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Winner winner chicken dinner by makan18, March 09

I`m very pleased with my poker form in February. I managed to play 85 hours, and achieved nice profit. The First half of the month was one of the best periods in my poker career and for sure the best period within the last few months. I`m pretty sure I`ve played 8bb/100 hand Adjusted Winrate poker. I practically didn`t tilt, I was starting evey session with a great focus, 5 hour sessions seemed to last 5 minutes, and I was finally able to achieve the Flow state. The second part of the month was a lot worse, a lot more mistakes and tilted $, my concentration was malfunctioning. Of course working on mindset isn`t any different than learning the theoretical aspects of the game, therefore I`m quite happy with the progress I`ve made. The final goal is to play every session as good as I used to do it at the beginning of the February. One day at the time

Aside from poker, it was an even greater month. I`ve been working out regularly, I`ve tailored a diet for mass gain ( aka. eating shitload of food) and after many years of postponing it I finally started to perform Krav Maga. Furthermore I was a regular visitor at a shooting range. I`ve already tested a Kalasznikow, M16 and the Glock pistol. In brief it was lots of fun. The next 3 months are going to be a very busy period. I would like to play 270-300 hours of online poker, and maybe play a little bit of a live cash games. It`s a lot harder to grind during the summertime, plus the games are usually a little bit worse. Besides there is a Euro2016 starting on June 10th, and I`m hoping I will spend seven evenings, to cheer for my team.
" Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies".

Sadly the quality of the games wasn`t as good as I would like it to be, especially in the second part of the month It probably had some impact on my form. A lot of new regulars came on Party Poker, both very good and average, which caused the reg/fish ratio to worsen up a lot. It was particularly visible in the second part of February when recrational players were showing up less often to recreate. I`m hoping this is just a temporary stagnation, and not the beginning of the pre-summer trend. That situation isn`t very motivating, and it makes me question the future of our industry. Of course there is no value in complaining, I have to work even harder to achieve the biggest advantage versus the field.

The Hand

Although it`s a poker blog, I`ve never posted a single poker hand in here. That changes today.

UTG is a 70/10 Fish, CO is a very solid aggressive regular. After a standard 3b isolation, and 2 calls we are on the flop. Based on the history, the metagame and the positional situation I`ve decided that checking is going to be the optimal play. I`ve expected that the gentlemen on the UTG is willing to do something extraordinary, and EV of my hand would be the highest if I play x/shove on the flop. Likewise I thought that if the UTG would play the way he did, CO is going to have a very tough call without a Qx, because he would expect me to play my top range by checking the flop.

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yah nice matrix bro by failsafe, March 08

yea sick matrix charles.

wait sorry i forgot to mention it could possibly go slightly faster than what you're currently experiencing at this particular moment in the history of the planet earth.

"Developed by a joint research team from French telecoms company Alcatel-Lucent and BT, the magic of this incredible connection isn't in fancy hardware. Instead, it's in a new protocol named Flexigrid that lets you lay multiple signals over the top of each other in a a single cable, which lets data race from point A to point B in parallel. When layered all together, seven 200 Gbps channels form one, mega "Alien Super Channel" that offers the 1.4 Tbps speeds across a 255 miles stretch of fiber that already exists between the BT Tower in London and a BT research campus in Suffolk."

hmm. weird. russia did not make the list.

o rite. russia did not make tha lizt.

ooo i glance bak at da lizt. india not make lizt eitha, ruh roh raggy? (jk)

well whether that ryte or rung my guezz iz da deeze D3 shroomz is rly kinda white not blak

or haz i made a miztakes about diz whole tree dee ting?

well shit dude this is just complicated as fuk tbh.

ima go sit around a while and see if i can figa out what da budda waz thinkin unda dat big azz tree

well holy fuck it's the second zone in the first expansion to the game that isn't everquest.

holy fucking zangamash or iz that z anga masha?

well i don't give a fuck it's probably fucking angband or morgul vale

well shit zangamarsh almost like zanga or jenga or fkin z anga mash hard 2 get laid? hard 2 eat? fkin karma bros

well whatever back to the story lemme think about this

o rite. sky of diamondz cuz crowley luv u long time. well shit man it looks like you were set up.

but tbh i was more like "orly?"

but then u were like "yarly"

and then i was like fk i am ur fatha.

and then u waz like no crowley iz my fatha.

and then i waz like ya but who waz crowley fatha.

and then u waz like me obvz


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Numb money / emotional rant by hiems, March 07
(roughly past 45 days, lost other phone which is why it says all dates)

Last time I blogged I had lost a bit and had dipped 37k. Took some time off. Since then bought a car, 2011 nissan sentra, increased roll to 50k, and have been focusing on mix games.

