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dvantages of internet based gambling through free by Kate Beckett, January 29

--- Nuked ---

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The Types of Online Games You Should Be Playing by Kate Beckett, January 28

--- Nuked ---

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nsa - snowden - interview jan 27 2014 by Highcard, January 28

Interview bullets points from this week. Full video at bottom
Apparently in the USA this is being censored or blacked out - unknown source

Here are some of the other interesting points he made in the interview:
"There have been thousands of violations of the National Security Agency and other agencies and authorities every single year."

Every time you pick up the phone, dial a number, write an email, make a purchase, travel on the bus carrying a cell phone, swipe a card somewhere, you leave a trace and the government has decided that it’s a good idea to collect it all, everything, even if you’ve never been suspected of any crime. Traditionally the government would identify a suspect, they would go to a judge, they would say we suspect he’s committed this crime, they would get a warrant and then they would be able to use the totality of their powers in pursuit of the investigation. Nowadays what we see is they want to apply the totality of their powers in advance - prior to an investigation.

"When you are on the inside and you go into work everyday and you sit down at the desk and you realise the power you have - you can wire tap the President of the United States, you can wire tap a Federal Judge and if you do it carefully no one will ever know"
"But what (the review boards investigating the illegal NSA programs) found was that these programs have no value, they’ve never stopped a terrorist attack in the United States and they have marginal utility at best for other things...The National Security agency operates under the President’s executive authority alone. He can end of modify or direct a change of their policies at any time."

I can track your username on a website on a form somewhere, I can track your real name, I can track associations with your friends and I can build what’s called a fingerprint which is network activity unique to you which means anywhere you go in the world anywhere you try to sort of hide your online presence hide your identity, the NSA can find you

However, it’s no secret that every country in the world has the data of their citizens in the NSA. Millions and millions and millions of data connections from Germans going about their daily lives, talking on their cell phones, sending SMS messages, visiting websites, buying things online, all of this ends up at the NSA and it’s reasonable to suspect that the BND may be aware of it in some capacity.

So realistically what’s happening is when they say there’s no spying on Germans, they don’t mean that German data isn’t being gathered, they don’t mean that records aren’t being taken or stolen, what they mean is that they’re not intentionally searching for German citizens. And that’s sort of a fingers crossed behind the back promise, it’s not reliable.

The problem there is you end up in a situation where government policies are being influenced by private corporations who have interests that are completely divorced from the public good in mind. The result of that is what we saw at Booze Allen Hamilton where you have private individuals who have access to what the government alleges were millions and millions of records that they could walk out the door with at any time with no accountability, no oversight, no auditing, the government didn’t even know they were gone.

If I am a traitor who did I betray? I gave all of my information to the American public, to American journalists who are reporting on American issues. If they see that as treason I think people really need to consider who do they think they’re working for. The public is supposed to be their boss not their enemy.

What he doesn’t say is that the crimes that he has charged me with are crimes that don’t allow me to make my case. They don’t allow me to defend myself in an open court to the public and convince a jury that what I did was to their benefit. The espionage act was never intended, it’s from 1918, it was never intended to prosecute journalistic sources, people who are informing the newspapers about information that’s of public interest. It was intended for people who are selling documents in secret to foreign governments who are bombing bridges who are sabotaging communications not people who are serving the public good. So it’s I would say illustrative that the president would choose to say someone should face the music when he knows the music is a show trial.

German TV Station NDR

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Fail? by DustySwedeDude, January 26

So I started out the month very well, mostly running good, and then I found out the hard way that playing 4zoom tables + 8 normal ones and running bad is a very bad combinations. Thus about 20k or something like that went up in smoke. Although, I've already made well over 100k VIP-points this year so that's something.

Gonna make sure to get some confidence back by playing 1/2 for 100k hands (ie, a month or so) and cut down on tables a lot. I think it'd be somewhat hard to lose on 1/2 if I actually play few enough tables so that I can pay a little bit of attention. Going to try and get hold of a really braggy 1/2 graph

On a more positive note the gold price and the miners (measured as the HUI) shows some signs of life. As I understand it gold actually broke out of a tightish trading range by closing at 1270 last Friday and the HUI has gained some 10% this year. This almost makes up for my crappy multi-tabling skills.

