM] Joe Kim: ok
[3/27/2011 1:54:10 AM] Joe Kim: i created and added LRM)szajna
[3/27/2011 1:54:25 AM] Joe Kim: if he ever needs to log in, which i doubt it's
[3/27/2011 1:54:32 AM] Joe Kim: SzajnA // szajna123
[3/27/2011 1:55:17 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": does the bwcl site lag or is his name not in the team?
[3/27/2011 1:55:24 AM] Joe Kim: it's there
[3/27/2011 1:56:31 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k
[3/27/2011 1:56:38 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ah there it is
[3/27/2011 1:56:42 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah u got hejek/szajna
[3/27/2011 1:56:46 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": shouldnt be a biggy
[3/27/2011 1:56:53 AM] Joe Kim: thanks
[3/27/2011 1:57:02 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": time to go sleep for 12 hours
[3/27/2011 1:57:05 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": have wet dreams
[3/27/2011 1:57:10 AM] Joe Kim: who should vs ace?
[3/27/2011 1:57:12 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and think of 3 horned tricorns and pretty rainbows
[3/27/2011 1:57:14 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he wont be there
[3/27/2011 1:57:15 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[3/27/2011 1:57:18 AM] Joe Kim: hahaha
[3/27/2011 1:57:18 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "can we play earlier or pp?"
[3/27/2011 1:57:25 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "im working until 18cet.."
[3/27/2011 1:57:31 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "OH SHUCKS SRY ACE"
[3/27/2011 1:57:33 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[3/27/2011 1:57:48 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he's gotten $50 from me in the past month, I shoudl tell him he owes it to me to not play haha
[3/27/2011 1:58:18 AM] Joe Kim: haha
[3/27/2011 1:58:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": alright gl today
[3/27/2011 1:58:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": make us champs captain

[3/27/2011 1:58:46 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[3/27/2011 1:58:47 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": g
[3/27/2011 1:58:49 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": g'night
[3/27/2011 1:59:55 AM] Joe Kim: <3
[3/27/2011 9:12:51 AM] Joe Kim: oh fail.....
[3/27/2011 9:12:56 AM] Joe Kim: i woke up early just to realize
[3/27/2011 9:13:04 AM] Joe Kim: Day 9 (2011-04-03 17:00:00)
1n1 - Destination 1.1
2n2 - Judgment Day
[3/27/2011 11:27:48 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": andddddddd?
[3/27/2011 11:30:50 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so what happened?
[3/27/2011 11:31:01 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": SzajnA said he expected me to msg him to come so he didnt show
[3/27/2011 11:31:12 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": same with Belladona, did anyone show?
[3/27/2011 1:58:30 PM] Joe Kim: fless, soko, semih were online
[3/27/2011 1:58:38 PM] Joe Kim: semih was the only one wondering about it
[3/27/2011 4:04:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so who played... and score?

[3/27/2011 9:58:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Joe u there brah?
[3/27/2011 10:02:36 PM] Joe Kim: oh fail.....
[9:12:56 AM] Joe Kim: i woke up early just to realize
[9:13:04 AM] Joe Kim: Day 9 (2011-04-03 17:00:00)
1n1 - Destination 1.1
2n2 - Judgment Day
[3/27/2011 10:02:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ?
[3/27/2011 10:03:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so nothing was played?
[3/27/2011 10:03:07 PM] Joe Kim: it's next week
[3/27/2011 10:03:09 PM] Joe Kim: some fucking
[3/27/2011 10:03:11 PM] Joe Kim: weird reason
[3/27/2011 10:03:15 PM] Joe Kim: there was no BWCL today
[3/27/2011 10:03:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl
[3/27/2011 10:03:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wow
[3/27/2011 10:03:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it had to be today
[3/27/2011 10:03:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Week 8 was vs SR
[3/27/2011 10:03:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we played them last week
[3/27/2011 10:04:41 PM] Joe Kim: Day 8 (2011-03-20 17:00:00)
1n1 - Pathfinder
2n2 - Circuit Breaker
[3/27/2011 10:04:49 PM] Joe Kim: LRM vs [SR]
[3/27/2011 10:04:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ye...
[3/27/2011 10:04:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 3:0
+ Show Spoiler +

[3/27/2011 10:21:55 PM] Joe Kim: goddamn -37 cuz of ArtyK
[3/27/2011 10:22:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeahhhhhhhhh
[3/27/2011 10:22:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": a big holy fuck
[3/27/2011 10:22:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I had them edit in our iCCupCL/BWCL wins
[3/27/2011 10:22:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": (like iCCupCL championship)
[3/27/2011 10:22:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": on the page
[3/27/2011 10:22:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and edit our players
[3/27/2011 10:23:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they robbed me on my personal stats
[3/27/2011 10:23:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they put CastrO > me -40 although Bella played him
[3/27/2011 10:23:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": when they fixed it they never gave me back my 40 pts
[3/27/2011 10:23:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :/
[3/27/2011 10:28:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": bout to copy and paste
[3/27/2011 10:28:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": keep in mind that I haven't added any bbcode in the proper places yet
[3/27/2011 10:29:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": + Show Spoiler +

[3/27/2011 10:32:08 PM] Joe Kim: + Show Spoiler +

[3/28/2011 11:51:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw just looked at the squad, do you want me to have V1ktor move you into Managers section?
[3/28/2011 11:51:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": brb 10 finishing this show
[3/28/2011 11:52:07 PM] Joe Kim: no

[3/29/2011 12:09:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": kk
[3/29/2011 3:03:26 AM] Joe Kim: Options > IM Settings > Keep history for: no history [Clear histoy]
[3/29/2011 1:38:56 PM] Joe Kim: what access do you have?
[3/29/2011 1:43:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": where?
[3/29/2011 1:44:33 PM] Joe Kim: server/site
[3/29/2011 1:45:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": iCCup?
[3/29/2011 1:45:05 PM] Joe Kim: ya
[3/29/2011 1:45:06 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[3/29/2011 1:45:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I can read the admin forums but I dont have any afaik
[3/29/2011 1:45:25 PM] Joe Kim: if u can read you probably have access
[3/29/2011 1:45:30 PM] Joe Kim: easy way to find out

[3/29/2011 1:45:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I looked at my gaming profile
[3/29/2011 1:45:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ill copy/paste
[3/29/2011 1:45:47 PM] Joe Kim: go to admin panel
[3/29/2011 1:45:50 PM] Joe Kim: and under users
[3/29/2011 1:45:51 PM] Joe Kim: tpye
[3/29/2011 1:45:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 17 Mar @ 20:45 CET iCCup.nOoNe /cg del 37 nOoNe
17 Mar @ 20:45 CET iCCup.nOoNe /lockacct nOoNe
16 Mar @ 22:28 CET iCCup.nOoNe /unlockacct nOoNe
16 Mar @ 18:49 CET iCCup.nOoNe /lockacct nOoNe
[3/29/2011 1:45:57 PM] Joe Kim: like how u changed my flag
[3/29/2011 1:46:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[3/29/2011 1:46:08 PM] Joe Kim: it will show check marks of what you have
[3/29/2011 1:46:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
Congratulations! You have just found a secret page! Access to this page is only given to those who type non-existing address as the query expression in the browser. We recommend that you start search from the Main page
[3/29/2011 1:46:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nada
[3/29/2011 1:46:26 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[3/29/2011 1:46:31 PM] Joe Kim: your admin account is locked
[3/29/2011 1:46:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": awkward that I can read the forums
[3/29/2011 1:46:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/29/2011 1:46:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and post in them
[3/29/2011 1:47:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": why u wanna know?
[3/29/2011 1:47:26 PM] Joe Kim: well
[3/29/2011 1:47:27 PM] Joe Kim: i needed cortez to be [x] flag again
[3/29/2011 1:47:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its fe
[3/29/2011 1:47:50 PM] Joe Kim: on site it's spain
[3/29/2011 1:47:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[3/29/2011 1:47:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so?
[3/29/2011 1:48:04 PM] Joe Kim: well
[3/29/2011 1:48:09 PM] Joe Kim: if any CAT admin does IP check
[3/29/2011 1:48:11 PM] Joe Kim: they can clear/lock me
[3/29/2011 1:48:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": have any interest of just coming out of the closet and having it changed to USA?
[3/29/2011 1:49:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "Well , LRM)jinu told me to play showmach vs LRM)FlesS , we go bo5.I just talk to him what is the situation whit LRM).I never ask to join , just if u need me i can help.

Best regards." - LRM)Lamer-
[3/29/2011 1:49:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl FleSs, showmatch? gtof
[3/29/2011 1:49:49 PM] Joe Kim: well if u had admin access
[3/29/2011 1:49:52 PM] Joe Kim: you could find shit out
[3/29/2011 1:49:57 PM] Joe Kim: and see if he is real Lamer
[3/29/2011 1:50:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/29/2011 1:51:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I know
[3/29/2011 1:52:02 PM] Joe Kim: one way, is to find out Lamer's real name and see if he has a facebook
[3/29/2011 1:52:12 PM] Joe Kim: and if the kids match
[3/29/2011 1:52:13 PM] Joe Kim: then it's him
[3/29/2011 1:52:17 PM] Joe Kim: but it's a shot in the dark
[3/29/2011 1:52:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/29/2011 1:52:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": their names match
[3/29/2011 1:52:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but
[3/29/2011 1:52:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I havent checked FB lol+ Show Spoiler +

[3/29/2011 3:02:55 PM] Joe Kim: who do you have for playoffs so far?
[3/29/2011 3:03:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Octzerg
[3/29/2011 3:03:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Hejek
[3/29/2011 3:03:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": (Pike?) lemme recheck that one
[3/29/2011 3:03:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": FleSs
[3/29/2011 3:03:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Belladona
[3/29/2011 3:03:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": me
[3/29/2011 3:03:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you
[3/29/2011 3:03:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Semih
[3/29/2011 3:03:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": SzajnA
[3/29/2011 3:03:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": basically every player

[3/29/2011 3:03:37 PM] Joe Kim: how good is szajna
[3/29/2011 3:03:38 PM] Joe Kim: best matchup?
[3/29/2011 3:03:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": OyA was the only person I contacted (left a few out) that said they probably cant show
[3/29/2011 3:04:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": uhm
[3/29/2011 3:04:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": TvP
[3/29/2011 3:04:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": his best mu
[3/29/2011 3:04:17 PM] Joe Kim: ok i figured
[3/29/2011 3:04:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 100% his best
[3/29/2011 3:04:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I beat him in iCCupCL playoffs 2 seasons ago
[3/29/2011 3:04:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 2-1
[3/29/2011 3:05:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but
[3/29/2011 3:05:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ah ye Pike hasn't responded yet
[3/29/2011 3:05:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": without him, with that order
[3/29/2011 3:05:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Semih FleSs Hejek OctZerg Belladona/Piraya
[3/29/2011 3:05:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh yeah, Piraya is coming too
[3/29/2011 3:06:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": iffffff one of those 4 doesnt show
[3/29/2011 3:06:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": for sure SzajnA goes in
[3/29/2011 3:06:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but if we have an overall weak lineup
[3/29/2011 3:06:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'll have to play
[3/29/2011 3:06:20 PM] Joe Kim: semih hasnt been BWing
[3/29/2011 3:06:25 PM] Joe Kim: he got SC2
[3/29/2011 3:06:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he played 20 games yesterday
[3/29/2011 3:06:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl
[3/29/2011 3:06:30 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[3/29/2011 3:06:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": brb pizza is here
[3/29/2011 3:06:33 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[3/29/2011 3:06:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": do u not know all his smurf accts?
[3/29/2011 3:06:51 PM] Joe Kim: well FR is 2T 1P for sure
[3/29/2011 3:10:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Coldfire/Heme
[3/29/2011 3:10:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": who is the P?
[3/29/2011 3:10:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I also think Bylat will show
[3/29/2011 3:10:51 PM] Joe Kim: coldfire's a fluke
[3/29/2011 3:10:55 PM] Joe Kim: it's
[3/29/2011 3:10:58 PM] Joe Kim: heme/dewalt/yoda
[3/29/2011 3:11:00 PM] Joe Kim: every cw
[3/29/2011 3:11:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": dewalt... I need to see who I can put vs him
[3/29/2011 3:11:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he's surprisingly good despite his stats
[3/29/2011 3:11:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": heavy macro player
[3/29/2011 3:11:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": cant defend drops
[3/29/2011 3:11:28 PM] Joe Kim: yeah, he's pretty good
[3/29/2011 3:11:32 PM] Joe Kim: definitely underestimated
[3/29/2011 3:11:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Semih never PvP
[3/29/2011 3:11:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": is he ever in their 1st slot?
[3/29/2011 3:11:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": FleSs and Hejek are what I'm thinking
[3/29/2011 3:12:03 PM] Joe Kim: u got any szajna TvPs you can send me?
[3/29/2011 3:12:10 PM] Joe Kim: i want to see how strong it is
[3/29/2011 3:12:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I can show u the game he raped me
[3/29/2011 3:12:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it's convincing
[3/29/2011 3:12:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the 2 games I won
[3/29/2011 3:12:23 PM] Joe Kim: i'd rather see
[3/29/2011 3:12:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": were 2gate of some sort
[3/29/2011 3:12:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": vs FE
[3/29/2011 3:12:27 PM] Joe Kim: someone who's best is PvT
[3/29/2011 3:12:31 PM] Joe Kim: vs szajna's TvP
[3/29/2011 3:12:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ye
[3/29/2011 3:12:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme checksy rep sites
[3/29/2011 3:13:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gonna download 2 games vs Infernal, 1 game vs Enivid and 1 game vs sMi.Wannabcool (to see his vs cheese)
[3/29/2011 3:13:39 PM] Joe Kim: and i would keep zergs out of the draw, cuz that's Heme's only matchup
[3/29/2011 3:13:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 1 of 2 reasons I put hejek/octzerg low
[3/29/2011 3:14:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": b/c when Bylat shows hes always low, also
[3/29/2011 3:14:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and that Hejek is worse than semih + fless
[3/29/2011 3:14:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and octzerg will be on 2 days practice
[3/29/2011 3:14:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so I'd rather have him vs a weaker player
[3/29/2011 3:15:27 PM] Joe Kim: yoda should be no problem
[3/29/2011 3:15:30 PM] Joe Kim: to anyone in LRM
[3/29/2011 3:15:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ye
[3/29/2011 3:15:49 PM] Joe Kim: i dont want to give Heme the pleasure of winning a playoff match vs LRM
[3/29/2011 3:15:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": supreme hasnt answered me since I PMed him -_-
[3/29/2011 3:15:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": aha
[3/29/2011 3:15:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hahaha
[3/29/2011 3:16:02 PM] Joe Kim: i would have someone with amazing vs T
[3/29/2011 3:16:04 PM] Joe Kim: slam Heme
[3/29/2011 3:16:18 PM] Joe Kim: fless/semih might be great choices
[3/29/2011 3:16:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yes
[3/29/2011 3:16:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hence 1/2 slot
[3/29/2011 3:16:42 PM] Joe Kim: but i havent seen much of szajna to judge
[3/29/2011 3:16:57 PM] Joe Kim: even for BWCL, not sure how to seed him
[3/29/2011 3:17:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": transferring 4 reps into my folder to watch of him
[3/29/2011 3:17:22 PM] Joe Kim: alright
[3/29/2011 3:17:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k
[3/29/2011 3:17:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": game4//4
[3/29/2011 3:17:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme get in full mode
[3/29/2011 3:19:16 PM] Joe Kim: (15:17:53) LRM)Hejek: no no sec
(15:17:55) LRM)Hejek: listen to me
(15:18:06) LRM)Hejek: i talked with Varoius about our game
(15:18:21) LRM)Hejek: and we posted new termin our game ;p
(15:18:24) LRM)Hejek: sorry my english sux
(15:18:28) JoeKim: new time?
(15:18:31) LRM)Hejek: Thursday 21 CET
(15:18:32) LRM)Hejek: ye
(15:18:34) LRM)Hejek: yes becaouse
(15:18:38) LRM)Hejek: we cannot play
(15:18:40) LRM)Hejek: bot this weekend
(15:18:42) LRM)Hejek: is ok ?
(15:18:49) LRM)Hejek: both*
[3/29/2011 3:19:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": can you ref it?
[3/29/2011 3:19:41 PM] Joe Kim: no
[3/29/2011 3:19:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm at scholl at that time
[3/29/2011 3:19:54 PM] Joe Kim: actually
[3/29/2011 3:19:57 PM] Joe Kim: wait
[3/29/2011 3:20:03 PM] Joe Kim: it's ceasar chavez day
[3/29/2011 3:21:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl
[3/29/2011 3:33:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": game4/4
[3/29/2011 3:57:23 PM] Joe Kim: any vs Z? LRM vs sas Sunday
[3/29/2011 4:12:57 PM] Joe Kim: Ro16 Thread?
[3/29/2011 9:39:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ugh
[3/29/2011 9:39:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gotta wait till tonight for the video from snm
[3/29/2011 10:35:29 PM] Joe Kim: we're in
[3/29/2011 10:35:52 PM] Joe Kim: i got a slice of hot chocolate cake for ya, snookums
[3/29/2011 10:42:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh ye
[3/29/2011 10:42:30 PM] Joe Kim: translation:
[3/29/2011 10:42:38 PM] Joe Kim: i have iccup.supreme's ID/pw
[3/29/2011 10:42:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": brb
[3/29/2011 10:42:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gonna go fap
[3/29/2011 10:42:54 PM] Joe Kim:
[3/29/2011 10:42:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": did you tell him what we'd be using it for?
[3/29/2011 10:43:00 PM] Joe Kim: uhh
[3/29/2011 10:43:03 PM] Joe Kim: no?
[3/29/2011 10:43:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[3/29/2011 10:43:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just seeing how much of a fan he was
[3/29/2011 10:43:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": what'd you say, that you wanted to change your flag or read the forums?+ Show Spoiler +

[3/29/2011 10:43:30 PM] Joe Kim: i have my ways
[3/29/2011 10:43:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": w/e
[3/29/2011 10:43:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont really care how you got it minus my own personal use but
[3/29/2011 10:43:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": as long as we have it :D :D
[3/29/2011 10:44:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": care to share for the CW?
[3/29/2011 10:44:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I want
[3/29/2011 10:44:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": FleSs vs Dewalt
[3/29/2011 10:44:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Semih vs Heme

[3/29/2011 10:44:27 PM] Joe Kim: nice
[3/29/2011 10:44:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 100%
[3/29/2011 10:44:39 PM] Joe Kim: he actually recorded himself
[3/29/2011 10:44:47 PM] Joe Kim: love the scoobydoo mpad
[3/29/2011 10:44:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/29/2011 10:44:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I noticed that as the first thing
[3/29/2011 10:45:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": at first I had ot figure out what the colors were
[3/29/2011 10:45:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": then the mousepad
[3/29/2011 10:45:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": green (protoss) blue (terran) red (zerg)
[3/29/2011 10:45:28 PM] Joe Kim: it's a good teaser
[3/29/2011 10:45:30 PM] Joe Kim: i wanted to see more
[3/29/2011 10:45:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": me too
[3/29/2011 10:45:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hahaha
[3/29/2011 10:45:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont know if its finished
[3/29/2011 10:45:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so I'll wait till tomorrow to post it
[3/29/2011 10:46:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I love his "You thought it was over?" trademark
[3/29/2011 10:47:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm going to release the ro16 thread
[3/29/2011 10:47:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and the replay sales all at the same time
[3/29/2011 10:47:33 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[3/29/2011 10:48:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw, what's supremes pw ???????????????????????????
[3/29/2011 10:54:51 PM] Joe Kim: **********
[3/29/2011 10:55:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k
[3/29/2011 10:55:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": making a .txt for the cw

[3/29/2011 10:55:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": printing out some juvenile justice news
[3/29/2011 10:55:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so glad im majoring in this
[3/29/2011 10:55:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u ever read up on criminal law?
[3/29/2011 10:56:26 PM] Joe Kim: i watch a lot of documentaries on it
[3/29/2011 10:56:30 PM] Joe Kim: but i havent studied it
[3/29/2011 10:58:46 PM] Joe Kim: who besides szajna,zzzero,myself have not played in iccupcl?
[3/29/2011 10:59:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme look
[3/29/2011 10:59:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": has FleSs?
[3/29/2011 10:59:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": piraya hasn't
[3/29/2011 10:59:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not sure is cDsuede has either
[3/29/2011 11:00:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so... Szajna, ZZZero, Cortez, Piraya, JohnekZZZ, cDsuede 100%
[3/29/2011 11:00:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme look if FleSs has
[3/29/2011 11:01:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah FleSs hasnt
[3/29/2011 11:01:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": put him in there for sure
[3/29/2011 11:01:17 PM] Joe Kim: only 6 free slots
[3/29/2011 11:01:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[3/29/2011 11:01:27 PM] Joe Kim: so choose which 6
[3/29/2011 11:01:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": leave johnek out
[3/29/2011 11:01:33 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[3/29/2011 11:02:52 PM] Joe Kim:
[3/29/2011 11:03:07 PM] Joe Kim: all them are NOW eligible to play
[3/29/2011 11:03:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh well rooksy dere.
[3/29/2011 11:03:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":

+ Show Spoiler +

[3/30/2011 2:09:14 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so
[3/30/2011 2:09:19 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": FleSs just told me
[3/30/2011 2:09:20 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": his best mu is PvT
[3/30/2011 2:09:23 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I thought it was PvP
[3/30/2011 2:09:38 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I still think Semih > Heme more than FleSs > Heme ;d
[3/30/2011 2:32:28 AM] Joe Kim: and everyone can finally say
[3/30/2011 2:32:29 AM] Joe Kim: SEMIH
[3/30/2011 2:32:30 AM] Joe Kim: vs
[3/30/2011 2:32:32 AM] Joe Kim: HEME
[3/30/2011 2:32:46 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think Semih will wreck Heme
[3/30/2011 2:33:09 AM] Joe Kim: im talking about the names
[3/30/2011 2:33:10 AM] Joe Kim: rhyming
[3/30/2011 2:33:11 AM] Joe Kim: not about the skill
[3/30/2011 2:33:16 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wow
[3/30/2011 2:33:17 AM] Joe Kim: Heme can only TvZ
[3/30/2011 2:33:18 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": didn't even catch it
[3/30/2011 2:33:19 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": o_o
[3/30/2011 2:33:31 AM] Joe Kim: yeah Sayle talked about it in the Invitational
[3/30/2011 2:33:46 AM] Joe Kim: "aww, no Semih vs Heme or JoeKim vs lokiM"
[3/30/2011 2:33:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": loooooool
[3/30/2011 2:34:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lokiM wasnt invited wtf
[3/30/2011 2:34:03 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh yeah
[3/30/2011 2:34:04 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he was
[3/30/2011 2:34:05 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": woopsies
[3/30/2011 12:04:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yo
[3/30/2011 12:05:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": were you there when DeSka agreed to play Wednesday 21CET? Did you physically see him agree?
[3/30/2011 1:29:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[3/30/2011 5:22:44 PM] Joe Kim: i only know about hejek vs various
[3/30/2011 5:22:49 PM] Joe Kim: and even that one, various wasnt there to confirm
[3/30/2011 5:23:01 PM] Joe Kim: you were there with me
[3/30/2011 5:23:06 PM] Joe Kim: that's the only one i know of for this week
[3/30/2011 5:24:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": SouthPark says you interviewed him directly after seeing DeSka agree to play.
[3/30/2011 5:27:21 PM] Joe Kim: wtf
[3/30/2011 5:27:54 PM] Joe Kim:+ Show Spoiler +

