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windows 8.1 and games by SPEWTARD, December 26

sup nits,

looks like when i try to play some games my computer just randomly shutdowns...anyone else experienced this?

tried to google and thereĀ“s no good answer for this shit, very annoyin.

games with the problem so far:

hon, outlast, dota2, amnesia.

so not even "newest" games bein tried.

win 8.1 64 bits, just want to know if someone here has this issue and found any fix?

i feel lazy enough to go back to win7 but meh


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Buttcoin mining by Silver_nz, December 25

actually, litecoin mining;

Rigs currently running in my room, all using triple R9 280X Graphics cards

Hashrate isn't too bad today, have been solving some cooling issues with the open rack, on the lower PC, the last card overheats.

Close up on the plastic hobby box design, have been running this one since august

Heat extraction

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Weird Dream by Tensai176, December 25

Had a weird dream where I went to Taco Bell and Barry Greenstein was behind the counter.

Simultaneously, he was beside me ordering two of those crunchy gordido supremes or something. He looked at me and told me that they were the best.

I ordered them. They tasted like shit.

I was so disappointed in Barry Greenstein.

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4bet jamming SC's? by NewbSaibot, December 24

When playing HU, if your opponent knows you 3bet light, is it correct for him to 4bet hands like 67s? Is this just like some gambooley situation where he has to 4bet light since you're obviously 3betting light, so he expects you to fold pretty often when he does it. When you dont fold he obviously knows he's crushed, but hey at least he has something to suckout with?

I didnt know if my opponent was making the correct adjustment to me, and therefore I need to readjust, or if he was just being an idiot and I should totally keep on 3betting and getting it in with AJ, 77, 44, etc.

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nl5 by GameOverNoob, December 24

played nl 5 for 20 days. up 480

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can't sleep anymore by drone666, December 24

there's a new building right in front of my bedroom, and there's 2 big fucking machines making noises every morning, wouldn't be a problem if the noise was continuous, but the fucking machines keep BIPPING, some times they even beep together, it's a fucking nightmare

I use to sleep 4-5am and waking up 1pm, not I'm sleeping 4 am and waking up 9 am
fuck my life, when I seem to be solving a few problems there's always more and more coming, I guess I'll just have to change my schedule ir order to have some decent sleep, maybe I'll try uberman sleep or something crazy

also my girlfriends devil cat was here because she is on summer vacation, and the damn cat was pissing everywhere in my place, he pissed in one of my monitors, so everytime I turn it on there's a black spot that keeps growing, I sent to the technician and he said I'll have to buy a new one because the cat piss is like acid and everytime I turn the monitor on, the black shit will grow like a cancer

+ Show Spoiler +

fucking devil cat, I guess I'll have to grind with only one since I'm spending too much money and I don't know where, I'm in this place for a year already and I don't even have a couch yet lol, maybe I'll break up with my gf, kill the cats and move to another country

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lol I know everything by NewbSaibot, December 24

Last blog I talked about my epiphany that sets and flushes make you lots of money. I've been developing my own little system for playing Bovada Zone poker (their version of anonymous zoom) since I get a thrill out of all the hands I can play. I did well, grinded my $100 deposit up to about $700 playing NL25 and NL50 with a few donk shots at NL200 thrown in to round out at $1000. Part of my "system" (lol) involved only buying in for 50BB's to limit my exposure to variance. I know I know shorter stacks are supposed to increase variance, but I dont adapt my hand range to my stack size at 50BB's. I play it like 100BB's, so I dont really find myself in any variance heavy spots as a result of my stack size itself.

Anyway after examining my HEM stats I noticed I was missing tons of value with all those big drawing hands I cant play effectively for 50BB's.... OR WAS I?

Turns out I sorted my results wrong. I was only looking at "hands at showdown". Well no shit if 3 streets of betting take place flushes and sets are going to dominate the rankings. But not every hand you win goes to showdown. In fact I have one of those silly reverse profit graphs with positive redline and negative blue line. Most of my actual money is being derived from cbets, and lots of which end with me having some kind of pair.

