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Swongs and Fish - NL25 by edzwoo, March 11

So I decided I'm going to label all my little progress journal entries with - [limit] just so it looks nice and sorted when I go through my blog posts. These will be about whatever random hand histories or poker theories that have been going through my mind. Take it all with a grain of salt though.

So I've played 3 sessions since my last blog post, and I'm going to try and space them out so I don't make too many NL25 blog posts before I move up to NL50 (unless I go busto lol).

Swongs! I'm probably going to have to get used to 5-10bi swings in short sessions if I'm going to play this loose. If it starts feeling massively -EV or too hard, I'll probably tighten up or cut down some tables to think a little better. For now I'm having a lot of fun though. Cliffs of the three sessions (starting with the -6bi):

-Jammed for value into a lot of sets
-Jammed as a bluff into a lot of sets
-Got jammed on my bluffs a lot
-Did not backdoor random two pairs enough with my crap hands
-Didn't win any important all-ins

-More big pots shipped out than in

-Played 4 tables only and let my poker club sweat me.
-Almost all bluffs worked.
-Big pots went a bit in my favor.
-Happy that I didn't look like a donk and lose in front of everyone.

I posted two hands that I felt were somewhat educational/interesting: - Awkward spot against likely straightforward villain. I think a good solution is to 3bet this person very aggressively until I don't feel awkward at all on that turn. - I think we often tend to overestimate our equity on these boards.


Anyway I wanted to go over this hand:
+ Show Spoiler +

Fun little hero call. I think a lot of people will just give up turn, but you won't have much FE on this type of board texture since everything is basically two overs. A good standard to go by is assume fish are going to flat your cbet with two overcards so you need to adjust by value betting extremely thin. You could call the turn bet a thin value bet and just to protect. River I check because I can't really vbet anymore, and call because I don't think villain would randomly do this with midpair or worse. His range to the river feels like it should have a LOT of air, so much that it overshadows the times he rivers a 9 or slowplays some type of hand. So I think a call is justified.

I was writing up a long blurb about betting weaker hands, but I think I wrote a little too much and got really off subject, so I'll save that in another entry.

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I must be doing something wrong. by ahole-surprise, March 11

Anyone want to offer coaching for 6max on PS? Or maybe someone to just watch my sessions.

I was properly rolled for NL25. After what seems like endless bad beats and coolers, I am no longer properly rolled for NL25. I am now playing NL10 and things have continued as before. It's like one day I'll make +1 BI, the next day -2BI, the next day -6BI, -9BI, +2BI, -9BI.

I am constantly getting sucked out on. I am constantly getting coolered. But maybe I'm putting myself in situations for that to happen? My bet sizing is proper, I just get fucked over and over. But maybe something is wrong. Over 150k hands this can't be just bad luck unless PS hates me and fucked my account.

I'd like coaching but what I really want right now is an experienced player to watch my sessions and see what I'm seeing. I need to know that this shit isn't just me.

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Sources: Poker is Rigged - Will be closed down by YouGoTGoT, March 10

Confirmed: See below

Submitted by : YouGoTGoT

PokerStars Game #59003910438: Omaha Pot Limit ($0.10/$0.25 USD) - 2011/03/10 22:54:06 ET
Table Sputnik X 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Miss_Azazel ($7.75 in chips)
Seat 2: MWaterman11 ($41.17 in chips)
Seat 3: capt_trip37 ($30.46 in chips)
Seat 4: Hero ($37.24 in chips)
Seat 5: hsun85 ($50.20 in chips)
hsun85: posts small blind $0.10
Miss_Azazel: posts big blind $0.25

Dealt to Hero 3h6hJsKs
MWaterman11: folds
capt_trip37: folds
Hero: raises $0.50 to $0.75
hsun85: folds
Miss_Azazel: calls $0.50

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $1.60)

Miss_Azazel: checks
Hero: bets $1
Miss_Azazel: raises $3.52 to $4.52
Hero: raises $3.52 to $8.04
Miss_Azazel: calls $2.48 and is all-in
Uncalled bet ($1.04) returned to Hero

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $15.60)


River (Pot : $15.60)


Miss_Azazel: shows 8cKh8h9s (a pair of Nines)
Hero: shows 3h6hJsKs (a straight, Nine to King)
Hero collected $14.83 from pot

