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NL 25 shot... by K40Cheddar, October 22

Sucked massive balls

The one positive thing about this experience is that I realized there is a whole new level of thinking in poker. I actually had to start playing the game with a brain rather than mindless playing at NL 10 cause people actually start to fight back and become more competent. My respect for all the midstakes players skyrocketed because this shit is hard and I'm obviously really bad at this game. I can't imagine the thought process on higher level hands (at least not yet).

I'll never complain about people sucking at NL 10 again lol

Time to regrind!

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SNE estimates for personal references by gawdawaful, October 22

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mtt coach by Seobombisgay, October 22

anyone know a good one?

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Workin On HU - Help me out by The M Show, October 21

For the most part I start FR tables when Im playing. I think its great for a number of reasons and many of you probably already know them all. Lately I kind of feel like my HU game is lacking because Im a pretty tight player for the most part so I kind of feel a bit out of my element when Im playing HU and usually hope that the game fills up rather then play HU vs someone unless he is a complete idiot. I have memberships on all the training sites and I was just wondering which series you guys think are best for HU beginners? I think I could use some review on the basics.

Other then that poker is going great and I feel like Im playing my hands really well lately. This is all thanks to pokerstove which Ive come to really enjoy messing around with. Ive been messing around with ranges and looking at how a lot of the regulars play and it is making it a lot easier for me to play against them which is always a good thing.

Havent played a lot of SC2 over the last few days, mostly been playing poker and doing homework. Hopefully I can get in a few games over the weekend and move outta the "special olympic" bronze league lol. What do you guys think a good adjustment is to when a protoss gets out his colossus and you are T. I usually try not to let the P get to this point but when he does I find that if P gets 2+ of them I get ripped to shreds. What do you guys usually do?

Probably going to get in a few games before I crash for the night.

Later folks.

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Workin On HU - Help me out by The M Show, October 21

For the most part I start FR tables when Im playing. I think its great for a number of reasons and many of you probably already know them all. Lately I kind of feel like my HU game is lacking because Im a pretty tight player for the most part so I kind of feel a bit out of my element when Im playing HU and usually hope that the game fills up rather then play HU vs someone unless he is a complete idiot. I have memberships on all the training sites and I was just wondering which series you guys think are best for HU beginners? I think I could use some review on the basics.

Other then that poker is going great and I feel like Im playing my hands really well lately. This is all thanks to pokerstove which Ive come to really enjoy messing around with. Ive been messing around with ranges and looking at how a lot of the regulars play and it is making it a lot easier for me to play against them which is always a good thing.

Havent played a lot of SC2 over the last few days, mostly been playing poker and doing homework. Hopefully I can get in a few games over the weekend and move outta the "special olympic" bronze league lol. What do you guys think a good adjustment is to when a protoss gets out his colossus and you are T. I usually try not to let the P get to this point but when he does I find that if P gets 2+ of them I get ripped to shreds. What do you guys usually do?

Probably going to get in a few games before I crash for the night.

Later folks.

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1 year break by John Galt, October 21

haven't played this game in ages, school pretty much takes up all my time these days. not gonna lie, do miss it alot
started playing NL25 FR again. they have 250bb tables now? 20-50bb tables? so short stacks can play together lol? how things have changed
its amazing what you can forget in a year... thinking about the days i used to 24 table nl25 for 5ptbb. these days i dont even know what players i should be stealing blinds from or what i should call oop.
really hope i can put in a couple hours a week playing this game i use to love.
do take a look at my hands, any help is appreciated

i love that the rofl thread is still alive and thriving after all these years!
but whatever happened to floofy?
how come baal isnt a mod anymore?

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Day 43 by player999, October 21

Made some mo maney

Ran awesome at first, then hit the SICKEST BAD RUN EVER ASDASFSAFASDF, unlike yesterday I played godlike all day today, but lost all Ax vs Ay (x > y). Put some Iron Maiden on at game 90 and it turned around tho, so I guess it was all good in the end.

Won't play much this week cause the BSOP starts tomorrow, I plan to make FTs, and also play some cash, lets run good one time!

