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I'm Back! by kantoiki, January 20

So after several years of quitting poker to take studying more seriously, travelling, and now working full time I'm back.

But just for fun.

Its nice to see some familiar faces around still from years ago, wonder what everyone is doing now in their lives?
Still playing poker full time, working or studying?

Anyway so I'm back, not instead of a job, not as a extra source of income but just for fun.

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Ecuador Trip Report by 2primenumbers, January 19

-- ty for reading

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Holy crap by TalentedTom, January 18


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Javascript Poker Bot Competition/Library by Rinny, January 18

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Recovery random blog by LemOn[5thF], January 18

SUp people last week was rly bad spewed loads, got tired, really bad diarrhea played like 2.5hrs/average per day was throwing shit across the room didn't feel like playing.

thought I'd share mah recovery over past 2days: (lost bout the same in a 10 day period prior)
- played through tilt, made shitloads of mistakes, spewed many stacks.
- logged off skype
- didnt watch any videos
- pushed volume by force even when I really didnt feel like it
- did lots of de-tilt stuff. I wanted to scream and throw stuff like I did thursday when I got sucked out on again but instead covered my face with a hoodie, bit it with my teeth closed eyes and took deep breaths to 10 and insterted logic
- consciously realized I was emotionally charged as fuck, and focused on not adding to that by any spots.
- I avoided regs that were aggressive that I spewed stacks for no reason to because they added to my emotional charge. Same when someone stacked me a few times I just left table when I felt like I'm getting negative emotions
- listened to jack canfield fucking awesome audio book and book the success principle. MOst important thing is that everything is my responsibility, I am accountable for everything I do in my life it goes like
Events+Your reaction=Outcome
And since there is exactly nothing you can do about events like getting sucked out on in poker, you need to focus 100% energy on your reaction to the events and that's what (in the long run) is the only thing that changes your outcome.

Finally got my body in balance after it was drained with that diarrhea thing - I was eating shitloads of pasta veg and chicken and multivits to load back on nutrients over the past 2 days and finally I feel like I have my energy back after 2weeks I feel pumped up for the gym once more.

GL people's at the weekend

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Share your losses for the year so far by LikeASet, January 17

Down about 1575$ playing nl 300 live so far for the year.

Fuck this fuck fack fark fux flux,

let me bask with other currently losing players > o <

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Sweaty palms by jvilla777, January 17

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PLO Vegas by KeyleK_uk, January 16

Hi LP! Hope all is well.

I have really concentrated on PLO for the last year or so and am feeling very rusty in holdem. I'm looking to play 2/5 PLO in vegas probs gonna start with 100bb sits until I get a good feel for whats going on. I am going to vegas with 5 friends 27th Jan - 11th Feb.

Does anyone have any suggestions of good places to play PLO in vegas, obviously fish and/or lower rake is really what I'm after (eV I guess) rather than a nice room etc

Thanks in advance for replies.

EDIT: Looks like we're going through venetian deepstack series, so I guess that will probs be the best place to play?

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bit of live poker. by carlosdiaz, January 16


It's been a long since I don't play online, I used to be a breakeven player, used to make around 700-1k/month with rb grinding micros-mid stakes, quit 2-3 yrs ago.
I think it is worth a mention poker has always been my 2nd income.
I kept playing live just because I really love the game, I've more success playing live, since September 2013 I started keeping track of my live sessions since I started to visit a casino at the US, so far I've been playing NL200 at Casino del Sol @ Tucson, Arizona. I live in the north of México, it's a 4 hours drive to get there and I usually stay there for 3-4 nights (I get free room for 5 hours @ poker daily)
So far I've done 7 visits and these are the results:

+ Show Spoiler +

This is in $MXN, 1USD = 13MXN so it's around 6k usd which for 5 months of playing is almost 3x the std salary where I live for a 180hours/month job.

