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What exactly do people do on a Tuesday night?

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RiKD    United States. Dec 16 2015 06:15. Posts 8865
So, I have been pondering questions like this. What exactly do people do on a Tuesday night?

I was talking to some people the other day. The idea came up that many times we are all just looking for some ease and comfort. Many times life does not abide. Not that life is constantly providing difficulty and discomfort which it surely can but those moments that are just like erggghhh. Many among us go to the cell phones. Flipping through whatever the fuck ever is better than sitting someplace silently surely?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately though. Most likely because I have plenty of time to. I am unable to work at the moment and lost my license. Recipe for having more time than I know what to do with.

What about the times I get finished with a task and then there is like 15-30 min. before I have to be somewhere, do something?

I was going to go through my Tuesday night today but I will save it. Highlight was caving to some Diablo III action, realizing I needed to update my OS X, getting tired of how long it was taking to download, hemming and hawing, reading some Game of Thrones, hemming and hawing and deciding to watch that new Mission Impossible.

I do not know what I am looking for. I realize I do not know a lot of things.

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AndrewSong    United States. Dec 16 2015 06:22. Posts 2355

go get a gym membership. that is what healthy young minds do on a tuesday

RiKD    United States. Dec 16 2015 06:34. Posts 8865

So, I am watching Mission Impossible and it is good an all. It is checking a lot of boxes. Some good. Some annoying. But, I am sitting there thinking. Shit, shooting guns is fun. Speeding is fun. When I shoot guns or speed I feel like I am living. I shoot guns responsibly but speeding is not responsible and I lose my license. I have been going on hikes recently which is good but it reminds me of the day a friend and I watched the sunrise and climbed 3 mountain peaks. On that day I was definitely living. I think it was Dario Naharis or someone similar that said he does not consider a day lived unless he has defeated an opponent in battle, ate a great meal, and slept with a beautiful woman. That is a character from a fantasy fairy tale but the principle can still ring true.

RiKD    United States. Dec 16 2015 06:39. Posts 8865

  On December 16 2015 05:22 AndrewSong wrote:
go get a gym membership. that is what healthy young minds do on a tuesday

I am on that Ido Portal stuff. Problem is, I like movement. I would like to move more but most of the time I am not OBSESSED with movement. Plus, it is very difficult to just try and do this stuff by watching youtube videos. That goes for anything. Most movements are very difficult to learn from a book or a video. They have to be experienced, coached and trained.

I'll end that little rant and say thank you for the suggestion. I do need to move more but I have been sick of pumping iron at the gym.

TimDawg    United States. Dec 16 2015 07:24. Posts 10197


online bob is actually a pretty smart person, not at all like the creepy fucker that sits in the sofa telling me he does nasty shit to me when im asleep - pinball 

K40Cheddar   United States. Dec 16 2015 19:31. Posts 2202

Why does tuesday have to be a special day? Treat it like everything else.


Endo   United States. Dec 16 2015 21:07. Posts 953

Play borderlands 2 with me

jchysk   United States. Dec 16 2015 21:24. Posts 435

I did what I do every Tuesday night. Try to take over the world.


Spitfiree   Bulgaria. Dec 16 2015 22:02. Posts 9634

create healthy habbits like reading books and yeah gym and whatever makes you happy and is productive and it wouldn't matter which day of the week it is unless you've got a 9 to 5 mon-fri job in which case im in no position to give advices

 Last edit: 16/12/2015 22:02

Big_Rob_isback   United States. Dec 16 2015 22:45. Posts 211

Have goals that serve your highest purpose that you work towards. Rest when you feel you have done enough. Most importantly, be social and feel like you are always evolving relationships and making new friends. Start doing activities to meet new people. Random video games and television are not "relaxing" but rather cause one to numb themselves below thought, and lower consciousness. Socially playing video games is cool though.

I am in the same sort of line of thinking as you so I really know where you are coming from. It sounds like your life is screaming at you for a change to make you happy. Yet it is scary because it will require dropping a lot of past habits and it will take guts to go through feeling lost at times.

