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Small propbet anyone? by k4ir0s, September 01

Haven't played serious poker in ~1.5 years. Since then I've been living off only ~$1300 /month, my roll's been getting smaller and smaller - especially since I recently moved to Montreal. I'm beginning to get worried! No college education, zero job experience! lawl.

Goals for this month;

Poker goals:
Start at nl50 FR
70k hands minimum

Also, does anyone want to do a small prop bet every month, to keep eachother motivated. If we don't achieve a certain amount of hands every month, we pay the other guy $200, something small.. Because I have been finding it very difficult to sit down and play poker, I don't dislike the game.. I just become overwhelmed with anxiety when I try to play, maybe I'm afraid I'll fail.

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New Volvo XC 90 2015 by Highcard, September 01

The best hybrid SUV is launching spring 2015: Volvo XC 90

If you want to lease or buy a new car, get the xc 90

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Goodbye August! by Bejamin1, September 01

Well folks, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. This month was a real struggle for me mentally, but having climbed the mountain I feel much better now that the calendar is passing into September and I can put August behind me. Even if the results were not what I would have wanted, I did experience a tremendous amount of growth in my game. At the beginning of the month I came in feeling like a million bucks. I'd figured out PLO25 and I was going to crush it. Unfortunately, as over-confidence so often does I started allowing leaks into my game and playing much too loosely in particularly hazardous spots. As a result, I more or less took a dive bomb with my BR in the first week. At some point I crashed from 2250 all the way down to 1100 or so. It was all I could do to stop the bleeding.

The truth of it, this game is hard, very hard. It takes a lot of mental fortitude to will yourself into playing every day and even more to actually play with the focus that is required to win. A week of lost focus can set you back for months, and that's what happened to me this month. However, at the end of it all I'm feeling better than ever about my game. Sure I ran a bit bad, a subject I love to complain about in hand history postings but people should know the anger is much less than the words actually posted. It's just a way for me to exhume the frustration from my nervous system. In terms of running bad I think I finished something like 12 buy-ins under EV in the 45k hands which is better than the 20+ that it was earlier in the month. Truthfully though, until someone takes the time to truly build a proper luck calculator for this game we'll never really know that much. Flops in 3-bet/4-bet pots are critical. As are the pots where 75%+ of your stack is in by the turn and the last little bit goes in on the river after either you or your opponent hits. Still so much work to be done there to build one that gives any real indication of how you run. So I've settled to just ignore EV as much as I can.

In terms of goals I missed my chance to build for a shot at PLO50, but I did rebuild the bankroll back to $1850 by the time the month was over, maintained Platinum Star, and now have 52k FPP's stored up. It will be nice when I get to 100k, maybe stars will let me buy the bonus without being Supernova, it's happened before for others on here. We'll see.

My goals for this month are as follows... DRUM ROLL PLEASE...
1. Stop Posting Negative Hand Histories - Instead, post interesting hand histories or hands you feel you butchered and allow everyone else to carve them up so I can think more creatively about the lines I'm taking and why.
2. Do some math homework, I simply need to understand more about the intricate complexities of the math in PLO.
3. Continue to talk to players that are better than me.
4. Play 60k hands, I managed 45k hands last month and that's not bad when working 30 hours a week and doing a Master's Thesis at the same time, but I can do more.
5. Continue to exercise regularly, it gives me more energy and I sleep better.
6. Build the mental fortitude to not care about bad luck. I've heard from some very intelligent players that this simply takes years to do and I can't expect it to happen overnight. I think they're right about that, especially for me personally, but I'll keep working at it.

Obligatory Graph & Stats:

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Monopoly Riggies!! by Rinny, September 01

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PayPal for stars by lostaccount, September 01

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August by Sanity, September 01

Haven't really posted in a long time... Started a new job in Texas ~1 year ago. Pretty decent compared to my past jobs - salary wise, benefits, etc. Living cheap and saving monies, so I've been playing poker a decent amount.

When I first moved here, I found a good selection of live 1/3 games with massive spewtards... Like guys losing 4k in a night at 1/3 and shit... Lol. The games were a bit swingy for my bankroll, so I 4 tabled on Bovada playing NL50 and NL100. Made a decent amount there but it really gets boring not knowing your opponents, and I didn't feel I was getting any better at the game.