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So dumb... by vasoline73, October 21

I know this is stupid to be mad about but this 4 tabling couple of hour session was so fucking lame. Gonna take a break and come back but damn I really wanted to play 5000 hands today ugh.

The bigger suckout hands...
Submitted by : vasoline73

Full Tilt Poker Game #24895750502: Table Soak (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:39:43 ET - 2010/10/21
Seat 1: bchoosiers1963 ($25)
Seat 2: Iiverson01 ($62.31)
Seat 3: Ale-Khan83 ($39.32)
Seat 4: jackgck ($27.80)
Seat 5: thigie ($13.81)
Seat 6: magnus-awesome1 ($25)
magnus-awesome1 posts the small blind of $0.10
bchoosiers1963 posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5

Dealt to jackgck9h9d
Iiverson01 raises to $0.85
Ale-Khan83 folds
jackgck has 15 seconds left to act
jackgck calls $0.85
thigie folds
magnus-awesome1 folds
magnus-awesome1 adds $0.10
bchoosiers1963 folds
bchoosiers1963 adds $0.25

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $2.05)

Ale-Khan83 has been disconnected
Iiverson01 bets $1.50
Ale-Khan83 has reconnected
jackgck has 15 seconds left to act
Ale-Khan83 has been disconnected
Ale-Khan83 has reconnected
jackgck raises to $6
Iiverson01 has 15 seconds left to act
Iiverson01 raises to $20.05
thigie has been disconnected
jackgck raises to $26.95, and is all in
thigie has reconnected
Iiverson01 calls $6.90
jackgck shows9h9d
Iiverson01 showsAcAs

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $55.95)


River (Pot : $55.95)

jackgck shows three of a kind, Nines
Iiverson01 shows three of a kind, Aces
Iiverson01 wins the pot ($53.16) with three of a kind, Aces

Total pot $55.95 | Rake $2.79
Seat 1: bchoosiers1963 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: Iiverson01 showedAcAs and won ($53.16) with three of a kind, Aces
Seat 3: Ale-Khan83 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: jackgck showed9h9d and lost with three of a kind, Nines
Seat 5: thigie (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: magnus-awesome1 (small blind) folded before the Flop

Submitted by : vasoline73

Full Tilt Poker Game #24894583526: Table Coakley (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:47:28 ET - 2010/10/21
Seat 1: jackgck ($26.90)
Seat 2: pabloketero ($29.53)
Seat 3: Stork E ($25.35)
Seat 4: maycholiss ($25.25)
Seat 5: OMGwhysomuch ($35.07)
Seat 6: iakamber ($37.99)
iakamber posts the small blind of $0.10
jackgck posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #5

Dealt to jackgck9sJc
pabloketero folds
Stork E folds
maycholiss folds
OMGwhysomuch raises to $0.75
iakamber folds
jackgck raises to $3
OMGwhysomuch has 15 seconds left to act
OMGwhysomuch has requested TIME
OMGwhysomuch calls $2.25

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $6.10)

jackgck bets $4
OMGwhysomuch has 15 seconds left to act
OMGwhysomuch has requested TIME
OMGwhysomuch raises to $9
jackgck raises to $23.90, and is all in
OMGwhysomuch calls $14.90
jackgck shows9sJc
OMGwhysomuch showsAcQd

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $53.90)


River (Pot : $53.90)

jackgck shows a straight, Jack high
OMGwhysomuch shows a straight, Queen high
OMGwhysomuch wins the pot ($51.21) with a straight, Queen high

Total pot $53.90 | Rake $2.69
Seat 1: jackgck (big blind) showed9sJc and lost with a straight, Jack high
Seat 2: pabloketero didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Stork E didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: maycholiss didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: OMGwhysomuch (button) showedAcQd and won ($51.21) with a straight, Queen high
Seat 6: iakamber (small blind) folded before the Flop