Gotta say the obvious, live is much easier than online as I can recall, I play much less hours and make more profit, games are pretty easy there, mostly play vs 50+ old pals which has no clue what they're doing, I just play ABC, value all my hands, make discipline folds and I never get out of line, I barely bluff, I've gained a lot of discipline which I lacked of in my online years.

I know nothing about live bankroll management but I have 5.2k in my bankroll and I just got a couple of nights very cheap @Vegas (22usd @hooters) next week, so instead of staying in Tucson I decided to give NL500 a shot, since there's only NL200 in Tucson, any recommendation would be great of where to play in Vegas.
I've been there 2 times and mostly played NL200@MGM in which I think games were pretty soft, but have 0 experience @NL500.

Anyway that's it so far, I will keep blogging to keep track of my thoughts/results about poker and hopefully I'll write more about my life since I think it's a good excercise, not for you but for me

GL n HF at life.

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Some PCA pics by locoo, January 16

PCA is pretty cool for LP since our own Ryan Daut won it so here you go some pics of the place for those who hasn't go there yet. The Atlantis Resort is a pretty amazing place, hope I can go there on vacation for sure.

I got a bit more but couldn't upload more maybe day cap, will try later.

Gl all

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Recap by FallinInLove, January 15


I did not post update in my blog for 3 and half years (wow, how the time flies) but its interesting to read some of my older stuff. I was kinda desperate, living with my parents, just ended my bw career and was playing very low stakes of fullring. A lot of things have changed.

I grinded my way up to midstake, took some shots at 5-10, but played mostly 200nl 6max in my career. I also satellite in some tourneys and played PCA Main, WSOOP Main, EPT Prague Main, RED Dragon(Macau) Main. I did quite good and cashed a bit. It also allowed me to travel a bit. I visited Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, Macau, Thailand etc. I lost all of my poker drive mostly because I did not spend too much of my money, because I felt like I did not need anything. And when you don't spend your money, and you don't need any money, grinding seems kinda pointless. I still enjoy the big tourneys, because you get to travel and meet interesting people.

I always struggle with purpose in life(like all the semi intellectuals that got plenty of time on their hands). Never felt like I belong somewhere and figured out who I actually am. This is mostly due to loosing 10 years of my development years to Starcraft. But slowly I am working on myself. Figuring the things I like, what kind of people I like to be around, What are the social rules. You know its hard. But mostly I am learning to become grateful. Grateful for all the free time, poker, opportunities, health, my family, and this beautiful world around me.

Since Its after the new year and you should set yourself with some goals, mine go like this:

1. Figure out where I want to live and get myself a place of my own(I never had a place of my own for the last 3 years, just traveled and rented), its nice to have your own place(and stuff) you can come back to.
2. Get in shape! (this is VERY important for sooo many reasons)
3. Get some social circle running. (When you travel, Its hard to keep your friends)
4. Create, don't be just a consumer. This is a very big thing for our generation. We consume everything: Video games, Movies, TV Series, poker. We just watch and use, we don't create enough.
5. I still think I wont find a better income in next few years, that i can get from poker, that is why I will continue to work on my game.

Thank you for reading.

Tomas (Maix, 29y old, 15.1.2014, Bangkok)

See you in next three and half years.

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4-5 Week break from LP by mnj, January 15

Randomly took a break because I was away from my desktop due to holidays and moving (for job).

And this is prob the most passively effective I've ever been in my life (not even exaggerating).

1. I picked up french on android app "Duolingo" and have been putting 30 minute sessions a day usually while taking a shit or waiting on random stuff like restaurants or coffee.