I started playing Merge again so I can review hands and... improve and whatnot. I've been playing NL50, and for the first time can really say I am over rolled - a feeling I never could say I honestly felt much in my time playing poker. God it makes the game so much easier when you stop caring about losing... This was August and my first month back to playing on a nightly basis. It felt good to crush this hard! (tiny sample, i know, i know)

Want to put more volume in this month, will be a challenge since I will be moving. Thx for reading and GL all!

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Vancouver, BC by el_tilon, August 31

Hi everyone!

Now that I settled in Vancouver, BC. I want to check the poker rooms around the area, I live in Dunbar.

Could you tell me about your experiences, where is the easiest level and that kind of things?


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Range math problem/help by Highcard, August 29

My brain hurts after looking at this trying to find the GTO, max value play for Player A

Player A always bet Pot size
Player B always calls or folds

Player A range
Player B range

9h9s8c Kd 6d

What is the range Player A maxes out value in this spot?
Player A cbet 75% of the time, 2:1 value:bluff ratio and check lose 25% air
Player B call 50% of the time, with 50% equity and fold 50% of the time


Player A cbet 93% of the time 72/77 combos, with 50% equity, checking 7% pure air
Player B call 100% with 50% equity


? a better option

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Sexy Narwhals Battling Cyclopses by 2primenumbers, August 29


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Hol/gf pics+moving by LemOn[5thF], August 29

Sup people.
So yeah I met this girl in Prague at the wedding yeah... You guys said don't be dumb call her yada yada

I did, seen her 2 times afterwards and then she emailed me that a friend pulled out of a holiday in Bulgaria, it;s her and another couple and if I wanna go. Snapcall innit. Here is the pics.

Got a bet about who can get a signed band member...

she won...
but I got it 2 days later too. Almost fell on their apparatus in the process, I was wasted every night

Neon party last night...leaving hotel 6:30, photo taken at 3am

Well that was the holiday.

Couple days before the holidays I lost my flat in Liberec, Landlord couldn't get me normal internet in 12 months, always was here like 4times per month, and a year is a good time to move... And there's a room in Prague for $300 incl. all bills good location in a flat where my younger sister stays and mum rents...And it's 3km from her flat. So in a couple weeks I'll be moving to Prague to pursue proper pokers. Summer is almost done and with it getting bombed 3-4 times per week.

Stay cool LP
After I move I will finally have proper fucking internet so I can start streaming for realz..
Also follow
if you want I try to update that here and there with poker stuffs

P.S. it's been pretty much exactly 1 year since I arrived in czech republic.

BEFORE - last August.

Yep, I became a douchebag.

P.P.S. no fap challenge = 61days no fap no porn. With 1 exception before holidays (3 times in 1 day no aids aka porn needed even ).

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HEM 1 license by gawdawaful, August 28

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Livestreaming with Raszi Thursday 2PM EST!! by Joeingram1, August 27

Hey guys, me and Lex are going to be recording a new podcast episode tomorrow and we will be livestreaming at 2pm EST

If you guys have any questions for us you can ask them here or tomorrow during the stream in the chat

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Not really a natural poker player by The Dean, August 27

This is a question that I have asked myself many times and the fact that I am asking the question at all would confuse an awful lot of people. I play poker so I must be a “poker player” would be many peoples reply. Of course there is some truth to that as anyone that plays poker is technically a poker player but that isn’t what I was referring to. When I say “poker player” then I am referring to being a “natural poker player”. I think natural poker players simply take to the game and have to do far less work than other people.

For example you have already mentally evolved before you come into poker and because poker is a mental game then any issues that you have away from poker will be highlighted within the game itself. So if you are easily bored then you will probably become easily bored at the poker table. Also what about compulsive behaviour? If you are prone to compulsive behaviour by way of over drinking, over eating or anything else then you may have problems controlling your behaviour at the poker table.

At its very core then poker is a simple game although it has the capacity to be complicated immensely, it is just that as humans we tend to automatically complicate things. Also because a human being is many times more complex than a poker game then what we have is a relatively simple but easily complicated poker game played by unbelievably complex entities.

This is why poker can be so frustrating for many people because of the fact that it can seem unbelievably complex. At its very core then we need to concentrate on three key areas to be a poker player.