Submitted by : vasoline73

Full Tilt Poker Game #24892447189: Table Pump (6 max) - $0.10/$0.25 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:18:35 ET - 2010/10/21
Seat 1: MasterofCardz ($26.40)
Seat 2: pelator ($9.87)
Seat 3: Kidao16 ($8.84)
Seat 4: jackgck ($25)
Seat 5: tilden_ua ($25.96)
Seat 6: Maniac1501 ($20.60)
Kidao16 posts the small blind of $0.10
jackgck posts the big blind of $0.25
The button is in seat #2

Dealt to jackgckTsAs
tilden_ua folds
Maniac1501 folds
MasterofCardz raises to $0.75
pelator folds
Kidao16 folds
jackgck calls $0.50

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $1.60)

jackgck bets $1.20
MasterofCardz has 15 seconds left to act
MasterofCardz has requested TIME
MasterofCardz raises to $3.75
jackgck has 15 seconds left to act
jackgck raises to $9
MasterofCardz has 15 seconds left to act
MasterofCardz has requested TIME
MasterofCardz calls $5.25

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $19.60)

jackgck has 15 seconds left to act
jackgck bets $15.25, and is all in
MasterofCardz has 15 seconds left to act
MasterofCardz calls $15.25
jackgck showsTsAs
MasterofCardz showsJsTd

River (Pot : $50.10)

jackgck shows three of a kind, Tens
MasterofCardz shows a full house, Tens full of Jacks
MasterofCardz wins the pot ($47.60) with a full house, Tens full of Jacks

Total pot $50.10 | Rake $2.50
Seat 1: MasterofCardz showedJsTd and won ($47.60) with a full house, Tens full of Jacks
Seat 2: pelator (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Kidao16 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: jackgck (big blind) showedTsAs and lost with three of a kind, Tens
Seat 5: tilden_ua didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Maniac1501 didn't bet (folded)

It's just annoying to think that if I had won one of those hands my session would be a lot better.

Ugh. Sorry to whine LP.

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question for mexicans abt drug situation by whamm!, October 21

20 year old girl hired as police chief? wtf? is the situation there really that bad with regards to the drug war and gangs taking over, 11 mayors killed this year alone lol? i know the news totally exaggerates shit since i also supposedly live in a muslim infested, terrorist region when in fact its like 95% christian or non muslim here and the shit happens like hundreds of miles from here. i just wanna hear from people whove been living in mexico if this shit is just exaggerated.

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Should Be Legalized by k2o4, October 21

Awesome video, check it out and pass it on (share to FB plz):

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A Life Story about Retards by Highcard, October 21

So I live in a sexy spot in ottawa, 1 block away from a huge ass grocery store. I was grinding some HU and was like god damn I am hungry and I don't have any food in the house, lets go grab some shit fast and get back to grinding. What happens? Fucking retards happened.

You know how grocery stores are gay now? No longer have the nice carry baskets? you have to roam half way across the store to find the single 1 left? You are only picking up like 12 things and fucking navigating a sea of middle-aged-to-near-death seniors with a cart is so beyond -ev time that it feels unbearable? Well fuck I guess that is life, so I manned up and took the closest cart I could find.

Pwning corners, old people, dumb children, insane tight squeezes at full-speed, I am finally done picking up bagel fulls, delissio pizzas, havarti cheese, sun-rype fruit+veg drink, etc. etc. and make way to the biggest gamble of the entire evening, Do I go for a random cashier-line packed with endless people OR the self-serve which is literally such a fucking gamble IDK what the fuck half the people are doing trying to check themselves out.

The entire pain of my existence, the fucking Self Checkout, is meant for people with too many items to go to the quickcashier 1-8 but just enough to fit into 2 bags--at most. ALSO a minimum IQ 100< . Why? Because retards fucking the entire self checkout system up. There is only 1 reason why self checkout is slow-- retards. No retards, no delay. I wish I knew what the fuck they are thinking but I realize these are the same fuckups that will drive in the left lane on a highway going under the speed limit, merge at an on ramp at 1/2 the speed limit and completely fuck you if you are trying to merge behind them and eventually drive you to insanity (pun not intended). These retards are just so clueless to how slow they are and how much everyone else wants to murder them. So what do I do?

