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October etc. by The M Show, October 31

Sup guys?

Hope everyone had a good halloween. Mine was pretty good. This year I was Maverick from Tom Cruise. A bunch of my buddies and I had a little pre drink at my place and then ended up going over to our other buddies place for a Keg party. It was a pretty good once, dece ratio lol. Got absolutely hammered. Great Night. The best costume I saw was this one guy who was dressed up as a pack of Zig Zags. It was pretty well done lol.

But yea so onto the poker and other random stuff. This month went pretty well for me and I put in a lot of hands. Been averaging around 60k hands per month over the last two months but managed to get in 90k this month which Im happy with. Here are the results

I was pretty shocked to see that my all in ev is pretty close. I would however like my winrate to be a bit higher, closer to 5-6 bb/100 which I think is totally obtainable at 25nl. Ive been playing around a 12/9 style which is pretty TAG/kinda nitty so I think I can open up my ranges in a lot of spots and Ive been messing around with these ranges a lot lately with the help of my new found love pokerstove. :D

Ive been having fun working on my ranges lately but Ive come to realize that it is a lot better to not really have a range set in stone. Instead Ive been just trying to look at the situation and see if that certain hand is a profitable in this spot. Its been working really well. I think that working on all these ranges lately has helped me narrow down what I think a lot of the regulars have in certain hands. A lot of the time there hands are played so straight forward and I am able to play very well against them now.

Starting tables is going alright. My HU game is getting alot better since I did a refresher and watched quite a few videos. Thanks for the recommendations guys. Now I need your help again! I wanna do another refresh on my SH game which still isnt that great either. What are some great starting videos for someone looking to just get into 6 max? I have access to all of the training websites.

So for November my goals are going to be as follows:
- 100k+ hands
- 1k+ Profit w/o rb.
- 4bb/100+
- Gym 3+ times a week (been doing really well at this lately)

So onto Starcraft 2! Ive been playing a bit more lately and Im having a lot of fun with Terran. I feel like thats the race Im best with. After playing in the Bronze division all month I finally made it to Silver! lol. For the most part in Bronze I just out macro everyone and its GG. Hopefully silver gives me more of a challenge :D What should I expect in moving up leagues? I dont really play much 2v2 but really feel like playing some. The problem is I dont like playing with a random because usually they really really suck so if anyone wants to 2v2 sometime pm me on here and Ill give you my SN.

But anyways, Im gonna go play a couple games, go over some studies and then crash. Peace all!


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October by player999, October 31

+ Show Spoiler +

+13.7k online
+13k from live MTT luckboxing
broke even at live 5/10 after being down a lot

= +26.7k month (if I squeeze in last 3 days of september it becomes a 32k month)

Awesome! 3 years of poker finally looking like not a waste of time. You guys are all to blame kinda, tks LP.

Hand of the Month:
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What Music Do You Listen to While Playing Poker by imachrisbrownu, October 31

I was just wondering what types of music everyone listens to while playing poker.....and is it different when playing online versus live? Also do you have a set playlist or use music blogs/pandora....i personally like listening to some electronic dance music personally....kinda just gets me pumped up/motivated

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October/BCPC by djforever, October 31

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Halloween LOL by Bejamin1, October 31

Uploaded with

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Masturbation by k2o4, October 31


More funny signs from the rally to restore sanity here

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Meh october by YoMeR, October 31

So I failed miserably in terms of my volume goals this month. I played a pathetic 39k hands. Played around a bit too much this month. And doesn't look like next month will be much more productive as I'm going to be traveling to Korea to visit family there.

On the flip side just came back from Eugene and partied pretty hard all weekend long. I was Captain Hammer from the Dr. Horrible's sing along blog. If you havn't watched it i recommend it asap. good stuff.

I as looking for the 20k month as i was up over 12k in the first 10 days of this month but I kept bouncing back and forth from ~15k to ~12k about 4-5 times. Had my biggest losing day this year at just around ~5k last week and had multiple + and - 10 buyin days. Rush poker is pretty crazy even at full ring ;o. But hell, can't complain been a good month.

Here is the overview stats for this month

And here is my graph. Pretty LOL in certain spots imo.

I'm too lazy to post other pictures of events so I'll just leave up this fairly lame post.

thx for reading.

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ballin by ggplz, October 31

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need ftp dollars for my pokerstars dollars by Robinson47, October 31

would like to swap $1000 of my pokerstars for $1000 of yourfull tilt $$ let me know if you help me out, ill send first if well known poster. What are the tourneys to play on full tilt on a sunday? will be back online at 12.00 to hopefully swap with anyone kind enough to help me out.