2. Ran a half marathon after training 4 weeks. Took me 2 hours 18 minutes. Running's been kind of addicting for me, after at age 25 being diagnosed with worriesome blood pressure ~140 mg/90. The way the doctor explained it to me was, yea it's prob ok for now, but when your 50, you really will want to reach 75 so go ahead and start now. Everyone has around 1.8 billion beats in their hearts, and the harder it is for ur heart to pump, the more resistance (aka high blood pressure) the more beats it takes per day. multiply this over 20 years, and its easy to see why you wont make it to 70 when u should be living to 100. Also running has been addicting. I've never enjoyed running even after training for a triathlon. But lately I've been doing a set time vs a set amount of miles. This way it's lost time anyway, and I should look to leisurely run and build my endurance.

3. Started playing guitar, and picked up a lot of songs. Cry me a river, hallelujah, say something, hey jude were all surprisingly easy to play!

4. Reached 4.3k on bovada! Really soft tables, and as a matter of fact fish get bigger as u reach .5/1, this allowed me to buy a surface pro2 and macbook pro and a mac thunderbolt display (all through my brother's bestbuy discount!).

5. Pretty good video. I think it's honestly prob worth a few thousand dollars for the students who are currently interviewing/looking for jobs

6. Pretty good economics article on government owned vs privately owned.

I remember there was a thread where TT got flamed over some opinions and ppl kind of dog piled on him after he said something questionable about economics or something. i just wanted to say that I learned economics through school. And part of the beauty of it was a) how logical everything was and b) how wrong I was about a lot of common phenomenon. Economics can definitely be tricky and it's a different way of thinking then what we've learned growing up. Everyone's acting like they were fucking born knowing economics or were self taught. Well honestly congrats if u somehow did self teach urself economics and ur prob a freaking genius, honestly. but for those few who are interested here's what i consider a very reasonable article detailing one of the beauties of capitalism (how demand is met with socially efficient amount of supply, without anyone having to say a word)

7. finally finished infinite jest. when i first picked it up 1-2 years ago, it was so damn hard to read at first. but it's a book like no other. even if ur just looking at the way the book has been organized. i've read in interviews that dfw had a poster of some pyramid fractal, and thought "i wonder if i can write a book like that". well he basically did. the book jumps from here and there. and because of that you can actually read the book from any page. i prob read 75% of it, but because of the structure never really felt the need to finish it. but after being home with so much time i ended up reading the whole thing. think there's a time in most people's lives when reading this book would be meaningful.


gl and keep productive lp!
i'll prob still check this site out once a week but not too sure about posting. most of my posts are pretty worthless and meaningless haha.

and i also want to randomly say/point out, for those of us where poker didn't work out i almost want to say we're the lucky ones. i think were forced to go back to reality and forced to grow and interact with it. i don't want this to come across as an anti-poker comment, but honestly, if you're a successful poker player, there is so much to be proud of. you're doing something successfully that less than 1% of the population can do. but at the same time, there is no doubt in my mind, that with those skills you could have accomplished something even greater. naturally this is pretty subjective and perhaps for some of you, given the countries your living in, poker was the best method possible. but when i see the posters on lp, there is some fucking talent and it's really easy for me to see the majority of you guys living full, kind, productive lives.

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Lé Goals by NewbSaibot, January 15

Joe recently talked about the importance of goals in poker, to which I added my only little take about how I set winstops as a goal to stay focused and positive. Most people dont advocate this, but I still wanted to talk about it just because it has been helping me a lot lately.

So take a look at this giraffe eating grass:

I always have the ugliest graphs because I'm never consistent with anything and just play in my spare time. What you see happening here though are a series of trends directly correlated to my goal oriented sessions vs my freeplay sessions. Basically, at each of the spots where you notice a downward trend are days where I completely ditched my goals and started playing with no particular purpose (other than to win money). For instance switching to HU, or PLO, or normal ring games, or higher stakes. What happened was that for no particular reasons I just said "lets try something new to day", most likely out of boredom I suppose. And on each of those days, I just started clicking buttons trying to learn the game. It's understandable I might fail at foreign game types like HU or PLO, but even the ring games where I had no winstop always ended in me losing several buyins.