So whats my point? These fish at bovada microstakes are so unconscionably bad that I feel I am forced to introduce this "variance limiter" by buying in shorter. They've already put the variance through the roof playing 40% vpip minimum, so if you buy in fullstacked well you might as well be buying in short because you're going to be getting a lot of money in the pot every time you have a hand. They make the most absurd nonsense plays that I just have no choice but to stack off repeatedly with a wide range of hands. "Whats that? You limp called utg and the flop is J95? You should totally check call there and then open ship the turn when an offsuit 3 hits. Good thing I'm playing 50BB's and can call with QJ now. Ah there it is, you have pocket 8's. Good shove" What happens here is I can make these calls much easier with a shorter stack, and the suckout odds are reduced for those times when they catch their miracles. I really dont find myself in a lot of draw heavy scenarios where I want a big stack. No, instead I am constantly battling it out for pairs, and I need to be able to see these hands to showdown since the fish dont adjust to your stacksize at all. They float without intent to bet, they chase draws on action killing boards, or against cards that hurt them if they hit, they turn every hand with showdown value into a bluff by raising where nothing worse could ever call. The whole thing is just pure chaos.

Now here comes the fun part; a big part of my strategy involves preying upon their emotions. What do I mean by that? Well fish are very emotional creatures at the table. A big part of what they do all involves their gut feeling. "I felt that ace coming on the river.... i was due for a flush... 7's have been hitting all night so I had to call". Every single thought process of theirs begins with some sort of emotional response to whats happening at that precise moment. So what I try to do is wrangle them together to get the desired result. A fish will never look at your cbet size and make some sort of decision upon the odds of whether or not it's worth it to call. They simply see a bet and if it scares them they fold, if it doesnt they call. For instance; most of my cbets are FULL POT. Thats right, I cbet basically 100% with any two cards for full pot, even on the most hideous of boards with no equity at all. Why? Because if they DONT have anything it will generally freeze them to the point that they go away entirely. I lose far too many pots "pricing fish in" with 3/4 pot bet to call down with K8s holding no draw or anything at all only to win with an 8 on the turn. I sometimes think fish are practically offended when you bet anything less than pot. It's like they call out of spite. Thats great and all for when you have a hand, ergo I value bet half pot every time. In these circumstances I find myself getting called on the flop and turn quite often only for the fish to finally give up on the river. Another advantage to bluffing full pot is you basically put someone in a push/fold position against your stack size. If I bet pot and someone jams, I can safely fold pretty much anything that doesnt smash. There's just no room left for them to bluff back at me. I still see tons of dumb bullshit where they had like pocket 6's so their shove was ridiculous, but technically they did have the best hand and I avoid getting felted. (Remember I can see all of this since Bovada lets you downloads everyone's holecards)

Anyway to wrap all this up, since the day I started playing full stacked again I've been on an instant downswing. I finally decided to go back to "what works" and immediately I am back up again. Fuck these stupid fucking donkeys and their call station strategies. You will NOT be winning 100BB a pop from me with your constant suckouts anymore. You want to play some dumb bullshit with a rigged RNG? 50BB's is all you get slut.

notes: No I dont believe in a rigged RNG. Yes I know everyone says play fullstacked. No I am not really whining about bad beats. All I know right now is when I buy in for 50BB's things get a lot easier, and I'm actually making money playing this way.

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Fantasy Football results by Daut, December 24

Played 13 year long leagues and had good results.

-competitive league with poker friends: lots of sharks in here and 2-3 complete fish. overall tough league, finished 1st/12. buyin 400, cashed for 2k
-7 yahoo pro leagues: these are 10 man public leagues with buyins of either 20, 100, or 250. i ran 1x20, 2x100, 4x250. Won the 20, won a 100, and finished 3rd in 2x250. buyins 1220, cashed for 1100
-league with friends from home: they are pretty bad, 14 man league, won total points for season and finished 3rd on year. buyin 50, cashed for 100
-league with college friends: finished 4th, buyin 100
-league with friends from home: finished 4th, buyin 150+$2 transaction fee * 32 transactions = 214, cashed for 95
-auction league, co owned with roothlus. didnt make playoffs, buyin i believe was 500
-national fantasy football championship league, buyin 350, won individual league for 1500, finished 26/1800 in overall standings for additional payout of 500.

total buyins: 2834
total cashes: 5295

Feel like year went pretty well and i could feel my edge in every league. also learned a lot and will be a bit stronger next year.

