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chicane... by DvoBoardRider, March 30

my ex gf used to listen to this all the time... brings back memories. makes me feel lucky to have the life i have.

thank you God.

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Politics pwnin Science by k2o4, March 30

Below is taken from NORML:

You may recall last Wednesday when we pointed out this incredible paragraph on the website of the National Cancer Institute at, on their general information about medical cannabis, touting its antitumoral effects:

  The potential benefits of medicinal Cannabis for people living with cancer include antiemetic effects, appetite stimulation, pain relief, and improved sleep. In the practice of integrative oncology, the health care provider may recommend medicinal Cannabis not only for symptom management but also for its possible direct antitumor effect.

NCI apparently got a talking to from someone, because now that page has been scrubbed of any reference to the direct antitumoral effects of cannabis:

  The potential benefits of medicinal Cannabis for people living with cancer include antiemetic effects, appetite stimulation, pain relief, and improved sleep. Though no relevant surveys of practice patterns exist, it appears that physicians caring for cancer patients who prescribe medicinal Cannabis predominantly do so for symptom management.

See for yourself:

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SWEET!!! new job by El_Tanque, March 30

Got the job I just applied for. It will be the 4th job that I currently work (the other three are Field Maintainance at the Rec Center, RA in the dorms, Newspaper writer for University newspaper). The fourth and the one that I look forward to doing........SPORTS WRITER FOR BLEACHERREPORT.COM !!!!!!!!!! woohoo! I'm pretty stoked and excited to be writing, specifically about Baseball and my favorite team the Texas Rangers. It ought to be interesting. I'm passionate about baseball and the rangers, so we'll see how it goes.

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Garph [x] dat ass [x] by Mortensen8, March 30

Been a sick month... reached 1k and decided to take shot at 50nl of course it went horribly and then I added some 100nl ended up playing from 12am to 7am chasing losses like a de gen I felt pretty depressed about the whole thing at the time. Anyway I'm going to cash out my roll 1.9k to pay for uni. I am going to be regrinding on stars probably 5plo and 10nl. From now on my sessions will be a lot more structured, reviewing hands and watching a video after every session and getting away from rush is going to be most important.

How do you feel about playing both games I've heard that you should master one game and then move on to other games?

And what do you think about my infographic need to finish it for tomorrow not sure how I feel about it

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Jens Pulver: Driven by PuertoRican, March 30

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Horses by Sanai, March 30

I don't know why but I decided to blog a bit more. I'm taking a break between classes atm and I'm chilling here in the student cafe, drinking some coffee.

Probably won't talk much about poker as this month has been a crucible of sorts. It was just very swingy at the limits I play NL25/NL50, but I've come to realize that this is about 95% attributable to my own strengths and weaknesses as a player. There are pearls of wisdom in the poker community that many of us gloss over or take for granted, such as very strict bankroll management, using a stoploss, taking breaks if you don't feel on top of your game, being able to ride out a solid grind vs. having the discipline to call it a day when needed. I honestly believe that these things are the most important aspects of poker success for micro/low-limits players. Forget exploitability, table image, bluffing frequencies, etc. None of this really matters at NL50 and below. It's all about who has the discipline and who doesn't - anything more than that is just icing on the cake.

I don't really fear variance as much anymore. The "ah hah!" moment came for me when I was having dinner with my parents this past weekend. I'm Korean, but I was born and raised in the US. I'm very close to my parents and I communicate with them very often. It helps that my mom moved here when she was 16 and my dad is one of the most open-minded and intelligent people I know.

Anyway, my dad was telling me this old Korean proverb about a mare (female horse). It started out as a proverb that I can't remember exactly, but there was a story behind it that I think applies well to both poker and life.

A farmer is out walking and he finds a stray young mare. Yay! This is a huge boon so he takes her to his farm. Not long after however, a fence falls down and the mare wanders off. The farmer's heartbroken, but there's not much he can do to track it down. A few months later, lo and behold, the mare comes trotting up, having wandered around so much she eventually found her way back to the farm. However, slutty girl that she is, she got herself knocked up by some stallion in her travels and woot, now the farmer not only has his mare back but a foal along with it.

The farmer has children of his own and his son is his pride and joy. One day, the son, who has grown up to be a young man, ready to take on greater responsibilities at the farm, is taking a ride on the mare. The mare gets frightened by something and she bucks, throwing the son off her back and breaking his legs. The son is disabled for quite some time, unable to help out at the farm for months as he slowly heals. A month later however, war comes to the farmer's country and young men are being conscripted everywhere to serve in the king's army. With his broken legs, the son is deemed unfit to be a soldier and passed over for conscription.