Every time I would finish these losing sessions tilted wondering wtf happened. There was always some degree of self-imposed jackassery involved, coupled with tilt and just bad hand selection. But I never knew why I'd suddenly begin playing like this. I still dont honestly, without any goal to look forward to I just lose track of everything I'm doing and start doing stupid shit like fancy play and so on.

The converse being every time you see an upward trend is when I went back to setting winstops. I'd say "lets hit $100 tonight, that'd be nice, that sounds doable at NL25" and just proceed from there. By the simple act of having to watch my bankroll grow another $100 I'd do everything in my power to win. You know, stuff like proper hand selection, no hero calls, no big bluffs, etc. The real kicker is, no matter how those sessions ended, I'd always leave feeling good. Most of the time I'd actually hit my goal, which would serve as excellent motivation for the next day. The times I'd lose wouldnt even phase me. I'd just shrug it off and say "cant win em all, back at it tomorrow". I'd never lose more than 4 BI's at a time so I guess I had a stoploss as well. Now you might wonder why I dont just keep going after I hit $100 & renegotiate my goal. Well that wouldnt work because I'm so fucked up I'd know I was cheating and then start playing sloppy. I really need the feeling of success at the end of the night to stay motivated to play the next day, and to stay motivated to hit my goal. If I dont have a goal in sight then the motivation drops. But just like any sport, when you are so close to victory you find yourself trying extra hard to reach the finish line. In poker this translates to even stricter attention given at the tables.

Anyway I hope to condition myself with a series of winning sessions that result in a permanent positive attitude more or less, so that I can then remove this cap I have placed on myself and rely on my experience to just win win win with no end in sight.

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done with spaghetti by bigredhoss, January 14

shit is fucking impossible to eat, why do they make it so long

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2013 Year in review by thewh00sel, January 13

Welcome 2014!

Something odd happened in 2013; odd for a poker player anyways...It was eerily consistent with 2012. I made approximately the same amount of money, and played about the same amount of hours.

2012 Hours played: 1734
2013 Hours played: 1808

2012 Income from cash games: 137.5k
2013 Income from cash games: 153.5k

2012 tourney results: 33 played, -33k
2013 tourney results: 43 played, -64k (although in reality only about 40k of this is money I spent, the rest was selling action, still an annoying loss of roughly 30% of my income on MTTs)

I am now playing 10/20NL about half of the time, and hopefully will be playing it full time by the WSOP. Had a couple REALLY sick sessions last week that I may or may not blog about, but basically it was just me running well and other people going insane. Matched up well for me. Ended up being two sessions of 10/20, one 7.5 hours long and one 5 hours long; total profit: 41k. Yep, 2,050 big blinds in 12.5 hours of poker. Sick life.

I'm not sure how much time I'll have to play poker now with the new baby here and her mom going back to work in a week or two so I've been thinking about other avenues of income that I can do from home while still watching two kids. Online poker seems possible but not likely since it requires me paying too much attention. Things I've been considering:

-Day trading. Been dabbling a little bit in day-trading bitcoin with mixed success. Mostly just been buying on Margin and when it goes up selling and using the profits to buy real BTC, but don't completely know what I'm doing yet. I'd like to get into real day trading in the markets as I have a friend who does it and says there are some spots where retail traders can have an edge over institutions since they have certain restrictions and things they can't dabble in. So I'm going to get into that a bit I think.

-Sports betting. Been dabbling in this already by getting picks from people and what not. I was thinking about doing my own handicapping, but I think it's far easier to find people who give out free picks and just basically grind free info from local sharks who bet for a living since I live in Vegas. For instance, I knew someone who had a huge 200k bet on the 49ers to beat carolina so I tagged along a unit on that bet and it came through. Have a futures bet on the patriots to win the superbowl at 8 to 1 and I bet it again when it was 10 to 1, so I got a sweat there when they play the broncos this week.

Those two things seem like something I can do while watching young kids at home and potentially develop an edge. Beats grinding forums all day long.