I pray to god when I am counting the shit in my cart that is under 9> so I can gtfo of this place and go to the speedcashier. 1, 2,3...7...who the fuck am I kidding of course I have more than 8, how the fuck do you go to a big ass grocery store with a huge cart and not pick up more than 8 things. Then I ask, is it low enough to fake the speedcashier and smile when she scans the 12th item? ROFL I am too much of a pansy obviously why do I always bother thinking about this. Time to GAMBLEZ, selfcheck baby, 1 time.

Shit starts out easy, 2nd in line, 3 people scanning their shit and all of them are near the end of scanning. Looks like a slam dunk. Then out of nowhere variable A for asshole comes along. There is always 1 dumbfuck asshole who can't figure out where the end of the self-checkout line is and always try to jump ahead of everyone. No Bitch, gtfo behind me or go gamble the other selfcheckout line. Once that bullshit distraction is finished I look back to see the progress and wtf is all that comes to mind. I have been god-fucked again, I literally am witnessing 3 full-retards and they still are scanning the same shit. All 3 of them, middle-age, 1 short-stalky man, 1 ginormous whale and 1 random women. The man can't stop staring at the screen and then looking at the clerk, then back at the screen. The random women has vegetables which she wants but has no idea what the name is so she can't scan them and the fucking whale is being the fat lazy stupid ho that she obviously is. Lets forget about the first two since they are going to be a while, and focus on the whale.

The whale has completed all the packing of at least 8 full size eco bags (WTF you stupid cunt don't you know the rules?) and is at the pay screen, so why the FUCK aren't you paying? I will tell you why, because she just got a text on her blackberry. She looks down at her clip on phone, pulls it out, scrolls a fuck-ton, seems satisfied and puts the phone back in the clip. Ok bitch you are testing my patience but since you are 10x more likely to leave than the other 2 I will let it slide but don't do anything else stupid because the consequences will never be the same. So what does she do? Ok, this is asinine, this women is a troll, she HAS to be a troll, this bitch just sinned more than a priest does when alone with children. Out of her skin-tight cause-o-how-fat-she-is jeans comes a wad of mother fucking small bills. OMG HEAD EXPLODE

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facking fallout new vegas by HeRoS)eNGagE, October 21

so many bugs its so annoying, same thing was fallout 3
in new vegas todya
fuckkk i lvlup lvl 6 to 7
so i put my stats where i want them... then after when you lvl up you are suposed to receive 1 point
to get for something special.. w/e
i reload previous save do it again
a lil later it freeze, fffffuuuu again
my robot ed-e die
ffffuuu he was full of stock and i am full myself i look like a retard now
asdf xD
hope ill get at least my point for the next lvl -.-
you guys have it? any bugs yet? what do you guys think about it for now?

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I FEEL INCREDIBLE by nicksson, October 21

So I decided to take up poker since I recently moved to norway and I dont have a job and this is probably the worlds most expensive country, it's been going decent so far, mostly because of this video.

Does anyone else play at svenska spel?

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DoN - new poker chapter by SmartDonkey, October 21

After the not so successful past half year I would like to summarize my poker life. I played NL50 FR and still had some trouble with my nitty game. It was quite frustrating and it forced me to find a coach who helped my game a little bit I think.

In June I found out about a friend of mine who had been playing STT Double or nothing for about 6 months and that he was doing very well. So after a few weeks and a lot of nights spent crying I decided to try something new. Double or nothing was a clear choice because I could stay on my favorite server - PokerStars - and take advantage of the Supernova status. I spent the whole summer learning how to play DoN.

My best experience these summer holidays was my vacation in Monaco where I started to play double or nothing more seriously. I visited a lot of places while there and the best was probably the beach in Monaco and the Casino de Monte Carlo. I was really excited to play the one handed bandit but I got bored after 10 minutes =). It was a great month and I gained a lot of experience and strength to be able to start a new poker chapter in my life.
I started playing DoN with 5 USD where I learned the basics and I learned advanced play on 10 USD. Tomorrow I’m gonna try my luck on the 20 USD game.

Wish me luck!

