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Week 1 MTTs by Chewits, January 09

Sup LP, going to try and write up weekly reviews of the weeks play. Results wise, nothing significant since the 2nd place in the 500 cap tourney last week.

A few deep runs but two things end up happening, well actually 3 things;

1) I open from LP with a hand like 89s, get called from blinds and flop 4K4, and i donk check it, turn a 9 and he donks two streets into me and I call thinking he is bullshit and he turns up with KQ, and i hate my life, and am down to 15bbs and proceed to go out not long after that

2) I similarly open from LP with AJo with 26bb, vs active blinds, and get called and flop is Q67r and i cbet and he c/r me and i hate my life and fold, and then proceed to dwindle away becuase the table has gone beserk and i just cant find any spots.

3) I probably start pushing a bit too much, take some blinds then someone decides to call me and we both have live cards and i fail. But you know, I have always learned that I should be pushing 15bb from alot of positions and def reshoving with very good hands.

Just cant seem to get a break when I am running deep. I think I am playing it wrong or something. I dunno. Been watching vids, have recorded myself play and talk (helps me focus) and watch it back to pick up on things i missed etc. I have had a hand review session with a coach and am constantly questioning plays from not me, but from others at the table etc.

I have adjusted my sleep so I am more intune with ET time zone, as alot of the good micro tourneys with smaller fields start after midnight GMT. I have been working my way through alot of non poker strategy videos, including Tommys vid series, Pokersense and Shuffle and Flow.

I am considering uploading some videos of me playing live, but with the nature of MTTs not alot can happen and it does get quite tiring talking to yourself for a deep run! If anyone is interested in checking it out, let me know.

Some hands to ponder;

Can I bet?
+ Show Spoiler +

Nitty Fold?
+ Show Spoiler +

Ok to flat?
+ Show Spoiler +

Is this a +ev reshove?
+ Show Spoiler +

Too nitty?
+ Show Spoiler +

Just a lol hand. UB is so soft O_O

+ Show Spoiler +

Been listening to alot of really nice chilled out music these days from artist/composers like Jon Hopkins, Max Ricter, Solar Fields and Ott. Good shit to listen to while you grinding, cuz its not too melodic, and is very ambient relaxed. Helps me keep calm and focused for sure.

I also have fallen in love with this song - very addictive;

Non related Poker news:

My electric shower broke. The sorta thing you dont realise you miss untill you do not have it. Hoping to get it sorted this week. Wife is away again this week for more work training, so just gonna keep working hard.

Off to make some bolognase, and start the Sunday grind.


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revamped site for the 20th time by whamm!, January 09

i dont care if you like it, but i secretly do thats why im posting it here lol
"" lol i realized it sounds a lot like classifags but woteva
did a lot of thinking after the last time and did away with most unecessary stuff and just kept everything pertinent to "classifieds, buying and selling" and some fun stuff to keep ppl interested like liquibet type of games for sports like NBA, UEFA and MMA events, i also installed a quiz game which has tons of quizzes and is kinda fun for chicks and intellectual types. tomorrow is my last day of dicking with my site and finally encoding the nba, uefa and mma events till the end of their seasons. too bad i only got 50 MMA fighters left to include so i guess ill have to settle for only rated welterweight up to heavyweight pros.
colors are still kinda meh, but im kinda ok with it. i need to get back to grinding so i have to let this go and just start spending my local advertising budget on this, market is still soft here so its not impossible at all. any advice on how to promote this would be appreciated, (i suck at adword and facebook campaigns)

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Quit at 2370 imo by Night2o1, January 09

Sickest 6 hour session that included a deep run in a 32k guarentee tourney
Session after I set up my second monitor.

Hope I stick at 1/2 this time. Goal is to settle in and really earn some money for a couple months. And stack bigred 100 times!!

