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18k October by MalkasGambit, November 01

Haven't posted here in a few months ... basically moved in with one of the biggest winners at 5/10 - 25/50 PLO on Pokerstars a few months ago and have been doing really well since then. Pretty comfortable at 1/2 - 3/6 now.

Anyways, ship the rakeback imo:

And followed a fish to 10/20, sucks that I lost considering he gave away like 10-12k to other less deseving (richer) people

Submitted by : MalkasGambit
PL Omaha $20 BB Replayer Game#51915861787

ThomasBichon $1,370
jcalath3s $3,004
juan______ $2,033
grimhogun $8,673
yombil $2,250
EON-1987 $1,730

ThomasBichon posts SB $10
jcalath3s posts BB $20

Dealt to juan_____oAc 6s Ah Kd
juan______ raises to $70
yombil raises to $240
ThomasBichon calls $230
juan______ raises to $980
yombil raises to $2,250 AI
juan______ calls $1,053 AI

Flop (Pot : $0)

Turn (Pot : $0)
RIVER $4,3266d 8d Jd 4s Qc
juan______ showsAc 6s Ah Kd
Pre 57%, Flop 57.6%, Turn 0.0%

yombil shows5c Kc 7s Qs
Pre 43%, Flop 42.4%, Turn 100.0%

yombil wins $4,323

Also saw this last night at Hardfest and must say after 8 ecstacy pills and being up front getting blasted in the face by 10 foot subwoofers was one of the best times of my life ever:

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So, guess who's back by sawseech, November 01

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6 max videos by The M Show, November 01

Hey guys. Im really trying to open up my game a lot lately since Ive been starting tables a lot. Its going well and Im enjoying the challenge. For now Im still working a lot of my HU game but next Im going to be working on my SH game. I need your help again LP! What are some great 6 max videos for starters? Id say with game selection I can probably beat 25nl 6 max so something around the 25nl - 50nl range would be a great help to me. I have accounts on all the big training sites. Lemme know guys

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November! by attik34, November 01

So, November brings alot for me.

First off end of last month I decided to get involved in a staking site, and got staked to continue my 3 dollar sngs. Really only doing this to build some credibility on the site and hopefully get some MTT backing. That being said I've done alright, ran pretty bad, but its 3 dollar 90 mans so I'm still up.

Funny story, I saw someone who was down 8k in 3 dollar sngs...didn't think that was possible..

Anyways, for November I have alot I'd like to get accomplished.

I'm starting a new job this week, and need to get on a normal human schedule....which shouldnt be that hard given I'll have to work every day at 8:30 am. Hopefully things brings a healthy change to my life. I've definitely been eating better of late which is good. I definitely need to start exercising more.

I've looked into a few running routines that I should be able to knock out rather quickly on a daily basis, so ill be starting there. Hopefully this new job means more extra money and I can invest in a gym membership. I love lifting and miss it alot. I think exercising will also help me sleep, as it seems my problem is after 8 hours of sleep, I want to be awake for more than 16 hours, which really messing things up.

As far as poker, I'm just going to keep getting it in good, triple this staking thing, start a new one involving either 6 dollar 90 mans or a splash of 6s and small MTTS.

Anyways, thats me, GL at the tables all.

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LOL by CrownRoyal, November 01

got a ticket for playing 100 hands on 2 tables at once or something...

ship the $170 flipament win

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October by phexac, November 01

Had a lot of family come visit, so didn't get to play as much as I would have liked. Overall, not a bad month though. Up a bit over $7k after euro to dollar conversion in cash, with RB and live games, a bit over $10k total. Main goal for the end of the year is to hit the next milestone bonus (74k VPPs away). Here's a picture:

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Almost by Gadget, November 01

I've been trying to get staked longterm lately with no luck. I always kind of thought that with my stats there would be a line of people waiting to stake me for $10 to $20 mtt's. It seems its a lot harder to get a stake than I thought.

I probably wont be seeking a stake for a while since I get 11th in the $22 double deuce on FTP yesterday. I played really good the whole tournament and last 2 coinflips when there was 2 tables and it just wasnt meant to be. I hate that a couple of coinflips can dramatically change the course of my poker career. Had I won those two I would have been able to cash for 14k at the least instead of the 1.6k I actually got. I still have to grind low stakes mtt's instead of returning to the midstakes, but I now have a comfortable BR and should be able to make decent money again.

