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Happy 2014 by spets1, January 08




Happy 2014 everyone. We made it.

Bitcoin price 794 on BTC-e.

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Good second session! by Luckb0xx, January 07

I hope I can continue with these blog-entries for a while.. a good third session, fourth and so on.. i wouldnt mind

played several mtts on today with absolutely no cashes.. along with the miniFTOPS, the 26$ 12k$ and the 11$ 5k$ superstack on Full Tilt

yay me

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Was about to make a deal when we were down to HU, i had 2M he 1M, he declined after all, then he doubled through me w/ 44 vs my 99 pfai but then I got incredibly lucky lol.. like literally.. but u know.. my username meeh ;P

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~ Luckb0xx.

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VICE: Kim Dotcom by PuertoRican, January 07

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Good first session of 2014 by Luckb0xx, January 06

Since I dont have the time to play a lot or at least can't tell yet i wont set any goals for the year nor did for 2013 pokerwise

still yesterday i played the million on since i won a ticket, busted early but also opened upthe 3$R on, since thats the most profitable tournament of my life lol (like 5 final tables, shipped once for 6k$)

Was a good decision to borrow 10 bucks from a friend to at least play this one tourney on eu:
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Happy new year everyone! :D

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2013 by player999, January 06

Had a lot of fun this year, travelled a lot, exercised much more and just had a healthier lifestyle overall, also gf moved in which was cool.

Poker-wise, a lot of mixed feelings, worst results since 2010. For the SNGs I learned sooo much and got 100x better mostly for spending the whole year battling regs instead of playing fish so much. But even then the results are kinda poor for the amount of games played, less than 1% ROI before rakeback, didn't run that much under EV so just have to believe in the crappy card distribution...

And then I failed the 500k VPP goal and made 445k... could have shipped some extra dollars with some better planning for it.

But its all good

Can't complain about the MTT results, but I still feel a little bit disappointed since I had an incredible amount of FT bubbles paying 30k+ 1st. Overall I ran pretty well though.

The worst part of it is how boring playing poker everyday gets, but I assume anything you do for a long time gets boring. I'll probably be the guy with 1 million SNGs played in a decade I guess. As long as I don't let upcoming noobs beat me, and I think I'm doing a great job at stomping them back to $30 games.

Best of luck to all in 2014

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2013 and 2014 by DustySwedeDude, January 05

So 2013 was kind of a shit year. Was up 150k halfway and lost most of it back the other half. Also down a bunch in stocks and overall I lost a fair bit of money due to some spending issues. I did take some good things with me though:

1. First Live final table, cashed for like 10k or whatever in Unibet Open Copenhagen.
2. Won a little bit in live cash games.
3. Had some decent runs in Sunday tournaments.
4. Got my HSDB-page in the green.
5. Got a little bit better at this PLO-thing.

Bad things included the following:

1. Did not play as many live tournaments as I would've liked.
2. Did not make as much money as I would've liked.
3. Messed up various crap for various reasons.

During 2014 I want the following:

1. Get SNE by the end of October or mid November.
2. Play a lot of sunday donkaments.
3. Maintain some kind of reasonable win rate over a million hands or whatever number I end up playing.
4. Lower variance over time by stricter bankroll-managment and fewer months with less then 70k hands or something played. Aiming at doing at least 100k hands per month when not travelling or otherwise engaged .

So far this year I've played just over 25k hands of 1/2-3/6 and I'm up like 11.5k + rakeback, which is a very nice start of the year. Wish me luck to keep it up

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2013 recap by iop, January 04

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december by drone666, January 01

can't beat nl50 lol

good month, the brag is that I put a lot of hours, made 150 hours in the month which is my record, was aiming for 200h and I made 100hours in the first 14 days but the holidays fucked me up

feels really good to run over EV/not run like shit as I was

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Year end blog by napoleono, January 01

It's been one hell of a year!

At the start of 2013, it has been only a couple of months since I moved to the capital of Romania, Bucharest, to be employed for the first time and do a masters programme. Had 3 months of experience and the auditing season just begun. Its been some of the hardest months of my life till now, working 55-60 hours/week (I think I've even blogged about it at one point), then taking courses in the weekend and having exams every 3 weeks. Everything went okayish in the end and managed to get a decent average at uni, top 3 out of 35, so this year I don't have to pay tuition (yay 1.5k euros saved). Then summer came around and we've been preparing for the wedding, while working semi-light - I was content at how things were going at this point of the year. However, the nasty surgery intervened, so I had some stress just a couple days before the wedding. Looking back at it, it was the perfect moment to get it out, as I hadn't had any problems ever since, I can eat, drink anything without having to worry about feeling super sick and not being able to sleep at night.