Daily Fantasy
As the year progressed, I started getting more and more into daily fantasy sports. At the beginning of the year there was a nice guaranteed tournament over on draftkings (, has some poker crossover, their VIP manager is Jon Aguiar aka fatalerror and they have a partnership with the WPT) and a deposit bonus, so i threw 1200 on, fired 6 lineups in the $200, think i had one small cash, fired most of it away and had like 38 bucks left in the account. Let it sit there for most of the season, but a bunch of my friends had been getting into daily stuff so I decided to start firing.

didnt feel like redepositing but i wanted to make as many lineups as i could each week to try and learn as much as possible for next season. so first week i made 19 lineups and entered them in the $2 tournament, got back $49. the following week i fired in 1 $11 lineup and 19 $2 lineups, did well, got back $113. then fired in 2 $11 lineups and 45 $2 lineups, did very well in a few with 4 top 30 finishes out of 8500 and cashed for $240. first place was 3500 and i was pretty close to that so it was a little frustrating to have so many entries do so well and cash for so little but a good sign that im getting a much better grasp of things. this past week there was a bigger $150 guaranteed tournament, and since it was week 16 i fired in a lineup and put in around 40 smaller lineups, did bad in the large one and only got back $40 which is ok cause week 17 is so unpredictable with resting starters to prevent injury. most of the games do matter this weekend but a lot of teams that are eliminated just throw in the towel and some of the later game players know their fate by then and the games become meaningless.

but now having entered a few hundred lineups the past 4 weeks i feel good about my daily fantasy game and think ill put in a lot of work over the next 8 months and plan on going hard in it next year cause it feels like there is more money to be made here than in year long stuff, albeit with smaller edges and more variance. will probably deposit 10-20k next year and work out a year long plan for grinding it out. hopefully it goes well! if you dont play daily, i suggest you look into it, its really going to explode in the next year and its big for NBA/MLB/NFL.

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wtf ftp by napoleono, December 23

I made a transfer with Loco, my PP for his FTP. Now I would have liked to withdraw the money, but seemingly I can't, cause I am trying to withdraw money for others. OK. I ask them how many times do I have to play through the money for it to be considered mine and they say that I can only use that money for playing on the tables, cause FTP is not a financial institution. WTF? Ok, I understood that from the first mail, but will that amount always be blocked on my account? What if I never lose that amount and build up a 10k BR, will I still not be able to withdraw that 100 bucks? Sometimes I really hate these robotic responses they give, without giving a single thought to what the client actually asked for.

Share your thoughts please. Have you ever experienced such thing? WTF do they do with someone who is constantly selling shares of tourneys and transferring back and forth big amounts of money? Can they not withdraw it?

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Seeking advice, Coaching/Stake. by HaiVan, December 22

Hey guys, first blog.

I started playing poker like many of you because i was a casual SC:BW gamer and used to visit daily. I remember back in 2009 some threads on there about poker and how alot of BW players were pretty good at it. So i started to play on PS with play money around november 2009, after a couple of months playing and reading LP i had gathered close to the then maximum allowed 20 million play chips. So i sold those for about 100$(maybe after a couple of tries because i got scammed for probably half of the play chips), and started to play nl2 on my laptop 12 tabling while in bed using the touch pad (fun times), after some time doing that and moving to nl5 then nl10 i decided to get a desktop for poker because it might be worth it. I remember when PTR was still tracking stars that i was listed somewhere in the top5 biggest winners on Stars at nl10 for 2010 i think. Shorty after that i moved to nl25 and im sad to say that with some short spells of breaking even at nl50 and nl100 thats still where i currently am. Ive been a Supernova since 2010, the current database i have on my desktop is ~1.5 mln hands and im ~2bb/100 winner according to HEM. In reality i probably have more than 4mln hands on stars and should be closer to a 3bb/100 (laptop, previous pc and so on). Ive played on Full Tilt before Black Friday and had a significantly better winrate at 25nl/50nl and 25nl/50nl zoom, i think i had >4bb/100 winrate over ~500k hands. Ive also played at 2-3 other poker rooms on Merge and Boss and was a decent winner there, but always left after 1-2 months due to being addicted to multitabling and the ease with which you could do that at PS.