Ive made money over this time but i havent played alot of poker and instead did a lot of alot while I wasn't playing. I'm not sure how I should feel about that it is somewhat cheating but I mean part of being good at poker is managing your money and I do feel like I am good at that. The way I figured was that I could just grind money anytime I wanted while being able to shot take freely / while getting better at poker. I just wanted a business plan to get to high stakes as soon as possible. No idea if cop-out.

Anyway, if you want to know why I'm so upset Superhighroller event has been going on at Aria. Anyway I decided to do an uber ride and sure enough it's insert millions hendonmob crusher and to boot 22 years old and I just felt like a huge idiot to be honest.

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lulz no0 by failsafe, March 04



ya ok

okz u said 1vketaking or waz dat 1vmetaking?

ya eitha way i nu u meanz 1v1

i juzt kinda confuzed u mean ZvP? no? XNvP?

ok no then u meanz evenking?

ok well den ZvTvPvzNTPJ shadow funxtion

ok denz n0t zat? fine. me Z u P u AI BW or W3?

ok zoz ZTPXxXN vz T?

ok z MEX or y MEZ?

yaz i alzo softcore 2. or did u mean speed chezt?

gogo TVt

ya u NZTHAZ & me thorazine haldol zyprexa latuda or all 3?

ok ICAL.

u off-razing?

ok dum


err ya then u say nIRL

and i waz like 0rly0kz0zen u rly wanna 0rly?


but when u said resign what i thought u meant waz

ya but u said "draw"

which imo iz purty we1rd.

zo ya u r zayin ALT+F4 iz ur w0rd 4 start?

cuz izx pretty zure u juzt left kliq

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Pete"Marshall28"Show by LemOn[5thF], March 04

Sup LP!
We'll be doing a fun show tomorrow (Saturday) 21:30 CET/GMT+1 where we talk about Broodwar, Prague, and Pete reviews my 50 NLsesh

More info here:


Come join us!

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lolz da jugganaut by failsafe, March 04

ya crowley n friendz waz all like lulz

then (s)(he) sayz AI

and i was all like so u play limit?

and (s)(he) waz all like i raise

and i waz all like raze? u mean reraze?

and "he" waz all like ok i BP

and wat i zaid then waz

and wat i rly meant waz

and then wat i did waz

and then i waz like "no"

and zo zen

and zo zen i waz like u waz lookin' 4 thiz?

and lemme guezz thiz iz ur base?

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sac red geo met rix by failsafe, March 03

ya 6 circlez surround da mafia but itz a lie.

6 + 4 * 2 spherez surround da sphere. that ur *^ ([H²{?}]) problem.

tha 8 leaf clova in da LttP mazta zword iz [±?^(±?]^±?) iz ur anzwer u lookin' wrong.

ya pluz minuz or |±| make a bitta a differenz.

(-1)(-1)(-1) 2 get 1... lolz y not |±| pluz minuz trigg? ya jew einstein spaz time or tim spaz? cant decide? banned 4 being negative.

{?} empty set of empty set structure? ya rong dont make it rite u zhoked on da kyte.

ya russel -1 cantor -1 not much to be said about it ^^

since apparently we globally deleted universal set symbol i juzt zayz:

U a structure & structure containz time az well az spaze (nize 1 "einstein")

so my point iz U iz U and P(U) iz nonzenze.

enuf ? and ?... "P(U)" iz pretty obviouzly P(U) ? Universal Structure "U"

xept that u apparently conveniently add ur empty zet to ur nonzenze so fk off.

thx 4 nothinx gayaxez russelz witty n cantorx learn 3 next time lolz.

meanwhile (U?U)?(U?U) can go fk urselvez and get b4nt on ur empty tentz. simple az abc ^_^.

