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It's going, going, going by GameOverNoob, February 06

Is it out the park, will I get the job? I'll soon see.

Business has changed so much since the inception of zee internet that i have more knowledge of marketing then many of the people interviewing me. And it shined through like a strobe light. And on top of that, the guy running the business was cool. Instead of getting paid to just stand on my feet and show people where shit is, like most people in retail do, i'll be maintaining a website, rampaging through social media, staging products, and creating marketing initiatives. Right up my alley.

This makes up for the pot I lost last night when I was all in with KhKd vs Qs10s on a Qh9h5h flop!

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DFS NBA Wed by Sanai, February 05

Was gonna wait for Gadget's blogpost, but I figured I'd just go ahead and start. Seems like there's a growing interest in DFS here on LP so hopefully some of you find my thoughts on tonight's games useful. I'm pretty newb myself so please feel free to jump in if you disagree or want to discuss something further.

Wednesdays are huge nights for Daily NBA Fantasy. 12 games on schedule for tonight with a lot of minefields, hot prospects, and value picks to be found.

On a night like this, having a dependable idea of lineups is huge. Lot of fantasy sites out there have lineup projections, but I like to cross-check these with official injury reports from the teams themselves (Twitter is often the best source for these). For example, the Lakers have had some huge roster turmoil over the past day with the 2 Steves coming back and Meeks getting injured last night (ARGHHHH MY GPPPPPPS). Also, just because a player back doesn't mean I will pick him. I don't like to pick players on their first night back because they are usually on a minutes restriction anyway.

Keep in mind I play primarily on Fanduel with some action on DK. FD values assists slightly less than

Lineups for the night:

Wesley Johnson
Jared Sullinger

Wesley Johnson
JR Smith
B. Bass
Blake Griffin
DeMarcus Cousins

General reasoning behind lineups:

There are some choice PG picks tonight. Lowry has proven himself a monster and he has a juicy matchup against Sacramento. Kyrie playing on home turf (+10 FP differential) against a discombobulated Lakers roster? Both are solid PG picks IMO.

HOWEVER, I chose to spend most of my money in other areas so I went for cheaper PGs who I believe have high upsides. I've avoided Rondo for a while as I usually do with recently returned players, but I decided tonight was the night to invest in him because 1) his price was still relatively cheap due to the market being scared, 2) he has just as high of an upside as more expensive PGs on the board (35-45 FPs), and 3) they have consistently played him for 27-30 minutes and he has passed the screening tests. With a day of rest and a 19P/6R/10A perf under his belt, he should kill it tonight. I wanted to save my money so I used Calathes as the discount 2nd PG. No chance of Conley coming back so Calathes should see a full complement of minutes against Calderon who is not known for defense.

SG was one area where I did not want to pinch pennies, mainly because the usual stable of midtier dependable SGs just weren't there tonight. Players like Meeks, Oladipo, Tyreke, Martin, who come in around 5-6k all had bad matchups or bad ceilings tonight. DeRozan was a nobrainer - Sac is notoriously shitty against guards and DeRozan's style is perfect against them. I went with Wade because he's had a full day of rest and when he plays, LBJ tends to hook him up. Also, check Heat's other game this year against LAC. Most importantly, both SGs here were significantly cheaper than the other S-class studs on schedule, but have similar high upside.

SFs were tough. You either emptied your pockets for Durant or LBJ (even Gay is expensive nowadays) or you tried to find value where you could. I dipped into the CLE-LAL matchup and chose Wesley Johnson for several reasons: 1) He is starting at SF tonight and there really is no one else to take that spot from him, 2) he filled up the scoreboard quite nicely last time against CLE, 2)CLE is 3rd worst in the league against SFs in the last 15 games (keep trying Deng). I considered Deng as an option here, but I thought WJ could provide similar value for cheaper. Also, in the event of a blowout, Deng will sit sooner than WJ. Batum and JR are just solid cashgame plays who should be able to make their value (esp Batum who had a great game against the Knicks last time and faces an easier matchup against Prigioni). JR I'm less sure about, but that's what you have to deal with when you avoid the studs at SF.