Total pot $15.60 | Rake $0.77
Board  Qh9cTh2c5c
Seat 1: Miss_Azazel (big blind) showed 8cKh8h9s and lost with a pair of Nines
Seat 2: MWaterman11 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 3: capt_trip37 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 4: Hero (button) showed 3h6hJsKs and won ($14.83) with a straight, Nine to King
Seat 5: hsun85 (small blind) folded before Flop

Miss_Azazel said, "yes wp..another prik raises with junk and hits the nuts"
Miss_Azazel said, "it should be on jokerstars advert...come to play prik fish who always hit..."
Miss_Azazel said, "we ahv total rigged software and we dont mind rippin u off!!"
capt_trip37 said, "all losers say its rigged"
hero said, "rofl"
capt_trip37 said, "dont be a loser"

Submitted by : YouGoTGoT

PokerStars Game #59003995834: Omaha Pot Limit ($0.10/$0.25 USD) - 2011/03/10 22:57:33 ET
Table Sputnik X 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Miss_Azazel ($9.45 in chips)
Seat 2: MWaterman11 ($46.83 in chips)
Seat 3: capt_trip37 ($28.61 in chips)
Seat 4: Hero ($44.67 in chips)
Seat 5: hsun85 ($43.75 in chips)
Miss_Azazel: posts small blind $0.10
MWaterman11: posts big blind $0.25

Dealt to Hero 8c7h5h5d
capt_trip37: folds
Hero: folds
hsun85: folds
Miss_Azazel: raises $0.50 to $0.75
MWaterman11: raises $1.50 to $2.25
Miss_Azazel: raises $4.50 to $6.75
MWaterman11: raises $13.50 to $20.25
Miss_Azazel: calls $2.70 and is all-in
Uncalled bet ($10.80) returned to MWaterman11

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $18.90)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $18.90)


River (Pot : $18.90)


Miss_Azazel: shows 2hKsKhAd (two pair, Kings and Fours)
MWaterman11: shows ThJsQs9c (a flush, Queen high)
MWaterman11 collected $17.96 from pot
Hero said, "lol"

Total pot $18.90 | Rake $0.94
Board  8s9s4s2c4h
Seat 1: Miss_Azazel (small blind) showed 2hKsKhAd and lost with two pair, Kings and Fours
Seat 2: MWaterman11 (big blind) showed ThJsQs9c and won ($17.96) with a flush, Queen high
Seat 3: capt_trip37 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 4: Hero folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: hsun85 (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)

hero said, "lol"
Miss_Azazel said, "and ppl wonder why i say day this site will be closed down..the stuff happening here is illegal"
hero said, "we dont wonder"
Miss_Azazel said, "u will see oone day gullable dikheads"
hero said, "what kind of time frame are we talkin about with the closing"

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I can't stop my random tilt sessions... by Jhyun88, March 10

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Mohegan son tmrw by JSquids, March 10

goin to mohegan tmrw for the night, getting there around 9. i have tickets to see elton john at 8. should b fun and i hope to crush teh weak 1/2 games. also get drunk.

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$50 Stars->FTP by NewbSaibot, March 10

Can anyone help me out?

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lol I'm a degen by Bullshit, March 10

been a while since I've posted and since then I've had lots of ups and downs

the last little while I've lost about 120k being retarded including 50k flipping

I've decided to stop all degen activities for now and play strictly NL cash games for the next new months starting from 2/4 and moving up every 20 buyins

in other news I'm gonna move this month to downtown Toronto and hopefully get everything done soon and go to EPT Berlin in April

heres a graph of my 2/4 grinding so far was a bit rusty but starting to get used to 9-12 tabling again

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go time by TheMusiC, March 10

so i set some pretty big goals for myself poker-wise at the beginning of the year, but as it so happens every time i decide i want to invest some serious time into learning this game, real life got in the way (actually i've spent the past month and a half prepping for and applying to grad school). anyway, now that all that shit's done i think i really do have time to dump into something fun, so here we go! spent about 2 hrs playing earlier today 4-tabling NL5 and got in about 500~ hands. up a buy-in so far, felt pretty good about my play. spring break is next week and i'm not going anywhere so hopefully i'll be able to get some good volume in then.

gl all!

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need $100 paypal by TenBagger, March 10

offering $110 PS, reputable only. if someone can help me out i'd appreciate it, thanks.

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Need some advice! Music and sexy bitches inside. by WaterFlow, March 10

I'm looking for a laptop. I don't do to much on it besides watching tv shows / movies online, poker and normal internet browsing.

I want to spend around $400-$650. Any suggestions?