Autumn came around and having more free time, got me back into poker again - but this time I've started playing MTTs and studying quite some. I can finally say I had my first year of poker where I ended up in the green. Have played quite a lot, but the lack of a big score cut back my motivation, but I still play every now and then. I figure I should learn much more and hopefully I can put more effort into this in the new year.

Pokerstars MTTs graph:

FTP graph:

888 cash:

I have some cash played at PS and FTP as well, up around 50-80 bucks. I've played whenever a spotted a huge spewer at the MTTs and followed him to cash tables (bumhunting, I guess?). I also luckboxed a huge 900 bb pot against a PS pro in a zoom promo, which brought me 130$. All in all a pretty good year. I started with a 15$ deposit in October and grinded it up to 1100 at max, atm sitting around 920 - for the last month it's been quite a rollercoaster ride, ups and downs, but still fun.

Also I've been to my first ever LAN event, dreamhack bucharest - so much more fun than expected!

Me and the handsome Artosis:

The even sexier Apollo:

People playing starcraft:

kt.Flash and SK boss:

Too bad for these 2 pals in the pic, but the other were so goddamn busy all the time - too much awesomeness for 1 pic though (Grubby and Day9):

Hyun, a fashion role-model :D

Marriage is effing awesome - its just a whole another level when you find THAT girl. I hope all of you can experience this feeling one day.

My goals for 2014 is to have an even better year than this one - it will be REAL hard as some of my coworkers left the company, so we are less people for almost the same amount of work, also I'm finishing my masters degree so I have to prepare a graduation paper till July, but hopefully all will be OK and will get over it. As for poker, I will have less time in the first half of the year because of the above mentioned reasons, but I really hope I'll manage to skill-up my play and finally ship that 1k+ tourney.

Thanks guys for being awesome, I feel like during 2013, I've managed to somewhat become a part of this community, even if it's not a numerous one, but still with mostly awesome people, whose success gives me motivation to try harder. Special mention goes to Mortensen for staking me for some tourneys above my bankroll, hopefully we will be back even stronger in 2014!

Have a super awesome year guys and keep crushing!

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Oct-Dec & End of year round-up by ToT)MidiaN(, December 31

During October I completely lost my interest in this game. I had attained my 300k VPP milestone on PokerStars and withdrew all my bankroll. As far as I was concerned I was done with PokerStars for the year. I didn't blog my results as I had stopped caring and felt that it was pointless. Early in November I made a very small deposit on iPoker and intended to just grind a few tables there for not many hours, but expected that due to weaker games and increased focus due to 4 regular tables vs the usual 8 zoom tables I've been playing this year that I'd still make a decent amount of money just through having a much better winrate. I couldn't always even find 4 tables running so I barely played there at all and moved back to PokerStars mid-late November. At this point I decided that if I'm going to play on PokerStars I mayaswell make an effort to hit the 400k VPP milestone target. I needed to make about 100k VPPs in ~45 days which, playing 8 tables split between 100NL zoom and 200NL zoom would take me a little over 3 hours a day. This seemed doable. I am unbelievably lazy and struggle immensely to find motivation though, so as time went on the amount I needed to play just kept getting higher and higher due to me falling behind a seemingly "easy to maintain" pace. With just a few days left this year I needed to be playing 6 hours a day, and knowing that I would be going out tonight to get smashed, I would have to get above that and only leave myself with a small amount of time left on New Year's Eve. I actually did it, but even maintaining 6+ hours a day for 4 days has already caused a lot of stress haha. Mad respect to people who make SNE, seriously. Anyway, I've finally hit my 400k VPP milestone just now and here are my Oct-Dec results aswell as my end of year results (Screenshot intensive obv):

October Cash:

October MTT:

October Results:
Cash: +$1,547.85
MTT: -$74.80
Overall: +$1,473.05

November Cash:

November MTT:

November Results:
Cash: +$2,908.90
MTT: -$1,209.44
Overall: +$1,699.46

December Cash:

December MTT:

December Results:
Cash: +$8,633.43
MTT: +$323.09
Results: +$8,956.52

2013 Cash:

2013 MTT:

2013 Results:
Cash: +$39,695.93
MTT: -$7,764.01
VIP Milestone + Miscellaneous Bonuses: +$10,600 (Maybe missing some out, not sure)
FPPs: ~1,400,000 (+$22,400)
Overall: +$64,931.92

Obv some run good in terms of winnings vs EV at 500NL zoom and to some degree at 200NL zoom, though I think my EV is underestimating my winrates as both of those stakes. I had a ~300k breakeven stretch at 200NL zoom with lots of run bad at D game play due to tilt. I would be amazed if I'm <2 EV bb/100 there over 1mill+ hands and would be surprised if I was <0 EV bb/100 over 1mill hands of 500NL zoom, where I feel I had an unreal bad run in terms of situations over those 100k hands. I feel far short of the monetary goals I had for myself, but $65k is about £40k and that's a lot better than I'd be doing if I wasn't playing poker so I can't grumble too much.

2014 goals are to decrease # of cash tables to 4 zoom or 6 regular aswell as decreasing hours. I hope mainly that this will increase enjoyment and lower stress. I want to feel more involved in the game than I do at the moment where I'm just robot moding 8 tables at my B-D game seemingly just to make rakeback. I would like to improve my MTT game, and probably aim to put more hours into MTTs than Cash next year, just hoping to luckbox a big MTT so I can quit poker and move on. I think my long term future in poker is probably going to be based on playing some live MTTs while working some other job or studying some course so I really wanna get better at them so I can both profit and enjoy them. I'm going to start working out and dieting again in a hope to feel better mentally and physically on a day to day basis. Cutting down on alcohol will help this also. And lastly I'd like to start making some active progress towards my next step after I'm done with poker, even if this just means deciding on a course to start in 2015, as long as I get to the end of 2014 with a solid idea of what I want to do I will feel one step closer to ending the misery that is being an online poker professional hah. That's pretty much it for this year. I don't think I'm going to keep this blog going next year. I really only made it this year to keep track of my progress and use it as a way to motivate myself into playing better and playing more. But I don't think it's had any such effect, really all it has done has wasted me however many hours I've spent on typing these posts out.

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2013 by LemOn[5thF], December 31

It was my 7th year in Scotland, first after I broke up with my ex-gf of 4years. She was kinda the reason why I stayed in Edinburgh in the first place - our common language was English.

Job I rly liked stop paying us, wasn't enough work and the entire office is now gone.
I was burnt out, felt rly bad because of that, was eating rly badly and fell completely out of shape.
It was even worse than this
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October year before I decided I'm gonna grind some poker on the side for funzies from $50 and now I had to pay bills with it. So when my manager/flatmate decided to move to London I knew I'd move on from Edinburgh. I had some job offers for 26keur/y+comission from Ireland, and with a good degree and 2+y experience in sales/finance I'd get easily get a decently paying job and could continue the grind in the UK.

But I knew if I do that I'd stick at it and would hardly get the chance to do something that was originally planned to happen after 2 semesters in Scotland - move back to Czech Republic, at least for a few months.

So in August I just threw all my stuff had away (my russian neighbours took all my stuff like 5 minutes after I put it next to garbage outside xD), bought an airplane ticket and without savings moved to Czech Republic and stayed with my sister for a few months. I made enough to cover expenses with part time pokering while catching up with friends, starting floorball again at a local team and after looking at the local job market and rents decided - what the hell I can actually do it and it;s pretty much the only option that allows me to try playing sports on a high level again and stay in mu home town - Ima play poker fulltime :D

It took me October to get set up in my new $200/mo flat and since November I've been playing poker fulltime. Since them I dropped some 10kg, got under 90kg for the first time in some 4years
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Things I have improved poker wise
- Started thinking in ranges again when playing A game
- I still tilt, but my C game is WAY better than it used to be. I used to have 10-15BI money spew sessions, and now even in drawn out full retard sessions the mistakes I make are so much less frequent than when I played nearly fulltime as a student. The job in sales helped heaps in that aspect, its was pretty much the same -hard way to make an easy living as some 80people would reject you every day and you sign up 2-4 for good moneyz.
- started my strategy thread where I write down what I learned including hand reviews. I think working too much on theory is harmful and I tried to avoid that and work on my own game instead, and record only quality resources that I can review afterwards.
- improved mindset. I listened to this:
this and it rly helped in terms of being okay with what I am. I'm comfortable with myself as a person and I must say compared to other people I'm like Jesus Christ :D. I simply decided that I take enough negatives at work in terms of lost pots (read my blog on attitude) that I'm not gonna be negative outside poker. Normal people don't get this but but I got closer to the mindset of "if you don't like something in your life, change it and if you can't or unwilling to do so, just learn to accept it"
- and probably the greatest and hardest accomplishment ever - Deleted dota and didn't touch it in over 2 months. This probably mad the biggest difference in my life as it freed up so much time it's incredible.