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November goals by teej1985, November 01

Hey guys, I'm going to try to update my blog regularly...I've been pretty unproductively lately and hopefully this will make me more accountable.

Heres a list of some of the things I want to achieve this month


I came back from Vegas starting to look pretty tubby and with terrible flexibilty, cardio and muscular endurance but decent strength (lifts were about 95% of what I'm doing now but weighing 5-10lb heavier. I got back to eating 5-6 small meals (high protein, moderate carbs, low fat), started doing a bunch of cardio (swimming, tennis, badminton, running and football) and tried to make progress in the gym.

My bodyfat and bodyweight decreased but my strength was on the rise, and my cardio was starting to get decent. Unfortunately just over a month into my new regime (mid August) I got quite ill and basically had a week of not eating or exercising and thus lost about 3-3.5kg (7lb). Obviously my bodyfat was reduced and arguably I looked better, but I did lose a lot of strength. I slowly increased my calories from the diet I had been on and have now slowly moved into a relatively clean bulk, but have been neglecting my cardio a bit in the last week or 2 (especially this week as I've had to rest my calf after a slight injury).

currently at 80.5kg (177 pounds)first thing in the morningat about 5 foot 8. Bodyfat is prob about 13-15% if I had to guess. I basically plan to add some strength and size over the next 2 months or so, whilst trying not too add too much bodyfat/lose my cardio too much, and then get down to 10-12% bodyfat while keeping as much of that gain as possible and then work pretty hard on my cardio etc

Generally looking to add 2-5% to all my lifts this month (started taking a creatine product for the first time in a few years will see how that goes. I've been adding in a couple of new exercises where I'm starting pretty small, so I'll be kaizening those up.

I'd like to be doing some form of cardio at least 4 days a week, I had built up a decent base and it would be a shame to lose it, and I really need to get into the habit of stretching everyday as my flexibility is still awful...I don't want to be all show and no go.


I've been clicking buttons at times lately, my passion for the game is not close to what it was a few years ago, but the reality is I'm in a super fortunate position of being able to work my own hours, be my own boss and play a game for a living.

I'm really unsure as to what I want to be doing in a few years time so I do need to keep thinking and preparing myself for down the line, but as soon as I decide to try harder or run good then of course its easy to just ignore everything and just grind.

I definately don't want to look back in 5 years and have not experienced lots of cool things and grown as a person and I suppose I have been conditioned to think that the only way I can do well in poker is when it is my only priority - which is clearly not the case. I'm going to make an effort to study the game more, get on new sites, watch videos, sort out a hud...track my hands lol. I've been really lazy lately, If I start trying to really improve my game then I'm going to enjoy the experience a lot more, and if I don't then I'll know that I need to do something else.

Be more productive

I aim to waste less time doing things such as browsing the internet, If i'm waiting for games I can be looking at books, listening to music/radio.
I also spend way too long sleeping/in bed, so I'm going to make sure that I'm up after 9 hours no matter what.

Another thing I think is terrible and aim to get rid of altogether is masturbating first thing in the morning, spilling your seed first thing is really not conducive to a fruitful day.

I plan on getting a newspaper subscription and I aim to do at least 30minutes a day of reading some sort of other non fiction...I really enjoy reading but I find it hard to actually open the book unless there is literally nothing else to do.


Continue to keep in touch with those I care about, I try to say yes to things at every opportunity but I also need to take the initiative myself.
A big part of life is sharing experiences, and having good social skills and being open to embracing new things is certainly something worth working at.

As a poker player its easy to spend a lot of time isolated. Living with other players helps of course, but its important to have 'normal' friends too so as to not be too get too enveloped in the poker world. I plan to do some serious travelling in the next few months, most of my time about over the past few years has been going to EPTs etc, which often means very little exploring.

I had no idea this was going to be so long...I'm going to post up my workouts as I go and hopefully that's helpful.