Here's a couple good hip hop songs:

J.Cole -- Losing my Balance

Fashawn -- Boy meets world

Kid Cudi -- The Prayer

And some sexy females:

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Well I guess Im back... by Jamie217, March 09

To the No-Limit Hold Em variant of poker. Omaha is a ton of fun and all but jesus it makes my head spin and the longterm variance is pretty ridiculous. Seeing as I have been down swinging for about a year now I guess I gotta go back to what I know best and start making some cash money again. Also a huge factor was the state of Stars 6max games right now seem better than theyve been in a long time. Looking at my lifetime PLO graph is pretty hilarious and fairly tilting at how much Ive put into learning the game... Might as well post for some laughs

My thoughts on this graph

So easy to blame it on the PLO variance but I am clearly miles away from being a proven winner.. although I will most likely always play it to some extent when dealing with the crunch of paying for school and maintaining the cost of a house and gf (sometimes I dont know which costs more ) I feel like it is in my best interests to return to the game I know I can beat longterm.

So starting yesterday I dove back into the nit infested games of 1/2nl on stars and found them definitely to be better than normal.. A lot more fish per table and whatnot. After spewing off in the first hour or so I started playing slightly better but still rusty for sure. It will take a little time to get readjusted but hopefully shouldn't take too long

Not exactly what I had in mind when I started back but Im sure the NL gods of the pokerworld will be kinder in the future. Ive been playing a fair amount of live at Fallsview in Niagara Falls recently as well which has been actually fun somehow...And I am going to be headed to NAPT Mohegan Sun in early April so if anyone is headed there as well lemme know!

Im going to try and update this blog fairly frequently as it will probably hold me more accountable pokerwise. Enjoy!


Friend of mine just sent me a variance simulator of my hands with my std deviation if I had a wr of 2bb/100 so ridiculous.

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who's reloadin for PS bonus? =) by LikeASet, March 09

Probably me, extra rake back never hurts O=

Progress so far this year, bulk of it is really within around a 1 month time span. 6-12 tabling but I still need to work on a whole lot of shit obv including trying to not vent the tilt on the poker tables.

Time to subscribe to CardRunners to shake off them bad habbits that makes one only have marginal results.

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mFTOPS HU by player999, March 09

***sold out

think I'm gonna play this event 19 and sell 50%, its a $1060 HU tourney

50% = $600
10% = $120
5% = $60

ship to hneves182 on either PS or FTP, I'll ship back if I end up not playing

10% dryath (received)
10% redrain0125 (received)
10% vlseph (received)
5% neillyAA (received)
5% tiagoxdd (received)
5% TheHuHu3 (received)
5% Dayum (received)

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So this NL50. by ChrisKim47, March 09

14 sessions, 34 hrs played, 32,600 hands. Up 730$, and had a nice 4 hr session netting little over 400$ just now. Still running pretty bad overall. Under EV like little less than 500$.
Some of the worst sessions were these.

3/8/11 $7.45 EV $256
3/7/11 ($111) EV $71

Really hoping I can string together some more wins. I hope its not my game that sux.
Anyways glhf, gg.

msg for bw games.

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So I'm 19.. by NeillyJQ, March 09

Just got kicked out of Taiwan for teaching english without a college degree, sure as hell don't want to go back to the states yet, Thailand it is. (had $500 br at time *didn't know what poker was*)

Arrive at Thailand, go to Khosan Road, stay at the sawatdee inn, go across the street, meet a sweetass hottie n hook up w/ her that night. Few days I had my fun with her, then one night she goes fuckin berzerk on me. I'm like WTF!!! I run to my room and throw about 500-1200 baht at her. (15-40$ish) Party goes on a week on khosan, was fun, but too touristy. (gangja street was fun as hell tho, and only place to safely get green)

Stroke of luck was found. I found a dvd of Rounders and a DVD of Boiler Room for like $2 each on the street.

2nd Stroke of luck was found, met a fucking insanely hot girl at a club and went to her house w/ some friends n partied all night.

3rd stroke of luck was found - my br was at like $200, the next day i wake up and hook up with her. She loves me, I stay there for the remaining 20 days or so freez and live Thai life.

4th stroke of luck was found - Daut44 won a WPT title and inspired me to play poker with all my heart and desire

5th stroke of luck was found - Got to play in some WSOPs and lost to flips and bad beats 2/3 times

6th stroke of luck was found - Becoming a live cash monster while still MTTing and kickin the shit out of cashgames up to NL100 over the last 5-6 months.