And there are few photos


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60k VPP, RB pro thoughts by vltava, October 21

Gained 10k VPP in about five days, while also working on Jeux d'Eau by Ravel, a Hindemith viola sonata I'm accompanying, and my daily scales, and attending three cool chamber music concerts - a piano trio in Pasadena on Saturday night, the Juilliard string quartet at Cal Tech on Sunday, and a string sextet with members of the LA Phil last night in Arcadia. So naturally I'm looking at SNE and thinking I could make it pretty easily, and to boot, I could do it while beating the rake. However, I'd like for poker not to be the only thing in my life, and I don't think cutting back that much on music would leave me with a very fulfilling life, and I certainly don't see pursuing a degree one day and SNE at the same time. The extra pile of cash and free ME WSOP is tempting, but I can probably sat or buy my way in if I keep grinding it up.

In terms of profit the last week I've actually just been treading water. I joined SNGgrinders and have been devouring azntracker's videos, and I've definitely begun plugging some leaks, but I think my luck has taken a downswing at the same time so my results don't reflect the improvement yet. I've also noticed that there is at least one RB pro at this level who just does not play well enough to beat the rake, not even close. He's trying too hard, being too laggy, too fancy, and simply making some appalling calldowns. There are others who play better who are still just about breaking even without rakeback. It's sobering, but I think I can still continue to win.

I think a reasonable question to pose to myself, then, is "why aren't these guys winning if I can [supposedly] figure it out so easily?" I think it's probable that hubris comes into play. A person thinks he is a good poker player, and he may be right, but he just doesn't have the discipline to play extremely tight when it's the only correct style, as it sometimes is. (E.g. the early levels of a SNG... another example is low to mid stakes cash games in southern California, for a theoretical reason I'll cover in another post.) Aspiring pros learn that in most situations in poker, there is a wide range of preflop strategies which work, and also that the better you are, the more hands you can profitably play. Hubris steps in when you have to convince yourself that you are just an incredibly awesome player, therefore obviously you must play the loosest profitable strategy you can manage. (Or maybe you're just afraid that by playing conservatively, that is conceding that you might be a winner, but not a superstar.)

Going to the Pasadena Symphony on Saturday night, then to a lecture by Sam Harris at Cal Tech on Sunday. Starting work this week on the first movement of the Schumann piano concerto, to prepare for a competition in the spring.

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Pokerstars VIP store shipment =( by T8Suited, October 21

I recently sent a message to pokerstars VIP store to inquire about the status of some iPod that I ordered 4 weeks ago. To my dismay I receive no email response from them for 3 or 4 days.

Has anyone experienced similar silence from the VIPstore lately? Normally they are very receptive and quick to response.

Thanks for your response.

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Obama Failure by k2o4, October 21

All the regulars here at LP know that I support Obama and worked my ass off to get him elected. Overall I think he's done a "good" job - not great, not fantastic, not amazing, just good. So objectively there's a lot of room for improvement, but comparatively he's doing pretty well. By that I mean "good" is good enough considering that the other option is "insane and horrible".

One of the areas where he's doing worse than a Republican is Marijuana. He campaigned saying he would direct the federal government to leave Medical Marijuana states alone and not use their resources to go after anyone under the Medical Marijuana umbrella. At first the Justice Department declared they were going to follow that directive, but the reality is much different. Here in CO there have been more raids on Medical Marijuana by the DEA under the Obama Administration than there were under the Bush Administration. Some of you won't believe that I'm saying this, but on the issue of Marijuana Obama is WORSE THAN BUSH. Obama promised better treatment and gave more verbal support to MMJ than bush did, but that rhetoric isn't being applied in reality.

It seems to me like he's getting so beat up on all the other issues that he's abandoned ship on Marijuana. That's somewhat understandable, and I do agree that education, clean energy and health care are more important than legal MMJ. But the crazy thing is that an issue like Health Care is much more controversial than MMJ, and when looking at the facts MMJ is a much clearer and easier issue than health care is. I'd hoped that Obama would be capable of sitting down, looking over the facts and coming to a rational and logical conclusion, but on the issue of pot, where the information is there to be understood, he hasn't made the connection. And the fact that he could have so much trouble figuring this easy issue out worries me about his ability to deal with the more complicated ones.