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Biggest leak by NewbSaibot, January 09

So I think I discovered my biggest leak to date, and that is not knowing enough about turn/river play. I've been on a fun little heater at rush again buying in for the minimum 40BB's, only to realize that it has been my greatest strength being able to effectively only play a preflop+flop game, where the money is usually going in at that point if either of us have anything. You would think I'm missing out on some good implied odds situations, but I came to realize that I just dont get AA/KK or multiway draws often enough to make it really matter. In 5k hands I feel like I've only missed 5-10 opportunities to stack someone for 100BB's. But I cant tell you how many times I would have been stacked via suckout/cooler if I was playing 100BB's the whole time. You know the adage, "win a small pot instead of lose a big one". I'm pretty lag running around 32/25 so I tend to pick up lots of small pots and healthily grind my stack up. Once I have a certain amount I dont feel like losing I just quit and reload the table for another 40BB's. This keeps me from getting it allin and losing those 200BB pots.

After playing said 5k hands and winning at around 22BB/100 I decided to go ahead and see what happens if I buy in full again. BOOM, instantly lose like 5 BI's in 5 minutes, in the same fashion that causes me to lose monitors, mostly villains just drawing out on me. I'm sure there is a proper way to play your hand that doesnt always involve getting felted postflop, but I have yet to learn it. This might be why I do OK in SNG's as well, since the majority of your time is spent playing with less than 100BB's. However buying in short has been a great loss limiter, and I'm very rarely missing out on any real value anyway so I'm just gonna keep at it for a pretty long time until I decide it's time to improve my play.

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How does one improve one self ? by UN4, January 09

Hey everyone,

I've been a under-achiever for all my life. Barely doing everything I do, reporting stuff all the time and just being lazy. I feel like I've never given my all to anything before, I've never seen or shown my true potential. I want to start changing things and turning all that around.

I'm starting school next week and I could use that opportunity to make my life an healthier and more sane life.

I want poker to spearhead this change, I want to give my all to poker, I want to succeed where I so far failed. I'm taking about a major improvement, I need to start figuring shit out and owning shit up and keep improving.

Any tips on how to improve everything I said, both regarding my life and poker ? Is the only way to improve in poker just to play a ton of hands ? How many hours a day or a week do you guys spend studying vs playing poker ? Is getting a coach the way to go ?

Thanks for the feedback, it's really appreciated.

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This week by attik34, January 08

Suppose it wouldn't hurt to try and post results every week, so I'll try to get it done on Saturday nights.

This is a fairly even mixture of 5.50 45 mans and 3.30/6.50 90 man ko's with some 4.40 rush on demands splashed in. I think there are some 12 dollar rushes as well, maybe 3? Not sure.

107 Games Played
5.08 average Buyin
161.41 Profit
29.7% ROI

Really feel like my game is progressing alot. Getting a much better feel for pot control/hand strength. Just gotta keep getting better, never be confident as to where I am.

GL All in the week to come. Hopefully I have similar results to show, and possibly more volume, no guarantee's though.

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superbowl squares by Gsr_01_integ, January 08

If you would like to put in on some superbowl squares for $5 ea block let me know and pick a block from the link below and let me know via PM

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New monitor by gawdawaful, January 08

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ZvT by mnj, January 08


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Micro PLO Baby! by SCC-Faust, January 08

I am so inconsistent and undisciplined when it comes to Poker.

The two huge faults I notice of mine are:

1. I don't put enough attention and focus while playing poker.
2. I don't put enough attention and focus while learning poker.

When watching coaching videos I'll be doing something else as well - watching a Starcraft 2 stream or talking to people on MSN. This is true also while actually playing poker. I realize that it isn't that bad when you're just grinding, but when you want to improve your game it is really detrimental. WiltonTilt said in the "Haj School" videos on Deucescracked that if you aren't able to give your full attention to learning and improving your poker game, then you just aren't that serious about poker. And I've wanted to be serious about poker, many many times. But often times I'd say to myself that I can't be until I prove my attitude.

So that leads me to my next point. I need micro PLO players to converse with on a daily basis. I've only ever had ONE person I've actually talked to about PLO, and we weren't really on the same level. Ever since starting poker, I've never had someone to talk to, and I think talking to people would really improve my game, as well as motivate me. So any PLO micro limit players who are interested in making an online friend (and sensual lover), PM me.