...Off for a swim now, peace

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November goals by teej1985, November 01

Hey guys, I'm going to try to update my blog regularly...I've been pretty unproductively lately and hopefully this will make me more accountable.

Heres a list of some of the things I want to achieve this month


I came back from Vegas starting to look pretty tubby and with terrible flexibilty, cardio and muscular endurance but decent strength (lifts were about 95% of what I'm doing now but weighing 5-10lb heavier. I got back to eating 5-6 small meals (high protein, moderate carbs, low fat), started doing a bunch of cardio (swimming, tennis, badminton, running and football) and tried to make progress in the gym.

My bodyfat and bodyweight decreased but my strength was on the rise, and my cardio was starting to get decent. Unfortunately just over a month into my new regime (mid August) I got quite ill and basically had a week of not eating or exercising and thus lost about 3-3.5kg (7lb). Obviously my bodyfat was reduced and arguably I looked better, but I did lose a lot of strength. I slowly increased my calories from the diet I had been on and have now slowly moved into a relatively clean bulk, but have been neglecting my cardio a bit in the last week or 2 (especially this week as I've had to rest my calf after a slight injury).

currently at 80.5kg (177 pounds)first thing in the morningat about 5 foot 8. Bodyfat is prob about 13-15% if I had to guess. I basically plan to add some strength and size over the next 2 months or so, whilst trying not too add too much bodyfat/lose my cardio too much, and then get down to 10-12% bodyfat while keeping as much of that gain as possible and then work pretty hard on my cardio etc

Generally looking to add 2-5% to all my lifts this month (started taking a creatine product for the first time in a few years will see how that goes. I've been adding in a couple of new exercises where I'm starting pretty small, so I'll be kaizening those up.

I'd like to be doing some form of cardio at least 4 days a week, I had built up a decent base and it would be a shame to lose it, and I really need to get into the habit of stretching everyday as my flexibility is still awful...I don't want to be all show and no go.


I've been clicking buttons at times lately, my passion for the game is not close to what it was a few years ago, but the reality is I'm in a super fortunate position of being able to work my own hours, be my own boss and play a game for a living.

I'm really unsure as to what I want to be doing in a few years time so I do need to keep thinking and preparing myself for down the line, but as soon as I decide to try harder or run good then of course its easy to just ignore everything and just grind.

I definately don't want to look back in 5 years and have not experienced lots of cool things and grown as a person and I suppose I have been conditioned to think that the only way I can do well in poker is when it is my only priority - which is clearly not the case. I'm going to make an effort to study the game more, get on new sites, watch videos, sort out a hud...track my hands lol. I've been really lazy lately, If I start trying to really improve my game then I'm going to enjoy the experience a lot more, and if I don't then I'll know that I need to do something else.

Be more productive

I aim to waste less time doing things such as browsing the internet, If i'm waiting for games I can be looking at books, listening to music/radio.
I also spend way too long sleeping/in bed, so I'm going to make sure that I'm up after 9 hours no matter what.

Another thing I think is terrible and aim to get rid of altogether is masturbating first thing in the morning, spilling your seed first thing is really not conducive to a fruitful day.

I plan on getting a newspaper subscription and I aim to do at least 30minutes a day of reading some sort of other non fiction...I really enjoy reading but I find it hard to actually open the book unless there is literally nothing else to do.


Continue to keep in touch with those I care about, I try to say yes to things at every opportunity but I also need to take the initiative myself.
A big part of life is sharing experiences, and having good social skills and being open to embracing new things is certainly something worth working at.

As a poker player its easy to spend a lot of time isolated. Living with other players helps of course, but its important to have 'normal' friends too so as to not be too get too enveloped in the poker world. I plan to do some serious travelling in the next few months, most of my time about over the past few years has been going to EPTs etc, which often means very little exploring.

I had no idea this was going to be so long...I'm going to post up my workouts as I go and hopefully that's helpful.

...Off for a swim now, peace

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October !!! by player999, November 01


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Brag by Fujikura, November 01

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Need help vs shorties by gawdawaful, November 01

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Oct Losing Month by PanoRaMa, November 01

That type of run bad where you can't make anything but your opponent makes at least a pair every hand, but proceeds to cooler you when you finally do make a hand. Repeat for about 10k hands and you have this graph.

