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Life/Poker Update by Ryan Neilly, April 04

Hey guys,

Last year + start of this year I was slacking hard, datin this girl etc, finally back grinding 24/7. Haven't posted any updates anytime recently.
took 2.5 months off, was fun, but time to get back to it.

2015 wasn't too great for me. Only made 18.5k online, but kept restarting from $100. 1500 a month was enough to pay for my life so wasn't bad, although i had a 5k month in vegas online, so i think i need to just move there and grind, way better having player ID's, so many over players there in one right or another.

Proud of :
I have not taken 1 stake since January of 2015. I have been doing poker on my own and learning so much about business and other aspects of the game that I had overlooked in the past. This has all been 100% me.

In Life;
Finally back on the road, so I can play live + online.
Few great local games to go to, pretty excited to start going again.

Just cashed out the BR To $100 and restarting again, needed car + live BR + life expenses.

SO I've been printing almost all my $ at NL100, but I play NL200 3handed late at night (all zoom) - won 5/6 sessions at NL200 in March, had a few really nice sessions.

I'm switching from ZooM to non ZooM, and hopefully living off cash game profits in casino, and not needing to do payouts online would be great. This is my goal for 2016. Festivals live poker and online poker, years booked. Currently a mission to 25k instead of constant missions to 3k.

After a while I got a lil tired and bored of poker, needed to live life and do some other stuff, finally itching to play a ton again, can't wait to see if I can reach 5/10 non zoom @Bovada. Should be able to.

Gonna stop putting (4-6 or 8 hrs a day pressure on my shoulders and just play non stop and hope to have a lot of long 10-30++ hour sessions, games been a lot more fun again )

I use very aggressive BR management through the micros, (nl10 til 400, NL25 til 750, NL50 til 2k and start NL100. From there I'm going to just play on 40bi+++.

Goal is NL1k which is actually pretty soft @Bovada, who cares if I end up in NL200-NL600, those games are all great too, or even NL100 is fine if needed.

Been working a lot on life, learning in a lot of areas outside of poker, while still studying some poker etc. Literally spent hundreds of hours learning about politics this year @Youtube (was 100% ignorant of politics before this year), following different campaigns and just kicking it with lots of movies n friends etc. Finally started putting people before poker, been pretty rewarding, although still need to play tons of long sessions, just feels good to not feel so attached to a tournament or feeling that i "need" to grind, games not going anywhere most likely ever.

Here's an update of how I've been doing so far on Bovada @Cashgames.
I've binked a lot of MTT's as well. (recently 2nd in a $33 5k T)

The sessions are all like 60-240 minutes, I'm gonna just bring it back to like 2008 style and start playing 500+ minute sessions for fun, no reason to not give it all I got now.


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2016 - Fo' realz by NewbSaibot, April 02

April fools ya'll, lol. Today's blog will mark the real deal.

Results are in - 2016 thus far

February was my first losing month, at about $-800. I met this girl and things became pretty intense, moved in together, and then she left me to go back to her abusive ex boyfriend (gave her black eyes and everything, the worst), but sadly this is actually common among abuse victims. Man did this fuck with my head hard, I found myself completely crushed emotionally, deliberately losing hands and becoming self-destructive as a way to take my mind off of things. I snapped out of it after losing about 6 buyins and just quit playing completely for 2 weeks and by March I was back on my A-game. As for me and that girl, dont worry about that shit, we're as done as done can be.

Anyway I'm still trying to plug that stupid leak I have of "paying to see" when someone makes a retarded bet against me that makes no sense. I'm not calling shoves or anything like that and it's a lot better than before, but I still catch myself calling here and there like once every few sessions when I know I'm beat, but I just want to figure out wtf my opponent was doing.

The good news I am finally getting more confident playing deep. I think a big part of it has just been playing scared money. Not scared because I cant afford to play, but just that butterflies in the stomach kind of thing knowing that this is my lifeline here so dont risk too much since I'm so new to this lifestyle. But goddamn when you get deep vs these players it's just fuckin' game on every time. Here's a couple of chip porn shots where I maintained my composure and just stuck it out until the table broke.

This will be my primary focus going forward. Just sitting down with the intention to eat the table.