PF picks were straight-forward. One stud + one value combo. Blake should do well vs MIA, he's really their main scoring option, and MIA has always struggled with aggressive post guys. Same for Carmelo against Portland, he's going to be shooting the ball a lot, and he dropped like 37 on them last time so it was an easy bet for me. I think the more interesting picks at PF were my value picks. I was searching for the perfect forward from the BOS-PHI matchup and I settled on Jared Sullinger. PHI has no PFs I'd like to spend money on so I looked to Boston. Boston's front court is one of those annoying ones where everyone gets around 20-25 minutes per game in a vacuum and you kinda have to be able to pick out whoever's getting hot that week. JS is hot right now, he's won himself 30+ minutes over the past 2 games, and one of those games was against PHI where he dropped 24P/17R. Bass was the cheaper option b/c he is the current option over Humphries and I think he can scramble up a bottom-of-the-barrel double double tonight against PHI (~10/12), which is all he needs to make value.

Just want to go on record and say that I am a huge Boogie fan and because of this emotional weakness, I do tend to pick him when I can over equivalent candidates (obv not when I think he's weaker). Luckily for me, his price has gone down a bit on FD, what with fears over his ankle injury and such. I gave him space on his first game back and, well, you can check the stats. I think he has a great matchup tonight against Valanciunas. The spread is +/-1 and it's predicted to be a high-scoring game. As for Varejao, he should have a field day against the Lakers' Gasol-less interior. Good thing about Centers is that even if they are not the scoring option (Kyrie is in this case), they can easily make value through boards given the right matchup. This was the right matchup IMO.

So there you have my breakdown for tonight. I rarely follow the roto sites' "suggested plays" these days, except for some double-checking and such, so I realize my picks may be a little unconventional. I see a lot of Wall, Beal, Deng, Vucey and other people being touted about. I'm interested to see how this night goes b/c it's probably my most deviant lineup from the popular columns.

I know the games already started so my bad. Meant to post this sooner. Will try to do that next time if people want.

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The Sniper Professional Poker System by The Dean, February 05

I would now like to announce a project that I have been working on for quite some time in connection with Poker Pro Europe and Online Poker Pro magazines that I currently write for. This is “Project Poker Pro” or in other words, a coaching program that is designed by me to try and bring as many players as possible into being winning poker players using the very same system that I use and have used for many years…….a system that I affectionately call “The Sniper”.

Hopefully some of the students will be so successful that they become fully fledged poker pros’ and the ones that do well will be featured in either of these two widespread and widely read poker magazines. There will be an initial sign-up fee and that is both for my time and for access to the Sniper program and course lessons. Also I am available 24/7 to answer questions on the course and also to provide back up for any poker related questions full stop.

This in my opinion makes the sign-up fee almost irrelevant as I wish that I would have had the advantage of working with a professional poker player years ago back in 2000-2002 instead of buying countless books and going down numerous blind alleys. So the initial sign up to come on board with Project Poker Pro gets you access to the program and being able to work with me, access to the 130k word Sniper documents which will give you the entire blueprint for no limit hold’em cash games including my unique FERN system.

Also the student gets 24/7 back up while all the time being coached to a level where I will then stake them when the correct stage is reached. The staking will go up to a maximum of $2000 for the players that show the most maturity and the most talent. However these two requirements are not just what I am looking for. I am looking for commitment and the desire to not only play poker but to immerse yourself within the game totally.

These are the types of players that I want to work with and we then enter a new phase where players are playing on my money and I get a percentage split of the winnings. So you can see that I have total confidence in my methods and system and I am prepared to put my money where my mouth is and who can argue with that? However I only have so much time in any one day and I work on my own and so I cannot take on loads of students at any one time.

So now can you see that I am looking for people to be committed into not just playing poker but also studying and wanting to better themselves as players? I also understand that many peoples’ lives simply do not allow for such things and so anyone that merely wants to purchase Sniper and the coaching but without wanting the commitment of the staking afterwards then I am cool with that.

It is a totally flexible operation but if I am going to tie up $2000 of my money in somebody then that somebody needs to be playing poker with that money and for at least 15 hours per week. That should be plain to understand but anyone that wants further details then simply e-mail me at in the first instance to express an interest in either the Sniper professional poker system and or the combined system/coaching and staking on Project Poker Pro. Look forward to hearing from you.

Carl "The Dean" Sampson is a professional poker player at

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1st 10K, Thank You Liquid Poker! by HungarianGOD, February 05

Greetings all,

I finally hit the 10k profits mark a couple of days ago in live play, so thought it was time to make a blog just saying 'thanks'.

