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66k for what? by Xanthos, January 07

Assuming you did not have poker

what kind of job would you take on for 66k/year. (Before tax!)

A) 9-5 regular office cube job, thats somewhat interesting to you but very similar everyday
B) Retail big shot
C) Scientist in a stuck lab loving research
D) Field Demanding job away in bush hiking 5 months, in office 5 months working with computers an off 2 months of the year
E) Your option (realistic)
F) Suicide

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Things that grind my gears. by exalted, January 06

Not necessarily in order of importance, but they all are pretty tilting:

1. People with breakeven EVs complaining about variance. If you have a breakeven EV, you are effectively flipping coins, and it should be obvious that you can easily get into a bad swing. There is a DIRECT CORRELATION between your winrate and variance. The higher your winrate, the lower variance you will have. Sound about right? Well it goes the other way too, fuckface. Stop posting 10 buyin "downswings" when your EV is neutral-negative. IMO this is probably my hugest complaint because sooo many people do it and even moreee people don't care to read it.

Sidenote: Of course, EV doesn't "show" everything, but is generally accepted as the vehicle with which one can complain about their luck. Replying and saying, "well, I got fucking coolered man and they got there on the river etc." just shows a complete ignorance of variance.

2. Posting bad beats. An example would be K40Cheddar. We've all gotten one outed before, and we don't particularly care about yours, because it wasn't ours. We only care about our own beats. Therefore, a nice adjustment to make is to keep it to yourself, because only you truly understand and care about how savage it was. Would be nice to have less litter in the "Hands" section although this may just be a pipedream.

3. Posting that "microstakes" is super duper easy. It's actually not for so many reasons, which I'll try to cover here:

a. There are so many breakeven nits that are trying to grind out bonuses. It is impossible to get a significant edge over them (especially as a beginning player), so your only comfort is that they are in the long term, also breakeven.

b. Highest % of rake, especially for people who are trying to do it at Pokerstars. This should be obvious, but I found Maynard's "low-midstakes black hole" blog extremely enlightening. I therefore immediately started staking my GF in higher games.

c. Not having resources that cost money. This can mean access to coaching, HEM or training videos. When people are so polarized between "nit-bonus hunter" and "casual gambler", new grinders have a choice. Concentrate on finding out who is who (low # of tables, higher winrate but still grinding out White Castle burgers), or, have a high # of tables, generally don't give a shit, and have a breakeven EV and high variance.

Obviously, I would be a dumbass if I said microstakes were "hard", being a NL400 reg. But I'm pretty sure at any given time there are plenty of harder micro tables than tables 10 times the stakes. So basically, through writing this blog, I've found out that I actually pity the microstake player, as they are the ones with the breakeven EV and thus complain about their "downswing".

The way to our hearts is not through bitching and posting bad beats in blogs and hands. The one exception would be Nighto11, who is so fucking annoying and helpless with his bitching that you can't help but try to help him. Same goes for NewbSaibot - there's a reason why they're where they are. Same goes for Wobbly, who didn't bitch, worked his ass off, and now laughs at my "brag posts" of 5k months.

Ask real questions and stay honest about your abilities. Be willing to invest in yourself to become better. Ok that's it.

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I think poker is making me superstitious.../SC2!! by Carthac, January 06

I truly did not want to write this blog at all. It seems every time I have some success and I make a blog, I drop a good number of BI's. Well I'm not running the greatest atm anyways, so FU poker gods.

I am growing to truly love a LAG style of poker. While run bad can definitely affect me, I feel that a more LAG style of play is much more consistent and less affected by variance than the more TAG style I used to play. I definitely don't feel I am playing a true LAG style, as I still have a pretty narrow hand range early position, but my aggression tendencies are definitely increasing. Feels good to show results when I try so hard at something

In other news, for those of you that enjoy watching starcraft and are not watching the GSL, start. I know there are a ton of SC1 purists that feel SC2 is not going to come close to how good SC1 was, but you have to get off your high horse and come aboard the SC2 ship. The community has grown to heights SC1 could have only dreamed of, and the tournaments SC2 is hosting already is astounding when you think of what is coming in the future. Meta game is developing at an alarming rate, and the game has become very competitive, with top players actually having to CHOOSE which tournaments to compete in because there time is so spread thin already with practicing, media events, and other tournaments. I feel big things coming in the future, and am excited about it.