Im gunna play the lot tonight, anyone else playing all the big sundays and like to chat while playing maybe swap 10% in some of the big sunday fields add me

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21 hour sesh by Zalfor, October 31

omg, I was stuck 20 BI yest morning so I ended up grinding 21 hours and 15k hands to get back to +8BI.

it was so sick... I felt like I was gonna puke halfway thru. Def. not going to do this again for a while.

Good thing though, is that I didn't go busto, haha.

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SNG/MTT Players? by SemPeR, October 31

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14 hours and 11k hands later~~ by wobbly_au, October 30

Its fucking 8 in the morning im going to bed.

Most epic recovery/lucksack session ever.

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I didnt tilt by NewbSaibot, October 30

Took some leftover rakeback and starting playing micro CAP games on FTP to limit my risk of ruin. The funny thing is I found it to be one of the most relaxing ways to play poker, short of getting high (k2o is progressively perking my interest in this). As a loose aggressive player I tend to see a lot of bad beats just from playing so many pots, at least at small stakes games. I feel I'm pretty good at hand reading, although not so great at playing postflop, such as when to value bet and when to not. My sessions usually result in winning lots of small-medium pots, and then losing one huge one to set me all the way back. The beauty of these micro cap games is that fish are still playing them like normal poker, none of that SS strategy you see at higher cap games. This is great because I can get reasonable value from all my 60/40 hands the way I should, and win pot after pot after pot. When that suckout comes around the corner the most I can ever lose is 30BB's. Fuck you variance, how ya gonna get me now? Even if I lost 5 hands in a row I'd probably just end breakeven. If I lose 5 hands in an uncapped game I'm probably in the deep red. Sure I miss out on value, but only from hands I'm likely to make 2% of the time anyway. For all you regs im sure that 2% makes up for all the losses in between. If you lose 180BB's over 400 hands but win 200BB in one glorious moment then you're ahead. Well problem for me is I dont play long enough to reach those pivotal moments. I quite enjoy battling players one at a time through leisurely play until im satisfied and choose to quit. There's also some sick sick fish at the high stakes cap games who just like the thought of playing 5/10, so it doesnt hurt to get used to it and craft my own theories for optimal play as I get there.

Ultimately though, it's simply +EV for me as a person to play these. It really doesnt bother me at all to lose AJs aipf to K9s for 30BB's as it would for 100 which happens quite often. I wish it didnt bother me at regular NL either, but thats another lesson I have yet to learn.

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lol by CrownRoyal, October 30

what stake do u think this is at

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Is he hopeless? Ive tried. by The M Show, October 30

Lately ive been feeling pretty bad for my room mate. Him and I have been grinding for a while now, both with a little bit of success. The difference between us is that I play cash games and he is a donkament player. To his own admission he would probably say he got pretty lucky back in the day when he had two pretty big scores.Since then hes managed to do alright and make ends meat. Lately tho he has been hitting a pretty big rough patch over the past 5 months or so I would say but he is absolutely convinced that it is just a bad run of cards. I am not so sure though.

I dont know how he does it but he still only 1 tables mtt's or sngs, and doesnt use a hud and hes been playing over 4 years probably now. Personally this just sounds so tedious and I would have probably jumped off my balcony a long time ago if I had to do this. He also goes on the sickest tilt I have ever seen. Im not even kidding. I know every time he loses a big pot when Im in my room grinding because I can hear him SCREAMING f bombs etc. He also does the old tilt chat too which is pretty amusing. Id say he has Phil Hellmuth traits haha. Its true though.

So anyways I know his roll is getting really really low and I want to help him out because I think thats what a good friend does but I honestly dont even know if its worth it or what to do anymore because he is just so stubborn and has a huge ego. I have tried telling him everything and anything I can to help him. You name it, Ive probably tried. Still though he doesnt listen because like I said, he thinks he is the best player out there and its just a bad run of cards.

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October spew by GoTuNk, October 30

First of all,

I decided I want to compete on chilean powerlifting, and i'm quite sure I can crush anyone at the 67,5kg weight class, given weights from last chilean powerlifting competition are kinda embarrassing. Btw, Powerlifting = bench press, deadlift, squat.

However, to reach the weight to compete, I need to drop 12 pounds of fat, so I started to taking nutrition REALLY seriously. No booz, no chocolate, no cookies, no bread, no soda, etc.

I took measures/pictures, so will make a nice post by the end of the deadline I self impossed (40 days, 10 days already done)

Depending on how much I can lift being 5kg lighter, i'll evaluate to pursue further progress (AKA compete in Argentinian meetings).

Poker wise,

Gonna end this month a bit earlier, first 10k hands are nl50, rest are n100

Meh, dropped like 10bi in last 5 days, guess it helps as a reality check after crushing nl50/nl100 for so many hands previous to that.

When I moved up to nl100 my redline started to drop again, instead of the horizontal one I had at nl50, guess I can improve there.