I'm still not convinced that this is the point when gold breaks up again, I'd rather venture to guess that it'll still be range bound between ~1180 and maybe 1350 or so for another few months but after that I feel there's a decent chance it'll break up again.

Starting to get the itch to play some donkaments too. A bunch of good ones tonight, maybe I'll try to ship on.

Oh, and the knives I bought. Apparently it's the ones they use on Masterchef: Australia, on of my favourite TV-shows. They're dope.

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vitamin question by bigredhoss, January 26

can anything bad happen from taking too much vitamins?

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Brag NSFW by 2primenumbers, January 25

-- ty for reading

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Brag by 2primenumbers, January 25

-- ty for reading

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stars 4 PP pls by k4ir0s, January 25

done. thx napoleono

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Rent by hiems, January 24

How much do you guys pay in rent? Curious what most pay in terms of fixed amount, % net worth, and % Income. How much value do you guys place in a nice/flashy/baller house, apartment, and neighborhood?

I am looking for apartments right now and I am not sure if I should do it like LemOn or Joeingram1. Someplace in between for sure but curious what your strategies are. Obviously it's a bit different for can still post your reasoning as it is still similar unless you have it primarily for investment/rental income purposes.

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Daily Fantasy Sports by Gadget, January 23

Is there any interest in daily fantasy sports here? I deposited $200 3 months ago and currently have ~$4400 playing mainly NBA, with some NFL and College Football as well. My edge has to be atleast 20%, if not more, I haven't actually sat down and calculated my stats yet though. If there is a decent amount of interest I will start posting a few times a week with some of my NBA plays, and the reasoning behind it.

Also, started playing live poker again now that I have a good job and can afford it. My local place has this WSOP qualifier thing that runs for 20 weeks, seems like pretty good value. Plus it's always been one of my goals to play in the main event.... I would be interested in some live staking for some larger events(~$200-$500), but I have never done that before and don't know all the specifics. I haven't posted since black friday, but I had a ~25% ROI with 20k in profit in tournaments. I can post the stats if there is any interest in staking. Let me know guys!

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live poker by K40Cheddar, January 22

Good day liquidpoker,

This week I've been on a trip to Vegas and have been enjoying myself thoroughly so far. I planned the trip not only to get away from the stress of everyday life but to see what it would be like to grind a ton of poker for a week with no restrictions on time or place. While I have enjoyed playing at many of the venues down here, I haven't been super successful. I regularly play 1/2 around the Chicago area and have had no problems there, though I feel people are slightly better down here in Vegas. The fact that you get so few hands per hour really eats at me. I feel like I'm getting a pretty small sample size as to how i'm doing and when I think about my sessions I find it difficult to pinpoint spots to improve. I don't know if it's just running bad or I just suck or maybe a little of both. I'm not going to go on about specifics with bad beats either because nobody gives a shit and understands its part of the game. I find it extremely tilting though when you play great for 5-6 hours and lose a massive pot later due to some random bullshit that is poker.

Anyone that plays live professionally is nuts in my opinion. Out of curiosity to any live pros out there, what are some things you do to keep yourself together mentally? Any activities or things you engage in that keep you motivated and inspired to grind? I find it difficult to pull out motivation.

Do you regularly log your sessions and review each one critically? How do you know when to stop while ahead or keep going? Do you set stop limits/earning limits on your sessions?

I am only asking this things out of interest from people who choose to do this as a profession. From my simple experience, it seems a lot more stressful and difficult than I imagined and I can only believe the difficulty probably escalates when you play stakes like 5/10 or 10/20.

Let me know if you guys have any thoughts.


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PS Res Duration by Spitfiree, January 22

I just got back to PS again, however they re doing a maintenance or reset atm. How long does that usually last before the tables start running again?

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PS Res Duration by Spitfiree, January 22

I just got back to PS again, however they re doing a maintenance or reset atm. How long does that usually last before the tables start running again?