[3/30/2011 5:28:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nice
[3/30/2011 5:29:37 PM] Joe Kim: i really have no recollection of him telling me anyting about this match
[3/30/2011 5:29:51 PM] Joe Kim: unless i was so gun ho to make this interview
[3/30/2011 5:29:57 PM] Joe Kim: and it completely ignored everything else
[3/30/2011 5:30:00 PM] Joe Kim: but i doubt that
[3/30/2011 5:30:06 PM] Joe Kim: cuz i would mark my calendar
[3/30/2011 5:30:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[3/30/2011 5:30:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": thanks
[3/30/2011 5:31:07 PM] Joe Kim: im not trying to jew him or anything
[3/30/2011 5:31:14 PM] Joe Kim: and if he really told me
[3/30/2011 5:31:18 PM] Joe Kim: i feel like an ass
[3/30/2011 5:31:26 PM] Joe Kim: but i dont remember him telling me at all
[3/30/2011 5:31:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[3/30/2011 5:31:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think he's lying anyhow
[3/30/2011 5:31:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": anyway
[3/30/2011 5:32:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Justin quit iCCup Admin along with Sayle today
[3/30/2011 5:32:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he's now in LRM)
[3/30/2011 5:32:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think he'll be good for management
[3/30/2011 5:32:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": currently trying someone out, do you want to play him after Bella?
[3/30/2011 5:32:36 PM] Joe Kim: who
[3/30/2011 5:32:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": TriX_Pl
[3/30/2011 5:32:44 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[3/30/2011 5:32:44 PM] Joe Kim: race
[3/30/2011 5:32:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": P
[3/30/2011 5:32:48 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[3/30/2011 5:32:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gonna go back to obbing this
[3/30/2011 5:32:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we're in a game atm
[3/30/2011 5:43:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": undalay lets go
[3/30/2011 8:00:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think in an attempt to rule out any tax I was going to put on the betting, you completely limited the bets you'll receive. I'd imagine a lot of people will have a problem sending money to the paypal of the same guy that is going to be betting against them :/
[3/31/2011 8:51:55 PM] Joe Kim: nice LRM site post
[3/31/2011 10:30:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": thank you
[3/31/2011 10:30:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I really worked at it

[4/1/2011 9:45:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hey I know tomorrow is a big deal, but who are you going to rally for sunday's BWCL match? (we only have to win 1 game to be the champions right?)
[4/1/2011 9:46:26 PM] Joe Kim: is that how it works?
[4/1/2011 9:46:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well
[4/1/2011 9:46:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we have 17 points
[4/1/2011 9:46:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they have 15
[4/1/2011 9:46:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme count our wins in comparison to our pts
[4/1/2011 9:47:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we have 16 wins
[4/1/2011 9:47:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and 17 points
[4/1/2011 9:47:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they have 15 mins and 15 points
[4/1/2011 9:47:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": maybe b/c we got marked as a W.O for 2 of the 3 matches in the gNs.I match that it's 1 point?
[4/1/2011 9:47:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 1-1 for W.O?
[4/1/2011 9:47:59 PM] Joe Kim: we're missing a set from an unconfirmed match
[4/1/2011 9:48:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": eh?
[4/1/2011 9:48:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and yeah, iFU 13 wins 13 points
[4/1/2011 9:48:14 PM] Joe Kim: the post is in the forums
[4/1/2011 9:48:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": link?
[4/1/2011 9:48:23 PM] Joe Kim: just click forums
[4/1/2011 9:48:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I did
[4/1/2011 9:48:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": all I see is LRM vs SR
[4/1/2011 9:48:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": by Bakuryu
[4/1/2011 9:48:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": is that what you're talking about?
[4/1/2011 9:48:38 PM] Joe Kim: ....
[4/1/2011 9:49:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see you posted about gNs.I
[4/1/2011 9:49:20 PM] Joe Kim:
[4/1/2011 9:49:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah, that
[4/1/2011 9:49:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont see how we could be missing points
[4/1/2011 9:49:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": unless u mean by
[4/1/2011 9:49:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": us having to replay gNs.I?
[4/1/2011 9:50:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hm
[4/1/2011 9:50:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u see what m4nu said?
[4/1/2011 9:50:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": did you take any SS's of OyA sitting there?
[4/1/2011 9:50:35 PM] Joe Kim: first time reading it right now
[4/1/2011 9:51:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well leave whatever here I'm gonna afk for 1 hr 45 mins and watch Super Troopers
[4/1/2011 9:51:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'll be back to check and do a couple things before I go to sleep
[4/1/2011 9:51:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": afk/brb
[4/1/2011 11:33:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": back
[4/1/2011 11:37:16 PM] Joe Kim: hey
[4/1/2011 11:37:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sup
[4/1/2011 11:37:37 PM] Joe Kim: u remove scan?
[4/1/2011 11:37:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yes
[4/1/2011 11:38:04 PM] Joe Kim: well im using him on sunday
[4/1/2011 11:47:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ROFLK
[4/1/2011 11:47:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": WHATS THAT BUSINESS WITH SUPREME
[4/1/2011 11:47:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": what's fucked up?
[4/1/2011 11:49:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I even think Bakuryu might be a better backup than I am
[4/1/2011 11:49:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if it's vs a zerg player
[4/1/2011 11:49:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": did u ask him to come?
[4/1/2011 11:52:59 PM] Joe Kim: tomorrow or bwcl
[4/1/2011 11:53:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": tomorrow
[4/1/2011 11:53:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont want to risk anything
[4/1/2011 11:53:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": even if everyone who said they'll show shows
[4/1/2011 11:53:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": can't risk it
[4/1/2011 11:53:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gotta keep our crown baby
[4/2/2011 12:16:08 AM] Joe Kim: i was gaming
[4/2/2011 12:16:13 AM] Joe Kim: the issue with supreme
[4/2/2011 12:16:18 AM] Joe Kim: is he has limited access
[4/2/2011 12:16:20 AM] Joe Kim: for some reason
[4/2/2011 12:30:48 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lololol k
[4/2/2011 12:30:54 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": enough for us to check the lineup, right?
[4/2/2011 12:31:23 AM] Joe Kim: yeah
[4/2/2011 12:31:31 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": all good thnre
[4/2/2011 12:31:45 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gonna goto sleep, need ready eyes to not compromise our destruction where the Russians lie
[4/2/2011 12:31:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": g'night
[4/2/2011 12:33:09 AM] Joe Kim: gnite man
[4/2/2011 12:33:21 AM] Joe Kim: see u in a couple of some some hours
[4/2/2011 12:33:27 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": keke yeah

[4/2/2011 11:51:23 AM] Joe Kim: am i with bella?

+ Show Spoiler +

[4/2/2011 10:14:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw defended u in the blog
[4/2/2011 10:14:55 PM] Joe Kim: thanks
[4/2/2011 10:15:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u finally sleep?
[4/2/2011 10:15:22 PM] Joe Kim: no
[4/2/2011 10:15:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": O_O
[4/2/2011 10:17:09 PM] Joe Kim: my bad for raging earlier
[4/2/2011 10:17:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": haha
[4/2/2011 10:17:15 PM] Joe Kim: but cortez is done
[4/2/2011 10:17:20 PM] Joe Kim: that shit is too embarrassing
[4/2/2011 10:17:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u gonna come outta the closet
[4/2/2011 10:17:26 PM] Joe Kim: ill make another smurf
[4/2/2011 10:17:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and become JOESHKIM?
[4/2/2011 10:17:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": aww
[4/2/2011 10:17:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/2/2011 10:17:39 PM] Joe Kim: u can try me out properly
[4/2/2011 10:17:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it'd be cool if u were just JoeKim up in that hoe
[4/2/2011 10:17:43 PM] Joe Kim: give me a week to practice
[4/2/2011 10:17:47 PM] Joe Kim: well
[4/2/2011 10:17:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm thinking of
[4/2/2011 10:17:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": allowing trix_ as the 2nd trial member ever
[4/2/2011 10:17:53 PM] Joe Kim: it's going to end up
[4/2/2011 10:18:02 PM] Joe Kim: being whinefest
[4/2/2011 10:18:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": give him a month to improve
[4/2/2011 10:18:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": go on, sry
[4/2/2011 10:18:09 PM] Joe Kim: with 3 for 3 ISL admins
[4/2/2011 10:18:10 PM] Joe Kim: in LRM)
[4/2/2011 10:18:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": haha
[4/2/2011 10:18:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh well? :D
[4/2/2011 10:18:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": LRM) organized this bitch
[4/2/2011 10:18:23 PM] Joe Kim: ykno what exactly what i mean
[4/2/2011 10:18:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": why wouldn't we get credit for it?
[4/2/2011 10:18:27 PM] Joe Kim: wahh wahhh wahhhhhh
[4/2/2011 10:18:56 PM] Joe Kim: plus, i cant risk losing to cheesy newbs on my own name
[4/2/2011 10:19:01 PM] Joe Kim: bad enough i get smurfed
[4/2/2011 10:19:05 PM] Joe Kim: by faggots like alfio
[4/2/2011 10:19:13 PM] Joe Kim: "hi im C- i rape you"
[4/2/2011 10:19:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[4/2/2011 10:19:33 PM] Joe Kim: "ok, i go 6 hatch no lurk vs mass speed +1"
[4/2/2011 10:19:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wut?
[4/2/2011 10:19:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he played Z vs u?
[4/2/2011 10:19:50 PM] Joe Kim: no
[4/2/2011 10:19:55 PM] Joe Kim: i was fucking around
[4/2/2011 10:19:59 PM] Joe Kim: 6 hatches
[4/2/2011 10:20:00 PM] Joe Kim: no units
[4/2/2011 10:20:03 PM] Joe Kim: got rolled
[4/2/2011 10:20:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[4/2/2011 10:20:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/2/2011 10:20:10 PM] Joe Kim: with the +1 timing attack
[4/2/2011 10:20:23 PM] Joe Kim: i fucked around cuz he instantly lost scouting probe to drones
[4/2/2011 10:20:28 PM] Joe Kim: and instantly lost 1st sair
[4/2/2011 10:20:31 PM] Joe Kim: to 3 dras
[4/2/2011 10:20:42 PM] Joe Kim: then i got raped
[4/2/2011 10:20:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[4/2/2011 10:21:13 PM] Joe Kim: trix is a decent pick up
[4/2/2011 10:21:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I agree
[4/2/2011 10:21:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but he lacks a lot of
[4/2/2011 10:21:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": top players qualities
[4/2/2011 10:21:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": which I'm hoping he can develop
[4/2/2011 10:21:44 PM] Joe Kim: considering we had dedicated members but never know if they are reliable
[4/2/2011 10:23:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah I know
[4/2/2011 10:23:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I want to rape Nb 5-0 again
[4/2/2011 10:23:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": fucking niggers
[4/2/2011 10:24:15 PM] Joe Kim: i want to know what the draw was
[4/2/2011 10:24:20 PM] Joe Kim: they 3-1 sas.
[4/2/2011 10:24:27 PM] Joe Kim: the 1 win was Ace 100%....
[4/2/2011 10:24:35 PM] Joe Kim: but i wonder who beat kashu from Nb
[4/2/2011 10:25:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": uh
[4/2/2011 10:25:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Beggar
[4/2/2011 10:25:58 PM] Joe Kim: oh yeah
[4/2/2011 10:26:00 PM] Joe Kim: all kor lineup
[4/2/2011 10:26:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nah
[4/2/2011 10:26:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": BeggarProtoss
[4/2/2011 10:26:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": A- bulgarian
[4/2/2011 10:26:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no idea who the fuck he is
[4/2/2011 10:26:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but I want him
[4/2/2011 10:26:25 PM] Joe Kim: wtf
[4/2/2011 10:26:38 PM] Joe Kim: i beat him
[4/2/2011 10:26:39 PM] Joe Kim: and laughed
[4/2/2011 10:26:48 PM] Joe Kim: that he is wanna be beggarterran
[4/2/2011 10:26:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[4/2/2011 10:26:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well
[4/2/2011 10:26:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he's good from the reps I've seen
[4/2/2011 10:26:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and yeah
[4/2/2011 10:27:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they used a korean lineup
[4/2/2011 10:27:01 PM] Joe Kim: weird
[4/2/2011 10:27:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 2 kors
[4/2/2011 10:27:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hirosue + 1 other
[4/2/2011 10:27:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont understand why koreans are allowed to play in iCCupCL
[4/2/2011 10:27:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": never have... never will
[4/2/2011 10:27:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": koreans in foreign leagues = stupid
[4/2/2011 10:28:11 PM] Joe Kim: pfft
[4/2/2011 10:28:17 PM] Joe Kim: cough* yoon cough*
[4/2/2011 10:29:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well
[4/2/2011 10:29:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": AN
[4/2/2011 10:29:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": AS
[4/2/2011 10:29:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": MGZ) AND EXCELLO MEMBER
[4/2/2011 10:29:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": YOON... WAS... FAIR
[4/2/2011 10:29:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/2/2011 10:29:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nah but really he wasnt
[4/2/2011 10:30:43 PM] Joe Kim: kid was a insta-win
[4/2/2011 10:30:57 PM] Joe Kim: fuck beyond unfair
[4/2/2011 10:31:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/2/2011 10:31:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont even like korean-foreigners
[4/2/2011 10:31:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "ive lived in canada 3 years, so im a foreigner right?"
[4/2/2011 10:31:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Yan for instance?
[4/2/2011 10:31:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Tidy?
[4/2/2011 10:31:44 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[4/2/2011 10:31:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Tidy was my bitch adn not so gosu but
[4/2/2011 10:31:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": way above what he would've ever been if he was born in canada lol
[4/2/2011 10:32:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": IdrA?
[4/2/2011 10:32:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": cmon
[4/2/2011 10:32:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": best korean foreigner ever
[4/2/2011 10:32:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": xD
[4/2/2011 10:32:16 PM] Joe Kim: yup
[4/2/2011 10:32:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": moving to korea - a good talent toi have
[4/2/2011 10:32:58 PM] Joe Kim: definitely
[4/2/2011 10:33:23 PM] Joe Kim: got any zerg killers for tomorrow?
[4/2/2011 10:33:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": zerg killers... Bakuryu?
[4/2/2011 10:33:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": FleSs
[4/2/2011 10:34:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": let me send SzajnA a PM
[4/2/2011 10:34:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ah
[4/2/2011 10:34:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme ask Kyle
[4/2/2011 10:34:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think Bella confirmed for the 1 win
[4/2/2011 10:34:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that we need
[4/2/2011 10:35:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/2/2011 10:36:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Xalo just confirmed, he'll be there to get the 1 win
[4/2/2011 10:36:36 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[4/2/2011 10:38:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Semih confirmed
[4/2/2011 10:38:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and Bella
[4/2/2011 10:38:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that's 1 win 1v1 and 1 win 2v2
[4/2/2011 10:39:12 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[4/2/2011 10:42:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wow
[4/2/2011 10:42:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Xalo has the entire thing mapped out
[4/2/2011 10:42:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": on Judgment Day
[4/2/2011 10:42:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :/
[4/2/2011 10:43:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": cant see him losing
[4/2/2011 10:44:00 PM] Joe Kim: nice
[4/2/2011 10:44:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": said it was one of the maps he learned to abuse while in ESC
[4/2/2011 10:44:21 PM] Joe Kim: you should get more LRM to represent us in cash tours
[4/2/2011 10:44:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": impossible lol
[4/2/2011 10:44:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": only our europeans could even contemplate that
[4/2/2011 10:44:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the time is so fucked up
[4/3/2011 12:16:32 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw u goto sleep yet?
[4/3/2011 12:17:38 AM] Joe Kim: im about to
[4/3/2011 12:17:46 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k remember
[4/3/2011 12:17:49 AM] Joe Kim: just trying to get more friends
[4/3/2011 12:17:53 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if Semih/Belladona/Bakuryu come
[4/3/2011 12:17:53 AM] Joe Kim: to play in
[4/3/2011 12:17:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": word
[4/3/2011 12:17:57 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": then
[4/3/2011 12:17:57 AM] Joe Kim:
[4/3/2011 12:17:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": put Bakuryu 1st
[4/3/2011 12:17:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and Semih 2nd
[4/3/2011 12:18:05 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": b/c they like to put
[4/3/2011 12:18:11 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Ace --> Kashu --> Ace/Pez 2v2
[4/3/2011 12:18:14 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I think
[4/3/2011 12:18:20 AM] Joe Kim: ok
[4/3/2011 12:18:22 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Baku has a much better chance ZvZ vs Ace than Semih does PvZ
[4/3/2011 12:18:24 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I know Semih > Kashu

[4/3/2011 7:40:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wtf
[4/3/2011 7:40:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": someone ratted on u or something
[4/3/2011 7:40:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Viktor says:
who is lrm cortez?
is he joekim?
ok nvm i think i will leave lrm soon
- LRM)FleSs
[4/3/2011 7:43:13 PM] Joe Kim: ?
[4/3/2011 7:43:21 PM] Joe Kim: fless doesnt like me?
[4/3/2011 7:43:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": news to me too
[4/3/2011 7:43:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": more importantly
[4/3/2011 7:43:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": how many people know?
[4/3/2011 7:43:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[4/3/2011 7:43:40 PM] Joe Kim: only semih knows
[4/3/2011 7:43:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I doubt he'd say anything
[4/3/2011 7:43:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not even Bakuryu?
[4/3/2011 7:44:00 PM] Joe Kim: and i dont even know how kyle found out
[4/3/2011 7:44:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I didnt tell him
[4/3/2011 7:44:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wtf
[4/3/2011 7:44:11 PM] Joe Kim: well
[4/3/2011 7:44:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": someone has to be speculating to the point of belief
[4/3/2011 7:44:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and spreading it lol
[4/3/2011 7:44:21 PM] Joe Kim: regardless of who knows
[4/3/2011 7:44:26 PM] Joe Kim: cortez is out
[4/3/2011 7:44:27 PM] Joe Kim: any way
[4/3/2011 7:44:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ye I saw
[4/3/2011 7:44:34 PM] Joe Kim: but i still dont want people knowing
[4/3/2011 7:44:41 PM] Joe Kim: you can tell fless that im not
[4/3/2011 7:44:54 PM] Joe Kim: this is why i need to make my own team
[4/3/2011 7:44:59 PM] Joe Kim: to smurf properly

[4/3/2011 7:45:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I did tell him you're not
[4/3/2011 7:45:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I was at my grandmas moving furniture
[4/3/2011 7:45:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and this nigga drops a bomb on me
[4/3/2011 7:45:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": through MSN
[4/3/2011 7:45:16 PM] Joe Kim: why is he saying he thinks he's going to leave LRM soon
[4/3/2011 7:45:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont know
[4/3/2011 7:45:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he's emo
[4/3/2011 7:45:28 PM] Joe Kim: i've never wronged him
[4/3/2011 7:45:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he's been pretty counter productive, I dont know what his problem is
[4/3/2011 7:45:43 PM] Joe Kim: and he ignored me when i tried to get him to CW
[4/3/2011 7:46:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": regardless I want him still in LRM), he's a great player
[4/3/2011 7:46:01 PM] Joe Kim: i came back from work an hour ago
[4/3/2011 7:46:04 PM] Joe Kim: and i just see him
[4/3/2011 7:46:09 PM] Joe Kim: asking everyone who i am
[4/3/2011 7:46:14 PM] Joe Kim: i dont see why it matters
[4/3/2011 7:46:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": on BW?
[4/3/2011 7:46:39 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[4/3/2011 7:46:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme get on BW and read everything
[4/3/2011 7:46:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ah my dad was playing
[4/3/2011 7:47:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": can u copy/paste from bot?
[4/3/2011 7:47:05 PM] Joe Kim: (12:10:23) LRM)nOoNe: hi fless
(12:10:35) LRM)FleSs: hi
(12:10:41) LRM)FleSs: who is cortez?
(12:10:52) LRM)nOoNe: dunno
(12:10:59) LRM)FleSs: cant believe none of us know him
(12:13:00) Shade[AoV]: LRM is particuarly active today o.O
[4/3/2011 7:47:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": more?
[4/3/2011 7:47:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": do you speak enough spanish for me to say you're Seijioku?
[4/3/2011 7:47:37 PM] Joe Kim: that's all the bot
[4/3/2011 7:47:40 PM] Joe Kim: the other was in
[4/3/2011 7:47:42 PM] Joe Kim: sasvslrm
[4/3/2011 7:47:45 PM] Joe Kim: during bwcl
[4/3/2011 7:47:52 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[4/3/2011 7:47:57 PM] Joe Kim: you can just tell him
[4/3/2011 7:47:58 PM] Joe Kim: that i am seijioku but it doesnt matter
[4/3/2011 7:48:10 PM] Joe Kim: because cortez is leaving
[4/3/2011 7:48:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/3/2011 7:48:16 PM] Joe Kim: doesnt have time to play
[4/3/2011 7:48:45 PM] Joe Kim: but on the same plain, you were thinking about grabbing JoeKim before he joined another team.
[4/3/2011 7:48:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you're just leaving the iccup team for now, right?
[4/3/2011 7:48:59 PM] Joe Kim: well
[4/3/2011 7:49:02 PM] Joe Kim: i hardly play
[4/3/2011 7:49:06 PM] Joe Kim: i try to help when i can
[4/3/2011 7:49:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ye
[4/3/2011 7:49:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and u do

[4/3/2011 7:49:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/3/2011 7:49:26 PM] Joe Kim: the loss yesterday made me want to go SC2
[4/3/2011 7:49:41 PM] Joe Kim: would have definitely gone if LRM lost the whole CW
[4/3/2011 7:49:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": haha
[4/3/2011 7:49:55 PM] Joe Kim: i told jinu im done (cortez)
[4/3/2011 7:49:56 PM] Joe Kim: but as a gift
[4/3/2011 7:50:01 PM] Joe Kim: ill get him a B- account
[4/3/2011 7:50:11 PM] Joe Kim: cuz he was giving me a guilt trip
[4/3/2011 7:50:12 PM] Joe Kim: about leaving
[4/3/2011 7:50:29 PM] Joe Kim: but anyway
[4/3/2011 7:50:30 PM] Joe Kim: LRM #1 BWCL

