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Do not Read by LemOn[5thF], November 04

Just watch

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Do Not Read by Helmet, November 04

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Do Not Read by Highcard, November 04


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lvl 12 by LikeASet, November 04

is as far as i cam go

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2006 cake poker players by CrownRoyal, November 03

PM me if u have a Js 2006 card

very lucrative if u do

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18 man sngs by Fujikura, November 03

Anybody on LP regs in these things? I was just going to ask a few basic questions... maybe trade 45/180 man advice for 18 man advice

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Informative article about tilt by Carthac, November 03

Saw a snippet of this while watching a cardrunners vid, and I thought I would link it to you guys. Very informative and really helped my understanding about tilt.

"The Only Reason Tilt Happens

Jared Tendler of StoxPoker

Tilt is a consequence of the brain’s response to a threat. This response has developed over the past 300+ million years and at this point in evolution, a threat does not have to be real physical danger; psychological threats are treated in the exact same way. This part of your brain is so old it doesn’t know the difference. The hundred’s of reasons poker players use to explain why Tilt happens are all examples of psychological threats and are not the cause. Calling a bad beat or being bluffed off the best hand a threat may sound a bit extreme, but the brain’s emotional system doesn’t view it as rationally as we can right now; although neither do you when it happens.

The brain responds to a threat by increasing emotion in proportion to the perceived significance of that threat. When emotions rise to your threshold, which is the point when the brain takes direct action against the threat, higher brain functions are systematically reduced in proportion to the level of emotion. The loss of higher brain functions like: self control, rational thought, logic, perception of self and other, organization, planning, strategy, mental manipulation of information, and others are the hallmark characteristics of Tilt. If the brain didn’t respond to a threat by shutting down these functions, your emotions could be completely out of control and you would still play great; Tilt would not exist.

The sobering reality is that you have absolutely no control over this process. When emotions rise to threshold, the response taken by the brain happen every time, guaranteed (assuming there isn’t actual brain damage). Knowing the brain has limitations is important, because just like in poker, information determines course of action.

Implications at the Poker Table

Some of you will immediately reduce the incidence of Tilt just by knowing what you can and cannot expect to be able to do on Tilt or during the emotional build up to Tilt. Since there is no more ambiguity, there is no reason to fight against it by trying to think rationally when it is neurologically impossible.

For many of you good information isn’t enough, and if you are serious about preventing or eliminating Tilt from your game, there are only two legitimate options. (1) Prevent emotions from crossing threshold and you never experience Tilt again; (2) Train poker skills to such a habitual or instinctual level that emotions cannot affect them. To a certain extent all of you have trained some skills to that level and seasoned pros have trained most of them, which is one reason why they Tilt infrequently. This option is complex and requires either years of experience or use of high performance training. The first option follows.

Prevention Strategy #1: Short-term

Preventing Tilt requires that you have accurate and specific information about how you Tilt. Thankfully, like any neurological pattern it happens in predictable ways and for predictable reasons. Some know these reasons immediately, others will have to gather some information first. Here is what’s important when organizing this information into a preventative strategy.

Step 1) - List the things, actions, situations, etc that cause your emotions to rise; essentially what puts you on Tilt or get you close. These are called Triggers. They can be caused by you, other players, and by factors outside of poker. Be specific and list as many as you can. Analyze the list of Triggers by emphasizing the 3 or 4 that, (1) happen most often, and (2) cause the greatest emotional response.

Step 2) - List the things that you do, think or feel in response to a trigger. These are called Tendencies and they are another way to know emotions are on the rise or that you’re on Tilt. Tendencies can be anything from, increased breathing and heart rate, shoving chips without thinking, aggressive calls, feeling shell shocked, heating up inside, convincing yourself everything is fine, making quick decisions, mind going completely blank, and many others. When analyzing the list of Tendencies, identify your threshold. Threshold is the amount of emotion you can manage while maintaining the higher brain functions listed earlier. Identifying threshold takes a bit of work, but the idea is to know the specific tendencies that show up when you’re getting close to it and when you’ve crossed it.