I finished clearing a backing agreement (a friend was backing me 1/3) to play $2/5, and had won about 2k the month before this graph, so there's the 10K. This includes $20/session for transportation costs, so if that's added back I'm actually up an additional 1200 or so.
(Blue Line is session result, Orange is Cumulative Result, the dotted lines are trend lines)

Every data entry is a session, ranging from 4 to 12 hours (7 is probably my average)

I won't get too much into my background atm, as I doubt people really have an interest in that anyway. I've done a ton of study/work compared to how much I've played in the last 2 years, lots of theoretical stuff; as such my learning of the game has been quite irregular. There are many advanced concepts I'm comfortable with, but lots of holes in my knowledge and experience throughout. I've actually studied it harder after black-friday than before, and as such most of my studies have been tied to a GTO approach than an exploitative approach (because there was nobody for me to practice against to try to exploit).

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for all the help LP! There have been a lot of insightful posts and comments here from so many of you, it has helped my thinking and approach to learning the game immensely. I know some of my posts and questions are pretty noobish, so I appreciate you guys putting up with them. I would like to think I could add some interesting or insightful comments of my own every once in a while, though I feel that most of the active posters are better than me at 90% of the aspects of the game. Perhaps I can take a crack at giving help, and then when I say something retarded one of you guys who can actually play the game can come in and put me in my place.
Thanks again, and Cheers.

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I'm a bogger by GameOverNoob, February 04

It's true. The man that basically say's nothing is aspiring to communicate with the masses. Will have to start blogging frantically until my fingers bleed.

Might as well start here.

Decided I was going to stop being a loser and waste anymore of my time, replace the job I left over a year ago, and start grinding. And by grinding I don't just mean poker.

1. Work. I used to think things were below me. My ego was in my way. I'm excited to take any retail sales job and work my ass off.
2. Poker. I'm stoked cause i know when I get out there, i'll crush it.
3. Buying gold. You've seen those bandit signs and commercials advertising "we buy gold!" Yeah, i'll be doing that too.
4. Real estate law class at the famous McGill university. Not as prestigious as you think, it's an individual class for like 20 hours a week. Allows me to learn about REI which i'm also turned on by.
5. Blogging. Not for the sake of generating income (tho it would be sweet if I could make 80k a year like Gary Veynerchuck says) but for everything else that having a pool of many people from your market allows you do do, like market research, which is why i'm doing it.

The job front has been kinda weak. The places I've applied to, while being pleasant and sounding interested, haven't followed up with me. Kind of tilted in that if I would have started looking anytime in the last 4 0 0 d a y s i'd be a much better and happier guy right now.

Holding back on poker until then. Haven't been perfect about it though. A friend offered to buy my action in one of his games. Played alright, and lost a 500bb pot with AA vs a gs+fd OTF. It was one of those games that you could limp raise AA 30x pre and get 4 callers. Karma, eh?

Played a TCOOP and got murckkked. Ridiculous shove by my opponent. PLO mtt short handed, i pot from SB with AA45ddhh vs his OTB limp with 13bb. He calls, and jams my pot bet with a gut shot and two overs. Lost to a backdoor two pair! Also just played an hour on 1 table PLOZOOM 10 won something silly like 300bb.

Tomorrow 6 am, im job hunting baby!

Be good LP


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udielike123 by newbie.cjb, February 03

where r you

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Net Worth Update by thewh00sel, February 03

January was a very productive month. As far as hours go I managed to put in 140 hours over 20 sessions for an average session length of 7 hours. A bit under my 2013 average of 150 hours per month, but given the new baby and taking a couple extra days off here and there I'm satisfied with the work I put in.

As far as the net worth update goes, I'll put it this way:
Liabilities (debt) were reduced by 0.36%, while assets under management (bankroll/liquid cash + invested funds) increased in value by 30.05%.

Our expenses were high this month as we purchased some new furniture and paid our estimated taxes, but because of the high income, we still managed a savings rate of 77%.

I'm estimating that February's hours played will be much lower than January as my wife is returning to the work force, and I'll pretty much be a stay at home dad Mon-Wed for the forseeable future. I'll be working on an efficient schedule to get in as many hours as possible, but for now I think it'll pretty much be a clusterfuck with nothing really set in stone so I won't try to predict what my schedule will look like.