2012 graphs:
pre-purge hobby play next to work etc, from $50:
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Since new flat and grinding FT in November.
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+ made 40 bucks at NL100 (have PT4 small stakes only ;p)
+ got some $200 from $90 at microgaming. Sunk way too much time into 10Euro blaze poker I must say :D
+ rakeback, and around $1200 profit from tourneys.

Arbitrary things I want to work on in 2014. I am looking into proper goal setting in scholarly research but it's not finalized yet and it might take a couple months.
1) Thought process - plan range based not 2 card based. This is entirely in my sub-concious and my mind evaluates every spot in terms of their range and my range then uses my 2 cards.
I can play both pure exploitative or pure near gto in any spot.
2) Time management. I only spend time productively, when not playing or studying or talking about poker I read/hang with friends/excercise/walk/spend time with family and when I play poker, I only focus on poker.
3) I eat regularly and have strong healthy eating habits
4) I am fit enough to match or better any other goalkeeper in the highest Czech floorball division physically.
5) I have friends or coaches in the poker community with which I set goals and challenges every month, and I push myself to my maximum every day.
6) I know I work harder than any regular who I sit with at the tables.
7) My game is strong from the top bottom but also from the bottom up.
I continue to keep record of my C game and every month I summarize previosu month and take actions improve my c game as shown in my spew thread

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Lifestyle of a poker player by Nitewin, December 31

If you could make 5-10k from online poker every month, what would your life be like? I'm 26, living with my parents, and have little life experience. What's my most +EV move? I feel like your job is a huge part of your lifestyle. Being on the computer at home doesn't exactly help me improve as a person. What are things I can do to improve myself/better my life?

Related thoughts:

I own my own car and house. It's being rent out where rental income > mortgage.
I just got my BA in finance last spring. Have not had job yet.

Give me ideas. I want to improve myself in every aspect as well as do things that would make me happy.

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Check. by GoTuNk, December 30


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Baby! by thewh00sel, December 30

I forgot to blog about this but:

At 17:53 on 12/24/2013, 7lbs 4oz, 19" long, welcome to the world Avery Noelle Parmann

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Out of line? by DustySwedeDude, December 30

Ok so I wanted to ask you guys about a situation I have.

We've had crap knives in our kitchen for a while. This annoyed me for a long time but not enough so that I actually bought new ones. A couple of days before Christmas I buy a 15 USD knife, which believe it or not made a huge difference in how fun I find our kitchen and now I want good knives. For Christmas my mother-in-law got us a 30-40 USD knife set. I don't like how they look and I would not have bought them myself.

I decide that I want good knives so I googled a bit and got myself a somewhat expensive set of knives for about 500 USD. I got a set like it for my parents like 5 years ago or something like that so I know they're very good since my dad uses them a lot and they still seem to hold up without any issues.

When I told my gf this she figured it was kind of out of line to buy new knives a week after we got some as a gift for Christmas.

I on the other hand feel that while she had a good idea to get us better knives I don't see why I'd have to use a bunch of cheap ones just because I got them as a gift. I'd rather get a bunch of very good knives myself then a bunch of cheap ones as a gift.

Would it have been in better taste to just wait a couple of months or whatever before I got them?

For me it seemed like a obvious thing to just get knives when I want knives and I have the money, but I know that I tend to be rather autistic about these kinds of situations so I figured I'd ask you guys.

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Thanks for the advice! by HaiVan, December 29

Hey guys, after my first blog i took some of the advice that was given to me and made some changes. Decided to keep the SN.

Last 4 days of play:

Thanks again

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The poker mindset by NewbSaibot, December 29

I'm looking for some material on how you should be thinking as a professional when it comes to making money at poker. Nothing specific about poker strategy, just the whole psychology of a successful player. Lately I've been getting super tilted playing HU vs fish, even when I'm winning. Thats right, I dont even want to play them even when I'm ahead. The other day I played a reg for over 2 hours and loved it. To me it was fun. This seems like completely backwards thinking. I should be overjoyed to play the fish reloading 5x and should hate playing regs.

