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Inside the Superhuman World of the Iceman (vice) by Mortensen8, August 05

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June/July Results by 4TM, August 05

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Jay Cutler vid by LemOn[5thF], August 03

Check out this video, some great points especially in terms of scheduling/dedication

I had pals from Scotland/France visiting + PS party with free beer, so after cutting alcohol I was constantly boozin' in it for old times' sake.
Making podcast for pokerstrategy+fun NL2 coaching, dating this cool chick, doing stuff in Prague, gym, social practice, menprovement, mandatory TI5 watching...

And in the midst of it I played just 20k hands of poker in 20 days. I did burn out before then working really hard, and I will remember this summer (marshall, girls, prague, pals visiting, PS party, menprovement stuff, podcast guests...) on my death bed but the main message I got from that vid is that it should all be about this one main thing that has the highest priority first and foremost, and especially when I feel like playing I should drop all else, turn off my phone and just go and put some hours in and do all the other stuff when I don't, just like Jay and his workouts before competition.

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Vegas Wrap Up by Ryan Neilly, August 01

Hey guys,

Had a really fun rollercoaster here in LV. Met tons of great people and enjoyed myself jut about everyday. Now that most the players are gone, theres really no reason for me to stay. Too much sacrifice when Bovada and are similar in opponent level.

anyways, heres some cool screen shot of poker stuff and ill try to add some pictures from the vegas trip later on a well.

Some MTT wins, won a lil $5r mini, they did a 20r that day too the major, almost 2
Theres the month before vegas (bovada) in may

Then i played live a month

Then the month on

and some mtts n cashgame sessions and a few fun hands

Had some deep runs in MTT's etc, last night I was in a MTT, top 6 paid, 9 left, MP lag jams, I snap AK, she flips AT, i had 64k she had 60k, i was in 2nd she was in 3rd.
T99xx runout fml first was pretty fuckin nice

So im gonna bounce and just grind bovada and chill with family and friends, I suspect after 6 month lease is up, I'll come back to Vegas and sign 6 months here.

Going to work hard on stacking and saving my money, have cut a lot of life leaks and was pondering staying here, but i'd kinda rather be with friends and family and ski this winter + get home before 5 feet of snow

Looking forward to my next trip out, Kinda broke even, was a really good vacation that I needed though, all the days not played were usually drinking my favorite wine (barefoot)


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Nerdy Paleo Attempt by KeyleK_uk, July 31

Hi LP, last April I moved to Budapest due to cost of living/poker friends/night life, turned out to be a great idea, anyway I don't want to talk about poker much but it's going ok... I would like a 100k score or a 30k month in cash but it hasn't happened for the last couple of years but getting by ok, tournaments on stars cash games on other sites.

Anyway, when I was 17 I noticed that I was around 56kg and wanted to put some weight on so started to take gym super seriously and by the time I was 19 or so I was 70 kg benching something like 80 kg. Of course since then I had some girlfriends and have since drifted back to full on nerd mode from the age of 22 and have dropped back to 57 kg (I'm 5ft 8 and 29 years old now) eating whatever but not alot, smoking a bit too much and in general have felt just more unhealthy for the last year so feel it is time to take control of it before it is too late.

I elected to follow mainly a Paleo diet because aside from all the hype at the moment it seems obviously healthy, I have decided to include milk products because I really don't seem to have any lactose intolerance and I do not eat seafood so I feel there is some milk products I can get Omega 3's etc from (I've heard bad things about capsule Omega 3?). Although I am a somewhat picky eater but definitely see food as fuel so am trying to eat healthy and as much as possible now I am training (just as heavy as I can multi jointed exercises 12 down to 7-8 reps over 3 sets as I hvaent trained for years feels like a good approach for the first 2 weeks or so. I am also adding a large amount of whey protein, due to its ease and cost effectiveness.

My daily diet looks something like this

Frittata (chorizo/onions/peppers/sweet potato/eggs)

Then in my other two meals I've been eating a combination of chicken/turkey/bacon/gammon/salad/carrots/brocolli/bell peppers/cabbage/spinich/corn as there is not a lot more vegetables I really eat. I've also been adding a piece of fruit like a banana/apple daily and a glass of orange juice. I am trying to eat as much of the vegetables as possible but it's hard work .