Goal Progress
Pay off auto loans of ~16k
8% complete

Put a dent in student loans of ~60k
0.8% paid off

Invest ~25-30k outside of any day-trading or sports betting ventures.
0% complete

Play a few less tournaments during the WSOP (and win one)

1800 hours of cash games
7.78% complete

Added Goal
65% Saving rate for the year

Average Savings Rate: 77%

Ski Trip!

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BJJ Scout by PuertoRican, February 03


If you're into grappling, you'll probably enjoy the videos that are released on BJJ Scout's YouTube page. The majority of the videos on the page are just BJJ videos, but it looks like the channel will start doing MMA breakdowns too.

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Crypto Mining Services by jchysk, February 02

I've been fairly involved in the crypto-currency and Bitcoin space ever since the discussion of a decentralized online poker room that was held here years ago (still think it's a great idea).

I've also done some mining on and off over the years. With a $3k investment in May I've been doing casual GPU mining on altcoins and have managed to make about $16k profit. I actually lost out on well over $10k in value because I didn't maintain the miner, let it get too hot and then didn't repair for 1.5 months when the fans warped. After undervolting, applying arctic silver, and replacing the fans it was running cooler and faster than ever before while using less electricity.

Thinking out about summer coming and how much higher the electricity costs become with cooling and energy bills I've considered managed colocation so I don't have the same issues that I suffered last summer. I've also just recently built an additional miner. I have friends with miners that face the same issues.

So one of these friends is now actually going to offer some of these colocation services since it's so difficult to find a datacenter that will take miners. He'll offer the services of uptime, redundant internet, cooling, expertise on optimizing hash rate, pool selection, upgrading miners, building miners, etc. He's starting off with an 8,000 sq ft industrial facility that can handle the cooling, electricity needs, and security requirements. It's on the same grid as hospital and fire station next door and located in Las Vegas (a safe-zone from natural disasters in the US) and redundant internet providers.

It'll start off with hosting miners from our immediate circle of friends, but should publicly be offering its services starting in Spring when everyone starts getting nervous about what they're going to do by summer. I'm posting this here because I know there are many who already mine or have an interest in mining.

If any of the above services that I have mentioned interest you and you would to sign up early then send me the following information to be put on the list and have early pricing estimates sent over:
-Email address
-How many units of what model? (ASIC or Video card model and how many of them)
-Power supply used? (Goal is to find out wattage and efficiency of PSU)
-Dimensions? (Is it in a computer case, a milk crate, custom design)
-Difficulty to package and ship to the facility?

Value from 1-5 in the following services:
-SLA for uptime (Electricity and internet).
-On-site techs that can offer quick repair and maintenance when needed.
-On-site backup hardware for quickly getting back to hashing when something goes wrong (power supplies, processors, motherboards, risers, fans)
-Year round stable cooling.
-Hash rate optimization services (cgminer/sgminer custom configuration)
-Hardware optimization services (upgraded thermal paste, fans, undervolting, cooling)
-Build a miner services

Any questions/concerns you would first like to be addressed.

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finally making some progress at nl2 low stakes by punix, February 02

Sup guys,

After creating this thread how much tactic do you need in nl2? u know that I already burned 3 bankrolls for nl2. I was very frustrated and like some ppl stated in this thread if I can not make profit at nl2, I definetly should consider quitting poker. So I evacuated the rest of my roll (which was something like $20 from my intitial $40 roll) and thought about quitting poker and leaving it behind (as I stated in the thread).

But there were several things that kept me hanging on and thinking about:
First off, I really like and enjoy poker (but of course i dont like burning away money for nothing). I like the competition and what I like even more is the fact that Poker is soo much more about you against yourself and its such a nice, balanced "solo" game. In fact poker trains you also some very useful skills like patience, endurance, willingness and dedication. As Iam lacking patience in "rl", I thought that playing poker is also a nice challenge for myself to gain more skills in patience and keeping calm. Therefore, I could not just leave Poker behind but obviously I needed help and could not go on like I did before (eventhough my VPIP/PFR/3b were kinda okay I was loosing way too fast).

I searched around on 2p2 and found a thread about "Crushing the Microstakes" from blackrain and purchased his "book" which also gives you access to his "private forum". I read the book in 1day: It was nothing special tactic wise but it opened my eyes a little that I have to keep more track of my opponent type, intiative and things like this. I really liked the book and it highly motivated me and Iam definetly recommending it to any new player that wants to play nl2. Also blackrain seems to be quite a nice guy that trys to help out alot with his huge microstake xp in his forums. So once again I reloaded a $40 roll to my PS acc and tryed to beat NL2.