So i'll bump my question from my previous blog entry, since only Lemon replied:

The question to all of you good players,

What should I be doing along with putting the volume to increasing my skill level in order to go from nl100 to nl200, 400 and 600?
Do u spend time analizing other players hand/stats etc when u are not playing?
What things DID u specifically do to improve ur game and move up?
What's next?

Thanks for replies
+ Show Spoiler +

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Buy 50NL hands by doriipoker, October 30

Hi guys

Anyone out here grinding 50NL Fullring on PokerStars that wants to buy with me
10,000,000 Hands on $225.00 at PTR? Since my BR is not very big that 225$ is pretty
much for me, so If we are 3-4 that buy together it aint very much, 75$ - 56$ p/person
The hands are fresh, played 20sept'10 - 30oct'10, so you get very good read rightaway.

You could transfer on my PS (or I could transfer on s1 solid here) and then I would buy it
with CC at PTR and get the hands in 1 big .rar file, that I would send u guys through msn
or upload it somewhere.

Im not some retard, working for PTR trying to sell u guys some shit, just checking out
if anyone wants some sick read on most of the players like me and find 225$ bit 2 much.

(Ps. If someone wants to buy Absolute/Ultimatebet 50NL FR hands im up for that also,
7milion hands played May 3rd '10 - Oct 30th '10. @ 156$)

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Dilemma you've all heard about by Gawuss, October 30

Alright so lately I've started thinking a lot more about dropping out and playing poker full time. I met some nice people in the university, even if I decided to quit studying I could still hang out with them on a regular basis. But the problem lies in the idea of me not really being into the whole management thing. I know I don't have that much homework to do and I think I could pretty easily finish the first year but it's not that it doesn't affect my poker playing. During the last month I played only 1300 hands and the reason for it is not only the laziness but also tiredness caused by the parties and university. I didn't really feel like playing/studying poker and I'm not really sure how it is going to look like in the next couple of months if I continued my studies. As a little brag I've gotta add that I met a nice girl which also took some of my time I need some advice, preferably from people who had the same dilemma and decided either to drop out or stay. I'll definitely try to play poker as much as possible and go to the university but right now knowing myself I think it's not gonna work out that well.

Ok people I'm ready to read your comments on it !!


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FUCKING STARS SOFTWARE by exalted, October 30

Just made a 80 euro misclick with their "pop up" on action software. It's driving me fucking insane. I am used to being able to type my notes in completion and then go to the action at the new table but as I was typing 80 -> enter somewhere else I was snapped there and overbet shoved into some sick calling station who had Christmas come early.

The hand, for reference:

Submitted by : exalted

PokerStars Game #51895577703: Holdem No Limit (€0.50/€1.00 EUR) - 2010/10/30 20:07:48 CCT [2010/10/30 8:07:48 ET]
Table Seppina V 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: exalted1 (€101 in chips)
Seat 2: aivan80 (€81.20 in chips)
Seat 3: kizza_om (€373.60 in chips)
Seat 5: fullfury (€130.35 in chips)
Seat 6: the clêaner (€116.85 in chips)
the clêaner: posts small blind €0.50
exalted1: posts big blind €1
DavSmith174: sits out

Dealt to exalted1 JhQd
aivan80: raises €1 to €2
kizza_om: folds
fullfury: folds
the clêaner: folds
exalted1: calls €1

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $0.00)

exalted1: checks
aivan80: bets €2
exalted1: raises €5.10 to €7.10
aivan80: calls €5.10

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $0.00)

exalted1: checks
aivan80: checks

River (Pot : $0.00)

exalted1: bets €80
aivan80: calls €72.10 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (€7.90) returned to exalted1

exalted1: shows JhQd (a pair of Fours)
aivan80: shows JcKd (two pair, Kings and Fours)
aivan80 collected €160.90 from pot

Total pot €162.90 | Rake €2
Board  AdKc4s4c3c
Seat 1: exalted1 (big blind) showed JhQd and lost with a pair of Fours
Seat 2: aivan80 showed JcKd and won (€160.90) with two pair, Kings and Fours
Seat 3: kizza_om folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: fullfury (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 6: the clêaner (small blind) folded before Flop

. . .

It seems my only options are:

1. ACTIVATE Popup table whenever user action is required. Get fucked everytime typing notes, doing other things, etc.

2. DEACTIVATE Pop up table. Constantly time out when in other hands.

Does "single click table activation" have anything to do with this? How do you SNEs deal with it?!?!??!

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My UB for Your Stars by Sanai, October 30

This probably looks really bad, what with the "UB Support" thread still high on the list on Main Poker, but I'm looking to move about $100-200 from UB to Stars. If anyone could help me out, I'd be much obliged. Thanks!

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