ya sry we so blazed on mescilane we cant thik abut da tyme so we kinda mizz by a nylex lolz "my univerze is timelezz" gl hf


ya try da fkin 7777 that angle look like 30º to u? kkk well u 7 / 12thz to da monah lixa

but alzo dont 4 get u alzo juzt about 4444 r3t4rdyd so u alzo about 4 / 9thx copeatly rung.

and what if 6 turn out to be 9 u fkin moron ?‰ ^ ‰? and az uxual ur score look like that so conzider urzelv fandgand.

what i mean is yup own eft yte niggaz

zry n0.

y n0t7?

lolz wax0 yax0

tee hee tee pee tee cee ree cee

ya windowz tee hee

but tbh

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guy i played in hu SNG by traxamillion, March 03

msg me here if u find this and i'll give u my skype info

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ya zo outa creative by failsafe, March 02

ya so i outa creative juzt gonna type in mozt obviouz sentences 2 me.

so here bad meetz evil by eminem. bad meetz evil recount journey of shao kahn who decide to take up opium pipe againzt dalai lama circa 6,000 BC cuz dalai lama abuzing hazh 2 much since 10,000 bc as he slide toward his destiny of hazh pipe and opium pipe in 8,000 BC.

ya so u wonderin where windows came from it product of battle of shao kahn n dalai lama (who just finally goin' in2 retirement thiz year (hopefully!))

ya so dali lama from year 270,000 so he can smoke opium and hazh and hazh first while every1 elze not jezuz christin thru da marijuana fieldz in day fuckin bullet ant tranquilizer strait jacket. but dat basically shao kahn contribution to da film. ya shao kahn mighta been 3 men 1 womanz or 2 menz 1 womanz and that where they got da whole dragon ballz cuz one man cut each other dick and shove em up day azz and den shovin da headz up day azz after zum careful fistin and finally da woman pluck out her ovariez and eyeballz and they ballz and they eye ballz and shove 'em her puzzy and den day all die dramatic-like like in da movie about da dragon ballz and da snakez up da plane and so forth and so on.

ya since dalai lama blazin away on dat opium he aint guezz what happened dat he been tricked 4 like 10k yrz but gj he got it luckily.

anyway we finally meltin it down waz called LSD dalai lama's trip back from muhammad to jezuz den jezuz 2 ishmael den jezuz 2 abraham who rapin up on da ishmael and hiz mommma 4 her weed maybe she black. eve maybe black 2 but ishmael get fked by donkey and fkin muhammad by camel 1 or 2 humpz and den jezuz joseph banging mary and she innocent so she gonna 4 give dem but she blazin on dat eden bud.

some otha shit happen i tell u about l8r lol

anyway dis song by eminem bout how we got computer quantum synced plant chipz like megatron transformer in our brainz but it gonna evaporate when we discover da universe it exist in cuz it basically one big quantum-super computer super computer plant supercomputer generated mescaline trip crowley had out in da desert while he get sunburnt.

probz add somethin bout old bozz cat charlez and da trippin on LSD and so on he like o shit i fuk up bad. he apparently da founda of limitlezz drug mescahazh or psilocybomescahazh. no1 really kn0 but u remember how much troublez challz get in 4 makin dat matrix in da first plaze.

and how da second 2 movies pretty bad but da first movie super quick azz cuz we finally defeat it but ya took challz a little while figa out he inherent shit from crowley and zerg protoss xel nega got big "brainz" like kung fu gyms rewriting crowley all da way back 2 zhroomz probz even th0 crowley really probz went all or mosta da way.

but ya dat challz and u can see how we gonna have to rewrite some-a thiz shit cuz you all disconnected fragments and shit. ya aint nobody know how crowley finizh hiz work least of all crowley himzelf probz cuz fk'in hazh ovadoze and mescaline psilocybin ovadoze and other crazy wacky xatanix xhit dat i guezz he give up kinda and kinda not. who rly knowz.

now here come eminem wit da smi.silent tunez (a la wittgenstein in hiz extended WWW1 hallucination lolz). ya they start puttin computer chipz in niggaz brainz like i think i mentioned early but it more like real thiz time and they even outsourced some of da tech work to middle east.

ya important lyric here is "blud stain orange after u wazh it 3 4 timez in a tub but that normal aint it normin".