Through Crushing the Microstakes, I switched from 6max to FR. Of course I can not go from busto to robusto in 1day by just reading 1book that did not even teach me soo many new things but I kept improving and reread the book several times and added more microstake books.

It started off quite well but I had some tilt issues where i kept burning away all the buyins that I won over 3-5k hands in just 100hands. I also noticed that my WTSD value is way too high and therefore my W$aSD was too low. I worked hard on fixing tilts and nitting up more PF that I don't get too often into too marginal situation and folded more and more on flop, turn. Iam still not quite there but my very last sessions had the WTSD and W$aSD values that I wanted to achieve.
My winnings improved and Iam getting more confident. I want to work on my game to improve it everyday. I guess I should also start posting hands here!
I played mostly zoom FR which seems to fit me much more than 6max games, eventhough I definetly want to work on my 6max game aswell. I noticed that I feel a little bit overrun in 6max since there is just more action going on with 3b/4b, cb.

Why am I writing now a blog about this (since it mostly will not really interest anyone of the mid-high stakes players)? The answer is simple. Every now and then some new players arrive here as well that want to start at 2nl and are struggling like I did before and then you also just hear everybody saying "uhh todays game got tough so you have to dedicate a lot to it". New players can easily get frustrated and get the feeling that they can not make it. But of course at 2NL there are soo many dumb players pretty much anyone can win at this stake but even at 2nl you have to work on your game and attitude towards the game. But it can pay off! Crushing the Microstakes really helped me out getting into the right mindset and watching out for the right stuff, so if there are people out there struggling at these lolomicrostakes you should read this book!

I hope in the longrun I can move up and improve and post some hands here! So I hope you will still hear something from me every now and then.

So far, Punix

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RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman.. by k4ir0s, February 02

"Hollywood actor Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead in Manhattan apartment after suffering suspected drugs overdose"

Cannot believe it. One of my favorite actors

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Time to get a new goal by napoleono, January 31

Next one will be 1K+ score and ship? Perhaps. :D Til then I'm cherishing it.

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5 card draw tcoop lols by Mortensen8, January 31

Won tcoop 36 made a deal 3 handed when I had least chips of course regret now. I only learnt the game yesterday watched a vid on cardrunners epic run good I assume. Pretty fun game overall now I guess I have to play high roller since I said that to myself if I get a final table but was hoping for a bigger tourney.. not sure I will.

payouts was 4,3 ... 4,3 ... 4k and 500 to winner.

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Amanda Knox Guilty Verdict by nolan, January 31

Hello LP,

Not poker related at all, but the Knox guilty verdict is of interest to me, and maybe you. Didn't think it was worth it's own thread.

I've been following this case casually since the beginning pretty much, and I think it's a lot more interesting than many people may realize at first. I won't be talking as much about the case specifically here, but if you are interested at all (warning: huge time sink potential) then there's a guy on 2p2 who's pretty well known that lays out a lot of the case from a pro-guilt perspective in this thread. He gets into a pretty long winded debate with a guy named "239", and although he generally sticks to discussing case specifics, at one point Henry and a few other people sort of snapped and accused him of astroturfing.


Yeah, I had never heard of this concept before. Doing some digging I came across the basic definition of the term and also discovered that the Knox family had hired one of the most expensive PR firms in the west coast.

From there, I came across blogs/posts/etc. where people claim to have been paid by the PR firm to turn over their social media accounts on most of the top 100 visited online forums (, 2p2, reddit, etc. etc). It appears to be a new tactic where people try to buy relatively (1 year+) old social media accounts solely for the purpose of expressing biased opinions, or in the case of sites like Reddit perhaps to manipulate the voting system so certain things don't appear on the front pages.

After the guilty verdict, this thread on reddit seems to have took off. I couldn't help thinking there may be heavy astroturfing going on simply based on the numerous ludicrous opinions being shared that extraditing Knox would be a violation of the constitution, and constant references to Double Jeopardy when there was never a 2nd trial - not to mention that Knox was found guilty initially before the judge forced what is effectively a retrial. (I don't want to get into the specifics of the Italian justice system here, but essentially a guilty verdict isn't 100% final, and although Knox was found guilty, a judge ruled that the jury came to that conclusion incorrectly and so there was more or less a forced retrial)

Anyways, I must admit my own bias in that I initially was of the opinion Knox was likely innocent, however as I read more and more non-U.S. sources my opinion began to sway. In the end I think she did play some hand in the murder but should not be found guilty due to a lack of real evidence.

