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anyone know a good dl site? by hiems, March 15

The place I'm using right now can't handle alot of volume since it goes through megaupload.

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HugeNews? by aces4paul, March 15

I m sorry but i dont believe a tournament schedule with 100,000 buy ins is huge news for most people. If u can afford that much on a poker tourney good for u but for the average person thats not feasible so its not big news really.

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which poker site do you like best? by aces4paul, March 15

I was wondering everyones opinions on diff sites. I like pokerstars overall hands down, full tilt has better freerolls but ps format is much better. I have not seen any others that even compare have you?

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New User by aces4paul, March 15

Hi everyone just wanted to welcome myself to liquid poker, how does everyone like this site?

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Musings by byrnesam, March 15

A few things that have crossed my mind over the last few days:

1: The Spade.

The Spade is the highest ranked suit in cards and as a result poker sites like to use this for their logos. The 2 main perpetrators are UB and Stars.

In a sort of "cannot be unseen" moment, I would like to bring it to the marketing moguls in both companies that when presented individually and not on a playing card, the spade does infact look a lot like a butt plug.

Exhibit A:

One of these is a butt plug and one is the PokerStars stress toy. One you squeeze in your hand and the other you squeeze somewhere else.

Exhibit B:

This is the trophy you get if youre awarded one PokerStars coveted Scandinavian Poker Awards.

Here is Peter Eastgate with 2 of them. Winning them must have made his whole week
+ Show Spoiler +

Ultimate Bet went a different route, their logo looks like a buttplug that has been inserted into someones ass.

Perhaps a better slogan would be "Lube. Relax. Insert."

2: The BFG.

The Big Friendly Giant is a famous childrens book by Roald Dahl, and there's also a movie of it. When i was a kid this movie was awesome. I watched it last night and it has become frighteningly clear that the BFG is a pedophile.

He exhibits numerous traits associated with the profile of a pedophile:

1: prefers the company of children.
2: preys upon children with a troubled background (Sophie is an orphan)
3: he uses the "magic" of dreams etc to keep Sophie quiet and establish a relationship

When she gets dirty in the movie, she takes a bath and the BFG is visabliy excited. Rather than wash and dry her existing dressing gown he sews her a new dress (classic pedophile trait, using presents to lure the child) this dress is significantly shorter than her pajamas she had and later on in the film you actually get an up-skirt shot as a result.

He makes her drink a strange home-brew, that makes it "feel good deep down in your tummy" and sings a song with lyrics that only draw attention to the anus and genitals.

He also looks like a pedo

I wouldnt be surprised is BFG was a registered sex offender and thats why all the other giants had alienated him from giant-society.

3: Going Pro!

Its hard to make a living in poker just by playing the games. One of the best ways a player can make money is through sponsorship. I am probably going to move back to PokerStars, so i have decided to join their "Team Online"

I made my own avatar:

Ill email them later with a brief bio about myself and get them to add 100% rakeback to my account.

If you would like to join me and Baal on Team Online, you can use this template and cut and paste yourself in and become a POKERSTAR!

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25 NL 6max by ste0731, March 15

--- Nuked ---

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3 movies i would recommend for the bored... by whamm!, March 14

all good movies, korean movie is a "taken" clone but still pretty good. catfish and wasteland are very heartwarming and eye-opening, my daughters watched it with me and they enjoyed it which says a lot since kids these days dont have the patience for movies which are different from the box office stuff out there.

adjustment bureau is crap, i guess it's ok to watch with your GF, but only if she is a dumb person lol

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these 50NL swingers by ChrisKim47, March 14

Just put in another 4 hr session just now. Started off terribly stacking off like a total monkey. But then I started to play my hands a little better. 4 hrs played, 4377 hands, and up 479.50$ So I'm basically back to where I started all over again before the week started. EV count: running little over 20 buyins under EV, but I sucked out when my sanity was on the line. Hooray for some backdoor action.

One quick question, are you firing the river w pot size bet left vs fish w AKhh on Kc 9h 4h Js 7s ?

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MindFuQ by LikeASet, March 14


Mid term on Tues, studying for a few hours now, got to the 2nd part of the studyguides, and now im like !?!?!?! Putting the same fkn numbers in my calculator and my answers always turn out different wtf.

Why do I do this to myself? Fuk I gotta stop daydreaming in class all the time.