I know there are a few "how to think like a winning player" type books out there, and am just looking for opinions on which to get.

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Dota 2 by tooker, December 29

I just got done with my 10 ranked matches for dota and I have a 4134 mmr, which according to the website is 99% percentile. Lol wtf I don't even think i'm very good at the game and lost like 7/10 match i played because i hadn't played in about 3 months. If any of you want to play with a 99% percentile person then shoot me a pm.

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Heads up Sit N Go's (Turbo) 1st Session by HeadUpBovada, December 28

Bankroll $37.00

Starting Stake will be $1.10 (Turbo) Heads Up Sit n Go's (4 at once)

I will be playing a minimum of 8 hours per day for the next 30 days.

I will keep a record of game play with hours played, games, played, wins, and losses.

I will keep all results and post any interesting hands to

Wish me luck!

GL to all!

Shawn K

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Poker Update and Website talk by Joeingram1, December 27

Forcing myself to write that last blog post turned out to be a really really good idea and the writing spirit has been flowing through me again. I've been able to put together a few really good articles that I want to launch my site with and have recorded one podcast. I have some youtube stuff I want to put together that I think will be fairly entertaining for people that enjoy PLO and big pots.

Poker over the last few months has been going extremely well. Grinding in the anonymous shadows hasn't been as fun as grinding for glory but it has been going well. I wish I had adopted the approach to goal setting and away from the table studying that I have begun doing long long ago. When I used to play poker I really didn't have any goal beyond get Supernova elite, make a million dollars on my graph, play a zillion hands, try to have a sick ptr...... Now I have been able to set more short term goals that keep me focused but also control the degen side of me much better. I still get the itch to play the highest stakes running but I have found peace with the idea of not. Playing on websites like Bovoda, some American and sites where you have to vpn is a change and also forces you to keep less money online and usually play less games because the sites don't allow you to play more or the software is pretty bad. As it turns out this is actually a really good thing because what I failed to keep in mind during my big upswing is that playing less tables is really really really really good for you and playing alot of tables is really really really bad for you in terms of ev. I made a prop bet with a friend that I wouldn't post any graphs on social media or my blog for 6 months and I think this has actually hurt my motivation to make alot of money. That seems very very dumb but I have always been in it for the "glory". I do wish it was smart to post more PLO strategy out there or talk about it more openly on the blog or poker forums but anything beyond basic stuff has always seemed like a bad idea. With my website I have been trying to figure out a way to balance my dislike for talking strategy and my desire to help people out. But at this point in my life doing something beyond sitting around on the computer playing poker and mindlessly reading social media while living in the suburbs where I see my girlfriend each day is going to be a really really good thing for me and make me enjoy my life much more. If that means I have to help people become better poker players or happier at life, then why not. I've actually become 2000x better at improving myself with non-poker related things like working out, yoga, cooking, dieting, cleaning, basketball, fashion, piano, guitar and I guess a whole bunch of random different things I've tried to improve upon. I think that has impacted poker as well but I think I'm just being lazy using it as an excuse as to why I'm not working harder.

I feel like the whole glamorous side of poker that once existed has slowly eroded over time into a wasteland of terrible things. Maybe there is no glamorous side of poker and maybe the state of online poker is going to slowly deteriorate until it doesn't exist but as someone who's life has become something I never could have imagined from poker, I think there is inspiration to be shared, stories to be told and hopefully motivation to be given to someone out there hoping to make it at poker and change their life for the better. This is one of the visions I have in my head for what I can come up with for a website and I have no doubt it will be that on some level.

The whole idea for my website came to me when I woke up and did my usual go on twoplustwo and do nothing for 15 minutes in the morning. I was just confused why there aren't more poker related sites that I go to. I love poker, i love following poker, reading about it, being entertained through poker related things but it just seems like everything that exists out there is the same. The interviews are all the same general style and no one is really trying anything new. I think alot of this is to be expected as the American market declines and less people are playing poker online. I figured if there is no website that exists that I am looking for and no one is doing podcasts that would interest me then I would figure out a way to do it myself. I think another big reason, which I talked about a bit before, is my life living in the states in the suburbs with a girlfriend has become pretty boring. I love my girlfriend and love being around her but without raging and cold weather, I really don't end up doing too much. Diving into something like this and seeing what happens has to be better and more fun.

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