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RiKD    United States. Nov 22 2015 02:58. Posts 8865
Why do I write? Why do I write on here?


I do not know. But, maybe I do.

It seems that I write because I need to. Would I need to if I was busy doing something else?

But, what if I do not want to do something else?

Why do I write on here?


I mean it would likely be better to just keep a private journal and just steer clear of criticism good and bad. Part of me thinks I need some sense of skin in the game. It is nice when I get some cool suggestions too. That might be my ideal. I post rubbish and drivel and then everyone posts awesome pieces of music and art and dope shit. I do not know how to express an all encompassing phrase like "dope shit" other than "dope shit."

Speaking of dope shit how awesome is autumn?

Any time I look at a birch tree and a japanese maple I think about how much of an amazing show Game of Thrones is. I would pray to a birch tree with blood red japanese maple leaves.

I do not just want to write though. I just want to express. Again, it is like I need to. I lose my mind if I don't.

Oh well, Thank you LP for letting me shit some stuff out. I am unsure what this website is for me anymore. I miss it in a way. I do not gamble in casinos or play video games anymore. I don't watch UFC. I prefer not to discuss news online. Ohhh, Party Pooper.

I do hope all is well with people. Everything in its right place. As dope as Radiohead. Hail to the l337.

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FrinkX   United States. Nov 23 2015 06:20. Posts 7561

ur posts are one of the few things i still read on here

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

Loco   Canada. Nov 25 2015 22:31. Posts 20967

Do you feel like there is something inherently wrong with video games? Or is your decision more personal? I'd give up many things before I give that up. Actually, it is kind of because I gave up so many things that I end up relying on them to pass some time.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

RiKD    United States. Nov 26 2015 20:39. Posts 8865


I would not use the phrase inherently wrong to describe video games. Here is where I am at with that off the top of my head. I used to love playing Fifa, I would rather be playing live futbol. I used to love playing Rockband, I would rather be fucking with a drum machine or a drum set or a guitar. That is not necessarily fair though. I think about a game like Metal Gear Solid 3. I love that game. Classic Final Fantasy. Chrono Trigger. Part of me loved those experiences. I am not sure what to write next. My mind is thinking about how to phrase words with the word "escapism." I do know in times when I was go go go Mr. Productive video games were unacceptable. I am recovering from an injury at the moment and am unable to work even if I wanted to so I have a different frame of mind. I have been questioning the go go go Mr. Productive way of life, period.

I am not afraid of being a nerd. I have nerd characteristics. I do not identify as A NERD. Actually, if I am honest there are contexts that I would dislike the use of the word but whatever.

I will say from my experiences I never again want to be obsessed with a video game. I never again want to be doing something as absurd as compulsive Mephisto runs in Diablo II. Looking back I would characterize that as ridiculous behavior. My position is that there are areas in my life that are lacking... Actually, I will simplify it. Complaining about my life not being where I would like it to be and then playing 20 hours of video games a week is something I do not want to find myself doing.

Yeah, those are some thoughts.

RiKD    United States. Nov 27 2015 21:12. Posts 8865

So, I posed the question to myself and some other people:

Why do I not play video games?

When some family members starting talking about how awesome Metal Gear Solid 5 is and others I was like hmmm. Especially if I could play some of these games with friends or online that would be awesome. Online is dangerous b/c I would not want to suck. At this point there is no point in competing against energy drinked up teenagers.

Playstation 4 : $300

808 : $500

I would have 2 Metal Gears to play? (4 and 5?)


Some online fun?

PuertoRican   United States. Nov 29 2015 01:26. Posts 13095

Nice pics.

Rekrul is a newb 


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