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send email to Stars by tloapc, January 11

Subject: Buy-in structure solution for 2011

Dear PokerStars,

I heard that you are going to be finalizing the buy-in structure for 2011 by the end of this month. I want to hopefully help in providing a well rounded solution to something that is apparently looked at with hesitancy.

The compromise to this dilemma is to keep it simple.
- Keep your current setup
- In addition to the current setup, recreate the original tables that you used to have (20-100bbs) or instead create a new bb buy-in table option of either 20-250 or 35-250 bbs

Adding back this method would allow your clients once again the absolute choice to decide both:
- with whom they want to play with
- how much they would like to put down

In this way the bottom lines that should be adhered to are addressed and all sides of this equation are able to benefit. I'm presenting this solution beyond my own personal self interest and preference. My personal preference is actually not included here. This is instead aimed more so for the long term profitable adventure of your poker site since I do believe unlike others places, PokerStars is a well intended corporation with it's clients actually in mind.

Thank you for your time

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Random HU run by edzwoo, January 11

So I don't have time to grind poker anymore, but I had like $100 sitting in my account. It feels like too little to cash out, so instead I'm going to try and make an epic run with it.

Only heads up.

BR management is:

<$500 NL50 Min-buyin (no rat holing, stay until opponent leaves)
$500<$1000 NL50 full stack, maybe NL100 min-buyin? Drop down if below $300.
>$1000 NL50 full, NL100 full, NL200 min-buyin?

And so on. Essentially 10bi max rule.

Busto in 1 day? Not aggro enough BR management?

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Weird that im back playing again jsut now by whamm!, January 11

just played 24 tables cold after 4 months of no poker whatsoever. up 1bi hihi
fees like a lot of money when ive spent over 1k learning/buying software earning 0 dollars lol
damn poker money is just too good to give up

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Lets play HU by Chewits, January 10

Took a break from MTTs, and focused on HU for a bit. MTTs were destorying me. So much time and energy and such shitty poker. Dont get me worng, still love em, but I needed a break. And I had been studying alot of HU recently.

Started off with the penny stakes and played some NL10 HU today. Fun game. Have not had this much fun with Poker in a long time. Obv everyone is so terrible, and its like printing money.

Might move up to NL25 tomorrow.

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Done with FTP! by SpasticInk, January 10

Had some good five days. Put in the volume for once, and cleared the $300 bonus. I also managed to win a 14 buyins. Have to say it's a pleasure to play on FTP (software wise).

Probably gonna move to PS on friday when I get my rakeback (which should be something around (900-300)*0,27 = 162!

Graph from FTP:

Roll is now $1900 (guess it's nice to double it in five days). I should also get around 160 in rakeback on friday, and in a couple of days around 200 ~ from last month's play at iPoker.

Planning to start at NL100 w/ 3k BR, hopefully in a week or two.

Anyway, for you guys playing NL50 at FTP I think the most important thing is to table select. Sitting with 5 other regulars (even if they are somewhat bad) is pretty unneccessary when you can find a seat on a table w/ fish. At iPoker it was kind of messy to change tables, but on FTP you only have to browse the list once in a while and taking the highest VPIP (and look for some random stack numbers like 39 dollars - usually a fish).

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Playing poker when sick by redrain0125, January 10

say you caught a nasty flu. youre feeling unenergetic, cold, and your throat feels like its on fire. do you still put in a session to keep up with daily # of hands?

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My Paypal for Your Stars by Sanai, January 10

So I'm trying to move some of my roll to PS and for some reason, echecks are being a bitch and basically allowing me to deposit like $20 at a time, once every 24 hours. Ridiculous.

I'll gladly ship someone $1000 over Paypal in return for $980 on Stars. If it's someone I know, I don't mind sending first. Otherwise, we can do it in increments of a hundred or so. Thanks.

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Cannabis Cures Cancer by k2o4, January 10

This is a great video on many medical uses of cannabis, including it's ability to cure cancer.

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How you know you're busto by edzwoo, January 10

So I cashed out my rolls from my Stars and FTP accounts a while ago, but I guess I randomly got some sort of bonus on both accounts because I had exactly $100 sitting in them.