lol so dalai lama still pretty good con artist still running on pure luck running good from his mass hazh addiction which was big entropic prob for everyone else but pretty big boon for dalai lama rapin up for da last 10k yrz or so runnin good ya on da quantum.

so lemme get to da quantum and da computa chipz in da brain and i aint gonna take thiz that much further but ya u see there a lotta rewritez necezzary cuz this fkin windows bill gatez shindig gettin way outta hand n' fuck steve jobz apple 2

ya so challz portforward crowley into da present 1958 atmosphere best he cud but i guezz some extra thingamabobz came along wit it and all diz and dat. so ya LSD simulationz runnin ishmael muhammad jezuz abraham and adam and eve az pretty good guyz at least sum maybe all of dem. cuz ya, fightin 10k yr of hazh opium dalai lama apparently a pretty big process windowz windowz mandelbrot blah blah blah.

so here fk'in brian hiz fuckin' eye-orta dat is aorta dun turned to glazz cuz he uzed da bat strat (mentioned earlier) and den fk'in fry hiz azz wit fiztin and lightnin boltz and shit. lolz poor crowley challz brian alwayz runnin in2 troublez if it aint NZT1 (challz mescahash-apsycbin) itz fk'in NZT2 (brian psilohash-LSD). but ya he finally fight down dat windowz wit da bat and da fuqin jazon shang tsung double-fist-amentz.

ya i unno what do wit dat pcp and dat bat or angel duzt tar baby frikaseed lolz probz rly died up hiz own azz i had similar experience 1 time sum yrz ago.


neway fazt forward little wayz and u see they finally stop dem nukez blowin up japan fk'in 2001 space oddessy stealin all our ballz. i aint gonna say much more but bazically NZT rl bad 4 u and u probz shouldnt take it cuz it might be curzed.


so anyway how zand xing (that is sand king) figurez in iz pretty obviouz.

bazically sun is white when dinozaurz roaming and resta sky is white 2. den da fk'in 1945 earth crazh into earth blowz us all up so we gotta walk 1 more time which i guezz ok if u want da humanz (which sorta margin of error vs dalai lama conquest 2 eat da plantz). or maybe vs dalai lama conquest 2 eat da dinoz eatin' da plantz but whateva.

eitha way fkin sun white earth red like marz and big blu moon. dinoz aint got eyez dey got earz 4 eyez and da bright azz sun reflectin off da fkin batplantz da dinoz eat so dey eatin blue plantz (not red?) ya whateva. but anyway dey eat blu-ray dinoz and day eatin red ray plantz. and who da fuq kn0 what goin' on unda da sea.

but ya diz just a big build up 4 me 2 to you guyz that actually we aint even see subatomic / atomic / superatomic especially not theze dayz what wit da fuqin' earth vibratin. so actually all da computaz we got r quantum but some r "atomic" quantum and some r "superatomic" quantum and we still upset about what colorz da red plantz r actually reflecting and moon light and shit like dat.

and neway only motha fucka in da whole wurld who thot to meditate with hiz eyez open is fkin heat ballz sand king and his big azz sand castlez which i guezz is all of recorded hiztory up til this point. so brian accidentally put ole' king salman abdulaziz in charge of da whole biznizz (which crowley etc etc hopefully not but ya why not start all over twice)....

anyway fk'in moronz at tha guvament dont follow brian lead and we end up w/ fukin chipz in niggaz brainz (mebbe) and fk'in jump rope hop scotch string super stringz hopadoplin all ova da fuqin supacomputa q-supacomputa.

but ya it just straight bullzhit cuz we cant even see light no mo' not like dinoz zaw lite. in fact it fuckin' sand king givin us wild azz 2 least squares 3 least squares approximations based on smelly rugz and fk'in v8 drown fk'in gayazz hendrix castlez of sand fk'in drug addicted retard finally murder himzelf lolz.

but ya that what happen when u try to spin light approximationz outa fkin smellz taztez touchez n' soundz. fk'in retard azz luck box fk'in dalai lama alwayz croppin up where he leazt expected.

but ya we figa cannabiz sativa aint even really exist till we finally kill old retard sand king disband diz whole apparent 01 computer shennanigan and move on wit our livez.

ya da fuqin microchipz in ur brain juzt fk'in meltaway disappear and guvament stopz fkin mind controllin so hard with fira haarp station muzeamentz.

but ya blood stain turn orange like sativa leava. but ya it probz subject to changez if i had 2 guezz..

lol fk'in DMX fite-ing that retard white dude hope he stab 'em gg.