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I'm an idiot by aCa_, January 22

So today I'm playing live 1/2, and to summarize I'm in a pot vs villan when he leads out for something like 12 in something like 120+ pot when I only had like 25 behind on the river where I binked the nuts. So obviously I go all in, but when I pushed my stack in the middle I kind of dragged my smaller stack behind my bigger stack so even though I pushed with one motion one could argue that it was kind of a string bet and I instantly regretted being lazy with that.

Anyways villan argued that it was a string bet since both stacks didn't cross the betting line at same time, but the dealer said that it was ok since she said it was one motion, but the guy still argued and started to ask for floor. So the dealer asked me if it was a big deal, and since I didn't want the hassle of getting a floor over and since I thought it was my fault for being lazy I just said it was fine and took my bet back from a shove to a call.

Then for some reason, in my head I thought he had folded before showing his hand, and was only showing what he folded and I threw my hand into the muck since before I realized that I just threw away the winning hand. That moment when you realize you just went full retard -_-. Anyways I just looked at the table at utter disbelief at what I just did, and didn't even bother trying to get my cards back because I knew once it hit the muck it was dead anyways. When the guy asked me what I had, I told him I had the nuts and probably from the way I reacted he believed me because he gave me $10 , after instantly leaving after the hand. Not really sure if he planned to hit n run, or if he felt bad and didn't want to play anymore but I didn't even care because it was my fault.

Anyways to cheer myself up I went to the food court downstairs to get myself a smoothie and while in line some random black dude taps me on the back walking by and says "it will be alright" so I must have looked heartbroken lol. I guess a lot of live players have done this before since the players next to me all said that they have done it and just said forget about it any keep playing, but it being my first time made me so angry and frustrated with myself I found it impossible to do so and I just got up and left from being so tilted. ughh

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Just saying... (Poll) by JosephCalgary, January 21

There should be places all across the world where you can go when you want to die. You go to these places, you self administer Nembutal, Pentobarbital Fall asleep, die in your sleep. Then have your organs harvested and get cremated. The organs pay for the process. More people who want to live, live, more who want to die, die. World is a place of less suffering.
Poll: Should these places exist?
(Vote): Yes
(Vote): No

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From the roof tops by 2primenumbers, January 21

-- ty for reading

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played NL1K by LemOn[5thF], January 21

so today i'm naturally stalking Zazano as usual, open all his 16 tables.
Then somehow accidentally tableninja2 sits me in on one of the fucking tables at NL1k out of nowhere when im not even playing poker just talking on skype and I fucking missclick squeeze tableninja sizing.

Before I realize what's happening at that this isnt nl16 I autoclick raise cause its a sick spot
+ Show Spoiler +

Im like wtf is this shit man did I just squeeze 9BIs? And why would I squeeze in the first place xD
Then I decide, what the fuck paid the blinds (AKA my regular one buy in) lets play the orbit

In the end I ended up getting some money back from none other than the person that caused this:
+ Show Spoiler +

Needless to say, when I'm on my deathbed I can be happy with my life as for a brief moment I flew with the eagles, I faced Gods. I hit and run run Zazano for five big blinds

What would I do if I get dealt QQ in late position and face a 3b and a decision for half my bankroll, we will never know.

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Giving away poker strategy in 2014 by Joeingram1, January 20

I went on a mini twitter rant yesterday about doing strategy videos on PLO and I wanted to write more about the idea of giving away poker strategy in 2014. People have been putting out strategy/training videos for years now, this isn't new. People putting out more and more PLO specific strategy videos is more of a new idea and something I was hoping would take as long as possible to actually start to take place. With RIO training site, I could see how it would make sense for the end game bosses like Phil and Odds to put out training videos while actually dicussing good, in depth strategy. The more action they get and the more people that could make it to playing 25/50+, the better for their overall bottom line, which is very debatable if that is actually true/false. What made me write those tweets yesterday is when I saw a PLO 200zoom video being put out by a new video maker. I watched a bit of it and then I became very confused as to why this guy would decide its ever a good idea to make a 1/2 zoom video that is his main game with the intention of making people better at playing zoom. I can't imagine this guy is getting paid anything close to the point where it makes any sense at all. I don't think many of the players who were around to watch as the NL games get progressively tougher years ago are the ones making PLO stuff now because they realize how fucking dumb it is. Maybe the reason is similar to what Marshall said in a post on here as to why he is making videos now. They are looking for respect from there peers and want to help others get better at the game. I think all video makers should watch videos from one of the guys that play on the Barcode account on Pokerstars (Hac Dang). The team of people that play on the account handled video making pretty perfectly. They attached there name on the site when it first launched to help there friend out and get more people to the site while putting out a couple vids each where they basically talked about nothing.