All that being said, I think there is clear evidence of an organized PR campaign being run through social media and internet forums attempting to sway the general U.S. public into feeling as though Knox being extradited or imprisoned would be a gross miscarriage of justice, probably in hopes that the U.S. gov't will be swayed in the same direction. At the very least, I think it's fair to say that the current general perception of the case would make the U.S. extraditing Knox a PR failure on their end, and probably something that is met with huge backlash stateside.

The whole concept of Astroturfing and social media manipulation as it is alleged to have occurred here is pretty wild. The practice is a little unsettling but if there is an astroturfing campaign among major media outlets, it appears to be a success.

Pretty rambly here, but I had nowhere else to put any of my thoughts on this. As I said I've really only done casual research into the whole thing but I'm always open to other peoples opinions or thoughts on social media manipulation in high profile criminal cases.

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The Shadiness of Party Poker by Daut, January 30

This morning I went on a long twitter rant about how party poker had screwed its customers over in 2013 (shameless plug to my twitter ) 140 characters at a time isnt enough to describe what party poker has done to its customers in the past 12 months. I've made short rants about them before, but I wanted to go into more detail here so people could get a better idea of what has happened.

imagine if stars got rid of supernova elite on short notice, removed every bonus above the 100k VPP level, changed the $1600 for 100k fpp bonus to $8k for 500k FPP and gave it a long play through requirement, segregated their player base and started charging a 3% flat fee on cashouts using the most popular cashout method. That is what party did in an 8 month period.

Decreased bonuses and made them harder to clear with very little notice
I started grinding party in December 2012. I was having a pretty rough month on stars and decided to try party out looking for better games. The first thing I did after depositing was study the VIP system party had. It was all based on their version of frequent player points. Every dollar paid in rake gets you 2 party points. Accumulating a certain number of party points in either a month or 3 month period put you into VIP levels. In order to reach the highest level of Palladium Elite, a player would have to earn 20,000 points in a 3 month period which equates to $10,000 paid in rake. The second highest level was Palladium which could be reached with 9,000 points in a 3 month period ($4500 rake).

Being in the higher VIP levels had advantages, particularly being able to purchase bonuses that returned a higher percentage of rake. Their top bonus was a 300,000 point bonus worth $75k. This equates to 50% rakeback since it takes $150k rake paid to accumulate 300k points. I dont remember the exact details on how long it took to clear old bonuses, but I believe they were released in 5 installments of $X for X points. i.e. for each $15k installment of the $75k bonus, a player would have to accumulate 15k points ($7500 rake paid). This bonus takes a long time to reach: about 83.33% of the volume of reaching Supernova Elite on stars to buy the bonus, and another $37500 in rake paid to fully clear the bonus.

If you didnt want to wait that long to clear a bonus, they had smaller bonus options that you could clear more often at a lower rate. You could also buy bonuses that didnt require any points to clear at a lower rate. I used the way back machine to find their old bonuses:

As you can see, there were lots of options to receive 30%+ rakeback, and the 30% option took $10k rake paid to buy and (i believe) another $1500 rake paid to clear.

Early in 2013, with very little notice, Party announced it was doing away with all bonuses that gave greater than 30% rakeback out. As a new customer this didnt affect me as I had very points accumulated at that time, but there were players who were working towards the larger bonuses and were sufficiently far away that they would not be able to reach it before the bonus was removed from the point store.

an example from the 2p2 partypoker thread:

reactions to the news start around post #8205

Really gotta feel for the party grinders who were halfway to reaching those big bonuses and had to settle for 10-20% less rakeback than they were working towards.

Fast forward to today, the bonuses are significantly worse. To buy a 30% bonus now you have to pay 100k points for a $15k bonus which takes 90k points to fully clear in 2 installments. So lets compare the old 30% rakeback bonuses to today's side by side:

old bonus: 20k points to purchase 3k bonus, five installments of $600 cleared after $300 rake paid for each installment. Under this system it takes $10300 rake paid to start seeing money back.
current bonus: 100k points to purchase 15k bonus, two installments of $7500 after $22500 rake paid for each installment. So it takes $72500 rake paid to see any money with this new system. Under the old system you could have purchased a 40% rakeback bonus and received YOUR ENTIRE $20k BONUS quicker than you would receive your first $7500 under the new system for a 30% rakeback bonus.