I've been adding a multi vitamin and finding milk products for my omega 3's.

I've started taking creatine as well mainly because my ex housemate left a kilo here unopened and doesn't want it, and drinking plenty of water. I am snacking on half a dozen or so pistachios a few times a day.

i'm adding about 90 grams of protein through whey daily also, maybe overdoing it here, getting about 90 from whey and 60 from food daily. I have whey with water apart from before bed when I have whey with milk.

On my training days I am simply warming up using a rowing machine and using weights, while I am relatively unfit in general because I do not need to lose weight I am under the impression freeweights are also good for my cv health?

This is just a mismatch of things I've heard and thoughts I had since I was training when I was younger. The problem is when I was younger I obviously just exploded because of my age, also the main reason I am doing this now is for my health with looks/size a secondary factor, although it will help spur me on for sure if I get quick results. I know there is a ton of experts on here and if anyone could give me some advice about anything here.

Thanks in advance for your help LP.


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Won some cheeseburgers by traa, July 30

Just playing for fun after a few years of not playing at all.
Never been really good at it.
Not looking to spend too much time playing poker, but I actually like it again .

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Update: bovada live poker and uber? by SuperCardUser, July 30

Been playing some zone on bovada. Watching videos on card runners and working on fundamentAls. Doing well in live 145$ nightly Mtts. Roi 100% with 48$ hourly. Hope that keeps up cuz it's small sample. Buying a hybrid so I can drive uber part time if I get low on money. Haven't had a job in long time but that seems like ok part time work and I can balance poker in very easy. Lots and lots of work ahead. Started from the bottom now I'm here.... Still near the bottom...????

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Escape and Expression and Feelings by RiKD, July 29

Hi LP,

Sometimes i find myself a bit overwhelmed. I suppose i could just write a personal journal or talk to some close, trusted friends but for whatever reason it feels good to write a blog on LP. I know and trust a lot of people on LP. It feels comfortable to write here. I do not mind posting my feelings on an open forum. Inspiration, truth, love, creativity, discussion, all these things are good.

This post is going to be a conscious effort to escape and express my feelings. I am not sure where it will go.

Actually, I may just decide to write it here and not post because i do not want to be afraid to express something.

I have a lot of fear. I have a lot of grief i am still getting through.

Damn, i am still grieving my grandmother who i loved so dearly. I miss her. Can i let go of the fact that i can no longer experience her love and care? Can i let go that i can no longer help her with her tomato garden and pick and taste the freshly ripened tomatoes? Can i let go that i will never experience another home cooked meal on her porch finished with some port and conversation serenaded with crickets and calmed by a cool summer breeze?

"Running" by Gil-Scott Heron and Jamie XX just came up on my Spotify playlist. I am good at running. Especially from my feelings. I always have been. Someone once told me, "You can always run away... the problem is you have to bring yourself." I like that. I also like this song. It might be better escape than writing so fuck this for a bit.

Ok. I am back.

Just real quick.

How do people get to a place of courage? of acceptance? of peace? of joy? of love?

I thought i got there sometimes with drugs and alcohol. That black box of wine, that bottle of Hennessey, that bottle of Jack Daniels. I give the cashier the money and i know what i am getting. It is not even really a drug dealer. They sell like toothpaste and soap and milk and cereal and deodorant and bread and butter. Oh, if it is Target they also sell some pretty reasonable paraphernalia to consume. Once consumption gets to a respectable level (or horrifying level depending on the perspective) one can just keep a decanter full and get to that heart and lungs place. That place where i do not have to feel or think. Can i let go of that place? It never truly brought me courage, acceptance, peace, joy, or love. Some nights i tried my damndest. I mean really did my best. I mean attempted to go damn near through every bottle i could get my hands on to search for the answers. To get to enlightenment. To get closer to God. Sometimes in the oblivion, in the silence, in the stillness it was close. I never found any answers but at least i did not have to feel. Of course, the consequences were horrendous. I was completely destroying my mind, body, and soul. I am still dealing with all of the wreckage and all of the surrounding emotions and feelings i now am getting better at learning how to deal with. To let go.

Women, weed, weather, gambling, HBO, Showtime, Netflix, music, powerlifting, porn, reading, writing, talking, man, so many forms of escape and expression. They all work until they don't. Dependence can be a helluva thing.