I mean, its hard for some people in our generation who grow up on media video games porn working out etc.... Lots of this stuff is just a distraction and is only positive in conjunction with life direction. To me these things can be life numbing agents equivalent to alcohol

just playing live poker for fun 

RiKD    United States. Dec 17 2015 04:10. Posts 8865

  On December 16 2015 06:24 TimDawg wrote:


Not much of a club guy anymore though. Some casual hotline bling would make for a solid Tuesday night. Some Wednesday night interlude, preach. I used to be 6man, now and forever. I have already talked about being a dog, going H*A*M*, I'm a hog. Running through LP with my woes.

RiKD    United States. Dec 17 2015 04:17. Posts 8865

Life numbing agents. That is some truth.

How does one choose appropriate anesthetics for difficulty and discomfort?

Does most difficulty and discomfort stem from a problem not yet solved?

RiKD    United States. Dec 17 2015 04:27. Posts 8865

That is the crazy thing. Is part of a lot of suffering for a lot of 20-30 somethings the fact that we are listening to what Drake is doing on a Tuesday night?

I mean in most moments I ain't about that life. Would I be if I could be? Probably yes. It probably does not help that I have had glimpses of that life. In most moments I have acceptance over all that bull shit but sometimes I want more than chill and watch a movie. I suppose it boils down to choices and actions. It always comes back to that heavy hitting Sartre: We are a sum of our actions.

Big_Rob_isback   United States. Dec 17 2015 05:21. Posts 211

I just think ur blessed and cursed : ) your body and mind won't let you just go through life anymore without truly doing something with life purpose. Im sure everything will be easier after that, but until then you are probably gonna be sensitive as fuck to all the things that you shouldnt be doing, even if you thought you would enjoy them. Then you do something and you get that bad feeling like "I shouldn't be here right now, but I don't logically know why, yet I feel it." Most people on this board will probably be like "feelings eeew" but I bet there are a lot that can relate too.

just playing live poker for funLast edit: 17/12/2015 05:23

Loco   Canada. Dec 17 2015 20:34. Posts 20967

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

RiKD    United States. Dec 18 2015 00:36. Posts 8865

This thread is getting me thinking. That is a good thing regardless of what people say. How could thinking and seeking be a bad thing? Specifically, if that is what I am inclined to do?

Rausch is a fantastic word.

Many times I am sick of the delusions and denials about the tragic terrors of consciousness. I need to read more Cioran. He gets a lot of things. Humans are social creatures though. I need my tribes. I need some anchoring but I typically avoid the common ones like the plague and it does not work. Distractions. Everyone needs distractions. Sublimation made a lot of sense. I know I have experienced a lot of melancholy and Rausch in the past. That is a tricky one for me. What is Rausch and what is mania? I know I was high as a motherfucker strolling through a Monet exhibit yesterday. Winter sucks. Winter + terrors of reality can very easily equal melancholy. I need reality though. I need reality. I need beauty.

Yeah, this thread is definitely helping with purpose and consciousness.

Big_Rob_isback   United States. Dec 18 2015 02:26. Posts 211

A+ I like your blogs RiKD, you seem like a cool mo fo

just playing live poker for fun 

RiKD    United States. Dec 18 2015 22:21. Posts 8865

What does everyone else think?


What would Jiu Jitsu be?

Big_Rob_isback   United States. Dec 20 2015 13:35. Posts 211

Idk man, jiu jitsu could be repression or it could be grounding (anchoring). It depends on how you feel when you are there and afterwards. Do you feel like you are supposed to be there and are happy about it? Or are you kind of going through the motions and pushing yourself to do it, thinking "this is what is best for me, even though it doesn't really feel that way"?

I think jiu jitsu goes back to what your past question about tribe was. Do you identify with those people at this time in your life, and do you feel better after doing it (instead of worse, more tired, etc)?

just playing live poker for fun 

Loco   Canada. Dec 20 2015 18:18. Posts 20967

a healthy focus on martial arts would be sublimation (if it's transformative/leads you away from negative habits). it could be anchoring if the person is obsessed with a sport and lives vicariously through athletes/teams. if it's neither then it's just used to distract oneself.

fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccountLast edit: 20/12/2015 18:21


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