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Panties by whamm!, March 13

lol you sick perverts. nothing to see here, move along now...

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LF Coach. by Carreira, March 13

Not making this too long.

Need a coach for NL20-50, willing to pay % of my winnings or any other agreement that we talk. I have flexible hours so i can adjust to your schedule.

I play NL20 at Ongame and im tired of not being able to beat it. I have a lot of time to play but losing constantly stops me from mass playing. (I play 4 to 6 tables 5max) and i can play 5-7 hours a day while taking small breaks.

Used to play nl20-nl50 at Ipoker but family problems made me cashout most of my roll and i had to start all over again. Played nl10 at ongame and went up to nl20 fast.

People from can vouch for me, im doing this because i dont care about getting cash at the moment. I just want to improve and be able to play on nl100 in a couple of months if possible... i love this game so much but im tired of not becoming better.

I watch a lot of vids, have a lot of material from CR, bfp and a couple of more sites.. i just dont know why i dont improve.

This are my stats atm.

Let me know if anyone's interested or if anyone needs additional information.


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Stop loss vs Practice/Volume by UN4, March 13


So I finally got out of NL10 (Thanks to Arirang for all your help) and I was doing O.K. at NL25 until today where I lost 400$ in 2000 hands.

I feel like when things start to go bad, it never gets better, it only becomes worst as I keep playing.

So I was wondering what do you think is a good stop loss I could set for myself ? Because clearly I'm awful at playing when I'm stuck.

The thing is I don't have that munch time to play poker, so I feel forced to play every seconds that I can because otherwise I'll never get out of this shithole that is the micro stakes. But then again if I keep playing worst when I'm losing I won't progress either...


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Me by tloapc, March 13

when I cashout

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Ugh this NL50 by ChrisKim47, March 13

So last few sessions down little over $500, cutting my winnings at the stake to 200$. Running $931 under EV, so a little worse than I hoped. Had 2nd session with coach, and we talked over some hands of his. Overall good experience and hope to continue with him as my coach. Anyways I hope to get back on track and play better cards. Good luck have fun and good game.

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The Guest House by Pillars, March 13

The Guest House
by Rumi

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

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Games that suck by NewbSaibot, March 13

To take my mind off poker I decided to "trial run" a few games to take advantage of my decent gaming rig. To date, they have all blown goats:

2) Crysis
3) Crysis Warhead
4) Mass Effect

Jesus do they make good games anymore? TF2 is the only thing worthy of my significant gaming prowess these days. All I have left now is Assassins Creed, Gears of War, and Dead Space. Never played any of them, so here goes.

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Free Money by player999, March 13

If I play less than 4000 HUsngs this month someone here gets $100 (only ~1k so far), I'll think of something to decide who after I fail.

Update on mFTOPS, lost every single hand against a huge drooler, why do I still play on FTP, I know they hate me.

edit: obv giving it to known users only, not to freeroll-chasing newfags

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not a great start by Bullshit, March 12

Winning 20 buyins at 2/4 is gonna take a bit longer than planned
I cant blame everything completely on variance as I've made some bad/questionable plays at times which will get better as I play more 6max
I've also been playing more tables than I've planned to so I'm gonna try not to do that as well and stick to 9

anyway heres the graph

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First live tournament with buyin.. by RaiZ, March 12

Lost to 58o.

Blinds were 300/600, had only 3200 chips, i'm on big blind, last hand before the lunch break.

Everyone fold to the button which raise to 1500, i've seen him play borderline, enough to say it was a real fish but folded a lot of hands after reraise before when we were on the same table before. He raised like a scared monkey, it's was pretty obvious he wanted to steal the blinds.

I find 56s SB fold, i raise allin to 3200 because meh, dunno, maybe because i wanted to leave after that.
Unfortunately he called. Seriously 58o ?

Whatever, the experience was pretty good though, surprisingly i didn't feel under pressure at all and everyone was cool with my handicap (i'm deaf) so they got patient whenever i was not sure if i heard the bet correctly or if they checked through.

After that i went to a cash game. Bought only 150e because i didn't really know how the cash games were being played. Blinds were 2/4e and most of them had bought only like 100 to 200, exception for the regs which were kinda high but i suspect they got it by playing the fishes.
Needless to say, it was extremely profitable. Ended up +150 in 2 hours. I was kinda tired, and my home was 1 hour away so i stopped it here.

Overall pretty good experience so far. Obviously because of the positive session but still, i was feeling really good both in the tournament and the cash game.

I'll probably try it again.

Now time to sleep, cheers and don't forget, don't tilt.

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normal whine post by domyouji, March 12

Well it's another great year, last year ended with a 60 bi below ev run at 200nl, and apparently this year is no different.

This year at 200

Can't even win on 100 NL

Overall year

Last 12month, the gap is getting bigger and bigger, even with hundreds of thousands of hands

Yea I don't know, just felt like venting some

Also I'm sure this gap is because I fuking suck like fayth suggested, my overpairs or sets never hold god why do i suck so much and have no skill

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It's Been a Week by Gadget, March 12

So I haven't updated my blog in like 7-10 days since I have been on spring break since then. A couple big things have happened since then. We won our first round game in our conference tournament which was pretty huge since it meant I wouldn't have to make up my tests until after spring break. If we would have lost I would have had to go back to school for 2 more days. We lost our next game in the final four of the tournament to the #1 seeded team.(We were the 6 seed).

In between the game we won, on a tuesday, and the game we lost, on a saturday, all I had with me was my netbook with no HEM or anything. It's a 10.1" screen so when I tile 4 tables they overlap. Very bad conditions for poker. So on the day after our win, we traveled to the next game and one of my teammates got the sickest ipod game ever. I think its called tiny wings or something like that. It's so much fun and I played it the entire day, basically non stop. I wanted to keep playing all night but my hands were getting sore so I decided to late register for the $32k multi entry at 10pm EST. 4 tables with no mouse sucked, but was trapped in a hotel room for the rest of the night so I decided to play anyway.