[4/3/2011 7:50:32 PM] Joe Kim: again
[4/3/2011 7:50:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/3/2011 7:50:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gonna make a news post about it on LRM) site
[4/3/2011 7:50:42 PM] Joe Kim: i was kinda sketch
[4/3/2011 7:50:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": after I take a fat shit
[4/3/2011 7:50:45 PM] Joe Kim: was bella came
[4/3/2011 7:50:45 PM] Joe Kim: really late
[4/3/2011 7:50:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he went to sleep late
[4/3/2011 7:50:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :/
[4/3/2011 7:50:53 PM] Joe Kim: like mid way of semih's 2nd game
[4/3/2011 7:50:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": like 2am ur time
[4/3/2011 7:50:57 PM] Joe Kim: he shows
[4/3/2011 7:50:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": haha
[4/3/2011 7:51:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he knows how to do it
[4/3/2011 7:51:09 PM] Joe Kim: but usually
[4/3/2011 7:51:12 PM] Joe Kim: he is like 1st one there
[4/3/2011 7:51:16 PM] Joe Kim: if he says he's going to show
[4/3/2011 7:51:17 PM] Joe Kim: so i was like wtf...
[4/3/2011 7:51:21 PM] Joe Kim: i guess me and semih
[4/3/2011 7:51:42 PM] Joe Kim: any zerg on heartbreak
[4/3/2011 7:51:44 PM] Joe Kim: beats semih
[4/3/2011 7:51:46 PM] Joe Kim: and probably me too
[4/3/2011 7:51:55 PM] Joe Kim: it's just way retarded
[4/3/2011 7:51:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[4/3/2011 7:52:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Semih gets confused on HBR
[4/3/2011 7:52:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": b/c of the early game micro
[4/3/2011 7:52:09 PM] Joe Kim: semih got rolled over
[4/3/2011 7:52:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and scared of allin
[4/3/2011 7:52:13 PM] Joe Kim: on hbr
[4/3/2011 7:52:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ye
[4/3/2011 7:52:20 PM] Joe Kim: but any standard map
[4/3/2011 7:52:22 PM] Joe Kim: non imba
[4/3/2011 7:52:27 PM] Joe Kim: he raped kashu
[4/3/2011 7:52:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I told you they'd put Ace then Kashu
[4/3/2011 7:52:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[4/3/2011 7:52:37 PM] Joe Kim: good suggestion
[4/3/2011 7:52:38 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[4/3/2011 7:52:43 PM] Joe Kim: it worked out perfectly
[4/3/2011 7:52:46 PM] Joe Kim: like you foresaw everything
[4/3/2011 7:52:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": minus Baku getting rolled lol
[4/3/2011 7:53:00 PM] Joe Kim: well, i didnt expect anyone to beat Ace
[4/3/2011 7:53:04 PM] Joe Kim: unless Scan were to show
[4/3/2011 7:53:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that would've been really beneficial and advantageous for Scan
[4/3/2011 7:53:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": because of ISL
[4/3/2011 7:53:39 PM] Joe Kim: well
[4/3/2011 7:53:44 PM] Joe Kim: i should make a new team
[4/3/2011 7:53:47 PM] Joe Kim: and smurf as a bench LRM
[4/3/2011 7:53:51 PM] Joe Kim: main reason
[4/3/2011 7:53:52 PM] Joe Kim: of making the team
[4/3/2011 7:54:00 PM] Joe Kim: is so that no team picks up scan
[4/3/2011 7:54:02 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[4/3/2011 7:54:16 PM] Joe Kim: you'd be pissed if he joined Nb.
[4/3/2011 7:54:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/3/2011 7:54:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the problem with that
[4/3/2011 7:54:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": is if some players leave LRM)
[4/3/2011 7:54:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": for that team
[4/3/2011 7:54:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": +
[4/3/2011 7:54:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you pick up players we need
[4/3/2011 7:54:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[4/3/2011 7:55:01 PM] Joe Kim: no
[4/3/2011 7:55:05 PM] Joe Kim: cuz we'd be Div C
[4/3/2011 7:55:09 PM] Joe Kim: who wants to join Div C team?
[4/3/2011 7:55:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": many people
[4/3/2011 7:55:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": look at PaiN

[4/3/2011 7:55:15 PM] Joe Kim: ....
[4/3/2011 7:55:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": like I wouldnt mind DragOn for LRM)
[4/3/2011 7:55:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": niggas in PaiN
[4/3/2011 7:55:36 PM] Joe Kim: im going to keep the squad small
[4/3/2011 7:55:44 PM] Joe Kim: i only need like 4
[4/3/2011 7:55:50 PM] Joe Kim: as long as me and scan win 1v1s and 2v2s
[4/3/2011 7:55:55 PM] Joe Kim: we're fine
[4/3/2011 7:56:00 PM] Joe Kim: i can just pick up scrubs
[4/3/2011 7:56:02 PM] Joe Kim: like timestop/ero
[4/3/2011 7:56:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/3/2011 7:56:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that's true
[4/3/2011 7:56:20 PM] Joe Kim: and it really looks like michael(OD) is doing well
[4/3/2011 7:56:25 PM] Joe Kim: so I might pick him up too
[4/3/2011 7:56:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/3/2011 7:56:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'd like to see your take on Michael if u get him
[4/3/2011 7:56:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": for joining LRM)
[4/3/2011 7:56:58 PM] Joe Kim: so you can let Fless know that's what is happening
[4/3/2011 7:57:05 PM] Joe Kim: u want michael in LRM?
[4/3/2011 7:57:09 PM] Joe Kim: Trix is way better
[4/3/2011 7:57:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": David said (10:39 PM):
what happened?
David said (10:45 PM):
anyhow, Cortez isn't JoeKim
David said (10:50 PM):
anyway, nOoNe told me you were asking about him. Cortez was Seijioku and is no longer in the iCCup team because he doesn't have time to play b/c of school. And why do you want to leave LRM? I was at my grandmas helping her move furniture and I come back to this.. I don't understand
[4/3/2011 7:57:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah I need to tell TriX he can join as trial
[4/3/2011 7:57:31 PM] Joe Kim: yeah, trial keeps him interested
[4/3/2011 7:57:40 PM] Joe Kim: risk of not being in
[4/3/2011 7:57:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": makes him get better
[4/3/2011 7:57:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl
[4/3/2011 7:57:43 PM] Joe Kim: yuo
[4/3/2011 7:57:44 PM] Joe Kim: yup
[4/3/2011 7:57:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he needs to be better
[4/3/2011 7:57:55 PM] Joe Kim: he's good enough for tier 2 teams in Div A
[4/3/2011 7:58:08 PM] Joe Kim: let me show you next season's teams
[4/3/2011 7:58:09 PM] Joe Kim: for Div A
[4/3/2011 7:58:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k
[4/3/2011 7:58:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I really feel we might not have all the best of luck next season
[4/3/2011 7:58:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we dont have active old talent
[4/3/2011 7:58:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": semih is going to sc2
[4/3/2011 7:58:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont have enough new talent, because there is none
[4/3/2011 7:59:28 PM] Joe Kim: + Show Spoiler +

[4/3/2011 7:59:36 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[4/3/2011 7:59:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Manner?
[4/3/2011 7:59:53 PM] Joe Kim: well, if u want i can keep scan in LRM as a ringer
[4/3/2011 7:59:54 PM] Joe Kim: just to show up
[4/3/2011 7:59:56 PM] Joe Kim: win and stfu
[4/3/2011 7:59:59 PM] Joe Kim: as a smurf
[4/3/2011 8:00:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": too many people will be suspicious
[4/3/2011 8:00:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we might have to work something out like that
[4/3/2011 8:00:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but not in the offseason
[4/3/2011 8:00:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/3/2011 8:00:17 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[4/3/2011 8:00:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not when people are keeping an open eye
[4/3/2011 8:00:23 PM] Joe Kim: he can play as "me"
[4/3/2011 8:00:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/3/2011 8:00:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well
[4/3/2011 8:00:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Cortez was always quiet
[4/3/2011 8:00:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Scan can't stfu
[4/3/2011 8:00:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": prolly a bad idea ;P
[4/3/2011 8:00:37 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[4/3/2011 8:00:43 PM] Joe Kim: but i would control it
[4/3/2011 8:00:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/3/2011 8:00:52 PM] Joe Kim: cuz he wouldnt fuck up my account

[4/3/2011 8:00:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": definitely closer to the season beginning, though
[4/3/2011 8:00:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and
[4/3/2011 8:01:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont like the new div A
[4/3/2011 8:01:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sas + Manner scare me
[4/3/2011 8:01:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Manner = korean mercs
[4/3/2011 8:01:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and with the CL time change, it benefits koreans
[4/3/2011 8:01:15 PM] Joe Kim: well
[4/3/2011 8:01:17 PM] Joe Kim: Nb and Manner
[4/3/2011 8:01:20 PM] Joe Kim: more so
[4/3/2011 8:01:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Nb is a joke
[4/3/2011 8:01:23 PM] Joe Kim: sas is really only Ace
[4/3/2011 8:01:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they have korean mercs, too
[4/3/2011 8:01:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sas might soon have Sziky and FleSs
[4/3/2011 8:01:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that'd be a problem lol
[4/3/2011 8:01:34 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[4/3/2011 8:01:41 PM] Joe Kim: then we're kinda fucked
[4/3/2011 8:01:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Kashu, Sziky, FleSs, Ace
[4/3/2011 8:01:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no one can beat that
[4/3/2011 8:01:49 PM] Joe Kim: unless we pick up
[4/3/2011 8:01:51 PM] Joe Kim: ramms
[4/3/2011 8:01:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and Fless/Ace 2v2
[4/3/2011 8:01:52 PM] Joe Kim: kolll
[4/3/2011 8:02:01 PM] Joe Kim: and Yan
[4/3/2011 8:02:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I've been trying to talk to kolll
[4/3/2011 8:02:02 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[4/3/2011 8:02:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I have no access to Yan
[4/3/2011 8:02:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but
[4/3/2011 8:02:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Ramms.... wont join any team
[4/3/2011 8:02:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": mother fucker -_-
[4/3/2011 8:02:16 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[4/3/2011 8:02:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I wish I could get a small sponsorship
[4/3/2011 8:02:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so I could pay him per win lol
[4/3/2011 8:02:25 PM] Joe Kim: Deska
[4/3/2011 8:02:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I am also
[4/3/2011 8:02:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": in persuit of that, right now
[4/3/2011 8:02:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I want him in
[4/3/2011 8:02:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/3/2011 8:03:09 PM] Joe Kim: you want him?
[4/3/2011 8:03:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yes
[4/3/2011 8:03:19 PM] Joe Kim: okay
[4/3/2011 8:03:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he just msged me back on skype right now
[4/3/2011 8:03:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": asked him if he has time to talk
[4/3/2011 8:04:36 PM] Joe Kim: didnt u have Shauni as a prospect?
[4/3/2011 8:05:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/3/2011 8:05:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he isnt cooperative
[4/3/2011 8:05:32 PM] Joe Kim: if u can snag another ISL finalist, i can say that ISL has been a failsafe for LRM's recruiting platform
[4/3/2011 8:05:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": except
[4/3/2011 8:05:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": SzajnA told me after his games he's too embarassed and will go to sc2
[4/3/2011 8:06:03 PM] Joe Kim: rofl
[4/3/2011 8:06:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that's the new a-typical copout
[4/3/2011 8:06:07 PM] Joe Kim: wow, what a fag
[4/3/2011 8:06:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "I got owned, time to go to an ez game"
[4/3/2011 8:06:28 PM] Joe Kim: yeah, i wonder who else says that besides
[4/3/2011 8:06:29 PM] Joe Kim: cortez
[4/3/2011 8:06:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[4/3/2011 8:06:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": noob :/
[4/3/2011 8:08:53 PM] Joe Kim: hey
[4/3/2011 8:08:55 PM] Joe Kim: so various DQ?
[4/3/2011 8:08:58 PM] Joe Kim: final verdict?
[4/3/2011 8:09:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they have 51 minutes
[4/3/2011 8:09:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/3/2011 8:09:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but, yeah
[4/3/2011 8:20:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[4/3/2011 8:21:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nigga wants to pay me $50 to host a ro32 tournament
[4/3/2011 8:21:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": for 2 hours for him
[4/3/2011 8:21:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I like dem wagez nigga
[4/3/2011 8:22:02 PM] Joe Kim: wait what?
[4/3/2011 8:22:06 PM] Joe Kim: host a ro32 tournament?
[4/3/2011 8:22:09 PM] Joe Kim: for 2 hours
[4/3/2011 8:22:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/3/2011 8:22:12 PM] Joe Kim: what does that mean?
[4/3/2011 8:22:13 PM] Joe Kim: ISL?
[4/3/2011 8:22:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": simple little tournament
[4/3/2011 8:22:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nah
[4/3/2011 8:22:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just a 32 player tournament
[4/3/2011 8:22:22 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[4/3/2011 8:22:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": iCCup admins tryin to catch me ridin dirty
[4/3/2011 8:22:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D+ Show Spoiler +

[4/3/2011 8:26:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[4/3/2011 8:26:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hahahah
[4/3/2011 11:07:45 PM] Joe Kim: just realized
[4/3/2011 11:07:47 PM] Joe Kim: undefeated BWCL
[4/3/2011 11:07:49 PM] Joe Kim: 8-0
[4/3/2011 11:27:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yep
[4/3/2011 11:27:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/3/2011 11:28:09 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[4/3/2011 11:28:17 PM] Joe Kim: i guess LRM took it's toll on Scan
[4/3/2011 11:28:20 PM] Joe Kim: he joined Nb
[4/3/2011 11:28:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": orly
[4/3/2011 11:28:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": $100 says they try to use him in the CL finals
[4/3/2011 11:28:38 PM] Joe Kim: i told him he cant play playoffs anyway
[4/3/2011 11:28:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": whats his name
[4/3/2011 11:28:55 PM] Joe Kim: supreme can IP check
[4/3/2011 11:28:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Nb.GUNDAM?
[4/3/2011 11:28:59 PM] Joe Kim: Nb.Sniper
[4/3/2011 11:29:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": shrug
[4/3/2011 11:29:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i dont care
[4/3/2011 11:29:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hes their headache now

[4/4/2011 1:25:04 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you gave me a great idea my friend
[4/4/2011 1:25:35 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that's how I'm going to sell these replays
[4/4/2011 1:25:47 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": could you help me with one thing though?
[4/4/2011 1:25:52 AM] Joe Kim: ?
+ Show Spoiler +

[4/4/2011 1:32:01 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I need to get a lot of confirmations
[4/4/2011 1:32:08 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I want to win this iCCupCL so bad
[4/4/2011 1:32:11 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you have no idea
[4/4/2011 1:32:14 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it would set us apart 100% from the pack
[4/4/2011 1:32:19 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": without competition
[4/4/2011 1:32:27 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 3 CL's in a row, 2 BWCL's
[4/4/2011 1:34:28 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": god I wanna win so bad
[4/4/2011 1:34:37 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm gonna go to sleep before I rage over a loss or win that hasn't happened yet
[4/4/2011 1:34:42 AM] Joe Kim: ok
[4/4/2011 1:34:46 AM] Joe Kim: i managed
[4/4/2011 1:34:49 AM] Joe Kim: to convince scan
[4/4/2011 1:34:52 AM] Joe Kim: to create a team
[4/4/2011 1:34:53 AM] Joe Kim: with me
[4/4/2011 1:34:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sweet

[4/4/2011 1:35:02 AM] Joe Kim: what tag
[4/4/2011 1:35:04 AM] Joe Kim: u think is good
[4/4/2011 1:35:18 AM] Joe Kim: vTv.JoeKim
[4/4/2011 1:35:25 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": whats vTv stand for
[4/4/2011 1:36:02 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I just thought of
[4/4/2011 1:36:06 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": UtP.Name
[4/4/2011 1:36:11 AM] Joe Kim: nothing now
[4/4/2011 1:36:12 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Untouchable Player
[4/4/2011 1:36:16 AM] Joe Kim: but i guess something like
[4/4/2011 1:36:20 AM] Joe Kim: Very Talented Veterans?

[4/4/2011 1:36:22 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": virgins to vegans :D
[4/4/2011 1:36:35 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that could go
[4/4/2011 1:36:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": anything
[4/4/2011 1:36:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": b)name(b
[4/4/2011 1:36:45 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": is tacky
[4/4/2011 1:36:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and anything Clan....Name is too wannabe korean
[4/4/2011 1:36:58 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": imo

[4/4/2011 6:31:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so, found out why FleSs was crying
[4/4/2011 6:31:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he said he spammed u to put him in bwcl and u didnt lol
[4/4/2011 10:00:54 PM] Joe Kim: BULLSHIT
[4/4/2011 10:01:09 PM] Joe Kim: you fucking know it
[4/4/2011 10:01:13 PM] Joe Kim: if he spammed me
[4/4/2011 10:01:17 PM] Joe Kim: BAKU would have not played
[4/4/2011 10:01:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/4/2011 10:01:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I already figured that
[4/4/2011 10:01:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think he's just trying to find an excuse to join sas
[4/4/2011 10:01:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": while I dont wanna lose him as a player
[4/4/2011 10:01:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont particularly care
[4/4/2011 10:01:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I just want him for the finals
[4/4/2011 10:01:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if he shows to the finals
[4/4/2011 10:01:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I know we win
[4/4/2011 10:02:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that's as simple as it gets
[4/4/2011 10:02:02 PM] Joe Kim: only excuse for that to work is if he "thought" i was on his f list
[4/4/2011 10:02:06 PM] Joe Kim: and he spammed f list
[4/4/2011 10:02:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw, made a list of who can play for Nb.
[4/4/2011 10:02:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": since thye REALLY wanna use Nb.Byul
[4/4/2011 10:02:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": some FOB gook
[4/4/2011 10:02:22 PM] Joe Kim: cuz the only messages i got from him were "who are you?"
[4/4/2011 10:02:24 PM] Joe Kim: "who is cortez?"
[4/4/2011 10:02:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I sent supreme, tenshi, and remilia
[4/4/2011 10:02:27 PM] Joe Kim: "anyone know who cortez is?"
[4/4/2011 10:02:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": a long PM of the players
[4/4/2011 10:02:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and to make a notepad with all of their /finger'd and registration IPs
[4/4/2011 10:02:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": then IPcheck the people who play for Nb this saturday
[4/4/2011 10:02:51 PM] Joe Kim: yup
[4/4/2011 10:02:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if they dont
[4/4/2011 10:02:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I will be
[4/4/2011 10:02:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": HIGHLY HIGHLY upset
[4/4/2011 10:02:57 PM] Joe Kim: Nb will pull all the stunts
[4/4/2011 10:03:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and be banned from iCCup
[4/4/2011 10:03:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": without a doubt
[4/4/2011 10:03:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if you could
[4/4/2011 10:03:06 PM] Joe Kim: to win this CL
[4/4/2011 10:03:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": please talk supreme into doing that
[4/4/2011 10:03:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah I know
[4/4/2011 10:03:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if we win 3 in a row
[4/4/2011 10:03:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its set in stone
[4/4/2011 10:03:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so please pleaslpelapleplaplspeaplsplease
[4/4/2011 10:03:21 PM] Joe Kim: i wont be on at all on Saturday
[4/4/2011 10:03:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": get Supreme to do that
[4/4/2011 10:03:28 PM] Joe Kim: my mom needs to go to her younger sister's wedding
[4/4/2011 10:03:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": to make the .txt of all that shit
[4/4/2011 10:03:31 PM] Joe Kim: so i need to work the whole day
[4/4/2011 10:03:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see
[4/4/2011 10:03:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": anyhow, you have contact with him that I somehow dont (only have his skype)
[4/4/2011 10:03:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just get him to make that .txt b4 the cw
[4/4/2011 10:56:39 PM] Joe Kim: he's been informed
[4/4/2011 10:56:50 PM] Joe Kim: you know im doing vTv for LRM right?
[4/4/2011 10:56:51 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[4/4/2011 10:57:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yes

[4/4/2011 10:57:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": did you ask that as if I did something?
[4/4/2011 10:57:51 PM] Joe Kim: im tlaking to dragon
[4/4/2011 10:57:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": in fact nigga ass [kidcanada]
[4/4/2011 10:57:58 PM] Joe Kim: you want him?
[4/4/2011 10:58:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yes
[4/4/2011 10:58:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": asked me what vTv was about
[4/4/2011 10:58:10 PM] Joe Kim: u want me to copy paste
[4/4/2011 10:58:11 PM] Joe Kim: your deska invite?
[4/4/2011 10:58:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he was like "why did JoeKim made vTv if you guys are such buddy buddies?"
[4/4/2011 10:58:26 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[4/4/2011 10:58:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I was like "dunno, keep guessing"
[4/4/2011 10:58:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he was like "oh trying to be phantom pupper master huh?"
[4/4/2011 10:58:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "if thats what u want me to be kingcanada"
[4/4/2011 10:58:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "I love how u keep ambiguity to try to save face"
[4/4/2011 10:58:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "is that what I'm doing?"
[4/4/2011 10:58:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "yep"
[4/4/2011 10:59:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "alright jester"

+ Show Spoiler +

[4/4/2011 11:00:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think he'd be a good pickup
[4/4/2011 11:00:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": are you getting him in vtv or lrm?
[4/4/2011 11:01:37 PM] Joe Kim: LRM first
[4/4/2011 11:01:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw
[4/4/2011 11:01:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": did u see my iccup forum post
[4/4/2011 11:01:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": about vtv?
[4/4/2011 11:02:02 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[4/4/2011 11:02:06 PM] Joe Kim: im gollum
[4/4/2011 11:02:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nah
[4/4/2011 11:02:08 PM] Joe Kim: tesla will hung?
[4/4/2011 11:02:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": was meant for tesla
[4/4/2011 11:02:13 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[4/4/2011 11:02:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I gotta edit it cause I didnt see urs before
[4/4/2011 11:02:17 PM] Joe Kim: that's what i figured
[4/4/2011 11:03:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": shit I cant edit it
[4/4/2011 11:03:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": w/e ur officially gollum
[4/4/2011 11:03:39 PM] Joe Kim: hahahahaha
[4/4/2011 11:03:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw my mission for Saturday is have
[4/4/2011 11:03:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not only the good players show up
[4/4/2011 11:03:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but ALL LRM)
[4/4/2011 11:03:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so they have no idea who I'll put in
[4/4/2011 11:03:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/4/2011 11:03:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": come in force
[4/4/2011 11:03:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": every fucking LRM) I can get in there
[4/4/2011 11:04:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": overload the channel
[4/4/2011 11:04:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": have them shitting bricks
[4/4/2011 11:04:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[4/4/2011 11:04:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I need to get FleSs to come
[4/4/2011 11:04:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": OctZerg told me he's going to practice
[4/4/2011 11:04:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 3 days this week
[4/4/2011 11:04:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": deff putting him in if I see it
[4/4/2011 11:05:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw did u reaccept LRM)Voltron?
[4/4/2011 11:05:18 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[4/4/2011 11:05:21 PM] Joe Kim: i was planning to
[4/4/2011 11:05:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": why
[4/4/2011 11:05:23 PM] Joe Kim: share that account
[4/4/2011 11:05:26 PM] Joe Kim: for now
[4/4/2011 11:05:28 PM] Joe Kim: with daryl
[4/4/2011 11:05:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[4/4/2011 11:05:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u using it?
[4/4/2011 11:05:42 PM] Joe Kim: he'll probably 1v1 on it, ill 2v2 on it
[4/4/2011 11:05:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see
[4/4/2011 11:05:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah I was gonna kick it like WUTF
[4/4/2011 11:06:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": cause hes practically useless

[4/4/2011 11:06:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but I no touchy
[4/4/2011 11:06:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so an old friend of mine from PGTour
[4/4/2011 11:06:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": when I was gosu
[4/4/2011 11:06:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": came and found me
[4/4/2011 11:06:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": iG.Opiate
[4/4/2011 11:06:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hes like 75% C+ atm
[4/4/2011 11:06:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just came back
[4/4/2011 11:06:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": asked me "is deska joining LRM)?"
[4/4/2011 11:06:46 PM] Joe Kim: nice
[4/4/2011 11:06:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": apparently deska is considering it
[4/4/2011 11:06:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont care about him
[4/4/2011 11:06:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": until he gets like B+
[4/4/2011 11:07:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": cause he was A on PGTour
[4/4/2011 11:07:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but
[4/4/2011 11:07:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the fact that deska mentioned it to him
[4/4/2011 11:07:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": cause hes an old latingamer
[4/4/2011 11:07:19 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[4/4/2011 11:07:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I likeyt
[4/4/2011 11:07:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": likey*
[4/4/2011 11:07:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if I can get deska + dragon + 1 or 2 good active people
[4/4/2011 11:07:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm set :D+ Show Spoiler +

[4/6/2011 1:40:35 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so btw
[4/6/2011 1:40:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think I already told u but
[4/6/2011 1:40:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I want all of LRM to show to the CW
[4/6/2011 1:40:51 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": anyone u talk to that I dont and I'm just braindead?
[4/6/2011 1:41:20 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so far I have confirmed: Semih Belladona Octzerg Me Pike ("If I dont forget") Hejek Bakuryu Piraya Sailboat
[4/6/2011 2:04:05 AM] Joe Kim: sailboat is in?
[4/6/2011 2:04:19 AM] Joe Kim: change the w/o clan war from szajna to sailboat then
[4/6/2011 2:04:25 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nah
[4/6/2011 2:04:29 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I wouldnt put him in CL finals
[4/6/2011 2:04:32 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u crazy?
[4/6/2011 2:04:46 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not a bad idea though
[4/6/2011 2:04:49 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": can u do that?