Good luck to everyone! Lets wipe that last month from existence, with all the run bad and all everyone was having as far as poker goes, and focus on the new year

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wow... by K40Cheddar, January 06

Submitted by : K40Cheddar

***** Hand History for Game 27030897323 ***** (Full Tilt)
$10.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Thursday, January 06, 01:29:12 ET 2011
Table Mach 10 (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Seat 1: vegas200810 ( $9.84 USD )
Seat 2: pippenSP ( $23.53 USD )
Seat 3: GoldenTamarin ( $4.16 USD )
Seat 4: bdebakker ( $4.95 USD )
Seat 5: Anhen_1985 ( $13.64 USD )
Seat 6: wenzeslaus ( $8.37 USD )
Seat 7: K40cheddar ( $10.00 USD )
Seat 8: obbola ( $12.13 USD )
Seat 9: Joeckelline ( $15.45 USD )
vegas200810 posts small blind $0.05 USD.
pippenSP posts big blind $0.10 USD.

Dealt to K40cheddar KsJd
GoldenTamarin folds
bdebakker folds
Anhen_1985 folds
wenzeslaus folds
K40cheddar raises $0.30 USD
obbola folds
Joeckelline folds
vegas200810 calls $0.25 USD
pippenSP folds

Flop (Pot : $0.70)

vegas200810 checks
K40cheddar bets $0.40 USD
vegas200810 calls $0.40 USD

Turn (Pot : $1.50)

vegas200810 checks
K40cheddar bets $1.10 USD
vegas200810 calls $1.10 USD

River (Pot : $3.70)

vegas200810 checks
K40cheddar bets $3.00 USD
vegas200810 raises $8.04 USD
K40cheddar calls $5.04 USD
vegas200810 showsTh,9h
vegas200810 wins $18.47 USD from main pot
K40cheddar doesn't showKs,Jd

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Bad start by moneypoker, January 06

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Selling Aussie Millions Package by ReADy, January 06

Hello , Before few days I won Aussie Millions package for wich I am not able to go so I am selling the package.

The package includes :

-Entry into the Aussie Millions Main Event AU$10,600
-10 Nights accommodation at the new Crown Metropol Hotel
-€3,500 travel and spending money
-Two top tickets to the Australian Open Tennis Championships Men’s Final

*total worth of the package 14 000 € , without the spending money 10 500 € . The price I am selling it will be discused private .

If you guys are interested or have any ideas where also I can try to sell the package please let me know .
skype: eddyisready

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clarification by genjix, January 06

Self banned myself from here for 2 reasons:
1. Very distracting. A black hole of my time. Not much gain.
2. Didn't expect negative reaction on my posts below so blanked them and left out of spite.

Anyway, hi!

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Can't win by Uptown, January 05

@ plo.

90bi+ downswing.


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a better way of putting it by sawseech, January 05

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The truth by sawseech, January 05

The attacks originate from cowardice. These fuckers were all on the nutsack once upon a time and they felt inadequate in the presence of The God, Casper.... They envied him.

And so hard times befall the man, and he loses it, whatever it is. And so these people come out of the woodwork, feeling safe in the presence of the mortal being, the one with warts and flaws and weakness, the one that they fail to understand has no fear of anything, not understanding that which was at the core of The God.

And they shittalk him and they goad him, expecting something of themselves in return.

And so they bring forth The God, once again.

You cannot debase me further because I have already debased myself, again and again.

Thanks. GL.

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Looking for coach by Surprise, January 05

Hey I'm looking for a FR coach to help me through NL5/NL10. I consider myself a serious student and will be purchasing a decent amount of lessons. Post here or PM me if interested and lets work something out.

Thanks for reading! Heres your reward...

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Day 3 by Rocketshiptrip, January 05

I should just quit and soon busto

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Goals for the year by DustySwedeDude, January 05

I figured I'd post a bunch of my goals just to keep track and pressure myself a little bit. I've got a ton of goals in different areas of my life so it'll be a decent sized blog post. I'll try to post them by subject.


- Play at least 40k hands/month consistently. And those hands should be of reasonable quality. No god damned 3-tabling 5/10 HU for 4 hours vs some dude I think I might maybe have an edge against somewhere or anything stupid like that. I always say that I'll start table selecting better but now I think I'll actually do that. I've even added a bunch of 1/2 PLO tables when I can't find good action elsewhere.