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San Antonio by TalentedTom, March 14

Gonna get their ass whoop by the Heat tonight.

You heard it here first

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Barry Greenstein by Gadget, March 14

Other than the charity stuff he does, is he not the least likable guy ever. This entire season of HSP all he has done is tell everyone how awesome doyle brunson is.

"doyle beat cnacer when you didnt beat cancer"
"doyle could have been in the nba"
"you weren't getting doyle off that one vanessa"

I listened to a poker road interview by him a while ago and he kept repeating how smart he was and that he didn't have to try hard to do good in school, even though its obvious the guy was a huge nerd. He has probably adjusted to the fact that people know how to play poker now less than anyone else. Every HSP season its the exact same story. Play 6 hands over the course of 5 hours. Win 3 small pots with AA, get bluffed off AA for half his stack, 3 bet with 65s vs loose guy and win a small pot, and get AA in vs some kind of straight flush draw and coinflip because he refuses to run it twice.

KK and QQ are interchangeable with AA in the above example. Barry Greenstein is the only person on earth that could make vanessa selbst my 2nd to last favorite person at a poker table.

Also, my last blog got move off the first page in like 15 minutes last time because 9 people decided to post blogs at the same time as me so read that one too.

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People are awesome by GoTuNk, March 14

Given how everyone seems to be making blog entries whinning about variance I thought it was worth it to make a blog entry about something else.

How awesome are you?

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Reply to Spitfire by Steal City, March 14

  On March 14 2011 02:43 Spitfiree wrote:
lololo cool level mind wars Steal City expected such a comment just not from you
also this is the ROFL thread if you really wanna discuss an obvious thing we can move to another thread

p.s. my comment is somewhat a troll and somewhat quite the opposite, also if i hate on another nation that doesnt make me a nationalist please get your terminology right

You said "incase you wonder why people hate Americans"

Americans, not America. You can claim to say it doesn't mean you don't hate Americans but your sentence more than implies that there a justification for hating Americans. To hate people because of what nation they are from is to be nationalist...

and i dont hate americans, only posted it with such comment coz many people pretend or actually think that they do which is even funnier so apologiez if i offended you, however your comments only make you appear as a person you described

You didn't offend me, I've spent maybe 8 years of my 26 in the US. English was the 3rd language I learned to read and write and I haven't been in the US for about 6 years or so. I have however in europe and asia come across many extremely nationalist people from all countries and it does sicken me as without nationalism and nationalist sentiments things like war and genocide might be unheard of.

You say that I am like the nationalist person I described? Pretty bold statement to make. I gave incredibly logical and well explained reasons to show that it was true for yours and you made no effort to contradict my statements aside from saying you were half trolling. You are calling me a nationalistic or something because I dislike nationalism or is it because coincidentally the people being hated on and generalized with your statement happens to be US people and I hold a US passport? Really, that's a fucked up thing to say such a thing and you don't give any reason as to why... to be honest I think you just realized this little side of you and are projecting.

if you read it all it seems very much to be ringing true here.

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Think pokerstars is the BEST!! by flea1968, March 14

--- Nuked ---

User was banned for this post.

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Found!!! a card that works on PS by flea1968, March 14

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Two pairs in a game by flea1968, March 14

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Two pairs in a game by flea1968, March 14

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Two pairs in a game by flea1968, March 14

--- Nuked ---

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The Poker Mindset by JonnyCosMo, March 13

I'm going to write up something a little longer and more in-depth about this at a later time, but for now I just want to quote something from a book that has helped me a lot over the past year.

The Poker Mindset by Ian Taylor and Matthew Hilger

Seven attitudes that every poker player should try to master regardless of their game, limits, or technical skills. They are realities you need to be aware of and attitudes you need to adopt in order to succeed in poker over the long run:

1. Understand and Accept the Realities of Poker
2. Play for the Long Term
3. Emphasize Correct Decisions over Making Money
4. Desensitize Yourself to Money
(although I personally think a lot of people do this all too well)
5. Leave Your Ego at the Door
6. Remove All Emotion from Decisions
7. Dedicate Yourself to a Continuous Cycle of Analysis and Improvement

With that said, I would like to link you all to NoahSD's blog so you can become familiar with poker by the numbers:

Now let your head assplode

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:( by Gsr_01_integ, March 13

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