Sometimes i feel angry. Sometimes i feel guilty. Sometimes i feel pride and guilt for the same thing. I feel as if i am still grieving the loss of my job.

Can i let go driving into the mills early to meditate with a cup of coffee as the sun rises over Lake Michigan? Can i let go of all the people i laughed with and worked with to be of service to a community? Can i let go of that apartment and all that cool stuff and my kind of town Chicago?

Damn. Is there ever peace, love, joy, enlightenment going down the rabbit hole of a "Taking a bath, you should come over" text? Trent Reznor has a song i really like about that. Getting closer to God. Yeah, probably another one of those things that works until it doesn't. Can i let that go? Can i let go that i will never have sex, drugs, and rock n' roll ever again? 1 day at a time?

The progression of mutual attraction, love, and spiritual partnership is a beautiful thing. That is something to aspire to.

There are definitely better ways to escape than getting high on JOI porn and skeeting into a towel. I feel some shame and humiliation for that. That is one occupation i can definitely let go.

Sometimes i do feel lonely though. I feel bored. I feel depressed. I feel that feeling those things are ok. It is just about finding the best ways to escape and express those feelings, hopefully, without suppressing too much to get to those places of acceptance, peace, serenity, courage, joy, love, wholeness, closeness.

Oh my Gosh!

All under one roof raving,


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HUD setup by dryath, July 25

Anyone have PT4 hud setup they may be looking to share?

I very rarely play poker these days, but am aware running the default hud probably isn't ideal.

PM me if you would like to add to skype.

Playing mainly 50 plo, with some nlhe too (unsure if this matters or not)

Hope you're all doing well guys, GL at the tables for those of you still playing

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Tricks of Cricket Betting by CricketBetting, July 24

--- Nuked ---

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weird point in life by mnj, July 23

really feeling the pressure. getting married and having kids never felt so natural.

but so does quitting my job, car payments, house payments, taxes, cell phone bills and going into the wild.

what is happening.

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The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind (Docum by Mortensen8, July 19

Haven't watched other parts

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after almost 4 years away from poker :) by PplusAD, July 18

Played some poker last week.
Realised again why poker is nothing for me

Not "real" Poker though.

CS:Go Poker ...where u deposit skins and then play poker and after that cashout in skins....
1000chips = 80 cent skin value

Deposited all the CS:Go Skins i dont need (Since i dont play CS:Go more then 2-5h a week anyways i dont really need skins)

Got in 18K (14,5€) in Skin Value and started some 4K chips HU games. (I somehow never managed to make a solid BR Rule ever ^^)
Competition is basically CS:Go Players who never played poker..... Its like in the good old pre 2010days on Partypoker
Played super standard ABC oldschool poker....

Just value betting/ 3 betting PF
C betting most flops
Value betting turns and rivers

No bluffs , no crazy shit

Won some pots , lost some pots my ass handed by some big suckouts but always came back and after 4h i had managed to make it to 78K chips
then i joined a 20K HU table.... (Well Poker BR... again)

Villian was an incredible calling station , calling 100% 3 bets pf with K2o and stuff like that.

After some time we both had around 30K chips
I get AQs

He raises pf i 3 bet he calls (as always)
flop 873 all Spades

I bet flop he 3 bets i shove all in , he calls
and he shows A3 no draw

turn 3 river A...
he wins with Full House...

I cash out the remaining winnings and decide that
it was a good Idea to quit poker almost 4 years ago
Its just not for me

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(Some) Billionaires: Take + Hoodwink + Bamboozle. by RiKD, July 17

"Oh, and I say it again, you've been had. You've been took. You've been hoodwinked. Bamboozled. Led astray. Run amok!" - Malcolm X

Reasons to watch this video:

- John Olliver is fucking hilarious and shares news based in truth, fairness, and goodness.

- Billionaire owners negotiate hundreds of millions out of taxpayers to build stadiums for hundreds of millions in revenue that gets cut up 100% owner, 0% taxpayer

- Inspirational half time speeches!

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Lil update by Ryan Neilly, July 16

Hey guys,

Been rollercoasting a lil bit recently, got pretty short after rent etc and deposited on

won the 5r turbo 2 nights in a row and have had a few other FT's with some good results at nl20/nl50 so far, so enjoying that, prolly the best site i've ever played on, although we will see how much that changes going into August

Tonight I was playin live cg's with my buddy.