I decide to go and two table NL50 HU. This guy sits with me:

Some other guy sits at my other table and about the fourth hand in with Mr Yalc, I get K9cc in vs his A3cc on J87ccc and get stacked. I auto-reload back to $7.85 because he took half my roll.

He sits out and asks me to "pls reload". I tell him sorry man it's all I got. So he quits me.

I don't care how my business is doing, I have never felt more busto in poker.

In any case, the other guy quits me and I start 3 tabling with $10, and I quintuple all of those so now I have $170. Maybe I'll record this progress and see how far I can get it before busto-ing.

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Shot went bad... by moneypoker, January 10

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red line in lhe by chogeu, January 10

Didn't play much in December so I figured posting would be useless.

Anyhoo, started playing limit holdem a few weeks ago and so far I quite like it. The games feel really soft even to a new player like me. Top pair wins a lot of the hands and people generally miss value with monster hands.

But I'm having a problem with the red line. Should I just not worry about it and semi-bluff less? Maybe it's impossible to have a positive red line when the vpip is generally 60%+

+ Show Spoiler +

This month's graph, some profit in nlhe but I decided to filter them out.
+ Show Spoiler +

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Racist Poetry by Oly, January 10

I have always had a thing for literature - I'm reasonably well read. Especially in poetry I greatly enjoy thinking about the authors and the source of their inspiration. It ties in with aspects of history - a sociological angle.

Today I surfed the Stormfront website for the first time to find out what goes on there. If you don't know, which I didn't, this is the major white power website and all that is associated with that.

And lo and behold, they have a poetry section on their forums! I would like to share a few that I have dug out which particularly struck me. If you expect this to offend you, and it's content is very offensive, please don't bother reading them and then getting angry that I posted them. I was utterly taken aback and have now developed a morbid fascination. There are pages of this but here are some favourites so far - I am posting these partially for me to have them in one place for reference...:


So full of pride clean shaved laced boots
True warrior inside continue on the path
Around the world we do stand strong
Skinheads rise lets take the streets
Uneducated enemies turn on us
Number 1 to shave black wax to polish
You are the ones we need when the time comes
It's getting closer can you feel it
It's war my friends a war to the end
White nationalism is our goal
Together shoulder to shoulder we stand tall
Showing the world we are all for real
It's you skinhead I'm calling for help
Stand beside and join in
Wake from your sleep in a world of lies
Dust off your jacket Express yourself today
We are the first to lead the strong
Never give in it's our motto
Today things will change all we need is you
Skinheads we are so pure with European blood inside
Remember those of the past and what they thought for
Our land is being overrun it's time to take it back
Do it for yourself, your family and your children
Don't think of tomorrow we need you today
Brothers in arms skinheads till the end
Never will the true ones change it's not a fad It's our life

The Wave of the East and Below

Here is a little piece of poetry I had put together to explain what is happening in the World, I hope you understand the messages behind it

Oh the wave of the East and blow you have risen up as a tide against our people, you have risen tall and in strength and you charge towards our lands and have caused much sufferign and extinction of our people

Oh wave of the East and below we blame you for our suffering, but we do not see the vibrations that cause you to strike our lands and the true evil gets away

Oh you wave! you have divided our people only the knowledge and the open minded shall not blame you, but the others who think with boiling blood blame you wave

We target not the source but we target the you wave, we put rocks in the way to stop you but you still crawl through and cause much havoc

Only if our people woke up and saw the true cause then one can fix the problem and send the wave to its homeland, send the wave to the sea and all live in harmony

[the author wrote this note afterwards:

the poetry is refering to the wave of immigrats who leave there homeland due to War and tyranny by the zionists there and then they come over to Europe and America to settle for a new life. We blame the immigrants and direct our hate towards them but we do not realize in order to fix this problem and live in harmony we must stop the Wars in there countries and then only can we send them back because then they would want to live there.]

Dwarves and Jews

In the flesh of ymir's death,
the maggot's turned to evil pests,
that plague today's society,
and make it hard for you and me.

From the original aryan man,
mixed with odins seed we north europeans began,
but from the same original man,
the dwarfs mixed and behold! the jew!
a parasite who knows no good,
he despises our gods and all that would,
stand for what's right he labels hate,
for our culture he makes us feel ashamed.