[4/6/2011 2:04:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i g2g to sleep
[4/6/2011 2:05:03 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gotta be up in 7 hours
[4/6/2011 2:05:09 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": g'night Joe
[4/6/2011 2:05:10 AM] Joe Kim: ok
[4/6/2011 2:05:11 AM] Joe Kim: gnite
+ Show Spoiler +

[4/7/2011 9:18:08 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": LRM)Kolll
[4/7/2011 9:45:31 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if I thought I could get away with it, I'd put Kolll in the nC thing... but that'd look way too ridiculous
[4/7/2011 10:03:52 AM] Joe Kim: no fucking... way
[4/7/2011 10:04:16 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":

[4/7/2011 10:04:26 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I be rolllllinnnn they be hatttitnnnnnnn
[4/7/2011 10:04:38 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": as T.I 24's come on
[4/7/2011 10:04:44 AM] Joe Kim: OMFG
[4/7/2011 10:04:48 AM] Joe Kim: how u manage to snag Anton
[4/7/2011 10:04:53 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": WITH THE ROOF WIDE OPEN
[4/7/2011 10:04:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": MY PARTNERS LOOKIN AT ME TO SEE IF MY EYES OPEN
[4/7/2011 10:05:03 AM] Joe Kim: wtf
[4/7/2011 10:05:07 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": anyhow
[4/7/2011 10:05:15 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I extended him an invitation
[4/7/2011 10:05:23 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he clearly sees the adventageous state it is to be a top player in LRM)
[4/7/2011 10:05:33 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": temporarily corresponding with
[4/7/2011 10:05:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they asked me to get them 8 of the 16 players for their $200 TvZ invitational
[4/7/2011 10:05:55 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so far I have 6 for them
[4/7/2011 10:06:05 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Ace, Sziky, Kolll, Scan
[4/7/2011 10:06:12 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and 2 of Pike/Hejek/PatrOn will confirm
[4/7/2011 10:06:41 AM] Joe Kim: ill play
[4/7/2011 10:07:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its at... like
[4/7/2011 10:07:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 1am your time
[4/7/2011 10:07:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 1am-7am
[4/7/2011 10:07:45 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": this sunday
[4/7/2011 10:07:46 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl
[4/7/2011 10:08:42 AM] Joe Kim: hmm
[4/7/2011 10:08:50 AM] Joe Kim: sounds do-able
[4/7/2011 10:08:55 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": alright
[4/7/2011 10:09:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": add yoda on skype
[4/7/2011 10:09:15 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": tell him that you're JoeKim and you'd like to confirm
[4/7/2011 10:11:14 AM] Joe Kim: change of plans for saturday, i wont be working
[4/7/2011 10:11:19 AM] Joe Kim: but depending on when i go to my aunt's wedding
[4/7/2011 10:11:25 AM] Joe Kim: i'll see if i can come for CL finals
[4/7/2011 10:11:30 AM] Joe Kim: i really dont want to miss that
[4/7/2011 10:11:32 AM] Joe Kim: and Ro8
[4/7/2011 10:11:43 AM] Joe Kim: but ill most definitely miss ro8 :/
[4/7/2011 10:11:54 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": true
[4/7/2011 10:12:30 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": afk school
[4/7/2011 10:17:04 AM] Joe Kim: i really doubt kolll can slide into the CL playoffs
[4/7/2011 10:17:27 AM] Joe Kim: only way is to plug in a german smurf
[4/7/2011 10:17:32 AM] Joe Kim: and say that was kolll
[4/7/2011 6:22:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol...
[4/7/2011 6:22:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": o_o
[4/7/2011 6:22:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": everyone from Nb is flooding the channel with "lulz u gonna get banned for abuse" b/c of that kolll/trix move
[4/7/2011 11:32:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u prolly dont wanna post that publicly on TL

[4/7/2011 11:33:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ?
[4/7/2011 11:33:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw u think u could get any buyers
[4/7/2011 11:33:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they reopend dat hoe

[4/8/2011 12:02:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/8/2011 12:02:46 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u didnt confirm?
[4/9/2011 12:29:34 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl
[4/9/2011 12:29:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gonna get banned from iccup right before the CL vs Nb :D
[4/9/2011 12:29:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/9/2011 12:30:18 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I copied verbatim (with my own followup) what he wrote, then as I wrote it and he realized he's absolutely wrong, he edits his comment rofl
[4/9/2011 12:30:34 AM] Joe Kim: awesome
[4/9/2011 12:30:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just letting you know ahead of time
[4/9/2011 12:31:08 AM] Joe Kim: u know i cant be there right?
[4/9/2011 12:31:13 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh yeah
[4/9/2011 12:31:14 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": shit
[4/9/2011 12:31:17 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ur mom...
[4/9/2011 12:31:18 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sob
[4/9/2011 12:31:20 AM] Joe Kim: ill be at work the whole day
[4/9/2011 12:31:24 AM] Joe Kim: wont catch ISL either
[4/9/2011 12:31:24 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ahhhhhhh
[4/9/2011 12:31:26 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so fucked
[4/9/2011 12:31:34 AM] Joe Kim: and ill probably go to a party after work
[4/9/2011 12:31:37 AM] Joe Kim: so i told yoda
[4/9/2011 12:31:38 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": who will log in supreme's acct and tell me draw if im banned :D
[4/9/2011 12:31:40 AM] Joe Kim: to replace me
[4/9/2011 12:31:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh ok
[4/9/2011 12:31:44 AM] Joe Kim: or i will find replacement
[4/9/2011 12:31:52 AM] Joe Kim: i asked iG.Stubborn so far
[4/9/2011 12:32:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no idea who that is
[4/9/2011 12:32:09 AM] Joe Kim: #1 aussie T
[4/9/2011 12:32:10 AM] Joe Kim: korean aussie
[4/9/2011 12:32:26 AM] Joe Kim: G4i.Etude
[4/9/2011 12:32:30 AM] Joe Kim: i think was the more known name?
[4/9/2011 12:32:33 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yep
[4/9/2011 12:32:35 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just got banned
[4/9/2011 12:32:37 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah etude
[4/9/2011 12:32:38 AM] Joe Kim: sweet
[4/9/2011 12:32:43 AM] Joe Kim: from server?
[4/9/2011 12:32:49 AM] Joe Kim: IP ban?
[4/9/2011 12:32:50 AM] Joe Kim: or just
[4/9/2011 12:32:51 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no
[4/9/2011 12:32:51 AM] Joe Kim: LRM)Game
[4/9/2011 12:32:52 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": site
[4/9/2011 12:32:54 AM] Joe Kim: oh
[4/9/2011 12:32:57 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": week ban
[4/9/2011 12:33:06 AM] Joe Kim: well u can use LRM or Supreme for tomorrow anyway

[4/9/2011 12:33:18 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/9/2011 12:33:18 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": still gonna make a CAA against him
[4/9/2011 12:33:24 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": for editing his post in order to ban me
[4/9/2011 12:33:30 AM] Joe Kim: lol
[4/9/2011 12:34:03 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[4/9/2011 12:34:04 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it's a siteban
[4/9/2011 12:34:07 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": can u make the caa?
[4/9/2011 12:34:16 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/9/2011 12:34:21 AM] Joe Kim: i think u can log on a diff name
[4/9/2011 12:34:25 AM] Joe Kim: and just CAA
[4/9/2011 12:34:26 AM] Joe Kim: LRM)Gayme
[4/9/2011 12:34:37 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no
[4/9/2011 12:34:39 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its an ip siteban
[4/9/2011 12:34:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I just tried
[4/9/2011 12:35:00 AM] Joe Kim: shit
[4/9/2011 12:35:05 AM] Joe Kim: i'd rather not get involved
[4/9/2011 12:35:07 AM] Joe Kim: cheloman /f r me
[4/9/2011 12:35:10 AM] Joe Kim: facebook
[4/9/2011 12:35:16 AM] Joe Kim: lol
[4/9/2011 12:35:18 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok so Nb vs LRM) will run itself
[4/9/2011 12:35:19 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see.
[4/9/2011 12:35:30 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I will check their draw via supreme with my siteban
[4/9/2011 12:35:30 AM] Joe Kim: jinu will probably show
[4/9/2011 12:35:31 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sounds legit
[4/9/2011 12:35:33 AM] Joe Kim: and i talked to spaniard today
[4/9/2011 12:35:36 AM] Joe Kim: he's excited
[4/9/2011 12:35:44 AM] Joe Kim: u can
[4/9/2011 12:35:45 AM] Joe Kim: proxy
[4/9/2011 12:36:57 AM] Joe Kim: ykno how to proxy right?
[4/9/2011 12:37:23 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme try

[4/9/2011 12:37:30 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gimme a random ip?
[4/9/2011 12:37:46 AM] Joe Kim:
[4/9/2011 12:37:52 AM] Joe Kim: type in the veri-code
[4/9/2011 12:38:07 AM] Joe Kim: then plug the IP/Port into your net connection
[4/9/2011 12:38:10 AM] Joe Kim: proxy
[4/9/2011 12:38:19 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sec forgot how on ff
[4/9/2011 12:38:27 AM] Joe Kim: oh
[4/9/2011 12:38:30 AM] Joe Kim: Tools
[4/9/2011 12:38:36 AM] Joe Kim: Options
[4/9/2011 12:38:42 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah there
[4/9/2011 12:38:45 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": forgot where from there
[4/9/2011 12:38:48 AM] Joe Kim: Advanaced Tab
[4/9/2011 12:38:53 AM] Joe Kim: Network
[4/9/2011 12:38:57 AM] Joe Kim: Settings
[4/9/2011 12:39:11 AM] Joe Kim: Manual Proxy Config
[4/9/2011 12:39:49 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": trying... iccup page taking forever and longer
[4/9/2011 12:39:57 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": meh
[4/9/2011 12:40:00 AM] Joe Kim: u should use a different IP then
[4/9/2011 12:40:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": IP didnt work, lemme try another
[4/9/2011 12:40:03 AM] Joe Kim: yeah
[4/9/2011 12:40:06 AM] Joe Kim: some are really fast
[4/9/2011 12:40:08 AM] Joe Kim: some dont work
[4/9/2011 12:40:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
[4/9/2011 12:41:01 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hm wutf
[4/9/2011 12:41:25 AM] Joe Kim: best thing to do is leave 1 tab open with the list
[4/9/2011 12:41:33 AM] Joe Kim: and try to connect to icc on another tab
[4/9/2011 12:41:40 AM] Joe Kim: so u can just keep copy/paste
[4/9/2011 12:41:42 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ya
[4/9/2011 12:41:47 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": tried that, lemme retry
[4/9/2011 12:42:33 AM] Joe Kim: ffs, my friends are retarded...they are going on a double date and want me to be the 5th wheel
[4/9/2011 12:42:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl?
[4/9/2011 12:42:45 AM] Joe Kim: and even sweeter
[4/9/2011 12:42:50 AM] Joe Kim: they are going to a gay club
[4/9/2011 12:42:52 AM] Joe Kim: cuz it's "fun"
[4/9/2011 12:42:55 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": .. rofl
[4/9/2011 12:43:10 AM] Joe Kim: girls are weird
[4/9/2011 12:43:12 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yep
[4/9/2011 12:43:49 AM] Joe Kim: i'd rather go to my friend's party, has a better dick to pussy ratio and i dont need to clench my ass cheeks as much
[4/9/2011 12:43:58 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": haha
[4/9/2011 12:44:13 AM] Joe Kim: i didnt think i had any phobias
[4/9/2011 12:44:21 AM] Joe Kim: but im fucking scared shitless
[4/9/2011 12:44:25 AM] Joe Kim: of gay people
[4/9/2011 12:44:25 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": of fags
[4/9/2011 12:44:26 AM] Joe Kim: that are
[4/9/2011 12:44:29 AM] Joe Kim: BODY BUILDERS
[4/9/2011 12:44:31 AM] Joe Kim: rofl
[4/9/2011 12:44:50 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": LOL
[4/9/2011 12:44:54 AM] Joe Kim: i was in Hollywood a few years ago, working on construction with my white uncle
[4/9/2011 12:45:02 AM] Joe Kim: and he's into getting fit and getting healthy
[4/9/2011 12:45:11 AM] Joe Kim: so we went to some hollywood joint called Eat Well
[4/9/2011 12:45:15 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": when uproxy, u only fill out HTTP Proxy: right?
[4/9/2011 12:45:23 AM] Joe Kim: as we're parking i see the buffest muhfuckers
[4/9/2011 12:45:28 AM] Joe Kim: like Goldberg status
[4/9/2011 12:45:32 AM] Joe Kim: and before i can even say
[4/9/2011 12:45:32 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[4/9/2011 12:45:41 AM] Joe Kim: "damn those guys are huge, i wish my arms were that big"
[4/9/2011 12:45:45 AM] Joe Kim: i see them holding hands
[4/9/2011 12:45:46 AM] Joe Kim: and making out
[4/9/2011 12:45:50 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ROFL
[4/9/2011 12:45:54 AM] Joe Kim: instant fear developed
[4/9/2011 12:45:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hahaha
[4/9/2011 12:46:08 AM] Joe Kim: i would never want to be face to face with a buff ass gay guy
[4/9/2011 12:46:15 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[4/9/2011 12:46:16 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw
[4/9/2011 12:46:18 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no proxies are working -_-
[4/9/2011 12:46:34 AM] Joe Kim: u need to put in the port too
[4/9/2011 12:46:38 AM] Joe Kim: usually 80
[4/9/2011 12:46:39 AM] Joe Kim: or 8080
[4/9/2011 12:46:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/9/2011 12:46:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I am
[4/9/2011 12:46:41 AM] Joe Kim: or 3128
[4/9/2011 12:46:42 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[4/9/2011 12:46:46 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well aware
[4/9/2011 12:46:54 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": any other proxy lists that are successful?
[4/9/2011 12:46:56 AM] Joe Kim:
[4/9/2011 12:46:58 AM] Joe Kim: 3128
[4/9/2011 12:47:17 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nope
[4/9/2011 12:47:25 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections.
[4/9/2011 12:47:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you only put it in as HTTP Proxy: right?
[4/9/2011 12:48:03 AM] Joe Kim: yes the check mark
[4/9/2011 12:48:05 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": also I have "No Proxy for: half my ip"
[4/9/2011 12:48:06 AM] Joe Kim: is only on that
[4/9/2011 12:48:49 AM] Joe Kim: the dot should only be on Manual Proxy
[4/9/2011 12:48:58 AM] Joe Kim: and then u fill in the proxy
[4/9/2011 12:49:00 AM] Joe Kim: and the port
[4/9/2011 12:49:02 AM] Joe Kim: and that's it
[4/9/2011 12:49:02 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/9/2011 12:49:06 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": none of them are working
[4/9/2011 12:49:09 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": whatsoever
[4/9/2011 12:49:11 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they do for regular websites
[4/9/2011 12:49:12 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but not iccup
[4/9/2011 12:49:32 AM] Joe Kim:
[4/9/2011 12:50:55 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/9/2011 12:50:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": even with the proxy, shows me as banned
[4/9/2011 12:51:16 AM] Joe Kim: try with internet explorer
[4/9/2011 12:51:21 AM] Joe Kim: if u dont want to clear cookies/temp files
[4/9/2011 12:51:28 AM] Joe Kim: /history
[4/9/2011 12:51:32 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[4/9/2011 12:51:33 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i need to clear my shit
[4/9/2011 12:51:36 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i forgot
[4/9/2011 12:52:05 AM] Joe Kim: cuz i've bypassed sitebans
[4/9/2011 12:52:19 AM] Joe Kim: especially TL
[4/9/2011 12:53:08 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[4/9/2011 12:53:12 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": on some czech republic one and it works
[4/9/2011 12:53:15 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": all I need to do is
[4/9/2011 12:53:17 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": get a fast running one
[4/9/2011 12:54:23 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/9/2011 12:54:25 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it worksies
[4/9/2011 12:54:28 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": now i can do the cw tomorrow

[4/9/2011 12:54:32 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u know on top of gecko
[4/9/2011 12:54:34 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": what cheloman pmed me?
[4/9/2011 12:54:55 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": from: AR iccup.cheloman

today @ 11:12 CET
[RE]: Hey

Hi Game,

So, you have used our server, our admins, our community, our anti-hack, our webpage, and you will sell your replay pack and we dont get anything?.

You are free to post it, of course, is not broken any rule with this, but, this ends here.

There is no more ISL at iccup, no more privte forum, no more banners, no more admins involved with private tournaments without benefit for us. We will not solve any more complaints of tagged players from now.

You are a smart person and you will understand this quickly.

If you want to organize a tournament when you will sell something, you will have to pay for it a iccup.
[4/9/2011 12:55:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": LOL
[4/9/2011 12:55:41 AM] Joe Kim: lolololol
[4/9/2011 12:55:48 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": thinks I owe iCCup royalties
[4/9/2011 12:55:51 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": R O F L FUCKING LAUGHING
[4/9/2011 12:56:09 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": what u could do
[4/9/2011 12:56:11 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": on the LRM account
+ Show Spoiler +

[4/12/2011 1:09:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/12/2011 1:09:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well done
[4/13/2011 11:58:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": dere?
[4/13/2011 11:59:08 PM] Joe Kim: ya
[4/13/2011 11:59:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you gotta help ur boy man
[4/13/2011 11:59:28 PM] Joe Kim: what?
+ Show Spoiler +

[4/16/2011 8:41:21 PM] Joe Kim: (8:40:17 PM) FrankcitO ~: JOe !
(8:40:23 PM) Joe: yes?
(8:40:37 PM) FrankcitO ~: I can invite to my friend? oo
(8:40:48 PM) Joe: who
(8:40:52 PM) FrankcitO ~: Lamer ?
(8:40:56 PM) Joe: LRM)Lamer?
(8:40:59 PM) FrankcitO ~: ya
(8:40:59 PM) FrankcitO ~: oo
(8:41:06 PM) Joe: hmm
[4/16/2011 8:41:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": who is that?
[4/16/2011 8:41:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 880611?
[4/16/2011 8:41:45 PM] Joe Kim: frank?
[4/16/2011 8:41:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[4/16/2011 8:41:49 PM] Joe Kim: loccxito
[4/16/2011 8:41:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": invite his friend where?
[4/16/2011 8:41:58 PM] Joe Kim: vTv
[4/16/2011 8:42:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well
[4/16/2011 8:42:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I cant say I didnt see it coming
[4/16/2011 8:42:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": when he just came back I booted him off the team after jinu accepted him
[4/16/2011 8:42:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": b/c I thought it wa sa fake
[4/16/2011 8:42:31 PM] Joe Kim: but did u want him?
[4/16/2011 8:42:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and a blunder by other managers
[4/16/2011 8:42:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": for later maybe
[4/16/2011 8:42:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not right now
[4/16/2011 8:42:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he needs to get his groove back like stella
[4/16/2011 8:42:53 PM] Joe Kim: cuz if i deny him, you can probably pick him up
[4/16/2011 8:43:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well if your team doesnt get too close to your heart
[4/16/2011 8:43:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we can do the original thing
[4/16/2011 8:43:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and once hes gosu we can grab him
[4/16/2011 8:43:17 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[4/16/2011 8:43:45 PM] Joe Kim: vTv = LRM's B Squad?
[4/16/2011 8:43:46 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[4/16/2011 8:43:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[4/16/2011 8:43:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yes?
[4/16/2011 8:44:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": shit
[4/16/2011 8:44:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that's an epic project
[4/16/2011 8:44:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": extortion of players via training them up for the real shit
[4/16/2011 8:44:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that makes u put in more work than me technically
[4/16/2011 8:44:42 PM] Joe Kim: not really, cuz half of them dont really need the training
[4/16/2011 8:44:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well
[4/16/2011 8:44:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Scan doesnt
[4/16/2011 8:44:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and Beggar doesnt
[4/16/2011 8:45:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the only reason I didnt pick Beggar up
[4/16/2011 8:45:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": is because I hadnt sene him play live
[4/16/2011 8:45:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": only reps
[4/16/2011 8:45:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I promise u that

[4/16/2011 8:45:13 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[4/16/2011 11:30:45 PM] Joe Kim: LOL
[4/16/2011 11:30:48 PM] Joe Kim: Admin confirmed
[4/16/2011 11:30:51 PM] Joe Kim: FAKE LAMER
[4/16/2011 11:30:55 PM] Joe Kim: i fucking knew it
[4/16/2011 11:31:07 PM] Joe Kim: it's always been the same kid that tries to act like Lamer
[4/16/2011 11:47:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ohh
[4/16/2011 11:47:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ez
[4/16/2011 11:47:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/17/2011 12:04:10 AM] Joe Kim: yongsue
[4/17/2011 1:24:26 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that's his real name?
[4/17/2011 1:24:39 AM] Joe Kim: his aka
[4/17/2011 1:24:42 AM] Joe Kim: YongSuE-
[4/17/2011 1:24:46 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ah ok
[4/17/2011 1:24:49 AM] Joe Kim: always been that kid
[4/17/2011 1:24:49 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeha
[4/17/2011 1:24:50 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yongsue is Z
[4/17/2011 1:24:58 AM] Joe Kim: trying to pretend
[4/17/2011 1:24:58 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": makes sense
[4/17/2011 1:25:00 AM] Joe Kim: he's Lamer
[4/17/2011 1:25:06 AM] Joe Kim: trash kid
[4/17/2011 1:25:08 AM] Joe Kim: fake iG.
[4/17/2011 1:25:08 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not a bad guy to try to pretend to be :D
[4/17/2011 1:25:11 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ye
[4/17/2011 1:25:14 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": like C/C+ high
[4/17/2011 10:27:28 AM] Joe Kim: yup, 880611 belongs on the B Team...kinda sketch on if he's mannered/telling the truth about his WCG Bulgaria participation. he said his name is Ivan but the only Ivan that got far in WCG Bulgaria was our favorite real LAMER. OmniOrb seems to be the only one that matches his proclamations in reference to PGTour, race, WCG. but i cant find OmniOrb's real name.
[4/17/2011 10:27:55 AM] *** Joe Kim sent JoeKim ZvP 880611.rep ***
[4/17/2011 7:40:07 PM] Joe Kim: get my msg?
[4/17/2011 7:40:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": about 880?
[4/17/2011 7:40:30 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[4/17/2011 7:40:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yes
[4/17/2011 7:40:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and watched the rep
[4/17/2011 7:40:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": directly after I read it
[4/17/2011 7:40:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I checked LRM) page
[4/17/2011 7:40:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he sent request to join on LRM)Lamer-
[4/17/2011 7:40:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": heads up on that
[4/17/2011 7:40:51 PM] Joe Kim: LOL
[4/17/2011 7:40:55 PM] Joe Kim: fucking yongsue..
[4/17/2011 7:41:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ye
[4/17/2011 7:41:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/17/2011 7:41:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": heads up bout that
[4/17/2011 7:41:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": didnt talk to u about it so didnt list u for anything
[4/17/2011 7:41:36 PM] Joe Kim: shade told me
[4/17/2011 7:41:47 PM] Joe Kim: but my iccup page doesnt work past 2 days?
[4/17/2011 7:42:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": got ddos'd
[4/17/2011 7:42:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its back up
[4/17/2011 7:42:24 PM] Joe Kim: nope, keeps timing out for me
[4/17/2011 7:42:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": did it for me a couple times too
[4/17/2011 7:42:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but im persistent
[4/17/2011 7:43:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": tl has been quite awkward for 2 days, too
[4/17/2011 7:43:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": times out on me occassionally
[4/17/2011 7:43:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": including right now.
[4/17/2011 7:43:35 PM] Joe Kim: only iccup is giving me problems
[4/17/2011 7:43:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I also think I have a virus
[4/17/2011 7:43:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": which is making me scared to load my bank acct
[4/17/2011 7:43:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[4/17/2011 7:43:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that could prolly be it, too
[4/17/2011 7:44:00 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[4/17/2011 7:44:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[4/17/2011 7:44:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": video = <3
[4/17/2011 7:45:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw they changed CL time to 17cet -_-
[4/17/2011 7:45:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": is vtv in divC?
[4/17/2011 7:46:44 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[4/17/2011 7:47:08 PM] Joe Kim: so is iFU's B Team
[4/17/2011 7:47:09 PM] Joe Kim: reps)
[4/17/2011 7:47:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont know
[4/17/2011 7:47:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but I wasn't aware iFU had an A team
[4/17/2011 7:47:29 PM] Joe Kim: hahahaha
[4/17/2011 7:47:36 PM] Joe Kim: A team as in first creation
[4/17/2011 7:47:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ohhhhh
[4/17/2011 7:47:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah still dont know
[4/17/2011 7:47:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw
[4/17/2011 7:47:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if u want to reserve spots
[4/17/2011 7:48:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": for good friends/good players ur friends with
[4/17/2011 7:48:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": in my tournament
[4/17/2011 7:48:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just gimme a list
[4/17/2011 7:48:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": cause im gonna boot the lesser players out
[4/17/2011 7:48:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": anyway
[4/17/2011 7:48:20 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[4/17/2011 7:48:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its nto first come first serve
[4/17/2011 7:48:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hence
[4/17/2011 7:48:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "All players are subject to administrative discretion."
[4/17/2011 7:48:48 PM] Joe Kim: lol
+ Show Spoiler +