- I also have a monetary goal that's fairly reasonable, but I don't want to make that public.

- Get started with some coaching and coach at least 3 people with good results and mutual profit.

- Watch at least on poker video each week and learn something from it. Gotta keep up with the new times and shit.

I feel that these goals are fairly self-explanatory. I no longer feel that it's reasonable to think that I'll be a full time 10/20+ reg so I might as well just get some decent volume in and get a decent profit playing mid stakes rather then going for the high variance route. I just want a steady income for a while. Dusty's getting old, but he still needs some coin. Strippers and blow ain't cheap

Just kidding, I'm not a baller. I'm a responsible young man who wants to build a future.


- Build a complete bug-out-bag.

- Test said bag in mother nature and see how I do.

I want to be ready when shit goes down. Weather it's a Zombie invasion, a feminazi Coup d'état or something else I'd very much like to be able to have a decent chance at surviving.

Life style design

- Read "The 4-Hour Work week" and "Getting Things Done".

- Get in touch with at least 5 new people which can enrich my life in some way in a meaningful way.

- Find at least one way to do shit more effective and remove one thing that takes up more energy then it gives each month.

I want to get more shit done in less time so that I can spend more time doing cool shit that enriches my life and makes me happy.


- Beat the market

- Find a way to learn trading and such fast and then learn enough so that I can feel confident that I know wtf I'm doing by this time next year.

I want to get rich enough so that I don't have to worry about it any more when I'm 30. To reach that goal I'll need to have a good rate of interest on my saved up capital. Thus I need to learn this.


- Eat healthy

- Work out 3-4 days a week in some way

- Lose 5kg before my birthday (about 2.5 months away) and then figure out how much more I need to get rid of before I'm ripped.

"I want to look good naked" - Lester Burnham.

Also there's so much stuff I want to do so it'd probably help with a long ass life.


- Get my law degree or, if I happen to find something cooler to do this fall, make sure that I only have my thesis left.

- Read at least 12 different books by 8 different authors.

- Also a "total wealth"-goal that I don't want to disclose.

Getting my law degree, or at least being close enough to it so that I can get it very fast whenever I want, seems good. Except for the obvious upside ("yea I'm a lawyer, so... do you wanna go to my place and sue something?") it'd be a nice accomplishment overall. As for the books; I just love reading and I think it makes me a wiser person so I want to make sure to keep up that habit.

Also, I'd like some more music to listen too. Right now this is my main play list. If anyone likes it I'd like you to recommend me 5 songs you really like.

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Oh God I'm bad! by SpasticInk, January 05

Not naughty bad, just poker bad. Since my previous entries, things have gone downhill. Pretty much because I started to run bad and not being able to handle it well when it comes to tilt. Additionally minimaxmod stopped working on ipoker, making the software semi-unplayable. Not that I'm gonna blame it on that, but it sure affected my game.

This is graph from my last entry. Not very beautiful

Pretty clear I've been playing really bad. Thanks to rakeback, I survived. Anyway, now its 2011, a new year - and I have decided to start playing on PokerStars. I just couldnt handle the software anymore, and playing on PS forces you to volume up a bit too. But I got a 300 $ bonus from FTP - so I started to clear that today. Starting off the year w/ a 950 $ BR, today's session was a pure pleasure when it comes to bluffs working, getting paid in right situations and so on.

And hand of the session:

Submitted by : SpasticInk

Full Tilt Poker Game #26997350976: Table Reina (6 max) - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 10:01:46 ET - 2011/01/05
Seat 1: Hero ($62.20)
Seat 2: MiRaGe_974 ($51.50)
Seat 3: cbzsta ($79.80), is sitting out
Seat 4: funkysmell44 ($104)
Seat 5: aranchu23 ($51.35)
Seat 6: charlieluo ($53)
charlieluo posts the small blind of $0.25
Hero posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #5

Dealt to HeroAdQh
MiRaGe_974 folds
funkysmell44 raises to $1
aranchu23 folds
charlieluo folds
Hero raises to $4
funkysmell44 calls $3

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $8.25)

Hero checks
funkysmell44 bets $3
Hero calls $3

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $14.25)

Hero checks
funkysmell44 bets $14.25
cbzsta has returned
Hero calls $14.25

River (Pot : $42.75)

