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Reptile House? by Oly, May 21

Does anyone in the UK want a vivarium worth about £150? Apparently it's a very good one. My girlfriend has been trying to swap her way up to a house, starting with an elastic band, and has got a bit stuck trying to swap this vivarium. Pics and details can be provided. What can you offer to swap?

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Antonio by NeillyJQ, May 21

Whenever you go out with Antonio, Kid, Doctor, its gonna be a good night.

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spring is good so far by longple, May 21

ok, now im pissed i wrote a shit shit shit shit shit ass long post and then when i was finished i was gonna link a clip in the end and i clicked the link right away and it all was gone, so its gonna be a shorter version then the first write up

ok, were to start

about a month ago me and a close friend of mine hooked up, and she has always been like some1 ive never even thought about haveing a chance with because she is superincredible, charming and hot. and one of my best friends/nicest persons i know.

we have been spending alot of time together the last month, like shes been sleeping here 70% of nights whole month and its just so great, laughter and sex and talking and laughter and sex and talking all night longs

ive always been in a relationship during our friendship and shes been living in london the last couple of years and ive known her for like 4 years and pretty early i just put her in the friendbox and havent been thinking of her in that way really until now, she is just to hot and incredible, im a lucky dude, she is waay above my level

atleast thats what i think, she is just a+



cute one on the left

its not just that shes superhot and cute (imo atleast, ye fu), she is an incredible person and its pretty cool hooking up like this with one of my best friends, like its another level of awesomeness, just omg wow how did we never do this before, and its so relaxed and not wierd in anyway as could be expected, its just CLICK

the sad thing is that im planning on moving to either macao or malta over the winter, and she is moving to another city for studying and is gonna be living in some internat photoschool education thing for 10 months so thats a little sad at the same time as its nice

like we dont have much pressure now its just have fun while we can and see what happends, since we both know we have other plans after the summer its just out of bounds atm, right now its just having a good time, we will see whats gonna happen as it closes up, its still early even though it dosnt feel like a normal 1 month dating period since i know her from before already, it feels alot deeper then normal, but right now its incredible with alot of fun and we are just gonna have to do the best of it

ok, so end of loverant, now to the reaaaally good stuff ;D;D;D

tomorrow me and my brother is leaving for amsterdam, its gonna be sooooo nice, our hotel is like 100m from Vondelpark wich is the largest park in amsterdam, and ive heard its really beautiful

so thats gonna be just amazing nice, sit in a park, smoke a shit ton of GOOD WEED no random swedish trashweed, im so tired of that shit, this is gonna be niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice

so basically, sit on a bench for 5 days, sit in the sun, get high, eat a shit ton of icecream and just look at trees/birds or what ever, is gonna be sweeet

gonna stay there for 5 days, also gonna hook up with my old affiliate i got close with for the last 2-3 years or so, he has staked me and burrowed me money so many times, he is the nuts, a good friend, gonna be nice to meet irl since we talk everyday prettymuch

after i come home from amsterdam i have a tattoo time on june 1st, its gonna be exciting, my first tattoo, im gonna make a little something on my forearm(?) anyways on the underside of my left arm im gonna cover the inside with this pic:

(just the angelstatuegirlthing not the moon

its from one of my favorite kansasalbums - point of no return

im gonna make it in colour and the tattoo(ist?) is very talanted hes made alot of stuff for my friends and such that are supernice so im excited of letting him make his own touch, with colours and stuff so its not gonna look like on the picture, im gonna let him do his thing in whatever way he thinks is best, so thats exciting!

after that im leaving for stockholm between june 3rd-7th for swedish live championships, its a small buy in tourney of ~1800$ and a field of 400 players, its mostly for fun, gonna meet up with long lost pokerbuddys and regs on the swedish site i play on everyday, so thats gonna be cool to meet some of the maniacdegens like myself that i battle with on a daily baisis for some live cash and drinks and such

after that its swerock for 3 days after june 8th, wich is a rockfestival with some neat stuff, for example im gonna watch kansas wich inspired me for the tattoo, have been listening to them since i was a little kid, they are special to me for sure so thats gonna be cool

so a pretty tight schedual, and not alot of poker except for the livepoker during the championships after swedenrock im gonna chill for a while and enjoy the swedish summer with friends

as for poker in may sofar it sbeen pretty good, im still semitilted i wasted 40k$ winnings last month on too high stakes for my own good, but its all good, haveing a decent month so far

up about 90k SEK, or 15k$ on swedish site and about 2400€ on EU site, wich is ~4k$

so booking an early nice 19k$ month, gonna get some rakeback too but not sure how much, not to much i think

so thats it, if u made it this far, glhf enjoy life and have a great summer

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Hero Poker? by FashionAward, May 21

Hey, can someone tell me if HeroPoker is allowing U.S. players to sign up and play for real money? If so, what deposit methods?