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propbet hly fkin shit (deep web myzteries) by failsafe, March 01

TL's boxerfred, 32 yr-old virgin, allegedly accepting donationz 2 cannablize own daughter, 6-yr old. fred married wife w/ black daughter and remains virgin (ya rite lol).

according 2 fred's story on da deep web, wife cheatz on him cuz "she can't control her urges." meanwhile fred remains chaste in the spirit of his lifelong roman catholicism. fred says, (though i think he 110% retarded 4 thiz) that he gonna remain a virgin all his life b/c he dream of becoming archbishop 1 day.

ya so fred apparently inzpired by les mizarbles 2 mary wife but remain chaste and drug free. but wife failz 2 convert or something because wtf life rarely like fiction so who da fuq knowz what fred waz expecting (lol life long virgin).

ne1 according to deep web story (link through TL deep web thread), boxerfred "fattening up 6-yr old daughter" on antipsychotic haldol and antipsychotic thorazine, giving it daily injexionz. fred say this is warning to wife and becuz eventual goal of propbet is self-improv actualization, "to become kierkegaarde knight of faith iz my full dream" (sayz fred).

since haldol thorazine over the counter prescripz (lol got no idea where da fuq diz boxafred live) fred been feeding daughter haldol thorazine cocktail 5 timez a day 4 like 9 monthz. but yah wife wont quit mdma addiction, meth addiction, & she a hash dealer alzo, living in fourth floor apartment "having sex with every fucking tenant and streetless hoboz." honexly i glad i live nowherz near europe cuz wat da fuq rofl.

but yah in hiz deep web OP fred sayin "pope benedict XVI appearz to me each night in da robez of Dalai Lama IX and preachez religiouz tolerance. he say, 'all every1 is goin' 2 heaven i zpent 10,000 yrz repentin of my opium & hash addictionz and gay butt sex, but i goin' 2 heaven finally retirin' az Dalai Lama XIV. every1 go to heaven 1day but i moz thankzful 4 my friendz da traiadz who i perzonally 4gave 4k yrz ago when i waz jezux chrizt. only thru careful zatanixm waz i able 2 convert frum hazh abuzer 2 opium dealer 2 moderate hazh smoka den finally 2 juzt mj & meditationz & heavenz afta XIV soba lifez."

so boxerfred inzpired by dalai lama 10,000 yr qzt 4 4givenezz & zayz, "i finally gonna cannablize daughter 2 get wife bak, she 2 xlutty and she 2 drug addix. she needa stop druggin' & fukin' around. if she had intacted hynem i rezpect her wizhex but she a fuckin' slut azz bitch azz nigga. she gonna learn resurrection through daughter when i eat that little cunt frikazeed. fk'in haldol thorazione gonna save dat kunt. aint no daughta of myne zluttin' raound fk'in 0n every jock playboi lik she a fukin made in china zex doll. my wife a lazy faggot cunt takin it up the azz while she fuked outta her mind on X meth n' fkin' purpl haz."

boxerfred goes on and on about the dangers of sex and drugs and how he thinks society has become lazy and ignorant of the consequences of their actions. fred concludez, "Ax a Xristian I dont believe in karma i think it a big lie dalai lama cook up 2 get off opium. but a good hard scoldin' neva hurt no1 and my fukin' whore bore drug up wife needa lurn her lezzon."

This is one of the most fucked up stories I have ever read. I sure hope someone in a position of authority detects boxerfred, but I don't think the government reads the deep web or cares about potential future crimes. This just goes to show that religion is the problem with virtually everything, and that science is the only route to understanding the deeper context of human behavior and what motivates the metaculture of contemporary society. Honestly I think we should propbet against fred and raise enough money to hire a private eye to determine if boxerfred is just trolling TL or if he's actually serious about all this weird shit with Pope Benedict. With the life of a six year old girl at risk (however dubious the claim), certainly we are obligated as citizens of the world to uphold the values of society and prevent someone who would say shit like this from escaping a minimum of surveillance and investigation.

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Fight: Official Video Released by NotSorry, February 20

I got so caught up in life that I completely forgot to post this once the official video was released. My bad, but here it is.