Not really going to complain too much about it, I was really upset earlier in the month but like a drug addict in rehab, eventually you get to a state of reluctant acceptance and you just try to figure out wtf else you can do from there. That downward spike earlier on was especially painful because I was playing 10 20 and up 3k at one point and immediately lost 4 buy ins running terrible. I blame myself a bit for not sticking to my stop loss at times, def could've gotten the damage below 5 figures if I did.

I found this vid pretty helpful during my downswing:

I don't think I'm downswinging anymore since I've dropped a stake and am recovering my money back slowly, so I'm not too worried. I lost 8 nights in a row at one point and that definitely got to me mentally, but I spent two awesome weekends in Vegas (including halloween weekend just now) which saved me sorta . But I did lose a lot at table games (god I run sooo bad flipping in those) so my oct count is something like -16k. So I had an awesome 30k month, then +15k, then -16k so basically 10k averaged out over the past 3 months, still can't complain but it definitely ruined my hopes for a 150k year. I always say this, but I'm definitely going to try to put in more hands this month and study a lot more since I've basically not done any of that for a couple months now. GL in nov.

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and I'm even by Bullshit, November 01

so after such a swingy month I'm up like 5k after losing about 10k or so the last 3 days playing 10/25 and 25/50 live I didnt play very good and ran pretty bad the last day so cant be too mad

I think for november I need to just settle down and grind online before going to BCPC where I'm most likely to engage in some degen activities and be playing 25/50+

no graphs for october since most of my play wasnt online NL cash but for november hopefully I'll have a nice graph before I leave for BC!

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October by K40Cheddar, November 01

Ran very very VERY well at rush NL 10 but still was a consistent winner throughout. Pretty easy to note the NL 25 shot on the graph where it drops dramatically. Played too many tables and didn't adjust properly to the increase in skill level. Made quite a bit in rakeback as well.

I am close to a 2nd NL 25 shot but unfortunately I have taken an addiction toward donkaments and keep spewing away a couple dollars once in awhile which adds up. I get bored with cash games sometimes and want to play something different. I should at least give up the turbo tournaments because its pretty much a shoving luckfest deep. Gotta stop playing these cause I'm pretty sure I'm a loser at donkaments cause I lose patience late.

November goals:
- 35-45k hands
- Take 2nd NL 25 shot. Ideally be at least break even.
- Give up turbo SNGs and MTTs. Only play good solid structure tourneys and limit the amount.

Gl to everyone else for November as well.

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another random blog post by mnj, November 01

randomly read a bunch of old lper's blogs like sakisaki's and some others as well....

it was kinda crazy cause it seemed like the original group of lpers seems to be or was a pretty tight group who readily helped each other become good players through advice and support.

lp seems alot more isolated lately (not that i'm complaining or whining, just merely stating)

neways i guess it has some what inspired me and i guess this is a somewhat official reach out to any players who beat nl100+

obviously the nature of help in regard to poker is rather difficult due to the fact that nl200 players can help nl100 players but often nl100 players will be unable to help nl200 players.

neways not looking to start chatting everyday with poker discussions or anything but would like a few people to p.m every now and then.
a little back ground info on me:
- i still play nl100
- am massively over rolled for it
- i occasionally play nl 200 and will prob permanently move up soon
- am sort of looking for coaching, but feel like i can beat or figure out how to beat nl200
- my goal for online poker is kinda low (maybe due to a skewed perception that nl400 is extremely difficult) but i would like to reach nl 600 some day
- i play alot of live poker these days (u just make so much more so much easier if online poker was this easy back in the day i really curse being born/introduced to poker 3-4 years too late, i play nl 2/5 live and occasionally nl 1000)

i played just a little under 30 hours this month and am actively trying to learn how to multi table =.= (i know this sounds stupid but i would love to be able to play like 8-10 tables instead of 4)

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not a success by nolan, November 01

my november was not much of a success. i think i could have played better but there was some brutal bad stretches. ship the $30/hr.

hopefully i won't be on as much tilt in november...

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The Root by k2o4, November 01

Howard Zinn is a stud. It's crazy how it all makes terrifying sense once you learn the history of how it came to be.

