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FR/6max, moving up stakes?

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DragOn_   Canada. Nov 24 2014 01:16. Posts 214
K so I was lurking LemOn[5thF]'s blog and saw this

  On November 23 2014 15:19 Ryan Neilly wrote:
imo play pure nl25 for 1 week and move up to 50 for a month then move to nl100 and never play below nl100 again 30 days from now. if u have to be staked to do it, then be staked, but pissing around for a year for 5 grand on micros is just a huge waste of time.

that is a hobby with insane hours instead of what it can be.

get in the right games.


and it made me think a bit..Im playing NL10/NL25 fullring zoom atm and have some questions about the difference between games

#1 why does every1 play 6max zoom at limits higher than NL50? Is there some innate advantage, like getting more rakeback through faster hands or something? More fish?

#2 is fullring or 6max zoom generally easier at the same stake or not really a difference?

#3 how big are the gaps in difficulty moving up from NL25/NL50/NL100/NL200 etc..should I be aiming to move up multiple limits quickly once I have a solid game plan, is there a "sweet spot" limit? How many hands should I play at each limit before moving up while being a winning player?

I started playing poker in April, basically played 24/7 since then and lost a shitload of money but I learned a lot, read books lurked forums etc, decided I wasnt going to work labour jobs anymore and just do poker. I probably shouldve worked longer while I built up a good bankroll + worked on my game, but thats what I did and then unfortunately ran into some life/financial troubles so I had to withdraw most of my bankroll and lost a shitload more due to stress/playing under rolled and trying to take shots at NL50 like an idiot...

So now im only rolled for NL10, soon to be NL25 again but after making some major changes in my play I feel much more confident. I dont really want to make the same mistakes again and im going to move up in a more controlled manner. Im not sure what the best way of doing that is though. I want to go as far as I can go and Im willing to put in the effort required.

TLDR how fast to move up stakes/difference between 6max and FR zoom, advice prz

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dogmeat   Czech Republic. Nov 24 2014 13:56. Posts 6374

i ve played ~5M fr hands and then switched to 6m b/c fr barely runs above nl200 these days, back in the days you could just load 24tables of nl600+ in 15mins

fr regs are generally not used to play wider ranges and generally tighter etc, so even thou in theory its the same game after the 1st 3 players fold at fr, in reality its not. tighter ranges decrease your edge. above nl200 these regs also play 6max so the statement above is not true for these stakes, which means theres no reason to play 9max tables coz each of them have only one fish anyway.

nl200-> nl400 is the biggest gap, nl200 is way tighter and more solid than nl100 (talking from my exp. 5years ago but its still true imo)

going pro as you did wasnt very smart but i m no authority on giving advices on life so gl

ban baal 

Mardagg   Germany. Nov 24 2014 16:28. Posts 843

25 NL Zoom FR is probably the easiest game around for 25 NL and higher.
50 NL Zoom FR gets siginificant harder because there is no 100NL Zoom FR most of the time and many good regs choose to play 50NL Zoom instead of regular e.g. 100NL FR.
So,if you want to stick mostly Full Ring,which is much lower variance than 6 max ,then my advise would be to start playing regular 25 NL,learn how to table select(biggest part of the winrate for Full Ring players),and then start mixing in 50NL FR...with the intention to move up to 100NL FR somehwere in the future.Those games are still healthy and you can start making some pretty good rakeback there as well.
Dogmeat is right in that above 200NL FR rarely runs anymore,but from my experience,which is up to date( i play 25-100 FR regular tables these days),FR is slightly more easy than 6 max,but also much more boring at the same time.
Some players cant stand the boredom and start to tilt...for those,6 max is better suited.
But Regarding Zoom,imo,there is no need to switch to the harder 6 max tables as long as you only play 10-25 NL,at 50NL Zoom however i think that 6 max is easier than FR.

goose58   United States. Nov 24 2014 17:43. Posts 871

As long as you have a proper bankroll and you are a winner at your current stakes, there is no issue with taking 1-3 buyin(or whatever you want) shot at a higher level.

Everyone will be slightly better, so it's important to table select well.

DragOn_   Canada. Nov 25 2014 03:16. Posts 214

im a pretty big fan of not having to stack 24 tables or open/look for new tables constantly so im sticking with zoom, that shit sounds stressful. Within zoom though it appears as though I should switch to 6max though if I want to move past NL25..seeing as NL50 would be a significant leap, and if im going to take that leap it might as well be for more money in NL100 6max right? 6max is apparently higher variance that implying lower winrate as well? what about it makes it higher variance..

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Nov 25 2014 03:35. Posts 5108

Zoom the regs are generally worse than in cashgame, but also its less fish

Cashgames the regs are generally better but games break up if no fish, so there is always 1+ fish per table.


Mardagg   Germany. Nov 25 2014 08:54. Posts 843

6max games tend to me much more swingy than FR.
You have to constantly make stands.
At FR the winrates tend be a bit lower in general(but imo this is only true for 100 NL and higher) but everyone is rather tight so that the money swings arent that big.

But yeah,if you want to go the Zoom route,then switching to 6max is mandatory.


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