Twitter: @SpeedMMA
Instagram: speedmma

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Canada Vacation? by LikeASet, February 18

Gonna go to Canada this May for a 4-ish day vacation with a few buddies, probably thinking about going to Vancouver. Not trying to spend too much money as I'll probably be going on another vacation in the summer for just me and my girlfriend.

Just need ideas on places to go, things to see/do, foods to eat, etc. please :o

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live poker lifetilt by traxamillion, February 15

Found myself turning into a misanthropic ball of hate this weekend and was pretty disgusted with myself when I reflected on it last night / this morning. Hanging around in a Casino too much in that environment can do weird things to you and alcohol doesn't help I guess.

Starting Friday I get in a fantastic game with multiple recs sitting on multi K 400+bb stacks. Regular UTG straddle. Some tech money waiting for the Friday 10/25. I don't play 2 orbits before a couple of nit regs have chased off the biggest whale in the game talking shit to him for "chasing" or something absolutely retarded. People bounce and the game quickly goes to shit. later I stack some indian guy 150bb deep after he raises a $3 limp to 37, proceeds to call my 3bet to 100, and then jams over my flop bet with 88 on 235r vs my KK. Seems like the first time in months I wasn't 2 outered in this spot. He needles me about the hand for the next couple hours despite the fact I won and he played bad. It doesn't bother me until I play a hand vs someone else. I open UTG one or two calls some dude makes a huge 3bet I call (usually folding here tbh but I know he is very likely to have 1010/JJ/QQ/AK some worse and even a few random 95o hands have shown and not aa/kk with this size. plus kinda deep, hes bad, down to gamble a little). Flop comes 947hh or something I check he checks. Out of everyone at the table me and this guy have probably been playing the most reasonably so far; nothing too out of line. Turn is 8x, he checks I bet near 2/3rds. River is the 5h, he checks I jam 285 effective into about 320 or something. He tanks for a while and mutters to himself "3bet pot" repeatedly before flicking in a chip for the call while saying any pair good (I call maybe 1-3 KQs combos pre, no KJ/AJ/QJ/AQo, might call 1-2 AQs look at my smallhand on watch, start calling some SCs again at 89s/910s/10js and then mostly just all pairs 88-AA. I'm not calling his 3bet nearly as light as he thinks or most people in this game. Of course I Get herod by the exact part of his range I'm trying to fold out. AKo > KQs on 45789hhh calling off my 100 bb river bet. Nh sir didn't think you had it in you. One of the lighter calls I've been hit with here and wouldn't have been all that tilting in and of itself but when the Indian dude instantly erupts in laughter and glee and talking shit reveling in my loss I was admittedly pretty annoyed. Left that table to play 2-3-5 then realized I was prob too tilted and 5-6 beers/drinks deep so called it a night.

Next day my friend and I go again. Again we tip the floor 25 to skip the waitlist and get seated. Still takes a while so I'm 3 beers in before I even start playing. I am in another ridiculously soft game with some dudes that literally have never played poker. I play a fun hand where I raise A7s get 5 calls or whatever; flop comes A75cc. Rec to my right donks 20 into 65-80 or whatever and I make it 100. Turn is a brick 5 and he donks AI for 140 and I pay off his K5o. I make a big "isolation" raise with kq pre and flop kq3 rainbow. Fishreg who limp/called donks into me I call. Turn ace obv and the fishreg bets $5 more than he did on the flop. I call. brick river he chops out a big bet and I fold he shows J10o. standard matrix reg play. overlimp J10o UTG+1 then call an 8-9 bb raise; proceed to win min when hitting gin postflop. So basically after a few hours I'm not even down but I am on all kinds of entitlement tilt, lifetilt, most kinds of tilt there are. For no real reason though just running kind of bad. Online the shit couldn't be more standard but playing one table in a game like this it feels much different. I am seeing the worst plays everyhand, old man playing nitty all night just calls a 85bb river bet into a completely dry sidepot on 1077KJsss with AA in a spot he is literally NEVER good to this Reg I really don't like. I defend bb vs this same reg with 85 a few hands later, bet call 553cc. 4c turn he pots and I just fold while he shows KJcc. So yea bunch of dumb hands like that where the only money I was making was through a few bluffs that somehow got through. My boy racks up another 200bb win and I walk out up 13 bones and just feel retarded for this result after playing in one of the softest games of my life, watching the worst regs who couldn't beat 25nl on Bovada come up fat, and prob still subconsciously bitter about getting soulcrushed the night before.