I love Omaha.

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Wisdom from Jay-Z by DustySwedeDude, January 07

For some reason my blog seems to be rather interesting to a bunch of people. Or it might just be that a bunch of you have to much time on your hands. Here comes a personal post. I'm slightly intoxicated so don't mind my spelling, or lack there off.

I've never been in great trouble. My childhood was nice. I've never been really poor. When I was 15 and fat I couldn't get the nice blond girl with big boobs, and I felt sad, but other then that I've always been a lucky fuck with a big ass smile on my lips. I have no right to claim that I understand pain or any of that shit, but I've had my share of 70k downswings and I've bleed on the streets (due to a bicycle accident, but fuck it, it sounds cool). And I never asked for a free lunch.

I do know people who has been through some bad times though. I recently spent an evening and a bottle of rather nice red wine with a person I've come to greatly admire. She made me think of this piece of wonderful lyrics from the Black Album (which Nolan, our forum black person, introduced me too);

I never asked for nothin I don't demand of myself
Honesty, loyalty, friends and then wealth
Death before dishonor and I tell you what else
I tighten my belt 'fore I beg for help
Foolish pride is what held me together through the years

I just play the hand I'm dealt, I can't say I've never knelt
Before God and asked for better cards at times to no avail
But I never sat back feelin sorry for myself
If you don't give me heaven I'll raise hell

And I've also come to the conclusion that this nice little girl weighing in less then 50 kilos and 150 cm is more of a man then the bunch of you girly-men who posts EMO-cry-posts about poker. And no, I'm not guilt free, I used to do that too, but keep that in mind. You might be rich, you might be successful and you might even be a happy person, but in the balls department you're getting owned by a god damned hobbit. Doesn't mean that you're a bad person or that I don't respect you, but it's still something to think about. Fuck it, go be happy about the nice things you have in your life rather then complain about the money you for some reason did not win.

Or in the case of those of you I consider worthless pieces of diseased cow's stool, in the words of the late and great Bill Hicks; kill yourselves. The rests of us will go make something cool of our lives. Life is beautiful and don't ever forget it you ungrateful fucks.

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MMA fighter bios avatars according to weight class by whamm!, January 07

where can i get hold of such facts? im trying to set up a program in my site similar to liquibet but it contains UEFA,NBA, and MMA leagues only, with mma i wont be putting teams obv but i dunno a rich updated resource for it.

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Life of a FPP pro by gawdawaful, January 07

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Played some holdem' by Uptown, January 07

Since BR has been raped by PLO, I decided to have a change of pace and play some NLHE.

Gotta say having only 2 cards looks really really weird to me .


Kinda lol.

I quit Hold'em b/c I was bored by the game, but PLO has somehow made me go after every FE spot and the game is actually kind of interesting atm.

Also it's good to not need a 50+bi roll to play a given stake...

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lifetilt connected to poker..? by Dogan0s, January 07

Happy new year all best of luck to all grinders out there.

I figured out i tilt too much in real life recently , tilt for stuff like didnt manage to get through lights while it was still green, or when i fail to go out for a coffee / drink with friends cause im beeing stuck at poker home,
when losing a game in sc2 etc or anything that wasted my time.

pretty normal stuff that never used to tilt me in the past.
Main problem i face is beeing very aggressive with friends or family.
poker used to tilt me more than normal , but nowdays i dont tilt that much in poker , but i do in life-.-

Do you think its connected to poker ?

pokerwise im doing pretty good @ nl100-200 , too bad the site is a piece of crap so i cant even post hands..

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PCA!!!! by nolan, January 07

I forgot how awesome this place was. Can't wait to waste extravagant amounts of $ at a resort I have no actual business being at.