The reasons for me being stuck on those levels for so long are probably complex, but one of them was that at first i was trying to prove to someone important to me that poker is more than just gambling and you could actually be a regular winner at it. That was done by me keeping a detailed chart of results for each month for about a year. I wanted as little variance as possible so i was content with playng 24 tables at lower limits than my bankroll allowed, in order to have a better chance of winning every single month. So i did that and i was succesful, won every month but didn't really progress much skill wise i think. By that time though this kind of play had become the norm for me, and with Stars raising my table limits from 24 to 28 and then to 32.... well i guess you can figure out what i did. Since i started to play i have had 4 losing months in total first two being one random month in 2011 and 2012 each(-50$ to -100$ kind of loss). Until last two months which combined are a loss of -1400$, which is not that big of a loss considering i play on the $,EUR and GBP tables, and might be due to variance, but it has made me seriously think about my game and what i wanted it to be before i got stuck in the multitabling SN maintaining kind of cycle that im in today. I currently have ~4k vpp's to go if i want to keep my SN for next year, but i am seriously considering not keeping it in order to change my game and not just autopilot 32 tables and not develop my game. I would appreciate any advice about that from people who have been in similar situations, and anyone really.

So i started to think about getting coaching, but i have always felt that just getting coaching from someone doesn't really make the coach look at the player he is coaching as anything but an additional source of income and not much more. So i think a Coaching/Stake situation would be much more productive since the coach would have an incentive to really improve the game of the player he is staking and thus increasing his profit from the deal.

Im looking for that kind of deal here because i've been an active member for a long time and i think this would be a much better option than getting a stake/coaching from 2+2 offers. If there is no interest i might seek one there, but id preffer to deal with LP players. Im open to disscuss different options and variations of the coaching/stake situation. Im very motivated to improve my game and move up, and i know i can put a significant amount of work to do so. If anyone is interested PM me or post here.

Sorry if that got a bit too long , any kind of advice is welcome.

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my 1st pledge by ugly, December 22

backed my first pledge at kickstart for 799.. only need 12 or so more backers and I save around 400.

whatever I get needs to be compact and I was initially looking at efold up bikes like the electric brompton & volt metro but going this route not only is cost effective but seems like it could be used in more spots, easier to maintain & lug around and overall more handy & fun

some reviews


figure some ppl here might find uses for one too and if the pledge doesn't go through I will probably wait a bit to see user usage reviews before getting one

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Launching my new project by Joeingram1, December 22

What's going on guys, I am having an impossible time actually writing anything for the past few weeks so I am making myself write about the project/idea/website thats been in my head for the last bunch of months. After I started writing about drug experiences and shot taking and about my time spent in Vancouver I thought I could figure out a better way to write about all this degen stuff I've spent the last 6 years of my poker career doing.

I was listening to a podcast interview a few days later and realized I never listen to anything poker related on podcasts anymore and for the most part most of the content out there, strategy or of a more entertaining nature is not very interesting. I think this is to be expected as poker in america isn't what it used to be when poker road, poker after dark, hsp, etc was going on and alot of different people were talking poker all the time.

I thought about it a bit more and realized I love love poker and its basically been my life for along time now and the only poker site I really ever go to anymore is twoplustwo which is basically a place you go when you want to talk about nothing of any substance. Through some type magic I then came up with the idea to build a site that poker players would be able to go that could have entertaining interviews, poker (PLOOO) strategy podcast, an in depth view into what its like to be a high stakes poker player who travels the world and randomly decides to go on week long benders (rage). From that point the wheels started going crazy in my head and I started brainstorming on the type of things I could write about, youtube videos I could make, things I could talk about on podcasts, and then I started working on building the website.