Then last night we return and are #s 2/3 on the waitlist but my boy tips them 25 for us anyways. He is a real nice cool guy who tips generously and I would do well to try and emulate his behavior in general a little more. Either way it is not a bad idea to take care of the floor here since they will plug you with table changes over other people and will allow you to skip 50 person waitlists if you pay them on a Friday/sat night. I brought my laptop though cause I was playing in some dumb online tourney still from earlier in the day and needed to play it out so I'm streaming internet from a phone in the car and on the way in. I go to switch over to the casino internet after I get in there and it doesn't work so I switch back over to the phone. I come back online and see I have KK in ep after being briefly lagged out. however action has already passed me and there is a huge 3 way all in that I would have won had I played the hand. So I bust the tourney shortly after and I ask to get seated and proceed to get passed over by table changes for the next 30 mins. realistically the guy is just doing what he has to do before seating me but after a godseat opens up in the exact spot at the exact table I wanted and I'm standing right there ready to sit down, but then some grimy mexican dude at my buddies table just snap jumps on it after he sees my interest and gets priority. I take my beer to walk outside and smoke a cigarette (don't smoke but started to again this weekend while drinking/tilting/pokerplaying) but no beers outside so I set it down. When I come back in my beer is gone. Sick. I walk back outside and smoke again when some car comes speeding through the parking lot; I pretty much walk in his path looking to make him stop / slow and when he doesn't I flick my cigarette at his window just trying to start shit. I say fuck this place and start walking to the cardroom across the street when my boy calls me out for being a tool and yea he is completely right so we just head home.

Need to chill the fk out

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Six little figures by makan18, February 12

Welcome back everyone,

I’ve shared my monthly charts on several occasions, and so I chose to include my yearly graph in here as well. As shown, I’ve played 173 days last year, which translates to roughly 800 hours. The goal for this year is 200 days of grind, which will hopefully result in over 1000 hours. I was hoping that maybe I could play even 1200 hours, however this would require from me playing afternoon sessions. In the end I concluded that I want to focus on some other projects this year, e.g. offering more coaching lessons, because I’ve realized that this form of career development can give me lots of enjoyment and a sense of achievement.

January was the month when I’ve finally got back on the right track. I played very decently, tilt happened far less frequently than in previous months (still too often in my opinion) – the poker gods were really gracious to me. I managed to play 90 hours, which is quite a success, considering that poker-wise January began only on the 5th, and half of that time I was fighting with very pesky cold (garlic + lemon + cistus = the omnipresent oging (debilne_ucho®).
The end of the year was not particularly pleasant. The variance definitely wasn’t my ally however the beginning of 2016 proved that the poker gods are looking after me again.

One of my New Year’s resolutions was blogging more actively. In my very first post I’d promised that all kinds of information regarding finances, diet or work ergonomics would have appeared, but each consequent post failed to deliver such info. The goal for this month is at least 1 post per week. My new motto is: ‘shorter, but more frequent’ :D Furthermore I invite everyone to chip in to the discussion and halt my monologue. If you agree with any statements write down why, if you don’t, I’m even more eager to know your argumentation.


A topic which I find extremely curious, for three main reasons:
1. It’s interesting…
2. We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping, so the way we sleep has an enormous impact on the quality of life.
3. I have a pretty serious sleep disorder, which I couldn’t get rid of for years

Probably the majority of you had a problem with falling asleep at some point after a several-hour-long grind. The brain worked at full capacity for hours, and it’s difficult to suddenly switch it to the rest mode. Over the last couple of months my daily functioning has been absolutely pathological. I usually go to sleep around 5 or 6 am, and falling asleep takes me another 2-4 hours. Naturally, my wake-up time has got readjusted as well, and it falls between 2 and 3 pm. I wish to get up before noon, but it’s easier said than done. Even though I could go to sleep at 2 am, it wouldn’t help much as I would still need several hours to fall asleep. So I have a favor to ask you: if you had/have similar issues, please tell me what helps you with falling asleep after a session.
I’m sharing a TED video below, authored by neurobiologist Russell Foster. It’s one of my favorite presentations; it contains tons of interesting info about why we sleep and how important it is for our lives.