Funny hand tonight, sitting 220BB effective, I river quads but ended up tabling my hand before he called. I actually thought he had folded because I was busy bullshitting with the guy on my right who was paying me off all night drunk as fuck and he had already gone allin on the turn. Other guy shows the nut straight and of course folds, then goes on an epic rant against the dealer even though I just saved him about $900 on a river bet that he was obviously going to call. Doh, pay more attention!

Oh yeah, and I did buy a new car lol. Nothing fancy, just a used 370z Nismo, but man this thing is so fun to drive.

I even mounted a tablet. It's just velcro with the cables routed behind the dash but I think it looks pretty legit! Certainly works well for streaming music and navigation.

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Team Liquid CSGO ! by nolan, April 01

Team Liquid's CSGO team is in the semi-final of the MLG Columbus Major tomorrow. One of the biggest tournaments of the year, biggest prize pool in history of CSGO (1 mill for winner).

They already upset the clear #1 team in the world in group stages. Pretty solid underdog story going on so far.

Broadcast for semi's tomorrow starts around 10, but Liquid's match shouldn't be until 3:00 EST. Dunno how many people here follow GO but probably worth checking out if you ever played CS. (can watch it on MLG's twitch channel or MLG's official page)

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Q1 - 2016 by NewbSaibot, April 01

Decided to do quarterly updates as I figured it'd give me more to talk about. Cool news I hit the BB jackpot for about 250k, which after my share netted me about 125k. I didnt elect to file taxes because I decided to treat myself to something first, a used Ferrari 488GTB! Here it is parked outside the front of my apartment.

It's pretty hard to get these so this one was actually used with 12 miles on it. Apparently the owner drove it home and decided he didnt want it anymore (probably bought it without the wife's permission) so back to the dealer it went. I got it for a steal at $313,087 after all taxes and fee's were paid. I had it registered out of state to avoid Florida sales tax so hopefully I dont get pulled over for a ticket! The payment on it is only about 7k/month so I figure I'll drive it until the end of the year and then dump it before it loses too much value / my roll has taken too big of a hit.

Speaking of which, to help mitigate the sting on my liferoll this car is going to incur I decided to head down south where they have some bigger games. The waitlist for 2/5 NL was taking fucking forever but they had an open seat at 5/10 PLO which the floor kept asking if I wanted to sit at. I finally broke and said ok. I dont think there was any cap to the buyin, but they informed me the minimum was $300 which I decided to start with just to get a feel for it. I know the rules to PLO just not much of the strategy. Luckily I ran hot and managed the snap a few pictures for the chip porn gallery

I got a little scared playing this deep so I decided to quit and head to another casino about a half hour away and do the same thing again

The last picture isnt all that bragworthy since I minbought 15 times for $300 a pop but hey, gotta limit my risk of ruin now that I have some unexpected new finances! It's been a wild ride this year but I'll post more tomorrow.

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hi by Seobombisgay, March 30

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Doug Stanhope by RiKD, March 27

Doug Stanhope should be taught in schools worldwide.

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Mimicry by Forrest Gump, March 25

Hi, Im back. Little story first: This week a friend graduated in computer science with a thesis about mimicry in conversations. That is, with a conversation game, samples between pairs of persons, they tried to build a metric to correlate certain stats (volume, frequency, speed, change in tone, etc) to certain behaviors (cooperation, boredom, etc).
Now, what I thought after: What is the importance of mimicry in online poker? What does it mean if my opponent (or me) mimics game speed? In HU games seems to be common. Sometimes, someone plays too fast and the other plays slower to think and not give easy tells or as a way to antimimicry to slow the speed pace. Or viceversa, becouse someone plays slow, the other guy has time to play fast when its his turn to act. Other times I find myself slowing the speed when someone plays slow and I dont even need to play slow against him. What does it mean? That Im not strong enough to enforce the game speed? That I want to feel the other more comfortable by playing at his speed? Can the other player exploit me if he knows I tend to mimic speed?
What do you guys think? Is there anything written out there about this topic?

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broke up with the gf by spets1, March 25


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ZoomWatcher ex-player -> web developer by Zetsnotdead, March 24


I was never active in the forums but I've been in contact with a bunch of Lpers over the years. It's also been my starting page for a long time and it's the only poker community I feel close to.

I'm 25. I started playing poker in high school. I spent 2 weeks in uni but I couldn't stand it. I'll be honest with you, LP. I was never the type to hit the books hard.
Oly coached me during my nl years and I'll never forget the HOURS of coaching and talks. Thank you!!!
Then I made a switch to PLO and got in contact with Mipwnya. He taught me a TON and became a great friend. I really appreciate everything you did for me Quentin.
I also got to play a bunch of Unibet Open events where I met some of Lpers.