When I started using wordpress I was a bit annoyed that I couldn't do some things I wanted to do with basic themes so naturally I decided that I would study html, css, and some php and build my own theme and be able to customize everything exactly how I wanted. I also thought that learning more about programming and getting started down that path could help me eventually get into learning how to build my own programs for poker. At this point I realized how much I was neglecting actually playing poker so I went back to 10 hour days for about a month and kinda forgot about the idea.

Learning all this new language for programming I wouldn't classify as difficult but rather very time consuming. Friends have asked me why I don't just pay someone to do all this and play poker instead but all of this is really interesting to me and something I want to learn. I've never been the best with balancing 2 really big things at the same time and it seems like when I am working on this, I'm not really playing poker at all. Right now all I really need to get the website launched is this little thing known as content. I haven't been able to write anything at all or even get into the zone to write anything and when this whole idea is generated from the things in my head, it is problem.

This is all a pretty basic introduction to it and with that said I will make myself write another blog post explaining the website a bit more


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Rungood by GoTuNk, December 21


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dota2 ranking is 3800 by mnj, December 21

how do i improve this?

anyone wanna play together?

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stars for PP ! by k4ir0s, December 20

my $100 stars, your $90 PP (if you only have like $50 on PP that's fine too)

ill send first to known ppl.

nice Christmas song

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Today's job hunt by Gnarly, December 19

Out of about ten places today, three were online, the rest were paper. One of the places I went into, the second I asked for an application, I was laughed at by the staff and told no. No reason, just no.

The last place I went to, I got berated. I have a jacket on, ya know, cause it's fucking WINTER, and I'm in the wrong for wearing a jacket. I told the lady that I can't afford a tuxedo to ask for a fucking application, and she said that I'm way too under dressed, that if I dressed up properly, I'd get a job, even though she's just a fucking cashier. Mind you, this is a low volume restaurant. When I was walking out, she kept calling me back, and I was wondering what the fuck for... Guess what? She felt such pity for me that she actually gave me money to wash my clothes, even though they were clean.

That was after I went to olive garden and actually had some success there with three of the managers, wearing the same thing.

For the job that I was supposedly supposed to get, I called them again and they want an "extra interview" with me "when they call me" after telling me that I was hired two weeks ago.

Still getting yelled at at home for applying online instead of going into stores like wal mart and home depot, asking for the manager, shaking his hand, and demanding a job right then and there... Cause ya know... that's how people get jobs nowadays.

I tried to play some online poker for a stress relief and there's almost no traffic left. Might just be the holidays, unless there's some new site taking all american players.

Fuck life.

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Long fucking life update. Wont delete by Seobombisgay, December 17

So I posted an update a couple weeks back but ended up deleting it thinking LP was completely dead. I just didnt want a bit of my life story lingering on the interwebz. Apparently, a lot of you guys are still around and quite interested in my story. So here I go again.

Like most of you, I was absolutely devastated from BF, foolishly thinking I'm making a sick return leaving all my money on Absolute Poker's 10% interest bearing account. I was making around 4-6k a month grinding literally ALL the turbo sngs(6max,HU,FR)on Absolute, and I was also spending like I had an income of 4-6k. Then boom, 20k evaporated and I'm down to $800 in my bank account. Being hopeful like everyone else, I thought I'd get at least 50% within a couple months. I mean a huge company like FT or AP cant just run away with that kind of money and get away with it right? Wrong...

So, with that $800, I went straight to the Borgata and decided to play a circuit event and a Borgata event, which was pretty much my entire roll. I bust half of that on the circuit. Then I find myself MTT4ROLLZ in a Borgata event. I ended up getting 8th for $8.4k. Damn this is ez money I thought.

Couple days later, I decided to try out Parx's new tourney series and tried my luck at a $330 tourney which brought in almost 600 people. Boom I get 2nd for $20k. Now, this win has caused more harm than good in the long run. At this point, I'm delusional to the point where I will take on Ivey in a heads up match. I felt like a poker god and I decided im going to become a MTT grinder. I mean, ez fucking money right? Back to back final table, what a joke.