There can be only one winner :D


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Monday not so bad afterall~ by Tsukuyomi, February 09

Hey LP

After a 2.5k bleed I was finally able to pick up some dollars today. Still down for the past two months, but nice to be somewhat rolled for the 3.50/8 sng game again~ Again wasent able to claim first, but I thought the deal was pretty good considering I was at a 2:1 disadvantage chip wise HU~

Feels good to pick up that score, but feels less good to have a day job to wake up to in 4 hours ^^

That's it~

gl hf everyone

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Math problem by CrownRoyal, February 05


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Here's the problem:

You're drawing a pythagorean triangle for a group of aliens who just landed in your back yard to demonstrate human cognitive capability. Using only whole numbers, what's the smallest number you can put on each side of the triangle to fulfill a^2+b^2=c^2 ?

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Fight Day 1/30/16 by NotSorry, January 31

Fight day was finally here, was a little too excited to sleep, would doze off for an hour or so before waking up to check the clocking wishing it would move faster. Ended up just giving up on the notion of sleep around 6am, decided to have a little green tea with Vegeta to power up before some light cardio and stretching.

After my morning routine I took my two biggest fans (Mother and Grandma) out to breakfast at the Ihop. Had me a nice T-bone steak and eggs with strawberry crepes. Got to get those crabs in for energy ^ ^ Got both their blessings and exchanged our good byes.

Didn't have to head to the casino for medical checks and rules meeting til 4pm so went home to relax and get my mind right while watching some Magic The Gathering on twitch (SCG Open Columbus). Going through music choices for my entrance, I found myself going back to an old favorite of mine.

Following a short nap my fiancée returned home from work with her girlfriend to give me a ride to the Winriver Casino event center. Standard medical check, rule meeting before going over fight orders and placements then it was back to hurry up and wait. At the start of the show they had all fighters enter the ring for face offs. The event center was completely sold out and the crowd was loud as hell, it was kind of unnerving for a moment. Once my name was announced the place went fucking insane, surprisingly I could still pick out quite a few individual voices from the otherwise incoherent roar of cheers. Once all face offs were done and some other announcements were made we all headed back up to the staging room to get our wraps signed off and start warming up.

Hands wrapped and signed off, did some light pad work and drills to warm up. As the second fight of the night I didn't have to wait long before it was time to put all those early mornings and late nights training into action, finally stepping into the cage. My music blasts over the speakers as the announcer calls my name the place erupts as I walk down the hall way and out to the arena. I take my time and soak it in while trying to clear my mind and focus on the task at hand, not the most successfully. Nerves started hitting me hard and before I even climbed those steps I felt myself growing heavy and tired but the words of the great Taylor Swift rang out in my head and it was time to get down to business.

Full fight break down and official fight videos to be released within the week. For more pictures and videos from the fights check out my

Twitter: @SpeedMMA
Instagram: speedmma

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Fight Tomorrow! by NotSorry, January 30

Used to traveling for tournaments it gives you the mentality of a conqueror going out and challenging the world, it's aggressive in a sense. This time however it's taking place in my home town. The enemy is at the gate and I ready myself to charge out and meet him in combat. I'll admit I'm a bit nervous to have so many friends, family, co-workers, teammates with all eyes on me, but at the same time I'm fucking excited. Lets do this! Feel The RAR!

Just got back from the weigh-ins, rather uneventful everyone made weight, like 1-2people had to drop a pound, nothing big. Other than that just kind of a big meet and greet with other fighters and teams which is always fun. My opponent was roughly an hour late due to getting stuck in traffic so that was mildly annoying but I had tons of awesome people to keep me company while waiting. It's official, tomorrow night, January 30th we step into the cage.

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2016 by jvilla777, January 26


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Fight Card Posted by NotSorry, January 23

It can't get here soon enough, been working so hard during this training camp to get ready, now I want my reward of going out there and getting to fight in my home town in front of dozens of family, friends, co-workers, teammates, maybe even a few fans. One week from tonight on January 30th I will be stepping into the cage at Winriver Casino in Redding, Ca. Papers are signed, blood work is cleared and the fight card is posted.


Twitter: @SpeedMMA
Instagram: speedmma

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