Step 3) - Develop a strategy to prevent crossing your threshold. To do this you take direct immediate action when emotions increase close to threshold. The consequences are too severe to ignore, so do whatever you can to stop your emotions from increasing further. There are many effective methods that players and authors have written about, and you may already have some that work well. Two ways that I often recommend, are (1) taking three slow deep breaths into your stomach (not chest), which is a great option because it is unlikely anyone at the table will know; (2) create a positive trigger with something like a piece of gum, or most anything that carries the intent of calming down. What you do to stop your emotions matters less than you actually stopping them. Whatever your strategy, write it on a note card and bring it with you every time you play. Rehearse the strategy so you know it well enough that when emotions start to block thinking, you know what to do.

A preventative strategy is a work in progress. Don’t bog yourself down by trying to make it perfect the first time, nor should you be too relaxed about rehearsing it. Make a good first attempt and update the strategy after you see how well it works or when you identify new Triggers or Tendencies. It’s important to keep in mind that this is not a quick fix, it is challenging and takes effort. You also will likely falter several times before you find a preventative strategy that works.

Prevention Strategy #2: Long-term

It is quite common that preventing Tilt using strategy #1 is too difficult for a couple reasons. First, emotions build up over a period of time, dropping the threshold and making relatively small increases in emotion enough to Tilt. This is true both within a session and over sustained periods of running poorly. The second reason is that at this point in your poker career, some threats may be so significant that they hit without notice and put you on Tilt immediately. There are a few psychological techniques that reduce the amount of emotion generated by a single trigger and reduce accumulated emotion from multiple triggers.

The first technique is called Systematic Desensitization (SD). SD has been around for years and can be self administered; it just takes a bit of training. I’ll be releasing a video on that trains you to do it. The other technique is called EMDR (eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing) and requires that you see a therapist that is trained in EMDR. EMDR can be very successful for those with severe Tilt. There is plenty of information available on the web if you want to know more, but it bears mentioning so you know the options is available

Tilt is a hardwired pattern and it isn’t going away without a fight. With sustained effort the preventive strategies outlined here are highly effective in preventing and perhaps even eliminating Tilt altogether.

Jared Tendler, MS, LMHC, is the newest member of the coaching staff. "

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the inevitable run bad by killThemDonks, November 03

spewing-a-plenty this month

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Continuation bets on flop by bro, November 03

So while I was grinding I started thinking about what thumb rules you can use to decide whether or not you should make a continuation bet and I came up with this:

This is supposed to apply for both in and out of position with you always being the aggressor pre-flop.

I was going to add examples to show you some basic strategies with certain ranges of hands, but I'll do it later. What I'm slightly worried about is that my ranges might get too polarized by generalizing like this, but it should be easy to adjust to make it a bit more "merged" and less exploitable.

Edit: Last question of course means if hero can call or raise a bet with it on a blank turn.

Edit 2: Realized I forgot to add which hands are not even good enough to bet and you should just give up right away. It was too obvious for me when I was thinking about this. I guess we can just call the "Bluff" part which hands you semi bluff. Rest of the hands goes into bet or check/fold. :D

Edit 3: This is also assuming that you will never check/raise as aggressor.

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Starred in a Sushi Commercial - Vote please? by exalted, November 03

Girlfriend and I made a commercial for a contest by this Sushi restaurant chain in Taiwan called Sushi Express. In order to make the top 20, we need votes and so I come to you.

It's only 30 seconds and is pretty funny so do check it out:

To vote, click the red button on the bottom RIGHT under the YT clip (in Chinese characters).

It does require you to link to your Facebook account which is fishy but Sushi Express is a big company and won't spam you with bullshit.


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Prop 19 loses but we aren't giving up by k2o4, November 03

Prop 19 may have lost, but I intend to keep fighting for the end of Marijuana Prohibition and I look forward to putting it on the ballot here in CO in 2012. I think we can end the prohibition here in our state, especially during a presidential election. Don’t despair, don’t give up, don’t think all is lost. This is just the early stages of what history will talk about as the movement that freed Americans from 75 years of lies and manipulation and finally ended the prohibition on marijuana.

And how does the federal government respond to this news? By continuing to lie to the American people.