[4/19/2011 10:27:27 PM] Joe Kim: + Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +

[4/23/2011 12:10:28 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl
[4/23/2011 12:10:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you better talk to that virgin
[4/23/2011 12:10:55 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I will absolutely destroy my reputation to punish him.
[4/23/2011 12:27:24 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it's game on now
[4/23/2011 12:28:06 AM] Joe Kim: so what's the haps?
[4/23/2011 12:28:10 AM] Joe Kim: i was having a good night
[4/23/2011 12:28:11 AM] Joe Kim: lol
[4/23/2011 12:28:17 AM] Joe Kim: come home to drama?
[4/23/2011 12:28:22 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": me too
[4/23/2011 12:28:22 AM] Joe Kim: i leave drama in the theatre son
[4/23/2011 12:28:25 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": im too drunk for this
[4/23/2011 12:28:29 AM] Joe Kim: LOL
[4/23/2011 12:28:33 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": im lucky i was calm enough to write that
[4/23/2011 12:28:36 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": im heated son its game on
[4/23/2011 12:28:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": little virgin crossed the line
[4/23/2011 12:28:44 AM] Joe Kim: zzzzz
[4/23/2011 12:29:24 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its ur pet virgin rofl
[4/23/2011 12:29:26 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i had to report him to his owner
[4/23/2011 12:29:29 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": duh
[4/23/2011 12:29:35 AM] Joe Kim: hahahahaha
[4/23/2011 12:29:49 AM] Joe Kim: i am giving him so much shit right now
[4/23/2011 12:30:02 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": feel free to copy/paste
[4/23/2011 12:30:37 AM] Joe Kim: there's nothing to copy/paste
[4/23/2011 12:30:41 AM] Joe Kim: besides the fact
[4/23/2011 12:30:45 AM] Joe Kim: that he is fucking with the wrong person
[4/23/2011 12:30:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": in other words u didnt write anything
[4/23/2011 12:33:01 AM] Joe Kim: he's dumb
[4/23/2011 12:36:03 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ugh
[4/23/2011 12:36:05 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": game fucking on
[4/23/2011 12:36:07 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nothing else
[4/23/2011 12:36:21 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm going to thoroughly enjoy this
[4/23/2011 12:36:26 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you have no idea
[4/23/2011 12:36:33 AM] Joe Kim: lol

+ Show Spoiler +

[4/23/2011 12:42:16 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but
[4/23/2011 12:42:20 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm overall beyond sick of him
[4/23/2011 12:42:21 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and his bullshit
[4/23/2011 12:42:30 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and have thought of so many ways to fuck him over up to this point
[4/23/2011 12:42:34 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[4/23/2011 12:42:45 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just waiting to exercise my rights to destroy me and him alike
[4/23/2011 12:42:58 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": suicide bomber - commence
[4/23/2011 12:43:11 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he actually logged on a smurf and flamed me in op LRM) too
[4/23/2011 12:43:13 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that was cute
[4/23/2011 12:43:23 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think he thinks his English is good enough to disguise himself

[4/23/2011 12:43:28 AM] Joe Kim: HAHAHAHA
[4/23/2011 12:43:30 AM] Joe Kim: oh i hope
[4/23/2011 12:43:33 AM] Joe Kim: that was recent
[4/23/2011 12:43:35 AM] Joe Kim: so i can read
[4/23/2011 12:43:37 AM] Joe Kim: on bot
[4/23/2011 12:43:42 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it was
[4/23/2011 12:43:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": in whisper
[4/23/2011 12:43:47 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": on "fuall"
[4/23/2011 12:43:59 AM] Joe Kim: ph
[4/23/2011 12:44:00 AM] Joe Kim: oh
[4/23/2011 12:44:02 AM] Joe Kim: T.T
[4/23/2011 12:44:22 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": dunno how he has access to that account, but
[4/23/2011 12:44:29 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it was related to the drama and with broken english
[4/23/2011 12:44:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and im pretty sure not one person in the community would support him
[4/23/2011 12:44:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": derp
+ Show Spoiler +

[5/7/2011 12:18:52 AM] Joe Kim: btw, to get /c o /c l commands to members that get sent to Op G4i
[5/7/2011 12:18:59 AM] Joe Kim: they need to join the old LRM team
[5/7/2011 12:19:09 AM] Joe Kim: then get manually transferred via admin to the new LRM team
[5/7/2011 12:19:32 AM] Joe Kim: and therefore they will have the /c commands as well as spawn in Op LRM)
[5/7/2011 3:04:28 PM] Joe Kim: where was bella?
[5/7/2011 7:55:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": -______- no idea
[5/7/2011 7:55:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": where was all our good players is the question
[5/7/2011 7:55:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": everyone had fair warning about it
[5/7/2011 7:55:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I didnt put Pike in b/c he said he only slept for 3 hours
+ Show Spoiler +

[5/10/2011 10:25:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": since ur running vtv now
[5/10/2011 10:25:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we're getting a backup team
[5/10/2011 10:25:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": since sailboat is not good 2v2
[5/10/2011 10:25:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and johnek hardly shows
[5/10/2011 10:30:01 PM] Joe Kim: ?
[5/10/2011 10:30:08 PM] Joe Kim: what does that mean
[5/10/2011 10:30:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that you are a good 2v2 player?
[5/10/2011 10:30:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its a compliment nigger
[5/10/2011 10:31:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the last thing I wanna do is use me or lokim for 2v2
[5/10/2011 10:31:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and piraya can come 1 out of every 3 weeks
[5/10/2011 10:31:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so we need a 2nd 2v2 team and Bella is doing it
[5/10/2011 10:31:28 PM] Joe Kim: well that's fine
[5/10/2011 10:31:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I told Bella he's only allowed to not show vs x x x x teams
[5/10/2011 10:31:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ^^
[5/10/2011 10:31:50 PM] Joe Kim: cuz whoever can step up
[5/10/2011 10:31:53 PM] Joe Kim: from vTv
[5/10/2011 10:31:54 PM] Joe Kim: for 2v2
[5/10/2011 10:32:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well you obv :D
[5/10/2011 10:32:02 PM] Joe Kim: in Div C
[5/10/2011 10:32:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but, derp
[5/10/2011 10:32:09 PM] Joe Kim: so id be free
[5/10/2011 10:32:10 PM] Joe Kim: after 1v1s
[5/10/2011 10:32:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[5/10/2011 10:32:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so much stress
[5/10/2011 10:32:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": playing so many games
[5/10/2011 10:32:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": mind = wut?
[5/10/2011 10:32:27 PM] Joe Kim: but
[5/10/2011 10:32:33 PM] Joe Kim: i would need another name
[5/10/2011 10:32:39 PM] Joe Kim: for LRM
[5/10/2011 10:32:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Voltron?
[5/10/2011 10:32:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": derp
[5/10/2011 10:32:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but yeah
[5/10/2011 10:32:54 PM] Joe Kim: he changed his PW
[5/10/2011 10:32:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it's no biggy, I think we've got it under control
[5/10/2011 10:33:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so kick him from team?
[5/10/2011 10:33:08 PM] Joe Kim: no, he plays
[5/10/2011 10:33:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see
[5/10/2011 10:33:28 PM] Joe Kim: i disced him one time
[5/10/2011 10:33:30 PM] Joe Kim: during a ladder game
[5/10/2011 10:33:31 PM] Joe Kim: he got pissed
[5/10/2011 10:33:35 PM] Joe Kim: and changed pw

[5/10/2011 10:33:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hahaha
[5/10/2011 10:33:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "umad?"
+ Show Spoiler +

[5/29/2011 2:35:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw did u notice who changed their PW?
[5/29/2011 2:40:00 PM] Joe Kim: huh?
[5/29/2011 2:40:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": on
[5/29/2011 2:40:23 PM] Joe Kim: what are you talking about?
[5/29/2011 2:40:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": supreme
[5/29/2011 2:40:50 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[5/29/2011 2:41:00 PM] Joe Kim: messer kicked him out
[5/29/2011 2:41:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he's back though isnt he?
[5/29/2011 2:41:10 PM] Joe Kim: nope
[5/29/2011 2:41:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[5/29/2011 2:41:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so stupid
[5/29/2011 2:41:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": messer is
[5/29/2011 2:41:26 PM] Joe Kim: he's no longer SA or even a regular admin
[5/29/2011 2:41:46 PM] Joe Kim: he only logs on Charisma[AoV] now
[5/29/2011 2:42:00 PM] Joe Kim: iccup.clay is the new appointed SA
[5/29/2011 2:42:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[5/29/2011 2:42:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Clay is never even there
[5/29/2011 2:42:14 PM] Joe Kim: dayfly, scythe, and 1a2a3a are the regular ones i think
[5/29/2011 2:42:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": meh
[5/29/2011 2:42:24 PM] Joe Kim: none of them know
[5/29/2011 2:42:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": dayfly has a vendetta against me
[5/29/2011 2:42:29 PM] Joe Kim: how to run CL
[5/29/2011 2:42:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": agreed

+ Show Spoiler +

[6/3/2011 6:50:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so is Voltron's account banned now?
[6/3/2011 6:50:34 PM] Joe Kim: let me ask
[6/3/2011 6:50:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[6/3/2011 6:51:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it says it right in ur copy/paste w/ him
[6/3/2011 6:51:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": his acct got sniped
[6/3/2011 6:51:23 PM] Joe Kim: i think he can go on the server though
[6/3/2011 6:51:28 PM] Joe Kim: he's sitebanned
[6/3/2011 6:51:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see
[6/3/2011 6:52:21 PM] Joe Kim: gecko's great :D
[6/3/2011 6:52:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol ye
[6/3/2011 6:52:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": trolls himself
[6/3/2011 6:52:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": look @ Tesla selling u out
[6/3/2011 6:52:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": stupid cunt
[6/3/2011 6:53:13 PM] Joe Kim: yeah, i know right?
[6/3/2011 6:53:15 PM] Joe Kim: hahahaha
[6/3/2011 6:53:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": there's a reason I always went at that hoe
[6/3/2011 6:53:37 PM] Joe Kim: there's so much shit i have on her, but i dont need her to cry for 3 more pages
[6/3/2011 6:54:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl bro
[6/3/2011 6:54:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I already made her cry
[6/3/2011 6:54:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ezpz
[6/3/2011 7:04:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it's impeccable that she thinks they can keep u off iCCup
[6/3/2011 7:04:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": WOWOWOW
[6/3/2011 7:06:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": aw dude don't throw Jeremy under the bus
[6/3/2011 7:15:26 PM] Joe Kim: wasnt
[6/3/2011 7:17:12 PM] Joe Kim: did it come off bad?
[6/3/2011 7:46:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah ^^
[6/3/2011 7:55:24 PM] Joe Kim: damn, did i delete the right part then?
[6/3/2011 7:56:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its already quoted
[6/3/2011 7:56:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": cant change it
[6/4/2011 11:14:11 AM] Joe Kim: hahahahaha
[6/4/2011 11:14:15 AM] Joe Kim: im fucking dying
[6/4/2011 11:14:27 AM] Joe Kim: hiro/suzigo were asking me in korean
[6/4/2011 11:14:33 AM] Joe Kim: "why is our leader so fucking ugly?"
[6/4/2011 11:14:47 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D:D:D
[6/4/2011 12:11:00 PM] Joe Kim: what's with the lineup for LRM...
[6/4/2011 12:11:05 PM] Joe Kim: didnt kyle said he'd show?
[6/4/2011 12:11:12 PM] Joe Kim: say*
[6/4/2011 12:11:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no
[6/4/2011 12:11:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he told me he'll be in Columbus for MLG
[6/4/2011 12:14:17 PM] Joe Kim: LOL
[6/4/2011 12:14:21 PM] Joe Kim: he went to MLG
[6/4/2011 12:14:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yes
[6/4/2011 3:01:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": having Scan request to take it over + gonna use his acc?
[6/4/2011 3:02:28 PM] Joe Kim: no
[6/4/2011 3:02:33 PM] Joe Kim: im having tesla get overthrown
[6/4/2011 3:02:36 PM] Joe Kim: but for some reason
[6/4/2011 3:02:41 PM] Joe Kim: Messer is keeping her there
[6/4/2011 3:02:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[6/4/2011 3:02:51 PM] Joe Kim: the vTv members want Scan as the leader
[6/4/2011 3:02:56 PM] Joe Kim: not Tesla
[6/4/2011 3:03:03 PM] Joe Kim: Tesla can be the cheerleader
[6/4/2011 3:03:18 PM] Joe Kim: doesnt come to clan wars
[6/4/2011 3:03:30 PM] Joe Kim: and changed the pw to a shared leader account
[6/4/2011 3:03:32 PM] Joe Kim: aka vTv.
[6/4/2011 3:03:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol+ Show Spoiler +

[6/13/2011 5:15:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[6/13/2011 5:15:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": have any hidden admin accts?
[6/13/2011 5:15:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ;P
[6/13/2011 5:15:58 PM] Joe Kim: no
[6/13/2011 5:16:04 PM] Joe Kim: i've got nothing right now

[6/13/2011 5:16:07 PM] Joe Kim: trying to talk to yelloant
[6/13/2011 5:16:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[6/13/2011 9:55:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yoski Joeski
+ Show Spoiler +

[6/22/2011 10:25:48 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you know more than anyone on that CAT team
[6/22/2011 10:25:48 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[6/22/2011 10:26:07 AM] Joe Kim: well, circumstances suck right now
[6/22/2011 10:26:13 AM] Joe Kim: my status is up to Paladin
[6/22/2011 10:26:23 AM] Joe Kim: YelloAnt says he cant help me right now
[6/22/2011 10:26:32 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you can check
[6/22/2011 10:26:48 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and aren't you using Mercucial atm?
[6/22/2011 10:26:56 AM] Joe Kim: no
[6/22/2011 10:26:58 AM] Joe Kim: that's supreme
[6/22/2011 10:27:02 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh ok
[6/22/2011 10:27:26 AM] Joe Kim: i mean i can proxy a name
[6/22/2011 10:27:32 AM] Joe Kim: but not a "JoeKim" name
[6/22/2011 10:27:36 AM] Joe Kim: without getting sitebanned
[6/22/2011 10:27:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah ofc
[6/22/2011 10:27:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[6/22/2011 10:27:52 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but counter abuse has nothing to do with what name u use
[6/22/2011 10:28:08 AM] Joe Kim: yeah i know
[6/22/2011 10:28:12 AM] Joe Kim: but for like
[6/22/2011 10:28:14 AM] Joe Kim: chatbox purposes
[6/22/2011 10:28:20 AM] Joe Kim: and annoucements
[6/22/2011 10:28:25 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh ok yeah
[6/22/2011 10:28:29 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hm
[6/22/2011 10:28:37 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[6/22/2011 10:28:38 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": didnt think of that
[6/22/2011 10:28:52 AM] Joe Kim: like how every week i should remind in the chatbox
[6/22/2011 10:28:57 AM] Joe Kim: the basic shit
[6/22/2011 10:29:05 AM] Joe Kim: like "dont play over 20 games vs same player"
[6/22/2011 10:29:08 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[6/22/2011 10:29:10 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well
[6/22/2011 10:29:17 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I mean, you can tell me to do those things
[6/22/2011 10:29:19 AM] Joe Kim: since that happened til the last day of ISL 1
[6/22/2011 10:29:22 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I never pay attention to that kinda stuff ;d
[6/22/2011 10:29:47 AM] Joe Kim: im on board with this
[6/22/2011 10:29:56 AM] Joe Kim: and you have my number if im not online
[6/22/2011 10:29:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": word
[6/22/2011 10:30:08 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yep ^^
[6/22/2011 10:30:15 AM] Joe Kim: if i get my ipban lifted, any possible chance i could be one of the invites?
[6/22/2011 10:30:21 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "Joe bro u gotta leave class, I dont understand this matchlist" xD
[6/22/2011 10:30:31 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it is possible, I've only invited 1 person
[6/22/2011 10:30:34 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": with only 2 others in mind
[6/22/2011 10:30:36 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": (and only 1 will accept0
[6/22/2011 10:30:39 AM] Joe Kim: awesome
[6/22/2011 10:30:46 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'd also grant you another smurf
[6/22/2011 10:30:48 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": too much hate
[6/22/2011 10:30:50 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": haters gon' hate
[6/22/2011 10:30:59 AM] Joe Kim: chances are looking slim right now though
[6/22/2011 10:31:00 AM] Joe Kim: paladin is a lot smarter
[6/22/2011 10:31:06 AM] Joe Kim: than most HA
[6/22/2011 10:31:07 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[6/22/2011 10:31:15 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not system wise, but general intelligence wise
[6/22/2011 10:31:16 AM] Joe Kim: he threw the LAW at me
[6/22/2011 10:31:24 AM] Joe Kim: "in the Court of Law, you would go to jail"
[6/22/2011 10:31:26 AM] Joe Kim: hahaha
[6/22/2011 10:31:28 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lololol
[6/22/2011 10:31:38 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "conspiracy isnt a big deal in America chill bro"
[6/22/2011 10:31:38 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[6/22/2011 10:31:49 AM] Joe Kim: he did his research and talked with a lot of experience heads before responding to me
[6/22/2011 10:31:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": same with me
[6/22/2011 10:31:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that's why ISL2 wont be on iCCup
[6/22/2011 10:32:04 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": minus their free ladder
[6/22/2011 10:32:17 AM] Joe Kim: what do you mean?
[6/22/2011 10:32:26 AM] Joe Kim: Group Stage and Finals are not on iCCup?
[6/22/2011 10:32:30 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no
[6/22/2011 10:32:33 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they banned my tournaments from iCCup
[6/22/2011 10:32:36 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": " "
[6/22/2011 10:32:40 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I don't want the headache
[6/22/2011 10:32:46 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so I'm just gonna do it on West
[6/22/2011 10:32:48 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": w/ chaos
[6/22/2011 10:33:06 AM] Joe Kim: eek
[6/22/2011 10:33:15 AM] Joe Kim: that's why u needed a programmer
[6/22/2011 10:33:18 AM] Joe Kim: for antihack
[6/22/2011 10:33:20 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yep
[6/22/2011 10:33:30 AM] Joe Kim: let me see if DarkTiger can do anything
[6/22/2011 10:33:37 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": kk
[6/22/2011 10:33:43 AM] Joe Kim: too bad im banned from TL for 3 days
[6/22/2011 10:33:45 AM] Joe Kim: for a joke
[6/22/2011 10:33:47 AM] Joe Kim: i posted in NWL
[6/22/2011 10:33:57 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hahaha
[6/22/2011 10:33:58 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I saw
[6/22/2011 10:33:59 AM] Joe Kim: fucking forum nazis
[6/22/2011 10:34:01 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": congo ^^
[6/22/2011 10:34:06 AM] Joe Kim: get real man..
[6/22/2011 10:34:16 AM] Joe Kim: that's like the slightest bit offensive
[6/22/2011 10:34:40 AM] Joe Kim: niggas say that shit in their jungle rap songs
[6/22/2011 10:34:41 AM] Joe Kim: anyway
[6/22/2011 10:34:50 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl
+ Show Spoiler +

[6/22/2011 11:30:26 AM] Joe Kim: how have the LRM lineups been
[6/22/2011 11:30:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": constant, steady, without enough options
[6/22/2011 11:30:53 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :/
[6/22/2011 11:30:54 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we have no T players
[6/22/2011 11:30:57 AM] Joe Kim: think it'll be solid for the playoffs in a couple weeks?
[6/22/2011 11:31:08 AM] Joe Kim: sas finally picked up sziky
[6/22/2011 11:31:18 AM] Joe Kim: ulitmate zerg team
[6/22/2011 11:31:41 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah it'll be solid
[6/22/2011 11:31:43 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but not what I want
[6/22/2011 11:31:53 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont have a 2v2 team that is worth shit
[6/22/2011 11:32:04 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and my 1v1 has weaknesses
[6/22/2011 11:32:36 AM] Joe Kim: bella quit?
[6/22/2011 11:32:42 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no
[6/22/2011 11:32:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but hes useless
[6/22/2011 11:32:53 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": make him team captain/in charge of 2v2
[6/22/2011 11:32:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he recruits a useless player
[6/22/2011 11:33:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": a player that dies every 2v2 match
[6/22/2011 11:33:00 AM] Joe Kim: Six
[6/22/2011 11:33:02 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and stops playing bw
[6/22/2011 11:34:19 AM] Joe Kim: i could play from my cousin's house and ally kyle
[6/22/2011 11:35:08 AM] Joe Kim: yeah LRM zerg heavy
[6/22/2011 11:35:19 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we have 6 active players that will come to CWs
[6/22/2011 11:35:21 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 3 Z 3 P
[6/22/2011 11:35:21 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :/
[6/22/2011 11:35:31 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that'd be good if u played w/ Kyle
[6/22/2011 11:39:02 AM] Joe Kim: yeah i dont see any prospect recruits
[6/22/2011 11:39:24 AM] Joe Kim: i mean you can probably steal aces from weak ass teams
[6/22/2011 11:39:28 AM] Joe Kim: like BSt and bd
[6/22/2011 11:40:30 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[6/22/2011 11:40:32 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": looking at bst.gag
+ Show Spoiler +

[6/23/2011 8:18:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": brb logging on 1 of my 7 admin accounts and /fingering
[6/23/2011 8:18:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":