In isildroon last video he mentioned something about how more regulars are playing alot better now and the growth of other players game was going much quicker. It sounded like he was not sure as to why this might be happening but you never can be sure with accents. When one of the better regs in the games is putting out 2 videos a month playing a bunch of deep tables and going in depth into different things, what do you expect to happen to the games over a 6 month period??? It is seriously mind blowing that some of these guys on different sites are continuing to put content out there as they watch the games they play in get tougher and tougher directly because of them. I know as PLO continues to grow/become more popular and the regs are getting more and more experience the games difficulty will continue to increase faster but all of this makes that happen much much much faster.

I can see a bit more merit for some of the small stakes guys to put out videos but not too much more. The amount of money they might be making from doing these videos might actually be a big percentage of their overall bottom line and with the player pool being so large at the stakes they normall play, they don't have to worry as much about directly impacting the games they play in on a daily basis. Also the people that tend to watch these videos are usually of lower skill level so they will end up misapplying different concepts to their own game often enough. If I was a 100 or 200plo regular and poker wasn't my full time thing or in my near future, I would be tempted to put out videos on a regular basis as well if I could.

I think the obvious live poker equivalent for this is when people don't shut the fuck up about talking strategy/over hands at the table while the bad players are sitting there confused and the meh regs who breakeven/lose a bit might get encouraged to actually work harder at there game because of something you said and end up turning into winning regs. I read something that Alec Torelli wrote about it that I really agreed with and is basically saying the similar things I've been saying in this post

As I wrote a bit about in a few previous blog posts, I've been working on writing up different things for my website. The problem I've run into is that I've always been pretty anti-giving away strategy (read my 12k posts on 2p2 to confirm this) and many of the things I intend to write about are actually strategical type of things. None of it is really game specific strategy but as I was writing up something about how to set better poker goals for yourself and actually make a plan to achieve them I started thinking why the fuck I want to try to help people that make there money from playing poker (like I do) set better goals and work more efficient. I do have the desire to help people out but I just can't convince myself it is very smart to put out content that is going to help my direct competition or future direct competition be more effective in what we both do for a living. As I mentioned before, there is the chance that things I might suggest is completely wrong/bad and/or people are going to misapply the ideas completely, but I don't think it outweighs the times it helps take a breakeven small stakes player to a winning midstakes player. Instead I was thinking about writing up strategy that pertains to life, love, and happiness but even with that I think I might end up having too much of a positive impact. I do think I am overestimating the impact but if it is > 0 that is probably too much.

I guess it comes down to what type of person you want to be and what kind of impact do you want to try to have on others around you. Can you live with and accept that you might be making a certain area of your own life harder while potentially bettering others in many different ways beyond that specific area of your own life that you might be making harder. Poker is such a unique world to be in that anytime you help the people you are closest with your potentially hurting yourself. There is a bunch of merit to the idea that writing about these ideas and getting feedback will potentially having a bigger positive impact on myself than could be measured but I'm not entirely sure I believe that yet. I think I will end up focusing more on entertaining content with some life strategy and less on trying to make others more successful poker players.

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Bravo vs. Royler 2 by PuertoRican, January 20


The official Metamoris 3 stream is 50% off until January 31st ($10 instead of $20).

Date: Saturday, March 29th, 2014
Metamoris 3 commentators: Kenny Florian and Jeff Glover.

Fight Card

Eddie Bravo vs. Royler Gracie
Rafael Mendez vs. Clark Gracie
Keenan Cornelius vs. Vinny Magalhaes
Dean Lister vs. Renato "Babalu" Sobral
Gui Mendes vs. Samir Chantre
Zak Maxwell vs. Sean Roberts

Official website:

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WTB a TableNinja 1 key! by eaue, January 20

Got one now, thanks!

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