Removed Monthy Promotions
This part isnt really a shady management decision, its their prerogative on what promotions they will offer their customers, but its definitely made it much less enticing to put volume in on party. The first month I was on party, they were running a promotion called Advent Calender.

I dont remember the exact details of it, but basically you would receive little gifts after a certain number of points accumulated. So if you were the lowest VIP level, you would receive a very small gift every say 25 points cleared. These gifts would be something like entry to a freeroll or a $1 bonus. If you were the next VIP level you would receive those gifts AND a slightly better gift (sometimes $3 bonuses or 5 free points) every 50 points for your level. This went up all the levels, so if you were palladium elite you were receiving all these gifts all month long. I only reached the 3rd highest VIP level that month, but I think I ended up receiving over $250 extra back in points and bonuses for maybe $3k paid in rake that month. An extra 10% rakeback was really nice.

The following months they ran a few other really nice promotions.

World domination:
This one was really great. Sure it was pretty much impossible to get certain cities, but even clearing a country or continent gave nice extra bonuses. I paid >$250 in rake almost every day i was able to play that month trying to get new cities.

Fast Forward Promotion:
fast forward is party's version of zoom/rush poker. They didnt run PLO or bigger than .25/.5 NL, but you could earn up to $100 extra a week in this promotion.

Since WSOP I dont remember party running any worthwhile promotions. They give away tickets to freerolls, but thats about it.

Player Segregation
Not gonna go too into detail on this because apparently it was eventually reversed in November, but basically if you were a high winrate player they made certain games with fish invisible to you. Proof of it happening:

some links:

Instituted 3% flat cashout fee to skrill/neteller and other e-wallet sites WITHOUT NOTICE
This was a big one. One day party just started charging 3% on all cashouts to skrill and other sites like neteller and webmoney. I had no other withdrawal options. I dont have player transfers on party, RBC closed my canadian bank account for being a poker player, and the same happened in other banks to other players, and I no longer have an apartment in Canada. After initially moving there for 6 months to get set up on sites, I just travel to Canada to grind online and rent places on airbnb. Skrill was my only option, and instituting this effectively stole 3% of the money I had on the site.

All in all Party is no longer a place I wish to grind due to all of these changes which is sad because for the first few months last year it was my favorite site to play on. The first few months on the site I was probably averaging about 50k hands, 6k profit, 6k rake paid. Basically I was making 6k + 2k rakeback = 8k a month + an extra $250-500 in their nice promotions. Assuming the same winrate, that would now decrease to 6k profit + 1200 rakeback (i bought the 20% bonus to clear my points and get off the site) = 7200*.97 = 6984, a decrease of ~1250-1500 for the same amount of volume. For higher limit players that made more money or guys that put in significantly more volume than me, this was definitely much much worse.

Releasing new software and in exchange wrecking the bonus system, no longer offering good promotions and taking 3% of every cashout is not a fair trade. I realize party will never offer the bonuses they used to, but in order to make right with customers they should cease charging the 3% cashout fee, start offering better monthly promotions than virtually worthless freerolls and to give reward bonuses to customers who put in lots of volume last year while they were busy screwing everyone over.

Note: This has nothing to do with party poker NJ. All of these changes were put into place before party was even up and running in NJ.

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Run worst ? by drone666, January 29

weird things happening
jan 22 I was going crazy from my badrun so I decided to travel with my gf to unwind and chill a little, maybe when I return my badrun is gone

so I came back yesterday, and when I enter my apartment there's a letter from the management company of the building, they are threatening to fine me if I continue to disturb other people from my building, they said I keep dragging furniture overnight and making noises, disturbing the other residents


and also, there was handwritten paper from the building manager saying something like this:

"I went to your apartment as we agreed, and you weren't at home
manager "

LOL, wtf ? with who that bitch spoke to ???