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well first day of sit n go hu's by moonk379, May 20

up 38 bux so hopefully tomorrow goes the same!! gonna be awhile til i can play nl50 again =/

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Creative thinking and inebriating substances by Night2o1, May 20

Hey folks. A little while ago I had a sort of, what was to me at least, a penetrating thought.

High vs Sober thinking

In my experience, thought is controlled differently when high. Through years of practice the unconscious mind has become very effective at cutting running, tangent, or otherwise ancillary thoughts out before they ever surface to the conscious. I believe this is a very useful attribute during day-to-day living. However it doesn't serve as well when we try to bend our mind to abstract, more complex thoughts (philosophy, the inner-workings of finance, etc), or when we are simply trying to be creative.

When high and set to the task of considering a topic I've previously laid ground on, I find myself asking many more questions. Several of which, in hindsight, I realize I had taken for granite (u c wat i did thar?) as being "the way it is". Basically unconsciously ignoring certain aspects of a topic that I may of been unfamiliar with. But as a wise man once said, "Knowledge is in the nuances."

Creative thinking is a highly value attribute of humanity. We are unique in our ability to think abstractly, deeply. But many of us feel uncreative day in and day out, like being creative is for other people. I can personally attest to having had such feelings. Since then, however, I've come to suspect that many people aren't simply "more creative". But the way that a creative, effective thinker approaches a topic is the difference. Effective techniques for thinking are what set intelligent people apart. As an example of a technique that I've heard of successful people using is to write down any tangent or wild thought that could be developed further. It is important to welcome foreign concepts and ideas so that if we are to discard them, at least we have a more thorough knowledge of what doesn't work and why. It is therefore my contention that for many people it isn't that they are stupid or uncreative but that they don't have the proper knowledge of technique needed to think effectively.

At any rate I think I got part of my idea across.. there are many tangents from here, you see.

Do you consider yourself creative or a deep thinker? What techniques do you use to think of new things or to think of new questions about established things? Do you think what I've said has any relevancy to how your personal techniques work?

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sick by gawdawaful, May 20

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donkaments by hansen jr., May 20

why are donkaments so much donkaments

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hair removal by LikeASet, May 20

Gots relatively smooth back/arms/chest but when it comes to legs I'm werewolf status. Anybody recommend hair removal cream/spray, maybe one that's also safe enough to use on genitals heuhhuehuhuuheuheuheeueueheuehhuhhueu

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RIP Macho Man Randy Savage by El_Tanque, May 20

Slim Jim lost a legend today

Basically he was driving > Heart attack > crash > x.x

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+1 for Rajesh by NeillyJQ, May 20

4 years and 24 episodes later, SCORE!

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Toronto, here I come! by Arirang, May 19

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$35.63 by tutz_x, May 19

Turned that $3 in $10 grinding NL2 @ PS, cashed out and deposited @ my FT account with rakeback
grinding NL2 there since then

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well i guess back to grinding lol by moonk379, May 19

bankroll is at 100 bux so im just gonna grind out 2 dollar sit n go heads up like i did on absolute =/ n hopefully get back to grinding nl 50/100

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The Bible Guarantees by k2o4, May 19

Lolz @ this picture:

does that mean on may 22nd 2011 I get to ask the bible for a refund?

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Binge eating by LemOn[5thF], May 19

I went to library to get some resources as I ran out of ideas for my brainstorming wall and apart from a great book on Sport Psychology and coaching I was looking for psychology stuff on burnout and motivation and neurotransmitters and some nutrition info and I have strolled across a book and identified one thing which is huge but I never did anything about it - Binge eating.

It's a proper eating disorder and am well inside the definition of it:
1) Reccurent episodes of in a period of time under 2 hours and amount of food that is definitely larger that most people would eat during a smilar period of time in similar circumstances.-I eat everything that's in the house, and more no matter how much there is, several times per week.
2) Sense of lack of control over eating during the episode. This includes going to the shop buying shit I don't want to buy, it's like watching myself from the distance asking wtf.

I can never keep any ready to eat food in my house because when I have one of these episodes several times per week it just evaporates.

I was doing this since my very young childhood(I was very fat as a kid) and it always had massive impacts on my self-esteem and energy levels. My mum does the same btw. I countered the fitness thing when I was 11-20 as I was playing high level sports, and when I was working and stopped working out more than 2x per week and my stress levels were high my BMI soared again to some 33 and I got stretch marks and mood swings eww, although I am not depressed or anything as I worked hard on my mental stability and very much follow Tommy Angelo's principles, it is a very serious thing and still has huge impacts on my life, especially when it comes to energy levels.