  Obama's Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske: “Today, Californians recognized that legalizing marijuana will not make our citizens healthier, solve California’s budget crisis, or reduce drug related violence in Mexico,” read the statement. “The Obama administration has been clear in its opposition to marijuana legalization because research shows that marijuana use is associated with voluntary treatment admissions for addiction, fatal drugged driving accidents, mental illness and emergency room admissions.”

They only put out a 2 sentence statement and managed to fill it with 6 different lies. If I wasn't so disgusted I would be impressed.

Reflections: + Show Spoiler +

For those of you who, like me, were hoping prop 19 would pass - don't give up. We'll get marijuana legalized soon enough. Right now polls show that almost 50% of the USA supports legalizing Marijuana, and that support has steadily grown over the last 40 years when it was only 12% who supported legalization. Times are changing, stoners of the 70's are now the 50 and 60 year olds, and thanks to the internet the facts about marijuana are finally able to spread and the information bout weed is no longer dominated by government propaganda. This wasn't the year it happened but it will be soon and you will all be around to see it.

Change comes gradually and as long as we all keep pushing, it will happen. If we despair and give up then we truly lose.

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Day 56 by player999, November 03

Fuck november:

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FTOPS STAKE by MeaL, November 03

Was wondering if anyone was willing to stake me on any of the FTOPS. Pm Me If Interested To Talk About IT!

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sept-oct by Uptown, November 02

Not sure whether to be happy or be sad about these results.

Most hands at PLO100.

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SharkScope by Artoo_Detoo, November 02

So not that I take poker very seriously, since I'm in grad school and just am playing like one or two HU SnGs every now and then, but today I decided to opt-in to SharkScope so I can see all my stuff. And this is what I see.

So moral of the story is that HU SnGs are much more profitable than double or nothings, and people are bad at every form of poker imaginable in these microstakes SnGs. Bet that was new insight for everyone.

Okay sorry that was wasteful but this homework is so freakin' hard and I felt like procrastinating.

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HELP ! QUESTION by Mr.Challenge, November 02

I would like to ask where i can find the article/films about Mid Stack Strategy. I am the new one and i would like find out sth about that (i mean the table 20-50BB on the PokerStars SH) ^^

videos on the paid website aren't the good idea because i have very low BR

See YA at the tables..

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lol by BangYu, November 02

Made this blog a while ago so might as well update it. Was playing live for a while, was doing good, went to the casino drunk as fuck @ 2 am one day, and donked off most of my winnings at 2/5 before gettin escorted outside by security. Was broke for a while. Had some extra cash, deposited 200 @ stars, 12 tabled nl10 6 max, went up, then straight tilted down till i had about 60 bux left in my acc. I kno i can beat it, i just try and get too fancy for nl10, and seems like i cant lay down a hand when i kno other has a fkin set.
Anyways, split the 60 between two nl50 hu tables, ran it up to around 1200. 2 days later tilt donked it all down to 0 at nl100 HU LOL. Ran like 6 buyins bellow EV which resulted in tilt = busto.
Will deposit again as soon as i have some extra cash and take another run at it.
I kno it wont happen , but if anyone wants to short term stake me for nl50HU let me kno. I can show graphs ect. You tell me terms, i just wana play.

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November = SNGs by Luckb0xx, November 02

After breaking even in October and grinded A LOT .. well A LOT for me I guess.. to hit Supernova, its time to relax!

I'll start at 6$ 6max and 6$ up to 45mans, play 100 or 200 games then 13$, same thing, 25$, 38$.. dunno if Ill go any higher, 60$ seems bit too high for current bankroll, but maybe I'll just go and run well on 6-38$ sngs and then hit the 60$s in dec.!

I wanna hit top10 of sng leaderboards at least once or twice, maybe every week on some limit? for the battle of the planets 50k$.. Should be doable

Lets see how I run, I will update my blog more frequently from now on, probably a summarized week post every sunday!


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need FTP$, I give Stars by danycbd, November 02

need 75$-100$ FTP, I give on Stars
will send first to known lp`ers

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Don't forget to Vote! by k2o4, November 02

Especially if you live in Cali!

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