His features are the result of,
his evil and ugly dwarven blood,
he wants to rape our women and young,
and destroy our holy white blood.

Stand up men and women too,
unite now against the jew,
and get together now women and men,
let's breed a viking force again,
to help defend our folk and faith,
against the parasitic race,
against those jewish folk destroyers,
the race of murderers, rapists and voyeurs.

[I love this one, the rhythm really counterpoints the content]


Zombies, again, are roaming in the night
They wander 'round the streets
looking for a fight.
The trashbin is burning, you can hear their screams
Society with peace exists only in your dreams.

They come for your thoughts, your brains
with clothes dirty, dirty hair.
For diversity means mud for them
They accept it not
that you desire to keep your people fair.

Puppets for the elite these zombies are
Their brains displaced with cotton candy
and peanut bar.
Individual thoughts non-existent
behind their eyes.
All they can do is repeating
the pre-installed lies.

They seek for chaos, seek to destroy
They want to change the world with that, and
by eating soy.
"No fascists in our streets!" I hear they
now yell.
They are fascists themselves,
that I can truly tell.

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quality blogpost update by whamm!, January 10

never cries, always smiling and giggling. lifts up my mood each time.
cutest baby in the world imo

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Well it ain't much by thewh00sel, January 10

But I had a decent Sunday for once

Also my kid started standing and taking a few steps, here's her MJordan impression

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halp, leaks by TheMusiC, January 09

so i've been playing a bit since the start of the new year (though not as much as i'd hoped to) and although i'm struggling at times i think i'm doing alright for someone who just started taking this seriously. my biggest leak so far though has been me folding too much to aggression, typically when i cbet and people call/raise and bet me on the turn. as a result, my non-showdown graph is atrocious -- it's basically a line sloping down. i'm thinking maybe i should tighten up my range and pick better spots to bet/play back (although i also have a hard time identifying when i should play back -- when i have, i end up losing on showdown or folding on later streets), or perhaps i'm giving people too much credit for hands?

one situation that i have a LOT of trouble with is when i raise pf and end up flopping second pair, or i raise/3b pf with TT-QQ and an ace or a king comes on the flop. i'm thinking i misplay these a lot, and i end up getting into spots like these:

another spot involves me raising pf with something like AK or KQs (broadways, overcards etc), missing the flop, and then not knowing how to continue if i cbet, get called, and a blank comes on the turn. i know these are pretty broad questions but any guidance is good i suppose.

actually i think i just need to quit playing like a pussy.

also been laying off the hon lately, seems like every time i play tmm with a group of 5 we run into 18/1900+ dudes who force us to play tryhard when all i want to do is chill out and have an ez game ;p

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NL50 by Almebeast, January 09

Some might consider what a follows a brag post. After struggling a bit at first Im starting to get comfortable at NL50. This is from after the fall semester ended. Lets hope I'm not jinxing it by showing graph.

Ran really good today obviously.

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tournaments by mnj, January 09

have 17 tickets to either the 750k guaranteed on ftp or the 240 ko.

was wondering about general advices/differences between cash/tournaments
also fastest way to learn how to play mtts properly?

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Great Phone Debate by k2o4, January 09

So I'm actually looking at getting some sorta android phone. Any suggestions? What do you guys have, what has worked for you, what sucks, etc. I need advice. I'm still rocking a crappy old school blackberry on a prepaid card with no data plan. After using an android phone I can see a shitload of ways to make use of that thing, and I get all this sexiness without having to deal with apple and its fucking iphone.


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fuck i'm a busto by vlseph, January 09

i also wrote about 2-3 paragraphs and accidentally closed the tab. i'll just put a summary.

-building new computer
-ordered parts
-gonna be overdrafted around $125 cause i didn't pay attn to how much i had left
-played 17k @ FTP and 9k at PS so far
-love the volume i've put in so far hope it keeps up
-i'm soon to be busto in the checkings account
-lost black card status last night, received black card package yesterday morning, gonna gain it back in around 5-10 days. also i was never qualified for black card but had the benefits of it for a while.

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Transfer 152 by Jun, January 09

I need 152 on FTP for 152 on stars. Add me on skype junemun1 or pm me or post something.
I will send first to reputables


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