Hero checks
funkysmell44 bets $42.75
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
Hero calls $40.95, and is all in
Uncalled bet of $1.80 returned to funkysmell44

funkysmell44 showsThAc a pair of Fours
Hero showsAdQh a pair of Fours
Hero wins the pot ($121.65) with a pair of Fours

Total pot $124.65 | Rake $3
Seat 1: Hero (big blind) showedAdQh and won ($121.65) with a pair of Fours
Seat 2: MiRaGe_974 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: cbzsta is sitting out
Seat 4: funkysmell44 showedThAc and lost with a pair of Fours
Seat 5: aranchu23 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: charlieluo (small blind) folded before the Flop

Probably looks a bit spewy, and it was purely based on how he played on the table. Saw him pulling off a LOT of pot bets with nothing, and otherwise checking or betting smallish. Can't say I loved to see him shove the river, but had to go with the feeling!

All right. That's all. GL folks!

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PokerStars for Paypal Transfer. Somone Please help by diamond123d, January 05

--- Nuked ---

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My NL50 vid review by LemOn[5thF], January 05

Review of my video by me and 2 DC members. If any of you guys want to comment or come a long and criticise feel free to.

Reviewed by
Por2ugeeguy (Poor2 in notes)

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Actions to consider:

A1: Just don't click autofold, period.
A2: 3b small pp v regs blinds v steal. Maintain constant 3b frequency by calling more broadways (that can c/r or float more often postflop as tjey will have more outs)
A3: I can value bet very wide and just alter sizing on the river against people that are very unlikely to re-raise us, even if the river is 'scary'
A4: Read the board properly (duh)! There is not excuse when I 4 table to miss read boards!
A5: Don't be a vagina and stick to the basics. Dry board=> Just cbet they can't have much.
A6: C/R More. 5% is a 'little' bit nitty (and I float OOP too much)
A6: 3B Pot: when someone 3bets wide and cbets 100% of flops, thats a good spot to look to flat pre and raise his cbet (and see how he adjusts)
A7: Even on drawy boards, its good to cbet when we can continue on a lot of turn cards and have a lot of bluffing equity IP (E.G. backdoors+overs)

VID Making: Leave space for popups on the side, covering screen sucks (ty Poor2 ;D)

Notes: I should take my time to condense them, and on regs I play often I should generalise (calls wide PF to 3b), or even put 'instructions' to myself based on reads ('3b him wide value range oop).

Q1: How often do you 3bet 77+ IP?
Q2: How often do you c/r mono boards against regs that have Kx or Ax on them? (blinds v BU standard ranges) and with what hands?
Q3: Is c/r 3way AXXr a good thing, and when would you do it (I guess we should get a lot of credit and people will bet wide?)

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$75/hr HU/Tourney Rail by F4Zi, January 05

Hi guys, offering to watch anyone over skype etc to watch/discuss/improve your HU cash games up to 2/4HU or during a tournament.
Bargain at $75/hour as I want to clock up as many hours as I can.
email to get started asap.
april 2008 to mid 2010 on full tilt poker.


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3k loan needed by sawseech, January 05

Hi. I need a 3k loan to pay my back rent. I have enough money coming in between various means to be able to cover my rent and expenses for the forseeable future, and as my life management skills and play continue to improve I expect to be able to pay it back eventually, although I can't really say when tbh because I mostly suck right now. I'll pay 2%/month. Thanks.

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Random first blog by iverson2k2k, January 05

Been a lurker here for a long time but never really did my own blog or anything. Thought I would post a blog and see where things progress.

I suck at poker. I've had varying degrees of success at micro stakes and I end up trying to move up in 10 25 and 25 50 cent, getting shattered and moving back down to 5 10 where I seem to do very well. Maybe it's a comfort thing. I've been a break even player for a while and recently I tried getting some more volume in and saw some increases in winnings. I'll definitely start posting some graphs in the upcoming weeks.

Anyway just wanted to get this blog started for myself.

P.S. I'm tired of paying for newsgroups and hate demonoid. If anyone can help me out with an invite to iptorrents or torrentleech that would be greatly appreciated. Out of principle I don't want to donate bucks to those sites to get a membership. Yes...principle lol.

P.P.S George Costanza amuses me

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So I thought.... by OpWestAcct, January 05

I'm a little bitch

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