[6/23/2011 8:18:13 PM] Joe Kim: haha
[6/23/2011 8:18:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so anyway
[6/23/2011 8:18:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": me + u gonna do cat under the radar
[6/23/2011 8:18:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": still submit reports to me
[6/23/2011 8:18:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it'll just be more communication and more reporting
[6/23/2011 8:18:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but the same shit
[6/23/2011 8:18:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": behind the scenes, white knights of bw
[6/23/2011 8:19:06 PM] Joe Kim: As I am not part of this tournament anymore, I think this warrants the idiot mark that all of your other posts get. But bro, can I come over and bring you more food than you had the means of producing on your own behalf? Please.
[6/23/2011 8:19:09 PM] Joe Kim: hahahaha
[6/23/2011 8:19:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[6/23/2011 8:19:16 PM] Joe Kim: u got pizza bro?
[6/23/2011 8:19:20 PM] Joe Kim: salami only
[6/23/2011 8:19:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[6/23/2011 8:19:45 PM] Joe Kim: well our inside man is noone
[6/23/2011 8:19:46 PM] Joe Kim: obv
[6/23/2011 8:19:52 PM] Joe Kim: sayle against us?
[6/23/2011 8:20:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no
[6/23/2011 8:20:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but he was blindsided
[6/23/2011 8:20:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and didnt react under pressure properly
[6/23/2011 8:20:17 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[6/23/2011 8:20:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": however, i managed to get into his head after a while
[6/23/2011 8:20:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": kid was in shock
[6/23/2011 8:20:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i had multiple backup plans
[6/23/2011 8:20:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wasnt a biggy
[6/23/2011 8:20:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": iCCup is just convenient
[6/23/2011 8:20:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and if you know me... I'll win this one
[6/23/2011 8:20:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so much fuckage gonna happen after ladder stage rofl
[6/23/2011 8:20:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gg iCCUp
[6/23/2011 8:22:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I was coaching Kaal, as he was in there, too
[6/23/2011 8:22:16 PM] Joe Kim: well there goes my Invite
[6/23/2011 8:22:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and he played well
[6/23/2011 8:22:19 PM] Joe Kim: hahahaha
[6/23/2011 8:22:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": haha
[6/23/2011 8:22:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well the group stags + ro64 wont be on iccup
[6/23/2011 8:22:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so its ok
[6/23/2011 8:22:49 PM] Joe Kim: rofl
[6/23/2011 8:23:17 PM] Joe Kim: "expect everyone to get banned/locked"
[6/23/2011 8:23:25 PM] Joe Kim: i can see it now
[6/23/2011 8:23:46 PM] Joe Kim: "this wasnt part of the agreement"
[6/23/2011 8:23:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh I know it's coming
[6/23/2011 8:23:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
+ Show Spoiler +

[6/24/2011 10:18:40 AM] Joe Kim: lol
[6/24/2011 10:18:45 AM] Joe Kim: dunno yet
[6/25/2011 11:34:11 PM] Joe Kim: Six left LRM for Nb?
[6/25/2011 11:34:12 PM] Joe Kim: wtf
[6/26/2011 8:41:44 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ya
[6/26/2011 8:43:05 AM] Joe Kim: do you want hirosue/suzigo/nizzy?
[6/26/2011 8:43:14 AM] Joe Kim: or u gotta ask bella?
[6/26/2011 8:43:27 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think Bella might want nizzy
[6/26/2011 8:43:48 AM] Joe Kim: well it's a package
[6/26/2011 8:44:11 AM] Joe Kim: hiro and scan got into an argument
[6/26/2011 8:44:17 AM] Joe Kim: and long story short, they're leaving
[6/26/2011 8:46:23 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see
[6/26/2011 8:46:28 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme ask Xalo

[6/26/2011 2:17:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Joe there?
[6/26/2011 8:03:11 PM] Joe Kim: hey
[6/26/2011 8:03:13 PM] Joe Kim: just got home
[6/26/2011 8:03:13 PM] Joe Kim: wsup
[6/26/2011 8:22:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": shit I forgot what about
[6/26/2011 8:22:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ohh
[6/26/2011 8:22:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you wanna VPN/proxy or go to your cousins to be on USA A?
[6/26/2011 8:24:27 PM] Joe Kim: i would love to
[6/26/2011 8:24:33 PM] Joe Kim: but would it be possible to get in
[6/26/2011 8:24:36 PM] Joe Kim: as the smurf i am right now?
[6/26/2011 8:24:44 PM] Joe Kim: im surprised u still didnt figure it out
[6/26/2011 8:24:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ur fuckin Polish
[6/26/2011 8:24:52 PM] Joe Kim: i mean i lost a lot of games on purpose
[6/26/2011 8:24:57 PM] Joe Kim: but it's still obvious
[6/26/2011 8:25:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I know
[6/26/2011 8:25:07 PM] Joe Kim: since i shared his ID back in NASCL or whatever. im sharing Ruarc(OD)
[6/26/2011 8:25:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I messaged u in op (OD) today
[6/26/2011 8:25:13 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[6/26/2011 8:25:15 PM] Joe Kim: hahahahaha
[6/26/2011 8:25:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": derp
[6/26/2011 8:25:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": h/o lemme copy/paste something
[6/26/2011 8:25:31 PM] Joe Kim: i cant respond to you even if i wanted to
[6/26/2011 8:25:35 PM] Joe Kim: 504h chatban
[6/26/2011 8:25:45 PM] Joe Kim: for telling Drone[ANBU] he's a pathetic piece of shit
[6/26/2011 8:25:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": haha
[6/26/2011 8:25:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": manner]flip, dredredre, lrm)semih, ilovemusic, lrm)lokim, donzodonzo, bizzy[pain], ruarc(od), ace(gg),, monos[pain], ceO (at USEast), ifu.lastgosu
[6/26/2011 8:25:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": some guy 7 names in
[6/26/2011 8:26:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": never heard of him
[6/26/2011 8:26:02 PM] Joe Kim: for telling me to stfu when i said gg
[6/26/2011 8:26:13 PM] Joe Kim: i like that team
[6/26/2011 8:26:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that is what I wrote Justin (I was voted as leader but gave it to him and im "co-leader")
[6/26/2011 8:26:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": there are a couple others
[6/26/2011 8:26:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Michael, Jumper
[6/26/2011 8:26:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and 2 other names i dropped later
[6/26/2011 8:26:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but yeah
[6/26/2011 8:26:45 PM] Joe Kim: i never knew calling somone "loser" in their ICCUP Guestbook as well as putting a "Fucking newbies" list in ICCUP profile is punishable
[6/26/2011 8:26:50 PM] Joe Kim: 504h man.. that's 3 weeks
[6/26/2011 8:26:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just confirm so I can tell uhh Justin to accept you + Soap
[6/26/2011 8:27:02 PM] Joe Kim: and im scared to transfer just in case i get tracked LOL
[6/26/2011 8:27:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl
[6/26/2011 8:27:23 PM] Joe Kim: well if anyone thinks imma smurf
[6/26/2011 8:27:26 PM] Joe Kim: Ruarc was actually pretty good and still plays
[6/26/2011 8:27:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I know
[6/26/2011 8:27:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he would be like C+ old days B nowadays
[6/26/2011 8:27:40 PM] Joe Kim: my first ally that got me to B/B+ 2v2
[6/26/2011 8:27:44 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[6/26/2011 8:27:48 PM] Joe Kim: just in case
[6/26/2011 8:27:52 PM] Joe Kim: let me give you his list of akas
[6/26/2011 8:27:55 PM] Joe Kim: yeah?
[6/26/2011 8:28:05 PM] Joe Kim: im sure it's going to be asked sooner or later
[6/26/2011 8:28:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[6/26/2011 8:28:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well make
[6/26/2011 8:28:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": [US]Ruarc
[6/26/2011 8:28:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and join this team
[6/26/2011 8:28:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[6/26/2011 8:30:08 PM] Joe Kim: dativo, monifa, S.pG)Plato, qG.Ruarc, qG.Ruarc[uTm], G4i.Ruarc
[6/26/2011 8:30:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": qG. totally forgot about that fuckin team
[6/26/2011 8:30:43 PM] Joe Kim: yeah they were poppin up during the first season of Abyss
[6/26/2011 8:30:50 PM] Joe Kim: since one of the main admins was qG.Optix
[6/26/2011 8:30:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": had a lot of r00skies
[6/26/2011 8:31:07 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[6/26/2011 8:31:42 PM] Joe Kim: imma go eat my chipotle and think about doing some pushups before i sleep
[6/26/2011 8:31:45 PM] Joe Kim: hahahahaha
[6/26/2011 8:31:49 PM] Joe Kim: ill jin the team in a bit
[6/26/2011 8:31:51 PM] Joe Kim: when does it start
[6/26/2011 8:32:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dunno
[6/26/2011 8:32:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": dont really care
[6/26/2011 8:32:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just doing some player relations
[6/26/2011 8:32:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I'll help nOoNe arrange the LU's
[6/26/2011 8:32:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw
[6/26/2011 8:32:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": can u inform me of something?
[6/26/2011 8:32:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if I log in someone else's account
[6/26/2011 8:32:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": does it show on the page somewhere
[6/26/2011 8:32:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that my IP logged into their account?
[6/26/2011 9:53:14 PM] Joe Kim: i dont think so
[6/26/2011 9:53:44 PM] Joe Kim: im not even sure how they knew about matchlist IP addresses during TSL
[6/26/2011 9:53:54 PM] Joe Kim: because that's what i wanted for ISL
[6/26/2011 9:54:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you ever toyed around with it on a serious note, enough that u can say "wtf i dont get it"?
[6/26/2011 9:54:18 PM] Joe Kim: but when i was asking nOoNe before ISL about it, he didnt know
[6/26/2011 9:54:32 PM] Joe Kim: what do you mean?
[6/26/2011 9:54:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[6/26/2011 9:54:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I thought you might have tested it out
[6/26/2011 9:54:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": seen if there was a possible way to do it
[6/26/2011 9:54:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": back in TSL
[6/26/2011 9:54:52 PM] Joe Kim: i tried searching for it
[6/26/2011 9:54:56 PM] Joe Kim: when i was Super Admin
[6/26/2011 9:55:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": between R1CH and iCCup actually having decent DEV team
[6/26/2011 9:55:03 PM] Joe Kim: trying to figure out what TSL did
[6/26/2011 9:55:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they could've easily installed something into the launcher
[6/26/2011 9:55:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": or onto the website
[6/26/2011 9:55:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": temporarily
[6/26/2011 9:55:13 PM] Joe Kim: yeah..
[6/26/2011 9:55:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I asked R1CH if he'd make me an AH attachment for chaos for $400
[6/26/2011 9:55:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": turned down so quick
[6/26/2011 9:55:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": damn TL paying him so much >_<+ Show Spoiler +

[6/26/2011 9:59:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Eywa has ideas
[6/26/2011 9:59:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but in general, is not too intelligent or follow-through

+ Show Spoiler +

[6/26/2011 10:08:27 PM] Joe Kim: cuz im not trying to get the smurf a suspicious reputation where people start proving like the Stimquick stuff
[6/26/2011 10:08:50 PM] Joe Kim: probing**
[6/26/2011 10:10:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wait until the 20th to ladder
[6/26/2011 10:10:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": stay in the low 70s
[6/26/2011 10:10:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ladder the last 2-3 days
[6/26/2011 10:10:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u know what i mean
[6/26/2011 10:10:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": top 12...
[6/26/2011 10:10:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": instant caught
[6/26/2011 10:10:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u know it, i know it
[6/26/2011 10:10:29 PM] Joe Kim: oh alright
[6/26/2011 10:10:37 PM] Joe Kim: you're doing the seeding right?
[6/26/2011 10:10:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ofc
[6/26/2011 10:10:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": damn
[6/26/2011 10:10:55 PM] Joe Kim: other than the Top picking their groups
[6/26/2011 10:11:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its nice to know that even though ur not always loyal, ur the 1 person I can just straight up be like
[6/26/2011 10:11:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah w/e im doing this
[6/26/2011 10:11:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i dont even gotta think about it
[6/26/2011 10:11:15 PM] Joe Kim: hahaha
+ Show Spoiler +

[6/26/2011 10:13:35 PM] Joe Kim: has he been active
[6/26/2011 10:13:41 PM] Joe Kim: looks like you finally seeded him int a CW
[6/26/2011 10:13:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[6/26/2011 10:13:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just for the playoffs
[6/26/2011 10:13:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh shit
[6/26/2011 10:14:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I just realized I coulda dropped him into [PaiN] W.O
[6/26/2011 10:14:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": mannn
[6/26/2011 10:14:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": this is when I need u helping me with LRM) to slap me with the abusive shit i dont think of
[6/26/2011 10:14:14 PM] Joe Kim: it's kinda tricky
[6/26/2011 10:14:16 PM] Joe Kim: LRM got a lot of 2:3 3:2
[6/26/2011 10:14:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ?
[6/26/2011 10:14:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[6/26/2011 10:14:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": BSt/FR
[6/26/2011 10:14:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we could've used the +5 vs FR
[6/26/2011 10:14:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I coulda dropped Soko into
[6/26/2011 10:14:45 PM] Joe Kim: yeah...
[6/26/2011 10:14:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": PaiN
[6/26/2011 10:14:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": with our +6 vs ICE
[6/26/2011 10:14:52 PM] Joe Kim: hmm
[6/26/2011 10:14:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we are gonna be 2nd
[6/26/2011 10:14:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but still...
[6/26/2011 10:14:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :/

[6/26/2011 10:14:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": by 1 point lol
[6/26/2011 10:15:09 PM] Joe Kim: any word from bella about hiro/suzigo/nizzy trio?
[6/26/2011 10:15:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if Nb 3-2's FR and iFU 3-2's PaiN, LRM is #2 by 1 point
[6/26/2011 10:15:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nah I didnt talk to him after BWCL
[6/26/2011 10:15:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": been a crazy day
[6/26/2011 10:15:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": need to tomorrow after I get back from my first day of summer skewl
[6/26/2011 10:20:57 PM] Joe Kim: man, did you do the calculations yet on LRM playoff status?
[6/26/2011 10:21:06 PM] Joe Kim: off a glimpse, it looks iffy
[6/26/2011 10:21:29 PM] Joe Kim: top 5 have 7 games
[6/26/2011 10:21:35 PM] Joe Kim: LRM has 8
[6/26/2011 10:21:51 PM] Joe Kim: #3-5 are only 3 points
[6/26/2011 10:21:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I calculated
[6/26/2011 10:22:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its on my other cpu but
[6/26/2011 10:22:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": LRM) is guaranteed 35 pts
[6/26/2011 10:22:07 PM] Joe Kim: the pain CW hurt
[6/26/2011 10:22:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yep
[6/26/2011 10:22:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and not putting Kolll in instead of Soko vs FR
[6/26/2011 10:22:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but no matter what we are going to qualify
[6/26/2011 10:22:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the only way not is if ICE doesnt show up for their first CW this season due to relationships with other people
[6/26/2011 10:22:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": (would be out by 1 point from Manner)
[6/26/2011 10:22:57 PM] Joe Kim: vs ICE should be +6 so yeah 35pts
[6/26/2011 10:22:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the way I have it figured
[6/26/2011 10:23:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sas 37, LRM 35, Nb 34, iFU 34, Manner 33
[6/26/2011 10:23:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and if that is the case of ICE not showing, I am well prepared to pay yoda or Ryder to hand over a W.O to Nb or iFU
[6/26/2011 10:23:54 PM] Joe Kim: pain cant w.o
[6/26/2011 10:24:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yes they can
[6/26/2011 10:24:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": why not?
[6/26/2011 10:25:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they only W.Oed once
[6/26/2011 10:25:09 PM] Joe Kim: it's 2 w.o. ban
[6/26/2011 10:25:26 PM] Joe Kim: which also means
[6/26/2011 10:25:30 PM] Joe Kim: all teams get w.o.
[6/26/2011 10:25:37 PM] Joe Kim: and they -1 all teams
[6/26/2011 10:25:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": np
[6/26/2011 10:25:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they arent that smart
[6/26/2011 10:26:12 PM] Joe Kim: well
[6/26/2011 10:26:25 PM] Joe Kim: Nb will 3:2 BSt because it's Whistler's match
[6/26/2011 10:26:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I already calculated that
[6/26/2011 10:26:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 26 + 4
[6/26/2011 10:26:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and 3-2 FR
[6/26/2011 10:26:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": +4
[6/26/2011 10:26:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 32
[6/26/2011 10:26:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 34*
[6/26/2011 10:27:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": iFU +4 when Sziky beats eonzerg
[6/26/2011 10:27:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": then 3-2 PaiN and +4
[6/26/2011 10:27:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 34
[6/26/2011 10:27:40 PM] Joe Kim: ah, alright
[6/26/2011 10:27:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": my problem is
[6/26/2011 10:27:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": how can I hype the CW vs ICE
[6/26/2011 10:27:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they know they have no chance
[6/26/2011 10:28:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and I dont know if any of their members have any ties to Nb who is the only team who would sabotage LRM, or if they could be persuaded to do so
[6/26/2011 10:28:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": basically we need +6 vs ICE
[6/26/2011 10:28:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": since PaiN W.Oed vs us
[6/26/2011 10:28:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": (assholes)
[6/26/2011 10:28:51 PM] Joe Kim: mostly russian
[6/26/2011 10:30:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": what do you know about this guy DOSBOX?
[6/26/2011 10:31:31 PM] Joe Kim: never heard of him?
[6/26/2011 10:31:35 PM] Joe Kim: where's he from?
[6/26/2011 10:31:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Russia
[6/26/2011 10:31:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": DEV team for iCCup
[6/26/2011 10:31:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": doing all of their important work
[6/26/2011 10:31:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ie he is the only one who knows how
[6/26/2011 10:32:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": [1:05:21 AM] wr.official: He's one of the newer admins
[1:05:37 AM] wr.official: He's funny. Sounds like a gangster russian from an old mob movie
[1:05:50 AM] David Barr: iCCup admins?
[1:06:12 AM] wr.official: but he's making overlay programs and he's currently working on the directdraw windows 7 incompatibility issue
[1:06:32 AM] wr.official: yeah iccup admin+ Show Spoiler +

[6/28/2011 5:32:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": haha
[6/28/2011 5:32:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just got /kill'd on iccup
[6/28/2011 6:40:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Joe
[6/28/2011 10:13:37 PM] Joe Kim: ?
[6/28/2011 10:13:38 PM] Joe Kim: wtf
[6/28/2011 10:20:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": heh
[6/28/2011 10:20:09 PM] *** LRM)Game "David Barr" sent wtflocked.jpg,... ***
[6/28/2011 10:20:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just chillin in op LRM)
[6/28/2011 10:20:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lalalalala
[6/28/2011 10:20:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": "Your account has been locked by an admin"
[6/28/2011 10:20:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wut?
[6/28/2011 10:20:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Eywa or Tenshi are the only possibilites of snitching
[6/28/2011 10:21:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": what do you think about watching over LRM)?

[6/28/2011 10:21:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think I might want a new hobby
[6/28/2011 10:25:09 PM] Joe Kim: ipbanned?
[6/28/2011 10:25:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yep
[6/28/2011 10:25:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": without warrant or explanation haha
[6/28/2011 10:25:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gotta <3 iccup
[6/28/2011 10:25:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": thinking about just cancelling isl2 or reformatting it
[6/28/2011 10:26:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but one of the main sponsors never turned their money in
[6/28/2011 10:26:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so im at a loss right now
[6/28/2011 10:26:11 PM] Joe Kim: cancel it
[6/28/2011 10:26:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and i dont wanna be like
[6/28/2011 10:26:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": HEY KAAL BRO
[6/28/2011 10:26:15 PM] Joe Kim: and blame
[6/28/2011 10:26:15 PM] Joe Kim: icc
[6/28/2011 10:26:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": CHECK THIS OUT
[6/28/2011 10:26:36 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[6/28/2011 10:26:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not to mention
[6/28/2011 10:26:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": my cpu has been acting so bad
[6/28/2011 10:26:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": derp
[6/28/2011 10:26:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i dunno ill think about it after ive slept
[6/28/2011 10:26:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but definitely might be looking into a new hobby
[6/28/2011 10:27:27 PM] Joe Kim: ...
[6/28/2011 10:27:32 PM] Joe Kim: u gay?
[6/28/2011 10:27:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": possibly
[6/28/2011 10:27:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just dont have the want or the will to do anything big with iccup
[6/28/2011 10:27:52 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[6/28/2011 10:27:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i was planning a website
[6/28/2011 10:28:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": me and someone else were plannin to open a server
[6/28/2011 10:28:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yada yada
[6/28/2011 10:28:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just not worth my time
[6/28/2011 10:28:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no benefit
[6/28/2011 10:28:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just need to find a replacement leader to run LRM)
[6/28/2011 10:28:56 PM] Joe Kim: noone
[6/28/2011 10:30:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[6/28/2011 10:30:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": im thinking give jinu the right to powers
[6/28/2011 10:30:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and noone to manage it
[6/28/2011 10:30:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but i dont think he understands the dynamic of personal relationships with players
[6/28/2011 10:30:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": moreso the non-representative management part of it
[6/28/2011 10:31:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no point in having it for its original purpose at least lol
+ Show Spoiler +

[7/2/2011 10:10:50 AM] Joe Kim: ok ill just tell mercurial to make a different name then..
[7/2/2011 10:10:57 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yep
[7/2/2011 10:10:59 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": fuck Supreme, too
[7/2/2011 10:11:06 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": extra reason for me to ban it
[7/2/2011 10:15:18 AM] Joe Kim: eh, alright
[7/2/2011 10:16:20 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think I need to like
[7/2/2011 10:16:25 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": do an interview with Justin to go over the rules
[7/2/2011 10:16:35 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it seems he doesnt understand them, as I'm sure he had to accept at least one of the team names

[7/5/2011 12:57:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we have a match friday at 8pm
[7/5/2011 12:57:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": regarding USA A
[7/5/2011 12:59:19 PM] Joe Kim: 8pm EST right? against who?
[7/5/2011 12:59:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[7/5/2011 12:59:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme ask
[7/5/2011 12:59:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": CehNehDeh
[7/5/2011 1:00:38 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[7/5/2011 1:00:40 PM] Joe Kim: maps?
[7/5/2011 1:01:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": [4:01:12 PM] David Barr: what are the maps vs Ceh Neh Duh?
[4:01:17 PM] iccup.nooone: no clue
[7/5/2011 1:05:07 PM] Joe Kim: nice
[7/5/2011 1:05:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh.....fuck I haven't even thought about that yet
[7/5/2011 1:05:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": err
[7/5/2011 1:05:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Tenshi said that to Justin
[7/5/2011 1:05:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ...
[7/5/2011 1:05:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": fucking ((shake))+ Show Spoiler +

[7/6/2011 10:51:36 AM] Joe Kim: skzlime 2-1 Ngo
[7/6/2011 10:51:39 AM] Joe Kim: congrats on playoffs LRM
[7/6/2011 10:53:08 AM] Joe Kim: LRM vs sas
[7/6/2011 10:53:11 AM] Joe Kim: Nb vs iFU
[7/6/2011 12:06:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": :D
[7/6/2011 8:26:18 PM] Joe Kim: [KiDCaNaDa]
(Messages 67)
today @ 00:58 CET

Hmm, the score results are all wrong... LRM) is lucky sas. pulled them out of the brinks of elimination, could've been a 4 way draw with Manner] instead. Hopefully we will have a stream set up with some commentaries??
+ Show Spoiler +

[7/9/2011 11:40:17 AM] Joe Kim: T.T
[7/9/2011 11:40:25 AM] Joe Kim: im over it now
[7/9/2011 11:40:31 AM] Joe Kim: congrats vs sas
+ Show Spoiler +