2014 goals:

Pay off auto loans of ~16k

Put a dent in student loans of ~60k

Invest ~25-30k outside of any day-trading or sports betting ventures.

Play a few less tournaments during the WSOP (and win one)

1800 hours of cash games

Save up enough of a down payment to consider buying a rental property in Vegas in 2015 if the opportunity arises

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Pretty good day. by napoleono, January 13

+35 dollars from KOs in the first tourney, which I finished 5th.

After this I flopped 2 overs+SD, but didnt get it in for some reason (im dumb) and ofc didnt hit any of my outs and he got ahead. Then got in my last 7 bbs with QJs into QQ. Oh well, there it goes a 50$ SNG. Had like an insane amount of final 2 tables on 888 the last couple of days, hopefully will start to ship some asap.

Oh, and another MTT on stars, got 35th or so for another 3x,xx$. It was an 11$ which i misregged cause the list does not update, you have to scroll up and down.

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40 dollar for free from pokerstrategy by budwar, January 13

--- Nuked ---

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cue pending downswing? by gawdawaful, January 12

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My poker diet by LemOn[5thF], January 12

I never realized how huge impact your diet can have.

For the past 6weeks my landlord was redoing the bathroom and kitchen so I was without fridge, microwave and freezer and couldn't cook much cause there were always builders and dust in the kitchen.

My diet consisted of
- pasta with ketchup/eggs sometimes just pasta
- sausages
- instant mash potatoes, instant soups
- ham, cereal bread
- protein powder
- plain porridge
- meals with family (christmas etc.)

My bowel movements were all over the place, energy levels down i felt heavy a lot cause I ate close to no light food and had trouble sleeping.

I'm so freaking relieved and when I found out last night that my fridge works and kitchen can be used again I had to go refill on normal stuff.
I was never excited about shopping like I have been today, felt a little gay but it felt so good to buy food I like again.

I don't go full paleo, and I don't count calories. Poker diet is all about being practical, carbohydrates help with production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for balanced mood and self-control and steady levels should be a priority. Only wholewheat pasta and porridge for carbs is brutal tho hard on the stomach as I found last 6 weeks, I'll still use them moderately but last 6 weeks showed me the importance of easily digestible fibre containing carbs tat veg and fruit have - you just feel a lot lighter. Got bananas, oranges and some added fibre cereal bars for snacking - need to keep that carb intake balanced and not load 30 minutes before bed as I've been doing last few weeks with pasta (lead to shitty sleep)

Got my chicken breasts, canned tuna, 10%fat pork meat, dried soy meat and eggs for my brotein, they are rly good for recovery if you lift and help you feel fuller for longer. Proteins also help with production of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that regulates motivation an

Monosaturated fat helps with production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine that is critical for learning and memory. It does keep you full as well I hear so got my extra virgin olive (gigitty) oil, peanut butter, pumpkin seeds and some fish for that.

I don't count calories, don't have an eating schedule since I workout randomly sometimes come home 23pm. Most food lasts long - frozen chicken, vegetables, canned fish, cucumbers, i buy bananas that are greenish. Basically it's all about simplicity. I don't have strict rules or anything for me it's more about eating the right stuff and getting into a habit of doing so and having fun in the process. I'll still keep protein shakes for after workouts and b6 b12 supp they seem to up my energy without the negative effects of caffeine.

Well let me guys know what you think, and how you go about creating a diet.

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Target that fish by NewbSaibot, January 11

I've been playing off a hand chart lately to tighten up my game and have nailed down 24/18/6 stats which seems to be working well for me the last few thousand hands. Pretty much any flop I hit I smash so I like this hand range. But on a few occasions I've had direct position on a 100% vpip drooler and feel like I should be opening up my game a little, but not sure quite how much. Should I just proportionally scale up my range to around 30%? More? Or just keep doing what works, miss out on all the small/medium pots, and hope he pays me off big when I finally hit.

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