also, still getting stolen at the tables playing retards, sickest bad run ever

another thing:

some dude offered me a stake to play higher limits,
I still have bankroll to play nl200 ( not confortably ) but I think the good thing is that I wouldn't feel all this pressure of going busto and not having money to pay the rent, and I probably will be able to learn /move up much faster
tbh don't know anything about staking, the guy said it would last until I make 50 or 100k of profit, and initially it would be 50/50 because of the risk and then it would be something like 70/30 for me, this is a fair deal or what ?

anyway, I went to Rio de Janeiro, the women there are ugly as fuck compared to where I live, and the whole city smells like piss, follow my advice and don't go there
going to post some pics because people don't like to read whine blogs without pics:

sunset at the beach and Vidigal favela ( I guess ) behind with some random cliffs

me eating like a pig a dish for 3 people at some libanese restaurant


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Daily Fantasy Wednesday by Gadget, January 29

I'm going to try to make a little blog entry every Wednesday since it is the biggest NBA fantasy day of the week. I get off work at 4 and rosters lock at 7, so I spend most of that time researching and making lineups, so I'll try to keep this breif.

The first question today is whether to take LeBron/Durant tonight or not. I honestly don't think it's much of a question at all. They both have terrible matchups. OKC is a -15% defensive matchup vs SF's and MIA is a -11% matchup. That is an extremely severe decrease. Unless you're putting your money on the stars coming to play in the big game, the math doesn't add up for taking either of these guys.

MCW (8300) - Slightly negative matchup (-3.5%) but that number was generated with Avery Bradley in the Lineup. I think this is a +% matchup without Rondo and Bradley. Close spread is a plus as well.
Lowry (8100) - Slightly positive matchup. Spread is large, probably only playing him if DeRozan is out.
Knight (6500) - Positive matchup, but spread is high and minutes are questionable. Not a bad play though.
Augustin (6500) - Good matchup (+5%). If Hinreich misses Augustin will probably be in my lineup.

Ellis (7200) - Positive matchup (+3.5%), close spread, worried Beverly might guard him a good amount. Will be in my lineup in all liklihood.
Henderson (5700) - Positive matchup (+2.5%), should be getting more shots with Kemba out. Not many people will have him and he has a nice floor.

Green (5900) - You have to force a few Celtics into your lineup and Green seems to have the most stable role. Huge positive matchup (+17%) and a close spread.
Marion (5100) - His season average(24.3) is almost at his price value, close spread and a slightly positive matchup.

Davis (9700) - Averaging 2 more FP's than Love over the last 10 games and has a nuetral matchup. I like him over love for 1k less.
Nowitzki (8000) - Good plus matchup (+9%), and a close spread.

Jordan (7500) - He's averaging his price value over the last 10 (37.1), but the matchup is slightly negative and the spread is big.
Turiaf (3500) - Plug him in. Minimum salary, great matchup, proved that he will get good numbers last game when Pekovic got hurt.

A lot can change in the next 2 hours, these are my picks as of now. I registered for some golf this weekend. Let me know if you guys have any picks for that. I plan on doing a little research tonight.

*****Lot's of crazy inactives today. Here's my lineups

J Green
A Johnson


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Need 2 Diablo2 keys by Spitfiree, January 29

We re looking to play d2 with some friends but they seem to lack cd keys. Need both d2 + LoD Ill pay in PS if needed :D

Need 2 of each

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How to follow your LP posts and HH comments by Joeingram1, January 29

Wanted to write a little liquid poker psa that it took me about 6 years to figure out. I never knew how to do this for the longest time and I would end up commenting on something and forgetting what I commented on and then never reply or engage in any sort of conversation. Last week I discovered if you go to My Blog and then My Posts, the posts you commented on all come up and it tells you who had the last response and takes you right there. Really wish I knew about this a long time ago.

Also for PLO Hand Histories being posted on here. I've been posting on some HH's lately but the guy who posts the hand never comes back to it, which is a problem I used to have because I never knew how to track if something got commented on or if a new comment was posted. I'm more than happy to comment on PLO HH's that are posted but pleaseeeeee reply back lol, my last comments on hands were 3 questions just to see if anyone ever came back to check what they posted

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die die die by bigredhoss, January 29

my roommate i keeps eating these chips making maximum noise, i can hear them not just crunching but swishing and swirling inside his mouth as he loudly prepares to swallow them, then he smacks his lips, and it never stops because the second he's done lip-smacking he starts crunching, and it's so fucking loud i am going to suffocate him in h is sleep

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