7th stroke of luck is next.


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need FTP/PS have AP/UB/Cake by Steal City, March 09

I wanna at least move 700 from AP or Cake to FTP. But I can do a lot more. Plz message me if interested

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Ghost town - UB by Arirang, March 09

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UO Malta and PLO-help by DustySwedeDude, March 09


Having a good month so far poker wise, and I'm going to Malta with my wonderful gf tomorrow.

If anyone wants to hang out on Malta shot me a PM or msg me on facebook (facebook prefered due to the fact that I won't check LP after tonight for a while).

If anyone who plays PLO wants to discuss hands and crap shoot me a PM, preferably people who plays 1/2+ or something. I think my fundamentals might suck.

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Laws of Power by Mariuslol, March 09

Looked through them, some I felt are lol, and some I didn't quite get. Here's a few bits about the laws that I felt were interesting.

Law 1

Always make those above you feel comfortably superior. In your desire to please and impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite - insire fear and insecurity. Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power.

Law 2

Be wary of friends - they will betray you more quickly, for they are easily aroused to envy. They also become spoilted and tyrannical. But hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has more to prove. In fact, you have more to fear from friends than enemies.

Law 4

When we are trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common you appear, and the less in control. Even if you are saying something banal, it will seem original if you make it vague, open-ended, and sphinxlike. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less. The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish.

Law 5

Reputation is the cornerstone of power. Through reputation alone you can intimidate and win; once it slips, however, you are vulnerable, and will be attacked on all sides.

Law 9

Any momentary triumph you think you have gained through argument is really a Pyrrhic victory: The resentment and ill will you stir up is stronger and lasts longer than any momentary change of opinion. It is much more powerful to get others to agree with you through your actions, without saying a word. Demonstrate, do not explicate.

Law 10

You can die from someone else's misery - emotional states are as infectious as diseases. You may feel you are helping the drowning man but you are only precipitating your own disaster. The unfortunate sometimes draw misfortune on themselves; they will also draw it on you. Associate with the happy and fortunate instead.

Law 13

If you need to turn to an ally for help, do not bother to remind him of your past assistance and good deeds. He will find a way to ignore you. Instead, uncover something in your request, or in your alliance with him, that will benefit him, and emphasize it out of all proportion. He will respond enthusiastically when he sees something to be gained for himself.

Law 16

Too much circulation makes the price go down: The more you are seen and heard from, the more common you appear. If you are already established in a group, temporary withdrawl from it will make you more talked about, evne more admired. You must learn when to leave. Create value through scarcity.

Law 20

It is the fool who always rushes to take sides. Do not commit to any side or cause but yourself. By maintaining your independence, you become the master of others - playing people against one another, making them pursue you.

Law 29

The ending is everything. Plan all the way to it, taking into account all the possible consequences, obstacles, and twists of fortune that might reverse your hard work and give the glory to others. By planning to the end you will not be overwhelmed by circumstances and you will know when to stop. Gently guide fortune and help determine the future by thinking far ahead.

Law 30

Your actions must seem natural and executed with ease. All the toil and practice that go into them, and also all the clever tricks, must be concealed. When you act, act effortlessly, as if you could do much more. Avoid the temptation of revealing how hard you work - it only raises questions. Teach no one your tricks or they will be used against you.

Law 35

Never seem to be in a hurry - hurrying betrays a lack of control over yourself, and over time. Always seem patient, as if you know that everything will come to you eventually. Become a detective of the right moment; sniff out the spirit of the times, the trends that will carry you to power. Learn to stand back when the time is not yet ripe, and strike fiercly when it has reached fruition.

Law 46

Appearing better than others is always dangerous, but most dangerous of all is to appear to have no faults or weaknesses. Envy creates silent enemies. It is smart to occasionally display defects, and admit to harmless vices, in order to deflect envy and appear more human and approachable. Only gods and the dead can seem perfect with impunity.

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NL 50 by LikeASet, March 08

It's about that time again. Been playing more like a hobby every now and then during these past couple months. Deposited $500 and semi-tilted my way up to $1850 =/. I feel like it's a good time for me to start playing more semi regularly with more concentration (no more 12 tabling bumhunting micro fish while watching SC2 streams ). Now that I'm going to take a nl 50 stab, I think it would be helpful to start subscribing to a coaching vid site again just to help prevent less ??? situations.

What's a good coaching site nowadays? It's been almost like 1.5 years since I downloaded a new coaching vid. I have no clue about all these new coaches.

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