Just brought 300, went to the V.

had a hand go down vs a guy that was really splashy and overcalling alot, he had a lot of leaks, a pure mtter that just busted the 5k.

so i have 55 UTG, I limp for just 2 bux.
he raises to 10, 4 callers, i call 55.

flop 5KJr

i check he bets 30ish everyone folds i just flat cuz rainbow and hes lagtarded etc.

turn 9d, brings FD and QT but both not in our ranges much, i check he bets i jam over hoping to get called by AA AK QKss etc, also wanted to protect here. he says "your not gonna like this one kid." flips over JJ. I check raised turn bet, he bet pretty big.

so as im walking out waiting on my local buddy in town, i run into The CLeaner from LP

we took a quick pic, he seemed really down to earth n with it, was leaving though so didn't get to grind with him.

was standing at the entrance, he walks up and says "Ryan?" instantly knew who it was lol

Heres that pic

meh btw i only had 2.8k when i arrived, after a ton of swings im near that right now and doing quite well, lol i was down to like dirt then found! if ur in LV its really really good to play on most hours! Lives been picking up, my games been evolving a ton, look forward to some big sessions. won $960 yesterday or something like that wasn't bad just ran over everyone at that table.

been table selecting lookin for all the fish, if theres .5-1 fish i just find a new table insta


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gg by LemOn[5thF], July 13

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10k by Artanis[Xp], July 12

Woop woop
Return is going pretty well. Was on a stake until about ~8k in the graph (it's right before the $9k ds). Still splitting for the highest limits I'm playing but most of my action is lower so it doesn't affect me too much. Pretty nice to have a bit of extra income again.

Some attempts to (re?)learn 6max PLO and FLO8 have stranded so far, but hopefully with improvements and time I'll get the hang of those too. Still focused on building my roll first though.

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Bandar Domino Online Indonesia by okedomino, July 10

--- Nuked ---

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Inspiration for a getaway somewhere in Europe? by Balzamon, July 09

What do you do when poker is tilting you, and the weather in Sweden is tilting you even more? The first half of this summer has been sooo bad in Stockholm, and another 1-2 weeks of 15 degrees and rain seems to be incoming. Really feeling like going somewhere else, but where?

Going with gf for around 4-5 days, looking for it to be fairly cheap. I would prefer it to be a mixture of a cool city with beautiful nature closeby (would like to do some hiking). But I suppose a sunny place with just good nature/water environment would be OK as well, not just a tourist trap place (ie Aya Napa, Sunny Beach, Magaluf, Split and so on) with a zillion people.

Never been to Eastern Europe, so thats feels kinda interesting, ideas that popped up in my head:

- Budapest: heard the city is AWESOME, how is the countryside close by? Hiking friendly?
- Prague: same about the city, but again, how is the surrounding area if you want to see something else than just a city?
- Belgrade: friend been there and told me its super nice, and cheap, and friendly. Again, more to do than just city life?
- Croatia: really want to go here sometime, but think I wanna go for a longer time, also seems to be really "in" to go to Croatia right now, is there any place that is not overcrowded but still worth going to?
- Greece: In genereal is there a good idea to go there right now? Be a baller when everyone else suffer? Where to go to avoid the tourist trappy places?
- Spain/Portugal: I would like to try some more surfing,where are some affordable places in July? Looked at San Sebastian where I've been before, but really expensive during this season...

Ideas on these places and others would be greatly appreciated. Also would be cool if some local could tip me of their area and possible give us some guiding when there

Update: After some extensive reading I'm focusing on Macedonia (Skopje) which sounds like a perfect combination of nature and good food and very priceworthy, Budapest, Prague and maybe Malaga (not sure if priceworthy, but sounds like a cool city with some chances of surfing?). Anyone been to / living at any of these places?

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poker for dfs trade by traxamillion, July 09

If anyone is new at poker but has some experience with Daily Fantasy (you know how to make projections in excel) hit me up. I'd be down to trade a couple poker lessons (nlhe, plo, hu or ring, whatever) for help with getting my DFS setup going.

Just started learning about DFS day before yesterday and plan to go hard.

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