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oct by Seobombisgay, November 01

almost all 6max(70% 300 chips and 30% 1500 chips). mite go back to hu for november though. hu=less variance for me =/

+$700~ in rakeback and ap points so roughly a 3k month T_T

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Year summary so far + october results by Joe, November 01

Hello Lp!

Year summary so far

October is over and since it has been the first month of this year in which I finally put in some decent volume, I am gonna post some results and thoughts about this year so far.

Until september this year I was quite lazy and instead of putting in decent volume and making some steady profit at 5/10NL and 10/20NL like last year, I was putting in 10-20k hands per month on average and mostly taking shots at 25/50NL or higher.

It didnt go very well as is usually the case, partly because obviously the games are pretty tough to beat and partly because you know, pokersites preffer grinders above shot-takers and most of the time they remind you about that when you try and take a shot at higher games, as documented by the following photography (in the spoiler) taken by someone from within pokerstars a couple years ago:
+ Show Spoiler +

Apart from online cash games, I played quite a few big live events and only made 1 small cash in them, which cost me quite something.

An unpleasant realisation

So, in the middle of August I took a look at my results and I found myself having a total net profit for the year in the range of what I was able to win or lose in 2-3 days at 25/50NL+.

The resolution

After realising that, I decided I really need to stop being lazy and taking retarded shots hoping I will just hit a heater and instead start putting in way more volume of good solid play in games for which I have a good bankroll and which I know I can beat (mostly meaning 5/10NL).

To accomplish that, I decided to move mainly to Pokerstars because one of the reasons I wasnt putting in the volume was that there simply wasnt enough tables at Prima very often and I didnt want to play lower or wait for games etc, I wanted to just join whenever I felt like it and always have enough tables to play. Since most action at PS is at the 20-50bb tables, I started playing a shortstack mostly (had some experience with shortstacking before, but obviously I had to put in some time into doing some math), but of course when there was good action at deep tables I played those too, not purely shortstacking.

The reality

Sadly, I didnt quite avoid playing 25/50NL+ in august yet and while it went okish at first, I got reminded about my resolution not to play those games by Pokerstars very soon: in a span of about 4-5 days in the beginning of september, I managed to lose about all of my yearly profit so far while ev-wise I should have been breaking even.

After that, I really decided strongly that I would stop playing higher than 10/20NL and except from a couple hundred of hands when there was a sick uberfish and I had the direct position, I really didnt.

I also decided I was going to play a lot in October, which by my standards I did. I played a total of 171.34 hours, which is 5 hours and 32 minutes a day on average. Thats probably at least like double of what I was putting in in the first half of the year, probably even more.

October results

Luckily, it proved to be the right way for me atm and I booked quite a solid month:

I am definately very happy with the amount of hands I put in. I am also quite satisfied with the results of 5/10, where I think I should be able to at least keep such a winrate longterm. I am still angry at myself for playing those couple hundred hands at 25/50NL, I could have had a really good month if it werent for that. Still, its kind of tough when I got used to winning or losing in about 2 days what I now made in a whole solid month of playing 5/10NL.

Shortstack vs. deepstack results

Anyway, since I was mixing in playing with all kinds of stacksizes from 20bb up to maybe 300bb, I was quite curious how I was doing when on a shortstack and when deeper.

First screenshot is results filtered by stacksize under 30bb:

Second screenshot is results with stacksize 30bb and above:

Plan for the near future

Thats it for the results. From now on my plan is to put in a minimum of 50k hands every month, mostly at 5/10 with some 10/20 with good table selection. I hope to be able to achieve a winrate of about 2 BB/100 at 5/10 over a large enough sample size (250k+ hands). If I manage to achieve that I will then maybe allow myself to start taking some shots again, but only while still maintaining a decent amount of volume.

Other than online grinding I will most likely attend EPT Prague in December and before that I will possibly make a trip to Los Angeles and then to Hawaii. Its suppossed to be a non-poker trip for the most part, but since I havent visited The Commerce casino yet, I am definately gonna go and play there a bit if I am in LA. If anyone from the area wants to meet up, just leave a message.

Thats it for now.

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