I don't have the cash for psychotherapy which would be te fastest/easiest way so I will just use books and hopefully working on high Serotonin levels that was my goal anyway for mood enhancement will help (Pokerstrategy has a sick series of articles on Neuropsychology of Poker, I can share my notes if you pm).

I am halfway through a book on this and it pretty much confirmed that I have this disorder, although I am in a very good position in comparison to others despite being heavily overweight as I am used to exercising and I can push myself easily in the gym(although I have to indtroduce more walks and active lifestyle), and I have overcome the embarrassment of my body in last couple years (I used to avoid people seeing me topless and I was embarrassed with my body even though I was in a sick good shape compared to today. The whole poker mentality made me be in peace with variance but also all other factors including my body, I feel like I have no shame almost these days, mostly because the work I have done for the mental side of poker. Maybe now you will understand why I love this game so much )

When I was sitting in a sauna yesterday and thinking about my goals, imagining myself not bombing my body with 4-6 portions in one sitting uncontrollably most days per week put a big smile on my face, and this would be the single most beneficial thing for me if I managed to eradicate it for life in general including poker, and working on this will be at the core of the plan I am working on. There is some pretty specific advice in the couple books I got (one practical and one scientific)

I know it's weird for a dude to have this problem, so you can laugh all you want, as I already told you, I have no shame anymore and I am proud of it

It would be nice to know if any of you have or had this problem and if you have dealt with it. You don't have to be overweight to have this disorder, especially if you have the imo way worse version, bulimia nervosa.

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Easy $50 Here! by player999, May 18

My stupid laptop crashes when I try it, so someone please record my SCOOP FT for me, the replay is on 'Events->SCOOP->All' tab, event 16-high, any format is good (doesnt have to be good quality either), just make sure cards are like instead of those hyper simple ugly cards. Upload it somewhere and I'll ship 50 on PS, ty.

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Rich get Richer 2 - LFVN by Night2o1, May 18

Here is my very incomplete (because I have so much to learn) analysis of LFVN's current situation. I'd like any comments on it, especially from knowledgeable persons who can share some of their experience with regard to my questions at the bottom of this entry. Thanks guys!!!

I am pretty sure that this company is a disaster waiting to happen, but there are many questions I need to learn how to answer. I don't truly know much here.

Analysis of LFVN
LifeVantage Corporation

What is LifeVantage?

"LifeVantage is a dietary supplement company which markets and sells its products through the network marketing, or multi-level marketing industry and seeks to enhance life through anti-aging and wellness products while creating business opportunities. We pursue our mission of “helping people reach their health and wellness goals through science-based solutions to oxidative stress” by providing a financially rewarding business opportunity to distributors and quality products to distributors and customers who seek a healthy lifestyle. We sell our products in the United States, Japan and Mexico, through a network of independent distributors, preferred customers and direct customers."(1)

LifeVantage is a multi-level marketing company traded over the counter. Multi-level marketing companies have a history of facing strong criticism, as Wikipedia outlines below,

"their similarity to illegal pyramid schemes, price-fixing of products, high initial start-up costs, emphasis on recruitment of lower-tiered salespeople over actual sales, encouraging if not requiring salespeople to purchase and use the company's products, potential exploitation of personal relationships which are used as new sales and recruiting targets, complex and sometimes exaggerated compensation schemes, and cult-like techniques which some groups use to enhance their members' enthusiasm and devotion."(2)

As someone who personally knows a LifeVantage distributor and having heard the language of methods they use to embolden their distributors, LifeVantage clearly fits the above criticisms of Multi-level marketing companies.


Nearly all of their sales efforts are around their "flagship product" Protandim. They promote it as a patented dietary supplement and claim that it can "indirectly increase antioxidant activity". They don't release their sales numbers or any info pertaining to specifically how many units of their products are sold at any time.

They use the "scientific reports" of a specific Dr. Joe McCord's team as clinical evidence in all of their claims of efficacy in the anti-oxident activity of their product. Unfortunately, McCord's method of measuring the anti-oxidant activity of their product was found to be inaccurate and their results to be utterly unreliable in an independent review published in the British Journal of Medicine,

"In a 2008 review article it was noted that Protandim is one of many
supplements that claim to act as antioxidants, but that changes in TBARS levels and increases in the levels of antioxidant enzymes in response to a treatment do not provide a reliable indication that the treatment has an antioxidant effect, since the same responses are produced by pro-oxidant compounds that induce oxidative stress."(4)

My personal contact with one of their distributor's has lead me to discover that, in private, the company representatives claim the product's anti-oxidant properties can cure cancer, fever, bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, and nearly any other ailment you can think of.