If anyones around PM me and we can be friends. After the main event I will be intoxicated 24/7

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life sucks by GoTuNk, January 07

and I suck at poker
fuck this I keep running so bad and paying them off whenever they cooler me
Hope I can run good again at some point in life
Edit: 5bi upswing and cashing fpp would put me back again

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Too long by attik34, January 07

Been too long since I've posted, need to get more consistent with that.

Anyways, I got involved in a staking site, and got staked to play micro SnG's. Playing around the 6 dollar level with decent success right now. I basically play 6 dollar 90 mans and 5 dollar 45's and splash 3's for volume/variance control. The 3's are insane soft.

I've also messed around with the 4 dollar rush on demands, but I'm not a big fan. Everyone nits around and I feel like I have to cooler everyone to get anywhere in them.

As far as life goes, pretty meh. Enjoying the house and finally getting caught up on bills. Also, playing random 1/2 live with AWFUL drunk people is fun, just saying. I also just got a new puppy, which is awesome. Brindle great dane/boxer mix if you are curious.

Hmmm... Have been working out a bit and watching the diet a little. Trying to lose some weight since my job is sitting around answering phone calls (when i work which is rare).

Need to find something else to supplement the wifes income, hopefully I can keep running OK on poker and grind out more than a part time job (which I feel shouldn't be hard).

Things I've been doing in poker:
-working on multi-tabling: I feel MUCH more comfortable with 8ish tables than I did before.

-Getting more volume: this comes with the first thing, but also i've just been putting in more time...less CoD more making money

-Doing Hand Histories: I have some very close friends who are really good players at the higher levels (109's and such) and they are some of the backers for my SnG action. One has been doing some HH's with me and it's really helped find some leaks in my game. It is definitely helping me with pot control, and knowing when to try to get value when to just check behind. I'm going to try to do something like this at least every other week. I may start paying him small sums to make up for it, even though we would be talking on skype anyways more often than not...

Mostly just trying to make my game more solid. I tend to spew some, and I'm really working on pot control and not getting into awkward spots. Also getting much better at shove/fold, and working on ICM. I have a grasp of it which is more than most players at my lvl, I just need to spend some more time in the math of things.

overall I feel like my poker game is greatly improving, and it feels good to be getting better at something. The plan is to keep plugging away, keep getting better, and hopefully make some money outta this deal.

I believe thats about it for now... I might try to do like...weekly updates, maybe some charts from HEM or something....who knows...

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Mixed feelings. by RaiZ, January 07

Feels bad to be like -10 bi on a short period of time. Of course there's always worse. But you feel it good when it happens to you and it sucks. I really hope it won't happen to you cauz it hurts. It just hurts.

But on the other hand it feels great when you finally managed to recover most of it back. Right ? Well that's exactly what happened to me on the same specific day.

But the human nature is never satisfied to what he's getting. And that's exactly what i'm feeling right now. I'm still playing the nl5 and i'm overall breakeven. I'm feeling like a super newb when i see that most of LP members are already on the upper limits.
Everyone is saying nl50 and below is super easy, which may not necessarily be wrong, but there are some period where you simply can't win against a fish because he's always getting the good cards and always folding when you have a good hand.
It's threads like exalted that make me glad that i'm not alone and i try to get better and especially better than the others regs in order to not be afraid of them everytime i've to play a pot against them.

But hey, i must say it feels good overall, i'm not trying to bitch, i just wanted to post a little whine and then pass it out

Here's graphs from the last 2 days. Played 16 hours total.

I know, pretty wild right ? I definitely need to play more safely on very marginal situations.

Hope you have been fun reading it though.

Oh and Happy New Year !

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lol wow. funny story brah~ by YoMeR, January 07

So cool story brah. ( shameless brag post)

Biggest winning day since late 2007-08 I think. Feel great to be in crush mode. Funny that I rammed KK into AA about 10 times in about 20k hands and got oversetted about half that much. But then again I won just about every other pot so whatever. FUCK YOU LEE

And here's my month so far. Man the new year is treating me good. As you can see from the dips in the graph my sessions are quite swingy.

all hands played at 2/4 rush

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