Then inspired by Panorama's and AndrewSong's blog posts, I decided to do a cold turkey switch to programming full time. Kevin, thank you for sharing your story and the emails we've exchanged. They were very helpful! You put in a lot of effort without us even knowing each other first. I'm very grateful.

I decided to learn web development and I've been doing the Odin Project. 4 months into the learning, I decided I was ready to test my skills and I want to share the results with you.

ZoomWatcher provides free statistical analysis for pokerstars players.

The site is meant to be used as a game selection tool for stars zoom players. Even players who play any line up will find the statistics presented on the site interesting.

If you were ever sick of scrolling the lobby and adding the entries in your head, then I think you will be happy to use the site.

You can use the charts to analyse trends. Last 15 and 60 minutes trends can help you make a decision about ending or continuing your session. If the one entries keep going up, you continue playing. If they keep going down, you might decide you're done for the day.

Last 24 hours section will let you know how the games looked like yesterday at the same hour. It can be helpful when deciding whether to grind for another day or take a day off. If the games are 20% better than yesterday, you might skip a party and grind instead.

I am happy to answer any questions you might have. I would love to hear what you think about the site. All the information on the site is free, however there is a donate button for those who find the site helpful and want to support it.

Defrag, pozdrawiam i dzieki za mozliwosc napisania o tym
Shout out to Python, EvilSky and HeroesEnage for talkin no limit hands with me years back.
I also talked a bit with Marshall and Tian, more recently.
Salute to Dusty, we even got to meet at a live event...

JoeIngram, I never had a chance to talk to you but I played some hands vs you and I'm a big fan of your podcast.

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Quick questions. by RaiZ, March 23
Can someone explain me why I've only 52% chances of winning ? Cauz it's closer to a coinflip than, say, 60/40 because I thought I had exactly 15 cards that can help me win ? Am I missing something ?
Another question : When I put a 8 of heart on that turn, it doesn't give me the same result as an 8 of diamond. Why is that ?

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New here, introduction and some words about myself by Gonki, March 21

Hey guys and girls playing poker, my online name is Gonki, however in real life I go with Thomas, since otherwise would look awkward. Currently I live in capital city of Czech Republic and right now I am on a night shift reading Liquidpoker. And hey, my english is bad so every correction is welcome. :-)

First of I would like to say that I am regular visitor of lp for some time already, however I have never created account before, until today, so, here I am, yeeey. For that time being I've realized that this little group of people is different than for example 2+2 which, for some reason I don't like much and when I feel much more comfortable on lp, why don't have an account with a blog here? Arghh blog...well, I am not sure about that one yet, but having a place where I can share my ideas, thoughts and situations I need help with, well it does not sound that bad, does it? If I will decide to write something it won't be regurarly but when I will want to write something I just will, I am kind a rebel am I not? :-D

I know poker for some years (8+) and I always liked it, but thinking about learning it and maybe even become profitable player it started like six months ago. I was still living in my old apartment working more than 230 hours a month heading really nowhere with my life, my GF left me, not gonna lie she left me I am a man enaugh to admit it. I really did not have a reason to live in a town with like 200 people where closest civilization was like 30km away anymore. So I quit a job, found a new one and move to Prague not really knowing what am I gonna do, however change was a need and living in a city can move me only forward, right? Oh hell, how I miss a fresh air and family obviously. Don't get me wrong, working 160 hours a month with a better salary and more options is a dream. I started play volleyball and football again (I had not really time for it after school) + I can play and learn poker which, how I realized I like a lot. So I started learning poker in November of 2015, playing just occasionally. I've been moving in the end of December and had everything at place in the end of January.