These are our overall poker system, this is our style of play that we end up playing after we have studied all that we can about the game. What we end up with is our poker game and this poker game will either be good enough or not good enough to make us money……that is the bottom line. Most poker games will need to have certain environments for them to be able to make money. For example depending on your level of experience and ability then your own game may need to be played at a level that is no higher than NL25.

Even then if your own destructive personality traits are holding you back then you may struggle to make any kind of meaningful money. The next question is when you have found a way of playing poker to then estimate your edge. This is more difficult than what it sounds which is why I have designated two ways to go. The first is to use conventional theory and hope that your opponents or a number of your opponents do not know it. The problem with this way of playing poker is that you can find a way of making money fairly quickly but the profit potential will be limited.

Conventional poker theory isn’t called “conventional” for nothing and years ago then the data that you had may have been sufficient to make money on its own but not anymore. So I think that the biggest edges in poker these days are gleaned from understanding theory in an un-conventional way. While this may not ultimately work for many people, it at least allows you to do something different to what the masses are doing which I think is very important. I think that if you play like the masses then your results are going to be broadly similar.

I simply cannot stress this often enough. You are better off thinking about the game differently even if you end up going down a few blind alleys along the way. However if you are working very hard on your game and you still find that your results are not what they should be then there is every possibility that you are simply not cut out to succeed in the modern world of online poker against the new breed of shark. Learning theory simply isn’t enough unless you want to recycle money.

In the games that I play in, most players tend to have a good grasp of poker theory at levels as low as NL25. So this means that getting an edge in terms of knowing more theory is difficult. In full ring cash games then you need to devise a solid strategy based on what your opponents are broadly doing. If you can learn to think strategically in poker rather than merely on a hand to hand basis then you may just find that you can make considerable money from the game. Any player that can make $60/hour and find 40 hours per week to play online is an absolute monster in online poker.

Carl Sampson is a professional poker player that plays online at www

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IRL experiences blog by 2primenumbers, August 26


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players who... by LikeASet, August 26

are delusional and talk smack like they're the god of poker then they lose a pot and get all butt hurt, hammer fisting the table and criticizing other people's plays. Semi tilted after tonight's session playing significantly under my A-game and donking about 600$ to this idiot, and 400$ to other folks.

I hate people who can't take even the small losses at the table and cause an uncomfortable tension. Why does this fishy type of player have to be such pain in the asses at live games? It surprises how many of these people who probably have at least upper middle class income can act like such babies.


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Even Though I know, I Can't! by oldmemory, August 24

I know I should stop playing after 12+ consecutive hour session. Yet I can't stop until I literally pass out.

I know I should fold in a lot of situations recently, but I couldn't resist to call trying to believe he got the lower end of his range.

I do believe I know how to beat nl25/nl50 yet my hands betray my thoughts. I've been playing underrolled as well. Maybe im a gambling addict.

Went bust yesterday, don't really care about the money, as im financialy and job stable... as soon as my self-imposed deposit restriction can be removed I can put money back in..

But until then, I have 4-5 days to chill out and think over my actions.

It's a shame I can't complete the summer challenges as I can't deposit - so if anyone is reading this miserable blog, and can transfer me 1 USD on stars 'oldmemor' I can transfer on paypal with 50% interest maybe 1.5$USD + 20% of any Shootout Winnings as I can't deposit now.. just so I can play a zoom hand and get in today's summer stars challenge.

that is all. GL

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I moved out! by spets1, August 23

Renterd a place for AUD $410 a week at st peters - pretty much 5 min walk from train station, 20 min from my work. So its good.

Living by myself, my really good friend lives about 2 min walk from me so thats also good.

working on a new project - upgrading 3rd busyiest train station in sydney - wynyard.
So pretty large project. Doping really well at work and got a good rep at the moment.
Going for promotions soon hiopefully.

havnt played poker for ages, still have like 300 bucks on PS probgonna install it up when i feel bored.



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peace ya'll.

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trust me I'm religious by 2primenumbers, August 22

love ya

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Bored? by jvilla777, August 20

yo brosefs if you guys are bored im streaming on twitch right now dead rising 3

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HOLY SHIT by 2primenumbers, August 20


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