I'm ready for our politicians to get up and pronounce their support for Marijuana. The fear is illogical and when our leaders continue to act like there's a reason to fear weed it perpetuates the cycle. Our current leaders are all a bunch of cowards. I'm an independent voter who has been siding with the democrats lately cause they're not as crazy as the republicans, but god they do overall suck. I'm sick of this 2 party system filled with liars and cowards. I hate having to vote for the lesser of two evils, to choose between warm shit and cold shit. I'm sick of it.

Anyway here's what I originally meant to post but then I started ranting. Oh, and do note that this article, which is very critical of Obama and calls him out for lying, is from the Huffington Post, a place that people often consider to be Obama lover central:

  Election 2008: What a wonderful time to be a medical marijuana patient in Colorado! Voters had just elected Barack Obama as the President of the United States of America. "Hope" was in the air. Thousands of Colorado medical marijuana patients and caregivers were certain that the Federal government would cease trampling on their State constitutional rights after Inauguration Day.

Candidate Barack Obama had explicitly stated, "I would not have the Justice Department prosecuting and raiding medical marijuana; it is not a good use of our resources." Watch:

Later in the campaign, Obama promised, "I will not be using Department of Justice resources to try to circumvent state laws on the [medical marijuana] issue," since America has violent crimes and terrorism to deal with. Watch:

Instead, mere hours after the new President was inaugurated, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration ("DEA") unleashed a campaign of terror on medical marijuana patients in California. Optimists in the marijuana movement attributed this to nasty Bush holdovers and career bureaucrats throwing one last temper tantrum.

In the wake of these raids, new U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, laughingly reassured us that Candidate Obama's statements are "American policy" now that Obama has become President:

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japanese multitabling by vlseph, October 21

edit: not sure if he's really Japanese OH WELL

here's another TAS multi-game video, it's Mega Man 3-6

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Day 42 by player999, October 20

Last 2 days:
+ Show Spoiler +

+$220 missing there from 2 4man FT chops.
However today I think I played the worst ever, made some sick bad plays but ran good and sucked out a bunch. Dunno wtf happened. Wont happen again.+ Show Spoiler +

Cash games donks think they can step into ma territory pfff :D
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Me being a station as always:
+ Show Spoiler +

Also got a $4k FPP bonus today, ship it!
Up until last month the highest amount of FPPs I had accumulated was like 25k, sick grind paying off now.

GL all, and tks for the support on the online pro thingy, hope that counts for something!

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Happy ending? LOL by Charliehorse, October 20

So dissapoint that stripper only gave sad ending massage
I decide to craiglist to get hj
found this:

so I go, it's in some poor neighborhood in Philly
I'm afraid of it being a sting but then I think this neighborhood is too poor for police.
I'm afraid of gangs but I don't see any around and it's like 2pm so I go in house when she gives me call
she is like 6'2 6'3, 195lbs all muscle
something clearly seems wrong with her, her legs has like marks on them I can't tell what is wring with her legs. But she has really fine muscle tone but ugly dog face, like big foot's woman.
So there's other people in the house, I'm pretty concerned
I enter her room and it's just a mattress with sheets and she puts a towel on top the bed. And that's where I'm supposed to get massage. So I'm not going anywhere I came for a hj, Ima get a damn hj. Shit if I care if it's a crak house and on a mattress. The music is the radio. She give me back massage for like 4 minute then has me turn over and puts condom on and start givingnme bj. I tell her to play with my balls please. She like grabs them and it hurts but I'm not saying anything then she starts to crush one and I say ow. She starts to go lighter but it's like her hands are in some kind of clutch and she's knuckling my balls, but whatever she's trying her best. I start cumming and it's like she wants feel cum come into her mouth. Then i asked for a hug and she gave me a good hug and I think she is sweet person, like a human who is just trying to feel good.

I wonder if she was addicted to crack. I don't know if I'll go back, place still scares me
and she might have aids and it's not even a massage table. Maybe I shud just move to Vegas, those Asian women are much better. They know all sorts of techniques and shit

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