Any clever poker player should have figured out by now that the point of this story is variance. It's everywhere. It's just life. Blessings can become curses, which eventually reveal hidden blessings of their own, and so on. When you're downswinging hard and feel like variance is taking a shit on you, look for the hidden blessings, whether it's discovering the motivation to study hard and play smarter or finding a new hobby that brings greater joy at less expense. And when you're riding high, making that ez cash moneys, remember that something as simple as the dealing of some bad cards can take that away from you and never take it for granted.

Be wary of the eventual ups and downs, but don't fear them.

Anyway, this might seem kinda redundant on this forum, but hearing that little story from my dad just helped me realize that we, as poker players, aren't all that special. Any hustler out there, be he a poker player, a superstar athlete, or an entrepreneur, will have these life swings.


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1 o O n L by Eluflop, March 30

today 6tabling.

inspired by longple

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> 1K month and RL by PplusAD, March 30

Hm just due to the nice number and some RL stuff happend i ll make another blogpost
I promise i wont make more than 3-4 blog posts in whole April

Here are some graphs and March End results since i did play some hands last days even though i thought i would not do.
Ipoker NL20€ HU = + 148€ // + 208$

Stars Nl25 6max
After a heater start it got swingy a bit in the end
Notice how it was very close to a whine blog post at the 25K hand mark

Cakepoker i dont have hands imported since there is no hud i didnt have PT3 running when playing there
but most of my profits came from that 1 big HU session i posted a pic of eariler
Also u get pretty sick good rakeback at Cake lol ... i looked at the account yesterday and realized i got 58$ of RB in there from playing 4-5 days of Nl20$ HU lol ?

So Overall

Ipoker NL20€HU + 208$ +5$ Bonus
Pokerstars Nl25 6max+ 449$ + 164$ VIP/FPP bonus
Cakepoker Nl20$ HU+170$ + 58$ rakeback freroll +5$
Ket/isildur bet -30$ Ket hustling

Net March + 1029$

had to cash out 644$ for paying rent and living expenses stuf but stilli could move up to Nl50 but will stay at lower limits for quite some more time to grind out a very sold BR.
If i had taken NL50 shots at 25K hand mark on Pokerstars id probably lost my whole Bankroll T_T in massive ragetilt ( As u notice i was never good at showdown no matter if i had a flush,set or 2 pair villian always had the absolute 1% top of his range ...)... so for me it is sooo important to stay disciplined 1 time

I did start doing some bowling with my old non MMA friends a bit for fun after my MMA training recently
I have a Brunswick bowling center 6minutes away from where i live which is really cheap and nice.
1 Game of Bowling (10frames)only costs 1.85€ per person which equals to like half an hour of bowling.
so most of the time we are like 5 people doing 3x 10 frames each and its really a lot of fun.
I do enjoy it a lot so far especially since i noticed with recent increase of effort i put into poker my socialising kinda faded a bit.

My day looked like wake up -> MMA Training ->Poker grind -> MMAtraining2 ->Pokergrind2 -> bed ...
Only people i did have social contact with were my fellow fighters i train with.

Now due to bowling i got in contact with some old friends again and also got better known to a nice girl i dated yesterday
Was such a beautiful evening
I dont know how things will continue with us but i try to just enjoy the time i spend with her , which really is an easy thing to do since she is great

Life is even more Variance than poker i guess
like half a year ago i was kinda at rock bottom due to BerserkerInsane Girlfriend, failing at university and being broke as fuck while living in a shithole and being on heavy arguments with my parents who had to help me out with money to pay my rent at that time >_< ( God did i feel ashamed)
the later threes were directly connected to Insane GF,too ( She still owes me 719€ i will probably never see in my life again ever)
So to all who have a hard time right now u shall never forget that things can also change to the better fast


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Small Brag / Anyone in VA/MD? by iop, March 30

Sports betting yesterday, EURO 2012 games. $11-->$730

Anyways, it looks like I'm moving to the US, was supposed to move to London to our EMEA HQ, but it looks like it will be the US. I have to sit down and talk to my GF about it (she wasn't going to come along to London), and see what's going to happen to us. The move could be short term (3 months), but possible for a lot longer (permanent).

Anyone in MD / VA?
Looks like I'm moving fairly close to DC to start off with, and hopefully to San Francisco in the fall.

Will update when I know more!

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Getting Rakeback by LsDDeaD, March 30

So basicly, I got my FTP acc. along with the promotion of 50$ free, here in a few years ago.Since then I haven't played much, but I wonder if there is a way to get rakeback for my acc?

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March 2011 - YTD Results!!! by salutary, March 30

the good:

1. i finally unlocked the $4k bonus YAYYY!

2. going to start considering alternative sites to play on because stars is just too demanding, i HATE being forced to play hours after work every time it comes around to end of month

3. after suffering the biggest downswing of my life at the end of last year i feel like ive matured greatly as a player. going to put more time to study the game now i dont have to play a whole bunch to maintain supernova

the bad

1. another 3 months of breakevennesssss

mandatory graph with my awesome technical analysis skills say the next 3 months is going to be gooooooooooooood!!