Oh how fucking wrong I was. Live MTT is probably the most brutal form of poker known to existence, and only the real live MTT grinders understand what I mean. Honestly, I still don't know what it means to be a true grinder because I only grinded for about 2 years but I have no intention to find out what it's really like grinding tourneys for the rest of your life. The swings are just comical and you truly find out if you're a winning player, maybe after 1k tourneys? Which probably would take a life time for me.

Well, rather than bitching for the next hour about the swings of live tourneys, lets just say I had the most BRUTAL swings testing my luck in events like WPT and other big series, and shit did not go my way. I was completely broke and owed a ton of money to my cousin, who also grinded poker with me but has wisely given up as well. I was depressed, and smoking weed to the point where my brain was incapacitated. It was my escape from the truth. And it also passed time. I would beg my parents for a $100 a week, which went straight to weed. And I even stole food from various super market so I can use that money for weed. I'm completely fucking ashamed of doing this but those were desperate times.

While all this was going on, I decided to look for jobs. Anything. Tutoring, banking, insurance, so I can grind 1/2 at least. But no one wanted me. I was either severely overqualified or underqualfied. I graduated from a top school in USA, Carnegie Mellon, with a BS in Economics and Statistics, but none of the big companies wanted me with no experience. Nor did restaurants or entry level jobs as I was too qualified. Things couldn't have been worse.

After almost 100 applications, 20 phone interviews, 3 final interviews, I finally landed a job. Probably the best job I can ask for. A successful UK company that specializes in online gambling who also has big plans for launching online poker in the US, starting with NJ, and they thought I was a great fit considering the fact that I was a poker "pro" with a mathematical background. I trained in London, had the best days of my life there, and now working in NJ. The newfound security of knowing that there is almost no way of going broke next week, and being rewarded for doing a good job for once, was eye awakening. Being trapped in the poker world has been preventing what I could truly be doing with my life, and I am now so fucking thankful my company has pulled me out of the hell I've been stuck in for so long.

Now, why the fuck am I making poker look awful and bragging about my new job? Well, it's because I want to help some of you guys who have no idea wtf theyre doing with their life. Maybe you are destined for greatness, but like me, maybe you're not. And you g2 know when to throw in the towel when poker has defeated you. Poker should be a means of enjoyment, not your life revolving around it. When coinflips are constantly changing your life, you're probably living life wrong. So, if poker has been making you depressed, you should highly consider trying other options. Start small. Maybe start a hobby. Not you having to depend on a game with endless variance. You may not land the dream job of yours or launch a super successful business, but you might be heading towards the right step. Where as in poker, in MOST cases, is the wrong way to go, IMO.

With my life being pretty stable at this point, I've been casually playing poker and never had so much fun playing poker. Ever. Knowing that losing this buy in will have little to no effect on me felt good. And that's how you g2 approach poker. Online poker is also back in NJ so maybe i'll start posting graphs again like the good old days. I did grind a session of 1/2 and made a buyin.

Props to the people who are still in the grind. Some of you guys like whoosel and players999 were my fucking idols when I was an aspiring poker player. You guys have allowed me to become successful enough to understand how hard being a poker player is. And I just dont have it in me like you pros. I truly envy you winners.

Well, if you like these life posts, I'll throw in a couple updates here and there as I'm finally out of my depression shell =D

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Net monitoring program? by LemOn[5thF], December 16

Saibot or someone - my internet is shit, keeps lagging sometimes for 5s in peak times, sometimes it works well. It's Wi-Fi net.

I need to pressure the provider to increase the signal strength / to pressure my landlord to change provider altogether.

What are the best continuous sites/software that show latency/packet loss/download speed over a longer period?

Tried long time with google mostly only speed and ping one off programs or ones that dont work for czech republic

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Long Term Pokers by GoldRush, December 16

Tons of swings in long term poker.

1 year ticker when br back to 2500 to 30k to continue grinding.

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Figured you may Laugh! by GoldRush, December 15

Grind hard put in lots of hours

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