I believe their product is a simple fraud, a fill-in needed for their multi-level marketing strategy to hook distributors and encourage them to promote the company (ie to find others also become a distributor and continue the scam).


-Outstanding Shares & Warrants, Options

As of 5/18/2011 LifeVantage trades at $1.80 a share, has a market cap. of $132.3m with 73.5m shares outstanding. The Company has a long history of issuing options and warrants against its stock at bargain prices, resulting in the dilution and ultimate loss of shareholder value.

Their June 30, 2010 10-K lists a sale of a total of $5m in convertible debentures, resulting in 24,974,999 shares of stock convertible at $.50 a share or $.20 a share and 14,998.499 convertible at the other price. To accomplish this they used the confusing method printed in (3).

In their 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31,2011 they have included the following outstanding options or warrants for shares of the Company:

2009 & 2010 issuance of $5m in convertible debentures resulting in 16,204,575 shares convertible or on warrant for $.50/share and $.20/share

Under the 2007 Incentive Plan, the company has options for 8,137,731 shares priced between $.21 and $.76 per share outstanding to people involved in the company

Under the 2010 Incentive Plan, there are options for 2,412,000 shares outstanding.

Total options and warrants: 19,430,306 shares at an indeterminable cost between $6,449,838 - $11,526,190 against 73,500,000 outstanding shares "worth" $132,300,000

-No Earnings

This company has averaged -.04 earnings per share over the last 19 fiscal quarters. In their Q3 2011 result, their operating costs grew at 77% of revenue. They don't make money over time. Their EPS for Q3 2011 was -$.13/share.

-Balance sheet

In the pricing of their investments and derivatives the company uses the widely criticized as inaccurate and useless Black-Scholes-Merton model(5). The model is strongly criticized for not properly taking into account the true risk of an investment.

Most information comes from their Q3 2011 report at

(1) the company's most recent 10-K, for fiscal year ended June 30,

(2) the relevant Wikipedia article

(3) Effective June 30, 2009 and August 5, 2009, the Company sold
6,869,369 unregistered shares of common stock at a price of $0.35 per
share. In connection with these issuance, the Company also issued
warrants exercisable for 1,373,852 shares of its common stock. The
warrants have an exercise price of $0.50 per share and may be
exercised at any time following issuance during the three-year
exercise period.
Effective November 18, 2009, December 11, 2009, December 31,
2009, January 20, 2010, February 4, 2010 and February 26, 2010, the
Company entered into securities purchase agreements with accredited
investors pursuant to which the Company sold an aggregate of
$5,000,000 of 8% convertible debentures and warrants to purchase
shares of the Company’s common stock with an exercise price of $0.50
per share. Each investor received a debenture in the principal amount
equal to such investor’s aggregate subscription amount less the
amount equal to the quotient obtained by dividing such aggregate
subscription amount by $1,000. The debenture is convertible into
shares of the Company’s common stock at any time at the discretion of
the holder at a conversion price per share of $0.20, subject to
adjustment including anti-dilution protection. Each investor also
received a warrant to purchase that number of shares of the Company’s
common stock that equals 50% of the quotient obtained by dividing
such investor’s aggregate subscription amount by $0.20. The Company
issued debentures in the aggregate principal amount of $4,995,000 and
warrants to purchase an aggregate of 12,499,999 shares of the
Company’s common stock. The Company also issued warrants to purchase
an aggregate of 2,497,500 shares of the Company’s common stock to
placement agents in conjunction with this offering.
The maximum number of shares of common stock issuable upon
conversion of the debentures and upon exercise of the warrants the
Company issued in this offering is, respectively, 24,974,999 and
14,997,499, assuming the conversion price and exercise price is the
initial conversion price and exercise price at the time of conversion
and/or exercise.

(4)Wikipedia's reference:


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HUGE UPSWING by NeillyJQ, May 18

I've won roughly $0 in the last 5 months, played 1 month, a stellar year for the books in the making. The DOJ just sent me a check for $50,000 for taking away pokerstars and FTP. Some black coat guys came to my door to give me the check, was pretty sweet. This happen for anyone else?

Oh ya, FTP just sent me my $67,399!



Run GuD Like ME!

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WSOP Side Event 54 Value $2500 for sale by tengen, May 18

$2,500 Side Event 54 Package

• Event 54 Buy-in (Day 1B)
• Welcome Party
• Double Room at the Venetian Palazzo Hotel and Casino Resort (1st – 8th of July)
• Hotel Breakfast, internet and gym pass

Price: $2.100
Site: Betsafe

If you are interested, please pm or email


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