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Just another March blog by Arirang, March 30

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210 paypal for 200 stars. by Ftrunkz, March 30

Hi, looking for someone to trade 210 paypal for 200 stars, looking to get into poker again after quitting sc2 and want to start my roll from some winnings i have in paypal from sc2. Willing to send first if you're a known poster . pretty easy $10 imo!

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Not a first place by thewh00sel, March 30

But I was down to under 1bb @ 1200-2400 and came back to get 2nd in this. Step in the right direction one time?

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Calling out an Online Tournament by HeroPoker-CEO, March 30

Today, I had an interesting experience,
I ran a 1k free roll for the other poker community site that I'm focused on (we're going to run something for PL as well quite soon); and there were 93 runners. Late registration was for an hour, so I was still helping stragglers get into the tournament and I had opened about 6 random tables to follow the action. In about 30 mins about half the field was gone and by a little bit past the hour, we were already in the money with 30 players left.

Now there is a messaging system that I can use to message the players, the problem is that it messages all of my players; including those who are playing in the Freeroll tournament and not. My initial intent was simply to announce the where the auto muck button was and say thanks for playing. I am sure there is some way to message within the chat box of that tournament , but I simply wished to give out a single message.

For Hero Poker and all Merge software poker clients, it has the ability to show animated smiley faces and other very lol type of animations (like a panda bear doing a victory dance-hard to explain) and when the players type in text, it pops up like cartoon speech box. Now for a serious grinder, these have no value at all, but since it was a freeroll, people were just trash talking each other and I could see all their conversations pop up on each table. So sometimes they would ask a question to the table about the client or something; and then I'd send out a message that answered it. Now, the players at first did not know I was observing all the tables, and so after I made the comment; someone would point that out, 'Oh, CEO Dave just answered that question'.

After a bit of time, I noticed that some players were really trash talking hard and there was one player who had this really offensive sexist screen name and there was a girl at the table, but she took it as a joke. But I ended up messaging everyone that the guy player with the sexist name was now restricted from chatting to women on the site. It got some chuckles, but then the players were like, is Dave observing the tables, then they starting to ask a few more random questions and I would answer them as if it was coming from above. It was just pretty funny in general.

I didn't keep cracking jokes because, (i) I'm not a funny guy, (ii) I didn't want to distract the other players on the site as well, but in the end I watched the entire freeroll for 2 hours and did some live updates on the forum as if I was some pokernews staff at a live event.

The entire experience reminded me when I had started two poker rooms in Macau and simply getting to know the players, and because many of the players had PMed me before the tournament I did feel as though I did know them all and it was a bit unreal watching a nearly 100 person tournament and knowing everyone. I mean some local tournament directors of live rooms do know hundreds of their players, but for online, I don't think so.

There really is no clear business point to this post, other than I thought it would be fun to run commentary throughout at tournament and really interact with the players as they are playing, but that would only be possible in a freeroll, otherwise I think it would be annoying as hell. Additionally, if there was live commentary on those high stakes online games, or online final tables, on a more regular basis, I think it would be something different to consider in adding to this concept of a boutique poker site.

Hero Poker LP rakeback up to $600 bonus automatically applied

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last 10 days by Seobombisgay, March 30

its one of those runbads where you just expect to lose every race. I also dropped a grand at ac playing the wsop circuits a few weeks ago.

yesterday, i deposited like $100 on hero poker to test it out after i read the ceos blog post on lp. compared to cereus, the players actually seem worse at the ultra turbo sngs. here are my results after a couple of hours. i started off at the 5$-10$ ultra turbo and now im just grinding the 36$ until i have about 1000$. im also a lvl 15 farmer now lol.

this site might be pretty good for u low stake sng grinders. maybe.

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New to Poker by FemalePokerPro, March 29

Hello Random People,

Just started to play online poker today after reading article after article & book after book on it. I wanted to study the basic idea before attempting it, obviously, so i started to learned how basic math & position play into each other and how to use it in FR.

Anyways this today's session was pretty good, up 3 buy-ins. I'm going to be playing a lot more in the future though it might be hard since a new season of SC2 just started... we will see.

- Liz

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Google labs by palak, March 29

Body Browser, random nerd way to waste time.

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feb+ march by Stroggoz, March 29

i've just been grinding 1-6 tables from nl50-100 because at the start of the year i basically realized that i can't become a good poker player unless i cut down on the tables and start playing properly.

I think my biggest challenge in beating this game is that i find it insanely boring to play most of the time. I've been trying to make poker more enoyable by doing other shit but since the earthquake happened, the casino/gym and a lot of places which i want to go to have been closed ever since!

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March by Carreira, March 29

Was a funny month playing NL20-5max at ongame network.

I fucking hate you ongame, i hope you get cyberaids or something.

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