I busted 2 entries sometime after the 2nd break, money bubbled one entry, and ended up taking it down with the final entry. It was pretty insane. It lasted until 6am and we had shoot around at 8am. I tried making a deal heads up because I don't really like playing HU with 30BB for 3.5k, but the guy was in mute mode, so I won 1010 vs AK for 1st place. I had him about 1.5:1 in chips at the time. I didn't take a SS of the lobby so here is the opr from it.

Also, I went to a charity poker room thats about an hour from my house and played a $30 tournament. They told me it would have between 30-40 entrants when I called on the phone. It ended up having 20, and the prizepool was $450. Thats like 25% rake which is pretty insane. The structure was 100x better than I expected but for some reason they decided the payouts would be $300/$100/$50 for top 3. I started the FT at about 6th or 7th in chips. At 500/1000 level some guy kept raising to 11,500 and folding to my 23k shove. People are really bad. I ended up winning. Offered to chop with the guy heads up and play for $50, but he had no idea what I was talking about so we ended up playing it out.

This is probably my longest blog ever. I'm going to be selling a small % of my action next sunday I think. There is a 2 day event and the miniFtops MET ME which I'm slightly underrolled for. It will probably be something like a 1k package that I sell 30% of. Let me know if your interested, I'll post the specifics later this week.

Lastly, the Heartland Poker Tour is making a stop at Soaring Eagle Casino which is about 3 hours from my house. The ME is 1.6K BI with around 120k for first. I'm thinking about trying to sattellite or get staked for this as well. PM me if you would be interested in staking me or if you will be playing in it. Apparently it gets near 300 entrants.

Thats about it. I'm going to play MTT's all day tomorrow and then go back to grinding 90 mans with MTT's mixed in all next week.

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And suddenly by Arirang, March 12

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spring break 2011. by El_Tanque, March 12

fml as soon as i got home my parents put me to work cleaning acorns from the backyard.

Definitely a plus yesterday as I won $165 on the one armed sluts on the casinos on the way home. I have a blackjack fund that i put $115 towards (now up to $275), and $50 will go to ftp so i can feel more comfortable playing the micros confidently. I like having atleast 20 BI's at the level i'm playing at, so once i'm up to $100 i'll move to 5nl, shouldn't take too long. I've been playing very well, however i am missing out on all the information i could be getting by using HEM, or pokertracker, which brings me to my next question...
Which software works best/most efficiently? I feel i could be making much more informed decisions if i had some background information on certain players... Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!!

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Where to watch starcraft II live? by hhse, March 12

I'm currently in south korea.

I've been searching for a while now, but I can't seem to find anything online detailing where SC2 is hosted (address) and also a timetable showing when it will be screened live.

Any ideas?

And also, where would I get a timetable for starcraft 1 etc

Thanks for help.

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How can I run this bad? by Nacta, March 12

This last year I've been running so bad on nl 25 it's unreal. So bad that it's really depressing. It has tilted me so bad so I've also been playing worse, but still. I've practically just been going up and down between nl10, and im SO sick og nl0 (where i've also been running pretty bad, but atleast im still on the plus side) I just want to vomit. It's starting to get really depressive. I'm just never gotta get out of the micros it seems .

anyways here's my ev graph for nl25:
I'm over 40 bi under ev, and yes I know I havent been playing that well on nl25 all the time, and I'm only bare on the plus side in ev. But it seriously tilt the shit out of me .

Here's my nl10 graph, which is also pretty bad in ev terms too, but I'm pretty satisfied with it though.

could be worse, but is it normal to have swings like this? Or am I just a really unlucky guy?

And sry for making such a whine blog, but I just needed to get this off my chest.

Pics should work now.

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30 minute video by NeillyJQ, March 11

Hey guys, I've made a 30 minute MTT Video. Grabbed a random one out of my video folder that had 4 tables;

watch it and let me know what you think;
the videos a tad old, you can kinda tell where i know better now aday in a couple spots

Hope you enjoy,
Ryan Neilly (NeillyAA)

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NAPT Bounty Shootout Day 1 today for me!! by Joeingram1, March 11

Just got my table draw for the bounty shootout today and went and got picutres taken for the bounty chip that you give to who busts you. Buyin for it is 10k and get 2k for each bounty, 40k for winning first table and final table is 10k for each bounty and 171k for first place

Hopefully I can get at least 1 bounty and not 0 it out.

Have position on my fellow sne grinder george lind, should be exciting. Starts in about an hour, can follow along at

lol i was only joking when i made this post

Table 2
1 George Lind III
2 Joe Ingram
3 John Hennigan
4 Ali Eslami
5 Allen Kessler
6 Joe Serock
7 Dr. Sameer Al Janedi
8 Dennis Phillips
9 Alex Wice

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ftp for stars anyone by lostaccount, March 11

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No more plo by Mortensen8, March 11

The game is too sick and I am not very good at it at least if my ev line was looking prettier but no, easier to tilt for me as well...
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I have played around 47000 hands of PLO and I'm down $570 after being up around the same amount I am doing something wrong and I switched back to NL again lol

Playing both games at the same time and was break even at NL but then this month I started to win a bit. The two sharp swings you see are some 50nl.

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My bankroll is finally at 2K since I hit 1K in oct it was at 1,7 then down to $600 at one point and I almost moved down rakeback has kept me in it and I'm going to try and play more 50nl soon. Slow painful climb lol I think I need coaching at some point but not yet I guess.

Sharkscope also has me down around $570 in tournaments which are my ftps and iron man points should I just do the safe thing and use everything on bonuses?

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