[7/10/2011 9:38:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[7/10/2011 9:39:01 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[7/10/2011 9:39:03 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I does what I canz.
[7/10/2011 4:19:13 PM] Joe Kim: dfgdsfgsdfgdsfgd
[7/10/2011 4:19:19 PM] Joe Kim: was that the finals?
[7/10/2011 4:20:59 PM] Joe Kim: holy shit
[7/10/2011 4:21:04 PM] Joe Kim: GOOD SHIT MY NIGGA
[7/10/2011 4:23:27 PM] Joe Kim: o thought this was going to be played next sat
[7/10/2011 9:10:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 5-0
[7/10/2011 9:54:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ISL*2*-Choosy
[7/10/2011 9:54:45 PM] Joe Kim: lol
[7/10/2011 9:55:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah bro
[7/10/2011 9:55:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": riding out of running LRM) as 4x iCCupCL champions with a 4-1 sas and 5-0 Nb feels good
[7/10/2011 9:55:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": set out to accomplish as a leader, did it, proud of meself
[7/10/2011 9:56:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ofc with your help at the start too
[7/10/2011 10:04:24 PM] Joe Kim: :D

[7/10/2011 10:05:10 PM] Joe Kim: dunno how your ties are with flaf and pidgin, but they might be good pickups since they left Nb
[7/10/2011 10:05:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I have no contact with FlaF
[7/10/2011 10:05:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": trying to pick him up
[7/10/2011 10:05:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but I dont know his names
[7/10/2011 10:05:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": have his skype/msn?
[7/10/2011 10:05:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Pidgin = no good pickup
[7/10/2011 10:08:22 PM] Joe Kim: ISL2-happyFlaF, Nb.FlaF for now
[7/10/2011 10:08:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[7/10/2011 10:08:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he hasnt been on those
+ Show Spoiler +

[7/19/2011 1:28:09 PM] Joe Kim: so here's the case
[7/19/2011 1:28:15 PM] Joe Kim: word on the vine is
[7/19/2011 1:28:26 PM] Joe Kim: Paladin gave like 5 [SR] players free 2000 points
[7/19/2011 1:28:35 PM] Joe Kim: and it's clear that it has happened
[7/19/2011 1:28:47 PM] Joe Kim: what is the best way to report this?
[7/19/2011 1:28:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": to iCCup?
[7/19/2011 1:28:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": or in general?
[7/19/2011 1:28:56 PM] Joe Kim: YelloAnt directly?
[7/19/2011 1:29:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'd take a lot of SS's for proof
[7/19/2011 1:29:04 PM] Joe Kim: or have someone troll Forums
[7/19/2011 1:29:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": like all the proof beforehand
[7/19/2011 1:29:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": otherwise I'd report it to Yello directly
[7/19/2011 1:29:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if he does nothing about it... well then
[7/19/2011 1:29:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u have ur answer on iccup's future
[7/19/2011 1:29:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": then u just report it on TL
[7/19/2011 1:29:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[7/19/2011 1:29:29 PM] Joe Kim: well in Yello's eyes im still IP banned
[7/19/2011 1:29:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": abuse is abuse no matter who is reporting it
[7/19/2011 1:29:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u want me to go on an admin account and verify?
[7/19/2011 1:30:02 PM] Joe Kim: if i have a friend report it in Forums
[7/19/2011 1:30:07 PM] Joe Kim: should it be in the General Forums?
[7/19/2011 1:30:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": insta-closed
[7/19/2011 1:30:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it'll just get closed
[7/19/2011 1:30:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": do u have all the SS's of proof?
[7/19/2011 1:30:21 PM] Joe Kim: no
[7/19/2011 1:30:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": then take them o_o
[7/19/2011 1:30:37 PM] Joe Kim: only thing i can prove is that
[7/19/2011 1:30:42 PM] Joe Kim: none of those [SR] members
[7/19/2011 1:30:47 PM] Joe Kim: got extra points legit
[7/19/2011 1:30:52 PM] Joe Kim: they dont have awarded tournament points
[7/19/2011 1:31:03 PM] Joe Kim: and their matchlist points add up to way lower
[7/19/2011 1:31:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": heh
[7/19/2011 1:31:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well
[7/19/2011 1:31:10 PM] Joe Kim: 24-6 B-.. come on with no tours?
[7/19/2011 1:31:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": want me to go on an admin account and just look @ their transfers?
[7/19/2011 1:31:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": or w/e
[7/19/2011 1:31:30 PM] Joe Kim: yeah but how would that solve it?
[7/19/2011 1:31:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I can give u SS's
[7/19/2011 1:31:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": with clear proof of it
[7/19/2011 1:31:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ..

[7/19/2011 1:31:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I also have SS's of a conversation between gecko + paladin
[7/19/2011 1:31:48 PM] Joe Kim: and give it to yello?
[7/19/2011 1:31:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": where they talk about giving free points
[7/19/2011 1:31:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": (hacked gecko's cpu 2 days ago)
[7/19/2011 1:32:39 PM] Joe Kim: we'll talk later since you're streaming
[7/19/2011 1:32:47 PM] Joe Kim: i just havent figured out how to approach this
[7/19/2011 1:32:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok just lemme know if u want admin ss's + gecko ss's
[7/19/2011 1:32:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i can give u the gecko one now
[7/19/2011 1:34:03 PM] *** LRM)Game "David Barr" sent mirk.PNG ***
[7/19/2011 1:34:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": convo between gecko/paladin
[7/19/2011 1:34:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": thats also Paladin's face there
+ Show Spoiler +

[7/22/2011 4:19:11 PM] Joe Kim: dave
[7/22/2011 4:22:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": sup?
[7/22/2011 4:23:44 PM] Joe Kim: any way for LRM to play vTv on a different day?
[7/22/2011 4:24:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont know how to answer that
[7/22/2011 4:24:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if I say the truth you'll be pissed
[7/22/2011 4:24:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": aka: I shouldn't have to re-organize my team/players to accomodate a team with more mood swings and disorganization than Casey Anthony
[7/22/2011 4:25:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but you guys already paid your $25 right?
[7/22/2011 4:25:19 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[7/22/2011 4:25:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if over the next week I can arrange to have my players link up with your players on a 1by1 basic
[7/22/2011 4:25:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we could do it
[7/22/2011 4:25:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but that all depends on my players
[7/22/2011 4:26:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I can't say "ok lets meet wednesday at 21cet" and then get shit on because my team can't be there
[7/22/2011 4:26:12 PM] Joe Kim: okay
[7/22/2011 4:26:16 PM] Joe Kim: well im on your terms
[7/22/2011 4:27:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": dunno how we'll do that format, though
[7/22/2011 4:27:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": basically we'd have to say a draw each and then somehow get those games played?
[7/22/2011 4:28:08 PM] Joe Kim: well if you have players available
[7/22/2011 4:28:13 PM] Joe Kim: just have them play each other
[7/22/2011 4:28:30 PM] Joe Kim: i have jumper and talent right now
[7/22/2011 4:28:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you mean u want to see if I have 2 players that will play now?
[7/22/2011 4:28:50 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[7/22/2011 4:28:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": im on 4 hour sleep so...
[7/22/2011 4:28:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": u get the jist
[7/22/2011 4:28:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": h/o
[7/22/2011 4:29:04 PM] Joe Kim: alright
[7/22/2011 4:29:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": my dilemma is, what's to happen (after you announced you're withdrawel) when next week the same shit happens?
[7/22/2011 4:29:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and Scan has a little bitchfit
[7/22/2011 4:29:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and sells his team out
[7/22/2011 4:30:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": unless Bakuryu responds, I literally have not one player online right now
[7/22/2011 4:30:33 PM] Joe Kim: well starting next week
[7/22/2011 4:30:36 PM] Joe Kim: ill be there
[7/22/2011 4:30:37 PM] Joe Kim: since it will be Sundays
[7/22/2011 4:30:40 PM] Joe Kim: for vTv
[7/22/2011 4:30:48 PM] Joe Kim: and i will keep control
[7/22/2011 4:32:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see
[7/22/2011 4:32:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": welp unless Bakuryu is in a game and can't respond to me
[7/22/2011 4:32:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I literally have no one on right now
[7/22/2011 4:32:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Friday has always been the most inactive LRM) day since I've been the leader
[7/22/2011 4:33:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": as players just come on early before iCCupCL and practice as routine
[7/22/2011 4:33:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": tell Talent I'm going to beat him with my dick controlling the mouse
[7/22/2011 4:33:38 PM] Joe Kim: hahahaha
[7/22/2011 4:34:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": slap him around with my dick
[7/22/2011 4:34:21 PM] Joe Kim: alright, well i know you're tired dave
[7/22/2011 4:34:31 PM] Joe Kim: and i tried calling your shitty Sprint phone
[7/22/2011 4:34:40 PM] Joe Kim: but we can work this out right?
[7/22/2011 4:36:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": most likely
+ Show Spoiler +

[7/23/2011 1:23:42 PM] Joe Kim: do you have anyone atm?
[7/23/2011 1:24:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": dragon/oya
[7/23/2011 1:25:21 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[7/23/2011 1:25:24 PM] Joe Kim: which one do you want vs Castro?
[7/23/2011 1:25:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": doesnt matter
[7/23/2011 1:25:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": whoever will play
[7/23/2011 1:25:42 PM] Joe Kim: okay
[7/23/2011 1:25:48 PM] Joe Kim: can you set it up please?
[7/23/2011 1:25:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": when they're done with koth
[7/23/2011 1:26:21 PM] Joe Kim: alright
[7/23/2011 1:42:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": who transferred on isl2?
[7/23/2011 1:42:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": why u say that lol
[7/23/2011 1:42:40 PM] Joe Kim: Gt
[7/23/2011 1:42:46 PM] Joe Kim: check Top Ladder
[7/23/2011 1:43:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": should point this out to me ;d
[7/23/2011 1:43:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": only SouthPark?
[7/23/2011 1:43:21 PM] Joe Kim: sneazel
[7/23/2011 1:43:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh, Choosy too
[7/23/2011 1:43:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k
[7/23/2011 1:43:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": kicked from isl2 once guty verifies it
[7/23/2011 1:43:48 PM] Joe Kim: oh, maybe just southpark and choosy
[7/23/2011 1:43:57 PM] Joe Kim: i saw 2 Gt pollacks
[7/23/2011 1:44:09 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Sneazel has no games
[7/23/2011 1:44:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm gonna check it out
[7/23/2011 1:44:44 PM] Joe Kim: yeah nvm
[7/23/2011 1:44:51 PM] Joe Kim: Sneazel is just Sneazel
[7/23/2011 1:44:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but its transferred stats ^^
[7/23/2011 1:45:14 PM] Joe Kim: but those might be from ISL2 as well
[7/23/2011 1:45:31 PM] Joe Kim: the stats transferring rule needs to be more clear though
[7/23/2011 1:46:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it says
[7/23/2011 1:46:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": don't transfer
[7/23/2011 1:46:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": period
[7/23/2011 1:46:19 PM] Joe Kim:
Stats: You cannot transfer stats. No points on your account can come from an ICCup tournament. If this occurs, you will be told to reset. If you offend twice, you will be disqualified.
[7/23/2011 1:46:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we told them to "reset" their stats
[7/23/2011 1:46:22 PM] Joe Kim: should to
[7/23/2011 1:46:26 PM] Joe Kim: TO and FROM
[7/23/2011 1:46:34 PM] Joe Kim: cuz it could be mistaken as
[7/23/2011 1:46:37 PM] Joe Kim: "you cannot transfer to your ISL account"
[7/23/2011 1:46:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Stats: You cannot transfer stats.
[7/23/2011 1:46:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that's all it says
[7/23/2011 1:47:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": how is that not clear?
[7/23/2011 1:47:08 PM] Joe Kim: because that's how it was with other leagues
[7/23/2011 1:47:18 PM] Joe Kim: just better clarity
[7/23/2011 1:47:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok re-write the rule cause I dont even see what ur saying
[7/23/2011 1:48:04 PM] Joe Kim: need to add "to" and "from" as well as the permission to do so after the ladder stage (date embedded)
[7/23/2011 1:48:36 PM] Joe Kim: Stats: You cannot transfer to your ISL2 account and you cannot transfer from your ISL2 account.
[7/23/2011 1:49:21 PM] Joe Kim: because experienced players can mistake "You cannot transfer stats" as "you cannot transfer other stats to your ISL2 account"
[7/23/2011 1:49:28 PM] Joe Kim: but that was former ruling in other leagues
[7/23/2011 1:49:48 PM] Joe Kim: just a lil clarification makes it solid
[7/23/2011 1:49:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see
[7/23/2011 1:50:12 PM] Joe Kim: because when i saw that rule after seeing the Gt members
[7/23/2011 1:50:21 PM] Joe Kim: i thought it was being allowed
[7/23/2011 1:50:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": nop
[7/23/2011 1:51:39 PM] Joe Kim: another nice addition would be "An announcement will be made when you are allowed to transfer your stats once the Ladder Stage is completed."
[7/23/2011 1:52:05 PM] Joe Kim: since most are under the impression that they cant transfer at all, from ISL 1
[7/23/2011 1:52:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": because I dont want them to.
[7/23/2011 2:16:53 PM] Joe Kim: you want oya vs jumper as Set #5 FS?
[7/23/2011 2:16:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'm just using the draw I had set vs vTv
[7/23/2011 2:17:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it would be unfair if I copy/pasted it to u
[7/23/2011 2:17:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but if u wanna make a draw
[7/23/2011 2:17:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i can c/p mine
[7/23/2011 2:17:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no
[7/23/2011 2:17:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oya vs jumper set 1
[7/23/2011 2:17:21 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[7/23/2011 2:17:23 PM] Joe Kim: neo medusa
[7/23/2011 2:17:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": neo medusa
[7/23/2011 2:17:39 PM] Joe Kim: i thought the format was player1 vs player 1
[7/23/2011 2:17:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[7/23/2011 2:17:44 PM] Joe Kim: then we both say the players
[7/23/2011 2:17:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oya was my first player
[7/23/2011 2:17:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": dragon was my 5th
[7/23/2011 2:18:09 PM] Joe Kim: didnt know you were doing a draw, thought it was just players available
[7/23/2011 2:18:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well when I have my available players lol
[7/23/2011 2:18:27 PM] Joe Kim: yeah like regular pp matches
[7/23/2011 2:18:49 PM] Joe Kim: cuz it might take forever to get 2 players on at the same time
[7/23/2011 2:19:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well most of my players are on 247
[7/23/2011 2:19:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[7/23/2011 2:19:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 24/7
[7/23/2011 2:19:04 PM] Joe Kim: especially if yours is european and mine's american
[7/23/2011 2:19:07 PM] Joe Kim: oh alright
[7/23/2011 2:19:24 PM] Joe Kim: so shall we just copy and paste #3-#6?
[7/23/2011 2:19:46 PM] Joe Kim: or are we seeding Dragon vs Castro on FS?
[7/23/2011 2:20:05 PM] Joe Kim: im down with whatever decision you want
[7/23/2011 2:20:13 PM] Joe Kim: since you're doing us the favor
[7/23/2011 2:21:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[7/23/2011 2:21:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ill do my draw after
[7/23/2011 2:21:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i wanna ob oya vs jumper
[7/23/2011 2:21:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": aka cheat bro
[7/23/2011 2:21:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[7/23/2011 2:21:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gonna ob that then ill be back @ skype
[7/23/2011 2:21:36 PM] Joe Kim: alright let me know
[7/23/2011 2:27:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oya > jumper
[7/23/2011 2:28:03 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[7/23/2011 2:28:29 PM] Joe Kim: so which one is castro playing dragon?
[7/23/2011 2:28:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[7/23/2011 2:28:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": on FS
[7/23/2011 2:28:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": set
[7/23/2011 2:28:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 5
[7/23/2011 2:28:57 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[7/23/2011 2:29:04 PM] Joe Kim: so we copy/paste 234 6
[7/23/2011 2:29:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the map after FS was Aztec right?
[7/23/2011 2:29:17 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[7/23/2011 2:29:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lemme know when u want me to c/p
[7/23/2011 2:31:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": DragOn < CastrO
[7/23/2011 2:31:31 PM] Joe Kim: ok so 2 3 4 6 then
[7/23/2011 2:31:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": im just doing all mine
[7/23/2011 2:31:56 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its no biggy
[7/23/2011 2:31:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": since ih ave it from yesterday
[7/23/2011 2:32:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just go mines on c/p im between here/bw
[7/23/2011 2:32:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": had to get rep from dragon hes upset ;p
[7/23/2011 2:33:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k im here
[7/23/2011 2:33:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": plz only use players u know will be online lol
[7/23/2011 2:34:07 PM] Joe Kim: okay
[7/23/2011 2:34:10 PM] Joe Kim: im ready dave
[7/23/2011 2:34:11 PM] Joe Kim: your count
[7/23/2011 2:34:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 5
[7/23/2011 2:34:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 4
[7/23/2011 2:34:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 3
[7/23/2011 2:34:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 2
[7/23/2011 2:34:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 1
[7/23/2011 2:34:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": OyA
[7/23/2011 2:34:23 PM] Joe Kim: vTv.tO2s # 2 < HeartBreak Ridge > LRM #2
vTv.Scan # 3 < Empire Of The Sun > LRM #3
vTv.Teacher # 4 < Tau Cross > LRM #4
vTv.Talent # 6 < Neo Aztec > LRM #6
[7/23/2011 2:34:34 PM] Joe Kim: rofl
[7/23/2011 2:34:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Bakuryu vs Merc, me vs Scan, Kolll vs Teacher, Talent vs OctZerg?
[7/23/2011 2:34:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": going to ace match
[7/23/2011 2:34:56 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[7/23/2011 2:34:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": how do u expect any of my players to be online
[7/23/2011 2:35:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": to play a gook?
[7/23/2011 2:35:05 PM] Joe Kim: he's always online
[7/23/2011 2:35:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[7/23/2011 2:35:26 PM] Joe Kim: well i have both
[7/23/2011 2:35:30 PM] Joe Kim: mike and him on skype
[7/23/2011 2:35:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[7/23/2011 2:35:38 PM] Joe Kim: so i could set it up or just ask you
[7/23/2011 2:35:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": what is his race/
[7/23/2011 2:35:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i dont know mercs too well ;d
[7/23/2011 2:35:46 PM] Joe Kim: zerg
[7/23/2011 2:35:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k
[7/23/2011 2:35:51 PM] Joe Kim: i dont know if he ZvZ though
[7/23/2011 2:35:55 PM] Joe Kim: i know he ZvP ZvT
[7/23/2011 2:36:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": k
[7/23/2011 2:37:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": is Merc online right now?
[7/23/2011 2:37:52 PM] Joe Kim: no
[7/23/2011 2:38:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": aha, my player is online!
[7/23/2011 2:38:43 PM] Joe Kim: mike is here???
[7/23/2011 2:38:44 PM] Joe Kim: wtf
[7/23/2011 2:38:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ya
[7/23/2011 2:38:57 PM] Joe Kim: oh i see him on skype
[7/23/2011 2:38:58 PM] Joe Kim: not msn
[7/23/2011 2:39:19 PM] Joe Kim: how much longer will mike be on?
[7/23/2011 2:39:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": asked
[7/23/2011 2:40:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 1hr
[7/23/2011 2:41:37 PM] Joe Kim: probably tomorrow then
[7/23/2011 2:42:02 PM] Joe Kim: korea time zone and germany time zone, not so bad
[7/23/2011 2:42:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": when its like 2 pm for me and 9 pm for him...
[7/23/2011 2:43:31 PM] Joe Kim: i could set it up, or if mike wants to, i can give him to2s' skype name
[7/23/2011 2:43:56 PM] Joe Kim: thanks again for this dave
[7/23/2011 2:44:10 PM] Joe Kim: i just fear the #3 set
[7/23/2011 2:44:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[7/23/2011 2:44:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": is he online right now?
[7/23/2011 2:44:22 PM] Joe Kim: no
[7/23/2011 2:44:25 PM] Joe Kim: he will be in like
[7/23/2011 2:44:27 PM] Joe Kim: an hour or so
[7/23/2011 2:44:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well I'll be going bowling
[7/23/2011 2:44:42 PM] Joe Kim: some reason he completely changed his sleeping hours
[7/23/2011 2:44:45 PM] Joe Kim: to nocturnal
[7/23/2011 2:44:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and writing a research paper sun/mon/tue
[7/23/2011 2:44:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so it'll be weds-fri
[7/23/2011 2:44:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": let him get built up
[7/23/2011 2:44:57 PM] Joe Kim: alright
[7/23/2011 2:45:06 PM] Joe Kim: u have a time preference?
[7/23/2011 2:45:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 99% sure that without your involvement in his decision making (wont happen) he'll try to look gm on screen
[7/23/2011 2:45:17 PM] Joe Kim: so he can accomodate?
[7/23/2011 2:45:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well weds i have class until noon his time
[7/23/2011 2:45:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": thursday i basically have class all day
[7/23/2011 2:45:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so its really either wednesday all day
[7/23/2011 2:45:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": or friday all day
[7/23/2011 2:45:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[7/23/2011 2:45:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol I showed 3 people the draw
[7/23/2011 2:45:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": they're all laughing that I get to rape Scan
[7/23/2011 2:45:55 PM] Joe Kim: hahaha
[7/23/2011 2:46:02 PM] Joe Kim: that's just ironic
[7/23/2011 2:46:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": honestly wish I would've had him @ Neo Aztec though
[7/23/2011 2:46:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": want to accidentally switch talent/scan and octzerg/me?
[7/23/2011 2:47:22 PM] Joe Kim: oo tempting
[7/23/2011 2:47:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it would benefit Talent
[7/23/2011 2:47:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but not benefit Scan
[7/23/2011 2:47:45 PM] Joe Kim: can i talk to talent first?
[7/23/2011 2:47:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but you're sure Scan will beat me
[7/23/2011 2:47:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so its a win win for u
[7/23/2011 2:47:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[7/23/2011 2:47:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah ask him
[7/23/2011 2:48:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it'll still be
[7/23/2011 2:48:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": him vs octzerg
[7/23/2011 2:48:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": just diff map
[7/23/2011 2:48:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not saying switch players
[7/23/2011 2:48:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but we could do that too, really up to you
[7/23/2011 2:48:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I just really like Aztec rof
[7/23/2011 2:48:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": rofl
[7/23/2011 2:49:03 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[7/23/2011 2:49:27 PM] Joe Kim: i like Scan (empire) Octzerg and Talent (Aztec) you
[7/23/2011 2:49:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": well..
[7/23/2011 2:49:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": T v Z @ Empire is
[7/23/2011 2:49:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": highly imbalanced so
[7/23/2011 2:50:02 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont feel too comfortable wiht it now that I think about it
[7/23/2011 2:50:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[7/23/2011 2:50:11 PM] Joe Kim: okay
[7/23/2011 2:50:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I wouldnt ever send any of my players into an auto-loss
[7/23/2011 2:50:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": not b/c of Scan, b/c of the mu + map
[7/23/2011 2:50:28 PM] Joe Kim: yeah
[7/23/2011 2:50:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it doesnt matter really, I just want to play Aztec
[7/23/2011 2:50:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": either way it'll go down to the Ace match
[7/23/2011 2:50:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": imo
[7/23/2011 2:51:00 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": can't see any other way of it working out with the current draw
[7/23/2011 2:51:25 PM] Joe Kim: alright
[7/23/2011 2:51:35 PM] Joe Kim: so we're sticking to the current draw
[7/23/2011 2:51:46 PM] Joe Kim: keep me posted plz, im going to have breakfast
[7/23/2011 2:51:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the only match I see a problem with it
[7/23/2011 2:51:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": is*
[7/23/2011 2:51:55 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Talent is only active at nights
[7/23/2011 2:51:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": OctZerg is only on in the days
[7/23/2011 2:52:17 PM] Joe Kim: Talent is nocturnal as well
[7/23/2011 2:52:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[7/23/2011 2:52:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and Oct is on like 1 hour a day
[7/23/2011 2:52:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": only in the daytime
[7/23/2011 2:52:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": his career involves traveling
[7/23/2011 2:52:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[7/23/2011 2:52:39 PM] Joe Kim: oh, our daytime
[7/23/2011 2:52:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": my daytime
[7/23/2011 2:52:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": like noon u/talent time
[7/23/2011 2:52:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": dilemma: commenced
[7/23/2011 2:52:55 PM] Joe Kim: ok
[7/23/2011 2:53:08 PM] Joe Kim: setting a date/time would help
[7/23/2011 2:53:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": cant ever do that w/ oct
[7/23/2011 2:53:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": never have been able to
[7/23/2011 2:53:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he travels
[7/23/2011 2:53:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 4-5 days a week
[7/23/2011 2:53:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and they're not set days
[7/23/2011 2:53:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": change weekly
[7/23/2011 2:55:29 PM] Joe Kim: alright
[7/23/2011 2:57:25 PM] Joe Kim: hopefully something can be worked out
[7/23/2011 2:57:43 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[7/23/2011 2:58:17 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you've got players u can sub so its no biggy
[7/23/2011 2:58:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": all european actually, too
[7/23/2011 2:58:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I do like your 1 pickup
[7/23/2011 2:58:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": who recruited d3vilboy?
[7/23/2011 2:58:40 PM] Joe Kim: Mercurial
[7/23/2011 2:58:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": smart
[7/23/2011 2:58:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he can beat people
[7/23/2011 2:58:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hes not good
[7/23/2011 2:58:50 PM] Joe Kim: d3vil and roia
[7/23/2011 2:58:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but he can beat people
[7/23/2011 2:58:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": roia sucks
[7/23/2011 2:58:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but d3vil = good pickup
[7/23/2011 2:59:31 PM] Joe Kim: i havent really seen him around
[7/23/2011 3:28:47 PM] Joe Kim: dave, you wouldnt want to play today or tomorrow right?
[7/23/2011 3:28:51 PM] Joe Kim: just wednesday or friday
[7/23/2011 3:29:01 PM] Joe Kim: because all your school papers and such
[7/23/2011 4:08:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yep