The real grind started in February. I've read a lot so I did not try anything fancy and started NL2 on regular tables, hunting worse players than myself (I am not gonna use fish very often because I don't like the word) and I was doing really well. I played 50k hands in January with total profit of $202 20.2BB/100 without rakeback (which was I believe $20 on stars for starcoints). I could have had even higher winrate but everytime when my aces got shrekt I was tilting so much that I managed to lose even 20BI in 3 hours session. The end of a month came and I went to a party with some friends, don't remember if my room mate was there but if so I blame him! We did what you are supposed to do on parties and I got insanly drunk, which is rare in my case since I did not touch an alcohol for 2 years before this night (I just don't like it very much). I came home, could not sleep and went on pokerstars casino for blackjack, what a smart idea eh? :D Well, long story short I've seen good looking guy(yes guy, I didn't have bankroll for higher stakes where beautiful women are) and lost everything there. Yes, now it is official. My name is Thomas and I am the biggest idiot of all times, the first of his name. And this is the reason why you should not take drugs and drink alcohol, JK drugs are fine just don't drink. Anyway it's not devastating for my financial situation so there was no harm done, but it took me f*cking month to grind my way so I could play NL5.

At the start of this month I have had about 20$ left. So far I managed to grind my way up to 80 only to hit insane downswing. currently I am $50 under EV and I am tilting even worse than I used to last month, however I will tell you guys about this if I ever decide to write some more.

Now the whole reason I wanted to register here. As I said before I've read a lot, books, lp, 2+2, pokerstrategy, watched training videos and tried to analyze my hands in pokertracker. How should I study more? I feel like I am not doing enaugh, or better said I could do much more, could anyone give me some tips how to analyze my game? I even feel that I dont even know what exactly to look for in pokertracker. How your daily rutine works? Just basic ideas would do the trick, all I need is a push and some ideas from more experienced players.

If you somehow finished reading here I want to thank you and if you throw some tips down below on your way out? Oh man we can go play blackjack together or something. I am really good at it. :-)

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my paypal your pokerstars by Luckb0xx, March 20

Hey guys, decided to play some tonight since its a big sunday!

looking for just a few bucks, maybe ~100$ or my 100€ your 110$ on ps

Please PM me or post thx in advance

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Martin shkreli has a youtube by Mortensen8, March 20

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Looking for a Sunday Million 10M Guaranteed stake by the cleaner, March 19

Would anybody be interested in staking me for the upcoming 10M Sunday million ?


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Fight Canceled: MCL is a bitch by NotSorry, March 16

Last month I had to pull out of a fight due to messing up my MCL. It was heartbreaking, I've been training so hard for this and I wanted to make up for my poor performance in my last fight. Honestly not even sure how it happened, I left the gym that night a little sore and tired but nothing more so than any other night, came home did my normal routine and a short nap before work, woke up unable to walk on my left leg. Tried to deny there was anything wrong to myself and play it off like I was fine hoping it would just go away if I ignored it, I kept training only making it worse and probably ended up keeping myself sidelined for even longer because of it. Very stupid idea, really got to learn to listen to your body and not try to be a badass, but it's hard to admit to being hurt and kind of feel like a pussy taking the time off. However when it's finally broke down to you that it's either take the time off an let it recover or surgery and possibly never fighting again you really don't have much of a choice.

Going to skip how depressing the time off really was simply because I don't even want to think about it right now. My MCL is feeling better and I'm easing back into training with a reignited passion. Tons of jiujitsu tournaments and fights coming up, so stay tuned!

TLDR: MCL injuried, out 6weeks, fight canceled, depressed, easing back into training, refocused!

Twitter: @SpeedMMA
Instagram: speedmma

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Spying on freemasons by Mortensen8, March 16

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Best online poker rooms for US? by walkinthebeat, March 15

hey guys! i used to post here about 5 years ago but i had to create a new account because i don't remember the password and it has no email affiliated with it. i'm looking to get back into playing online but i've been out of the loop since black friday and i have no idea where to even start. i've seen a few general recommendations but i wanted to ask here because i've always trusted this community. forgive me for such a dumb question but if anyone could recommend how to get back into online games, you will forever have my gratitude.

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oooohhhh weeeeee by Tsukuyomi, March 15

got there again been really close for the past three weeks without any gold, so this one felt good.


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alphaGO by k4ir0s, March 12

Anyone following the alphaGo challenge? next match tomorrow 2-0 for the AI

it's really fascinating what they're accomplishing. 1 year ago they solved Atari games using self-learning AI with 'sight' being it's only input, and now GO. The founder even mentions in an interview that they might try Starcraft in the future. They recently announced that their next challenge is a 3D game..

interesting article;

He believes that NL poker is still very difficult to solve, so that's a good sign

last year incase anyone missed it;

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wtf is up with failsafe by Into Infinity, March 11

thanks for crashing my computer with all those useless pics

posting from my nokia 3310

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