[7/26/2011 8:56:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Joeski broski
[7/26/2011 8:57:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": where u at nigga
[7/26/2011 11:10:45 PM] Joe Kim: im here
[7/26/2011 11:10:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[7/26/2011 11:11:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": noshow for to2s
[7/26/2011 11:11:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Bakuryu really wants to play him
[7/26/2011 11:11:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he said he'll be on the same time tomorrow waiting for him.
[7/26/2011 11:11:19 PM] Joe Kim: yeah i gave him his skype
[7/26/2011 11:11:24 PM] Joe Kim: tO2s is online now
[7/26/2011 11:11:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": means nothing
[7/26/2011 11:11:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he wasn't on for the scheduled time
[7/26/2011 11:11:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": in any case, Bakuryu wants to play him
[7/26/2011 11:11:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so I won't even think about a W.O until Friday
[7/26/2011 11:12:02 PM] Joe Kim: thanks
[7/26/2011 11:12:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": also I need to tell Kolll tomorrow he needs to play Teacher
[7/26/2011 11:12:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Mathieu been online that you know of?
[7/26/2011 11:12:28 PM] Joe Kim: it wasnt actually set, me and mike talked today
[7/26/2011 11:12:37 PM] Joe Kim: and i told him i will tell tO2s to meet him
[7/26/2011 11:12:41 PM] Joe Kim: but it wasnt for sure
[7/26/2011 11:12:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok
[7/26/2011 11:12:53 PM] Joe Kim: i talked to Kolll and Teacher
[7/26/2011 11:12:56 PM] Joe Kim: Teacher can only come on
[7/26/2011 11:12:59 PM] Joe Kim: the last hour that Kolll is on
[7/26/2011 11:13:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you have Anton on Skype or u saw him on BW?
[7/26/2011 11:13:14 PM] Joe Kim: skype
[7/26/2011 11:13:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wtf Teacher is a fucking poker playing loser who lives in his moms house
[7/26/2011 11:13:20 PM] Joe Kim: he was on at 9am-11am my time
[7/26/2011 11:13:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": how can he "not come" to anything?
[7/26/2011 11:13:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lolol
[7/26/2011 11:13:29 PM] Joe Kim: he has another job
[7/26/2011 11:13:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah he's generally on 2-4pm my time everyday
[7/26/2011 11:13:35 PM] Joe Kim: where he comes home at 5pm EST
[7/26/2011 11:13:41 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[7/26/2011 11:14:25 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh Joe
[7/26/2011 11:14:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": how available are you to referee on Saturdays?
[7/26/2011 11:14:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": typically(*
[7/26/2011 11:14:56 PM] Joe Kim: depends on friday parties
[7/26/2011 11:15:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I think you know why I'm asking ^.^
[7/26/2011 11:15:18 PM] Joe Kim: ISL?
[7/26/2011 11:15:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ya
[7/26/2011 11:15:23 PM] Joe Kim: time frame
[7/26/2011 11:15:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ur time
[7/26/2011 11:15:29 PM] Joe Kim: after 12pm EST
[7/26/2011 11:15:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 10am-4pm
[7/26/2011 11:15:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its gonna be 1pmEST-7pmEST (latest)
[7/26/2011 11:15:40 PM] Joe Kim: sounds do able
[7/26/2011 11:15:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": because uhm..
[7/26/2011 11:15:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Justin folded under the pressure
[7/26/2011 11:15:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": of being a made man in the foreign BW scene+ Show Spoiler +

[7/28/2011 8:20:05 PM] Joe Kim: nice
[7/28/2011 8:44:05 PM] Joe Kim: baku won vs to2s
[7/28/2011 8:50:10 PM] Joe Kim: i havent seen Teacher
[7/28/2011 9:19:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he messaged me on FB
[7/28/2011 9:19:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I was like "nigga play yo match dawg"
[7/28/2011 9:19:28 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he'll understand it better if I speak in wigger to him.
[7/28/2011 9:20:29 PM] Joe Kim: hahaha
[7/28/2011 9:20:52 PM] Joe Kim: i might switch him out
[7/28/2011 9:21:00 PM] Joe Kim: since Kolll's been on
[7/28/2011 9:21:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol...
[7/28/2011 9:21:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we made a draw
[7/28/2011 9:21:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": let's not be that way Joe
[7/28/2011 9:25:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I don't think particulars like "Shadow wasn't in vTv 24 hours ago much less during the week of the CW" amongst other things are necessary.
[7/28/2011 9:26:06 PM] Joe Kim: Shadow's not cleared to play
[7/28/2011 9:28:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that's fine
+ Show Spoiler +

[8/12/2011 10:46:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Joe
[8/12/2011 10:51:08 AM] Joe Kim: yeah
[8/12/2011 10:51:48 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if I can't get a 6th player
[8/12/2011 10:51:51 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": feel like having fun?
[8/12/2011 10:52:00 AM] Joe Kim: im going to work though
[8/12/2011 10:52:04 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh ok
[8/12/2011 10:52:29 AM] Joe Kim: who would i be though?
[8/12/2011 10:52:30 AM] Joe Kim: haha
[8/12/2011 10:52:37 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont even know lemme look
[8/12/2011 10:52:55 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Soko or Sailboat or someone
[8/12/2011 10:53:00 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": who hasn't been on FIsh yet
[8/12/2011 10:54:35 AM] Joe Kim: >.<
[8/12/2011 10:54:40 AM] Joe Kim: my bad
[8/12/2011 10:54:45 AM] Joe Kim: ill see ya when i get back

[8/12/2011 10:54:56 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": kk
[8/12/2011 10:54:57 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hf
[8/12/2011 1:02:01 PM] Joe Kim: you got enough right?
[8/12/2011 1:02:24 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[8/12/2011 1:02:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": raging though
[8/12/2011 1:02:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Gt just fucked up
[8/12/2011 1:02:31 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": us*
[8/12/2011 1:02:41 PM] Joe Kim: what u mean?
[8/12/2011 1:02:44 PM] Joe Kim: 3-1
[8/12/2011 1:02:49 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[8/12/2011 1:02:51 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": woulda been 4-1
[8/12/2011 1:02:54 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Kolll vs ZergLing @ FS
[8/12/2011 1:02:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but Zergling lagged and we both had to replace
[8/12/2011 1:03:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": now sneazel is gonna rape choosy
[8/12/2011 1:03:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and then kolll sucks @ neo medusa
[8/12/2011 1:03:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so it'll go to ace match -.-
[8/12/2011 1:03:26 PM] Joe Kim: well, who does Gt have left?
[8/12/2011 1:03:30 PM] Joe Kim: after sneazel?
[8/12/2011 1:03:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ZergLing, and that's it
[8/12/2011 1:04:00 PM] Joe Kim: so it's going to be lag game again?
[8/12/2011 1:04:16 PM] Joe Kim: zergling sucks, kolll will win
[8/12/2011 1:04:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[8/12/2011 1:06:05 PM] Joe Kim: choosy needs to drop again
[8/12/2011 1:06:32 PM] Joe Kim: gay
[8/12/2011 1:06:52 PM] Joe Kim: omg
[8/12/2011 1:06:56 PM] Joe Kim: if he holds off
[8/12/2011 1:06:58 PM] Joe Kim: he can win
[8/12/2011 1:06:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": omg
[8/12/2011 1:07:01 PM] Joe Kim: plus he has top left
[8/12/2011 1:07:06 PM] Joe Kim: hahahahahahaha
[8/12/2011 1:07:09 PM] Joe Kim: hahahahahaha
[8/12/2011 1:10:42 PM] Joe Kim: gj congrats
[8/12/2011 1:10:44 PM] Joe Kim: see you later
[8/12/2011 1:10:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ttyl
[8/12/2011 1:10:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 솥
+ Show Spoiler +

[8/16/2011 10:53:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": you shoulda seen his behavior @ vs sasnb
[8/16/2011 10:53:52 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it looked like a LRM) vs Nb CW
[8/16/2011 10:53:53 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": except h00ligan wasn't even there
[8/16/2011 10:54:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": he just started willin out
[8/16/2011 10:56:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": btw
[8/16/2011 10:56:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": have u been lobbying players for vs Gt?
[8/16/2011 10:56:50 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if you guys beat Gt, you will be 3rd place due to the winner league style in round 2
[8/16/2011 10:57:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": and not have to play 1st place in the semis
[8/16/2011 10:57:17 PM] Joe Kim: looking slim
[8/16/2011 10:57:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": fuck d00d
[8/16/2011 10:57:38 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'll lobby ur players
[8/16/2011 10:57:40 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": gimme their contacts
[8/16/2011 10:57:48 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I dont want a team built for Gambit's Cup to stand a chance
[8/17/2011 11:47:52 AM] Joe Kim: how much did #1 get?
[8/17/2011 3:31:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I forgot, why?
[8/17/2011 3:31:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I'd rather it not be mentioned
[8/17/2011 3:32:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": since it was done through PMs and quietly
[8/17/2011 3:32:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": only 17 people knew about it
[8/17/2011 3:32:13 PM] Joe Kim: curious how michael got and if he would be able to afford mic/cam
[8/17/2011 3:32:15 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": dont wanna hear WAHH WAHH unfair
[8/17/2011 3:32:18 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh yeah
[8/17/2011 3:32:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": mic/cam definitely
[8/17/2011 3:32:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": lol
[8/17/2011 3:32:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Mic has poker money though
[8/17/2011 3:32:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[8/17/2011 3:32:40 PM] Joe Kim: did he get over $100?
[8/17/2011 3:32:44 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": no
[8/17/2011 3:32:45 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": close
+ Show Spoiler +

[8/23/2011 7:32:11 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh
[8/23/2011 7:32:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ok wanna hear ur idea plus
[8/23/2011 7:32:19 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": i might need u to cheat tomorrow
[8/23/2011 7:32:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if ur up for it
[8/24/2011 2:28:41 AM] Joe Kim: what's tomorrow?
[8/24/2011 2:29:49 AM] Joe Kim: oh 2v2 wc match, who's my ally and what acc am i using?

[8/25/2011 1:53:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": wad00p
[8/25/2011 2:09:51 PM] Joe Kim: hey
[8/25/2011 2:10:14 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": waddup doogie
[8/25/2011 2:10:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I is wonderingz about dem interviews
[8/25/2011 2:10:53 PM] Joe Kim: ill get on it
[8/25/2011 2:11:04 PM] Joe Kim: i have a good week to prepare
[8/25/2011 2:12:07 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I see
[8/25/2011 2:56:18 PM] Joe Kim: can you pass the word to get LRM)Savvy added to the roster?
[8/25/2011 2:56:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yep
[8/25/2011 2:56:36 PM] Joe Kim: cool
[8/25/2011 2:56:42 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": whenever Diego is back online it'll be expected

+ Show Spoiler +

[8/27/2011 8:02:16 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Joe there?
[8/27/2011 8:03:48 AM] Joe Kim: yes
[8/27/2011 8:04:04 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": ur set?
[8/27/2011 8:04:10 AM] Joe Kim: yes
[8/27/2011 8:04:27 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": any chance u wanna Savvy it up?
[8/27/2011 8:04:35 AM] Joe Kim: cant
[8/27/2011 8:04:58 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": kk
[8/27/2011 8:05:03 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we dont have a 4th player ffs
[8/27/2011 8:05:04 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": tt

[8/27/2011 9:31:19 AM] LRM)Game "David Barr": where u at
[8/27/2011 9:31:37 AM] Joe Kim: start it off
[8/27/2011 9:31:47 AM] Joe Kim: i gotta finish this match
[8/27/2011 9:32:02 AM] Joe Kim: and ill most likely be able to play the wc
[8/27/2011 9:32:18 AM] Joe Kim: but bella/vici is the better team since i havent played with either
[8/27/2011 9:42:04 AM] Joe Kim: restarting internet
[8/27/2011 9:42:06 AM] Joe Kim: ill be there in a bit
+ Show Spoiler +

[9/5/2011 12:22:03 PM] Joe Kim: and also:

i suggested to Diego to decline, but told him to ask you if needed

[9/5/2011 12:22:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": about
[9/5/2011 12:22:33 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": the W.O?
[9/5/2011 12:22:37 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": shits not loading for me
[9/5/2011 12:22:46 PM] Joe Kim: decline Nb's request to set another date/time
[9/5/2011 12:22:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[9/5/2011 12:23:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": that's admin abuse
[9/5/2011 12:23:03 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": its blatant
[9/5/2011 12:23:10 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": why would we make a thread if we wanted to give them another chance
[9/5/2011 12:23:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": clearly a Bulgarian admin taking a Bulgarian's side
[9/5/2011 12:23:21 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": we taking that W.O
[9/5/2011 12:23:23 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": fuckin faggots
[9/5/2011 12:23:27 PM] Joe Kim: + Show Spoiler +

[9/5/2011 12:23:58 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah I've read it
[9/5/2011 12:24:04 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": I've told Diego since 10 mins after it was posted
[9/5/2011 12:24:06 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": to post the W.O
[9/5/2011 12:24:08 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": neither faggot been on
[9/5/2011 12:24:08 PM] Joe Kim: oh
[9/5/2011 12:24:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Diego started school last week
[9/5/2011 12:24:26 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so I dunno what he's doing
[9/5/2011 12:24:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": adn jinu - same story
[9/5/2011 12:29:54 PM] Joe Kim: i guess all 3 of us are in the same boat
[9/5/2011 12:30:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": 4
[9/5/2011 12:30:12 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": *
[9/5/2011 12:30:13 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": + Show Spoiler +

[9/7/2011 12:17:36 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": hmm
[9/7/2011 12:17:46 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": Diego needs to give u his PW to LRM)Glory since his recent inactivity
[9/7/2011 12:17:57 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": need to make a post about the (OD) cw before they take double W.Os :/
[9/7/2011 12:45:01 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr":
[9/7/2011 11:16:04 PM] Joe Kim: cant have me post under his name
[9/7/2011 11:16:19 PM] Joe Kim: all forum posts have IP addresses embedded
[9/7/2011 11:16:29 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": obviously
[9/7/2011 11:16:35 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but u cant reply @ iccup no?
[9/7/2011 11:16:39 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if not just W.O his ass

+ Show Spoiler +

[9/7/2011 11:39:47 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": oh also
[9/7/2011 11:39:59 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": if (OD) wont agree to play vs Bella/Viciado between 22-24 CET tomorrow
[9/7/2011 11:40:05 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": can you ally Johnek or Viciado later in the week?
[9/7/2011 11:40:47 PM] Joe Kim: umm friday before 19:30 CET
[9/7/2011 11:40:55 PM] Joe Kim: saturday after ISL
[9/7/2011 11:41:04 PM] Joe Kim: sunday before GC
[9/7/2011 11:41:16 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": it'll be before Saturday @ 17CET
[9/7/2011 11:41:20 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": since admins always schedule
[9/7/2011 11:41:22 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": saturday 16cet
[9/7/2011 11:41:27 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": but good to know
[9/7/2011 11:41:27 PM] Joe Kim: fuck...
[9/7/2011 11:41:30 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": yeah
[9/7/2011 11:41:32 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": so ur friday is ok
[9/7/2011 11:41:34 PM] LRM)Game "David Barr": thats good :D
[9/7/2011 11:41:35 PM] Joe Kim: i'll try

+ Show Spoiler +

*end skype logs*

I have stated nearly everything I wanted to say. Thank you to everyone that has supported me through thick and thin. Here is my gift to you:
ISL2 Replays:

Dave, you are despicable.

Comments (40)       read entire blog

Beer by Highcard, September 30

What sites do you guys know/read about beers, microbrews, so on?

Comments (5)       read entire blog

XARM - wanna play? by PuertoRican, September 29


Initially launched in 2008, XARM features two competitors tethered to the XARM table and bound together at the hand with duct tape. Over the course of three one-minute rounds, competitors are free to punch, kick and seek submission holds while also using traditional arm-wrestling as a means of scoring points. Just like MMA, XARM bouts can be won via knockout, submission or judges' decision.

Art Davie, co-founder of the UFC, serves as the CEO of XARM.

Additional information from an interview Davie gave:


I think this sport can be good for UFC veterans like Tank Abbott.

I don't think we'll see GSP winning the welterweight title in this sport anytime soon.

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railbird help by bigredhoss, September 29

i may be misremembering but i seem to recall someone mentioning somehting about a way for US players to d/l the stars client if they want to obs, anyone know anything about this?

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Computer help? by TalentedTom, September 28

Been having a weird problem, started about 3 weeks ago? My computer randomly freezes (screen is frozen, I can move mouse, but can't interact with anything) every 20-30 min for about 5-8 sec, then continues to operate like nothing happened
Happens while playing poker and HON, dont really use it for anything else

Don't think it's memory or speed related but I'm not sure. basic specs are : dell xps sturio, core i7 930 $ 2.8GHz , 6gb ram - running on windows 7 64 bit

Anyone have any suggestions?

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my cat :) (video) by tutz_x, September 27

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I badly need to win a flip today by whamm!, September 27

heh did not pan out today but lots of legal stuff cleared out. looks pretty good from now on. yes!

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Plan after college tilt by hneaz, September 27

I have been busy this past month, trying to figure out what I want to do after graduation. I have stopped playing on Hero because I have a job on campus. Things are going well this semester with a grading job and being a research assistant doing lots of stats on monkey sex (yes, this is for real, it is a data collected from Uganda on primate behaviors). Grinded the career fairs 2 weeks ago and got a couple of interviews for full time positions. I had one last week which I kinda screwed up because I was so nervous and 85% confident that I wont get the job. If I do get the job which is in Chicago, I might start drinking again to celebrate my hard work (I have been sober for the last 3 years).

I still have not heard from other companies I talked to. Most emails I get are job rejections. It is tilting because I worked really hard in the last 2 years and I know I am a good candidate for those jobs I applied to than other people who lack team player skills. My ideal place to work is somewhere where I am directly helping people such as consulting.

The thing that really bothers me the most is that if I do not get any offers, I have to go back home to Singapore right after graduation and live there until the summer of 2012 and then go to grad school to get my masters degree. Speaking of grad school, I have yet to taken the GRE and I was supposed to take it before the month ended but I got super busy with school and career fairs. I will take it on October eventually

But then again, if I do go back to Singapore, I can actually play on Pokerstars and grind it like there is no tomorrow. I have some money lying around and I can start grinding sngs and mtts again. Hopefully I win alot this time...

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fk sept by Hashii, September 27

Somewhat demoralizing . Guess I will wait for October to grind/take shots.

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ENRON: Smartest guys in the room by RiKD, September 26

Someone on here recommended this (sorry don't remember who but it was in reference to FTP debacle) and I have been happy w/ the recent docu recs so checked it out (sidenote: armadillo was kick ass. if you like that check out an hbo series generation kill). Pretty interesting and enlightening flick. All I remember about enron really was that in my economics class some friends and I were first place in the state in a stock competition (lol run good) then we were literally dead LAST after enron fell to .40c/share and everyone hated enron and a bunch of rich white guys in suits and ties looked extremely sad in court rooms.

What actually went down is pretty crazy and worth a look.

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De-clutter project 1.0 by Mariuslol, September 26

Hey guys

A friend of mine once showed me something really cool, I could go in the start menu, and there up in some options there was this thingy called "sticky notes".

I've hated him ever since!!

It got to a point I almost got a nervous breakdown when my pc starts and I get all of the cluster in my face, so I started removing everyone that had no value, but still a lot left. And I don't want to put it in wordpad because it's all a big mess now and I don't know where I keep anything. So thought i'd be a really good idea to put it here.

Hopefully there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Stuff that fascinates me

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Poker Related

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Awh man, what a relif, now my desktop is so clean and tidy, yay xD <3

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Low Stakes Degen by SaturdayZerg, September 26

I'm on exchange in france right now and inexplicably decided to install pokerstars last weekend after 9 months not playing (using my school's VPN of course)

Friday to Monday went like this:

Played about 50 $3.50 SNGs and broke even - felt tilty and got frustrated not having a HUD

Played 80 $7 HU SNGs and up $80 - felt better since pretty much everyone I played against limped buttons and donk bet with weak draws

I was about to uninstall pokerstars and focus on school but then railed a bit of the WCOOP and thought "wow, must be fun to go deep in a tournament. wonder what that feels like."

So I try out ONE $2 rebuy tournament to mess around while I study and manage to luckbox my way to the final 100 after 5 hours and skipping dinner. At this point I'm stoked to be 10th in chips of a $16k tounrnament (first prize $2500), and obviously I then proceed to bluff everything off since I had no idea how to play tournaments and I stopped sucking out. Finished 64th for $30

Think "at least I'm still good at HU SNGs, wonder if I can beat the pros" so lose at $30 HU SNGs until I bust my online bankroll

Guess I can take a break from poker now and enjoy france a bit more

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i hit a milestone + goal by longple, September 26

1 million SEK this year on swedish site, im also up about 30-35k€ on other sites

my goal was to hit 1M SEK this year

so yeeey

1Msek ~ 157k$

the year is going very well so far


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Looking for a video by Juglinjugglo, September 26

Im looking for jonnycosmo's nl200 video on donkeytest a few years back
If anyone has it can you send me?

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Looking for a video by Juglinjugglo, September 26

Im looking for jonnycosmo's nl200 video on donkeytest a few years back
If anyone has it can you send me?

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